
What days to get a haircut in July. Choosing favorable days for haircuts in July. The most favorable days of the month to visit the hairdresser


On hot summer days, every girl wants to look her best, so that any photo shoot by the sea or at the workplace will be a joyful experience. The lunar haircut calendar for July 2019 gives everyone an additional bonus, allowing you to understand that cutting your hair today on a favorable day according to the Moon will give you health, financial well-being and happiness in your personal life.

Mid-summer will be marked by the beginning of the eclipse corridor, when it is better to take a vacation and devote more time to solving personal problems.

Therefore, the lunar haircut calendar for July 2019 gives the exact dates of the Moon phase and Zodiac sign, which help to better organize care for the beauty of the body and hair. Cutting your hair on the day of the New Moon in July 2019 is strictly prohibited due to the risk of incurring the wrath of the Higher Powers. On Tuesday, July 2, 2019, a total solar eclipse will occur, bringing the beginning of transformations of human energy at all levels. Therefore, on this critical day of the week, it is better not to take risks and not visit a hairdresser for a haircut, coloring or hair extensions.

Another dangerous day falls on the Full Moon in July 2019, when there will be a partial lunar eclipse in the sign of Cancer. On the night of Monday, July 17, 2019, a lunar eclipse will test our strength; on this fateful day of the week, any manipulation with hair is prohibited for the sake of maintaining happiness in our personal lives.

Be sure to visit the hairdresser on July 9, 2019, during the waxing Moon in Libra; this is the most favorable lunar day of the month for a monetary haircut and image change.

Another exact date when cutting your hair will help you bring positive changes into your life is July 7, 2019, when cutting your hair will improve your health and immunity to other people’s negativity.

I would especially like to note such exact dates as July 8, 9, 13, 14 and 15, when the powerful energy of the Moon allows you not only to change the length of your hair, but also to use the natural magic of the forces of nature.

But during the waning moon from July 18 to July 31, 2019, you need to devote more time to strengthening the hair structure and cleansing the scalp of styling products. The most accurate lunar calendar for July 2019 guarantees an increase in the thickness of your hair, as well as increased sexuality, femininity, and natural magnetism.

July 1, 2019, Monday

27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

An unfavorable day for a visit to a beauty salon, since a decrease in hair length can negatively affect your life expectancy, as well as your current physical activity. Hair cutting today, July 1, 2019, is prohibited, since the waning Moon on the eve of the New Moon slows down all processes, making people inattentive and absent-minded. You can only slightly change your hair color; lighter shades help strengthen your position in society and will bring a pleasant novelty to your image. Hairstyle today should be simple and unpretentious; this will allow you to save natural energy and direct your activities in a constructive direction.

July 2, 2019, Tuesday

28-29-1 lunar day, New Moon in Cancer (will occur exactly at 22.17 Moscow time)

A dangerous day full of exciting events, when any changes in the existing image are fraught with unpredictable consequences. Cutting your hair today, June 2, 2019, during the New Moon and solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer, is strictly prohibited, as it can have negative and irreversible consequences for your life. Any manipulations with curls, such as coloring, extensions or changing the length in the future will result in big problems in business and personal destiny. Don't take risks and enjoy what you have, otherwise fate may teach you a painful lesson. The soul and body need rest, a measured lifestyle, tranquility and a complete rejection of any transformations.

July 3, 2019, Wednesday

1-2 lunar days, waxing Moon in Cancer

The first half of the day is not suitable for a visit to the hairdresser due to the unstable energy of the Moon, which experienced the New Moon phase and a total solar eclipse the day before. The lunar haircut calendar for July 2019 even recommends combing your curls very carefully and not allowing anyone to touch your hair. Any hair coloring or cutting today, June 3, 2019, can result in a quick separation from a loved one, troubles at work, or the inability to get what you want. But in the evening, the forces of the Universe will come into harmony, which will allow you to perform a set of procedures aimed at improving the condition of your scalp and the structure of your curls. Even washing your hair with regular shampoo can restore its elasticity and original shine.

July 4, 2019, Thursday

2-3 lunar days, waxing Moon in Leo

One of the happiest days of the month for changing your image, creating an attractive image of a luxurious lady or a respectable young man for people. Having your hair cut today, July 4, 2019, during the waxing Moon in Leo, will help you gain confidence in your abilities, highlight the beauty of your eyes, and make you look young and stylish. A proven master will make a real money cut, allowing you to easily resolve business issues and actively attract material flows in your favor. You can significantly enhance the effect by dyeing your hair in lighter shades: your circle of acquaintances will expand noticeably, and those around you will perceive you more favorably. For a more active energy exchange with the Cosmos this evening, be sure to comb your hair as many times as you are old. This action will help attract positive energy, and negative energy will go away.

July 5, 2019, Friday

3-4 lunar days, waxing Moon in Leo

A visit to the hairdresser would be appropriate only in the first half of the day, when the waxing Moon favors positive changes. Cutting your hair today, July 5, 2019, during the waxing Moon, will allow you to quickly grow a thick mane and will have a positive effect on your destiny. The growing curls will be dense and elastic, and their ends will look flawless for a long time. However, after 18.00 the Moon will change its zodiac sign and will be in an extremely unstable field, so in the evening hours it makes sense to give yourself a rest and reschedule your trip to the hairdresser to another, more favorable day.

July 6, 2019, Saturday

4-5 lunar days, waxing Moon in Virgo

A very favorable day to create a fresh look by changing, extending or coloring your curls. Today, July 6, 2019, the waxing Moon in Virgo allows you to quickly find a common language with others, think through every detail of a new style, and choose the most advantageous image. Cutting your hair on this lunar day will make you look younger, get bright emotions and true pleasure from life. Dyeing your hair in light shades will be very successful and will have a great impact on your overall well-being, add shine and fullness to your hair, and make your curls healthier in appearance. Don’t forget to consolidate the result of the master’s work by applying a healing nourishing mask with natural ingredients to your hair.

July 7, 2019, Sunday

5-6 lunar days, waxing Moon in Virgo

A good day to take care of the condition of your hair, when preference should be given to the opportunity to nourish it from the inside with food rich in vitamins. A haircut today, July 7, 2019, will make your curls manageable and silky. If you change your hairstyle between 9.00 and 12.00, you are guaranteed good health and strengthened authority in the team. Cutting your hair in the afternoon will improve your financial condition, quickly find new investors and additional sources of income. Today, the priority is classic hairstyles, without backcombing or complex styling, which allow you to look younger than your age and speak of your openness and cordiality.

July 8, 2019, Monday

6-7 lunar days, waxing Moon in Libra

A great day for any changes, including a new hairstyle that will highlight your individuality and high social status. Cutting your hair today, July 8, 2019, on the waxing Moon in Libra, will help improve the health of your hair; your curls will quickly grow and fall on your shoulders in a dense, solid head. But it is better to refrain from dyeing your hair on these lunar days, since there is a risk that the paint will lie unevenly, and the scalp will be too sensitive and will experience stress from this manipulation. But nourishing masks, as well as massage of the neck, ears and collar area will bring great benefits.

