
How to calculate the expected weight of the fetus? Child Weight Gain and Height Formulas Child Weight Gain


  • large fruit- body weight 4001 - 5000 gr.
  • giant fruit- more than 5000 gr.
  • Low fetal weight- less than 2500 gr.
  • Very low fetal weight- less than 1500 gr.
  • Extremely low fetal weight- less than 1000 gr.

What should be the weight of the child?

This question worries many expectant mothers. Some just for the sake of idle curiosity, others in order to determine the tactics of conducting childbirth, etc. Therefore, modern obstetrics necessarily involves determining the mass of the fetus in various ways. Both ordinary arithmetic calculations and automatic methods for determining the weight of your baby at birth come to the rescue.

The main methods for determining the weight of the fetus

The weight of the fetus can be determined based on the anthropometric indicators of both the mother and the baby. Therefore, you can use for this the data obtained by measuring a pregnant woman, as well as by measuring the size of the fetus (in the latter case, ultrasound is used).

The main methods that allow you to calculate the weight of the fetus at birth, are currently the following:

  • determination of the weight of the fetus according to the formula according to Lankowitz;
  • determination of the weight of the fetus according to the Bublichenko formula;
  • determination of the weight of the fetus according to the Yakubova formula;
  • determination of the weight of the fetus according to the formula according to Jordania;
  • using ultrasound.

It is possible to calculate the weight of the fetus at birth if the following indicators are available (determined by measurement, weighing, etc.):

  • weight of a pregnant woman;
  • growth of a pregnant woman;
  • circumference of the abdomen of a pregnant woman;
  • the height of the fundus of the uterus.

In some cases, other data may be required, but this is very rare, especially considering that modern ultrasound machines have a built-in calculation program that takes into account all the details down to the smallest detail.

Let's consider how these formulas work, since everything is more or less clear with ultrasound. It implies the definition of linear values, which correspond to a certain mass of the fetus. The relationship between these parameters was established as a result of statistical and clinical studies.

Formulas for determining the estimated fetal weight were derived in a similar way (as a result of observation and analysis). The result obtained with their help is significantly influenced by a huge number of factors that must be taken into account.

  • The Lankowitz formula involves determining the weight of the baby at birth by summing and multiplying. It is necessary to add up the height of the fundus of the uterus, its circumference, the height and weight of the pregnant woman, and then multiply the resulting amount by 10. This is how the approximate weight of the fetus is obtained, and the formula is quite informative.
  • To determine the weight using the Bublichenko formula, you need to know the weight of a pregnant woman. Then it must be divided by 20. This will be the estimated weight of the fetus. By the way, the resulting figure will correspond to the permissible blood loss, which is 0.5% of body weight.
  • You can also calculate the weight of a child at birth using the Yakubova formula. To do this, it is necessary to add the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen to each other. The resulting value must be divided by 4. For better perception, it is desirable to multiply the value by 100.
  • The weight of the child according to Zhordania is determined by multiplying the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus.

Given all of the above, the question becomes quite obvious how to measure the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen for further calculations. This will be discussed later.

The fetal weight calculator, which is offered online, also assumes knowledge of these parameters. Therefore, a pregnant woman should know how to measure them. Calculation of fetal weight online allows you to minimize the time spent on this process.

Rules for measuring the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus

How to measure the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus correctly? Let's try to figure out this issue. For this we need a centimeter tape.

  1. The circumference of the abdomen is measured at the level of the navel.
  2. To measure the height of the fundus of the uterus, put one end of the centimeter tape on the upper edge of the pubic symphysis, and the other on the bottom of the uterus. It should be remembered that in this case it is necessary to guide the edge of the palm along the bend of the uterus in order to minimize measurement errors.

However, you should be aware of what factors can distort the results obtained, and many of them are not very easy to eliminate. These are the following:

  • the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen may be greater in the presence of twins, polyhydramnios, excessive deposition of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • a decrease in these indicators occurs with oligohydramnios, fetal growth retardation syndrome, female hypotrophy, etc.

Thus, the formulas for calculating the estimated fetal weight largely depend on the correctness of obtaining the main criteria necessary to solve the problem. Therefore, it is very important to know how to do it correctly.

