
What is tourmaline and what are the most valuable properties of a unique electric stone. Tourmaline: stone properties and effects on the human body Purple tourmaline


The fairy tale "Silver Hoof" by Pavel Bazhov is known to everyone. The goat from it hit the ground with a silver hoof, leaving behind a scattering of gems. Tourmaline is considered such a magical gem.

Tourmalines are divided into technical (used in acoustic electronics, radio engineering, optics), precious and ornamental. Precious minerals are distinguished by the depth and purity of color, high transparency, and beauty of color. The color of the stone can be from black to almost transparent (achroite). Hue is determined by the content of chromium, iron, magnesium and other chemical elements in the crystal. Stones of mixed shades are common - raspberry-yellow, pink-green, neon-green and neon-blue, multi-colored, which radiate warmth and fascinate with the beauty of color overflows.


Tourmaline, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is a subgroup of minerals that belong to the group of boron-containing aluminosilicates. Its name is translated from the Sinhala language as a magical multi-colored stone. The ancients described its interesting ability to attract dust to itself, which demonstrates that its piezoelectric properties have long been of interest to humans. The rest are schorl, raspberry schorl, achroite, verdelite, siberite, rubellite, paraboite, indicolite, dravite.

The chemical composition of tourmaline

  • Silicon oxide, aluminum, oxides of boron and magnesium, sodium and potassium, iron, silicates.
  • Boron silicate of aluminum, iron and magnesium.

Crystalline substance, the shape of the crystal is a trihedral convex prism.

Some stones have several zones, which are painted in different colors; such crystals are called "polychromic".

Some varieties of the mineral, depending on the transparency and color, are classified as precious, the second - as ornamental. Tourmaline can be found in nature (photo can be seen in this article) of crimson and green colors, sometimes blue and yellow. The transparent varieties of crimson red, blue and green are most valued. In addition, there are polychrome species - several different colors are present at the same time, for example, green-red stones.

The mineral is mostly homogeneous, the chemical and physical characteristics for its total mass are the same. It occurs naturally in igneous rocks.

Varieties by chemical composition

  • Dravite - the absence of any predominance.
  • Tsilaizite - the predominance of such active metals as aluminum, sodium and potassium.
  • Elbaite is a magnesium structure.
  • Schorl (black) - the predominance of iron.

Jewelry types of tourmaline

  • Sibirite is a rich red color.
  • Rubellite is red or pink in color.
  • Indicolite - blue, blue color.
  • Achroite is colorless.
  • Verdelite is green.

The composition of different types of minerals includes calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium, lithium, vanadium, chromium and sodium.

At the present moment, a technology has been developed for obtaining minerals by an artificial method, although the value of tourmaline has not changed. The technology is very expensive. It is based on the bombardment of silicon billet atoms with charged sodium, boron, aluminum and potassium ions at high temperature and pressure.

Place of Birth

Tourmaline, the medicinal properties of which will be described in detail below, is found in pegmatites (elbaite, dravite and schorl), granites (schorl), in metamorphic rocks: gneisses and crystalline schists (scherl), as well as crystalline limestones, skarns and greisens. Excellent specimens are known in Russia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Madagascar, Canada, and the USA. Colored varieties that are mined in Brazil are called "Brazilian sapphire", "Brazilian ruby" and "Brazilian emerald".


For crystals of the mineral, the manifestation of piezo- and pyroelectricity is characteristic (during friction, heating, pressure, they are electrified, and one end is charged positively, and the other negatively). Tourmaline stone, whose healing properties are described below, is also used in radio engineering. Its piezoelectric properties are used in medical devices to produce negative ions.

Tourmaline, the contraindications and medicinal properties of which are described in detail in this article, by its definition is a gem, a stone used in medical devices and microelectronics, in jewelry, and also in magic.

Tourmaline Processing

  • Stone engraving.
  • Jewelry cut.
  • Cabochons.

Medicinal properties

The crystalline magmatic nature of birth, electromagnetic properties made it possible to use such a mineral as tourmaline in medicine. so great that it has been successfully used for many years for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

The Japanese at the end of the twentieth century carried out research work and proved to the whole world the same thing that, in fact, was previously known from sorcerers, shamans and traditional healers. The results of their work suggest that fine and fine grinding of a mineral does not destroy its electromagnetic properties, but rather, on the contrary, leads to a more active release of energy. The enterprising Japanese were able to create a special fiber, which includes natural binding fibers and crushed tourmaline crystals. This fiber was first used by Japanese researchers for medicinal purposes.

Tourmaline is widely used in medicine today. The stone has contraindications, but we will talk about them later. Now I would like to say that a method for obtaining a “liquid” mineral has become known. It is based on the binding of tourmaline fine powder with natural fibers. The result is tourmaline fiber, which has unique and sustainable properties to heal the human body. Due to the discovery of the Japanese, tourmaline in medicine was able to receive a new stage of application in preventive and wellness procedures.

Healing stone resource

Various studies have shown that among the many natural minerals, only tourmaline has a diverse and powerful electric field in terms of its effect on the human body. There is no need to create any additional conditions for this. After exposure to light, the mineral absorbs energy, and an electric charge arises on its surface. This is confirmed by dust particles that begin to be attracted to it under the influence of solar natural heat.

It has already been mentioned above how tourmaline is widely used in medicine, contraindications to its use will be described below. Since the stone emits electrical micron currents, negative ions, infrared rays, it improves human health and also cleanses the environment. The microcurrents of the stone can balance the biocurrents of the organism of its owner. The remnants of unspent energy, an extra charge of the mineral are washed off with ordinary running water.

  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • expansion of capillaries;
  • activation of the cellular structure and metabolism;
  • increasing the body's resistance;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • pressure normalization;
  • stabilization of the activity of the nervous system.

The negative ions of the stone can also provide invaluable assistance to a person if he needs:

  • stimulate metabolism;
  • improve indoor air composition;
  • increase the vitality of cells;
  • relieve symptoms of fatigue;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • normalize appetite.

The healing stone tourmaline can create protection against the effects of geopathic zones, protect a person from electromagnetic radiation. Thanks to this, modern doctors actively use the healing and magical properties of the mineral, and modern healers and magicians resort to its help as a symbol of hope, love, a talisman of all creative people.

magical properties

Black tourmaline, whose healing properties are known to many people today, has been used by witches for witchcraft since ancient times. Green stones opened up new talents in a person and awakened creative abilities. He helps those who were born under the sign of Capricorn, Leo, Sagittarius. The mineral develops talents in them, helps to avoid alcohol and drug addiction, and also reconciles them with reality.

There are scientists who believe that wearing tourmaline for a long time can harm the human psyche, as well as cause obsessions, while completely distorting the sense of reality. This stone is considered the talisman of witches, as well as creative people. Amulets help their owners to concentrate and also increase their mental abilities. A red tourmaline in the form of an amulet gives you the opportunity to find hope and protect yourself from fears.

