
Certificate of pension amount from the MFC. How to obtain a certificate of pension amount from the pension fund


Since 2015, older people have not received a pension certificate upon retirement. Instead of this document, pensioners now receive a regular certificate from the Pension Fund. Why did these changes happen and how to get a new certificate? We'll figure it out right now.

What does a pensioner's ID look like?

Pensioner's ID- This is a small book in red color.

Inside the document are pink pages, on each of which there is a secure sign with a photograph of an elderly person and the seal of the Pension Fund (PFR).

The first page contains the document number, the pensioner’s details, the name of the body, and the signature of the owner of the book.

The second page has the basis for issuing pension contributions, for example, old-age pension, disability pension, loss of breadwinner, and so on. In addition, the following information is recorded on this page: the date of assignment of the pension; date of issue of pension; signature of the authorized person of the Pension Fund; FIU seal.

The third page stores information such as: pension supplements; Full name of dependents; signature of the Pension Fund employee. The fourth is intended to extend payments. The fifth is for special marks. Sixth - a reminder for an elderly person.

The pension certificate is received directly by the pensioner or by an official through a notarized power of attorney. Upon receipt of the book, the pensioner signs in a special data book.

Certificates that were previously issued to an elderly person continue to be valid despite the cancellation of the issuance of this document in 2015.

Certificate instead of ID

WITH January 1, 2015 When making pension contributions, older people will receive a certificate indicating general data on the pension payments of a particular person.

Pensioners who received a certificate before the introduction of the new bill are not required to submit this document to the Pension Fund of Russia to receive a certificate!

With the help of the received certificate, older people can use preferential rates that apply to different categories of citizens of retirement age.

The certificate contains data such as: full name of the pensioner; SNILS; date of birth of the pensioner; name of the PFR unit; Pension Fund address; date of issue of the certificate; extract number; type of pension contributions; validity period of the certificate; monthly pension amount; pensioner's case number.

The main reason cessation of issuing a certificate - uselessness and unnecessary expenses for the state to issue this document.

Plus certificates- the amount of the pension is indicated on the basis of the latest data, while in the book the amount of payments is not rewritten.

Minus introduced reform - a pensioner has to frequently change this document to receive benefits.

How to apply for a new certificate?

Until 2015, older people received a corresponding certificate upon retirement. Now, instead of a certificate, an elderly person is given a certificate that contains the same information as the certificate.

Help can be obtained in ways such as:

  1. In the Pension Fund. If an elderly person receives a certificate for the first time, then when applying to the Pension Fund you need to have with you such documentation as: a passport; statement; employment history; SNILS; birth certificate; photo 3 by 4; certificate from work; documents confirming secondary specialized or higher education; Marriage certificate.

When applying for the second time, you should take your passport with you. The finished document is issued within 2 days after the written request is submitted.

  1. Through a proxy- the power of attorney must be executed by a notary.
  2. On the Pension Fund website. To order a certificate online, you need to do the following:
    • create a personal account on the website:
    • select the “Pre-order certificates” service using the link:
    • receive the document at the local Pension Fund office after a call from a fund employee.
    • The main difficulty of this method is the poor understanding of computer technology on the part of an ordinary pensioner or the lack of a computer.

Where can I obtain this document?

You can get a certificate in 2 ways, namely:

  1. Pension Fund- the certificate can be received by both the pensioner and his representative with an official power of attorney.
  2. Employer(if the elderly person continues to officially work) - the manager receives a certificate and an accompanying statement, which the pensioner must sign upon receipt of the document. The completed statement form must be returned to the Pension Fund. The certificate is issued to the elderly person within a week after receipt by the employer.

Deadlines for issuing a certificate

The certificate is issued within 10 working days after submitting all documents.

If the certificate is issued again, then this document must be issued within 2 working days.

For online requests, Pension Fund employees prepare a certificate within 5 working days.

The longest period for obtaining a certificate is through the employer - from 10 days.

What to do if you lose your ID?

If a certificate issued before 2015 has become unusable for any reason, it must be replaced. Only instead of a new certificate, a citizen of retirement age will receive a certificate in accordance with the new legislation.

To obtain a new document, a non-working pensioner must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within a month after losing the certificate.

At the Pension Fund of Russia, an elderly person must fill out an application in the established form. In addition to the form, the pensioner must take with him the following list of documents:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • damaged ID (if still available).

Certificate production time- a month from the date of submission of the relevant list of documents.

If the pensioner continues to work, then an application for reinstatement of the certificate can be filled out directly at the workplace.