July 9, 2019, Tuesday

7-8 lunar day, First Quarter, waxing Moon in Libra

A very favorable and positive day of the week, when nature itself fills the curls with the energy of happiness and prosperity. Cutting your hair today, July 9, 2019, will make your hair grow faster, making it thicker and denser to the touch. Just don’t cut it too short, remember the “golden mean” and choose stylish looks that allow your hair to catch the wind. An experienced master can successfully dye, laminate or extension your hair, performing all the manipulations so that you can look young and respectable. When choosing styling products, opt for masks and balms containing infusions of herbs and natural active substances.

July 10, 2019, Wednesday

8-9 lunar days, waxing Moon in Libra

A visit to the hairdresser will be beneficial only during the daytime, when the Moon is still in the sign of Libra. Cutting your hair today, July 10, 2019, will be beneficial only during the period from 9.00 to 16.00, as it will make you look fresh and will be in perfect harmony with the overall image. It is better not to plan a trip to a beauty salon in the afternoon, as the result of the master’s work may very much disappoint you. After cutting your hair, your hair will start to get oily too quickly; you will have to wash your hair twice as often, which is undesirable. It is better to postpone hair cutting to a more favorable day according to the Moon, limiting yourself to healing masks and any procedures aimed at improving the structure of curls.

July 11, 2019, Thursday

9-10 lunar days, waxing Moon in Scorpio

The first half of the day is absolutely not suitable for a visit to the hairdresser, as it will result in disappointment and deterioration in the condition of the hair. But after 12:00, the lunar haircut calendar for July 2019 recommends cutting off at least the ends of your hair in order to improve your health and gain stability in business. Having your hair cut today, July 11, 2019, on the waxing Moon in Scorpio from 12:00 until the evening will help improve your health and protect you from confusing situations in your personal life. During this phase of the Moon, you should choose simple and modest hairstyles that give a feeling of freedom and liberation. Having gotten rid of split ends, you will quickly notice that your hair begins to grow faster and is noticeably stronger.

July 12, 2019, Friday

10-11 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio

An unfavorable day of the week for a visit to the hairdresser; any manipulation with hair is strictly prohibited due to the unstable energy of the Moon. Cutting your hair today, July 12, 2019, can negatively affect your health, make you depressed and deprive you of your vitality for a long period of time. There is a danger that a new hairstyle will change your appearance too radically and will contrast with your overall style. But dyeing your hair any color using natural dyes will bring great benefits: you are guaranteed the favor of your superiors and a quick rise in your career. You can increase your intuition and connection with the Cosmos by combing your hair, as well as a light and gentle massage of the scalp.

July 13, 2019, Saturday

11-12 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

A harmonious day with positive energy will allow you not only to get rid of split ends, but also to create a new fashionable hairstyle with stylish styling. Cutting your hair today, July 13, 2019, on the waxing Moon in Sagittarius, will help you quickly grow your hair and protect you from damage, the evil eye and the envy of ill-wishers. An excellent result is expected from hair coloring, since this procedure will allow you to more effectively solve business issues and protect your rights in society. After a visit to the beauty salon, you will look younger than your age, and a beautifully styled head of fresh hair will make the hearts of representatives of the opposite sex flutter.

July 14, 2019, Sunday

12-13 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius

A good day of the week to create a real money haircut, which will allow you to effectively solve all problems that arise or even create your own business from scratch. To achieve the most positive result of the master’s work, the Lunar calendar for July 2019 recommends choosing a period of time between 12.00 and 18.00, when the waxing Moon in Sagittarius most generously gives its energy. A haircut today, July 14, 2019, should be lush and airy; the steeper each curl is, the more money will ring in your wallet in the coming days. You can color, curl and extend your hair without forgetting the healing power of natural herbs and ingredients.

July 15, 2019, Monday

13-14 lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn

The first day of the week falls on a very favorable lunar day, when you can safely decide on any experiments with your hair. Cutting your hair today, July 15, 2019, on the waxing Moon in Capricorn, will give your locks strength and health. You will very quickly notice that the ends have less split ends, become thicker and stronger, and hair loss has been significantly reduced. You can also safely decide to have hair extensions, perms or dyeing, as any manipulation of your hair will make you look more stylish and youthful. It is better to choose a calm hairstyle, without complex styling, and also try not to overdo it with accessories.

July 16, 2019, Tuesday

14-15 lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn

A dangerous day of the week with unstable energy of the Sun and Moon, when it is better not to take risks and not plan a visit to the hairdresser. Any hair cutting today, July 16, 2019, is prohibited due to the risk of incurring the wrath of higher powers or cutting off the length of your hair from your former success and stability in business. The day before the Full Moon, it makes sense to devote more time to treating the hair structure and refreshing the scalp using natural remedies from your home medicine cabinet. It is better not to experiment and not change the existing image or styling. Your task is to adjust your hair in such a way that it catches the positive energies of the upcoming Full Moon and does not react to various tempting moments.

July 17, 2019, Wednesday

15-16 lunar day, Full Moon in Capricorn (exact time at 00.40 Moscow time)

A fateful day that requires caution in actions and diplomacy in words, since the middle of the week falls on the Full Moon in Capricorn and a partial lunar eclipse. Hair cutting today, July 17, 2019, is strictly prohibited, as are all other manipulations with hair (dying, curling or extensions will give a bad result and disappoint). On these lunar days, you need to seek help from clairvoyants in order to receive revelation from the Higher Powers, the support of your personal Guardian Angel and the opportunity to find out your near future. Correct work with the energies of the cosmos, that is, competent influence on the hair, will help to avoid melancholic impulses and feelings of dissatisfaction.

July 18, 2019, Thursday

16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius

A day of the week full of excitement and contradictions, more conducive to routine work than to starting new projects. Having your hair cut today, July 18, 2019, will benefit you and give you a boost of vigor and positivity, but only if you are not planning major changes in your destiny. You should cut your hair length during the waning Moon in Aquarius if you want to preserve the result of the master’s work longer, since the curls will grow back slowly, but the volume of your hair will increase. It is not recommended to dye or curl your hair on these lunar days, since the shade will not be the one you expected, and the procedure itself is unlikely to have a positive effect on your appearance.

July 19, 2019, Friday

17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius

Only the first half of the day is suitable for a visit to a beauty salon, when the energy of the Universe is in tune with the subtle vibrations of the soul and body and allows you to create harmonious and beautiful hairstyles. But it is extremely undesirable to cut your hair today, July 19, 2019, on the waning Moon in Aquarius after sunset: along with the length of your curls, you will cut off your good mood and good luck in business. This is due to the fact that today Mercury retrograde moves into the sign of Cancer, which negatively affects people’s energy. It is better to limit yourself to treatment procedures that improve the structure of curls, as well as cleanse the scalp of remnants of styling products.

July 20, 2019, Saturday

18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces

One of the worst days of the month for any kind of hair manipulation due to the risk of cutting off too much hair or ruining your hair with low-quality dye. Today, July 20, 2019, cutting your hair is extremely undesirable, since a new hairstyle will only highlight your shortcomings, and after dyeing your hair will begin to fall out rapidly. This is a very traumatic day of the week, when it is recommended to even comb your curls very carefully, as they say, without fanaticism.

July 21, 2019, Sunday

19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces

An unfavorable day for changing your image, when the lunar calendar for July 2019 does not even recommend trimming split ends for the sake of preserving peace and harmony in the soul. Cutting your hair today, July 21, 2019, can lead to the fact that the growth of curls will stop for a long time, and unpleasant events will begin to occur in your life, unsettling and breaking all your plans. During the waning Moon in Pisces, you may unexpectedly encounter problems such as increased greasiness of the scalp, dandruff and unruly hair. If you need new business contacts and partners, then you should dye your hair with vegetable dyes.