Varieties of the mineral are precious and it depends on their transparency and color. In nature, there are crimson and green gems, as well as blue and yellow. Of great value are the transparent types of green and blue tourmaline. Today, technologies have already been developed with the help of which this stone can be obtained artificially.

Amulets and talismans

Tourmaline, reviews of which can be read in the article below, is the talisman of artists, writers, poets, musicians, witches and magicians. For example, black tourmaline is the talisman of witches, and the talisman of artists is red. The talisman helps its owner to awaken creative forces, and also feeds him with energy.

Such an amulet helps its owner to concentrate on the main thing, significantly increases his intellectual abilities. An amulet of color helps a person find hope, in addition, protect him from unjustified anxiety and fears.

Tourmaline Care

It is strictly forbidden to soak tourmaline products in water for a long time. Do not use soap, bleach or detergent when washing. Cleaning (washing) in running water at its temperature up to 40˚С is recommended. This cleaning method will not adversely affect the effectiveness of tourmaline products.

Tourmaline in medicine: contraindications

Tourmaline stone in medicine and jewelry has been used very actively for many years. The largest ruby, which was encrusted in the crown of the dynasty of the kings of the Czech Republic, turned out to be red tourmaline during examination. In addition, the world-famous "Grape Bunch", which was presented to Catherine II by the Swedish king, was also created from red tourmaline.

Its best representative is the "Jolly Green Giant", stored in the Museum of Natural History of the City of New York.

Tourmaline Reviews

A lot of people, using products with tourmaline, leave reviews about them. So, many people like its amazing effect on the human body, the stunning appearance of the stone, as well as the ability to improve the composition of the air in the apartment. Among the negative opinions there are those that the mineral has contraindications, and, accordingly, not every person will be able to improve their health with its help.

Tourmaline is an expensive mineral, of various shapes and colors, which actually attracts the special attention of buyers and jewelers. The stone was brought from Ceylon to Holland, where it gained the first wave of popularity among admirers of various gemstone jewelry.

The color of the mineral depends entirely on the existing chemical composition, which component prevails, that shade stands out. A stone that has several branched veins and combines several shades is rightly called polychrome, these are much more expensive, due to their rarity.

It is from the color scheme and the degree of transparency that it depends to which stones tourmaline will be assigned. Some of them are jewelry and expensive, others are ornamental. The hardness of the stone reaches 7 - 7.5 on the Mohs scale. It is this property that will not allow you to easily scratch tourmaline.

Colors and varieties of the mineral

If you translate the word tourmaline, you get "multi-colored". And indeed it is. The color range of the stone covers literally all possible spectra. They come in both single color and polychrome. Due to the uniqueness of the mineral and the complex chemical composition, it is possible to achieve such unusual colors.

For its eccentricity and variety of colors, tourmaline is so in demand among eminent jewelers of all countries. Among other things, the colors of the mineral are endowed with various properties and their own individual energy. This is one of those stones that is difficult to predict, and sometimes impossible.

Paraiba tourmaline is one of the most colorful and playful varieties of stone. Its shades can be both emerald and blue. The mineral belonging to this variety is the most expensive, as it is rare. The name comes from the place of extraction of tourmaline, namely in the state of Paraiba in Brazil. For its exclusive color, this tourmaline is a treasured treasure among many collectors.

rubellite) is one of the most delicate stones that will attract your attention with its tenderness and mystery. Its hues range from a pale shade of pink to a deep mineral red. As a rule, this color of tourmaline is perfect for women who need peace in life and find peace within themselves. The mineral is a symbol and embodiment of the feminine. If you had to go through a difficult segment of your life path, on which there were troubles and many troubles, turn your attention to this particular stone. Also, it is recommended to wear unbalanced people.

Schorl or black tourmaline. An unusual variety of a mineral that causes a lot of controversy. Some consider it a good and strong protection against negativity and bad energy, while others, on the contrary, are confident that it will contribute to harming others. But, one thing is clear for sure, the black mineral has a strong aura that will surround the owner of the jewelry.

The size of this variety of tourmaline can reach several tens of centimeters, which allows them to be classified as large stones. Very part of black tourmaline is combined with quartz or with mica crystals, thereby obtaining an extraordinary beauty of the composition. Schorl is most popular in the black wand interpretation. Such a gem does not carry jewelry value, most likely, a decorative variety. Beads and other jewelry are made from schorl.

Among all the unusual stones, watermelon tourmaline has a special beauty. The polychrome gem managed to combine several opposite colors. In the middle is a tourmaline of red (pink) color, which is framed by a green border. It was this composition that made it possible to endow the stone with a name similar to watermelon. Since ancient times, such a stone has been considered truly masculine, since it is not only strong in its energy and creates an appropriate aura, but also has a beneficial effect on potency.

Green tourmaline is also called the Brazilian emerald. Such a comparison takes place due to the similarity of colors. This shade is the most widespread, but if you extract it in different areas and conduct a comparative analysis, you can find a lot of interesting things. Even with the naked eye, you can see the difference in shades of green, which in its own way fascinates and enchants. The mineral will help to find the optimal solution and get out of any most difficult situation, filling the owner with the strength of faith and confidence.

Burmese tourmaline differs from the existing ones in its shape and versatility. Various reflections of garnet and dark red color could be found in it. If you look at the mineral for a long time, you may get the impression that it was intentionally scratched from the inside, but on the outside it is perfectly smooth. Its shapes also allow imagination and creative application ideas. Many are of the opinion that the Burmese mineral is similar to a frozen drop of blood. From such tourmaline, pendants are mainly made.

The healing properties of the stone

The mineral improves the general condition of the nervous and endocrine systems. Also, this stone is considered to be an effective healer for oncological diseases. Tourmaline normalizes sleep and gives peace to the wearer.

The color of the stone plays a very important role, since it is this factor that is decisive and affects certain areas and organs of the human body. So the green gem will have a beneficial effect in case of kidney disease, liver, impaired blood circulation and support the immunity of the whole organism. Among other varieties, it is green tourmaline that is considered an effective anti-aging agent that can stop the passage of time.

The blue stone restores hormonal disruptions and supports the immune system, has a positive effect on the lymph nodes.

If you want to create an invisible aura of extraordinary power around you, use black tourmaline, which can work wonders. No negativity and evil tongues can overcome such a persistent barrier. In addition, it is a black stone that helps to extract bad energy from a person, endowing it with positive features.

In India, some of the best lithotherapists advise using black, pink, blue and green gems in the treatment of any ailment.

The magical properties of tourmaline

Due to its diversity and multicolor, tourmaline is especially popular among esotericists. Among other things, the gem has a powerful energy flow of information and mysticism.

A feature of the mineral is an equal impact, both on the mind and on the state of the body of a person who has chosen tourmaline as his talisman. This gem can in a matter of time add self-confidence to the owner and feel protected from bad events.

