
Breathe correctly or breathing exercises for pregnant women. Gymnastics in the third trimester. Exercises Gymnastics for pregnant women 3rd trimester


Pregnancy is such an important event that often a woman’s relatives take special care of her, and the woman herself is advised to lie down more and move less. Inactivity is justified in cases where there is a real threat of losing the child due to the weakness of the mother’s body, often this happens during the first pregnancy. Also, pregnant women should not work hard physically or be exposed to psychological stress. But if the pregnancy is progressing normally, you can do various physical exercises at home, as well as do breathing exercises. Of course, you shouldn’t get hung up on training; mom should be in normal motion - walk more, do simple housework and social work. Movement improves the mother's metabolism and this makes the baby in the tummy also eat better and feel better. The third trimester is not only the final stage of a child’s intrauterine development, but also preparation for childbirth. Therefore, in addition to the usual exercises, the mother needs to generally master breathing exercises, which will help during contractions.

Class safety

The mother really needs physical activity, but during pregnancy there are various situations when various pathologies prevent the ability to do gymnastics for pregnant women, so the doctor needs to tell you exactly what exercises you will do and he will tell you whether it is possible for you.

The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by a significant increase in the abdomen, so exercises must be done taking into account the mother’s shape; many exercises that are indicated for the second trimester, in the third trimester the expectant mother either will not be able to do, or they will be harmful. You should absolutely not directly pump your abs, you should avoid jumping, and you should refrain from working on weight machines.

You cannot move abruptly, exercises must be performed smoothly, if you need to increase the load, this must also be done gradually and carefully. You also need to lie down and sit down carefully so that there is no pressure on your stomach.

If pain occurs, heart rate increases, or shortness of breath, you should stop exercising and in the future do not do exercises for pregnant women that cause discomfort. Mom should enjoy the workouts, they should be a joy - this is the basic rule of breathing and physical exercises for mothers in all trimesters of pregnancy.

Benefits of exercise

Breathing exercises are a way to calm down, relieve stress, and most importantly, a mother can occupy herself with something pleasant, uncomplicated, immersing herself in thoughts about her future happy motherhood. This is a pause in the daily routine when a woman can relax and at the same time be sure that she is doing something. As a result, the pregnant woman feels better, blood circulation improves, the placenta is better nourished, which means the baby becomes more satisfied, feeling the mother’s care.

Also, during gymnastics, the mother can learn the breathing rhythm that is needed during childbirth. After all, proper breathing is an opportunity to make contractions and childbirth less painful, helps you comfortably survive stress during childbirth, and it is inevitable, no matter how hard the mother tries to be calm.

General exercises

  1. Breathing through the chest - hands on the ribs, inhale deeply through the nose, breathing through the chest, after filling the chest as much as possible, exhale slowly.
  2. Breathing through the diaphragm - one hand on the ribs, the other on the stomach. We quickly inhale through our nose, while protruding our stomach, hold for one second, and exhale through our mouth or nose.
  3. Breathing in four phases - inhale for five seconds, hold for two seconds, exhale for five seconds, hold again for two seconds, breathe for two minutes.

Positional gymnastics is not related to breathing, but it is great for training the mother’s respiratory system, helping to prepare the muscles for childbirth (this is important in the third trimester), since the muscles of the back, pelvis, and abdomen work:

Simple workout

In the third trimester, the intensity of exercise needs to be reduced, and breathing exercises gain more weight. First you need to do a warm-up - raise your arms as you inhale, lower them as you exhale, bend and make circular movements with your head, walk in place for two minutes. You need to repeat each exercise about five times.

Also, in addition to gymnastics, in the third trimester you need to take leisurely walks in the fresh air, you can swim. Proper nutrition and complete cessation of bad habits are recommended - alcohol and cigarettes are dangerous for a child in any dose, and not only in the third trimester, but throughout pregnancy (and better yet, throughout life).

Childbirth is approaching, weight is growing, and doing even the simplest exercises becomes boring and difficult. But here exercises for pregnant women on a fitball - on a special gymnastic ball - come to the rescue. You can do them yourself at home (you just have to buy a ball first), or at a pregnancy center. Why fitball and not regular exercises? It can also be done, but exercises on a fitball are more effective and interesting. In addition, exercises on a gymnastic ball are very convenient and comfortable for expectant mothers during advanced pregnancy. The recommended exercises can be figuratively divided into three categories: for the buttocks and thighs, for the arms, for the chest.

