
Scenario of the holiday "Birthday with Luntik" (middle group). Scenario for staging a fairy tale as part of the celebration of Cosmonautics Day “Luntik is looking for friends Birthday script for 6 years with Luntik


Vetrova Daria
Scenario of the holiday "Birthday with Luntik" (middle group)

Children's birthday script - Luntik and Company

For this day birth I propose to take as a basis, a cartoon - « Luntik» . Absolutely all children like this cartoon and its characters. Be sure not to forget to decorate the room in which it will be celebrate a celebration. Hang balloons, congratulatory inscriptions, decorations of trees, put the throne of the Birthday Man.

Music is playing, presenter announces: Once upon a time, an unusual baby was born on the moon.

Appears to the music Luntik and hiding behind the trees.

Leading: Guys, who is hiding behind the trees?

Children in chorus: Luntik!

Appears Luntik:

Hello guys! Do you recognize me, of course? I am a moon bee Luntik! I flew to visit Baba Kapa and she said that today birthday the most beautiful and smartest girl in the world. Today (child's name) whole (age) years! And so Baba Kapa prepared a gift, and sent me to give (name) and all her friends. Only now ... I hid it in a safe place, and then the gift ... BAMS disappeared! I lost it, it turns out!

Luntik thinks sadly.

Luntik: I know! I guessed! The gift was taken by Vupsen and Pupsen, uuuu how harmful ... What to do? I can't handle them alone.

Leading: Guys, we'll have to help. Luntik find a gift! Let's help him!

Children in chorus: Yes!

Leading: Then we will go with you to our magical land! Get on the magic plane!

The host turns on the music Luntik gets up first

Leading: Station Congratulatory, Round dance!

Luntik: Stop! Stop, it's time to leave, how can this clearing surprise us?

Luntik invites children to play a round dance game "Loaf" and dynamic game "Birthday Cake". Then the host takes the throne to the center of the hall and invites the birthday man to accept congratulations from his friends.

Luntik: guys, and we continue our journey. Let's get on our plane!

The host turns on the music Luntik gets up first, the children line up one after another, spreading their arms like wings and flying, at first slowly, then faster across the entire perimeter of the hall.

Leading: Flower Station!

Luntik: Oh ... Guys, where are the flowers? Such a beautiful clearing and not a single flower! Need to fix this! And you will help me with this!

Luntik invites the children to color with gouache and finger paints pre-prepared color templates fixed on a paper tape (stylized flower caps). In the process of children's creativity, music sounds.

Luntik: In the meantime, our flowers are drying, we will play a little with you! An outdoor game is being played "Sun and Rain".


Rain since morning

Charged like a bucket.

It can be seen, SOMEONE, against the rules,

He pierced a cloud in the sky.

Guys look at the rain - playful, all around got wet: and leaves and grass, and even this tiny ant! Poor fellow, you must be lost! And let's build a house for the little bug!

Children are divided into two teams, captains are selected, the leader offers to build a house for an ant from a floor constructor. The team that completes the task first wins. Quick-rewarding of the winners.

Luntik: Guys, it looks like our hats are completely dry. And let's collect a big bouquet for our birthday girl. An outdoor game is being played "Bouquet for the birthday boy".

Luntik: Guys, it's time for us to get ready for the road. Let's get on our plane!

The host turns on the music Luntik gets up first, the children line up one after another, spreading their arms like wings and flying, at first slowly, then faster across the entire perimeter of the hall.

Leading: Station Culinary!

Luntik: Guys, do you know that I am the most I love: pies and buns, my Baba Kapa bakes them. I help her too! Do you help your mothers and grandmothers?

Children's answers.

Luntik: Guys, let's play cooks with you!

Luntik in a chef's hat and apron, he takes out a pan covered with a lid.

Luntik: I'm bubbling and puffing, I don't want to live in a bowl,

I'm tired of kvass, put me in the oven. Guys guess what it is?

Children's answers.

Luntik: That's right, it's DOUGH. And today we will learn how to sculpt buns.

