
When is the day of housing and communal services workers in the year. Day of workers of public services of the population and housing and communal services. Excursion into history


Russia congratulates all workers in the provision of services, housing and communal services and trade for many years at the same time, on Sunday 3 March. The holiday was considered unofficial until 1988, when in November the President of the USSR issued a decree on the introduction of a new solemn date - the Day of Consumer Services Workers. Such a holiday is extremely important, because it expresses respect for all people working in the field of consumer services, trade and housing and communal services. Like all holidays, it has a rather interesting history of formation, which remains unknown to most modern people.

The history of the holiday

Although it acquired the status of an official holiday only in 1988, people of the corresponding profession celebrated it much earlier. For the first time, such specialists were congratulated back in the days of the Soviet Union (1966) on the fourth Sunday of July. A little later, the government revised the relevance of the chosen date, and moved the holiday to March, but the experts who received congratulations decided to celebrate both holidays. It is noteworthy that even today many organizations and regional institutions celebrate their professional holiday in July.
When the USSR collapsed, many countries refused to celebrate this date or moved it to another number. However, there are countries, including Russia, that continue to celebrate a similar professional day in March.
Until 1917, the development of domestic services was rather sluggish, until the government adopted a number of important reforms relating to this area. Since that moment, there has been a significant breakthrough in the system of personal services, which has not lost momentum to this day.

Features of consumer services and housing and communal services

Household services include all services and services that provide them, helping to increase the comfort and convenience of people's daily lives. The home service system includes many workshops, spas, fitness centers, repair companies, furniture manufacturers, and so on. Listing popular enterprises that provide personal services to the population, one cannot help but recall gyms, cleaning services, photo studios and other well-known establishments.

People working in the public service sector must have certain qualities, such as patience, education, responsibility, as well as experience. Another requirement for all service workers is communication skills and the ability to work with people. Many people are surprised at the ability of service workers to remain calm in conflict situations, as well as to sincerely smile at each client. However, trade workers were in demand even in antiquity, when there was no such a well-thought-out and proven system. However, at that time the service sector was in little demand, since there was little equipment and conditions to provide them.

History of the sphere of personal services in Russia

Since ancient times, public service and trade have been indispensable indicators of comfort. Ancient Rome became famous for its many covered markets, resembling hypermarkets that exist in our time. Also in Rome, one of the first workshops was opened, providing a fairly wide range of services for the population. At the same time, people involved in the design and construction of special water supply systems (aqueducts) were respected no less than musicians and painters.

In Russia, before the revolution, much attention was also paid to the service sector. Statistics show that in the 20th century more than 50 provinces of the country provided work in the service sector for more than 20% of the total adult population. Such specialists were highly respected, and the profession itself was considered promising and highly paid.

Development of housing and communal services

Housing and communal services is a whole complex of various subgroups that provide people with the widest possible range of different housing and communal services. During the USSR, the government was engaged not only in the active development of trade and consumer services, but also in the housing and communal services industry. This confirms the decree (1917), which turned out to be the first of its kind, and relating specifically to the housing and communal services sector. However, a number of reforms adopted in the 90s of the last century and related to the country's economy, significantly reduced the amount of financial influence in the funds of housing and communal services. Because of this, modern funds in this area are significantly worn out. The latest data confirms that depreciation has reached 60% of the total and most of these assets are operating at their limit.

The current state of consumer services and housing and communal services

Housing and communal services are in a deplorable state today due to significant wear and tear of equipment. To correct the situation, it is necessary to send a significant amount of money to such an industry, but sponsors are in no hurry with such investments. In contrast to Soviet times, virtually all non-productive and productive services provided in Russia require payment. Nevertheless, people hope for a speedy correction of the situation and drawing the attention of the authorities to the need to finance housing and communal services and organizations providing services to the population. At this time, all workers in this field, applying great work and endurance, accept congratulations from colleagues and relatives on the third Sunday of March.

