
What is sea pearl and how it is formed. Pearls of the southern seas (south sea) Pearls gray river and sea


Pearls are perhaps one of the most famous natural stones. In many cultures, it was valued for its beauty and unusual properties. The Slavs called such a stone "tears of joy." There are sea and river pearls. Each of them has features. Often on the shelves there are pearls cultivated in freshwater reservoirs.

Sometimes there is something foreign in the body of a freshwater mollusk. This is where the pearl is formed. It usually appears in the area of ​​the muscle that closes the valves, or on the upper part of the fold of the body (mantle).

Mother-of-pearl covers the inner wall of the shell. When a foreign particle enters, for example, grains of sand, insect larvae, the nerve endings of the mollusk are irritated. As a response, epithelial tissues divide, a special sac appears - a cyst. Further, the mantle highlights mother-of-pearl, which forms a pearl.

Sometimes a clot of mother-of-pearl appears without a foreign body. It is necessary that the epithelial cells are inside the mantle. This happens, for example, due to injury or pathology.

In fresh waters - lake and river - most stones are obtained from mollusks of the genera Margaritifera and Dahurinaia. First of all, these are pearl oysters: European, Daurian, Kamchatka. Pearls are also found in toothless, barley.

Freshwater pearls mature from three to twelve years. The timing depends on the type, environment, age of the mollusk. The older it is, the smaller the pearls. River mollusks produce small, irregularly shaped minerals.

In the 19th century, a lot of freshwater pearls were mined in the Russian Empire, especially in the north of the country. Now the jewelry workshops get minerals of different origin. They are mined and grown in Russia, China, Germany, Great Britain, USA. Cultivation on farms is practiced.

You can try to find the river pearl on your own. But it will take a lot of time and does not guarantee a positive result. Shells are collected from the bottom. A sign that they contain a precious mineral are violations or tubercles on the valves.

Types of river pearls

There are two types of river stone: natural and cultivated. The first is sought in the habitats of suitable mollusks. On sale, such pearls rarely come across, since it is unprofitable to mine it. Although large natural specimens, if they are of good quality, with brilliance, are the most expensive. For example, in 2008, a single freshwater pearl at Christie's sold for $713,000.

The cultivated product is obtained on special farms. The foreign body is implanted independently in promising species. The implant consists of mother-of-pearl, which speeds up the process, but in nature, pearls usually mature faster. Then the oysters are sent to the reservoir, enclosing them with nets.

The undisputed leader in the cultivation of freshwater pearls is China. The development of the direction here began in the 70s of the last century. Mussels give 15-35 pearls at a time. Just one shell of a mollusk brings 3-4 “harvests”.

Farm-grown pearls tend to be even, with a more regular shape. It is difficult to distinguish them from natural ones. The following types are distinguished by shape: circle, pear, drop, oval, button, baroque.

Mother-of-pearl stones come across more often, less often - green, gray, brownish. There are no blacks. Freshwater pearls have approximately 120 shades. The color depends on the characteristics of the alien particle, the composition of the water, the type of mollusk.

Stones come in the following sizes:

  1. Pearl dust. Diameter - up to 3 mm. Often it is used to decorate expensive clothes.
  2. Beads - stone up to 3-5 mm. Such specimens can be grown on farms in 1.5-2 years. They make jewelry.
  3. Varietal freshwater pearls are the most expensive. It's harder to grow. Size - 5-10 mm in diameter. Better for jewelry.

Some species are sometimes confused with sea pearls. When grown on modern farms, their sizes have become comparable. Often similar colors and other signs. Differences of sea pearls:

  • more round and smooth surface;
  • brightness, river - more dull;
  • a wide palette of colors - from white to black;
  • the mother-of-pearl layer is thinner.

sea ​​pearl

Natural black or bright pink river pearls are not found.

Healing and magical properties

The stone is used in medicine. Calcium carbonate in its composition normalizes the acidity of the stomach. Pearls are also used:

  • to strengthen the nervous system;
  • with hypertension;
  • for the improvement of the kidneys, liver;
  • with eye diseases.

Different peoples attributed magical properties to pearls. The Europeans expected longevity from him, the Chinese - prosperity, the Arabs - protection from the evil eye.

Pearls do not always help a person. Jewelry with them suppress the flight of thought of travelers, actors, writers. The mineral plunges into the world of dreams, sometimes gloomy. Able to break a psychologically weakened person. Lonely brings melancholy. It is undesirable for children to wear products with mother-of-pearl beads.