Children dress up as chefs (apron and cap). They sit down at the tables prepared in advance. In front of each child is a modeling board or any clean working surface (plastic napkin, oilcloth, stacks, brushes No. 3.4, bowls with sugar syrup, flour, beetroot juice (natural dye, hand napkins. Summing up results: Luntik together with the host, they lay out the resulting buns on a baking sheet, noting who turned out the most beautiful.

Carrying out hygiene procedures, as needed.

Luntik: guys, well, the last station is waiting for us. Hurry up and take seats in our magic plane!

The host turns on the music Luntik gets up first, the children line up one after another, spreading their arms like wings and flying, at first slowly, then faster across the entire perimeter of the hall.

Leading: Station Igrolochka!

The child-bee is blindfolded, and the rest of the clothes are tied with bells. Flowers run around the room, and the bee tries to catch them, focusing on the sound of the bell. The flower that the bee has caught becomes the bee itself and catches up with the others.

Animated screensaver with an excerpt from the cartoon « Luntik» - "Vupsen and Pupsen ask for forgiveness" at Luntik and the guys. While watching, the presenter, imperceptibly for the children, puts a gift for the birthday man and a treat for the guys.

Luntik gives the birthday man a gift, and distributes treats to all the children.

Luntik: I announce a disco!


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Image Library:

Luntik is a mysterious baby from the planet Luna! Together with his friend Kuzey, he accidentally ends up on a holiday.

However, there is one “but” - Luntik does not know at all how to celebrate births ... On the moon, he did not see anything like that. The guys need to show and tell Luntik what it means REAL BIRTHDAY!

In a programme:

Relay game "Riding on caterpillars";

Fun game "Butterflies";

Role-playing game-fairy tale;

Flower meadow;

Space tunnels;

and much more.

Target: we learn to communicate and be friends, to be honest, polite, good-natured, we study flora and fauna.

Age:: from 2 to 6 years

Heroes: Luntik, grasshopper Kuzya, ladybug Mila.

Duration: 1 hour (possibly more)

equipment and DJ).

Timothy Day Scenario - 4 years

Our son's birthday is approaching. We thought for a long time what would be so interesting to arrange for him on this holiday. But the son himself suggested the idea - "I want Luntik to come to my birthday." So there was a small script about the adventures of Luntik and his friends. We drew a map in advance, bought various small gifts for the contestants.

When the guests arrived, we handed out masks of cartoon characters that we made with our own hands to everyone.

One day Luntik found a piece of the map and decided to go on a journey to collect all the parts of the map and the hidden treasure.

Baba Kapa says: “We need to get into the car and go to the Kingdom of sleep (bedroom). On the way we meet traffic lights with pedestrian crossings and other vehicles. When Luntik correctly observes the rules of the road, the policeman lets him go further.

In the realm of sleep we see the sleeping Chanterelle. To wake her up, you need to call her affectionate words (fox, redhead, fluffy). Fox wakes up. We ask if she knows where the map piece is hidden?

And you yourself guess.

The fox makes a riddle:

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn.

Not a person, but tells. (Book)

We guess that the books are in the bookshelf - we are looking for them there. There is a note in the shelf: “The little bee is sick. We need to bring him nectar so that he recovers.

We're going to the Bee house. He wants to eat. You need to bring him nectar (nuts), without touching them with your hands. At one end of the room is a basket of nuts. We put the nuts in a spoon and transfer to the other end. The little bee ate the nectar, recovered and decided to play with us.

Hot Potato Game

Players form a circle, standing at some distance from each other. We turn on the music, and while it is playing, the participants must pass a small ball to each other clockwise, getting rid of it as quickly as possible. The ball must be visited by each player in turn. The player who has the ball in his hands at the moment the music stops is out. The circle is reduced, the game continues until one player remains.

This is a large black item.

He has white and black teeth

And two toes.

It makes loud and soft sounds. (Piano)

We find part of the map on the piano. Grandfather Sher can tell us about the next part of the map. To get to it, you need to take the train. Why is the train not running? It turns out that our train ran out of coal.

Game "Fill the wagons with coal"- the participants stand in a row one after another. On the leg of the first player we put on specially prepared cups with an elastic band, into which coal-beans were poured. The child had to carefully carry the glass and pour their contents into the “car” with his foot. Then the player comes back, passes the cup to the next kid.