July 22, 2019, Monday

20-21 lunar days, waning Moon in Pisces

The time has come for positive changes, when the soul and body need to update their image, refresh and cleanse them of negativity. A stylish and fashionable haircut today, July 22, 2019, will be your ticket to a happier life, will give you additional energy, and will allow you to cut off accumulated negativity and old mistakes from the length of your curls. If you want to enhance your sexuality and natural magnetism, just comb your hair at night in the direction of the cardinal points and then the Universe will bless you with success in business and reciprocity in love.

July 23, 2019, Tuesday

21-22 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries

A great day to go to the hairdresser, when you can safely plan a new haircut, coloring, extensions or perm. The lunar calendar for July 2019 gives advice: choose voluminous hairstyles using accessories with a metallic sheen, this is how you can triple your energy, get rid of health problems and bad mood. If you plan to color your hair, be sure to take care of protecting your curls from the traumatic effects of chemicals. Nourishing masks, healing balms and moisturizers will come to the rescue. Otherwise, you may encounter the fact that the ends of your hair will very quickly begin to split and lose their original elasticity.

July 24, 2019, Wednesday

22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries

A critical and traumatic day of the week, which is not conducive to changing your image due to the risk of getting a result that is not the one you originally expected. Today, July 24, 2019, hair cutting is prohibited due to the unstable energy of the waning Moon in the fiery sign of Aries. You should be prudent and reschedule your visit to the beauty salon to a more suitable day of the week. For now, you should limit yourself to a consultation with your hairdresser, who will give practical advice on hair manipulations that will help you look more youthful and stylish in the future.

July 25, 2019, Thursday

23-24 lunar day, Third Quarter, waning Moon in Taurus

An unfavorable day of the week with heavy energy that brings a lot of troubles and minor troubles. Avoid any manipulation with your hair, as this will only worsen its appearance, create unnecessary problems for you and ruin your mood. Cutting your hair today, July 25, 2019, can not only slow down its growth, but also make your curls unruly, frizzy, and sticking out in different directions like straw. To maintain a positive attitude and joy, you should curl your hair and shape it with styling products. Opt for products with natural ingredients that take good care of the scalp and do not damage the hair itself.

July 26, 2019, Friday

24 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus
A neutral period of time when changing the length of your curls will not affect your destiny in any way. You can cut your hair only if you want to slow down its growth and strengthen the roots. The lunar calendar for July 2019 recommends carefully thinking through every step before going to the hairdresser, so as not to regret a rash action later. Eating foods rich in protein, vitamins and fiber, as well as a gentle massage that stimulates blood flow in the neck and back muscles, will help improve the appearance of your curls and add shine. If you want to make a good impression on your colleagues and superiors, then dye at least a couple of strands in darker colors to give your hair volume.

July 27, 2019, Saturday

24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

The first half of the day is more conducive to rest than to taking care of your hair, since the Moon makes the transition from one zodiac sign to another and its energy is extremely unstable. But in the afternoon, cutting your hair today, July 27, 2019, will give you an amazing result from the master’s work and will delight you with freshness and splendor. On this lucky day, according to the Moon in its waning phase, you can cut off all past failures, disappointments and bad memories along with the ends of your hair in one fell swoop. During your haircut, be sure to ask for support from the Higher Powers and make a wish, because this is the best day of the week for programming a happy future.

July 28, 2019, Sunday

25-26 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

The time has come for rest and peace, when your hair needs freedom and care. Allow yourself to be who you really are and put off visiting the hairdresser for a while. After all, even a successful haircut today, July 28, 2019, can negatively affect your health or make you depressed. This is also not a suitable phase of the Moon for dyeing, curling or extending artificial strands, as all this will not last long and will get boring very quickly. But with the help of new styling and well-chosen accessories, you can significantly increase your attractiveness and add fresh notes to your existing style.

July 29, 2019, Monday

26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini

A good day to visit a hairdresser to purchase a new hairstyle that will open the door to a new life. It would be especially good to create a light, airy hairstyle, with strands of healthy hair flowing in the wind. Having your hair cut today, July 29, 2019, will enhance your personal charm and charm, and beautiful styling will stimulate the flow of positive energy. Literally a couple of days after your visit to the beauty salon, new fans will quickly appear in your circle, ready to give generous gifts.

July 30, 2019, Tuesday

27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer

An unfavorable day with negative energy, when everything literally falls out of your hands, and your hair lies on your head in an unruly mop that cannot be tamed even with the help of styling products. Cutting your hair today, July 30, 2019, is highly undesirable, as it can lead to problems in business, deterioration of relationships at home and at work, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you are planning to dye your hair on this day of the week, do not experiment under any circumstances and choose only those dyes and shades that have worked well in the past and have been tested over the years. Otherwise, you may very much regret your thoughtless action, but changing something will be much more difficult.

July 31, 2019, Wednesday

28-29 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer

The first half of the day is absolutely not suitable for a visit to the hairdresser and is more conducive to thinking about upcoming changes in appearance. But in the afternoon, feel free to go to your hairdresser and trust his professionalism; a new haircut will allow you to become stronger and more confident in your abilities. The lunar calendar for July 2019 foretells that the shorter you cut your locks today, the more drastic the future changes in fate will be. You should playfully treat your hair in the evening of this day, then it will thank you for your positive attitude with obedience and additional shine.

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Our lunar calendar of haircuts for July 2019 will allow you, without knowledge of astrology or any calculations, to find favorable days for a haircut in July 2019. Even if you don't believe that a lunar haircut really has an effect, is it worth just going and checking it out? You can completely trust the data provided on this page because it is highly accurate. We are constantly striving to improve our lunar haircut calendar for July 2019. Be sure to get your hair cut on days favorable for haircuts and happiness and unexpected success will come into your life! .

1 Jul. 2019 2:44 - 28 lunar day


Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable

2 Jul. 2019 3:25 - 29 lunar day


Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. The hairstyle will improve the condition of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

2 Jul. 2019 22:16 - 1 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

1 lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts. Tibetan sages say that cutting your hair on this day shortens your life. Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable

3 Jul. 2019 4:20 - 2nd lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

A haircut on the second lunar day can bring unpleasant events and conflicts into your life. Avoid cutting your hair on this day. Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling and hair adjustments. Avoid chemical treatments.

4 Jul. 2019 5:31 - 3rd lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

Haircut on the third lunar day is contraindicated - you can attract illnesses into your life due to an imbalance of energies. Also, such a haircut can encourage you to spend money like crazy. Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling and hair adjustments. Avoid chemical treatments.

5 Jul. 2019 6:53 - 4th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

Haircut on the fourth lunar day is not recommended, as it can bring various fears into your life, especially about losing something or someone. Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiacs for haircuts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

6 Jul. 2019 8:20 - 5th lunar day


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

A haircut on the 5th lunar day will give you luck and wealth. A very good day to radically change your appearance. Moon in Virgo - haircut is favorable

7 Jul. 2019 9:48 - 6th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 5th lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract illnesses into your life or simply become depressed, which will also affect your appearance. Moon in Virgo - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Your hair will be voluminous, strong and magically attractive.