1. You will need light dumbbells weighing no more than 1 kilogram. While sitting on the ball, you need to bend your arms alternately.

2. While sitting cross-legged on the floor, squeeze the ball lightly and rhythmically with your hands - this is a great simple exercise for the pectoral muscles.

3. If you are not too uncomfortable lying on your back, then you can try doing this exercise for 1-2 minutes, this is an excellent prevention of varicose veins. Lying on your back, you need to put your foot on the ball and roll it back and forth or make circular movements.

Do not forget that exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester very often cause uterine tone, this is physiology. If you feel pain or your heart rate increases, stop warming up immediately. In this case, it is better to do breathing exercises, which we will discuss below. There are also medical contraindications to any type of physical activity; you should always remember them.

1. Some chronic diseases (so you should talk to your doctor before starting exercise).

2. With pronounced early toxicosis.

3. For bloody vaginal discharge.

4. For late toxicosis (gestosis).

5. With polyhydramnios.

And finally, breathing exercises. They serve as a kind of relaxation. If you breathe correctly at all stages of childbirth, you can significantly reduce the pain effect. But without regular training and concentration, this is practically impossible.

1. Diaphragmatic breathing. Place one palm on your stomach, the other on your chest and take deep breaths. Make sure that when you inhale, only your stomach rises and your chest remains motionless. Breathe through your nose.

2. Chest breathing.

a) Place your palms on your ribs, spread your elbows to the sides. When breathing, your elbows should slide to the sides, and your stomach and chest should remain in the same position.

b) Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. When inhaling, the chest rises, the stomach is motionless.

It is very important not to hold your breath when performing breathing exercises, otherwise the child may experience hypoxia. Duration of classes is 30-40 minutes.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 18 minutes


Pregnancy is not a disease, and therefore expectant mothers can and should engage in feasible sports and experience moderate physical activity. Every pregnant woman should consult her gynecologist about the type of exercise and intensity of exercise.

We will present the most popular and useful exercises for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

The benefits of gymnastics for pregnant women - indications and contraindications

The benefits of gymnastics for pregnant women can hardly be overestimated, so doctors recommend that almost every expectant mother perform it daily.

The expectant mother can be introduced to effective exercises at.

  • The strong restorative effect of gymnastics on the entire body of a pregnant woman as a whole is known. The functioning of all organs and systems improves, metabolic mechanisms are actively launched, and the body’s protective resources are increased.
  • Physical exercise improves mood and allows the expectant mother to overcome depression.
  • The cardiovascular system is strengthened.
  • With the help of physical exercise, you can avoid swelling, which worries almost all expectant mothers, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Physical exercises help relieve tension and tension in the muscles, unload the spine and stabilize posture.
  • Regular gymnastics during pregnancy will allow a woman to quickly return to her previous shape after childbirth.
  • Exercises prepare the body of expectant mothers for childbirth.
  • Burning calories through physical activity allows pregnant women to avoid gaining excess weight and prevent fat deposits on the abdomen and thighs.
  • Doing exercises will greatly help the expectant mother learn to control her own breathing and control her body during childbirth.
  • Strong muscles and proper breathing are the key to a significant reduction in pain during childbirth.
  • Getting rid of is another positive property of regular gymnastics.

This list can be continued endlessly. Surely every woman who is expecting a child or has previously been pregnant will tell you about the benefits of the exercises that she performed during pregnancy.

Video: All about gymnastics for pregnant women

Are there any contraindications or restrictions for gymnastics during pregnancy?

  1. With placenta previa physical activity and exercise are prohibited!
  2. It is prohibited for women with disabilities to engage in sports and exercise. threat of miscarriage.
  3. With uterine hypertonicity Gymnastics should also be postponed for a quieter time.
  4. You should stop exercising at risk of bleeding .
  5. For varicose veins or hemorrhoids Do not perform exercises that increase the load on your legs.
  6. Any strength exercises , as well as exercises involving jumping, sharp turns, impacts and falls are prohibited throughout the entire period of pregnancy!
  7. For hypertension, hypotension, anemia The expectant mother needs to get a doctor’s recommendations for performing certain exercises.
  8. Physical activity of the expectant mother is prohibited with toxicosis in the last months of pregnancy .