Our train is ready to go. Children become one after another - let's go to Grandfather Sher. Grandfather Sher first offers to play various games with us.

Ball game- one of the players throws up a balloon. While he is flying, you can move, touched the floor - everyone should freeze and not smile. Those who do not comply are out of the game.

Game "Land-Water"- Players line up. When the host says "land", everyone jumps forward, and when "water" - back. The game is played at a fast pace. The host, in order to confuse the players, instead of the word "water" pronounce other words, for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word "land" - coast, land, island. Jumpers out of place are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.

The game "Third extra"- skittles are placed in the center, 1 less than the number of participants. Children walk or run around them to the music. When the music stops, you need to have time to grab the skittle. Those who do not have enough are out of the game. We remove 1 skittle and everything continues.

Grandfather Sher says that the map should be looked for in a magical clearing. This is where the magic chamomile grows. Each participant takes a petal and completes the tasks that are written on the back of each petal.

What season is it now? Autumn. What happens in autumn? Castings fall, birds fly away to warmer climes, right. So, in our magical meadow, the trees shed their leaves. But these are not ordinary leaves. A prize is hidden under one of them. You need to quickly turn the leaves and look for it. Whoever finds it will receive a gift.

Then Klava calls and says that she needs our help. It turns out that Vupsen and Pupsen broke her candy, and she really wanted to eat it!

Don't worry, Klava, we'll help you.

Game "Fold the Pattern"- we collect candy according to the scheme.

Klava says that the map is hidden in the Water Kingdom (in the bathroom). We find a piece of the map. And also the parcel. Who is she for?

Game "Pass the parcel"- we wrap a small surprise in several layers of newspaper. Participants become in a circle. Each person can only remove one layer of paper. Whoever removes the last layer - the parcel came to him.

A cheerful clown Lelik came to our holiday, only for some reason he is sad. he lost his beautiful nose. Let's help the clown and attach his nose, only with closed eyes. A clown is attached to the refrigerator with magnets. The players take it in turns to close their eyes and try to place a round magnet nose on the clown. Naturally, who gets on the forehead, and who in general on the jacket. There was laughter!

The clown gives the last part of the card.

Children put all the pieces together and see the treasure marked with a cross. They run to the indicated place and find a gift.

Holiday duration


Holiday colors

pale purple, pink, green, red


sweets, cookies, juice, "nectar", grapes, strawberries, cheese, cake Decor

balloons, garlands, photo tree, colorful cushions, colorful ribbons

Thematic entertainment

sandpipers, bell band, tug of war, blindfold orientation, pebble throwing, cairn of stones, drawing, dance lesson from butterflies, grandfather Sher's exercise parade, paper boat folding, labyrinth, parachute flight of balloons, etc.

The main characters of the holiday "Luntik and his friends"


Now you've played together

Eat and dance!

It's time to say goodbye to us friends

And it was the best time!

But lest you forget,

And so that you don’t get bored after,

I give everyone a surprise

Balloon encore for everyone!

(the presenter gives everyone a gift in the form of a balloon with a cartoon theme)


For little Luntik,

I'll say the words now:

On your holiday, birthday,

Let the dream come true!

Let life be beautiful

Let me be my friends.

Let there be a lot of sweets

Today and always!

(at the end, the presenter claps a big cracker)

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" Luntik visiting the guys"

Musical composition with balls.
Leading. The sun sheds its beautiful light,
Birds are not too lazy to sing songs,
The snow is melting and the sky is clear
Here is the holiday - Mother's Day!

Children :

1 .Mom is an expensive word!
That word is warm and light.
Good afternoon - March 8
We send our mothers
Hi everybody!
2. How beautiful mothers are
On this sunny day!
Let them be proud of us
Mom, here I am, your son!
3. Here I am, your daughter,
Look how you've grown
And more recently
She was a tiny little one.
4 .Here I am, dear grandmother,
Love me!
You love me, I know
My precious!
5 .Let our mothers today,
It will be fun and light.
We want moms to know:
We love them dearly!
6 .Because today is a wonderful day,
Smells like early spring.
We will sing a song about mom
O beloved, o dear!


Children sit on chairs.