Housing and communal services is considered one of the most controversial services, however, the benefits of this work are obvious and indisputable. They do not like when they are late for a call, and are ready to carry them on their hands after the next long-awaited repair.
Housing and communal services, as well as domestic industries, from the time the first large settlements appeared to the present day, have been the main component of the standard of living in megacities. These services improve and decorate settlements, provide comfort and coziness for their residents, maintain cleanliness and order, despite any vagaries of the weather on weekdays and holidays, regardless of the time of year.

Housing and communal services workers also have their own professional holiday. The history of its origin is rooted in the USSR. Initially, the attitude towards these workers was far from being the best. The wording of the holiday was a little different - the day of housing and communal services. In those days, repair and construction teams were equated with trade workers and provided the population with support for public utilities, which was huge under the USSR. Consequently, the holiday fell on the last Sunday of July, along with trade workers.

However, after some time, the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council nevertheless decided to separate the day of the housing and communal services worker and made several amendments to the decree on holiday dates. After that, everyone who worked in this industry before the collapse of the USSR celebrated this holiday on the third Sunday of the month of March. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2013, the day of the housing and communal services worker is a separate holiday and is also disconnected from the day of trade workers.

How is the day of housing and communal services workers celebrated?

There is not a single employee in housing and communal services who would not accept congratulations on their professional holiday. Despite the fact that the holiday falls on Sunday, they begin to celebrate it on Friday. First of all, the management congratulates everyone. On this day, almost every employee receives not only bonuses, but also valuable gifts - from simple souvenirs to luxurious jewelry. The management reminds that housing and communal services workers celebrate the day of one of the most peaceful, necessary and respected professions. Further, after the end of the working day, all employees are gathered in a large hall for the presentation of certificates of honor.

Especially note those who gave the profession 20-30 and 40 years. The honorary mission is accompanied by songs, dances and other entertaining numbers. In some cities, famous pop stars come to this holiday.
Some funny contests and riddles warm up the audience. After the audience perked up, the solemn part continues. The awards program is followed by a traditional feast.

Whom to congratulate on the day of the communal worker?

The current holidays related to the work of trade, communal, domestic services can be safely called nationwide. In Russia, as in any other country, there are a great many hairdressers, salons, dry cleaners, parking lots, workshops, gas and electricity, water and heat wiring companies, household waste removal and rental, various things. After all, whatever you say, it is simply impossible for a modern person to be in time, to do everything on their own with today's rhythm of life. Therefore, all employees who provide such great assistance to the population in overcoming everyday problems are simply obliged to have their own separate day in the year - every third Sunday in March.

What to give on the day of the housing and communal services worker?

So, before the cherished day - the third Sunday in March, you should decide on a gift. To please such a person, it is enough to buy a small cake or something sweet, especially for women and young girls. A jar of coffee or champagne can complement the gift. Any female housing and communal services worker will be happy even with an ordinary bouquet of flowers, and a male public utilities worker with a bottle of good cognac. The janitor will be sincerely grateful, even if nothing is presented to him at all. You simply do not need to litter in the territory adjacent to the house and in the entrance.

What else would be appropriate on this day?

A woman will like a beautiful mug or a set of dishes, a man will like a practical cigarette case or wallet.

If a housing and communal services worker is an expensive member of the family, then jewelry is appropriate here - earrings, chains, necklaces, rings, bracelets. The owner will be especially pleased if natural pebbles show off on them.
A hand-made gift will probably be the best for a housing and communal services worker. Let it be a picture, a tree made of beads, embroidery, crafts made from natural materials, etc. Housing and communal services workers appreciate everything that a piece of soul is invested in.

Of practical gifts, thermoses occupy a special place, because these people work in any weather, and warm tea or coffee will be the best protectors from frost.

Compositions of fresh flowers will help express respect to a woman. If a housing and communal services employee likes interesting gifts with a twist, then you should opt for a decorated box or a unique chest made of a large egg. For a man, you should look at a travel bag, a money clip or an elegant cane. The most fashionable gifts for housing and communal services employees are glass holders, figurines, antique telephone sets, coffee or tea sets, leather boxes and the like.

