
The benefits of the designer for the development of the child. Why do children need constructors? What are the benefits of developing constructors


Toys support the physical and mental health of children. However, you need to choose the right toys. You need to look for those that are suitable for the age, height and weight of the child, as well as develop his skills. In this article, we will talk about the constructor and why it is useful for the development of children.

It is known that the constructor is useful for developing logical thinking and decision-making skills. If you're curious about the benefits of playing building blocks for kids, check out the list of useful building blocks below.

1. Promotes focus

The first benefit of playing with construction toys is its ability to develop focus in children. Children who play with building blocks become more focused and attentive while playing with their toys. They think about how to build a structure, and this requires concentration. Therefore, if you want your children to learn to think and focus on something, then you can give them a designer. Recommended reading: .

2. Improves perception

Children who love to play with the construction set also train their perception. Their visuo-spatial thinking is getting better, which is essential when playing the constructor. When building a structure, spatial perception is actually improved.

3. Promotes the memorization of new words

4. Develops teamwork skills

It's much more fun to play when you play with your friends. You can let your children play with their friends at school or in the neighborhood, which will develop their teamwork skills. By playing building blocks together, children learn how to interact with teammates. It's great, right?

5. Promotes the development of thinking

Another useful property from the constructor is that it develops thinking. When a child builds and creates structures, he learns to think critically and reason logically. This toy develops non-standard thinking in children, as while playing the constructor, you can come up with thousands of different buildings. All of these listed skills are very important and useful.

6. Helps develop problem solving skills

7. Develops the imagination

8. Develops creative thinking

As already explained, playing with building blocks helps develop imagination in children. This is very helpful for creativity. Children will create what they themselves have come up with. Moreover, parents can help them by joining the game. Together, they can test ideas for feasibility using judgment, problem solving, decision making, and imagination, as well as learning more about the principles of balance, order, and building. In addition, by answering a variety of questions from your children, you also help develop their skills.

9. Improves math skills

Playing building blocks, children will learn to count, add and subtract. While building structures, they will also learn about basic geometry and how to build toys of various shapes. Children can also use math to build structures. By playing with the constructor, they will learn more about such concepts as area, size, order, distance, shape, number, drawing, model, measurement, fraction, operation, evaluation, series of negative numbers, addition, ratio. It's great, right?

10. Prepares for study

Parents will be happy to give their children a constructor, as this toy will prepare the child for learning. During the game, the child prepares for the lessons that will begin later at school. Thanks to the constructor, children really learn about the basic concepts of mathematics and other sciences. For example, they learn basic math when they compare block sizes. Moreover, they will also learn how gravity works and what the principle of balance is.

Now you know what are the benefits of playing constructor for children. Let your children play with this toy so that they can develop skills that will be useful to them in the future.

Lego (Lego) - the most popular designer in the world. Lego pieces first appeared in the 30s of the 20th century.

Lego bricks are created according to a single standard with high measurement accuracy up to micrometers and from high-quality plastic, which is also used for the production of food containers. This gives the main advantage to Lego designers - all parts are firmly connected to each other without effort and are safe for children even 3 years old to play.

Each set of the designer is equipped with a bright color instruction, which children can easily understand, let alone when adults help children in assembling and playing with Lego.

The influence of designers on the development of the child:

  • Multifunctionality and a variety of details in shape, color, material and purpose. The main thing is that all these elements can be connected and the elements of the designer, released in the early 2000s, will easily fit the elements of the designer of today's kits.
  • Interaction between the child and the parent: firstly, the joint choice of a set with the child in the store, then helping the child, if necessary, in studying the instructions and diagrams, and of course praising the child when the result is achieved.
  • Although Lego sets are very expensive, even here, depending on the number of parts and the series, a wide range of prices is presented, helping in choosing the most affordable set for the family budget.
  • The development of imagination and creativity in a child - the scope for imagination is unlimited, the model can be assembled, either according to the instructions, or invented by yourself, so in the Creator series, each box contains instructions for assembling 3 different models from the presented elements. And when combining several sets, the child can create completely new models that will be limited only by his imagination. Ultimately, such a game will be more like a game of a constructor.
  • The child also develops the ability to sort small objects, distinguish them by shape, color and size, and also teaches order and discipline.
  • The constructor helps to interest the child, distract, calm, develop the ability to concentrate, and most importantly, develop fine motor skills, which has been proven to contribute to the development of speech.
  • In the Lego constructor, you can find series for both the smallest and teenagers who are interested in either programming (a series of programmable robots), or those who are passionate about technical design (a series of techniques).
  • Instilling in the child the skill of reading drawings and the development of abstract thinking in him.