Sounds like a melody from the cartoon "Luntik".

presenter : Guys, it seems that someone is coming to us.
Nobody shows up.
presenter : Do not be afraid, come in, no one will offend you! The kids will be your friends!
One ear of Luntik appears from behind the curtain. Children recognize the character: This is Luntik ! Curious eyes peek out from behind the curtain. Luntik hides back.
presenter : Guys, do you know who this is?
The children answer.
Presenter: Oh! How good it is! Then you know how to handle it! What is his name, you say?(children say ) Luntik, don't be afraid, everyone here is happy to see you.
Luntik appears timidly.
Luntik : Hello! And I'm here ... I don't know where I ended up. They say it came to Earth... They say it came from the Moon... But I don't know anything about it...
Presenter: Do not worry! You are in kindergarten. We have a holiday today, we congratulate mothers, grandmothers and all women on the holiday of March 8.
Luntik: I didn't even know about this holiday.
Presenter: Listen, now the guys will tell you everything.

1. Mom, mom, mom, my sun,
How joyful with you, how warm with you!
2 .Without you, flowers do not bloom in my soul!
I will be happy when you are near!
3. Mom, mom, mom, always be like this,
You are so kind to me!
4. Congratulations to my beloved mother today,
And I wish her obedient myself.
So that I grow up as an assistant, I always listen to my mother,
So that he takes all the toys and eats all the porridge!

5. I will sail the oceans, I will go around the whole world -
There is no better mommy in the whole world!


  1. Presenter: It is also customary to give gifts to mothers at the holiday.
    Luntik: And how is it?
    Host: Look!


Luntik: How beautiful! Well done! I like you so much! Can I be friends with you? You will be my new friends. I already have friends! You probably know them? Listen to the riddles!
Puzzles: 1. Her outfit looks very nice,
And everyone calls her ladybug...? (answer: Mila)
2. He collects nectar better than girls,
And everyone calls him...? (answer: little bee)
3. Under the ground, he moves faster than anyone,
And his uncle's name is...? (answer Roots)
4. He is one of our spiders,
And his name is uncle...? (answer: Shnyuk)
5. With pies there will be her smell,
And her grandmother's name is...? (answer: Mouth guard )
6. He knows no measures in eating pies,
And everyone calls him General...? (answer: Sherr)
7. This turtle aunt lives in the pond,
And they all call her there by the name ...? (answer: Motya)

8. They are companions to each other,
Green...? (answer: caterpillars)

Caterpillars appear to the music. ( Vupsen and Pupsen)Caterpillars greet each other with their right palms - left palms

Wupsen : What, have fun without us?

Puppet: Yes! Not good!

Wupsen: And let's take all the toys from them!

Puppet: Come on! What for?

Wupsen: We will play ourselves. Let them miss you!

baby doll: Yes, let them miss you!

Leading: Wait, wait Whoopsie and Poopsie! No need to take away your favorite toys from the children! We can't be bored today! We have a holiday, we congratulate mothers and grandmothers.

Wupsen and Pupsen: We also want to congratulate!

Whoopsen: I'm the first!

Pupsen: No, I'm the first!

Vedas. : Boys, don't fight, let'stogether to congratulate mothers, grandmothers and invite you to play with the guys!
Wupsen and Pupsen: We agree!!!


Ved.: Luntik! Look today, not only mothers, but also grandmothers came to our holiday. And our guys also want to congratulate them.


1. Very my grandmother
I love my mother's mother.
We are such friends with her
Where she is, there I am.

2. Our grandmothers are friends
They love us grandchildren very much.
Buy us toys
And they take us for a walk in the garden.
3. For love for them and for affection,
And for a new fairy tale
To my dear grandmothers
We say thank you!

4. We are our mothers and grandmothers
Happy Women's Day!
It's fun for them today
Let's dance and sing.


Vedas: Our children love to help their grandmothers and mothers in the kitchen. Look how friendly and cheerful our girls are!


Ved.: Hey helpers! Well done boys! And now let's give beads to our grandmothers.
GAME "Beads for grandmother" (4 grandmothers -4 children)Grandmothers sit on chairs, children bring them beads (by color). Grandmothers collect beads on a thread, dress them.

