
Volkov's method for losing weight. Volkov's ambiguous diet: features, controversial points. What products are allowed


The diet proposed by Dr. Volkov helps many people get rid of the bad habit of constantly eating carbohydrate foods. It is because of this that extra pounds are gained, which subsequently spoil a person’s appearance.

Moreover, this diet includes a large number of healthy vegetables and fruits.

As you know, they are all rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs. Without them, the metabolic process slows down, and in some cases, serious diseases develop.

The Volkov diet helps obese people reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and any problems with the gastrointestinal tract. With an unhealthy diet, the risk of contracting one of these diseases increases, which leads to unpleasant consequences.

Detailed description

Dr. Volkov's diet provides a complete nutrition system with which the body can satisfy its needs for proteins, fats and carbohydrates without gaining excess weight. However, to do this, a person losing weight needs to remember the basic principles of this diet:

  1. Food should not undergo long-term heat treatment, as it destroys all beneficial properties.
  2. The menu and frequency of meals should be selected individually, taking into account the person’s habits and allergies to certain foods.
  3. The food must be varied. When eating food, all foods are chewed thoroughly and slowly.
  4. The consumption of sweets, baked goods, yeast, mushrooms, and honey is prohibited.
  5. It is not advisable to endure the feeling of hunger for more than 20 minutes. If it does not go away, then it is recommended to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  6. After 18:00 you should not eat fruit.

A very important point of this diet is regular visits to a nutritionist and gastroenterologist. Dr. Volkov believes that in a few months of such nutrition, the metabolism can be completely reorganized, so you will have to do an ultrasound every month and take tests. This will help you choose the right diet for each person, since when adding new products to the menu, digestive problems may occur.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this diet is an individual approach to each obese person. He independently, or under the guidance of a specialist, creates a menu for himself that helps him get used to new foods, which forms completely new eating habits.

With the help of the Volkov diet, you can really get rid of all excess weight. This will give you a feeling of pleasant lightness and significantly relieve stress on your joints and internal organs. In the future, this will affect the health of the person who has lost weight.

Unfortunately, this diet involves regular visits to doctors. They are the ones who must control the weight loss process, because this regimen is designed for a long period of use. At any moment, the functioning of the stomach or intestines can be disrupted, which will lead to weight gain back. Doctors will be able to monitor this process by noticing a dietary disorder in time.


The menu for Dr. Volkov’s diet is compiled in strict order. Every obese person must undergo an examination that will determine which foods he can eat and which he absolutely cannot. In general, the menu looks something like this:

Breakfast: cereal boiled in water, black tea without sugar and any sweet fruit.

Second breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Lunch: boiled meat with fresh vegetables, black or green tea, apple.

Snack: any fruit is allowed if the meal is taken before 18:00. If not, then you need to drink a glass of kefir.

Dinner: boiled fish, fresh salad, tomatoes and compote without sugar.


This diet is not used during pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood. It is undesirable to radically change your diet during exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as after the appearance of heart problems. This diet requires a full examination by doctors, so you should not switch to this diet on your own.


The Volkov diet is designed for long-term use under the strict supervision of a nutritionist, but if you need to leave it, this process may take 2 weeks. At the beginning of the exit, a person must again get used to the changed diet. Because of this, familiar foods are gradually returning to the daily menu.

As a rule, all people who have lost weight immediately pounce on sweets and all kinds of desserts. It is important to remember that during this period you need to severely limit yourself in sweets, otherwise fast carbohydrates will provoke a rapid increase in body volume. Instead, it is allowed to increase the amount of fruits and dried fruits eaten.

Volkov himself does not advise completely forgetting about the basic principles of a healthy diet. To maintain the result, you need to constantly monitor yourself, otherwise you will have to go on a diet again. First of all, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats, but do not completely abandon them.


The Volkov diet is intended for people who agree to take the problem of excess weight seriously. It involves regular visits to specialists, drawing up an individual menu and strict adherence to all recommendations. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved, and the extra pounds will continue to “hang” like a heavy burden on a healthy body.

The diet was developed by physician Volkov. This technique is based on effective and efficient weight loss. The peculiarity of the diet is that you can lose weight on it without feeling severe discomfort, without stress on the body. To achieve a good result, you don’t need to starve yourself or.

What are the requirements of the Volkov diet?

