
GOU Center for Extracurricular Activities “On Sumskoye. Center for extracurricular activities "On Sumy Additional education center for extracurricular activities in Sumy"


Period: 2003-2014 son, 2008-2017 (and further, I hope) daughter

Offered service and prices: classes for schoolchildren are free. Different teams solve issues with sewing costumes and purchasing certain equipment differently.
Paid - for preschoolers and parents.

What did you like? General center events, tours for children and adults, decorating the halls and the CVR hall, maintaining it in excellent technical condition. Every year there are new clubs. There are classes for parents. Everything is taught at a high level. And not only, for example, folklore singing. But also the history of the costume, playing various musical instruments, etc.

What didn't you like? It happens that teachers leave. This is very sad and difficult. But this is life.

Yes. There are open lessons and concerts for parents.

What didn't you like? The Center actively maintains its reputation as a “model” institution. Reviews on the official website are published only laudatory ones, alas. Mine wasn't published. And that's what I'm talking about. Not long ago, the center fired the track modeling teacher. He fired him because he didn’t hang out with other teachers, didn’t join the team, and didn’t fawn over his parents. At the same time, he made an acceptable track for the center from such rubbish that it was scary to look at it, interested the children and even took them (on his own initiative!) to competitions, maintaining the children’s interest in business, in technical creativity. But - the task was lowered from above - a person to survive. And it was brilliantly executed. Alas... the children write letters to Sasha and ask him to come back. Once again, alas... Unfortunately, there are few places left where they think about CHILDREN, and not about their own ambitions (((

Is it possible to leave a child alone there? If the parent has a good relationship with the administration, it’s probably possible. But Sasha’s son (adopted) studied there, so when the period of his active expulsion from the Center began, the director said to Egor: “Yes, I will deprive your father of parental rights!” I wouldn't want my child to hear that. And you can expect anything from such a director.

Would you like to go there again?: No

Period: 2005-2009

Offered service and prices: My daughter has been studying for 4 years (since she was 5 years old) in the choreographic ensemble “Rhythm-Ballet”. Since 2008 it costs 700 rubles. per month, 3 times a week for 1.5 hours. My son has been studying for the 2nd year (from the age of 6) at the acrobatic rock and roll club “Jump”. Since 2008 it costs 1300 rubles. per month, 3 times a week for 1.5-2 hours.

What did you like? I like the teachers at Rhythm Ballet and their friendly attitude towards children. The girls take part in concerts at the CVR, the older ones go to competitions. They perform in beautiful costumes. I like the fun, friendly atmosphere of the club at Jump. In addition to classes, children play outdoor games. During the holidays in summer and winter they go to sports training camps. camp. In general, various general events are often held at the CVR “On Sumy” with the participation of all teams and parents. The Center also has a playroom for children.

What didn't you like? There is often a crush in the lobby, especially during hours when many groups are practicing.

Is it possible to leave a child alone there? Children go to classes alone, parents are not allowed. From the age of 7, a child can easily wait for his parents for some time after classes in the toy room or just in the lobby. There is always an administrator on duty who, in extreme cases, the child can turn to.

Would you like to go there again?: Yes

Our Center has been open to children, teachers, parents, our partners and like-minded people for more than 40 years and is an attractive center for those who are not alien to creative activities, who want to join a variety of genres and types of art.

The center “On Sumskoy” is known for the success of its students and the skill of its teachers not only in Russia but also abroad; it is a member of the European Association of Institutions for Non-Formal Education of Children and Youth (EAICY).

We are glad that we can offer children interesting and useful activities, invite parents and residents of the Chertanovo Severnoe microdistrict to our holidays, concerts, competitions, exhibitions, and quest games. They come to us as if they are visiting a friend’s house. And we appreciate this very much and strive to maintain an atmosphere of mutual trust, respect, and creative success in our Center.

Creative success is a unique “vitamin” for the spiritual growth of a growing personality, without which its formation may become incomplete. Success comes to children thanks to their natural abilities, hard work and, of course, the guidance of a real teacher. After all, only a creative teacher is able to bring the spark of creativity in a child to a pure and high combustion. Giving themselves entirely to children, helping them to discover their abilities and talents, the Center’s teachers preserve the spirit of knowledge, creativity and enlightenment, an indescribable atmosphere of friendship, kindness and mutual understanding.