8 Jul. 2019 11:15 - 7th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 7th lunar day is not suitable for haircuts - by performing this procedure today, you can attract enemies and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable

9 Jul. 2019 12:39 - 8 lunar day


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 8th lunar day is very good for haircuts. She will attract bright and unforgettable moments of happiness into your life. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Dandelion hairstyle guaranteed. The haircut will add lightness and ease.

10 Jul. 2019 14:01 - 9 lunar day


A haircut on the 9th lunar day is not favorable because it can bring ambiguity and confusing situations into your life. Today it is best to cleanse using soft natural ingredients. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable

11 Jul. 2019 15:22 - 10th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 10th lunar day is favorable for cutting and coloring hair. Your strength, luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthangche). Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

12 Jul. 2019 16:42 - 11th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 11th lunar day is simply ideal for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Leo, this is simply a “bomb”. This haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and your mind more insightful. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

13 Jul. 2019 17:58 - 12th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 12th lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. (srog la ngon). Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable

14 Jul. 2019 19:07 - 13th lunar day


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 13th lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become a more attractive person and will attract happiness like a magnet. (bzang bskyed) Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is good in a magical sense, but maybe not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

15 Jul. 2019 20:07 - 14th lunar day


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 14th lunar day is a great day for a haircut. You will become a luckier person, the results will not keep you waiting. You will attract property and material well-being. (en spyod`phel) Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable

16 Jul. 2019 20:55 - 15th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

On the 15th lunar day it is better not to cut your hair - there may be problems with blood pressure and an acute feeling of incomprehensible fear. Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for haircuts. Hair splits less and grows faster.

17 Jul. 2019 21:33 - 16th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 16th lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts, because at this time you can attract misfortunes and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable

18 Jul 2019 22:02 - 17th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 17th lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - you will attract illnesses and unpleasant situations associated with outside interference. (ha rtsi sngo gdan gnod). Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. This is a good time to experiment with your haircut and your life. If you are already satisfied with everything, it is better to choose another day.

19 Jul. 2019 22:24 - 18th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 18th lunar day is bad for haircuts, as there is a high probability of attracting situations related to theft of property or damage to it. Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. This is a good time to experiment with your haircut and your life. If you are already satisfied with everything, it is better to choose another day.

20 Jul. 2019 22:42 - 19th lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 19th lunar day is favorable for a haircut (tshe ring), however, if the second aspect (moon in the zodiac sign) excludes a haircut, do not cut your hair. Moon in Pisces - haircut is unfavorable

21 Jul. 2019 22:58 - 20 lunar day


In general, this is an unfavorable day for haircuts.

The 20th lunar day is not suitable for haircuts - you can attract poverty to the material and spiritual world. In Tibetan: dbultog Moon in Pisces - haircut is unfavorable. Dandruff may appear, and hair may become brittle and dry.

22 Jul. 2019 23:12 - 21 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

21 lunar days are ideal for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and attractive (gzugs bzang) Moon in Aries - haircut is unfavorable

23 Jul. 2019 23:25 - 22 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 22nd lunar day is good for a haircut - you will be able to get what you want and get the necessary amount of money. Moon in Aries - haircut is unfavorable. The immune system may weaken and illness may appear. Try to choose a different day for your haircut.

24 Jul. 2019 23:40 - 23 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 23rd lunar day is a good day for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid cutting your hair today if other aspects suggest it. Moon in Aries - haircut is unfavorable. The immune system may weaken and illness may appear. Try to choose a different day for your haircut.

25 Jul. 2019 23:56 - 24 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

A haircut on the 24th lunar day will bring illness and misfortune (nad`ong) into your life. Moon in Taurus - haircut is favorable

27 Jul. 2019 0:16 - 25 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

The 24th lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - you may lose sight of the most important thing, not see opportunities coming and going. (mig tshag ong) Moon in Taurus - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable moon positions. Hair grows strong and healthy, with less split ends.

28 Jul. 2019 0:41 - 26 lunar day


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 26th lunar day is a great day for a haircut. It will bring you happiness and fate will treat you favorably. Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. The hairstyle will improve the condition of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

29 Jul. 2019 1:15 - 27 lunar day


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

The 27th lunar day for a haircut is very good - your life will be filled with pleasant events and your good mood will not leave you for a long time. (dga` ba byung). Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. The hairstyle will improve the condition of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

30 Jul. 2019 2:03 - 28 lunar day


Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

An ideal day for a haircut - you will attract friendly people like a magnet, and your appearance will improve. (gzugs mdzes) Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling and hair adjustments. Avoid chemical treatments.

31 Jul 2019 3:06 - 29 lunar day


Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

Haircut on the 29th lunar day is strictly not recommended - you can go astray and get into a lot of trouble. (bla `khyams) Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling and hair adjustments. Avoid chemical treatments.

Thank you for viewing our lunar calendar of haircuts for July 2019. We hope that you were able to easily find lunar days favorable for haircuts. We take a responsible approach to our work and understand that the well-being of the people who use this site depends on the accuracy of the data. Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar for July 2019 favorable days- find out if a haircut is favorable today? That is why our haircut calendar for July 2019 is one of the most accurate and detailed calendars on the entire Internet. Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar for July 2019 - favorable days for cutting can be found on this page. We believe in karma, and we create the site with love. We wish you a pleasant haircut and a happy life!

The lunar haircut calendar will help you choose the most favorable day for this procedure, and other hair recommendations are also collected here.

Read how to use the lunar calendar correctly.

We look at the table and read the full information for each day. Click on table to enlarge

The most favorable days of the month to visit the hairdresser:

The most unfavorable days for haircuts this month:

July 1, 2019, Monday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Twins

A very controversial day to visit the salon. You can expect both dizzying success and great disappointment, which will darken your existence for a long time. Hair should be cut on a waning moon with caution, as it will obviously take quite a long time to grow back.

You should not dye or curl your hair as you may be disappointed with the results. It makes sense to give preference only to natural or temporary coloring compositions, such as henna, basma or other similar ones.
You can choose a fancy hairstyle, decorated with bright ribbons, which are so appropriate on a warm summer evening. Avoid using flashy shiny accessories as they may look tacky.

July 2, 2019, Tuesday

Moon- New Moon

Sign- Cancer

Getting your hair cut on the new moon is always a rewarding activity that brings a lot of positive emotions. On this day, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with your master and refresh your appearance. You can choose a trendy shorter haircut, or you can stick to more classic and familiar options.

You can also get chemistry done or sign up for hair straightening, as on this day your hair is most manageable and easy to style. You can also safely experiment with the color of your hair without fear of causing irreparable harm to it.

It is better to choose a romantic and extravagant hairstyle. Don’t be afraid to attract the attention of others, perhaps this is your chance to dramatically change your life.

July 3, 2019, Wednesday

Moon – Waxing Moon

Sign – Cancer

A neutral day for hair cutting, from which you should not expect miracles, but there is nothing particularly to be afraid of. Feel free to go to the master if you do not plan to radically change your image. Slightly trimmed ends will help strengthen your hair roots and make your overall hair healthier.

You can carry out tinting and dyeing procedures, but you should not lighten your hair on this day, since the result will still not meet your expectations. Don't go to extremes and radically change your hair color.

Choose a high hairstyle, with a minimum of details and decorative elements. Don’t try to attract attention to yourself; there will be plenty of it on this day.