When choosing a souvenir for a housing and communal services employee, it is necessary to take into account not only business features (after all, a holiday gift does not always have to be associated with a profession), but also personal qualities - ways of spending leisure time, hobbies, and so on.

How to spend the day of housing and communal services workers?

The very first thing a person can do on this very important day is not to litter. Everyone can make such a trifle, however, it will be better than many presents. The housing and communal services workers themselves celebrate this day at home in the company of loved ones with a cup of tea and a cake, and perhaps even with something hot. Some people are already storming the forests in order to taste delicious barbecue on holiday.

On the eve of this day, congratulations are being prepared. Some workers rush to the concerts. At the solemn part, the best locksmiths, janitors, mechanics, drivers, engineers, in general, all authorized by numerous professions of the city's housing and communal services, rise to the stage. At the end of the festive part, theater artists perform in front of the audience with a concert.

On this holiday, you can prepare a wall newspaper, hang out collages and photographs of the best workers. Today in the global network you can find hundreds of different wishes regarding this day. How to dilute the feast on this day? You can learn a couple of fresh stories or come up with a horoscope for everyone for this day. Since housing and communal services workers are crazy about everything that is done with their own hands, you can even bake cookies with wishes and predictions.

As for wishes, it is also very important to wish a person health, because the work is extremely difficult. The crisis is not terrible for these people, since this profession is considered one of the most sought after. The most important thing is that all relatives treat them with understanding and constantly support them. Often, housing and communal services workers work without holidays and weekends. Housing and communal services are famous for low turnover in their team. Mostly people with long experience work here, since work in this industry immediately excludes those who cannot understand why at any time, and sometimes in the middle of the night, you need to wake up and rush to work. Only those who understand their duties and fulfill them conscientiously stay here.

Housing and communal services workers maintain cleanliness and comfort for the entire population. Their work provides comfortable living conditions and is a sign of social peace. In order to demonstrate the importance of contribution to society, a professional holiday was established in honor of workers providing domestic services.


The first time the holiday was celebrated in 1966. It was combined with Trade Workers' Day until 1988. And on November 1, 1988, it was established by the Decree of the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as a separate holiday. The very system of providing personal services began to operate after the October Revolution.

After the collapse of the USSR, this holiday continues to be celebrated not only in our country, but also in some CIS countries.

Today, public utilities workers ensure uninterrupted operation and the availability of water, light, heat and gas in homes. Ever since the days of the USSR, the attitude towards structures has not been the best due to the fact that highly professional education is not required for work. Nevertheless, the importance of services is obvious, because no home can do without utility services. Cleaning of streets and roads is also included in their duties. Employees of the consumer services sector provide assistance in the repair of electrical appliances, cars, apartments, they can put personal and household items in order.


On this day, solemn events are held, at which the most active employees are encouraged with awards, prizes, diplomas, letters of gratitude. Friends and relatives arrange a festive banquet and present gifts. The media prepare stories and materials about the importance of the profession.

The high-quality work of employees of the communal and household services sector has a positive impact on the development of the country's economy. Order, comfortable living and working conditions allow you to focus on more global results, without being distracted by everyday problems.

One of the most controversial, but at the same time such necessary and useful services. They are hated when they do not come to the call and idolize after the repairs have been done, arranging a real holiday for housing and communal services. And if on the 3rd Sunday of March, for some reason, you run into employees of this institution, then before complaining about a breakdown, congratulate them on their professional holiday, and then keep track of time. They will fix any malfunction in the shortest possible time, because a kind word can work wonders, especially on the Day of Housing and Public Utilities Workers.

THE USSR. RF. housing and communal services

In the USSR, the attitude towards the employees of this organization was always not the best, but this did not prevent all employees of the structure from celebrating a separate date. True, the wording of the holiday back in 1966 was very different from today's - Housing and Public Utilities Day. Then, under the repair and construction teams, they were classified as trade workers and provided household services to the population of the huge Soviet public utilities. Therefore, they celebrated their professional holiday every fourth Sunday of July, on the day of trade workers. But in a later period, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, nevertheless, decided to isolate the Day of the housing and communal services worker and made a number of changes to the decree on holiday dates. Thus, everyone who worked in this area at the end of the USSR celebrated the holiday every third Sunday of March. According to the latest presidential decree of 2013, Housing and Utilities Day is a separate date and is also celebrated separately from the day of trade workers.