Param brings fidelity, peace and mutual understanding. Resists betrayal and unkind thoughts. In this case, the jewel fades.

How to distinguish genuine from fake

On sale come across products made of fake pearls. In addition, now there are technologies for growing beads without a mollusk. It is important to remember the differences:

  1. Natural stones should be cool to the touch.
  2. If you throw real pearls on the table, they easily bounce off the surface.
  3. You can lightly rub two stones together until a powder appears. Scratches on natural pearls disappear when you run your finger over them. For a fake, mother-of-pearl may be erased, behind which there will be another material.
  4. Gems are heavier.
  5. Fake ones are often cheaper.
  6. Fakes have traces of paint around the edges. They look unnatural: the shine of the stone is too bright, the shape is spherical, too regular.
  7. Natural pearls differ from each other, artificial ones can be the same in shape, color.

Stone selection

Even good freshwater pearls have flaws: spots, dents, bumps. Quality is determined by the main characteristics: size, origin, shape, brightness, and others. Expensive copies are examined. The standards are developed by the Americans. The evaluation is based on 6-7 parameters. So, round ones are less common, so they are more expensive. River pearls are valued less than sea pearls.

When choosing jewelry, it is important to know:

  1. Jewelry is considered more beautiful and of high quality, where the size of the beads gradually increases or decreases.
  2. Pairing, geometry of details, general impression are important.
  3. River pearls in jewelry sometimes come in different colors or are combined with other gems.
  4. Sets of beads, earrings, rings are popular.
  5. Flaws are better visible on a dark background with strong but diffused lighting.

Freshwater pearl jewelry is beautiful and usually inexpensive. They can be worn for a long time without loss of quality and can be inherited.

There are many ways to classify pearls, but did you know that where they are grown can have a big impact on their quality and price?

Let's see how saltwater pearls differ from those grown in fresh water.

Freshwater pearls are grown by mussels living in rivers and lakes.
Today, most of these pearls are formed in the fresh waters of China.

Sea pearls, on the other hand, are created by oysters in the oceans and come from places like Thailand, Australia, Indonesia, and Tahiti, among others.

Akoya is grown in Japan, as well as China and Vietnam, and is one of the most popular and high quality saltwater pearls valued for its excellent brilliance and nearly perfect round shape.

How are pearls created?

Most pearls are not grown naturally.

This means that a small piece of cloth or bead was placed inside the clam, which coated it with mother-of-pearl, the material that pearls are actually made of.

A pearl created in this way is also called a "cultured" pearl, and the longer the growing season for it, the better the mother-of-pearl is formed in terms of quality.

However, material that is grown for a longer time is also more expensive.

Contrary to what some people think, most sea pearls are not natural, but cultured.

Natural specimens are very rare, which is why they are inaccessible to most people. The same applies to freshwater pearls - they are also predominantly cultured.

What is the difference between freshwater and sea pearls?


Because the mother-of-pearl of freshwater pearls is thicker and different in composition from saltwater pearls, they are less lustrous and not as glossy.

However, in recent years there have been improvements in agricultural practices, and there are now freshwater pearls with a luster comparable to that of the sea.


Sea pearls have a thinner mother-of-pearl coating, ranging from 0.5 mm to 6 mm.

Freshwater, on the other hand, is composed almost entirely of mother-of-pearl.

The reason for this difference is that the main part (that around which the mother-of-pearl is formed) placed in river mollusks is much smaller than in marine ones.

Shape and color

Freshwater cultured pearls come in a greater variety of shapes (round, oval, etc.) and colors.

Marines are usually only round, which is the most sought after shape.


Previously, freshwater pearls were grown over shorter periods of time (less than 2 years), and as a result, they were smaller in size and had worse shape and nacreous finish.

In recent years, however, many producers have begun to grow them for longer periods (three to six years), and the resulting material has become larger (8-15 mm) and of a quality comparable to that of the sea.


Freshwater pearls are cheaper for several reasons.

First, river mussels are larger and can thus produce more material at a time than sea oysters. As a result, they are grown in abundance.

It is also worth noting that the marine grade is mainly round in shape and has better luster, characteristics that are more appreciated.

Purchase: river pearls compared to sea pearls.

Since the mother-of-pearl layer of river pearls is thicker, they are more durable than sea pearls, which are more vulnerable to wear and tear and are also more prone to chipping.

Marines, on the other hand, are shinier and more round in shape.