July 4, 2019, Thursday

Moon– Growing

Sign- A lion

Auspicious day 👍

One of the most favorable days of this month for transformation and visiting a beauty salon. On this day, you can make a bold and even daring haircut in the most fashionable shape, without fear of negative consequences or disappointment. All your undertakings on this day will be crowned with success, and your hair will grow quickly and will delight you with its shape for a long time.

It is better to dye your hair in warm honey tones, but you can also prefer bright “sunny” shades of red or red. When planning to get a perm, keep in mind that your hair may be unruly on this day and difficult to style.

You should prefer a romantic and even a little careless hairstyle, reminiscent of a lion's mane. All the same, you are unlikely to be able to curb your hair on this day.

July 5, 2019, Friday

Moon– Growing

Sign- A lion

The waxing moon in the sign of Leo favors any changes with your hair, unless you plan to have a strict and stylish hairstyle. Bold experiments, short haircuts and a little carelessness will give the image a unique charm.

Try dyeing your hair in fiery tones if you want to attract success and material well-being. But you shouldn’t try to style your hair or chemically curl it, as the hair will be difficult to manage and will generally have a very untidy appearance.

Choose hairstyles that are slightly casual and a little romantic. On this day, you can decorate your hair with bright “sunny” ribbons, which will not only add a special charm to your image, but will also attract the energy of good luck in business and love.

July 6, 2019, Saturday

Moon– Growing

Sign– Virgo

Auspicious day 👍

Another great day worth dedicating to the beauty and health of your hair. Any haircut, regardless of its complexity, will be an excellent addition to the image. If you have been planning to cut your hair shorter for a long time, then today is perhaps the best day of the month to do so. Any undertaking will bring you complete moral satisfaction.

On this day, you can dye your hair any color you like, even if it is bold and too bright. The result will meet all your expectations and bring satisfaction.

You should not choose too complex hairstyles, as your hair on this day may be difficult to style and will be unruly. A slightly casual look in such a situation is the best solution.

July 7, 2019, Sunday

Moon– Growing

Sign– Virgo

Hair cut on this day will grow back quite quickly and will not cause you any trouble. This is a great time to sign up for a bang correction, which will help attract wind energy, which means good luck in financial matters.

You can dye your hair or even get a perm or straightening on this day if you have been planning such events for a long time. Otherwise, you should not take risks and make spontaneous decisions.

On this day, it is good to sign up for various treatments for healthy hair, as they will bring a lot of benefits and a good mood. You can choose an elaborate and intricate hairstyle; today it will look appropriate and even cute.

July 8, 2019, Monday

Moon– Growing

Sign- Scales

Auspicious day 👍

A good day to visit a hairdresser's salon and visit your hairdresser. Hair cut on this day will grow back quite well and quickly, and it is worth considering that a haircut on this day will help attract the energy of health not only to the hair, but also to the entire body as a whole.

Hair dyeing, tinting or coloring will also be successful. If you were planning to radically change your color or finally become blonde, then today this plan can be implemented as successfully as possible.

It is better to choose a high and laconic hairstyle, not burdened with bright and flashy accessories, since on this day such a hairstyle can work as an antenna that will attract cash flows and good luck to you in all matters.

July 9, 2019, Tuesday

Moon– Growing

Sign- Scales

A good day for healthy hair and quite controversial in terms of a radical change in image. You shouldn’t go to extremes, but getting a haircut in order to refresh your look and make it neat is quite possible.

You should not expose your hair to too aggressive chemical influences, as this can seriously harm it. For coloring, it is recommended to prefer gentle compositions or even natural dyes.

Particular attention should be paid to bangs, since they will help attract stable and long-term financial flows today.

July 10, 2019, Wednesday

Moon– Growing

Sign- Scales

A great day to visit your favorite salon if you're planning a makeover. A visit to the master will put you in a good mood and bring a lot of positive emotions. You shouldn’t hold back, because on this day any fantasies can become a reason for complete delight.

Any hair treatments will make your hair shiny, smooth and beautiful, and everything you have in mind will come true with amazing results. Don't be afraid to experiment, they will all succeed.

Hairstyles should be chosen that are calm and not burdened with unnecessary accessories. Simple natural beauty on this day can become your main trump card.

July 11, 2019, Thursday

Moon– Growing

Sign- Scorpion

A good day to visit your master. Do not be afraid of changes, all of them on this day can become changes for the better. You can have a fashionable, stylish hairstyle, even if it seems too short for you. Your hair will grow back quickly and you can try something else.

Do not overexpose your hair chemically, as this can cause irreparable harm to your health. You can sign up for treatments to improve hair health or aimed at restoring it.

Choose a modest hairstyle; you can simply let your hair down and neatly style it. Any undertakings will bring success on this day.

July 12, 2019, Friday

Moon– Growing

Sign- Scorpion

Unfavorable day 👎

One of the worst days for a haircut imaginable this month. Disappointments and failures may await you, and a haircut may even become the cause of your illness or difficulties in your personal life. For this reason, it is best to leave a trip to the hair salon for another, more favorable day.

You should also not use chemicals or, conversely, straighten your hair with aggressive chemical compounds. You can hopelessly damage your hair and spend a lot of effort and money on its subsequent restoration.

Choose discreet and discreet hairstyles that will not attract unnecessary attention from others. Particular attention should be paid to bangs, as attracting wind energy will help you avoid many troubles on this day.

July 13, 2019, Saturday

Moon– Growing

Sign– Sagittarius

Getting a haircut on the waxing moon is always beneficial and brings a lot of positivity. Hair cut on this day will grow back quickly and will look as healthy and well-groomed as possible. You should not limit your imagination, and also listen to the advice of others.

Sign up for any SPA hair treatments or make a nourishing mask at home. If your hair needs treatment and restoration, then today is perhaps the best day for such endeavors.

Choose a hairstyle to match your mood. You can choose romantic or delicate images that are not burdened with flashy details.

July 14, 2019, Sunday

Moon– Growing

Sign– Sagittarius

Quite a controversial day to cut your hair. You shouldn't cut your hair too short, but cutting your hair too long is also not the best option. Listen to the advice of others, they will be appropriate and practical today.

A good day for curling, coloring and even covering gray hair. The paint will not wash off for a long time, and the chosen tone will fully meet your expectations. You can also sign up for eyebrow correction or eyelash extensions - these manipulations will also be quite successful.

Give preference to simple buns and braids, which can be decorated with small, delicate accessories.

July 15, 2019, Monday

Moon– Growing

Sign- Capricorn

Auspicious day 👍

A favorable day for visiting the salon and putting on a makeover. On this day, you can either cut your hair quite short or just trim the ends slightly - everything will benefit your hair and bring you good luck. This is a great time to radically change your image and attract public attention.

You can dye your hair any color you prefer, and any endeavor will lead you to success. However, experts recommend choosing a hair shade on this day that is one or more shades darker than the one you are used to. Chocolate shades will attract the attention of the opposite sex to you and bring incredible luck.

It is better to choose a simple, uncomplicated hairstyle, but at the same time romantic and daring. Use cute little accessories to complete the look and avoid flashy accents.

July 16, 2019, Tuesday

Moon– Growing

Sign- Capricorn

Auspicious day 👍

Another good day this month to visit the hair salon. Any decisions made on this day will bring you good luck, and therefore focus solely on your own experience and desires when choosing your new image.