Normal fetal weight

The normal weight of a newborn baby fluctuates quite widely. The minimum limit of the norm is 2500 g, and the maximum is 4000 g.

If a child is born less than 2500 g, then we are talking about malnutrition, which took place even in utero. In fact, it is a critical variant of placental insufficiency, that is, a condition where the placenta cannot cope with the functions assigned to it.

If the weight of the child exceeds 4000 g, then these are the so-called large children, who after 5000 g become gigantic. Such children are threatened by the development of various diseases in the neonatal period (newborn period), as well as in subsequent adulthood. It can be obesity, and diabetes, etc. therefore, such patients should be closely monitored. In this regard, dynamic monitoring in the postpartum period is necessary. Therefore, a woman should control the weight during pregnancy, and with the development of deviations, they must be eliminated in a timely manner.

The value of the estimated fetal weight in the choice of obstetric tactics

The estimated weight of the fetus is determined, but how to correctly interpret the results obtained, how to most reliably determine the weight of the fetus.
It is quite obvious that if the child's weight is higher than 5000 g, then. However, there have been cases of the birth of such large children with good outcomes. Sometimes, in order to remove the shoulder girdle, the clavicles had to be forcibly broken. This leads to a sharp decrease in the shoulder girdle. If the weight of the child ranges from 4000 g to 5000 g, then it is necessary to approach individually to resolve this issue. Be sure to take into account the height of a woman, evaluate her pelvis and many other factors.

A fetus smaller than 2500 g should be considered as premature, or born prematurely, as a variant of the deviation from the normal physiological course of pregnancy.

How to calculate the estimated weight of the fetus, we have dismantled. Now it is necessary to discuss the main issues that lead to some degree of distortion of reality. This may be obesity, structural features of the fetus, etc. In the case when the weight of the fetus is less than normal, you should think about delivery by caesarean section. It should be borne in mind that the weight of the child is also less than the norm. It doesn't say anything. However, you should be very careful when choosing delivery tactics. Such childbirth can also be carried out through the natural birth canal, but it is imperative to monitor the progress of the fetal head.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the weight of the child plays an important role in determining the obstetric tactics of childbirth. There are various ways to calculate the approximate weight of the fetus, however, the final decision on the weight of the fetus is determined on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the results obtained, since they depend on many factors. The final determination of the weight of the fetus can be determined after birth by weighing the newborn baby. In this way, you can evaluate the correctness of your own calculations.

From birth, the child must be weighed, his height, head volume and chest girth are measured. These parameters are necessary to determine the state of health. If there are any deviations from the norm, you need to track which organ is not working properly. The weight of the baby is measured at least once a month. Many factors affect the increase, including what kind of feeding the baby is on.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined the scope of the norm for the collection of valuable grams in children under one year old. It is on these boundaries that the pediatrician should rely, determining the lack or excess of body weight.

How much does a child weigh at birth with no developmental disabilities? According to the WHO, the interval from 2700 to 3700 is considered normal. But these are not the final figures. The standards also determine some other factors:

  • hereditary;
  • health characteristics of the child;
  • gender - girls usually have smaller height and weight;
  • food consumed by a pregnant woman;
  • bad habits during the period of gestation lead to insufficient body weight and short stature.

Parents can easily determine if there is an increase in the weight and height of the baby by months. To do this, you need to have a scale at home.

The resulting figures are compared with the parameters of the table. It is necessary to add the number of prescribed grams to the weight of the child, which was recorded at birth.

Table of norms for weight gain and growth of children by months, approved by WHO

Age by monthWeight gain (g). AveragesIncrease in height (cm). Averages
1 700 3
2 750 3
3 750 2,5
4 700 2,5
5 700 2
6 650 2
7 550 2
8 550 2
9 550 1,5
10 500 1,5
11 450 1,5
12 400 1,5

In the first month, the baby should gain 20 grams per day. The table shows that he should gain 600 grams per month. A lower number is regarded as a set below the norm. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe an additional examination.