As you can see, when choosing between these two varieties, you need to weigh looks against durability and decide which trade-off to make.

And finally, if you can find river specimens that have been grown using modern methods, you will find that their brilliance and shape often match those of the sea, but at a more reasonable price.

How to distinguish a fake?

There are fake pearls that can be easily distinguished from real ones, while others are more difficult to recognize. Here are some tips to help you figure out if you're dealing with genuine ones.

Dental test.

If you rub a real pearl on your teeth, its surface should be rough. If the surface is too smooth, then it is usually fake. However, this method is far from scientific and is not the most accurate.

Real pearls are rough.

If you look at a natural pearl through a magnifying glass, you can clearly see that its surface is uneven and slightly rough.

You will also be able to see how uniform or smoother the surface of the fake is.

Real pearls have an imperfect color.

Examine the pearl closely in a well-lit environment.

If it is genuine, the color will be uneven and you will be able to see the transition to different tones. A fake will not show the same effect - its color will not vary.

Holes in real pearls should be small and even.

Real pearls tend to have smaller holes than fake ones. Since great care is taken to preserve the integrity of the pearl, the holes are drilled as small as possible.

Another clue is that the top layer of fakes tends to peel off easily and the holes will appear jagged. This effect is not observed in real pearls.

The shape of real pearls is uneven.

Natural pearls are not perfectly shaped because the natural process that creates them is not as precise as a machine.

Genuine pearls will also have bumps on their surface.

Fakes, on the other hand, are spherical in shape, which looks too perfect, as if the pearl was made.

Warmth test.

Real pearls usually take longer to heat up when supported by the hand than fake ones. If the pearl is relatively warm to the touch, this may be a clue that it is not real.

However, this test is far from perfect and highly dependent on the material the fake is made of. Also, you will need a real gem to compare.

A real pearl often weighs more than a fake one. Genuine pearls tend to be heavier than fakes, which are most often made of plastic or other lightweight material.

However, this rule is not necessarily true in all cases, so use the weight as just another hint, not a definitive proof.

The Slavs gave pearls the name of "tears of joy", rolling down from lily petals into open shells; the Chinese said that the pearl is the petrified light of the moon, and in Greece they believed that river pearls are the stone of mermaids. Pearl jewelry, as the embodiment of elegance and perfection, has been valuable at all times, but it can also be used to improve health and restore the psyche, attract good luck and change destinies.

History and origin of pearls

Pearls are a stone of organic origin, not related to minerals, and therefore subject to aging, tarnishing, decomposition under the influence of excessive humidity or dryness of the atmosphere, chemistry. In fact, pearls are deposits of river or sea mollusks. The grains of sand that accidentally leaked into the ajar shell are enveloped by the mollusk in mother-of-pearl layers for decades, turning into stones of amazing beauty.

The stone is sea and river, natural and cultivated. The difference between natural river pearls is its wide color variety, relative fuzziness of shape, higher strength. If pearls are cultivated, then the irritant is specially placed inside the shell, and then the mollusk is forced to neutralize the foreign element, creating mother-of-pearl layers.

In ancient Rome, large pearls of perfectly rounded shape were called "unio", which means "unique". Another name for pearls is margarita. In Russia, pearls were called "rolling", that is, having the ability to roll. Unique in properties and origin, river pearls are beautiful in their naturalness and do not require jewelry processing. In ancient times, they decorated clothes, attached to armor, created an interior, dressed up the gods, and now pearl jewelry will add freshness and sophistication to any costume and emphasize not only the appearance, but also the status of its owner.

Until the 19th century, pearls were valued above any stones, and at a time when the diamond was not known, pearls were the standard without analogues. At different times, attitudes towards pearls have changed. During the Renaissance, any pearl accessory looked appropriate on a man's suit, but it is unacceptable for the world of modern men to adorn themselves with even a single pearl.

Pearl grade

To determine the true value of the stone, a complex examination is carried out. In Russia, there is no system for evaluating pearls, while in the USA they are evaluated on the basis of a system created by the Gemological Institute. Varieties of decoration are evaluated according to 6-7 parameters. With an increase in the diameter of the beads by 2-4 mm, the cost of a string of pearls almost doubles. Marine specimens are more expensive than river pearls, and the photo can clearly demonstrate the main cost differences. The size of the pearl depends on its age, and the color depends on the characteristics of the "core", the aquatic environment, and the type of mollusk.

Characteristics of pearls:

  • magnitude;
  • surface smoothness;
  • shape, sphericity;
  • brightness and radiance;
  • origin.

