
What did pregnant Kate Middleton look like? Cunning Duchess: pregnant Kate Middleton hints at twins. Is Kate pregnant?


The Ideal Duchess project, launched in 2011, continues to bring dividends to its creators. Perhaps the British monarchy has never been so lucky with its daughters-in-law as with Kate Middleton.

Like Princess Diana once upon a time, the Duchess of Cambridge is today the most popular member of the royal family.

Do you think the whole point is that Kate and William love children very much and want to have a big family? In family clans of this level, nothing is done spontaneously and is subject to strict internal plans. And in an age when even the cleaning lady of Kensington Palace, let alone the Duchess of Cambridge, can plan a pregnancy, even children become an excellent means of manipulating public opinion in their favor.

The Duchess of Cambridge clearly had no plans to become pregnant within the next year. This is evidenced not only by her very busy schedule of protocol events and visits, and not even by the new responsibilities that “pensioner” Prince Philip handed over to her. It was clear that Kate liked her family in its current composition, where there were exactly as many children as there were hands with the mother.

After the birth of Prince George, everyone understood that Kate would not delay her next pregnancy for long: giving birth to a “spare” contender for the throne, preferably one of the same age, is the sacred duty of every queen, including the future one. But after the birth of Princess Charlotte, the face of the Duchess of Cambridge practically read: “Oh, that’s it.” It’s no joke: two severe early toxicoses, two marathons of exhausting training and procedures to restore a beautiful body, streams of criticism and accusations of “laziness,” just because she is not ready to sacrifice very young children for the sake of another protocol event.

And after all this, go to the third round?!

Obviously, plans changed already in the summer of this year, when the “jubilee” anniversary of the death of Princess Diana reset the rating of the royal family to zero. There is no need to talk about the personal rating of the next king, Prince Charles. Just a couple of years ago, public opinion polls indicated that “the people had forgiven” the Prince of Wales for his past sins and were even ready to accept Camilla as the wife of Charles the King. Where this peace-loving rhetoric has gone now is well known to those who decided to make good money by raking up the past.

Prince Charles and Princess Diana

The Royal Court expected a similar development of events. But it is unlikely that he knew all the “trump cards” up the journalists’ sleeves. Expanded reissue of the book “Diana. Her True Story,” which includes transcripts of explicit audio recordings of the Princess of Wales. Documentary film “Diana. In Her Own Words,” which used videos of private public speaking lessons in which she was too talkative. Hundreds of publications of memories of friends, servants, lovers - real and imaginary. There has not been such obscurantism in the press around her person for a very long time.

It seemed that from the very beginning of summer there were no other news items in the royal family other than the late princess and her problems - from bulimia to adultery.

All this not only opened up an old deep wound, but, it seems, rolled back the whole situation around the death of the princess exactly 20 years ago. Elizabeth II, impressed, even fled with her husband to Balmoral, causing a painful déjà vu among her subjects: it was in this Scottish residence that the Queen holed up in the first days after the death of Diana Spencer. And the British press was again full of headlines about the death of the monarchy, which Princess Diana had prepared for her (the short-sighted woman was so passionate about revenge on Charles that she did not even bother to think that she was depriving her own sons of employment).

But then a “miracle” happened.

The announcement of the third pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge instantly switched attention from the promoted, but already dead Princess Diana to her living, albeit green from toxicosis, daughter-in-law. And in this regard, by the way, it becomes clear why Prince Harry is in no hurry to announce his engagement to Meghan Markle. To reveal this news now would be to try to pull out all the trump cards from the royal sleeves at once. In addition, there is a high probability that, given the information about Kate and William’s third child, the news of an engagement to Megan would have been blurry. So, to stop the flow of sewage pouring onto the queen and her family, Catherine was left in splendid isolation.

But the Duchess is no stranger to this. For the umpteenth time, Kate is saving the British monarchy by pulling it back from the brink

The most revealing thing until now was her brilliant behavior against the backdrop of the scandal surrounding Prince William, who thoughtlessly “walked” his reputation in the Alps with friends. But what she has done for the royal court now is an unprecedented gesture of loyalty.

The Kate Middleton brand is incredibly popular not only in the UK, but also abroad. Therefore, Elizabeth II willingly sends her grandson and his wife on diplomatic missions to “problem” countries, relations with which need to be refreshed.