All Lego constructors can be divided into several groups:

The simplest version of the constructor is a set of bricks of different colors and sizes.

Constructors of the Creator series - is distinguished by the presence of three instructions at once for assembling different models from one set of parts. This series is presented as a small set of elements, there are also large constructors that need to be assembled for more than one hour.

The City series is one of the most popular, featuring a variety of role-playing sets: cops chasing a criminal, putting out a fire by a team of valiant firefighters, extracting resources from a mine, and even space stations.

For girls, Lego sets offer no less than for boys - these are houses with furniture, castles for princesses, as well as a whole fascinating series of Friends sets, which will tell a fascinating story about girlfriends living in Heartlake City.

Hero Factory is a special series for active boys dedicated to fighting robots. The heroes of the factory are very mobile, in the series there are both good heroes and villains. Characters can be combined to create your own unique character.

For fans of cartoons or movies, Lego offers a large number of themed licensed sets: Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, The Lone Ranger, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Super Heroes (Batman, Superman, Iron Man, etc.)

And two series of construction sets for teenage children are the Technician and Robots series. Almost every model of this series can have a motor function, and with the help of the Robots series, certain execution programs can be programmed.

Every child loves to play building blocks. This is not only exciting, but also a very useful activity that can captivate for several hours.

You can buy developing constructors on the website But what are they for?

The benefits of children's designers

With the help of the designer, you can harmoniously and correctly develop the baby. The first thing worth mentioning is the development of spatial thinking, as the child learns the various ratios of the elements of the set.

Also, the toy has a positive effect on the improvement of constructive abilities. The kid understands better how to create this or that object.

With the help of the designer, you can develop imaginative thinking. Fine motor skills and the eye are also improved, because the child trains the eye and learns to measure the dimensions of parts.

Every person in childhood had a designer. These toys were made from plastic, wood and metal.

The modern choice of designers has become wider, so children can play even with their parents. Wooden details make it possible to build a whole fortress, which makes it possible to show maximum imagination.

Children really like to play, because such a pastime can deliver a maximum of pleasant moments. Do not deprive them of such joy, but rather sit down and assemble a house together with them.

As you have already understood, such toys develop the child and give him the opportunity to enjoy childhood.

But what are the advantages of a tree constructor:

  • the parts are made of environmentally friendly material that does not harm the health of the baby;
  • a wooden constructor makes it possible to build a house or build any other figures;
  • the toy can be painted in any color, which develops the creative abilities of the child;
  • wooden construction sets are harmoniously completed, so you do not have to run around the house trying to find details;
  • the baby will not be able to get hurt, because every detail is qualitatively processed.

Be sure to buy a constructor for your child, because this is not only interesting, but also a useful activity. Take part in all the games to help the baby develop correctly and harmoniously.

Pay attention to the quality of the product, because it should not harm the health of the child. Too bright colors should scare you away, because this means that the designer was treated with not very useful dyes.

Dinosaurs from Lego:

It has always been said that children's constructor is useful for the development of the child. Let's try to combine all the truthful thoughts and weed out obvious exaggerations about the influence of the designer on the child. Of course, the designer is a good excuse for communication between parents and children of any generation.

Some children do not like the designer at all, and only the authority of mom or dad, who enthusiastically play with the designer, attracts the child to this type of entertainment.

You should not always collect designer crafts for a child, because it is the personal manifestation of fantasy that serves as the main developmental element. In addition, the motor skills of the fingers and the general mobility of the body improve in children. Try to use children's crafts in practice, showing the usefulness and necessity of the work that the child has done.

It is also true that the designer allows you to develop not only physically, but also creatively. The analysis of geometric shaping and the praise of parents push the child to think logically and act actively with even more increased energy.