Pearl selection

Freshwater pearls are not without defects: dents, bumps, spots, which are classified in commerce. Diffused bright illumination and a dark background will become auxiliary conditions for detecting heterogeneities or marriage of stones.

Irregular-shaped pearls are more common than spherical ones. It is easy to identify this visually or with the help of a test: roll the bead: if the trajectory goes to the side, the shape is not spherical. Forms in the form of rice or corn grains, drops, hemispheres, baroque (without a specific form) are common.

The thickness of the mother-of-pearl layer will indicate the peculiarities of growing a pearl: environmental conditions, water quality, time.

Freshwater pearls have about 120 shades, many of which are fuzzy and diluted.

Of no small importance is the combination of pearls in the product: the arrangement with a gradual decrease and increase in the diameter of the beads, pairing, as for the earrings, the centering of the drilled holes and the general impression of the selection of stones in the jewelry.


As the experience of using river pearls in medicine has shown, the properties of the stone lie in the effective treatment of the digestive system. The calcium carbonate present in its structure is completely dissolved in the digestive environment, neutralizing the acidity of gastric juice. Today, the constituents of the stone are used in modern medicine to treat heartburn. But there are other diseases subject to pearls.

Pearls are also used for:

  • memory recovery;
  • improving the activity of the central nervous system;
  • strengthening the mental system;
  • improvement of the liver;
  • improving kidney function;
  • treatment of hypertension;
  • treatment of eye infections;
  • cleansing the body.

magical properties

Finding pearls is considered a sign of the true location of fate: the owner of this treasure will receive wealth, joy, reciprocity in love, and will be endowed with wisdom.

It has long been believed that sea, like river pearls, contributes to the accumulation of material wealth, restores health, heals ailments, and gives a surge of strength. And do not be surprised at the longevity of the ancestors who wore it.

According to Europeans, pearls, extracted from river water, like the sea, endows its owner with longevity, and contemplation of the play of a stone heals the nervous system and turns anxiety of the soul into peace.

The organic nature of the stone is a prerequisite for a special susceptibility to the human body. Unrequited love, the coming illness will be reflected in the pearl, changing its color. If the owner of the stone notices darkening on it, if its shine has disappeared, this means that evil thoughts have settled in the soul of a person. And when the pearl crumbles into powder, then this is a sign of a broken promise to God, according to Israeli traditions. Pearl, as the patron of unconditional love, does not tolerate hypocrisy, so those who have committed treason, he is not able to bring success.

Arabs wear pearl jewelry to ward off the evil eye; in China, newlyweds are given a pearl each as a sign of a wish for prosperity and the conception of children; in India, pearl products are presented to loved ones as special gifts.

In order for the magical properties of stones to manifest themselves, it is recommended to wear them in large quantities, not one or two, but several pearls, a necklace. You need to put on pearls last, if there are jewelry besides it, and take them off first.

Who is the stone suitable for?

Pearl is considered a female stone, it will make their character meek, help in housekeeping and give happiness, while he encourages men to display unjustified gentleness and weak will.

River pearls are ideal for Gemini and all signs of the water element, bringing a bit of stability and prudence into their lives.

Taurus will feel invisible support during depression, his attempts to find the culprit in a hopeless situation will disappear; for Libra, the presence of a stone will mean the pacification of vanity and the acquisition of new friends, for women - marriage; Sagittarius pearl promises a balance of energy; Aquarius will forget about conflicts, wearing pearl jewelry will strengthen their relationship; Capricorns will be able to feel peace.

If the signs of the fire element use black pearls, then the activity and impatience characteristic of them will be transformed into awareness and calmness. Black pearls, whose properties are to give peace at the same time as inspiring sadness, are recommended for Aries, Lions, Scorpios.

Pearl is a stone of special abilities. For subtly perceiving people, pearls will become an assistant in the vision of prophetic dreams, the manifestation of clairvoyant abilities.

For those who often change their place of residence, for people of creativity, for young children, pearls are an undesirable decoration. It is undesirable for actors, writers to wear a stone: this will not help them in manifesting their extraordinary abilities.

Once upon a time, the magical properties of pearls were known only to initiates - healers, but today everyone can know about them.

How to clean pearls

Being on the skin for a long time, the stone is covered with dead cells, layers of fat, due to which cracks may appear on the mother-of-pearl shell. Therefore, it must be cleaned periodically (such gentle products as baby shampoo and soap will do) and be treated with care.