The fact that the wife of the future king was expecting a third child was announced immediately after the mourning events dedicated to the memory of Princess Diana. It’s simply impossible to imagine a better moment, and there is no doubt that it was cleverly calculated by the press service of Kensington Palace (it’s not for nothing that these people eat their own bread). Elizabeth II mercifully allowed her subjects to let off steam, silently endured all the “revelations” and “sensations” regarding Diana’s relationship with the Windsors, waited for the climax on August 31 and... gracefully, non-violently, silenced everyone. Or, which more accurately reflects the essence, she threw the public a new juicy “bone”. And the British, yearning for positivity, readily began to harp on “the most amazing news of the year.” As early as September 3, the newspapers were praising Princess Diana, the destroyer of the monarchy, and since the afternoon of the 4th there has been no news more important than the news that a new prince (or princess) will soon be born in Britain.

Today Kate Middleton beats her mother-in-law with a crushing score of 20:1. This is the approximate proportion of publications about both in the English-language press. And under this joyful noise, the main (if you think about it) culprit of the Windsors’ problems, Prince Charles, can drink his favorite glass of “martini” with relief for the health of his daughter-in-law and his next grandson. After all, now the future of “Charles III” directly depends on this. At least you can breathe out for the next 5 years. And there, apparently, it will be Harry and Meghan’s turn to cover his royal rear.

Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles

Royal watchers are willing to bet that the Duchess is expecting twins and is happy to hint it to everyone.

A very interesting fact: out of all the variety of colors that the Duchess of Cambridge could choose for her first and then second appearance in public after announcing her pregnancy, Kate settled on two: blue and pink. Why not lavender? Or your favorite milky white? Not creamy? Not red polka dots, finally. Two absolutely classic shades - powdery blue - first, and pink - now. Do you believe this is an accident? There is an opinion that all this is not without reason.

Kate's first appearance after announcing her pregnancy went under the blue flag. October 10, 2017

Kate's second appearance was in pink. October 16, 2017

The Duchess of Cambridge at the Forum of Children's Charities event on Monday, October 16. During this event, Kate was introduced to Paddington Bear, a favorite of British children, and was even offered to dance with him. Kate didn't refuse.

And now the Duchess has completely confused everyone by choosing for her second public appearance a very similar Orla Kiely dress, only pink, and again with black trim. Particularly impressionable royal observers saw this as a sign: “I’m expecting twins, a girl and a boy.” Actually, why not? Royal family insiders claimed that the Cambridges want to follow the example of Elizabeth II and are targeting a larger family. Moreover, at the beginning of this year, strange, as it seemed then, rumors appeared that some time ago Kate was thinking about IVF, because she wanted to quickly close the topic of pregnancy (they certainly do not improve her health, but time is ticking).

The Duchess of Cambridge's belly actually looks larger than usual at 13 weeks.

Her colleague, Princess Charlene of Monaco, actually did just that, giving birth to opposite-sex twins to Prince Albert (and although no one officially announced IVF, most agree that it could not have happened without him). And finally, the most interesting argument: Kate’s “astral sister”, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, gave birth to first a boy, then a girl, and then immediately twins, and of opposite sexes. Once again, this gave rise to rumors about IVF, which the Royal House of Denmark chose not to comment on. So, the Duchess of Cambridge has someone to look up to (read: Swedish family: who is to blame for the royal baby boom). And observers claim that the shades of Kate’s dresses indicate that she knows for sure that she will have opposite-sex twins.

Crown Prince Federick and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark with their twins, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine. The babies were born in 2011, immediately doubling the number of children in the heir apparent.

At the end of August, it became known that Kate Middleton was hospitalized in the royal hospital. Later it turned out that Prince William’s wife was expecting a child and because of this she was suffering from severe toxicosis. After staying in a medical facility for only one day, she returned home, but has not been seen in public for a long time. The royal family reports that Kate, as in her first two pregnancies, suffers from severe toxicosis and does not even leave the house.