How much the baby weighs depends on many factors, among which the following can be noted:

  • Formula-fed babies gain weight faster than breast-fed babies.
  • A stable set of grams is also affected by the fact when and how the child is fed (at will or according to the regimen).
  • As can be seen from the table, closer to the year the baby begins to gain less weight. This is another feature.

It is noticed that in the first 3 days after birth, the baby loses weight. This is due to the stress experienced by the newborn, getting into a new environment. In addition, these days he feeds on colostrum, which is scarce. By the day of discharge, the situation stabilizes, and the baby weighs in accordance with accepted standards. It is this value that becomes the starting count of the further increase.

If the baby was born prematurely or with low weight, then measurements are taken 2 times a month, or even more often.

The border of normal indicators

How much should a baby weigh every month? There are certain boundaries approved by the WHO. The table clearly shows how much a child should weigh by month, depending on gender.

Weight, kgHeight, cmWeight, kgHeight, cm
Average weightLimits of the normAverage heightLimits of the normAverage weightLimits of the normAverage heightLimits of the norm
0 3300 2800-3800 50 48-51 3500 3000-4000 50 48-52
1 4100 3500-4600 53 51-56 4300 3600-5000 54 52-57
2 5000 4300-5500 57 55-59 5300 4500-6000 58 55-60
3 5900 5300-6400 60 58-62 6200 5500-6900 61 59-64
4 6500 5800-6100 62 60-65 6900 6100-7700 64 61-66
5 7200 6200-8000 63 62-67 7800 7000-8400 67 65-69
6 7900 7000-8800 67 64-69 8700 7900-8900 68 66-70
7 8100 7200-9100 68 65-70 8900 7800-10100 70 67-72
8 8300 7200-9400 70 68-72 9300 8200-10400 71 69-73
9 9000 8100-10000 71 68-73 9800 8700-11100 72 70-76
10 9500 8200-10800 72 69-75 10300 9200-11500 73 71-77
11 9800 8900-11000 74 71-76 10400 9300-11500 74 72-77
12 10100 9000-11300 75 72-77 10800 9400-11900 76 73-79

There are many other ways to help caring parents determine whether their child falls within the limits marked by the norm or not. The best option is to go to the pediatrician. You can buy scales, find on the Internet a special calculator for calculating the rate of gaining grams in children under one year old, there is also a calculation formula.

Methods for calculating indicators

Electronic scales will help to correctly measure the body weight of the child. For convenience, you need to have them in a house where there is a baby.

So you can track the features of weight gain in children. Table scales VEND-01-Malysh are installed in maternity hospitals and clinics. Therefore, you can opt for this model. Such scales allow you to weigh a child up to 1.5 years.

The norm of a set of important parameters can be calculated by the formula: M = m + 800n (m is birth weight, n is age). For example, the weight of a child who was born with a body weight of 3490 g at 6 months should be: 3490 + 800 * 6 = 8290 (g).

An online calculator will help you check by months how well your baby is developing. You just need to enter data into the columns, and the height and weight calculator will give you the result. Calculations will help determine how much a baby should weigh at a particular age.

The calculator includes several graphs: weight, height of the child at the moment and at birth. Click here to calculate.

Sometimes you can find an additional function that the calculator has - a forecast of height and weight for subsequent years. To do this, you need to fill in the columns in which the parameters are entered at the moment.

The calculator can give the result in two forms: according to the standards adopted by WHO, and according to the ratio of the child's weight to his height. The calculator allows you to calculate the rate of increase not only in newborns, but also in children older than 1 year.

What to do if overweight or underweight

When it comes to busting, you do not need to take action immediately. It is possible that in one month the baby will gain extra grams, and in the other, on the contrary, it will not gain at all.

The framework set by the WHO is conditional. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the development of the body of each child individually. If during the month the baby gains more grams than prescribed by WHO, you need to show it to the endocrinologist. Most often, this feature does not portend any diseases. The excuse is a genetic predisposition.

It is enough just to correct the diet: remove night feedings, start complementary foods not with cereals, but with vegetables. A relaxing massage will also help.

The problem is much more serious when the baby lacks the necessary grams prescribed by WHO for months. In this case, parents should be wary and consult a doctor.