Even if you feel great and see no contraindications for performing exercises, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor who is observing you, and, ideally, undergo an examination.

It is worth noting that there are special exercises that can be performed by pregnant women at any stage and even those who have contraindications to other exercises - these are breathing exercises for expectant mothers.

Basic breathing exercises for expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy

Perform breathing exercises daily for half an hour, before or after basic gymnastics.

These exercises can also be done during the day, at any time.

Exercise 1:

Lie on the floor with your knees slightly bent.

Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Slowly inhale air through your nose and then exhale.

You need to inhale as deeply as possible; when inhaling, try not to enlarge your chest, but breathe only with your diaphragm, raising and lowering your stomach.

Exercise 2:

In the same lying position, place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your stomach.

Inhale deeply, slightly raising your shoulders and head, but trying not to change the position of your stomach. Switch hands and do the exercise again.

Repeat several times.

Exercise 3:

Sit cross-legged. Place your arms along your body.

Bend your elbows and lift them so that your fingers rest at chest level. At this time, inhale without changing the position of your abdomen and chest.

Slowly lower your arms while exhaling.

Gymnastics exercises in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Although a woman’s body may not feel changes at the very beginning of pregnancy, very important and powerful processes of the birth of a new life are taking place in her universe.

An embryo, consisting of only a few cells, is very vulnerable to all external influences, so the 1st trimester of expecting a baby is the time to start taking care of it and learn to limit yourself from what can harm the course of pregnancy.

Video: Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

What exercises should not be performed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy?

  1. First of all, you need to remove all abdominal exercises from your gymnastics - they can provoke uterine tone - and, as a result, bleeding and termination of pregnancy.
  2. It's time to stop yourself from jumping and bending sharply.

Useful gymnastics exercises in the first months of pregnancy:

  1. Exercises for the thighs and perineal muscles.

Lean on the back of the chair. Squat down slowly, spreading your knees wide. Hold in a half-squat, then slowly return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise 5-10 times.

  1. Exercises for the calf muscles - prevention of swelling.

Position – standing, feet together, toes apart.

Holding the back of the chair, slowly rise onto your tiptoes. Feel the tension in your calf muscles, then slowly return to the starting position.

Perform 5-8 times at a slow pace.

Watch your posture!

  1. Exercise for the muscles of the legs, perineum and abdomen.

Leaning on the back of the chair with both hands, the right leg must be extended forward, then slowly moved to the side, back, then to the left side (“swallow”, but move the leg strongly to the left). Do the same for the left leg.

Perform the exercise 3-4 times for each leg.

  1. Exercise to maintain breast shape.

Clasp your palms in front of your chest, elbows parallel to the floor.

Squeeze your hands tightly in the lock, then slowly release the tension.

Make sure you breathe correctly and don’t hold it for too long!

Repeat the exercise 8-10 times at a slow pace.

  1. Exercise for the hips, abdomen and sides.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Do a small squat, bending your knees, and slowly rotate your pelvis - first to the right, then to the left.

Perform the exercise without effort or discomfort.

Make sure your spine is straight!

A comment : I would not recommend Kegel exercises, except in the 1st and early 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Every second or third woman now has varicose veins even before giving birth, including hemorrhoids and varicose veins of the perineum, and Kegel exercises can aggravate this. Careful selection of patients for these exercises is required.

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester - exercise video

If the expectant mother felt signs of toxicosis at the beginning of pregnancy, then in the second trimester these unpleasant sensations have already passed. The body begins to get used to the changes that occur in it, and the risk of miscarriage is already unlikely.

Video: Gymnastics in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, attention should be paid to those exercises that strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdomen, back and hips – to prepare for even greater stresses that await you in the last months of pregnancy.

Helpful advice: In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, it is better for the expectant mother to wear during exercise.

  1. Kegel exercises - to strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevent urinary incontinence

  1. Exercise sitting on the floor - for the muscles of the back and abdomen

Sit on the floor, spread your arms to the sides and slightly back, lean on them. Turn your torso and head first in one direction, then in the other.