(Leading: Hello, well done. Friendship won!)
Luntik: I really liked your gift. I will also give such beads to Baba Kapa!
Presenter: Of course, Luntik. She will be very happy! You see, you already have a present for Baba Capa.
Luntik: Yes, I'm very happy! And how can I congratulate Mila?
Presenter: You can give her a bouquet of flowers. After all, all the girls love them so much.
Luntik: Flowers? And what are they? I don't even know where to get them.
Presenter: Well, don't worry about that. Now our guys will help you. Guys, let's help Luntik pick flowers.


Groups of children pick flowers by color.

Luntik: It's great that I came to visit you! You taught me so much: now I know how I will congratulate Mila and Baba Kapa. And I have a surprise for you, I brought it from the moon!

He takes out an unusual box in the shape of a star, in it are gifts, treats.

Luntik: And it's time for me to go, congratulate Mila and Capa! Happy holiday! (leaves)

Leading :
Our holiday is over
For grandmothers, mothers, we tried today
We sang, danced, joked, played.
And in the hall, spring has come with us
From the light of the radiance of mother's eyes
So let spring bring forever
Health and youth in your homes!

Purpose: Development of stage skills among students.

Preliminary work: Preparation of costumes for all characters.

Note: Students in grades 4-5 can be involved in the skit.

LEADING: Once an extraordinary baby was born on the moon and there was no one around. A comet will fly by, he will play catch-up with her ... and that's it. There was no one around. And he decided to move to another planet.

He looked around, saw Venus and said.

LUNTIK: Hello, Venus. I am an orphan, I have no friends, no girlfriends, only comets fly. And yes, they are very rare. So I decided to move to another planet. Are you doing well?

VENUS: D-ah-ah-ah, I feel sorry for you. Okay, so be it, come live with me, my planet is beautiful, but ... (afraid to admit)

URANUS: (yelling) it's hot on your planet and no one is there. And there is nothing to beckon Lunatic, he is already so bad, and you are still deceiving him.

VENUS: Oh, you!

LUNTIK: (crying) And what should I do?

URANUS: Don't listen to her! Look how I am, beautiful and not as hot as Venus, it's very good on my planet.

JUPITER: You don't understand anything, you will be fine on my planet, not on Uranus and not on Venus. On Venus, you will simply burn out like a match, but there is nothing to say about Pluto. You'll turn into an icicle there, and I'm a hundred times better.

LUNTIK: This is also true, and where should I live?

MARS: And on me. (planets stare indignantly) What? I'm beautiful, not cold, and you won't turn into a barbecue on me!

URANUS: (with a smirk). Of course, you will turn into a roast there.

PLUTO: Wait, Moony, why are you frying in these pans. Look what I am!

LUNTIK: Which one?

PLUTO: Like what? Not as hot as those "frying pans". Or you want to be a barbecue or roast.

MERCURY: Maybe he likes it? If he wants, let him live on Mars!

ALL PLANETS: (together) Yes!

MERCURY: What did you command?

ALL PLANETS: (together) Let him choose where to live. He is a cosmic being, he is not afraid of anything, and he will not burn at all, and will not boil or freeze. He has one problem - he has no friends. Yes! (everyone argues)

LUNTIK: Did you ask me? Do I like it or not?

ALL PLANETS: (together) Do you like it?

PLUTO: See, he is silent, which means he does not like what we are arguing about here. where it would be better for him to live.

MERCURY: Or maybe he likes it the other way around! He didn't say!

LUNTIK: (crying)

EARTH: Quiet, what did you bring him to, he asked you to help, and you.

SATURN: (enters)

ALL PLANETS: What beautiful rings!!!

SATURN: (proudly) Yes! I am the prettiest of you!

EARTH: (quietly) Sleepwalker, come live with me. There are butterflies, flowers, and many friendly guys on my planet. They will definitely bond with you.

MOONATIC: (stopping crying and wiping away tears) Really?

EARTH: Of course!!! Confirm, you know all about it. (The planets nodded their heads in affirmation.)

LUNTIK: I will find good and smart friends!!! Hooray!!! Thank you. From now on, I will live on Earth.


Attributes: hats of gnomes according to the number of children.
Roles: Luntik, Mila the bee.