One of the harmless reasons why the baby does not gain weight is the mother’s malnutrition or the intake of any medications. Getting into mother's milk, they change its taste and smell.

Often children's appetite is one of the main indicators of health for parents. A child who happily eats lunch seems to signal with his whole appearance: "I'm fine." A child dejectedly picking food with a fork, leaving half a serving on a plate, quite naturally causes anxiety. It is important to remember that lack of appetite and refusal of certain categories of foods for several months or more can result in a lack of important nutrients for full growth and development. If the baby is not sick, feels well and develops normally, one of the markers of his health may be weight. To assess how your child's height and weight correspond to accepted standards, you can use special tables for assessing the height and weight of a child, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Weight and Height Calculator

The calculator on our page will help you get understandable and accessible information about the development of the child. Many mothers are familiar with the situation when the "little girl" refuses certain categories of products or simply does not have time to have a full meal due to a busy schedule. How nutritious is your child's nutrition? Is he getting all the nutrients he needs in the right amount? We offer a simple and convenient way to find out how you can improve and diversify your children's diet.

The ratio of height and weight in children

The height and weight calculator performs a very important function - it helps parents get rid of doubts. How many times during a walk in the park or on the playground have you noticed with alarm that your baby seems to be half a head shorter than their peers? Or they displeasedly fended off the remarks of those around them, noticing: “You have such a thin one!”

In fact, an estimate of height and weight "by eye" does not give any accurate data about the child.
Key metrics to look at:

  • 1. Height and weight of the child depending on age and gender
  • 2. The ratio of height and weight

Norms of height and weight of children in accordance with WHO criteria:


Age Growth The weight
1 year 73.4 to 78.1 cm 8.6 to 10.8 kg
2 years 84.1 to 90.9 cm from 10.8 to 13.6 kg
3 years 92.4 to 99.8 cm from 12.7 to 16.2 kg
5 years 105.3 to 114.6 cm from 16 to 21 kg
7 years from 116.4 to 127 cm 20 to 26.4 kg
10 years 131.4 to 144.2 cm from 26.7 to 37 kg
Age Growth The weight
1 year 71.4 to 76.6 cm 7.9 to 10.1 kg
2 years 82.5 to 88.9 cm from 10.2 to 13 kg
3 years 91.2 to 98.9 cm from 12.2 to 15.8 kg
5 years 104.7 to 114.2 cm from 15.8 to 21.2 kg
7 years 115.3 to 126.3 cm from 19.3 to 26.3 kg
10 years from 132.2 to 145 cm 27 to 38.2 kg

Parents should focus on these intervals, and not on an approximate comparison of the child with his peers. Try to provide a child with a healthy regimen, feed him delicious and healthy food, walk on the street together - and you will have no reason to worry about a temporary lack of appetite or insufficient weight. A weight and height calculator will always help you easily monitor the development of your child.

1) Skurikhin I.M., Tutelyan V.A. Tables of the chemical composition and calorie content of Russian food products:
Directory. -M.: DeLi print, 2007. -276s.
2) USDA SR-23 USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
3) Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population
Russian Federation. Guidelines MP -08
4) The WHO Child Growth Standards:

For most parents, the main indicator of a child's health is a good appetite, while they are also afraid of both the appearance of extra pounds and their lack. However, it is not at all easy to independently calculate how much the body weight of a son or daughter corresponds to height and age, because up to 18 years old “adult” methods of such measurements are not suitable for them. That is why it is necessary to have at hand a special online baby weight calculator, which is presented on our website. With the help of this service, you can easily and simply get accessible information about the development of your children by marking the necessary parameters in the appropriate fields.

Child height and weight calculator

Select the gender and age of the child to find out what the parameters of your child should be according to WHO (World Health Organization) standards

Low kg

Average kg

high kg

low cm

Medium cm

high cm

How does it work

This calculator plays a very important role in helping parents assess the condition of their child, get rid of doubts, find out the need to adjust the child's diet in one direction or another, and at the same time avoid weight jumps. The main parameters that are required to calculate the rate are:

  • dependence on sex and age;
  • ratio of weight and height.