People who for a long time could not find their place in life and did not know how best to show their creativity will finally find the right solution to the problem. The stone will contribute to the disclosure, as well as the active development of talents of this kind. At the same time, a person will be in a constant high spirits, which will be the key to many locked doors.

The stone is widely used during the process of meditation and helps to focus on certain things and events.

Repeatedly there are records that tourmaline has long been used during rituals to fight evil spirits that filled the human bodies of the inhabitants. Since then, the mineral has been used in churches and decorations for priests. Believing that tourmaline will protect from all the flow of negative energy absorbed during the day and repel it. Also, it is believed that tourmaline will help to recognize the confessor's lies and expel demonic forces from him.

The stone symbolizes determination and the ability to go to your goal. Among other things, tourmaline acts as a symbol of love and passion.

Who suits the zodiac sign

Many astrologers are of the opinion that depending on the color of tourmaline, its relationship with the signs of the zodiac changes dramatically. The stone will bring Libra the most benefits and benefits. The main character trait of this zodiac sign is uncertainty and constant wandering in ghostly dreams. However, having chosen a stone, tourmaline as their talismans, representatives of Libra will be able to balance their abilities and begin to look at the world with real eyes, clearly aware of what is happening.

If you look, in general, the gem will be an excellent guide to life for the following zodiac signs: Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces and Gemini. Be that as it may, this mineral is suitable for strong personalities with a strong life position and the ability to show rigidity of character.

It is very important that the chosen tourmaline suits its color not only according to the sign of the zodiac, but also according to the type of activity and character traits. The red stone will give a lot of ideas for creativity and help you find inspiration for your work. It also symbolizes harmony between lovers and builds relationships during conflicts.

Green color will give the owner peace and tranquility. It, like red, is able to unleash creativity, but it is recommended for calmer people or those who lack self-control over themselves, sometimes showing excessive aggressiveness. To gain a sense of inner peace, as well as harmony, blue tourmaline contributes well.

For people who have had time to be disappointed in love relationships and have not had illusions about starting a family for a long time, astrologers advise wearing jewelry with a watermelon stone. With regards to black tourmaline, it is rightly considered an attribute of magicians. He is able to open the owner's gift of foresight and endow with magical abilities. At the same time, the mineral will be a strong protection against all troubles and troubles in life.

Fire signs (Leo, Aries and Sagittarius) are encouraged to wear red stone jewelry. Representatives of the water element need to purchase blue (blue) tourmaline, preferably in a silver frame. For earth signs, the black mineral will help to cope with prolonged depression, despite its gloomy color.

Please note that even if tourmaline suits you perfectly in all respects, you should not abuse its concentrated and strong energy. Jewelry from this stone should be removed from time to time, so as not to harm your aura and health.

Tourmaline price

Tourmaline belongs to the category of expensive minerals. Some of the varieties are not highly valued, on the order of dollars per carat, this is due to the rarity and difficulties in extracting the gem. It is interesting that for Paraiba tourmaline, jewelers are willing to shell out up to $6,000 per carat. Isn't there a big difference in the cost of stones? Also, there are cases when some minerals were bought for a price of 10 thousand dollars per carat. If we compare the upward trend in prices for diamonds and tourmaline, it is worth noting that the positive dynamics is not in favor of diamonds.

The cost of the stone also largely depends on the transparency and purity. If the mineral is less transparent, its price is reduced several times.

Tourmaline is used to make solid beads and bracelets. Experienced jewelers try to give them not only a cut, but also create an interesting plot by arranging them with a variety of metals, such as gold, platinum and silver.

Rings with large tourmaline stones as an insert or pendants with pendants are popular. Earrings with this mineral will be an excellent option for jewelry.

Tourmaline stone is a semi-precious or precious mineral that belongs to the group of aluminosilicates containing the element boron. Its crystals are prismatic. The most interesting property of tourmaline is its polychrome. There are many shades of stone, and they can be combined in one piece of rock. The mineral has magical properties, it can affect the signs of the zodiac in different ways. It has a healing effect on the human body. It is often used in jewelry to create jewelry, set in white or yellow gold, silver or platinum. In this article, we will tell you all about tourmaline.

Physical and chemical properties

The natural mineral tourmaline consists of many prism-shaped crystals. Sometimes these crystals are pointed, oblong like a stick, they are triangular when cut. The prisms have hatching along the longitudinal axis. The formula of the mineral is very complex, bromine-containing aluminosilicate includes 26 more chemical elements. Tourmaline has a variable composition, because there are multi-colored stones of various shades. Here is a summary of tourmaline's main physical properties and characteristics:

  • Glitter - glass
  • Transparency ranges from nearly complete to opaque.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - 7-7.5
  • Cleavage indefinite
  • The stone is brittle, therefore its fracture is small-cracked and uneven.
  • Mineral density 3.02-3.26 g/cm³
  • Syngony trigonal
  • Refraction of light rays - 1.616-1.652
  • Has a constant electric field

The mineral tourmaline is of volcanic origin. It was formed at the site of acid eruptions, the place of origin is the hydrothermal layer of the earth's crust. Find stones in granite and granite-like rocks. They are found in quartz, along with beryls, topazes, wolframites.

For the first time, tourmaline came to Europe from Ceylon. The name itself comes from the Sinhala language and means "attracting ashes." Sometimes the stone is also called "Burmese tourmaline", from the place of its ancient origin. Today, 80% of minerals are mined in Brazil. There are deposits in some African countries - Angola, South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Madagascar. Suppliers are also the USA, Canada, India, Sri Lanka. In Russia, stones are found in the Urals, in Siberia, the Malkhan Range in Transbaikalia is rich in stones. Each deposit has its own varieties of minerals.

Types of tourmalines

The variety of each tourmaline is distinguished by its special color, hue, distribution of tone throughout the crystal and structure. Depending on the properties of the stones are divided into precious and semi-precious. This greatly affects the cost of minerals and finished products.

Black tourmaline

Black tourmaline is also called schorl. Its color is due to the high content of iron in the crystals. The stone is opaque, the color is uniform.


A rare yellow and transparent mineral that is mined in Sri Lanka. The yellow tourmaline crystal is formed by the incorporation of large amounts of aluminum and potassium with sodium.


This type of tourmaline mineral was found near the Elbe River in Germany, which is why it got its name. The composition of the crystals includes an increased amount of magnesium, the color ranges from pink to red with purple, there are stones in blue-green tones, polychrome samples are often found. Elbaite is smaller than other species, large specimens are very rare.


The composition of this stone may include various chemical elements. The transparency of the mineral is low, the shades range from yellow to brown. They find stones in Nepal, Brazil, Australia, but the largest deposits of dravite are in Africa.