Far, far away, where they do not know what sadness is, lives Luntik and his cheerful friends. They work or idle, laugh or grumble, flirt or be smart, but always sing and dance together, in their close-knit family. They never part and are always ready to come to the rescue. And today Luntik with his girlfriend Mila the bee will come to your birthday and share a cheerful mood with everyone!

To the music, Luntik enters the hall with balloons.

Luntik : Hi guys! I am Luntik.
I am from that country where only summer
I live in a magical forest with friends,
Came with balloons for my birthday.
I was in a hurry, I almost ran!
And then I lost Mila.
Have you seen her by any chance? It seems that Mila, as always, got into some kind of story! I hope she just listened to the birds and yet will join us soon. I see that almost everyone has already gathered, you probably already met? What? Have you known each other for a long time? That's great! Then while we wait for Mila, I'll teach you the rules of real friends. Let's start with a fun workout! To do this, quickly line up in a circle and hold hands. And by no means be shy!


Arrange all children in one circle. Luntik in the center of the circle. He pronounces the words and shows the movements. Children repeat both words and movements.
Luntik: In this hall - all friends!

Luntik: Look at the neighbor on the right
Look at the neighbor on the left.
Are all friends in this room?
Everything : You, we, you, me - together a cheerful family!

Luntik: Tickle the neighbor on the right
Tickle the neighbor on the left.
Are all friends in this room?!
Everything: You, we, you, me - together a cheerful family!

Luntik : Hug the neighbor on the right,
Hug the neighbor on the left.
In this hall - all friends!
Everything: You, we, you, me - together a cheerful family!

Luntik: Smile to the neighbor on the right
Smile to the neighbor on the left!
In this hall - all friends!
Everything: You, we, you, me - together a cheerful family!

Luntik: Look at you - together we are a hundred thousand "I"!

Luntik: Well played! Mood lifted! Now we are ready to celebrate the birthday! Who's our birthday here? What an adult you are! Let's be friends? But I think I hear some kind of noise... No, now I definitely hear that Mila the bee is flying towards us! Only she can make so much noise!

Under musical accompaniment, the bee Mila runs in and cries.

Luntik: Honey, what happened? Honey, stop crying! Guys, can you help me make Mila laugh? Then rather become in a circle.


Children stand in a circle. Mila is in the center of the circle, Luntik and the children are walking in a circle. Children repeat words and movements after Luntik.

Two stomp (take turns stamping their feet),
Two claps (clap hands),
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (hands show the balls into which hedgehogs curl up),
Forged, forged (knock with the left fist on top of the right and vice versa),
Knives, knives (depict how they sharpen knives),
They galloped, galloped (jump in place),
Bunnies, bunnies (show with straight palms on their heads the ears of bunnies, rhythmically bending their palms),
Who will make Mila laugh?
Girls! (only girls repeat)
Boys! (only the boys repeat)

Luntik: Something does not work.(Mila bends down, whispers something in Luntik's ear).

Luntik: It turns out that Mila got scared of the spider Shnyuk in the forest and lost her birthday gifts! Guys, then right now we will go to the magical forest for gifts for the birthday man and his guests. And we'll have fun along the way! Do you agree? Then go to the magical forest! Keep a close eye on Mila. When she sees Shnyuk, she will give us a sign. As soon as you see that Mila closed his eyes with his hands, squat down. I hope no one is afraid? How brave are you! Then go ahead! But in order for you to be at least a little like Mila and me, put on these funny caps!

Luntik: It seems that we have come to our favorite dandelion meadow! At this time, magical dandelions bloom. Mila has already collected a whole bouquet!
Mila happily brings in a bunch of balloons with 1 candy inside. She hurries to bring the dandelions and stumbles. The balloons are falling apart.
Luntik: Mila! You almost ruined everything! These are magic dandelions, sweets ripened in them. Do you remember how great we played dandelion relay? Guys, do you want to play?


Attributes: balloons (inside which lies 1 candy) according to the number of children.

Game progress: Children are divided into 2 teams. At the beginning of the relay, put landmarks, at the end, lay the balls on the floor. On command, you need to run to the balloons, take one, burst it, take 1 candy, return to the team and pass the baton - give the candy. Participants must keep in their hands all the received sweets. Each time, subsequent participants have more and more sweets in their hands. It is important not to lose candy.