The creativity of our teams allows us to achieve serious successes of which we are proud! Our teams bear the titles: “Exemplary Children's Team”, “Leading Creative Team of Moscow” - permanent winners, Laureates of various International competitions, festivals, exhibitions, and our graduates are accomplished, successful people!

Whatever activity a child chooses in our Center - designing models or the ability to drive a go-kart, create cartoons, dance or practice vocals, come up with environmental projects or engage in arts and crafts, he will receive not only skills and abilities, but also learn to live in a team , work in a team, have a creative approach to any task. And these qualities are in demand in modern life more than ever!

The children's parents are tireless, true friends and assistants to teachers. Their participation in the creative life of the Center manifests itself in a variety of forms. And today the scope of parents’ creative activity looks very impressive: this includes publishing a newspaper, touring, competitions in intellectual games, excursions, meetings with interesting people, and much more. It is in such creative unity - teacher, student, parents - that the creativity of young people can develop.

Search and imagination, the realization of one’s interests and the discovery of one’s abilities awaits everyone who comes to the large and friendly family of the Center “On Sumsky”! We are waiting for you!

Today, the CVR “On Sumskom” is a multidisciplinary institution of additional education in the Southern District of Moscow, in which over 2,000 children from 5 to 18 years old study in modern classrooms and studios.

Gifted children from the Center's teams receive a scholarship. There is a children's Press Center. Painting, modeling, sculpture, architectural design, embroidery, and batik are carried out by students of arts and crafts and fine arts groups. Children learn to perceive works of art, to experience the beauty and richness of their native nature and the surrounding world, embodying them in their works.

A special place is occupied by sports groups of rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatic rock and roll. Playing sports helps children improve their health, contributes to the development of character and physical improvement.

List of educational programs:

1. Educational program of the creative association “Svetelka”. The age of students is 7–12 years, the duration of training is 2 years. The program includes the following sections of arts and crafts:

Hand Sewing Basics

Soft toy

Crochet Basics

Textile doll

2. Educational program of the beadwork studio “Zhemchuzhinka”. Children's age is 8–14 years. The program lasts 2 years. During the learning process, children become acquainted with the history of folk art, the history of the development of bead art, and various weaving techniques. Classes in the studio cultivate such important qualities as hard work, patience, and accuracy.

3. Integrated educational program of the school-studio of fine arts and arts and crafts. The program is designed for children aged 10 to 14 years. Duration of training – 4 years. On the basis of the children's association, conditions have been created for identifying and developing children's abilities in the fine arts and arts and crafts, mastering special knowledge, skills and pre-professional training in the field of art. Subjects: basics of drawing, basics of painting, basics of composition, sculpture, ceramics, art (history and traditions), batik.

4. Educational program of the fine arts studio "Colorit". Children's age is 7-12 years. The program lasts 3 years. The program creates conditions for the creative development of students, helps the development of professionally oriented artistic skills and abilities, and creative self-realization of students.

5. Educational program of the ceramics studio “Decor”. Children's age is 7-12 years. The program lasts 4 years.

The program helps to introduce students to the values ​​of folk decorative art using ceramics as an example. Forms the child’s artistic taste through decorative arts. Main activities: clay toys, decorative layers, decorative vessels, decorative sculpture, ceramic jewelry.

6. Educational program of the Batik studio. Children's age is 9–13 years. The program lasts 3 years. During the implementation of the program, important tasks of artistic creativity are solved: the development of imaginative thinking, the emotional development of the individual, the cultivation of artistic taste, and familiarization with the basics of professional skills.

7. Educational program of the computer club “Interface”. The duration of the program is 1 year. The age of students is 10–14 years. The program gives an idea of ​​the main capabilities of modern information technologies, provides theoretical knowledge and practical skills of working in the operating environment and in the environment of applied programs, and develops the general educational level of information culture of students.

8. Educational program for music and choir studio and guitar class. The program is designed for 5 years, the age of students is from 7 to 14 years. The purpose of training is to master the technical techniques of playing musical instruments, develop musical abilities, expand musical horizons and cultural communication, and educate a harmoniously developed personality.