In addition, the certificate can be received by an authorized person who provides the original notarized power of attorney upon receipt of the document at the Pension Fund of Russia.

A certificate instead of a certificate is issued free of charge!

In this video, a pension fund specialist will explain why the old certificates were cancelled.

The abolition of certificates allowed the authorities to save part of the budget funds. The certificate that is issued in replacement of the certificate has the same legal force as the previous document. Therefore, pensioners should not worry about the introduced innovations. For older people, it is enough to study this material in order to receive a certificate instead of the usual pension certificate.

Today, the body that carries out the calculation and subsequent accrual of pensions of various types is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

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In some cases, it is necessary to obtain a special document confirming the amount of the pension - it is a certificate. You can obtain it through the Pension Fund (by submitting a properly completed application).

Why is it needed?

Today, upon reaching a certain age, a pension becomes a fairly significant source of income for many.

Often, various institutions must provide a certificate that directly displays its size, as well as other information about the pensioner. Moreover, the list of situations when this kind of certificate is necessary is quite extensive.

It includes the following:

  • when applying for various types of allowances;
  • when submitting documents to the military registration and enlistment office to receive a military pension;
  • to obtain a loan from a bank;
  • to receive benefits of various types (when caring for a disabled person, a disabled child, in other cases);
  • to receive maternity capital for women or men - in the event of the birth or adoption of a second child.

In fact, a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is confirmation of a certain level of income.

For example, often in order to obtain a loan from a banking institution it will be necessary to submit a certificate of the type in question. It will serve as proof of income instead.

But much more often such a document is necessary to obtain the appropriate benefits. Various social services require its provision.

A citizen receiving a pension should familiarize himself in advance with all situations when it is mandatory to provide a certificate of the type in question. It will be possible to acquire it in advance.

Since its registration requires the submission of a special application, as well as the provision of certain documents.

Moreover, the certificate cannot always be issued in one day. This factor should be taken into account. If possible, it is worth studying the legislation in force on this matter. The time factor is especially important when applying for credit loans.

How to get

Today, to obtain a certificate of the amount of your pension, you will need to contact the institutions that calculate this payment.

Currently these institutions are:

In this case, you can also receive it through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. You must apply for a certificate to the institution at the place of permanent registration or registration (applies to the military commissariat).

To obtain a certificate, you will need to submit the following set of documents:

If possible, you should familiarize yourself with an example application in advance. You can also prepare a completed form in advance and come with it to the Pension Fund office.

The application must include the following basic information:

  • last name, first name and patronymic;
  • year of birth of a specific applicant;
  • place of registration on the territory of the Russian Federation (or permanent residence);
  • if there is a trip outside the Russian Federation, the exact date of this event is indicated;
  • what types of pensions the applicant currently receives in Russia;
  • personal signature and date of document preparation.

A distinctive feature is that there is no need to provide originals of all the above documents.

In this case, notarization or other certification of this document is also not required. It is acceptable to provide just regular copies. In this case, it is necessary to remember about the possibility of obtaining a certificate of the type in question through a proxy.

But for this it will be necessary to draw up a special power of attorney. It must be notarized.

All provided copies of documents must also be certified. It will also be necessary to attach to the package an identification document of the trusted person.

Help usually includes the following information:

  • full name of a specific regional division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • the exact address of this unit, as well as its tax identification number and checkpoint;
  • individual document number;
  • the period of time for which the certificate covers the amount of the pension paid;
  • directly the amount of the pension - a table is compiled with the date and reflected amount;
  • a signature is affixed with a transcript directly from the head of the department, as well as from the specialist;
  • The date of generation of the certificate of the type in question is indicated.

The application itself for obtaining the type of document in question can be filled out either in handwritten form or in machine form - on a personal computer.

This does not play a significant role. It will only be necessary to indicate on this document all the certificates as accurately as possible. If there are any errors, employees of the institution in question may simply not accept the entire list of documents.

Is it possible to get a certificate of pension amount online?

Today, not all citizens who need a certificate of this type have the opportunity to obtain it on their own or turn to loved ones for help.

That is why relatively recently, in 2019, the possibility of obtaining a certificate of this type via the Internet was implemented. In this case, the location of the applicant himself and his permanent registration does not play any role.

You can use this type of service on two sites at once:

  • on the official portal of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • on the State Services website.

In this case, you should definitely remember the need to register. It is required on both portals. To implement this procedure, you will need to enter your passport data, as well as information from SNILS. Then log in and go to the appropriate section.

Both of the above sites are multifunctional; they allow you to implement not only obtaining certificates, but also many other operations. You just need to be as careful as possible when transmitting personal data.