Don't hold your breath, breathe evenly.

Repeat the exercise 4-5 times in each direction.

  1. Side lying exercise

Lie on your left side. Stretch your left hand forward in front of you, place your right hand on it.

Slowly raise your right hand up and move it back to the maximum possible distance, without turning your body and head. Return your hand to its original position. Perform 3-4 such exercises, then do the same on the right side.

  1. Exercise for the back and abdominal muscles.

Sit on the floor with your heels under your buttocks and your hips and knees pressed together. Stretch your arms in front of you.

Slowly tilt your head and body forward, trying to touch your forehead to the floor, then slowly return to the starting position.

Do not try to perform the exercise by force! If the exercise is difficult or your stomach is bothering you, spread your knees a little.

  1. Exercise for proper breathing

In a sitting position, bend your legs at the knees and cross them slightly. The arms are straightened and palms rest on the hips.

Slowly raise your hand and pull it up, while simultaneously taking a deep and slow breath, slightly throwing your head back. Then exhale just as slowly, lowering your arms to the starting position.

Perform the exercise with the other hand, a total of 4-7 times for each.

  1. Chest exercise

Continue to perform the exercise for maintaining breast shape from the previous block for the 1st semester in the second.

Gymnastics exercises for the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, rules of execution

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it becomes difficult to perform most of the previous exercises.

A fitball comes to the aid of expectant mothers. There are excellent exercises to prepare for the upcoming birth, which can be done well with the help of a fitball.

  1. Exercise with dumbbells to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen

Sit on the ball. Lower your arms with dumbbells (0.5-1 kg) along your body.

Bend your elbows, lift the dumbbells to your armpits, then just as slowly lower them to the starting position. Do not tilt the body!

Then bend your elbows and lift the dumbbells to your shoulders - slowly lower them.

Alternate these movements. Don't forget to ensure proper breathing.

  1. Exercise in a lying position - to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and perineum.

Lie down on the floor. Place one foot on the fitball. Try to roll the ball, moving your leg to the side, then return it to its original position. Repeat 3-4 times.

Roll the ball as well, bending your knee.

Do the same with the other leg.

  1. Exercise for chest muscles

Holding the fitball in front of you with your arms extended forward, try to slowly squeeze it with your palms, then just as slowly relax your hands.

Make sure that there is no tension on your stomach while doing this exercise!

Perform 5 to 10 times.

All information in this article is provided for educational purposes only; it may not be relevant to your specific health circumstances and does not constitute medical advice. The website с reminds you that you should never ignore a doctor’s consultation, especially during pregnancy!

Pregnancy is not only a happy period for a woman, but also a time to work on herself. To bear a baby, you will need strength, and you also need to develop in the spiritual sphere. Special gymnastics for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester was designed to prepare the female body for the most crucial moment.

In contact with

Do pregnant women need sports?

Many women, alas, believe that any physical activity during pregnancy is unacceptable, as it can cause fetal pathology and miscarriage.

In fact, everything is completely different, the exception is the presence of individual contraindications, which are always reported by the personal gynecologist.

In all other cases, positional gymnastics for pregnant women is extremely useful thing.

The results of the lessons are:

  • strengthening muscles and increasing body tone;
  • relieving fatigue;
  • improved mood;
  • preventing excess weight gain after childbirth.

In addition, exercises help stretch not only the muscles, but also the skin, making it more elastic. In this case, the woman will not be afraid of postpartum stretch marks.

On the agenda is a gymnastics complex intended for the last, third trimester of pregnancy. Of course, Exercise therapy created taking into account the presence of a very voluminous tummy, additional weight and other issues that expectant mothers face during this period.

Selection of exercises

The final stage of pregnancy the heaviest. At this time, the stomach grows as much as possible and is pulled down. The child begins to consume large quantities of foods, vitamins and minerals that his mother eats. As a result, the woman feels tired, lethargic, and loses interest in any activity. There is also absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, and slight nervousness. All this is associated with swelling and pain in the joints that appear due to the baby’s weight gain.