Kate's two previous pregnancies did not go smoothly; the expectant mother constantly complained of severe toxicosis and sought help from doctors. Recently, information appeared in the media that Middleton was diagnosed with a serious complication - hyperemesis gravidarum, or vomiting of pregnancy. For most women, this condition does not pose a threat, but the Duchess has the most severe degree of the disease. Kate cannot take food or even water, and the nausea continues all day. Her weight drops catastrophically, which leads to changes in blood composition and metabolic disorders. Intoxication of the body occurs, which can threaten the death of the mother or child, write the Daily Mail.

That is why Her Highness canceled a planned visit to a children's center in London. Now the Duchess is in Kensington Palace, where she is receiving the necessary assistance,” quotes.

According to the press, Kate is in the second or third month of pregnancy and the baby is expected in April or March next year. Most likely, Middleton will be hospitalized and will be fed intravenously to save the life of the unborn baby.

All relatives of the royal family already know about the good news; Prince Harry was very happy for his brother and daughter-in-law, and Kate’s uncle Gary Goldsmith commented on this event as follows: “This is by far the best news this year. Being a mother suits her very well. I wonder if she will stop at three kids? Honestly, I don't think so. She and Will dote on children.", - the businessman told The Daily Mail.

Many remember that until recently the couple’s plans did not include expanding their family, so after the shocking news, various stories began to circulate about why the Duchess finally decided to do this.

Saving a Marriage

Kate and William seem to be a happy and loving couple, but as it turns out, their relationship is not so cloudless and wonderful.

In March of this year, the Duke of Cambridge went to a ski resort with his friends in Switzerland, and, as eyewitnesses say, he behaved inappropriately for a married man.

Witnesses also reported seeing William flirting and acting quite provocatively. These rumors also reached the duke’s wife, who, as the media wrote, did not even speak to her husband for several days after the incident.

“Kate seriously believed that William’s parties and dubious friends were a thing of the past. She considers this situation very humiliating and is terribly angry with her husband, even if there is no question of separation.”, a Buckingham Palace insider told Vanity Fair.

However, after some time, the couple smiled sweetly at each other in public, which may have happened thanks to the efforts of the psychologist to whom the couple turned. Based on this situation, many conclude that Kate’s next pregnancy is just a way to keep her husband.

Lazy Duchess

Another interesting version is that Kate chose to become a mother again in order to extend her already long maternity leave.

The Duchess is said to have a huge fear of being in front of large audiences, which is why she often canceled meetings at the last minute.

Recently, the Duchess was even nicknamed the laziest representative of the British royal family, but this does not particularly bother her.

To spite my husband

Just this summer, one magazine wrote that William does not want to expand his family and is very pleased with the current state of affairs. This can only mean one thing - Kate’s third pregnancy is only her decision. “He is sure that their family has already been formed. And Katherine dreams of a third, because she herself grew up in a large family.”– say those close to the family.

More recently, this version was confirmed by the words of Kate herself, when one journalist talked to her about motherhood, the duchess said that if the couple had a third child, her husband William would turn around and leave.

Together with my sister

The news of the possible pregnancy of Kate's younger sister Peppy quickly spread throughout the Internet. There is no official confirmation of this fact yet, but many really hope so.

“Kate and Pippa have long dreamed of one day being pregnant at the same time. Apparently, they will succeed. Catherine now lives in London because Prince George will go to school there. And Pippa’s apartment with her husband is located in the center. Just imagine how great it will be when sisters go together to a children's store to buy clothes for their future babies or go to yoga classes for pregnant women.", - said one of the family friends.

Overtake Megan

Another funny version lies in Prince Harry’s girlfriend Meghan Markle, of whom Kate has long been jealous of the media, because the girl appears more and more every day in many sources.

Kate, who prefers to pay all attention to herself, decided that if she suddenly became pregnant with Megan, then her popularity could be put to rest.

Therefore, in order to prevent this nightmare, the duchess tried with all her might to get ahead of her rival, which she succeeded in doing very well.

Having given birth to her third child on April 23, she is pregnant again. It is noted that the Duchess of Cambridge and her husband, Prince William, allegedly told close friends about this. But is this really so?

Kate Middleton is pregnant again

The popular tabloid Life & Style reported that there is news at Kensington Palace about the fourth pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge. Have Prince William and Kate Middleton really decided to become parents again so soon?