The doctor found that each person reacts differently to certain things, that is, the body’s reaction is always different. The specialist determined that a dietary menu should be drawn up based on the characteristics of a particular person’s body. Therefore, it is very important to initially take a blood test, and only based on the result, you can make a list that will include approved products, on the basis of which you should build.

Many people who have tried this technique on themselves claim that they do not have to undergo expensive research to follow the diet. You just need to follow the rules of the method and you will succeed in just seven days (up to 5 kilograms).

  1. Carbonated water and drinks are prohibited. Dr. Volkov also strongly recommends giving up milk, since the nutritionist is confident that this dairy product is poorly digested by the body. When consuming milk, a person may experience changes in figure (extra pounds) and health problems.
  2. After waking up, be sure to drink a glass of warm water so that your stomach starts working. You can sit down for your morning meal in half an hour. Every day you should drink at least 2 liters of clean water without gas. Dr. Volkov also strongly recommends, or at least doing exercises at home and walking more often. This will help significantly transform your figure. In general, it is very important to lead an active lifestyle.
  3. It is recommended to include many healthy foods in your diet. The menu should be built on the basis of lean meat, seafood, low-fat fish, and dairy products. The presence of fruits, herbs, berries, cereals, and whole grain bread is also very important. Vegetables should be chosen that do not contain starch. Salads are allowed to be seasoned with vegetable oil, but not more than 1 tsp. for 1 serving.
  4. If you are very worried, then only in this case you should eat, but not because you are bored or because a friend ordered something tasty for himself.
  5. It is best if an equal amount of time is observed between meals. That is, you need to eat after 2-3 hours. This is quite enough for the body to process the previous food.
  6. The diet should be based on protein products. It is better to include a minimum of carbohydrate products in the menu. It is best to eat low-calorie foods that do not contain unhealthy fats.
  7. Be sure to chew your food thoroughly and not be distracted by anything, for example, watching TV, reading a book or searching for information on the Internet.
  8. It is allowed to eat foods raw, bake, boil, stew, grill or steam. It is not advisable to fry the ingredients; it is better to do it in a dry frying pan.
  9. It is best not to consume water, tea or coffee during meals. It is advisable to do this half an hour before a meal.
  10. It is permissible to consume fruits, but since this can slow down the weight loss process and even add extra pounds.
  11. You cannot eat broths and various dishes based on them. Alcoholic beverages should not be present in the diet. It is very rare to afford a glass of dry red wine.
  12. The menu must be varied so that it does not get boring on the second or third day. But taking it into account is a must. For example, it is better to eat porridge with meat, and fish with vegetables. Eating everything at once is wrong.
  13. It is better to give up smoked, salted, flour, and canned foods for the duration of the technique. Also prohibited are high-calorie sweets, fast food, processed foods and foods containing a lot of sugar.
  14. After each meal, you should pay attention to how you feel. If you feel discomfort or some other unpleasant processes inside, you need to understand that some product is not suitable for the body, therefore, you should stop consuming it.

It is important to take into account the fact that Dr. Volkov strongly advises starting the technique only after a complete examination and clarification of the individual characteristics of the body. Only in this case will it be possible not only to lose weight, but also not to cause harm to your health. The nutritionist also recommends that in the future you eat foods that do not change your blood formula. Otherwise, the body may encounter problems: fermentation will begin, a process of rotting will occur, etc.

If you feel well, you can continue to lose weight using this method until you achieve the desired result. After which you are allowed to increase your daily caloric intake and occasionally indulge yourself with your favorite foods that are not recommended by the method.

Volkov's diet: nutrition for 7 days

An approximate diet for 7 days is proposed. During this period of time you can get rid of a large number of kilograms.