Excursion into history

The question of creating a structure that would serve the public utilities of a large country matured with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks. It was necessary to somehow manage all this collapsing economy, and at least patch up holes in the course of moving towards a brighter future. Back in 1917, when no one was celebrating Housing and Public Utilities Day, the sphere itself began to develop actively. True, the level of training and professionalism of the then workers left much to be desired. Hungry crowds of fighters against tsarist arbitrariness wandering around the cities, after the victory over the autocracy, did not know what to do next, and as a result they did not have the opportunity for a decent income. So I had to do what the soul did not lay in, and there were no skills.

Our days

Quite a different situation now. During the existence of the USSR, and in the recent history of Russia, a huge number of professional educational institutions were created, where future specialists in the housing and communal services sector were trained. But in fairness, it must be said that most of the graduates in their specialty do not work, since the level of salaries leaves much to be desired. It is much more profitable to be lawyers and economists, counting losses from dilapidated housing stock and winning numerous cases living in dilapidated housing. It remains to wish everyone that the day of public services in our country is not limited only to the third Sunday of March, but continues daily.

When is Public Utilities Day 2020

The Day of Housing and Utilities Workers is a professional holiday, which was officially approved almost 40 years ago. This is an important holiday, because it is dedicated to people who provide comfort and cleanliness. In addition, this day is a professional holiday for trade workers, as well as other areas of service to citizens. In this article, we will look at the date of the day of housing and communal services workers in 2018 in Russia, the history and traditions of its celebration.

Date of the holiday and its history

The date of this professional holiday falls on the third Sunday of March. Therefore, this year it will be celebrated 18th of March.

The Day of Housing and Public Services Workers officially appeared more than 50 years ago. At this time, the holiday was celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July.

However, by government decree 30 years ago, the date of the holiday was moved to the third Sunday of the first spring month. However, employees of many organizations and companies did not abandon the previous date, so they began to celebrate both holidays. To this day, many trading companies and even government organizations celebrate the Day of Housing and Utilities Workers in Russia in the summer or twice.

And the first decrees that concerned the activities of the spheres of domestic services appeared before 1921. After all, it was during this period that the consumer services sector developed at a rapid pace.

Holiday traditions

On this wonderful spring holiday, the best and most honored workers receive commendations, diplomas, certificates of honor and valuable gifts. Conferences are often held on this day to promote the exchange of experience and advanced training.

In addition, many organizations arrange corporate parties, festive concerts and receptions. The holiday falls at the beginning of spring, so many groups prefer to celebrate the event in nature.

On television and radio on this day, you can see programs dedicated to the most significant events in this area, the history of development and the problems of our time.

Housing and public services in our time

In modern Russia, housing and communal services are going through hard times. Worn-out funds need an urgent injection of significant capital. Because of this, the accident rate of the housing and communal services industry is increasing every year. Depreciation of funds only according to official data is more than 60%.

If in the days of the Soviet Union huge funds were constantly allocated to maintain a normal state and technical requirements, repairs and modernization were regularly carried out, then in our time the number of emergency and dilapidated housing is increasing. This is due to the fact that practically no funds are allocated for the modernization and repair of the housing stock.

Public services, in turn, have moved to a completely new level. However, this service is paid. Its high quality is explained by competition among organizations that provide such services. Therefore, more and more often, plumbers, electricians, gas workers and other specialists in this field are called not from state organizations, but from private enterprises.

In this article, we examined when the Day of Housing and Public Utilities Workers is celebrated, as well as the main traditions of its celebration. If among your acquaintances, relatives or friends there are housing and communal services workers, be sure to congratulate them on their professional holiday. After all, it is they who help to bring warmth and comfort to the house, as well as to make the life of every person simple and comfortable.