Blue tourmaline

Blue tourmaline or indicolite mineral is a rare species. Crystals can have all shades of blue, from soft blue and turquoise, to almost black. Often used in jewelry. It is often called Brazilian or Ceylon sapphire.

Pink tourmaline

The pink or red tourmaline stone is highly valued. Its second name is rubellite, as some samples are very similar to a real ruby. The shades of the mineral are different, some look like a faded pink color, others are cherry red.


Green gem with different shades, they depend on the deposit. The most popular is emerald tourmaline. It is called so, Brazilian emerald or chrome tourmaline. In jewelry, these stones are considered the most noble. It occurs in nature more often than other varieties.


This tourmaline stone has special properties. It is also green in color, but like alexandrite, it changes its shade depending on the lighting. In the sun - emerald, and in artificial light - purple-red or brown.


Red-lilac, red-violet, violet or raspberry pebble tourmaline. It is called so because it was first found in Siberia, there are large deposits of this variety of gem in the Urals.


Yellow-brown or brown transparent variety of stone. It was first found near the Austrian town of Draw, hence its name. Rare specimens of an almost yellow tone are mined in Kenya. They got the name uvit.

watermelon tourmaline

This polychrome tourmaline crystal is green around the edges and red or pink in the center. On the cut, it often resembles a slice of watermelon, which is why it got its name.


Very rare polychrome variety. The pebbles combine different shades of blue. Most crystals are small, but there are also large specimens that are very expensive. The multicolor stone is highly valued by collectors.

"Turk's head" and "Moor's head"

These are also varieties of polychrome tourmaline crystals. The Turk's head stone has a light rim and a red core. The “head of the Moor” has a light rim, but the center is dark, brown or black.


This tourmaline and diamond are very similar, both are transparent and colorless. But tourmaline doesn't have the beautiful luster of a diamond, so it's less attractive. Collectors appreciate the crystal for its rarity. Achromite was first found in Madagascar, where it is still being mined.

The magical properties of tourmaline

The magical properties of tourmaline are associated with the cleansing of the human mind from unnecessary thoughts, the awakening of creative abilities. It is recommended to use it during meditation, the crystal helps to concentrate. It is advised to wear a talisman to people suffering from fears, anxiety, longing, constant doubts, absent-mindedness. A pebble protects its owner from the evil eye and damage, inspires confidence and helps to go towards your goal without a doubt.

In many ways, tourmaline is a stone and its magical properties vary, depending on the color:

  • The black. The most powerful amulet that can protect against any negative influences, relieves nervous tension, relieves stress, improves mood. It can reveal a person's ability to. But one must use black tourmaline carefully, it has a connection with the other world. How the perfume will affect the owner is unknown. Often dark magicians made rosaries from this stone.
  • Green. The stone has healing properties, calms the nervous system, and has a positive effect on the heart. If people wear the amulet all the time, you can make the right decisions, act without nerves and stress.
  • Blue and tourmaline Paraiba. It helps to establish contact between the conscious and the subconscious, to find peace in the soul and deal with oneself. It is recommended to wear to people who have lost harmony in life.
  • Pink and red. A stone of this shade attracts love and personal happiness. He teaches a person to love himself, to find harmony in his own heart. Improves skin condition, makes breathing easier.
  • Watermelon tourmaline. This polychrome crystal teaches a person to sympathize and sympathize with others, seek compromises, promotes mutual understanding, helps to express one's thoughts and intentions with the right words. He saves those who wear such amulets from gloomy experiences, troubles and depression.

In India, tourmaline is considered a masculine stone, as it inspires confidence, striving for high goals, determination and the will to fight. These qualities are characteristic of men. Women rarely wore it. It also has a positive effect on potency. In Orthodoxy, a gem is often used to decorate church utensils and clothes of priests, they make a table of contents for Bible verses. Often, the owners of a tourmaline talisman find themselves in new professions, easily solve problems that previously seemed eternal.

Tourmaline and zodiac signs

How do tourmaline stone and the sign of the Zodiac interact, to whom can it be given, according to astrologers? Here a lot depends on the color of the stone. It is not ideal for everyone, only if you choose the right shade, it can be worn by almost a representative of the Zodiac. Here is the astrological meaning of the gem:

  • Aries. It is best for Aries to wear a green crystal, it will help control anger, short temper, direct a person’s energy in the right direction.
  • Taurus and Gemini. Tourmaline is not suitable for the signs of Taurus and Gemini, it is better to refrain from wearing it.
  • Cancer. This water sign can occasionally wear blue and blue pebbles, like a water element. They enhance sensuality and insight, but can bring disharmony into a person's life.
  • A lion. For Lions, a tourmaline amulet is just perfect, which inspires confidence, the will to win and the desire to follow the intended goal. Most of all, the sign is pink or red, like a ruby ​​gem. Real kings wear it.
  • Virgo. The amulet has practically no effect on this sign of the Zodiac, therefore it is useless to wear it.
  • Scales. For Libra, delicate pink or light green tones are suitable. They will help you get rid of hesitation, find self-confidence and make the most optimal decisions.
  • Scorpion. This sign is most suitable for a black schorl, which should be worn on the finger. He makes him the master of souls, reveals the ability to foresee and enhances intuition. The talisman also relieves stress, nervous tension, saves from overwork.
  • Sagittarius. For Sagittarius, tourmaline is a very good talisman that has a positive effect. It helps to realize creative plans, reveal one's destiny, live in peace with one's loved ones, and bring things to an end.
  • Capricorn. Astrologers believe that the stone is very useful for Capricorn. It relieves anxieties, fears and suspiciousness. Helps to accumulate and increase wealth, energizes. Most of all, a brown or yellow tourmaline pebble, set in a gold ring, suits the sign.
  • Aquarius. This sign is best worn with blue or aquamarine pebbles. They will help to solve creative problems, it is better to find contacts with people, especially with close relatives.
  • Fishes. For Pisces, tourmaline is a dangerous stone, especially a mineral of a dark or black hue. He can drag this sign into the other world, make him live in isolation and constantly delve into his own soul.

As you can see, tourmaline is a stone and its properties are very difficult. Before you buy jewelry with it, you need to look at your horoscope. It's a good idea to ask an astrologer what a gemstone means to your zodiac sign and what impact it can have on you.

The healing properties of the stone

Does tourmaline have medicinal properties? Of course, yes, they have been known to mankind since ancient times. It is mentioned in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. In Europe, the stone was not very famous, interest in it appeared only in recent decades. Perhaps the healing effects of the mineral are associated with its constant electric field, the current strength is 0.06 mA. After all, this is the only one of the stones that has such properties. In addition, it is proved that the crystals have infrared radiation, 14-15 microns long.