Diet day Breakfast Snack Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
First day 150 g oatmeal with added dried fruits 150 g cottage cheese casserole with orange slices 150 g vegetable salad of cabbage and cucumber, seasoned with 1 tsp. vegetable oil; 100 g baked fish fillet 200 ml low-fat kefir 80 g boiled chicken breast; 170 g cabbage salad dressed with lemon juice
Second day 150 g millet porridge with 15 g raisins 200 g fruit salad of apples and peaches, seasoned with natural yoghurt 150 g rice porridge (brown cereal); 80 g boiled turkey fillet; 1 tomato 1 whole grain bread with a slice of unsalted hard cheese; 100 ml low-fat kefir 100 g baked fish fillet with onions, tomatoes and eggplant
The third day 150 g oatmeal with grated apple and adding 1 tsp. natural honey 200 ml low-fat kefir 50 g durum pasta; 150 g of tomato, cucumber and herb salad, seasoned with 1 tsp. vegetable oil 1 baked apple 150 g boiled chicken fillet; 1 fresh cucumber
Fourth day 150 g millet porridge with 1 tsp. natural honey 2 boiled potatoes, sprinkled with herbs 100 g baked fish; 150 g vegetable stew (cabbage, eggplant, onion, tomato) 1 small apple 100 g steamed chicken cutlets; 150 g of tomato, cucumber and herb salad. Seasoned 1 tsp. vegetable oil
Fifth day 150 g barley porridge with a handful of dried fruits 1 green apple 100 g boiled turkey fillet; 150 g baked eggplants 150 g cottage cheese casserole with apples 100 g baked fish fillet; 100 g grilled eggplant
Sixth day 150 g oatmeal with banana pieces 1 whole grain bread with a thin layer of fruit jam 200 g cottage cheese with grated apple, strawberries and currants 1 orange/2 tangerines 150 g baked rabbit fillet; 1 fresh tomato
Seventh day 100 g omelette with herbs and tomatoes, cooked with cheese 150 g cottage cheese with pieces of apple and orange 100 g buckwheat porridge; 200 g cabbage and tomato salad 200 ml orange juice 150 g stew of eggplant, onion, tomato; 50 g baked beef

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The main advantage of Volkov’s method is its effectiveness, as well as the absence of an acute feeling of hunger, due to the fact that you can create a diet based on your favorite foods. In addition, the technique has a minimum of prohibitions on some products. During the diet, you do not experience weakness, lethargy, or mood swings. In addition, your well-being improves and you can get a general effect of healing the body. Anyone losing weight can independently create a menu based on recommended products.

The diet also has certain disadvantages:

  1. In order to follow the technique, you must first take a blood test, but it is not free. Yes, and this needs to be done not just once, but approximately every 4-5 months.
  2. Many nutrition experts do not understand why Volkov prohibits the consumption of milk. After all, it is known that milk drink is rich in many useful substances that the body needs for its normal functioning. Milk has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, heart and liver, and helps saturate the body with calcium, which is necessary for strong bones.
  3. Experts also disagree with the fact that Volkov considers broths to be bad nutrition. Most nutritionists are convinced that liquid food helps the gastrointestinal tract function normally, and if you refuse it, problems may arise.
  4. Having decided to adhere to this technique, you should prepare for the fact that you will have to adjust your menu and change your diet.

This technique can be followed as long as necessary, provided you feel well.


This technique is absolutely not suitable for pregnant women and women experiencing menopause. It is also prohibited to adhere to the diet for children, the elderly, as well as those who have hormonal disorders, cancer, and diseases that cause malaise.

The diet is not suitable if there was a surgical intervention in which an organ transplant was performed. It is advisable, before starting a diet, to consult with your therapist, who will give the go-ahead to comply with the requirements of the method.

The Volkov diet is a unique technique based on numerous requirements and recommendations, therefore, before you begin to follow it, it is very important to weigh the pros and cons. However, the diet has disadvantages that may cause refusal of such a nutritional system.

The Volkov diet is a separate nutrition system. It does not contain general recommendations on the choice of products; the diet is compiled individually.

According to the author, nutritionist A.V. Volkov, special enzymes and different times are needed to digest different types of food. Therefore, you should not mix products that differ too much in the specified parameters in one go.

Volkov's diet rules:

  • protein and carbohydrate foods are not consumed together;
  • You should eat only when you feel hungry;
  • You can choose any diet, but at least 2 hours must pass between meals;
  • You need to drink 3 liters of water per day, with the first liter before breakfast;
  • You can only drink water or green tea with meals. Other drinks are allowed 30 minutes before a meal or an hour after it;
  • eat only organic products:
  • subject foods only to minimal heat treatment, cook as quickly as possible;
  • prepare dishes using dietary methods - boiling, steaming, baking in the oven and grilling;
  • the diet should be as varied as possible;
  • you need to carefully monitor the body’s reaction to food, refusing foods that make you feel worse after eating them;
  • regularly take a biochemical blood test to monitor the body’s reaction to certain foods;
  • you need daily physical activity, dousing yourself with cold water before going to bed.

Advantages of the Volkov diet

The speed of the plumb line on the Volkov diet is individual, it depends on the diet and initial weight - the higher it is, the greater the plumb line.

The Volkov diet refers to separate nutrition systems, therefore it has a general healing effect.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the Volkov diet

Most doctors consider drinking 3 liters of water daily to be excessive and more harmful to health than beneficial.

Cold dousing has a tonic (invigorating) effect, so the advisability of performing this procedure before bed is questionable.

Before starting a diet, you should prepare - find a nutritionist familiar with the Volkoff system, and a laboratory where you can regularly take blood tests.

To create an individual diet, it is proposed to focus on the results of regularly taken biochemical blood tests, adjusting the menu depending on the indicators. Obviously, this requires a diet under the supervision of a specialist, which is not always convenient and also expensive.

What products are allowed?

The basis of the diet is protein foods, except for prohibited ones, vegetables and fruits, a small amount of vegetable oil.

What products are prohibited?

  • Canned food.
  • Stewed meat and fish.
  • Meat and fish broth.
  • Smoked and fried foods.
  • Milk.
  • Fast food.
  • Carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Volkov diet menu

An example of a menu for one day of the Volkov diet:

Tip 1. Before starting a diet, you should prepare - find a nutritionist familiar with the Volkoff system, and a laboratory where you can regularly take blood tests.

Tip 2. To achieve better results, it is recommended to visit a sauna or bathhouse.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Developed by Moscow nutritionist Volkov, the dietary nutrition system brings quite tangible results, both in matters of losing weight and improving the health of the body. What is this technique and how can you lose 5 kg in a week? Let’s find out.

The system developed by Volkov is a complex based on the consumption of protein foods and minimizing the consumption of foods that contain carbohydrates. The diet helps cleanse and heal the body. In a strict sense, this is not a diet for weight loss, although in that regard the result is impressive.

The peculiarities of nutrition are that it is necessary to individually select for you those foods that your body “loves”. To do this, rather complex (and expensive) blood tests are carried out for food intolerance. Blood “signals” which products are necessary for your body and which will only cause harm.

Diet rules

  • Cook it right. Minimize heat treatment. By the way, Anatoly Viktorovich considers the most harmful food to be that which has been stewed for a long time.
  • Separate meals. You cannot eat protein and carbohydrate foods together.
  • Determine if you are really hungry. When you feel the desire to eat, drink water (a glass) and if after half an hour the desire has not gone away, it’s time to sit down at the table.
  • Set meal intervals. You need to eat with sufficient breaks so that the body can calmly digest previously received food. This is 2-3 hours.
  • We do not introduce any strict time limits. If you want to have a snack at one in the morning, eat, but so as to satisfy your hunger, and not suffer from nightmares.
  • Varied food. You will see for yourself that your green list is not so small; create a full, varied menu.
  • Water. You need to drink at least 3 liters per day.
  • We eat slowly and chew food thoroughly. It is not advisable to drink while eating, but if you really want to, it should be pure water or tea (green).
  • Active lifestyle+ cold dousing at least once a day.

Changing eating habits and eliminating foods that are harmful to the body is the path to recovery without drugs.

Volkov's method excludes fasting, taking medications or dietary supplements, and strict calorie counting. The most effective medicine is tasty and healthy food!

Advantages and disadvantages of the Volkov diet

Like any other nutrition system, Volkov’s technique has both its ardent supporters and opponents. Its undoubted advantages are:

  • Individual approach to each client;
  • active cleansing of the body and unloading of joints occurs;
  • efficiency;
  • lack of hunger;
  • freedom of choice and variety of menu.

Opponents of the technique call it controversial. So Volkov categorically prohibits broths and milk, and many nutritionists insist on their use during the diet. Dousing yourself before bed (by the way, this can be done in the morning) also causes a lot of criticism, because you may have problems falling asleep. And, to be honest, drinking 3 liters of water a day is very problematic for many.

The main disadvantage of this diet is its cost. If you are overweight, you will need to have your blood tested periodically (every 4-5 months). And its cost (this is only the primary one) is around $300. And it’s not a fact (if you didn’t go directly to the clinic) that it will be done to you at your place of residence. You also need to find a nutritionist who will work with you.

What you can and cannot eat while dieting

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the Volkov clinic (Moscow, Architect Vlasov St. 6), but do not despair. You can make a list of products yourself; you should listen carefully to your body:

  • eliminate from your diet what you simply don’t like;
  • Products to which you are allergic are unacceptable.