Which is better to choose a designer

Today, parents are presented with a huge number of various designers, you can verify this by visiting this site: For very young children, ordinary cubes are considered the most useful. At first, you will put them together, and the kids will just destroy the buildings, but very soon everything will change dramatically.

Playing with cubes develops interest in shapes, teaches you to distinguish colors, and over time, the child will become interested in building new constructions from cubes. Moreover, each new building will be more complex and rich in elements.

Further complicating the child's activities, you can purchase a constructor in the form of figures, where each element is inserted into the hole for fixing. Such a system will be quite difficult for a child after the cubes, but will develop logical thinking by matching the docking parts and holes.

You can also take a closer look at the designer in the form of a mosaic, in which figures, most often hexagons, are joined using special recesses. The designer develops coordination of movements, color understanding of objects and imagination.

Block constructors irreplaceable, because you can build anything from them, from transport to a house. The child grows, and the need for logical tasks becomes more complex. This construction set is filled with details of various shapes and colors, therefore it develops combinatorics, spatial thinking, creativity and many other tasks well.

You should also not forget about the Lego constructor for different age-old categories of the child, which children never get tired of. This type of construction set develops mental activity and fine motor skills well.

In addition to those listed, there are still a huge number of designers. When choosing a designer for a child, pay attention to the strength of the packaging, the quality of the parts and the interestingness of working with the details.

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

The child is constantly playing. After all, the game is the main way of perceiving information, the surrounding reality, and behavior patterns.

Through the game, the child understands how everything should be arranged. One of the options for an exciting, educational and educational game isthe children's designer.

The game in the designer, contributes to the development of fine motor skills, ideas about color and shape and orientation in space. Such a combination of various kinds of influences favorably affects the development of speech, facilitates the assimilation of a number of concepts and even the production of sounds, since the development of fine motor skills has a stimulating effect on the development of speech-motor zones of the cerebral cortex.

Games with a constructor can be organized according to the type of constructive-creative game, role-playing game and other types of games. The type and features of the game depend on the degree of preparedness of the group of children, its characteristics, as well as didactic and speech goals.

When referring to the capabilities of the designer in the course of work, we can note some advantages of using it over other, traditional types of work that develop fine motor skills, such as drawing, modeling or appliqué.

Firstly, only with crafts from the designer can a child play, feel them without risking spoiling, while drawings, applications or plasticine figures cannot be suitable for organizing a game.

Secondly, when using the designer, the child gets colorful and attractive crafts, regardless of his skills. The child is already experiencing a mental state of success. But drawing, appliqué or plasticine crafts may not work out, since drawing, modeling or appliqué are more complex types of work.

Thirdly, since the designer can be placed not only on the table, but also on the floor, on the carpet, the child does not need to maintain a static sitting position during the lesson, which is especially important for somatically weakened children.

And finally, the designer is safe, and you can remove the crafts easily and quickly.

Work with the constructor and, in particular, games can be used for various purposes:

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

The development of speech within certain topics.

Automation of sounds during the game.

Development of ideas about color, shape, space.

Development of quantitative representations.

Creation of conditions for natural full-fledged communication of children in the course of joint work.

Cohesion of the team of children, the formation of a sense of empathy for each other.

Despite the growing popularity of computer games, the designer is indispensable for the development of children. The child acts with the details of building material, designers, compares them many times, selects, tries on, manipulates, makes mistakes and corrects mistakes. Through practical experimentation, results are obtained. And the more the child performs trying actions, the faster he begins to rely on visual perception and do without constant preliminary trying on actions, finds new techniques to achieve results.

Currently, special attention is paid to design in preschool institutions. Construction is one of the most favorite children's activities. It is not only exciting, but also useful for the child. Design creates the necessary foundation for the comprehensive development of the child. It contributes to the formation of imaginative thinking and a sense of beauty, imagination and dexterity, attention and purposefulness.