A healing stone of the tourmaline type has been used in medicine for a long time. Healing properties largely depend on its color. Here are the diseases for which it is recommended to use:

  • Green verdelite. Kidneys, skin, lungs, hematopoietic system, nerves, immunity, rejuvenation.
  • Blue indicolite. Immunity, endocrine glands, lymphatic system, back pain treatment.
  • Black schorl. Protects the body from the negative effects of the environment, it is recommended to wear it in hazardous industries, in unfavorable ecological areas.

In addition, tourmalines of any color have a positive effect on the regeneration of cells and tissues, activate metabolic processes in the body. They are recommended to be worn for hypertension, as stones reduce pressure.

Although tourmaline has useful properties, there are contraindications for its use. Tourmaline is a stone and its healing properties cannot be used on the first day after injury, at high body temperature. You can not wear jewelry with a stone to people who have a pacemaker, as the electric field of tourmaline disrupts its work. Do not recommend it to allergy sufferers, people with thyroid problems. It is not known how the electric field acts on the body of the unborn child, therefore pregnant and lactating women are also not advised to wear a gem.

Application of tourmaline

Multi-colored crystals are not only precious stones. Tourmaline is used in medicine. For example, the operation of Chizhevsky's lamp is based on the property of polarizing air. It is tourmaline that is included in its composition. In addition, it has been observed that powdered crystals release much more energy than whole crystals. In Japan, the so-called tourmaline fiber was made from the powder, and in Russia, liquid tourmaline is widely used for medical purposes. Previously, eyeglasses were made from these crystals.

Based on the study of the properties of tourmaline, static electricity was discovered. Back in the 18th century, people observed that pebbles brought by sailors from India attracted dust, blades of grass, ash, like metal magnets. In 1880, Curie explained the nature of this phenomenon, which he called ionization. Now large crystals are used in radio engineering, to create various high-precision devices.


Nevertheless, the main scope of stones is jewelry. Jewelry with multi-colored tourmaline has been known since antiquity. The most famous is the crown of Czech kings. The red rubellite with which it was decorated killed everyone who was not the real heir to the royal dynasty. Tourmalines adorned the royal crowns of Anna Ioannovna and Catherine II, now they are kept in the Armory.

For a while, tourmalines were forgotten, but in recent decades they have come back into fashion. Products framed in white or yellow gold are most valued, they look great in the photo. They also make silver jewelry, and the highest class is tourmaline in combination with platinum, it looks very aristocratic.

How much is this precious mineral worth? Tourmaline and its price largely depend on the color and variety. The most common shades, green, pink, cost about $40 per carat. A polychrome cut or uncut Paraiba stone with different shades of blue can cost around $6,000 per carat. Raspberry sibirite is valued even more expensive, a bead, weighing a carat, costs about $ 10,000. The price of jewelry depends on what metal the frame is made of, how many grams it weighs, and also on the mass of the stone itself. The cost is influenced by the design of the product and the manufacturer.

Tourmaline is natural and synthetic. Scientists have managed to grow an artificial tourmaline stone, which is almost indistinguishable from natural. It is grown for making appliances or jewelry. Imitation, of course, is cheaper. Unfortunately, artificial stones are often sold as fakes. Therefore, when buying, you should be very careful. In unverified outlets, they can slip glass and even plastic. If you doubt the authenticity, you need to show the stone to a specialist. He will be able to verify and accurately determine its authenticity.

Tourmaline is one of those stones that have amazed people since their discovery. The mystery of sparkle, the brilliance of internal overflows not only conquered, but forced to study its properties and possibilities. The attitude to tourmaline can be compared with the worship of precious metals. The gem changes its abilities when it hits silver or gold. It becomes stronger, healthier and more beautiful.

History and origins

Tourmaline appeared on the European market in the 18th century. According to legend, it was brought by Dutch travelers (sailors) who visited the island of Ceylon. The nobility immediately considered jewels in gems and put them on the same level as emeralds and rubies.

There was a demand for tourmaline fossils, ships of miners and merchants headed to the distant island of Sri Lanka. Multi-colored gems have been subjected to predatory aspirations for the profit of pirates and robbers. The result of such actions was the depletion of a known deposit. Ceylon was left without tourmaline.

The origin of the stone is associated with various processes that are difficult to repeat in the laboratory:

  • endogenous;
  • pegmatite;
  • hydrothermal;
  • high temperature.

Crystals are formed in the form of placers. They are exposed to weathering and purification for a long time from growths and surface impurities.

Place of Birth

After the known deposits on the island that gave the world tourmaline, the stone was found in other places:

  • Brazil;
  • Madagascar Island;
  • Mozambique;
  • Republic of South Africa;
  • Canadian territories;
  • China;
  • Mountains of Afghanistan;
  • America.

The Ural Mountains of Russian territory were rapidly depleted. They have been used for many centuries. Tourmaline reserves have now been found in Transbaikalia and on the Kola Peninsula.

Physical Properties

Tourmaline stone has special physical properties. It is used in industry, finding a place for useful qualities and unusual possibilities for creating nature in modern technological processes.

ColorBlue, red-violet, colorless, black, polychrome, pink, red, orange-brown, green.
TransparencyFrom transparent to opaque.
kinkIrregular, small-shelled, brittle.
Refractive index1,616-1,652
Density3.02-3.26 g/cm³

Tourmaline is a borosilicate of aluminum AL and magnesium Mg. A large number of elements of the periodic table were found in the composition of the rock.

What is the structure of a single fossil crystal:

  • long thin bar;
  • internal structure similar to a prism;
  • clearly visible edges of the geometric structure;
  • triangle in the cross section of the sample;
  • needle-shaped structure;
  • radial-radiant structure.

The stone does not have a clear color, each piece of material has different shades and color schemes of the pattern. Crystals have found their place in industry. Whereby? The answer is unique physical indicators:

  1. Pyroelectric. When the temperature changes (heating), a process of polarization occurs: one face becomes positively charged, the other negatively. The mineral becomes a magnet and attracts various small particles to its surface. This ability has found application for cleaning smoking pipes. Remains of tobacco and soot remained on the raw tourmaline crystals. Today, special parts are created in electronics - stone filters.
  2. Piezoelectric. The rock ionizes the air. This property is used in the manufacture of health items: mattresses, pillows. Special medical devices are cleaned of contamination. Another application of this property is to measure the pressure on an object falling into water.

Medicinal properties

The mineral has healing properties that were discovered by healers and described in books on stones. What are the properties of tourmaline?