If this jewelry made of freshwater pearls is beads, complex interweaving of threads, moisture should not be allowed to penetrate into the thread. It is enough to gently wipe the stones with a napkin soaked in soapy foam. The thread should be changed every two years so that dirt does not penetrate from it into the product.

Dry cleaning:

  • polishing with crushed cork material;
  • polishing with starch and a piece of soft cloth;
  • cleaning with fine-grained salt: place stones and salt in a bundle of cloth and rinse in warm filtered water until the salt dissolves, and then dry the stones in the sun and rub with ether;
  • dissolved vinyl acetate and olive oil are also suitable pearl cleaning compounds: these substances will fill small holes in the surface of the stone;
  • storage in the ground can also refresh the stone.

After using pearls, you need to wipe it with a microfiber cloth, and then it will not require enhanced cleaning.

Hello! Let's talk about sea pearls. Why it is valued above the river, how and where it is formed, what distinguishing features it has. You will learn not only about how much sea pearls cost in jewelry, but also about the risks associated with buying jewelry at a reduced price. Read all the most interesting and protect yourself from fakes!

The structure of a pearl in nature

The structure of a sea and freshwater pearl, in the creation of which no person took part, is in principle identical. This is due to a similar chronology of events in the process of formation of an organic pebble. In nature, everything happens according to the following scheme: a mollusk at the bottom of the sea, ocean or reservoir opens the shell flaps, launching a foreign body inside. What exactly will it be? Depends on the size of the mollusk and the general set of circumstances. Most often enter the body:

  • grains of sand;
  • small fish and larvae;
  • fragments of shells;
  • air bubbles, etc.

Any third-party object inside the mollusk brings him discomfort, can cause illness and even death. Trying to avoid a sad fate, the body covers the body with ectoderm - the outer film of the mantle, isolating it into a separate "pouch".

The final appearance of the pearl and the price depend on the place where the bag is attached. The “free” “pea” formed in the center of the shell is estimated above. Pearls near the walls of the shell are called blisters. They are irregularly shaped and are sold cheaper.

In one shell of a sea mollusk, usually no more than 1-2 mother-of-pearl "peas" are found. However, there have been exceptions to the rule in history. One of them is 9 pearls at once, fused in the shape of a cross. This is a special case, even a photo of a unique find is impressive.

As for the structure of the pearl itself, everything is simple here. Each sphere is a mother-of-pearl (German word, translated as "mother of pearls"). Layers of colorless aragonite secreted by the cells of the mantle and colored conchin superimposed on one another alternate. The color of the latter directly depends not only on the type of mollusk, but also on the chemical composition of the water. This structure is the main reason for the appearance of a special silky radiance with an iridescent brilliance characteristic of a pearl.

In nature, sea pearls are found in a variety of colors. It can be mother-of-pearl "pears", "spheres", "drops" of shades:

  • pink;
  • white;
  • blue
  • gray
  • green;
  • black, etc.

Dark pearls are the most saturated in color and have an unusual metallic luster. A genuine sea pearl shimmers in the sun, plays with its rays and sparkles. Sizes vary depending on the type.

There are pearls "varietal", "beaded", "pearl dust".

Choosing jewelry with pearls is pleasant and at the same time difficult. Even after you study all the signs of sea pearls, at the time of purchase you can make a mistake and buy a high-quality fake. And we are not talking about cultured sea pearls, it is just wrong to consider it a fake. But the river one is also natural, but grown far from the Indian Ocean, as the seller promises, and therefore cheaper instead of the sea one, even an experienced user can accidentally buy it.
In order not to be mistaken, read about the main differences between freshwater and sea pearls, starting from the process of their cultivation.

Freshwater: differences from that extracted from the sea

An important difference between freshwater molluscs and marine mollusks is the ability to “bear” up to 30 implants at the same time. The timing of gestation also varies. In the shell of a river organism, the process of creating a mother-of-pearl miracle takes less time.

In addition, there are no dangerous storms in rivers and reservoirs that can cause damage to grafted mollusks with changes in currents. All this affects the final cost of the material. To grow high-quality sea pearls, you need to spend more time, effort and money, respectively, and the result is estimated ten times more expensive.

It is impossible to grow river pearls perfectly even and round. It's all about the "non-nuclear" method used in the process of creating "peas". A particle of the mantle of a donor organism, initially imperfect in shape, is implanted into the shell of a mollusk.

Finished pearls are sorted out, specimens of the most correct rounded shape are selected, and artificially corrected. Beads, bracelets, rings are made from rounded ones.