First of all, design is considered one of the most important means of mental education. It focuses on a holistic perception of the future building, teaches observation, the ability to generalize, compare, analyze. Games with cubes expand the child's mathematical ideas about the shape, size, spatial and quantitative relationships of objects. Classes with the designer contribute to the development of the value qualities of the individual, such as purposefulness, accuracy, organization and responsibility. The constructor will become a faithful assistant in preparing children for school, developing their speech, memory and independence. It is also important that the child begins to realize the need for knowledge about the subject for the successful construction of its model. So, there is a very important need for children - for new knowledge about the world around them.

Designing is creation, and it, in turn, implies a creative search. Even building a model according to a scheme, according to psychologists, helps the development of children's creative abilities. The process of correlating the model and the original requires effort, labor of thought, encourages the search for new solutions, awakens the imagination. "Construction games" allow you to realize any child's fantasy. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of the famous Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky: "... the best toy for a child is the one that he can make change in the most diverse way ...". The ability to see the whole before the parts, together with a creative approach to design, instill in the child a sense of beauty and composition, form an understanding of proportion, scale, rhythm and measure.

Construction is also of great importance for the formation of correct speech and writing in the future, because it contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands.For the development of a child's motor skills, it is very useful to collect various objects from the blocks of a children's developing designer.. I think that it is not necessary to explain that it depends on fine motor skills how well not only the speech and thinking of the child, but even his handwriting will be developed. Beautiful handwriting happens only with those whose pens are able to deftly own small details.

Today there are manyvarious types of constructors:

1. The simplest constructor in the life of children are cubes.. They not only captivate children very much, but also help develop their spatial imagination, introduce them to the shapes of objects, and form color perception. To begin with, an adult will build from cubes, and a child will simply destroy these buildings with pleasure. But this is only at the beginning. It is worth waiting a little bit and the buildings become more and more complex.

2. Children's constructor in the form of figures- inserts are plastic or wooden sets in which each figure is inserted into its own hole. This view is quite difficult for a child. He helpsdevelop logical thinking , since before assembling, the child needs to compare the various figures in his mind and understand what goes where.

3. Constructor for children in the form of a mosaicthere are two types: a large mosaic, in the form of large plastic hexagons, under which there is a form with special recesses, and the second option is a regular mosaic, which better than the first contributes to the development of coordination of movements, but is more difficult for children. Such a designer teaches a child to work with small objects, develops color perception and imagination.

4. Large block constructorsthey have parts of the most diverse shapes and colors, there are even parts with wheels, wagons, etc. You can build almost anything from it: houses, ships, planes. Your child grows, and with him, his designs grow and become more complicated. Helps develop creative thinking, color perception, combinatorics, spatialimagination and many other skills.

5. Constructor for children "Lego"Available in a variety of styles for children of all ages. A child will never get bored of it, since a wide variety of things can be assembled from it: houses, cars, transformers, toys on microscopic chips and much more. Helpsdevelopment of fine motor skills and mental activity.

6. There are also wooden and magnetic constructors.For wood, only very high-quality types of wood are used, it is very difficult and exciting to assemble them, it is very often necessary to use glue. From it the child will be able to assemblewooden Toys or buildings. They help develop engineering and design abilities, accuracy and attention. Magnetic are various sticks, plates and metal balls. In addition to an interesting game, they help to get acquainted with the properties of magnets.

All of them help the child develop imagination, train spatial thinking and fine motor skills, cultivate perseverance and concentration.

The child goes from simple to complex, creates new buildings, ships, aircraft and robots. The children's designer trains perseverance, develops imagination, accustoms to creative work.

Children's designers allow you to learn everything: from the name of objects to the creation of these very objects.

Thanks to the constructor, the child develops objective activity - performs actions with the object according to its intended purpose. With the help of an adult, the child learns the names of various figures and objects that remain unchanged and do not depend on various life situations. At the same time, the child can try to use these objects not only for their intended purpose, but also experiment, thus, the child also develops creative abilities. In this game, he learns to practically master the idea of ​​geometric shapes, shapes, sizes, the ratio of different in size, but, for example, the same shape. Thanks to the designer, the child develops coordination, as well as fine motor skills of the hands, which contributes to the development of speech. Through the contact of an object with a hand, the child learns to feel the difference in objects, developing kinesthetic sensitivity.