  1. Infrared light emission. A natural source of healing radiance allows you to penetrate deep into the tissues and bring cells back to life. Regeneration takes place. The stone improves a specific area of ​​the body without endangering the skin and organs located near the painful area.
  2. Warming up. Tourmaline crystals are crushed, but not to powder, but to small particles. They are laid out on a specially prepared fabric, creating a semblance of a belt. Natural natural heater treats bones, joints, organs of the back, legs and arms. Particles are used to create therapeutic knee pads, warming belts. Tourmaline powder, as a filler for pharmaceutical products, is popular in many countries.
  3. natural ionizer. The stone is polarized from various heat sources located in the natural environment. He begins to purify the air without special devices for this. Tourmaline ionization has been used in medicine for many decades. Doctors and populists help a person recover faster from an illness, restore health after surgical interventions. Negative ion minerals work as wellness mixtures, pulling dirt and germs out of the body.
  4. Activation of osteoblast production. Human bone mass cells begin to form faster, they help with osteochondrosis, the development of an intervertebral hernia. Painful pathologies will begin to disappear, improving the human condition.

magical properties

The mystical abilities of real tourmaline have been studied by shamans. They are confirmed by scientists of esoteric ideologies. Gem crystals are capable of many things:

  1. Creative people find inspiration and ideas. The stone helps to survive periods of internal devastation. It provides an opportunity to relax and discover a new gift or find creatine and positive in ordinary events.
  2. Little children find peace and sleep. Night terrors go away. Tourmaline is wrapped in silk, placed under the pillow, pressed against the cheek. The child calms down.
  3. The stone strengthens the relationship of married couples, helps to maintain love and mutual understanding. The family grows stronger, healthy children are born. Marriage is indestructible, tourmaline becomes a talisman of feelings of love.
  4. The gem cleanses the thoughts and soul of the owner. The aura gains protection, resists black forces, envy and malice. A person gains confidence, thoughts line up in one line, immunity increases. Health is getting stronger.

Jewelry with a mineral

Tourmaline jewelry has been known for centuries. One of these masterpieces is considered "Caesar's Ruby". The pink crystal is kept in the Diamond Fund Vault. According to legend, Caesar gave a bunch of grapes from a gem to his beloved.

Cleopatra appreciated the gift. The piece of jewelry wandered from one conqueror to another. In the XVIII century, he comes to Russia. The Swedish king gives a bunch to Catherine. The decoration of the palaces of Cleopatra is with the Russian Empress. Caesar and his craftsmen believed that they made jewelry from a ruby, but modern scientists have refuted their opinion. A bunch known for many centuries is rubellite.

The decorations of modern masters are beautiful and delicate. They bring charm, freshness, style to the image of the owners. The price of products depends on the color, the originality of the shade, the shape and method of joining the crystals, their size and cut. There are a lot of indicators that change the cost of jewelry.

  • Beads made of pink, red and green balls will cost from 700 rubles.
  • Bracelets made of compressed ovals decorated in the same shape, rectangular plates, translucent columns - up to 5 thousand rubles.
  • Delicate necklaces made of translucent peas, flat ovals of different colors - from 1800 rubles.

Cheap products can be found and bought for up to a thousand rubles. Jewelry that is complex in form and work increases in price at times. Jewelers have found a new way to work with tourmaline. They make beads that can be easily transformed into bracelets, decorate bags.

The rings change and become kulans and pendants. It is so interesting to work with the material that a rare master refuses such an opportunity. Even a non-professional can work with tourmaline beads. Needlewomen work with stone, decorating their work, realizing creative ideas.


Tourmaline surprisingly repeats numerous colors. Among the breed there are popular shades, rare and not of interest to the masters.

Popular colors are:

  • green;
  • the black;
  • pink;
  • blue.

Consider their features and magical abilities.

  1. green mineral. Similar in appearance to . One of the names is the Brazilian Emerald. For different deposits, green minerals have their own saturation of hue. Green patterns work on the heart chakra. The heart receives health, a person enjoys life, finds harmony, does not argue with himself, enjoys what is given to him from above.
  2. The pink mineral was loved by the monarchs of European countries. On their crown, he was a mandatory component. The name of the pink breed is. For a long time, tourmaline stones were mistaken for, hence the similarity in names. Saturation of pink from the presence and concentration of manganese. Such samples are mined in California, Russian Transbaikalia, Madagascar. Large specimens are found in Brazilian deposits. Their length can reach up to half a meter.
  3. The black gem was obtained due to the concentration of iron in the mineral. Its scientific name is Sherl. It is a stone of sorcerers and witches. With his help, they conducted their sessions of magic. Esotericists are sure that black specimens protect against witchcraft, put up a barrier from strong magicians. Dark tourmaline frees from jealousy, aggression and other negative qualities. He is able to relieve a sharp headache, free from mental suffering. Rotate the schorl counterclockwise over the place of pain: head, heart, limbs.
  4. The blue stone is known as Indicolite. This is a rare and expensive gem. The place of its extraction is added to the name, suggesting that beautiful stones be classified as such: oriental, Brazilian, Siberian. The standard solution is clear blue tourmaline. The crystal has the form of a column. Inside the prism, even shading is visible, enhancing the beauty of the glow of the blue tone. If an admixture of different content (2–3 valence) iron is added to indigo, the indicolite begins to cast green. Jewelers have learned how to create such tourmalines on their own. They expose indicolites to thermal effects. Blue (saturated marine) gem is recommended for those who appreciate peace, quiet, homeliness and comfort. The sea-colored mineral strengthens marriage, strengthens love.

How to distinguish natural Tourmaline from a fake?

When buying in the jewelry department, sellers will not allow you to check the originality using mechanical impact: scratching, throwing or squeezing. It is unlikely that craftsmen will allow their products to be heated. Few people want to have their work endangered. There are more humane ways to check.

  1. electrification of the material. Jewelry is first warmed in the hands, then rubbed. The stone should attract finely torn pieces of paper. Electrification confirm the naturalness of tourmaline.
  2. Color heterogeneity. Stones that are ideal in color are clearly a fake. In natural tourmaline, the colors go from dark to light, creating an original pattern.

Creating an artificial gem is not difficult. But the process can become more expensive than that obtained in the natural environment. It is the cost of technological processes that reduce interest in this type of activity. But to hope that scammers do not live near you is not worth it. It is better to check the jewelry than to become the owner of a fraudulent product.

Caring for stone products

Tourmaline requires regular maintenance. Healing abilities should be maintained by constantly helping the mineral get rid of the accumulated negativity. It should be cleaned with prolonged wear, after recovery and sessions of magical rituals.. How to care:

  1. Place the decoration (talisman) under running water. To do this, take a colander. In order not to lose individual parts, small parts, the product is first wrapped in gauze or cloth that absorbs water well.
  2. Keep under clean running water for 30 minutes.

Tourmaline stone, which belongs to complex borosilicates of variable composition, is the only mineral on Earth that has a constant electric field.

Its ability to emit microcurrents is used in medicine, and the extraordinary beauty of the crystals allows jewelers to create unique jewelry from them.

What is this stone?

Tourmaline is a mineral belonging to the group of boron-containing aluminosilicates with elongated (sometimes almost needle-shaped) prismatic crystals resembling a triangle in cross section.

French physicists Pierre and Marie Curie, who found that tourmaline crystals are capable of producing microcurrents, the characteristics of which are identical to the electrical impulses generated by the cells of the human body, called it an "electric" mineral.