Irregular formations are not disposed of, but transferred to a group of commercial material. Usually these are pearls of the form:

  • potatoes;
  • baroque;
  • drops;
  • buttons;
  • rice, etc.

Some of them are used to create designer jewelry, additionally "customizing" to the desired shape. The rest are sent "for revision", having previously wrapped a new layer of the donor mantle. Pearls with faulty defects are crushed and used in medicine and cosmetology.

Seafood: pearls and the principle of education

Even if visually a freshwater pearl pea does not differ from a sea pea, the second one will cost more. It's all about filling. Inside the sea pearl there is a solid core, in the freshwater one there is only mother of pearl (the embedded particle of the mantle dissolves over time). It is the core of sea pearls that in most cases guarantees an ideal spherical shape. The ball itself can be from:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • mother-of-pearl clam;
  • plastics, etc.

Another thing is important, the presence of the core lays down certain parameters of the pearl. Meanwhile, the thickness of the mother-of-pearl on the ball varies and this affects its cost. The thinner the layer, the less the mother-of-pearl “pea” will last without losing visual perfection.
In order to somehow hide the flaw in relation to the layer, manufacturers use only white balls. It is enough to look at the pearl in the light to see how the rays pass through it through and through.

Naturally, such sea pearls, despite the authenticity, can be bought inexpensively. But you should not expect that earrings with sea pearls or beads for many years of service. The coating will peel off after a few years. Meanwhile, the shape and surface, even in such a budget option, is always at the highest level.

Higher quality and more durable saltwater pearls take time. There are also growths on their surface, but they do not change shape. Formations, as an independent body, choose a direction without changing the outlines of the sphere. Ready-made pearls in this category are not sold as expensive as perfectly round ones, but they are also in demand.

If your goal is a product made of sea pearls, pay attention to the shape. Even from the photo it is noticeable that any rounded, barrel-shaped and elongated shape is a freshwater pearl and nothing else.

For example, let's compare a freshwater pearl necklace with a freshwater pearl necklace. The first, with an average price of $ 100, can have a diameter of 7 mm, peas of the correct shape, as close as possible to a sphere. For the same money, akoya sea pearl jewelry will have defects in the form of growths and the thinnest layer of mother-of-pearl. It turns out that freshwater pearls are more profitable in terms of price-quality ratio.

What do you think, is it worth paying more for a marine mother-of-pearl pearl, or is it better to choose jewelry with high-quality freshwater pearls and save money? Discuss this with your friends, share the article on social networks!

Team LyubiKamni

South Sea pearls are cultivated in the waters of Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Myanmar (Burma), Japan and Thailand.

The oyster that gives birth to this type of pearl is called Pinctada Maxima, often has golden edges, for which it is called "gold-lipped".

No other type of pearl reaches the size of a South Sea pearl. As a rule, the diameter of pearls varies in the range from 10 to 18 mm, less often up to 20 mm, and some collectible specimens, mainly in the Baroque form, can reach 25-30 mm or more.

South Sea pearls are the most expensive of all cultured pearls in existence, due to their size and color, which can be white, white-pink, silver, cream, golden hues or rich golden color.

This variety of colors depends on the type of mollusc Pinctada Maxima. Oysters with silver lips (edges) produce pearls of white, silver and bluish overtones, while oysters with golden lips (edges) produce pearls of cream, vanilla and champagne tones.

The history of South Sea pearls begins over a thousand years ago, when the aborigines began to use shells and the pearls found in them not only to adorn their tribal outfits, but also as a currency to exchange for food and tools. With the advent of European explorers in the 16th and 17th century, South Sea pearls became a precious global commodity.

In 1845, French explorers returned to Europe with the pearls of the South Sea (South Sea), larger in size than anything seen before. The Empress of France, the wife of Napoleon, often wore this pearl, rare in beauty and size, thereby giving rise to a new fashion. In 1900, gold jewelry with South Sea pearls (South Sea) became a highlight at the World Exhibition in Paris.

By the 1930s, strict regulations were in place to protect the nascent South Sea pearl farming industry until the 1950s, when pearl farms began to produce consistent quality crops.

Over the past 4-5 years, South Sea pearls of rich gold color have been in steady demand from the Chinese jewelry market, which has led to an increase in its value by 2.5-3 times compared to white South Sea pearls (South Sea). Therefore, customers who want to buy South Sea pearls of golden color are often content with dyed analogues or imitations.