Luntik: Yes, you are real masters of fun! But I have a serious question for you. What will we do if, in fact, we meet Shnyuk? (children's answers)

Mila carries 2 pillows.
Luntik: Are you going to sleep?
Mila shakes her head.
Luntik: Why did you bring Granny Capa's pillow?
Mila: We'll give Shnyuk a pillow fight! Shall we practice?


Attributes: 2 pillows, chalk.
Game progress : draw a strip on the floor, 10 centimeters.
Task: knock the enemy off the strip with a pillow. 2 participants participate in fights. The winner is the one who remains last.

Luntik: Perhaps you need to rest a little after such a hot battle. We will arrange a small halt, and I will ask you riddles about something that is very dear to me.
Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer

And there are no seeds. (The sun.)

* * *

What is this ceiling?

He's low, he's high

Now he is gray, then whitish,

It's a little bit blue

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue-blue. (Sky.)

* * *

The shuttle flies over the ball,

Winds coils on a ball. (Satellite.)

* * *

All blue lane

Stuffed with peas. (Stars.)

* * *

Only one in the sky at night

big silver

Hanging orange. (Moon.)

* * *

Two weeks have passed

We didn't eat oranges

But only remained in the sky

Orange slice. (Month.)
Luntik: Who would have thought! You have solved all the riddles! But, since you know everything about me so well, you probably know that I really like to sing. And when someone's birthday comes, we have fun and sing our birthday song. And I think our birthday boy will love it too!

CARAVAY or "Happy Birthday to You")

Luntik: What's a birthday without gifts? Guys, do you give birthday presents? Mila, and we ... (looks around - looking for Mila)
Mila comes running, brings a gift box.
Luntik: Honey! What a great guy you are! Did you bring a birthday present? Can I see?(peeps in and pulls huge panties out of the box) Mila, do you think they will suit him? ( Mila nods) Those are elephant pants!
Mila: How did you forget? This is our favorite birthday game.
Luntik claps his hands and jumps.


Attributes : two huge family shorts, 4 landmarks.
Game progress: divide the children into 2 teams. Put the participants in pairs. The first pair climbs each into its own trouser leg. On command, the couple runs to the landmark and back. Having reached their team, the participants get out of the big shorts and pass them on to the next pair. The team that does it first wins.

At the birthday party, it is supposed to say kind words - congratulations and wishes. This tradition will not be abandoned this time either. Only instead of the usual ritual of the birthday boy, something incredible awaits - starfall!

Attributes: Stars of various shapes made of silver foil, small sheets of self-adhesive paper, pens (according to the number of guests)


On a clear and moonless night, the sky is strewn with stars. How many of them! Some sparkle like diamonds, others, like small pearls, glow faintly. And sometimes you can see how the shining lights are rapidly rushing down to the ground. This is a starfall. Some claim that seeing a shooting star is a bad sign, others, and there are more of them, argue the opposite. You just need to have time to make a wish before the star "fell", and it will come true. Let's listen to the opinion of the majority (people won't talk in vain!) and arrange a man-made starfall. But first, make a wish!(Mila stands on a chair and throws silver stars up - those, spinning, fall to the floor.)And now, when everyone has made a wish for himself, let's arrange a starfall for the birthday boy! To do this, let each guest take a small piece of self-adhesive paper, stick it to one of the stars and write his wish to the newborn.

Since the guests probably came up with their wishes ahead of time, it will take a little time to prepare for the “star rain”. Then they, standing in a circle, in the center of which is the birthday man, unanimously throw their stars up. After that, a newborn who has fallen into the epicenter of the starfall, having collected the fallen stars with his friends, will read them out.

Luntik: And now it's time to give real gifts!

Mila brings a gift, gives it to the birthday boy.

Luntik : It seems to smell very tasty. Well, of course! It's our grandmother Capa who prepared her miracle cake for her birthday! It's time to make a wish and cut the cake! All to the table! (to Mila) And it's time for you and me to return.

Mila and Luntik say goodbye and leave.

The script was developed by:

Neumoina E.N. Kushalina T.M.