Important points

It is necessary to remember some essential points that are in one way or another related to obtaining a certificate of the type in question.

You should know that all information displayed in the certificate (including the amount of the pension itself) is personal data. This point is confirmed by the legislation in force on this matter - Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006.

That is why the procedure for transferring all data when receiving a certificate of the type in question is an important procedure. To implement it, it is necessary to give consent to processing. This point is reflected in Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006.

According to the legislative norms outlined above, the personal data of a person applying to any type of institution on the territory of the Russian Federation must be transferred only with written consent.

This is especially true for situations involving the processing of data from abroad. Which gives rise to some legal difficulties in the case of applying for a certificate across the border of the Russian Federation from another state.

Therefore, if possible, it is advisable to move to the Russian side to obtain the appropriate certificate.

Also, a certificate of pension amount can be obtained from a non-state pension fund. This process is implemented as conveniently as possible in Sberbank - you can submit an application via Internet banking.

Today, the procedure for obtaining a certificate of pension amount is as simple as possible, but it has some significant features. It is imperative to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

Video: Receiving a disability pension


  • Who is eligible to receive an army pension?
  • Registration of pensions for military personnel

A certificate of pension for military personnel is issued by the local authority of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation after writing an application. To obtain it, you must provide a number of documents confirming that the person has actually completed military service for 20 years. The amount of payments depends on the military rank at the time of retirement, official salary, including a percentage bonus for length of service. Of great importance for the amount of pension provision is participation in hostilities, performance of special tasks, and the region of military service with different climatic features.

Who is eligible to receive an army pension?

Persons who have served in the Armed Forces, internal affairs bodies, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies have the right to receive military payments. Those who became disabled during service and are a family member of a deceased serviceman have the same right. All listed categories of citizens are issued a certificate of military pension. The minimum length of service from which it is possible to purchase cash benefits is 20 years. It is calculated at the rate of 50% of the official salary plus 3% for each year over 20 years. The maximum value cannot exceed 85%. The widow of a deceased military personnel receives a pension amounting to no more than 40% of earnings. In the event of the death of a military personnel under circumstances not related to combat operations, the pension amount will be no more than 30%.

You can become a military pensioner at a fairly young age, since serving, for example, as a flight crew or on submarines, in officer positions provides a person with preferential length of service - for two years. And if the employee participated in hostilities, then one calendar year is equivalent to three years of service. Based on such opportunities, a serviceman can become a pensioner after 30 years of age.

There is a right to receive a disability pension as a result of health damage during the performance of military duties. Family members have the right to payments in the event of the loss of a military breadwinner. In this case, the pension amount is 85% of the monetary allowance for disabled people of groups 1 and 2. A person who has completed his service can find out where to get a certificate of military pension by contacting the military commissariat.

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Registration of pensions for military personnel

After registering with the commissariat at the place of residence, the applicant for a military pension must provide a mandatory package of documents. It includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • an order from the military unit where he served;
  • private bussiness;
  • officer badge;
  • monetary and clothing certificate;
  • photo 3x4;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation confirming the absence of other accruals;
  • identification.

The last document must contain all notes on the completion of military service in positions and ranks received in accordance with them, as well as a record of the end of service indicating further suitability for it, that is, in the reserve or retired.

Recently, the monetary certificate has not been issued in person, and the financial service of the unit sends it by mail to the military registration and enlistment office. Having collected all the necessary documents, the military pensioner fills out a written application at the commissariat. The beginning of the application for benefits begins precisely from the moment when the monetary certificate arrives upon request. You need to know that the shipping period is limited to three months. A certificate of the amount of your military pension is issued after completion of the registration procedure.

Previously, after the death of a military pensioner, his widow was forced to live on a social pension due to her own short work experience. This is explained by the inability to get a job in military camps, sometimes located in hard-to-reach regions. In this regard, it was decided at the legislative level to pay widows 100% of their husband’s pension.

In this way, social justice was observed, because for decades the woman followed her husband, who constantly changed his place of service.

Assignment of pensions to military personnel is different from establishing pension payments to civilians.

  • Military pensions are assigned through those departments and ministries in which the citizen served, and not through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (with the exception of urgent conscript military service).
  • Pension provision for military personnel is regulated by Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993.
  • Payments to military personnel and their relatives come from the federal budget.

Pensions for military pensioners are established subject to the citizen’s presence registered with the commissariat at your place of residence.