You can curl, straighten and dye your hair in the most unimaginable colors - any adventure will turn out to be lucky for you. You can not hold back your desires and make your wildest dreams come true.

You should prefer a simple hairstyle, without unnecessary pathos, not burdened with too many accessories. Simple buns and braids are perfect and will look just right today.

July 17, 2019, Wednesday

Moon– Full

Sign- Capricorn

The influence of the full moon and Capricorn is the most changeable. All the results of the procedures may be very, very unexpected. For this reason, this day is not the most favorable time for experiments. It is better to give preference to proven options and not take risks, so as not to be disappointed. Don't choose haircuts that are too short or extravagant as they can cause disappointment.

Health treatments will benefit your hair. But astrologers categorically do not recommend radically changing your image on this day. If you decide to dye, it can be done using natural or temporary compounds.

Choose a classic hairstyle, without fancy details or accessories. Delicate ribbons in braids are a great solution for this day.

July 18, 2019, Thursday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Aquarius

Sign up for any procedures to restore hair structure, if the situation requires it. If your hair is healthy and does not require restoration, then you can safely go for dyeing or coloring of any complexity.

Comb your hair thoroughly enough on this day to give it strength and attract flows of positive energy.

July 19, 2019, Friday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Aquarius

Unfavorable day 👎

An unfavorable day for a haircut and anything related to changing your image. You should not give in to temptations, which will be plenty for you on this day. Try to be restrained in your desires and soberly assess your capabilities

Curling or dyeing your hair is also not the best time. The resulting hair color may not only greatly disappoint you, but also become an unpleasant surprise for you.

Create a high, formal hairstyle without using unnecessary accessories. Do not attract attention, it will be of no use and may cause embarrassment in society.

July 20, 2019, Saturday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Fish

The waning moon in the sign of Pisces is very ambiguous in terms of the relevance of salon treatments for your hair. It is not recommended to have a haircut or styling, as the hair on this day is very stubborn and does not respond well to all kinds of influences. It is better to give preference to salon procedures for health and growth, as well as scalp massage.

To make your hair look beautiful, try to comb it to all 4 cardinal directions, which will give it health and energy. Dyeing your hair is not recommended, as achieving exactly the color you want will be problematic or almost impossible.

Refrain from experiments, this is not the best day for them. Choose your hairstyle in accordance with the event you are planning to attend.

July 21, 2019, Sunday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Fish

Unfavorable day 👎

One of the worst days this month for cutting hair, and therefore you should refrain from such actions today. Hair may take a long time to grow back after cutting, and the whole procedure will not bring you any pleasure.

You should also not expose your hair to aggressive dyes or perms. If you really can’t bear it, you can dye your hair with temporary or natural products, such as henna or basma.

In your hairstyle, you should give preference to simple buns or braids that will not attract undue attention, which may be very inappropriate for you. Avoid bright and provocative accessories, which may simply turn out to be funny and absurd.

July 22, 2019, Monday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Fish

During the waning moon, you should not cut your hair if you plan to grow long hair and do it as quickly as possible. But if you have thin and brittle hair, you can get a haircut, which will strengthen the roots and give your hair the shape you want. In any case, be careful and attentive to details - they are of decisive importance on this day.

A haircut done on this day will last a long time, but its shape may disappoint you. Astrologers also do not recommend curling or dyeing your hair on this day, since the result may differ greatly from what was expected.

Minimalism and naturalness in hairstyle are what you can give preference to on this day. Try not to use accessories or, if this is not possible, then give your preference to more concise options.

July 23, 2019, Tuesday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign– Aries

Extravagant hairstyles, unusual styling, bright coloring, original solutions - this is what you can do on this day. Listen to the advice of your master if you don’t know what decision to make or haven’t fully decided on the choice of a new image.

It is worth considering that hair cut on this day will not grow too quickly. This can be used if you want to strengthen your hair roots. Any SPA treatments will be successful and will give your hair strength and shine for quite a long time.

If you need to make an impression, you can dye your hair with natural dyes in natural tones. Leave your hair down - this will attract the attention of members of the opposite sex and flows of monetary energy.

July 24, 2019, Wednesday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign– Aries

Not the best day for bold experiments and various chemical effects. You should not curl your hair or straighten it using chemical methods, as the new hairstyle will not last long, and in addition, it can cause conditions that will subsequently require long-term recovery.

If you are planning to paint, then preference should be given to gentle compositions and natural paints.

All caring procedures will be very helpful and will give your hair a natural bright shine and health. The hair will be unruly, and therefore the hairstyle can be made slightly careless. Buns and braids are perfect, without unnecessary decorative elements.

July 25, 2019, Thursday

Moon- Waning moon

Sign- Calf

Cutting your hair during the waning moon is not a good idea, especially if you have been planning to grow long hair for a long time. Hair cut on this day will grow long enough, but it can retain its original shape for a long time.

You should not dye your hair on this day. An exception may be coloring or tinting, as well as coloring with natural compounds.

You can choose a simple hairstyle, but pay special attention to the bangs, since today the bangs can attract the energy of the Wind, and therefore the energy of change for the better.

July 26, 2019, Friday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Calf

The influence of the Taurus sign on your hair is neutral. You can cut your hair, but don't change your look too radically.

Hair tinting or dyeing may be successful for you on this day. But you shouldn’t do a perm - it will become your disappointment and will not last as long as you would like. You can straighten your hair, but not chemically, but using styling products based on wax or other natural materials.

General strengthening procedures will give your hair energy and strength, so you shouldn’t refuse SPA treatments on this day. Make an appointment with your specialist, but under no circumstances decide to radically change your image.

July 27, 2019, Saturday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Twins

It is better to postpone a haircut on this day until a more successful time. The hair will be unruly, and therefore it is better to style it using products containing wax or other similar substances in the composition.

On this day, you can dye and tone your hair, which will be very successful if you first do procedures that ensure blood flow and improve metabolism. It will be good to do a head massage and strengthening masks.

It is better to choose a simple hairstyle, without unnecessary accessories that will look tasteless and inappropriate. Simply loose hair, decorated with discreet ribbons in bed colors, will work well.

July 28, 2019, Sunday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Twins

Unfavorable day 👎

One of the worst days if you decide to get a haircut or visit a hair salon. On this day, all your undertakings can greatly disappoint you or even cause physical illness. For this reason, experts categorically do not recommend cutting your hair.

You should also not expose your hair to aggressive chemical treatments, such as dyeing, tinting or perming. On this day, you can cause irreparable harm to the health of your hair.

You can only sign up for any wellness treatments at the salon. And if visiting a salon is not possible, then a mask or rinse can be done at home.

July 29, 2019, Monday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Twins

Auspicious day 👍

Although experts do not recommend cutting your hair on the waning moon, this day can be a pleasant exception if you do not expect your hair to grow back quickly. If you do not choose too short haircuts, you can strengthen the hair structure and make it even stronger and healthier than before.

You can sign up for hair tinting or coloring procedures, but it is better to avoid painting gray hair or lightening your hair.

The hairstyle can be chosen in accordance with the event you are planning to attend, as well as in a certain combination with your outfit. You can decorate your hair with bright ribbons or add some zest.