The unusual variety of crystal colors is the cause of numerous errors, consisting in the fact that tourmaline is often confused with gems of similar colors. Depending on the type, degree of transparency and purity, tourmalines can be precious or semi-precious.

Origin story

  • According to the views of the ancient Egyptians, tourmaline fell to Earth from heaven. Having met a bright rainbow on his way, he adopted its color, absorbing each of its colors.
  • Archaeological evidence suggests that Byzantine craftsmen used tourmaline to make jewelry as early as the 12th century.
  • In Russia, after the discovery of its own deposits (this happened in the 16th century), tourmaline was used to decorate church utensils, royal regalia, priestly vestments and icon settings.
  • Tourmalines came to Europe only in the 18th century thanks to Dutch sailors who brought them to Amsterdam, which at that time was the world's jewelry capital, from the island of Ceylon.
  • European monarchs, who valued tourmalines no less than rubies and presented them to the rulers of friendly powers.


Until the beginning of the 21st century, the value of tourmaline for human society consisted in its use in jewelry and sessions of black and white magic. Today, the mineral is widely used in industry and the production of medical equipment.

Physical Properties

The chemical composition of tourmaline, which is a boron-containing aluminosilicate, is unusually complex. Scientists have counted more than two dozen elements in it.

The amount of impurities that affect the color of the crystals can be different. That is why the list of varieties of the mineral is so large, each of which has its own unique composition.

Tourmaline has:

  • Different degrees of transparency (for jewelry stones it is high; industrial samples are rather cloudy);
  • double refraction;
  • Hardness from 7 to 7.5 points on the Mohs scale;
  • Distinct or strong pleochroism (the ability to change color depending on temperature or lighting);
  • Weak luminescence;
  • Density 3.02-3.26 g / cm³;
  • Unclear cleavage;
  • Triclinic syngony;
  • Glass shine;
  • Uneven small-cracked fracture and brittleness;
  • Immunity to acids;
  • Pyro- and piezoelectric properties: under pressure, heating and friction, the crystals become electrified, during which one end of each of them acquires a negative charge, and the other a positive one;
  • Various coloring. Its crystals can be: colorless, yellow, red, orange, blue, pink, green, blue and completely black.

Place of Birth

There are numerous deposits of tourmaline in many parts of the world.

The richest deposits are located:

  • Sri Lanka;
  • Brazil;
  • China;
  • Myanmar;
  • Madagascar;
  • India;
  • Angola;
  • Mozambique;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Italy;
  • Canada;
  • Switzerland;
  • Afghanistan;

In Russia, gem-quality tourmalines are mined:

  • in Karelia;
  • in Transbaikalia;
  • on the Kola Peninsula.

Varieties, colors

Depending on the chemical composition and physical properties, tourmalines can be jewelry, technical and ornamental. Over 500 varieties of this mineral are found in nature.

We give a brief description of the most famous of them:


Named after the Brazilian state of the same name, where it is mined, it is a very rare gemstone with a neon glow effect, in a wide range of shades, from soft blue to deep emerald.


The name given to the stone by German miners means "black". The dark color of the crystals is due to the high content of iron.

The mineral, highly valued by psychics, magicians and sorcerers, is most often used as an ornamental stone, and in some cases - for making mourning jewelry.


Tourmaline got its name due to the original color of the crystals, giving them a resemblance to a slice of watermelon.

So green is called in Italian, hence the name) - a very common variety of tourmaline, which looks like an emerald. The most expensive and beautiful, having an emerald green color, are called "Brazilian emeralds."

Rubellite - pink tourmaline

The bright color of which is due to the content of manganese. The color range of rubellite is very extensive: from the color of a tea rose to dark purple. The most valuable crystals are bright red and ruby.

The mineral, named on a territorial basis, in honor of Siberia, is a stone that is often mistaken for rubellite. The reason for this is the thick crimson, red-violet or lilac-red color of its crystals.

A rare and expensive variety of tourmaline, classified as precious stones. The deep blue color of the mineral is due to iron impurities.

Extremely rare specimens with a dark blue tint of crystals are used for the manufacture of luxury jewelry.

"Colorless", translated from ancient Greek - white tourmaline. Raw achroite, which has crystals of a pale greenish or bluish color and is completely inconspicuous in appearance, after cutting turns into a precious stone of rare beauty.

It is found exclusively in the vicinity of the city of Elba (Italy).

The stone is named after the Drava River, on the banks of which it was first found - brown-yellow tourmaline, occasionally used as a jewelry stone.

Has a high value. The coloring organically combines several different colors. The stone, the light crystals of which have a black head, is referred to by collectors as the “head of the Moor”, and the mineral with red heads of crystals is called the “head of the Turk”.

magical properties

The magical properties of tourmaline have been used by magicians and sorcerers for thousands of years. They still enjoy great popularity - the "witch" stone, which, in their opinion, can work real miracles.

Raw tourmaline crystals are capable of:

  1. To become a source of inspiration for people of creative professions, to help them survive periods of stagnation and internal devastation.
  2. Save young children from night terrors and nightmares. In order to make them sleep peacefully, it is enough to wrap the crystal in a silk shred and put it under the pillow.
  3. Strengthen marriage, preserve harmony in the family and the love of spouses, create conditions for the birth of healthy children.
  4. Cleanse the soul and thoughts of its owner, protect his aura from the influence of black forces, anger and envy of ill-wishers.
  5. Surround its owner with a protective field, equally impenetrable for both mental influences (for example, damage) and electromagnetic radiation. To neutralize the harmful radiation coming from any electronic devices (computers, microwave ovens, TVs), just put the crystal on the device or next to it.

Medicinal properties

Tourmaline has found wide application in medicine.

The piezoelectric properties of tourmaline are used in the manufacture of medical devices, devices and medical underwear:

  • Health mattresses, pillows and knee pads that generate negative ions help improve the condition of the spine and sore joints.
  • Tourmaline belts facilitate the well-being of patients suffering from neuralgia, lumbar osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias.
  • Gloves with tiny tourmaline crystals have a pronounced therapeutic effect in rheumatoid arthritis, reducing inflammation and relieving pain in the affected finger joints.

The therapeutic effect of the above products with tourmaline is:

  • normalization of hormone production;
  • calming effect on the nervous system;
  • relief of headaches;
  • improving the composition of the blood;
  • reduction of rheumatic and muscular pains;
  • restoration of potency;
  • blood pressure regulation;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improving the condition of the skin.

Such a wide range of healing properties of tourmaline is due to the presence of an active electromagnetic field. Microcurrents generated by its crystals have a healing effect on all systems and organs of the human body.

With the help of medical tourmaline products, treatment can be carried out at home. The duration of therapeutic sessions is 15 minutes, the frequency is 2 times a day.