After leaving service, a serviceman can continue to work in civilian life, and if the requirements of the law are met, he has the right to receive. At the same time, payment of military pension will not be terminated.

Conditions for assigning pensions to military personnel

A serviceman can apply for a military pension in fact acquiring rights to it. These are:

  • (required number of years in service in law enforcement agencies);
  • , who was a military man;
  • establishment (due to a disease acquired in service or due to a military injury).

The procedure for registering a military personnel pension after dismissal

Before applying for a military pension, it is worth considering a very important point - the serviceman will have to register with the commissariat at your place of residence. Then you should request from the place of service monetary certificate(since 2014 it has been sent to the military registration and enlistment office) and receive certificate from the Pension Fund that insurance premiums were not paid for it.

After completing the above steps, you should contact the military registration and enlistment office with an application and a complete package of documents to establish a pension payment.

The same applies to ordinary pensioners when military personnel receive pension benefits. The totality of all bureaucratic procedures takes 2-3 months and depends on how quickly the serviceman receives his monetary certificate.

Where do you apply for a military pension?

Pension payments to military personnel come from the budget of the body where they served, for example: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Security Service.

Providing pensions to a citizen discharged from military service, family members of a deceased (deceased) serviceman, establishing military benefits for these citizens and making other payments - duty of the military commissariat(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2012 No. 1609 “On approval of the Regulations on military commissariats”).

A conscript soldier who has received a disability, or his relatives, in case of applying for payment, must provide documents to the territorial bodies of the Russian Pension Fund.

What documents are needed to apply for a military pension?

To obtain support, a serviceman must submit sufficient information to the military registration and enlistment office. voluminous package of documents:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. military ID, which contains a mark on completion of service and dismissal;
  3. prescription of the military unit in which the military man served as assigned by order;
  4. clothing and monetary certificate;
  5. SNILS;
  6. personal file from the archives of a military unit;
  7. photograph of the established sample;
  8. certificate from the Pension Fund;
  9. employment history.

Other documents may be required to confirm special conditions of military service(if any, you must have them with you when applying for a pension). If a military man has ever changed his first or last name, this must also be reported to the military registration and enlistment office.

Deadline for reviewing documents and assigning payments

When applying for a pension payment, regardless of whether it is a pension, a state pension or a pension, a very important concept is the day you apply for this payment. In general, the day of circulation is date of application about the establishment of a pension to the pension authority along with a package of necessary documents.

If a citizen has not provided all the documents that are necessary, he still has 3 months from the date of application to submit a complete set of papers. In this case, the appointment occurs from the date of application. If the applicant does not meet this deadline, then the payment is assigned when the all required documents.

Pension authorities consider the application within ten days from the date of application, or from the moment the complete package of papers is submitted.

Payment and delivery of pensions to military pensioners

Persons who have received pension benefits through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other structures can receive it in the following ways:

  1. By transfer to a bank account. Nowadays, the most common method: most often, a bank card is immediately attached to the account, and SMS notifications about changes in the balance on it are connected, so that when a pensioner receives a message from the bank, he will immediately know that he has received a pension.
  2. Via Russian Post. Depending on the pensioner’s choice, the payment can be received either at home or at the post office itself. Here it is worth considering that the delivery time via mail and the date of accrual of pension payments may differ, and in order to avoid misunderstandings and unpleasant situations, the pensioner must take this into account in advance.
  3. The legislation provides for the possibility of receiving a pension payment third party if a corresponding power of attorney from the pensioner has been issued to him.

I applied for a pension and was unpleasantly surprised that I was not given a pension certificate. The specialist explained that they are no longer given to anyone. How can I confirm my status now?!” asks Khabarovsk resident Olga Nikolenko. Since 2015, new rules for applying for pensions do not provide for the issuance of pension certificates. Now the status of a pensioner is confirmed by a corresponding certificate of pension. This applies only to those who retire or receive the right to a survivor’s pension or disability since 2015. No one will take away the pension certificates in hand. On the one hand, the role of the pension certificate as a document was very insignificant. The pension certificate has never served as a citizen’s identity document.

Old pension certificate and new certificate

Such a request can be made not only in writing, but also through interdepartmental interaction channels. In addition to requesting a certificate, a pensioner can receive information about the amount of payments verbally or electronically. For example, when visiting the Pension Fund client service, government services include informing the pensioner about the amount of the monthly payment, the availability of additional benefits, and the latest changes in the pension amount.

If a citizen is registered on the Pension Fund website, he can use his Personal Account. This electronic resource also allows you to obtain up-to-date and reliable information about the status of your pension, as well as order reference forms. Obtaining procedure With the development of information technology, the list of possible options for obtaining certificates from the Pension Fund has increased significantly.

Instead of a pension certificate - a certificate confirming the status of a pensioner

  • when confirming the amount of income for the previous calendar year or another period of time - for example, to contact a bank with a loan application;
  • to establish or confirm benefits for utilities or other types of payments - these benefits can be provided to citizens whose total income does not exceed the subsistence level;
  • to establish guardianship over an incapacitated or minor pensioner, the potential guardian must confirm his financial status;
  • to determine child support obligations from adult children in favor of a disabled pensioner, the court must assess the pensioner’s need for help;
  • to control the correctness of the calculation after indexation or increase of the pension.
  • In addition, a court, law enforcement agencies or other authorized authorities may request a certificate.

Pension certificate in 2018

A similar procedure is carried out in the territorial body of the Pension Fund. Where it can be used The document has legal force. By presenting it, a citizen will be able to:

  • buy travel tickets at a discount;
  • receive a social card, which provides the opportunity to use public transport on a preferential basis;
  • obtain the status of a labor veteran;
  • receive discounts on utility bills;
  • purchase certain medications on preferential terms (discounts are provided only to state pharmacies);
  • use it to confirm your identity when applying for a second social benefit or bonus.

This document can be completed in 2018 at the territorial office of the Pension Fund.

Note! The new form does not include a photo of the pensioner, nor is it covered with a plastic coating.

How to get a certificate that you are a pensioner from a pension fund

However, the specified amount of payments may change significantly and repeatedly:

  • during regular or unscheduled indexation, if such a decision is made at the legislative level;
  • if payments are recalculated to a pensioner - when confirming additional length of service, when increasing the funded part of the pension, etc.;
  • if the citizen is provided with additional payments of a temporary or permanent nature from the federal or regional budget.

The most common case is the indexation of payments - it can be carried out several times a year. When increasing or decreasing the amount of pension payments, changes are not made to the pension certificate.

How to get a pension certificate

You can also order a certificate by calling the Pension Fund customer service, which can be found on the official website of the department. To do this, the pensioner’s passport details, as well as the SNILS insurance certificate number, must be indicated by telephone. When applying for a certificate in person, you must provide the originals of the specified documents to verify your identity.
A certificate can be issued on the basis of the following documents:

  1. general civil passport of the pension recipient;
  2. birth certificate, if a document on pension payments for a child is being drawn up;
  3. pensioner's ID;
  4. SNILS certificate.

A representative can also obtain a certificate. To do this, you need to submit a power of attorney certified by a notary office or social services. The power of attorney must contain consent to access the citizen’s personal data.

How to obtain a certificate of pension amount from the pension fund?

A certificate of the amount of pension from the Pension Fund can be issued at the request of the recipient himself or his representative, as well as at the request of authorized departments. In each of these options, the document will contain a list of the citizen’s personal data, the current amount of payments, as well as the total amount of transfers for the reporting period. Let's figure out where you can go to get a certificate. Why do you need a certificate? When applying for pension payments, the Pension Fund department makes an appropriate decision, and the pensioner receives a certificate.
These documents record the amount of the pension assigned on the date the right arose.

How can I order a certificate from the Pension Fund stating that I am a pensioner?

It is drawn up on a piece of paper in A4 format. It states:

  1. Full name of the certificate owner.
  2. Insurance certificate number.
  3. Date of Birth.
  4. The name of the territorial division of the Pension Fund where the applicant is registered.
  5. Type of payment.
  6. Time of appointment of state support.
  7. The amount that will be paid each month.
  8. Pensioner's personal file number.

The completed certificate is signed by the head of the Pension Fund department and certified by the seal of this department. Worth knowing! This document is purely voluntary, that is, Pension Fund employees are not required to issue it. Why they stopped issuing the certificate The official reason for cancellation was unnecessaryness.

The owner of the document could not use it to identify himself.

How to confirm pensioner status without a pension certificate

Important! ID card holders are not required to get rid of it and issue a certificate. These two documents have the same legal force. The validity of both documents extends to the entire territory of our state.

Where it can be used The certificate is used by a pensioner to confirm his social status, namely:

  • to apply for various social benefits;
  • to be able to purchase various services or goods (this applies to those services and goods for which discounts are provided for pensioners);
  • to ensure the purchase of medicines at discounts;
  • to apply for additional payments or additional pension benefits.

Important! The certificate indicates all the information contained in the pension certificate. Obtaining a certificate before 2015 For the first time, a pension certificate began to be issued in 1981.