July 30, 2019, Tuesday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Cancer

A very controversial day on which you should be careful with any innovations. It is not recommended to have a haircut or styling, as the hair on this day is very stubborn and does not respond well to all kinds of influences.

To make your hair look beautiful, try to comb it to all 4 cardinal directions, which will give it health and energy.

Refrain from experiments, this is not the best day for them. It is better to choose your hairstyle in accordance with the event you are planning to go to, but do not overdo it with accessories so as not to appear too provocative or daring.

July 31, 2019, Wednesday

Moon– Decreasing

Sign- Cancer

Experts do not recommend cutting your hair on the waning moon, but if you still decide to take such a step, then it is worth considering that hair cut on this day can grow long enough and become unruly. For this reason, refrain from having haircuts that are too short or too fashionable, as they may not live up to your expectations.

You should also not do a perm, as it most likely will not hold the desired head start and will generally fall apart very quickly, making your hair untidy.

It is better to prefer non-aggressive chemical compounds and gentle methods, such as tinting or coloring.

You can choose an elaborate and slightly careless hairstyle, taking into account the fact that on this day your hair may be especially unruly. Do not overdo it with accessories and details - they will be unnecessary and inappropriate.

The lunar calendar determines the choice of most significant events. Science has proven that the phases of the moon have an impact on the functioning of the body. Some do not believe in this and do not pay attention to the lunar calendar. But most people prefer to get their hair cut only after “consulting” with the moon, choosing good days. ​

There are many favorable days for haircuts in July 2018 according to the lunar calendar. Every person will find something suitable. A haircut for the waning moon is suitable for people with short hair who do not want to visit the hairdresser often. In the decreasing phase, hair grows more slowly, therefore, the haircut retains its shape longer. During the waxing moon, it is better to trim the ends for those who want to grow a long braid. Hair grows faster when you are young.

The influence of the phases of the moon and favorable days When choosing favorable days for a haircut in July 2018, it is worth studying all the days of the lunar calendar. Perhaps there is the best number that is suitable not only for growth, but also for strengthening and coloring. Or for some, on the contrary, the day will be favorable when hair growth stops.

This option is convenient for men with very short haircuts who are not happy with the constant buzzing of the machine near their ear.

By following the schedule, you can choose the most successful day to create a new image. And also for favorable hair growth.


The activity schedule of the night light has a huge impact on the hair:

July 1 is suitable for a short haircut for those who want to slow down hair growth and strengthen the roots. For the rest, it is better to refrain from cutting your hair. But extravagant coloring and a change of image will go well. The day is aimed at emphasizing charisma, so it’s worth giving bangs to those who didn’t have them.

A haircut on July 2 will help get rid of depression and apathy, but it will not fit well even with a lot of styling products. Dyeing in bright colors and using natural products will have a beneficial effect. Oil masks will work great to moisturize your hair.

July 3 is a good day for moisturizing, nourishing, strengthening, and restorative procedures. Thin and brittle hair will easily absorb beneficial ingredients. Curling, straightening, dyeing and other manipulations with hair with chemicals can be harmful. As a result, fragility, dandruff will appear, and hair loss will begin. The day is suitable for therapeutic procedures to strengthen the roots, moisturize the scalp and eliminate dandruff.

July 4th is an unfavorable day for haircuts, curls, straightening and coloring. You shouldn't even wash your hair on this day. Only blondes are allowed to lighten their regrown roots.

On July 5th, do masks and head massages for hair growth, general strengthening care procedures. It is better to paint in natural tones - this will have a beneficial effect on your emotional state. It is recommended to brush a lot to increase blood flow to the scalp and experiment with styling.

July 6, on the one hand, is a neutral day. Cutting and coloring will not affect the hair in any way; on the other hand, it falls on Friday. It is not recommended to have a haircut on Friday, as the condition of the hair worsens. Coloring with natural dyes such as henna and basma is suitable. You can also use ammonia-free dyes and coloring masks and balms with caring ingredients. It is very good to curl your hair on this day with curlers. It is better to refuse curling irons and irons.

On the 7th, the best option would be to choose a short, voluminous haircut, the shape of which must be preserved for a long time. Long-haired girls should not cut their hair. It's good to dye your hair dark colors.

July 8 is one of the favorable days for haircuts in 2018 according to the lunar calendar. ​It is also recommended to paint over gray hair, roots, lightening, and tinting in any shade. Procedures aimed at healing and strengthening hair will give good results. Masks and massages are suitable for both salon and home use. Hair will become stronger, acquire shine and special beauty.

It is better to devote the 9th to removing accumulated negativity and improving the emotional background. The ends should be trimmed, but no more than 3 cm. Experiments with high hairstyles, including backcombing, are better suited. They will all turn out well.

July 10 should be chosen by those who want to speed up hair growth. After cutting, the hair will begin to grow faster, but may begin to curl, fluff and become unruly. The day is perfect for curling. Coloring in different tones and medical procedures will also have a beneficial effect. A sudden change of image in an extravagant direction will come in handy.

A short haircut is suitable for the 11th. A favorable day for those who need to slow down hair growth. Airy hairstyles and highlights on hair of any length will be successful.

But on July 12, a haircut is possible only to slow down the growth of short hair that does not require styling. Any haircut on long hair will be extremely unsuccessful. Hair will become unruly and will no longer lend itself to any styling. The day is suitable for caring procedures aimed at hydration and nutrition.

On the 13th, you should abandon all manipulations with your hair, with the exception of care and dyeing only with natural dyes that have a beneficial effect on your hair. Only henna or basma should be used.

July 14th is the most favorable day for cutting, coloring, and curling according to the 2018 lunar calendar. On this day you can do anything with your hair. They will become thicker and stronger, growth will accelerate and volume will appear, and the coloring will give the desired color. Can be used in both dark and light colors. Caring procedures will improve the health of your hair, delivering all the beneficial substances to the maximum.

The 15th is a good day to get a haircut to speed up hair growth. Bleaching and dyeing hair will also go well. It is better to avoid curling and straightening.

July 16th is a great day for anti-hair loss care. Covering gray hair and roots will be successful. A haircut will help speed up hair growth. It is recommended to comb your hair and massage your head as often as possible on this day.

July 17, 2018 is considered a very favorable day according to the lunar calendar for cutting, styling, curling, straightening and coloring. All hair manipulations will be successful. The styling will hold its shape for a long time, the coloring will not lose color. A haircut will speed up growth and improve the overall condition of your hair.

The 18th is suitable for cutting thin hair. They will become tougher, stronger and thicker. Girls with coarse and heavy hair should not get their hair cut, as it may begin to break and fall out. You need to paint only with natural dyes. Discoloration and the use of persistent chemicals should be avoided.

July 19 is considered a good day for cutting loose hair. Chemical exposure is best avoided.

On the 20th, a haircut will help speed up hair growth. But cut your hair no more than 5 cm. On this day, it is good to do hairstyles and styling based on curls. Painting is not recommended.

July 21st is a good day for hair care. A sudden change in image should be avoided. To speed up growth, it is recommended to trim the ends. Coloring is not recommended.

The 22nd is suitable for nourishing hair and roots. It is better to postpone cutting and coloring for another day. You can only cut your bangs.

On July 23, a haircut will have a beneficial effect on hair growth, but a sudden change in image is contraindicated. Other procedures should be abandoned.

July 24 is a very good day for hair. Styling, coloring and care will be beneficial. A haircut will help make your hair stronger, thicker and accelerate growth. Any experiments to change the image will be successful. You can radically change your hairstyle and color. The condition of the hair, roots and scalp will only improve from all procedures.

July 25 is a very favorable day according to the lunar calendar for 2018 haircuts and other hair manipulations. Any experiment will be successful. Caring procedures of different directions are desirable.

On the 26th, a haircut will improve the condition of the hair and strengthen the roots. After using the masks, they will stop splitting and become smooth and manageable. This day is not worth choosing for short hair and slow growth.

July 27th is ideal for a relaxing haircut. Extravagant coloring should not be done. You can touch up with a caring mask or toner in delicate tones.


Based on the favorable days in July 2018 according to the lunar calendar, you can choose a successful haircut number. This will help speed up hair growth for those who want to grow a braid. Suitable for slowing growth for those who like very short haircuts. It will be an ideal assistant for care and coloring for those who need it. It really helps those who believe in the moon.

If you decide to change your look and get a haircut, then you need to choose a favorable date to visit the hairdresser. This calendar is designed not only for women, but for men and children. With the help of a good day, you will achieve success in your career, love and money matters.

Lunar hair cutting calendar for July 2018 according to horoscope

No less important is what sign the moon is in if you want to go to a cosmetologist:

  1. Aries. Avoid going to the hairdresser if you have a weakened immune system.
  2. Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus. The most favorable period, the hair will become strong and beautiful.
  3. Pisces, Cancer. After going to the stylist, the curls will slow down their growth.
  4. A lion. Don't sign up with a master.
  5. Scorpion. The sign itself is very fickle, and therefore after a haircut there can be both positive and negative emotions. But if you have time to wait, then it’s better not to risk it and postpone going to the doctor.
  6. Aquarius. Neutral day.
  7. Sagittarius. If you want to attract good luck, go to the hairdresser.

When choosing a date, you need to decide on the date and day of the week:

  • Monday. You can get rid of negative emotions and bad energy.
  • Tuesday. By changing your image you can improve your mood.
  • Wednesday. A haircut foreshadows the appearance of friends.
  • Thursday. A good day for a haircut. If you visit a hairdresser, you will notice that you have success in business, at work, in love relationships.
  • Friday. This day is suitable for a radical change in image, which will entail changes in life.
  • Saturday. Your curls will become smooth and silky when you decide to get a haircut on your first day off.
  • Sunday. Refuse to get a haircut, your curls will become weaker, and there will be troubles in everyday life.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for July 2018 by day

  • 1. 07. A suitable period to change your image. Astrologers recommend going to the hairdresser for ladies who are not satisfied with something in their life, but if you don’t want changes, refrain from cutting your hair.
  • July 2, 15, 31. The time is not right, if you cut your hair, then in a couple of days problems will appear in financial terms and in your spiritual life. After visiting the stylist, dandruff will appear, they will become brittle and dull. Health problems and large expenses cannot be ruled out.
  • July 3, 6, 25. This is one of the lucky dates that will embellish you and make you more attractive and happier. However, dandruff may appear, and the immune system will become weaker, so the risk of disease is high.
  • 4. 07. Despite the fact that the new hairstyle will look attractive, it will look very good on you.
  • 5. 07. 18. With the help of a haircut, you can attract finance to your home. If you dream of a certain amount, then by cutting your hair this day you will be able to get it.
  • July 7, 21, 29. A haircut is contraindicated; if you disobey the recommendations, illness and misfortune will appear in the house.
  • 8.07. This is a neutral day; you need to focus on your thoughts so as not to miss something important.
  • July 9. One of the best times to cut your hair and bring happiness. The curls will stop splitting and become strong and silky.
  • July 10,11,24. After a haircut, a favorable event should occur and many health problems with the respiratory and nervous system will be solved.
  • 07/12/2018. This is one of the negative periods, after which a person can go astray and get into a lot of trouble. It is better to avoid going to the stylist.
  • July 13. Minor adjustments are allowed. If you want to change your look, then choose other days. The day itself is not long and it can shorten a person’s life, according to the Tibetan sages.
  • 14.07. It is not recommended to visit a hairdresser; by doing this you can attract troubles and conflicts with others.
  • July 16, 27. Going to a stylist can instill various fears, including those associated with the loss of a loved one. Some women experience increased blood pressure.
  • 17.07.2018. A great day to visit a stylist; you can radically change your look. Your hair will become thick and strong, and your actions will attract wealth and success.
  • 18.07. Do not go to the hairdresser, along with a haircut you will attract troubles into the house, including depression. Visiting a stylist will change your appearance.
  • July 19, 28. With a haircut, you attract ill-wishers into your life.
  • 20.07.18. This is an ambiguous day, which will definitely bring new emotions, positive and negative. If you like to take risks, you can sign up with a master.
  • July 22, 26. This is the right time for cutting and coloring, the person's luck will double.
  • 23.07. One of the lucky days that will change your life for the better.
  • July 30. Refuse to get a haircut, as it carries a negative message that can be associated with property damage or theft.

With the help of an accurate horoscope, you can plan a trip to the beauty salon several days in advance and attract only good luck. To attract wealth, you need to choose the special dates listed in this article.

Lunar haircut calendar for July 2018, choose favorable days

In order not to harm your hair, you need to choose more successful days. The most suitable numbers are:

  • July 14, 2018;
  • 17.07;
  • 25.07.2018.

The most successful days for a money haircut are: July 3-5, 17, 26. If you want to look great and improve your income, it is recommended to make an appointment with your hairdresser on this day.

Unfavorable days in July 2018

Unsuitable days for a haircut include:

  • July 1, 31. There is a risk of baldness, and in addition there may be problems at home. You should be careful about your belongings to prevent theft. The health of you and your pets may deteriorate.
  • 12.07. If you get a haircut on this day, your hair will be unruly and it will be difficult to collect it. And even with the help of professional cosmetics, they will not listen to you. You need to be careful how you interact with your colleagues.
  • 07/13/2018. Health problems may appear and increases the risk of injury. You should not start new things - they will end in failure.
  • 07.28.18. There is a risk of stressful situations that will negatively affect health: blood pressure surges, feelings of panic, headaches.
  • 29.07. You need to pay close attention to your partner, as there may be treason and betrayal.
  • 30. 07. Problems may arise at work that will be difficult to solve in one day.

In the second month of summer, there are enough lucky numbers for cutting a child or adult's hair. If you visit a master at the right time, you can attract wealth, luck and love.

A haircut has a positive or negative effect on the condition of the curls. If you visit a specialist on bad days, the risk of hair loss and dandruff increases.

If you change your hairstyles several times a year, then it is important for you that your hair grows quickly. The best period for this is the time when the waxing moon is in phase 1 or 2. On the contrary, if you don’t want your curls to grow quickly, since you don’t have time to visit the hairdresser, you need to cut them on the waning moon. In addition to the fact that the hairs will grow slowly, the roots will be strong and hair loss will be prevented. However, during the new moon period, it is necessary to abandon the procedure, as it can shorten life.

To achieve prosperity in life, you need to choose the right date to change your hairstyle, and you will notice a white streak. And if you don’t believe in the power of the lunar calendar, you can experiment by trying to get rid of your curls on one of your lucky days. The July haircut calendar will help you decide on the exact date of your visit to the salon.