The method of using the online calculator is as follows:

  1. Mark the gender and select the age of the child, click "Calculate".
  2. Measure his height and weigh him. Measurements and weighing should be performed in the morning, on an empty stomach, after going to the toilet, barefoot, in light underwear.
  3. Compare the received data with the parameters of the calculator.

The norms issued in the results of the calculation are set by the World Health Organization separately for boys and girls. Our website uses the most up-to-date data that can be used to interpret the height and weight of children up to and including 17 years of age.

To set new standards for child development, UNICEF, WHO and a number of UN agencies conducted a large-scale project during which 9,000 boys and girls were examined. All of them were brought up in a favorable environment with a healthy lifestyle and proper diet. The result of the obtained data was graphs of parameters from toddlers to adolescents. These graphs reflect not only absolute indicators, but also the relationship between height and weight. It is this ratio that gives the most complete picture of how harmonious development is for a particular child or teenager. Our calculator is based on this method.

Interpretation of results

As a result of the calculation on the calculator, indicators of height and weight are given - low, medium and high. Each of them is interpreted accordingly.

Height (length)

In babies under 3 years of age, body length is measured, after 3 years of age - growth in a standing position. Between these parameters, the difference can be on the order of 1 cm, which will affect the results of the assessment. Therefore, for the accuracy of the calculation of young children, it is recommended to measure it with a pediatrician, since this indicator is one of the most important.

Possible height (length) estimates using the calculator:

  1. Very low - much below the norm, which indicates a significant developmental delay, often accompanied by extra pounds. An examination by a doctor is recommended to identify the cause and treatment.
  2. Low - a slight lag, can also lead to an excess of kilograms. Consultation with a specialist is desirable.
  3. Below average - low, but within the normal range.
  4. Average - is determined in many healthy boys and girls.
  5. Above average - within the normal range.
  6. High - rare and usually hereditary, not indicating any abnormalities.
  7. Very high - may be the norm if the parents also differ in the same parameters, or a sign of an endocrine disorder. It is recommended to consult a doctor.

By itself, the weight indicator does not fully assess the development of the child. But if, according to the results of the calculator, body weight is determined as very low or extremely large, then this is the reason for going to the doctor.

Possible estimates on the calculator:

  1. Very low - there is a great danger of exhaustion of the body. An immediate examination by a specialist is required.
  2. Low - there is also a possibility of exhaustion, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
  3. Below average - the lower limit of the norm, the diet should be reviewed.
  4. Medium is ideal for many healthy girls and boys.
  5. Above average - with this indicator, an assessment should be made taking into account BMI.
  6. Very large - also estimated based on body mass index.

Body mass index

The harmony of a child's development does not depend on age, but is determined by the body mass index (BMI), which is calculated as the ratio of height and weight. So, the ideal weight for a 13-year-old girl of average height (151.8 cm) will be 43 kg, and for a 14-year-old low (147.8 cm) - 37.6 kg. In adolescent boys, this difference is less pronounced, since during this period they develop less intensively. For example, a short (136.2 cm) teenager of 12 years old should weigh 28.2 kg, while a boy of 11 years of average (138.5 cm) height should weigh 31 kg.

Body mass index is individual for each person. It can be calculated on our website. It should also be borne in mind that there are reasons that affect the decrease or increase in kilograms. Almost all of them can be adjusted to reach the optimal body weight.

weight factors

Almost all deviations from the norm, determined when calculating on an online calculator, should not be a reason for panic. The main parameters for losing weight or gaining kilograms depend on a number of different factors that must be taken into account:

  1. genetic predisposition. In large parents, the descendants will also have deviations in the same parameters upwards. And thin short parents very rarely grow up a daughter or son with overweight.
  2. Health status. Both diseases that directly affect weight (for example, endocrine diseases) and common diseases that worsen the baby's well-being play a role here, which leads to loss of appetite.
  3. Appetite. Everyone has a different attitude to food and a different appetite. If the mass does not strongly deviate from the norm, you should not force or restrict food, but the diet should be healthy - without fast food, chips, soda and other junk food.
  4. Lifestyle. This is the most common reason for gaining excess pounds. Today's children spend little time outside, doing sports or playing active games. Parents should limit the time spent sitting at the computer and properly organize the daily routine.