Of course, in this state, the expectant mother only wants to lie down and watch TV, and the desire to do anything, especially play sports, disappears completely. However, doctors recommend taking the will to the fist and start charging. It is because of them that a woman will feel a surge of strength and vigor.

Trainers a long time ago came up with fitness for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, when the baby is already getting big and the mother begins to perceive him as a full-fledged person.

Exercising at this stage helps not only the woman, but also her child. The mother's muscles and along with them the baby's muscles are toned. It is believed that this will make childbirth much easier.

Also, the gymnastic complex intended for the third trimester has a number of features.

Exercise significantly simplified, in comparison with previous trimesters. Tilts and turns are removed, the emphasis is on stretching and smooth movements.

Unlike the first trimester, when it was strictly forbidden to tone the body, this becomes task number one. After all, it is important to train the muscles as much as possible in order to alleviate pain. Sports at the end of the gestation period are a kind of preparation for childbirth, so you should take it seriously. The physical stress that a mother experiences will also be experienced by her baby. Therefore, he will be born athletic, healthy and physically developed.

What you will need for classes

If before pregnancy a woman led an active sports life, then after conception physical activity must be significantly reduced. In addition, many sports equipment should be excluded from the arsenal, and only those that are allowed as part of gymnastics for pregnant women and approved by professionals should be left. It is permissible to exercise with dumbbells weighing up to one kg. Desirable and useful as well fitball, which can be used both at home and in the sports club.

In many families, bearing a child is perceived as a condition similar to a serious illness. Therefore, household members are trying to protect the expectant mother from any stress and unnecessary activity, which is completely wrong. Inactivity is recommended for pregnant women only in cases where there is a real threat of miscarriage. In the later stages, rest and rest are recommended for mothers who are at risk of premature birth. But if pregnancy proceeds fully, then mothers can do positional and breathing exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. Of course, there is no need to focus on training. It’s just enough to do normal daily activities and devote some time to breathing techniques, which many pregnant women combine with yoga.

Expectant mothers benefit from breathing sea air

The third trimester is the final stage of the baby’s intrauterine development, so more attention needs to be paid to preparatory measures for delivery. That is why, in addition to traditional gymnastic exercises, breathing exercises are recommended for pregnant women to help during labor. In the 2nd trimester, the active growth of the tummy begins and by the last trimester it reaches an impressive size, so at this time most gymnastic exercises for mothers become impossible.

In order not to harm the baby, during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, as well as during the second and third gestational stages, it is prohibited to perform any exercise on the abdominal muscles; weight training equipment or jumping are contraindicated. Sudden movements are also prohibited; when changing body position, you need to move smoothly and slowly, while avoiding pressure on the tummy.

If during training you experience unpleasant or painful sensations, your heart beats faster than usual, or you experience severe shortness of breath, you need to stop exercising, restore your breathing and relax. Any training should bring mommy pleasure and joy, only then will it work for the good.

Benefits of breathing exercises

Very important importance in prenatal preparation is given to the mother’s ability to maintain peace of mind, maintain peace and composure in critical, stressful situations. Breathing exercises techniques help to cope with psycho-emotional, nervous overexcitation, mood swings and excessive irritability, which also improve well-being and have a pain-relieving effect during the contractive period of childbirth. Breathing exercises are useful and this is a fact:

  • It helps get rid of anxiety, makes the body relax;
  • The activity of all intraorganic structures is stimulated and significantly improved;
  • Due to the constantly enlarging uterus, the working pulmonary volume decreases, and breathing exercises help to breathe correctly, increasing the flow of oxygen into the fetal bloodstream, as a result, nutrition and oxygen are actively supplied to both the mother’s and fetal organisms;
  • Against the background of proper respiratory activity, there is a noticeable improvement in the functionality of the blood circulation and cardiovascular system;
  • If you start practicing breathing exercises already in the 1st trimester, then such exercises will help minimize toxic ailments;
  • Breathing techniques teach you to relieve nervous tension and relax;
  • Helps strengthen immune defense, normalize blood pressure, and cleanse the bronchopulmonary system.

Breathing exercises help relieve stress and calm down. Mommy has the opportunity to do something pleasant, mentally imagining her future baby. Such breathing exercises help to relax, improve well-being and blood circulation, placental nutrition, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the baby.