9. Educational program for organizing leisure activities for teenagers and youth of the Sovremennik club. The comprehensive program is designed to organize leisure activities for adolescents and young people aged 13 years and older. The program lasts 3 years. The peculiarity of the program is the integration of fundamental scientific, methodological and educational tasks: humanistic values, development of interest and organization of free time, comprehensive development of the child’s personality. Organizing joint creative activities and the romance of tourist travel help teenagers adapt among their peers and find new friends.

10. Educational program to develop the foundations of amateur musical creativity in the Sovremennik youth club. The program introduces students to the original song, various musical styles (rock, bard rock, ethno, pop, ska-punk, etc.), introduces the basics of musical literacy, and gives guitar accompaniment skills. The program also includes the acquisition of theoretical and practical skills in playing the six-string guitar. She develops the musical culture of teenagers, adjusting their aesthetic taste.

11. Educational program of the pop-sports dance group “Cascade”. The program is designed for 5 years, children age 5-16 years. The purpose of the program: to reveal the individual abilities of students, to achieve the highest mastery by each child, to develop creative activity, artistry, musicality, and the formation of personal qualities. The program promotes the education of physically strong and healthy children who can move freely to music, master gymnastic apparatus and are fully physically prepared.

12. Educational program of the contemporary dance studio “Mirage”. The program lasts 4 years. The age of children is from 8 to 17 years. Classes in the studio introduce students to various styles of modern dance: classical dance, modern, jazz, funk, hip-hop, traditional dance and many others.

13. Educational program of the theater group “Without a Mask”. Children age 8–21 years; duration of study – 3 years.

The program presents acting training exercises that form the basis of the organic process of stage acting. At the same time, classes are conducted on speech culture and stage movement, which are an integral part of the students’ training. The youth theater “Without a Mask” includes a training studio (1st and 2nd levels) and a theater (highest level).

14. Educational program of the theater studio “Vysota”. The age of students is 9–16 years. The program lasts 3 years. The program is aimed at nurturing a free creative personality through the means of artistic expression and theatrical art. The program is based on a game form of learning, which follows a spiral process in the process of joint creativity between the teacher and the student.

15. Educational program of the choreographic ensemble “Rhythm-ballet”. The program is designed for 5 years. The age of children is from 6 to 15 years. Main goal: children’s mastery of dance techniques, participation in the development of dance performances that meet the interests and creative abilities of students of different ages

16. Educational program of the choreographic ensemble "Divertiment". Children's age is 7-15 years. The program is designed for 5 years.

17. Educational program of the Spanish flamenco dance group “De Las Llamas”. Children's age is 9–17 years. The program lasts 3 years. The program is aimed at revealing the child's inner world through the performance of flamenco dance. The basis of the program is the development of dance skills and abilities, the development of coordination, the development of physical strength, and the opportunity for self-expression in the learning process.

18. Educational program of the “Design-Fashion” laboratory. The program lasts 3 years. The age of children is from 6 to 18 years. The program allows you to implement a holistic approach to the development of a teenager’s personality, as evidenced by its main blocks, including designing and modeling clothes, knitting on a machine, choreography, styling, and the catwalk.

19. Educational program of the acrobatic rock and roll club “Jump”. Children's age is 7-16 years. The program lasts 3 years. Classes at the acrobatic rock and roll club help students master the skills of the technical and rhythmic basis of dance, control of their body, plasticity, sense of rhythm, and the basics of acrobatics.

20. Educational program of the circus studio “Boomerang”. Children age 6–13 years. The program lasts 3 years. The program gives children the opportunity to gain confidence in their own abilities, cope with physical disabilities, identify hidden capabilities and talents, develop them emotionally, and prepare young artists of various genres of circus art for further professional guidance.

The Center “On Sumskom” conducts extensive international activities, providing the opportunity to establish business contacts with various international children's organizations, conduct dialogue in the European context, participate in international campaigns, current projects, and multicultural children's events.

In the past academic year, the Center “On Sumy” was visited by international delegations from North and South Korea, China, delegations from the CIS countries and the Council of Europe (Kyrgyzstan, Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Poland).