By ensuring the correct regimen, active pastime, eating healthy and tasty food, you can completely avoid the appearance of extra pounds in your son or daughter or their lack due to lack of appetite. And using an online calculator will help you easily monitor their harmonious development.

The weight of the fetus by weeks of pregnancy is a very important diagnostic indicator, which is assessed using ultrasound. Lack or excess weight indicates the development of the pathological process.

Normal intrauterine development is determined by many indicators. One of these parameters is the weight of the child. The weight of the fetus by weeks of pregnancy with deviations up or down indicates malnutrition or the formation of hypoxia.

What determines the weight of the fetus during pregnancy?

The weight of the baby depends on the functioning of the placenta and the incoming nutrients with oxygen. Starting from the second trimester, the fetus increases to 80 grams. In the later stages, the seven-day set reaches 200 grams, but before labor, the pace slows down significantly, due to the death of the placenta.

The indicator also depends on the following factors:

  • unbalanced nutrition of the mother;
  • stressful situations during the gestation period;
  • chronic diseases;
  • toxicosis;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • genetic predisposition.
The weight of the baby, during fetal development, also depends on gender. Boys are born larger than girls.

The norm of fetal weight by week of pregnancy

In the first seven days after conception, the fertilized egg begins to divide, forming the placenta and fetus. Up to 7 weeks, all vital organs are laid and formed. The outlines of a person appear - legs, arms, head, heart muscle. Already at the 5th week, you can measure the baby.

From the second trimester, intensive growth of the baby begins. The rate of increase is about 80 g / week. Further, the weight of the fetus grows even more rapidly, reaching up to 300 g / week. The uterus for a 9-month period of intrauterine development increases by 500 times.

Doctors, when evaluating parameters on ultrasound, are guided by general indicators of size and circumference. The main component is the positive dynamics of the intrauterine formation of the baby and its full development.

The approximate weight of a child at 30 weeks is up to 1.4 kg. Any slight deviation can be perceived as a pathology or a normal condition, depending on the individual parameters of the future mother and the baby itself. By the beginning of labor, the baby reaches at least 3 kg 100 gr.

Fetal weight table by week of pregnancy

The estimated weight of the fetus in the early stages is calculated using ultrasound. At a later stage, the doctor, thanks to measurements of the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterus, can calculate this indicator.

Calculated norms of the weight of the child by weeks of pregnancy are presented in the table:

weeks long,cm Weight, gr
11 week 4,1 7
12 week 5,4 14
13 week 7,4 23
14 week 8,7 43
15 week 10,1 70
16 week 11,5 100
17 week 13 140
18 week 14,2 190
19 week 15,3 240
20 week 25,8 300
21 weeks 26,7 360
22 week 27,8 430
23 week 28,9 500
24 week 30 600
25 week 34,6 670
26 week 35,6 760
27 week 36,6 875
28 week 37,6 1000
29 week 38,6 1150
30 week 39,9 1320
31 weeks 41,1 1500
32 week 42,4 1700
33 week 43,8 1900
34 week 45 2150
35 week 46,2 2380
36 week 47,4 2500
37 week 48,6 2800
38 week 49,8 3000
39 week 50,7 3300
40 week 51,2 3400

Calculate the weight of the baby during pregnancy by week - calculator

The most informative method in order to make a calculation during pregnancy is an ultrasound examination. The specialist measures the length of the thigh, the size and circumference of the head, as well as the diameter of the chest. After that, it receives a ratio that is checked against the table of norms.

On examination, the doctor is able to calculate the baby's body weight using a special formula that takes into account the height of the fundus of the uterus, the circumference of the abdomen and the thickness of the woman's bone. The method is applied in the third trimester. In case of significant deviations, a certain diet and drug therapy are prescribed.

For the full development of the baby, both an overabundance and low rates are equally dangerous. It is worth adhering to reasonable nutritional standards and not neglecting walks in the fresh air, and the baby's weight and height calculator during pregnancy will help you calculate the allowable limits.