Gymnastics techniques

Breathing training comes in several types: dynamic and static. The dynamic technique is supplemented by a certain physical activity and is not always suitable for late gestational age. The static technique involves performing elements in a comfortable and relaxed position, therefore it has no contraindications and is safe for the third trimester.

To perform special techniques correctly, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Experts identify several common gymnastics techniques for pregnant women, the most popular of which is Strelnikova’s program. This technique is clear and easy to use, promotes oxygen supply to all intraorganic structures, improves metabolic processes and increases immune status.

A special advantage of Strelnikova’s program is considered to be its high effect, which manifests itself in normalizing blood pressure, eliminating depression and fatigue, and if classes are carried out regularly, the frequency of colds is reduced many times over. Experts recommend starting breathing exercises from the first days, as soon as the mother learns about her situation.

If there is uterine tone, breathing exercises help eliminate tension in the myometrium of the uterine body and relieve mental stress, improve mood and vitality. If you have hypertonicity, you can perform two types of gymnastics: active and passive. The active one involves a light load, and the passive one is carried out in a relaxed position and a comfortable position.

The essence of breathing training during pregnancy is calm and shallow breathing, which is gradually deepened, making the inhalation/exhalation fuller and deeper. When performing this technique, the muscle structures of the diaphragm and the press are included in the work. These workouts can be successfully combined with swimming, Pilates or yoga for pregnant women.

Strelnikova complex

The gymnastic complex developed by Alexandra Strelnikova is effective not only for pregnant women, but also helps to overcome many childhood diseases, stuttering, ailments such as asthma, and heart problems. The basic program includes 12 simplest elements to perform.

  1. Palms. Warm-up exercise. Stand up with your elbows bent and your palms facing away from you. When you inhale, squeeze your palms tightly, when you exhale, relax them, with this exercise only your fingers work.
  2. Shoulder straps. Stand up, hands at your sides. Bend your arms, pressing your fists to your stomach. Tighten your arms and shoulders, inhale, sharply unclench your fists and lower your arms down. As you exhale, return your clenched fists to your stomach and tense your shoulders.
  3. Cat. Stand with a straight back, legs slightly apart, arms at your sides, but bent at the elbows. As you inhale, you need to sit down a little and turn to the side, as if grasping the air with your hands, and as you exhale, smoothly return to i. n. Perform alternating turns in different directions.
  4. Pump. Stand straight, extend your arms at your sides, lower your head, rounding your back. Slowly lean forward as far as the pregnant woman's tummy allows, but no more than 90°. At the end point, quickly inhale and return back without straightening your back.
  5. Ears. This exercise is done sitting or standing. You need to tilt your head, trying to reach your ear with your shoulder. As you inhale, bend over, and as you exhale, return back. Only the neck should work when performing this element.
  6. Pendulum head. The element is performed by analogy with the ears, only the bends are performed forward/backward.
  7. Turn your head. The exercise must be performed standing and with a straight back. As you inhale, turn your head to the sides, exhaling between turns.
  8. Hugs. Stand up straight with a straight back, bend your elbows, raising them as if at a desk. As you inhale, grab your left shoulder with your right hand, and your right shoulder with your left, so that the elbows come together at a point.
  9. Big pendulum. This element combines a cuddle exercise and a pump. On one inhalation, perform a shoulder girth, then on an exhalation, take and. p., on the second inhalation they make a pump, on exhalation again and. P.
  10. Rifles. Stand straight with your leg slightly forward. As you inhale, load the entire weight onto the limb extended forward, which should be slightly squatted. On the exhale - and. p. Perform alternately for the left/right leg.
  11. Step forward. It's like walking in place. When you inhale for the first time, raise your leg bent at the knee towards your stomach and sit down on the other. On the second inhalation, the legs change.
  12. Step back. An exercise similar to the previous one, only the limb is pressed to the buttock, and the second one is squatted.

Daily implementation of the elements of the Strelnikova complex will help strengthen the immune status and increase protective functions without additional intake of any vitamins and immunostimulants.