The healing properties of tourmaline largely depend on their variety and color:

  • green stones strengthen the immune system, treat diseases of the liver, heart and kidneys, improve blood circulation, rejuvenate and slow down the aging process.
  • tourmaline paraiba has a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system.
  • Blue tourmalines support the immune system and relieve hormonal disruptions.
  • Red and pink crystals can be used to treat lung and skin pathologies.
  • yellow tourmalines have a great calming effect.
  • Black crystal effectively relieve pain if you slowly rotate it counterclockwise over the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for 15 minutes.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

Pointing to the good compatibility of tourmaline with many signs of the zodiac, astrologers believe that when choosing this stone, the color of the crystals should be taken into account:

  • , And green or pink stones will benefit: having rid them of stubbornness and excessive temper, they will give them peace of mind and help them achieve harmony.
  • And(so the horoscope says) crystals of blue colors will do. With their help, they will cope with excessive emotionality, calm down and establish themselves in their pursuit of truth.
  • With the support of black tourmaline, it can strengthen the nervous system, get rid of irritability and learn to cope with stress.
  • For Virgin the help of tea rose tourmalines can be truly invaluable: thanks to it, they will make new friends and be able to strengthen family ties.
  • , with the support of colorless crystals, they will ensure their career advancement, feel happy and protected.

Who suits the name?

Tourmaline suits the owners of the name:

  • Olga;
  • Julia;
  • Sofia;
  • Kira;
  • Veronica;
  • Andrey;
  • Leonid;
  • Arkady;
  • Vitaly;
  • Edward.

Talismans and amulets

Any talismans will work reliably if worn under clothing, hidden from prying eyes:

  • For a person involved in the occult and conducting sessions of black magic, schorl is suitable - "witch's stone", which is the only variety of this mineral that can accumulate negative energy. The power of this stone increases when used in combination with gold.
  • A red tourmaline amulet, worn as a pendant on a silver chain, will help the artist to tune in to the creative wave.
  • The magic of pink crystals set in silver will help fill the lives of their owners with happiness and love. Singles will be able to find their soul mate, and married couples will add a touch of romance to their relationship.
  • All varieties of green tourmalines, which absorb an excess of negative energy, are able to bring good luck to their owners, saving them from harsh words, erroneous actions and outbursts of uncontrolled aggression. Endowed with the ability to attract money, they will become excellent talismans for businessmen and financiers.


  • Jewelry (for both women and men) is made only from transparent stones with pronounced pleochroism, which do not have visually noticeable defects, chips and cracks. Jewelry for men is represented by massive rings, cufflinks, watches and rosaries with stone inlay.
  • Tourmalines are equally organic when framed in cupronickel, gold, silver or a jewelry alloy. Occasionally they are set in platinum.
  • The most popular types of cut: classic brilliant or cabochon.
  • Products in monochrome colors go well with a business suit; decorations with multi-color compositions are more appropriate for informal events.
  • A business image can be complemented with a pendant or modest beads. For a gala evening event, you can wear a set consisting of long beads, a ring and earrings. It is perfect for a floor-length cocktail or evening dress.

Other uses of the stone

Tourmaline Electric Pillow

  1. Large crystals of synthetic origin are used in optics and radio engineering.
  2. Tourmaline coating applied to hairdressing irons and curling irons protects hair from the damaging effects of high temperatures.
  3. The mineral, which effectively purifies air and water, is used in the manufacture of air conditioners, air ionizers and dishes.
  4. The piezoelectric properties of tourmaline, which is a source of negative ions and generates infrared radiation, are used by manufacturers of wellness mattresses.
  5. The smallest crystals of the mineral are attached to natural fibers, which are then used to make thermal underwear, lumbar belts, underpants, insoles, socks, knee pads, pillows and elbow pads - physically contacting items that effectively improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Tourmaline powder is added to cosmetic soap, which not only improves the condition of the skin, but also effectively removes age spots and freckles.

The absence of flavors and dyes makes this product safe even for allergy sufferers.


The cost of tourmalines depends on their type. The most expensive are crystals of the variety: at the moment their price is 6 thousand dollars per 1 carat (0.2 grams).

The average cost of gems ranges from 50-90 dollars per carat:

  • A tourmaline ring in a silver frame can be bought for 1550-2950 rubles, in gold - for 11,000-32,000 rubles.
  • Earrings will cost the buyer in the amount of 2,900 to 10,500 rubles, gold - from 20,800 to 36,500 rubles.
  • A silver bracelet with tourmalines costs from 12,000 to 59,000 rubles.
  • Beads made of natural stones can be purchased for 1900-6500 rubles.


Tourmaline, used as a healer and talisman, should be regularly (after each magical ritual or recovery) cleared of accumulated negative energy. To do this, place it under a stream of cool running water for 30 minutes.

The cleaned stone is removed from the water and placed on a piece of cotton fabric, allowing it to dry naturally. A stone worn as a simple decoration is allowed to be cleaned no more than once a quarter or seasonally.

To ensure that tourmaline products do not lose their beauty, it is recommended to remove them before doing laundry, cleaning and cooking.

A fragile mineral must be protected from shock and falling from a height. It should be stored in a special box, separate from other jewelry that can scratch the gem.

You can polish the surface of tourmaline by rubbing it with a piece of flannel, cloth or suede.

To restore brilliance and color, you should regularly leave the gem under the direct rays of the sun: having absorbed their energy and warmth, the stone will shine with renewed vigor.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Most often, tourmaline imitations are made of plastic or tinted glass.

To distinguish a natural stone from a fake, it is recommended:

  1. Taking a needle, scratch the crystal with it. Natural stone will not be harmed.
  2. Having warmed the crystal in your hands, bring it closer to the scraps of paper: the natural stone will definitely attract them.
  3. All other precious and semi-precious stones neutralize the beneficial properties of tourmaline, so it should be worn separately from other minerals.

    Fake diamond

    Synthetic tourmalines are obtained by treating silicon crystals with aluminum, boron, potassium and sodium ions. The synthesis process requires high pressure and temperature.

    The physical properties of artificially grown and natural crystals are almost identical.

    Crown of the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna

    1. Considered the finest example of tourmaline and hard to fit in a man's palm, the Jolly Green Giant is on display at the New York Museum of Natural History.
    2. The largest gem that flaunts on the crown of Czech monarchs (according to legend, she killed everyone who put it on without any right), was analyzed in 1998, which showed that it was not a ruby, as it was thought before, but a rubellite .
    3. The famous bunch of grapes (an ornament presented to Catherine II by the Swedish King Gustav III), which was also considered ruby, actually turned out to be made of rubellite. The stone used for its manufacture has a pinkish-crimson color and a mass of 255 carats.
    4. The crown of the Russian autocrat Anna Ioannovna is crowned with a huge (weighing 500 carats) red tourmaline, which plays the role of a stand for a diamond cross.

    What does it look like? A photo