This will be your red list, add what you love to the green list. This will not provide accuracy, but in many cities there are now specialists working on this system and laboratories where analysis can be done.

The nutrition program is developed strictly individually and adjusted based on the test results obtained. But there is a list of foods that everyone is prohibited from consuming. It includes:

  • stewed foods. In the process of such heat treatment, the very structure of the product is destroyed;
  • any canned food, including juices;
  • do not fry anything in vegetable oil: unrefined oil burns, and refined oil is generally a useless product for the body;
  • exclude broths from the diet - they collect all carcinogens and harmful substances;
  • milk;
  • smoked meats;
  • carbonated drinks.
  • green tea;
  • unsweetened compotes;
  • eggs and cottage cheese;
  • boiled, lean meat;
  • steamed fish.

The technique is based on Shelton's separate power supply system. According to it, all products are divided into 6 groups:

  • dairy products;
  • meat and fish;
  • legumes and all vegetables;
  • all types of fruits and nuts;
  • watermelon;
  • melon.

When we talk about choosing products, we mean that they should all be natural and environmentally friendly.

The seductiveness of Volkov’s system is that an individually appointed consultant doctor will help develop a menu for the week and adjust it as necessary.

Menu for the week

The diet plan is more of an informational nature, because there have been paradoxical cases when a patient lost weight while eating fatty pork.

A sample menu looks like this:


1 meal: any porridge, muesli mixture (without sugar) and 100 g of dried fruits.

2nd breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, the cottage cheese must be low-fat, put an orange instead of sugar.

For lunch: steamed or baked fish with cabbage and cucumber salad.

For an afternoon snack, drink a glass of kefir.

Dinner: meat (boiled), greens, cabbage.


Breakfast: porridge (wheat can be used) with raisins.

2nd breakfast: fruit salad with low-fat yogurt.

Lunch: brown rice, chicken fillet, cucumber.

Snack: bread (whole grain), a piece of hard cheese, kefir.

For dinner: fish baked with vegetables.


Meal 1: oatmeal with apple and honey.

2nd reception: kefir.

Lunch: pasta (only hard varieties), tomato and cucumber salad.

Method 4: baked apple.

Dinner: boiled meat with fresh cucumber.


Breakfast: porridge (muesli) with honey.

Meal 2: a couple of potatoes (boiled) with herbs.

For lunch: steamed fish with vegetable stew.

Afternoon snack: medium-sized raw apple.

Dinner: steamed cutlets with a salad of herbs and fresh vegetables.


For breakfast: porridge (for variety, you can take barley) with the addition of a handful of dried fruits.

2nd breakfast: kefir or apple.

Lunch: baked eggplant with boiled meat.

Snack: cottage cheese and fruit casserole.

Dinner: fish with vegetables.


Breakfast: half a banana and muesli.

Meal 2: bread with jam.

Meal 3: cottage cheese grated until smooth with berries and fruits.

4th reception: citrus fruits (a little).

Meal 5: baked or boiled meat with fresh tomato.


Breakfast: 2 fried or boiled eggs with cheese and herbs.

2nd breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese with orange slices.

Lunch: buckwheat porridge with fresh salad.

Snack: a glass of freshly squeezed juice (preferably orange).

Dinner: meat and vegetable stew.

If nothing bothers you during the diet, everything suits you - you can stick to it for the rest of your life.

Take into account Chekhov’s words: “When you get up from the table hungry, you don’t have enough to eat; when you get up, when you’re full, you overeat; if you get up and overeat, you get poisoned!”

How to get out of a diet correctly

  • add new products gradually and in small quantities;
  • do not use those that (as tests have shown) change your blood formula;
  • consume no more than 2 thousand kcal per day;
  • play sports;
  • take care of the condition of your skin, because after losing weight it can sag;
  • continue to take a contrast shower.

The release occurs within 2-3 weeks.


Although diet has a positive effect on the body, there is a category of citizens for whom such a nutritional system is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women (see) and nursing mothers (see);
  • teenagers (see) and senior citizens;
  • patients with acute or chronic forms of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • after a transplant;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • cancer patients;
  • women during menopause and during the menstrual cycle.

Even opponents of this technique admit that it is effective and safe. You can learn more about the method by watching the video: Dr. Volkov’s method - the logic of health. The doctor clearly explains how the technique works.

Lose weight safely without tormenting yourself with a debilitating feeling of hunger, especially since by adhering to this nutritional system, you will not only lose extra pounds, but will also feel much better.