Other elements of gymnastics

If the development of gestational processes is favorable, breathing training can be started from the earliest stages. For pregnant women, in the absence of contraindications, physical education is very useful, and if you supplement it with elements for breathing training, the benefits of such exercises will increase many times over. In the later stages, when the mother is already at the finish line and is already quite tired of excess weight, swelling and an aching back, such training will help to relax, and in the future will make childbirth easier and less painful. Experts offer several common breathing techniques.

In any business, the most important thing is not to overdo it.

It is necessary to take the most comfortable position, even lie down, placing a small elastic cushion under your limbs. Inhale slowly through your sinuses, as if filling the abdominal cavity with air. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then slowly release the air, but through your mouth. While performing this element, all muscle structures need to be relaxed as much as possible. This is a chest breathing technique.

There is also diaphragmatic breathing, in which you need to quickly inhale air through your nose, sticking your stomach forward, while the chest should remain immobilized. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then exhale smoothly.

Four-phase breathing is another effective element of breathing training. You need to inhale slowly for 5 seconds, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then exhale for 5 seconds and hold again for 2-3 seconds. Perform the exercise for 2 minutes.

Dog breathing helps a lot during contractions. To train it, you need to sit comfortably and breathe frequently, shallowly and quickly through your mouth. This technique helps to relax all muscles and relieves pain when contractions are too intense.

Training rules

While performing breathing exercises, you should be careful about holding your breath; they should not be too long, so that the baby does not accidentally experience a lack of oxygen. You need to exercise for half an hour a day.

For classes, it is recommended to choose the most comfortable clothing that does not restrict the tummy, and to ventilate the room in advance. It’s better not to exercise after eating, wait at least a couple of hours. The most optimal time for training is considered to be 16-19 hours.

Other workouts in the 3rd trimester

In the third trimester, the tummy becomes very large, so physical exercises are selected with reduced loads. At this stage of gestation, the goals of physical education for pregnant women have a preventive value and are aimed at preventing the development of hemorrhoids, hyperedema and varicose veins, as well as supporting general organic tone.

If, while performing physical exercises, the pregnant woman does not feel well, feels unwell, discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms, then it is better to refrain from training, limiting herself to walking and breathing exercises.

You should not engage in extreme, overly active sports, which can cause injury. Yes, it’s better not to overdo it with stretching, because the joint-ligamentous structures under the influence of hormones are too extensible and can easily be damaged.

Positional gymnastics

In the last trimester, patients are often recommended positional gymnastics, which is not related to breathing, but at the same time perfectly trains the respiratory structures of the mother, helps to effectively prepare muscle tissue for the upcoming labor stress, training the pelvic, dorsal and oblique muscles. The positional program complex includes fairly simple elements.

For example, a butterfly. When performing this element, you need to sit comfortably on the floor, bringing your limbs together, foot to foot. You need to apply light pressure on your knees, stretching the walking muscles.

Another popular exercise is the cat. When it is performed, the load is removed from the lumbar-dorsal region, and mothers feel real relief. You need to sit on all fours, rounding your back with an arch, and press your chin to your chest. Then you need to throw your head back, while simultaneously bending your back down, like a cat.

Knee-elbow gymnastics is also very useful in the last trimester, when from and. on all fours you need to lower yourself onto your elbows and stand in this position for about 10 minutes. This element of positional gymnastics helps relieve pressure and tension from all internal structures of the mother.

To prevent your hands from swelling, it is useful to clasp your palms and rotate your hands for 3 minutes. Rotation of the feet helps relieve swelling in the legs and varicose veins. If the baby is in the wrong position, then doctors recommend performing alternate leg lifts to the sides from the knee-elbow position, and performing the cat exercise more often. There is no need to worry too much, panic or become depressed if after several training sessions the baby does not turn over; very often babies take the correct head position a couple of days before the upcoming birth.


Mommy must clearly understand that such stress, both physical and respiratory, will be exclusively for the benefit of the baby and herself. You should not beware of light physical activity even at the last stage of pregnancy. If the recommended exercises are performed correctly, mommy will only feel better, more cheerful and cheerful.

With regular performance of such simple, but at the same time highly effective exercises, the pregnant woman’s immunity will noticeably strengthen, and the body will always be on an active wave. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is recommended to discuss all exercises and the safety of their implementation with the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy.