
Download presentations for preschoolers on the topic of clothing. Presentation on the topic “Clothing. Shoes. Hats. "Stupid story." M. Zoshchenko


Natalia Vladimirova
Presentation “Items around us: clothes, shoes, hats”

Presentation for children"Cloth, shoes, hats" intended for the child to master the names of the most common items of clothing, shoes and hats. Presentation Suitable even for children of all ages - they will encounter a lot of familiar elements clothes and they will be incredibly happy about it.

Target: Development of children's cognitive interest.


- Educational objectives: clarify name and purpose hats, shoes, items of clothing, its details; form ideas about types of clothing according to the time of year; enrich perception of the surroundings. Summarize children's ideas about clothes and shoes; clarify functional significance clothes and shoes in people's lives: need in clothes is inherent only to people; teach to differentiate clothes and shoes by season.

-Developmental tasks: develop memory, thinking, visual attention, perception. Develop dialogical speech, the ability to actively use a generalizing word « cloth» ;

-Educating tasks: to develop the ability to get involved in activities, proposed by the teacher, listen to each other, evaluate your knowledge, the knowledge of your comrades and draw conclusions.

Publications on the topic:

Calendar planning “Shoes, clothes, hats in autumn” Goals of the teacher’s activities: To form and expand children’s vocabulary on the topic. Learn to classify. Differentiation of clothing types by season.

Topic of the week: “Clothes, shoes, hats, atelier. Goal: to reinforce with children the names of clothes for different seasons of the year, hats (how.

Summary of direct educational activities “Clothes, shoes, hats in winter” Municipal educational institution “Sertolovskaya secondary school with in-depth study of certain subjects.

Lapbook on the lexical topic "Clothes. Shoes. Hats." Purpose: to consolidate the material covered. Objectives: - expanding vocabulary;.

GCD for FCCM “Footwear. Cloth. Hats" GCD for FCCM Topic: “Footwear. Cloth. Hats". Goal: 1. to develop the ability to differentiate types of clothing by season; call her.

Presentation-photo report about the lesson “Clothing. Shoes. Hats" in the senior group" Goal: To form a generalizing concept of “clothing”, “hats”, “shoes” Tasks: to clarify the vocabulary on the topic, expand and activate it.

Cognitive development in the middle group “Clothes, shoes, hats” Cognitive development in the middle group Topic: “Clothes, shoes, hats” Purpose: Creating conditions for systematizing children’s knowledge.

Project “Clothes, shoes, hats” in the senior group Project. Topic: "Clothes, shoes, hats." The goal of the project: to systematize and consolidate children’s knowledge on the lexical topic “Clothes, shoes,.

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Lexical topic Clothes. Shoes. Hats.




Game “Name it kindly” Summer T-shirt – summer T-shirt Warm gloves – warm gloves Light Panama hat – light Panama hat House slippers – house slippers Favorite shoes – favorite shoes Pink cap – pink cap

Game "Tell me which one, which one, which one, which one?" mittens made of wool - wool, boots made of leather - leather, hat made of felt - felt, sundress made of chintz - chintz, hat made of fur - fur, dress made of silk - silk coat made of drape - drape,


GAME “SAY WITH THE WORD MY, MY, MY, MY” Long coat - ... my long coat, Warm mittens - ... my warm mittens, Knitted hat - ... my knitted hat, New boots - ... my new boots, Bright swimsuit - .... my bright swimsuit, baby onesie –…. my baby onesie

Game “Gather a proposal” Put on an elegant dress, girl. - The girl puts on a smart dress. Shop, shoes, many, in, for sale. – The store sells a lot of shoes. Buy, mom, fashionable, me, checkered, cap. – Mom bought me a fashionable checkered cap.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Planning educational work 2nd junior group (16.10-20.10) Topic of the week: Autumn. Cloth. Hats. Shoes. Goal: to introduce children to different types of clothing, shoes...

Topic of the week: “Clothes, hats, shoes” from 28.01 to 01.02. Goal: developing children’s ideas about the origin of clothing and its purpose. Forming children's ideas about...

Description and recommendations The game is aimed at preschoolers aged 5-7 years. The game can be used both with a group of children and individually in preschool institutions, as well as at home. To maintain the interest of preschoolers, the game is equipped with visual and sound effects. When you left-click on the correct picture, an approving sound sounds and the picture disappears, and if you select the wrong picture, the picture sways slightly and remains on the screen. By left-clicking on the icon located in the lower right corner of the slide, you move to the next slide. In the “Riddles” section, to see the correct answer you need to click on any empty part of the slide; next to the answer appears the symbol of a game for the development of inflection or word formation. The presentation used: Pictures and sound effects borrowed from the Internet, as well as from Microsoft Power Point

Goals and objectives Develop visual and auditory attention. Develop logical thinking. Expand, activate the vocabulary, consolidate generalizing concepts on lexical topics “Clothes”, “Shoes”, “Hats”. Improve the functions of inflection and word formation (formation of nouns in diminutive form, agreement of nouns with possessive pronouns, agreement of nouns with numerals). Development of coherent speech (invite your child to come up with sentences with answer pictures).

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Slide captions:

Presentation on the topic: “Clothes, shoes, hats.” Developer: teacher of MB preschool educational institution No. 47 Nigmatulina Vera Vladimirovna

The game "Fourth wheel"?

The game "Fourth wheel"?

Who wears these clothes? Schoolchildren (students)

Who wears these clothes? Athletes

Who wears these clothes? Doctors

Who wears these clothes? Military

Two braids, two sisters, from thin sheep yarn, How to wear for a walk, So that five and five do not freeze. Mittens?

Trousers? I walked along the road, I found two roads, I followed both.

From the cold and snow It will warm you up, wherever you are! Let it make you look like a teddy bear, What will you wear in winter? ? Fur coat

Rubber boots? Guess the riddle: who are we? On a clear day we sit at home, It rains - we have work: Stomp - splash through the swamps.

I'm sitting astride I don't know who. ? A cap

Long and short sleeves, placket or blouse, pockets on the chest. What is this? Shirt?

Robe? They put it on for peace, and take it off for politeness.

I carry fields on my head, But this is not land at all. Hat?

Peel off clothes


To avoid pricking your finger

Sew, stitch

Trying on clothes

Iron, steam

To draw a pattern

Measuring person and tissue

Cut out the parts correctly

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lexical topic "Clothes. Shoes. Hats" Presentation for joint activities of children and adults. Distance learning technology.

Games and exercises will help in the development and enrichment of children's vocabulary on this lexical topic....

Clothing Why does a person need clothes? She shelters from rain and wind, warms in cold weather, protects in hot weather, and gets rid of coolness in the morning. Just for clothes to last longer, you need to keep them neat and fresh. Clean, iron, wash and dry, wear, and then fold neatly. Clothes are always chosen according to the seasons. In hot summers, of course, the fur coat is removed. And in cold winter they wear warm clothes. There is hope in spring not to get wet in a raincoat. Man needs jackets, trousers, coats and trousers, dresses, skirts. Everything we put on is called clothing. And you will have to remember this name.

What are clothes? What clothes is mentioned in the poem? What other items of clothing do you know? What is the name of the clothes worn in summer? In winter? In autumn! And in the spring? What parts can be distinguished from this or that clothing? How are clothes decorated? Why does a person need clothes? How should you care for your clothes? For what? Why don't animals wear clothes, but people do? How do boys' clothes differ from girls' clothes?