Photo: Instagram

The US publication has "exclusively learned" that the royal couple has begun telling close friends and family about the exciting news. Allegedly, according to relatives, Katherine is carrying a fourth child under her heart.

“Kate is showing all the signs of pregnancy (probably due to morning sickness - Ed.), and she and William always wanted four children in their family,” the insider said.

During her three previous pregnancies, Kate Middleton suffered from severe toxicosis, due to which she was completely unable to work. The Duchess found it difficult to eat, let alone move.

The Duchess of Cambridge has always noted that she has a close relationship with her brother and sister, and she wants the same for her children. Most likely, this will happen if there is not a big age difference between the heirs.

Currently, Kate and William are raising 4-year-old Prince George, 3-year-old Charlotte and 3-month-old Louis.

The “huge problem” of motherhood for the 36-year-old duchess is that during the early stages she suffers from severe toxicosis, which makes her life unbearable.

"Nothing can really prepare you for the real experience of what it's like to be a mother. This journey is full of complex emotions of joy, exhaustion, love and anxiety that all mix together," Kate once noted.

Photo: Instagram dailycambridges

Most recently, information appeared in the media that the Duchess of Cambridge is most likely a cousin of Princes William and Harry in October. This is due to the fact that during this period Kate may be in labor or already nursing a new baby.

Photo: Instagram king_and_queen_and_prince

Let us remind you of the previously small audience with their farewell to grandfather. The little one was photographed enthusiastically waving to Prince Charles as he and his wife left Kensington Palace after meeting their grandchildren.

Photo: Instagram duchess_catherinemiddleton

Reports that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child appear in the media, especially those that publish materials about the social life of stars and celebrities, with enviable regularity, as soon as her daughter, Princess Charlotte, reached the age of six months.

Is Kate Middleton pregnant again?

Another news that Kate Middleton is pregnant for the third time appeared on the pages of the American tabloid Life & Style at the beginning of the new year 2016. Referring to messages from an insider (a person close and privy to the details of the royal family’s personal life), the publication reported that the Duchess of Cambridge announced her interesting position at the Christmas dinner.

They also talked about the reaction of members of the royal family to this good news. According to the same source, Queen Elizabeth II took this news with her usual restraint, and the most violently joyful reaction was shown by the uncle of the children of Kate and Prince William -.

Also, as evidence that Kate Middleton is pregnant again, photographs taken by the paparazzi during the duchess's shopping trip shortly before the New Year were cited. According to the publication, Kate looked pale and exhausted, which is very typical for her while expecting a child, because during her previous two pregnancies she was greatly tormented.

Finally, the publication called the last argument that the royal family, although it did not confirm, did not deny the news that Princess Kate Middleton is pregnant again.

Refutation that Kate Middleton is pregnant for the 3rd time

Rumors about Kate Middleton's third pregnancy were not officially refuted, but their dubiousness was suddenly highlighted by other tabloids, especially English ones.

The fact is that Life & Style is published with similar headlines with enviable regularity. Thus, a pregnancy with a second child was reported approximately 15 months before Princess Charlotte was born, and a third pregnancy was also reported twice. Moreover, each time issues with such news are accompanied by a large photograph of the Duchess of Cambridge on the cover, as well as a loud, flashy headline. It is not surprising that the issue with such an announcement sold like hot cakes, and the unofficially unconfirmed rumors were picked up by other newspapers and magazines that closely follow the lives of celebrities. So regular reports about Kate Middleton’s pregnancy look like a desire by the magazine’s editors to earn more money by selling issues with high-profile, albeit dubious, news.

This time again there was a public outcry, but it was not supported at all by the English media. According to many journalists, if such news were reported at the Christmas dinner, then by the beginning of January there should have been an official announcement about it. In addition, an additional argument against the fact that Kate Middleton is pregnant for the third time was an analysis of the officially published schedule of visits that Kate and William will make during 2016 as representatives of the royal family. It's quite dense and busy that it would be strange if Kate was going to be a mother again.

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If we take into account the not very successful photographs of the paparazzi, which Life & Style considers to be confirmation of toxicosis, then it is worth remembering the fact that Kate Middleton and Prince William have two small children, the youngest daughter was barely 7 months old, and Prince George just went to school. kindergarten. That is, Kate, who spends a lot of time with her children, may well look tired.