
No, don’t talk, don’t wear black and white. Game “Fanta”, or “Don’t take black and white, don’t say yes and no” - rules and video 1 yes no don’t say game


Active game

2 to 3 players

Not regulated


“Are you going to the ball?” is a word game mainly suitable for girls. The second name is “The Young Lady - Madame”. The game develops thinking, teaches you to monitor your own speech and concentrate your attention.


The one who will drive is chosen and he says the following words: “Don’t say yes and no, don’t take black and white, will you go to the ball?” This is where the rules come from. The one who is asked cannot answer “yes” or “no” and call “black” or “white” in response. The driver’s task is to confuse the respondent and ask questions as quickly as possible, changing intonation. Or, for example, first ask questions that do not require such answers. If the answerer makes a mistake, he becomes the driver.

For the more advanced, there is a complicated version with its own rhymes:

- The lady sent 100 rubles
And a box of snot
Don't say “yes” or “no”
Don't wear black and white
Don’t pronounce “R”
Will you go to the ball?

- The young lady sent you a piece of blanket
She told me not to laugh
Don't make a bow on your lips,
Don't say “yes” or “no”
Don't wear black and white.
Will you go to the ball?

Madam for you
I rolled my suitcase,
She told me not to laugh, not to smile,
Don’t make a bow with your lips, don’t say “yes” and “no”,
Don't wear black and white.
Will you go to the ball?

“I know five names of girls...” - remember how in childhood we tapped a ball, trying to quickly remember five names of girls, five plants, five cities... And how we grieved when our parents called us home from the street or, even worse, to punishment we were told: “That’s it, no street, you’ll stay at home!”

What are our children playing now?Why are mothers with small children more often seen on the streets, and even in the country or in the village, parents complain that their children are sitting playing computer games or watching TV? Maybe they don't know what to play? Let's remember our favorite childhood games together and teach our children how to play.

I think they still play hide and seek, crocodile, edible-inedible, or broken phone. But there are still many interesting games that have been undeservedly forgotten!

So, our TOP 10 games from childhood:

  • “Counselor, counselor, give me a pioneer!” or “Little Red Riding Hood, white feather...”

Number of players: four or more

How to play: The players are divided into two teams and stand in two lines at a distance of several meters opposite each other, holding hands tightly. “Counselor, counselor, bring a pioneer (Olya, Misha...),” the opposing team challenges the player to battle.

Or in another version: “Little Red Riding Hood, white feather, give us Vika (Vanya...) and no one else!” The called player must break the clasped hands with a running start. The callers hold hands very tightly so that the “chain” does not break.

If the player manages to do this, then he takes an additional player from the losing team to his team. If the child fails to break the chain of hands, he remains on the new team.

What it develops: the game develops strength, endurance, children learn to work in a team...

  • “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two”

How to play: The presenter turns away and says the words: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, sea (forest, animal, or any) figure, freeze in place!” The remaining players at this moment move in any order.

As soon as the presenter says “Freeze!”, everyone should freeze in an interesting and unusual position, taking into account the topic set by the presenter. At the same time, you cannot move. The presenter slowly walks around all the participants. Whoever moves or laughs first is out of the game. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Pros: The game develops imagination, artistry, spontaneity, trains the vestibular apparatus, and develops coordination of movements.

  • “Grandma, unravel the threads!”

How to play: The presenter turns away. The players stand in a circle, hold hands and try to get entangled in an unimaginable ball. You can step over your hands, twist yourself. The main condition is not to break hands.

Those who are confused call the leader: “Grandma, unravel the threads!” The presenter must untangle all the participants in the game. You can't break your hands. If someone lets go of their palm, the game ends.

Pros: The game helps develop flexibility, dexterity, imagination, and logic.

  • Outdoor game "Knocked out"

How to play: Two players stand opposite each other at a fairly large distance. A crowd of players runs between them. Their task is to dodge the ball. Whoever the ball hits takes the place of the kicker.

Why it’s useful: The game develops dexterity and speed of reactions.

  • Game with an elastic band "Olympics"

Number of players: four or more

How to play: Players are divided into two equal teams. One team takes the rubber band in their hands and says: “O-lim-pi-a-da! One two Three!". At the same time, the team tries to confuse the elastic band as much as possible. You can step on it, twist it, change places, etc.

You just need to keep the rubber band in the place where you picked it up. On the count of “three,” the players freeze, and the result is a “cobweb” made from a rubber band. Players from the other team must take turns climbing through the “web” to the other side without touching the elastic.

You can crawl into small triangles in the web, jump over it, crawl along the ground, etc. You can complicate the task so that each player does not repeat the path of the previous player, but chooses his own. If someone touches the rubber band, the players change places. If not, then the game starts again.

Pros: The game develops flexibility, dexterity, and creative thinking.

  • Shtander

Number of players: three or more

How to play: The presenter throws the ball high up and calls the name of any player who must catch the ball. Everyone else runs away. As soon as the ball is in the hands of the player, he shouts “Stander!” and everyone else stops immediately.

Then the player with the ball mentally estimates the distance to some player and names him, for example: “To Lesha there are two giants (big steps), four midgets (small steps, foot to foot), three saucepans (jumping, crouching), two camels ( spitting), eight umbrellas (turns around its axis).”

You can come up with your own measurements. If the leader reaches the selected player in this way, then he becomes the leader.

What develops: dexterity, ability to analyze a situation, attentiveness, prudence.

  • Potato

Number of players: three or more

How to play: The players stand in a circle. They begin to quickly throw the ball to each other. Whoever missed the ball becomes a “potato” and sits in the center of the circle. The remaining players can knock out the “potatoes” with the ball. Then the player stands in a circle again. The game can be made more difficult by using two balls rather than one.

What develops: dexterity, attentiveness

  • Knives

Number of players: two or more.

How to play: You need to draw a large circle on the ground and divide it into “kingdoms” so that each player gets an equal share. Players take turns throwing a knife into the opponent's ground. If the knife is stuck into the ground, then they cut off part of the “kingdom”, drawing a line strictly parallel to the blade of the knife, joining this land to their own.

If the knife falls and does not stick into the ground, then the turn passes to the other player. The task is to capture the entire “kingdom” of the opponent.

What develops: attentiveness, caution.

  • "Ring"

Number of players: three or more.

How to play: The presenter is given a ring, which he presses between his two palms. The players sit down and also fold their palms like boats. The leader approaches each person in turn and places his palms in the players’ palms. The presenter quietly lowers the ring to one of them.

In this case, you can confuse the players by facial expressions or gestures, showing where the ring is. Having walked around everyone, the presenter says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” The one who has a ring in his hands must quickly jump out so that he is not detained by other participants. If he succeeds, he becomes the leader; if not, he is eliminated from the game.

What develops: observation, acting skills, dexterity, speed of reactions.

  • Will you go to the ball?

Number of players: two or more

How to play: The presenter says: “Don’t say “Yes” and “No,” don’t say black and white. Will you go to the ball? Then he begins to ask the player a variety of clarifying questions: what he will drive, what he will wear, what color the outfit will be, whether he is having fun there, etc.

Its task is to confuse the player. The player needs to answer questions without using the words “yes”, “no”, “black”, “white”.

Pros: develops attentiveness, the ability to think outside the box, and communication skills.

Dear readers! What did you play as a child? Let's remind a friend! We are waiting for your comments.

Game “Young Lady Madame” - “Don’t say yes and no, don’t name black and white”: how to play?

  • The article will introduce you to the rules of a fun game based on the conversation of the players for spending time together. The minimum number of players is two people. The maximum number of players is three.
  • The game is popular among girls, but boys can also take part. Some schools offer preschoolers the opportunity to participate in a game during an interview.

Game “Young Lady Madame” - “Don’t say yes and no, don’t wear black and white”: rules of the game

What is the essence of the game? The game begins with choosing a leader. He is assigned a responsible role: to pronounce sayings to the participants and come up with questions that lull their vigilance. After all, the intrigue is for the player to utter a forbidden word.

Minimum number of players - 2 people

Having grasped the essence of the game, children can independently come up with tricky questions for the players.

The game begins with the leader's saying:

Don't say yes or no
Don't take black and white
Will you go to the ball?

Player answer (options):

- Probably (maybe, probably)

  • After the host receives the first answer, he continues to ask the participants in the game until he catches someone, forcing them to answer with a forbidden word.
  • If a participant in the game utters one of the “forbidden” words, then he changes roles with another player.
  • A three-player game involves two of the participants asking questions in turn, and the third player answering them.

The host of the game “Young Lady Madame” has several strategies to help “catch” the participants

Driver's task: Distract the player with questions that do not need to be answered with “forbidden” words.

The presenter may unexpectedly move on to a provocative question and the participant in the game will lose by saying “yes” or “no.”

An example of a conversation between the driver and the player:

Don't say yes or no
Don't wear black and white
Will you go to the ball?
- Maybe
- What will you wear?
- In the limousine
-Who will be with you?
- Familiar
- And, most likely, you will wear the most beautiful outfit?
-I'll put it on
-Will you go fast?
-Will you arrive on time?
- Just in time for the beginning.
- Will you dance?
- Yes OH!!!

From the video you will learn how the game “Are you going to the ball?” plays.

Video: Challenge “Young Lady Madame”

Game “Young Lady Madame” - “Don’t say yes and no, don’t wear black and white, will you go to the ball?”: list of questions

  • We looked at a simple example of questions from the game “Young Lady Madame”. But there is also a more complicated one, which will be of interest to those who have succeeded in this game.
  • The conditions remain the same, but the list of prohibitions is expanded at the driver’s discretion. For example, a ban on a specific letter: “P” or “N”.

The game "Young Lady Madame" develops children's attentiveness. You can find a solution to help improve concentration not only in scientific works on pedagogy and child psychology. Among the simple and affordable solutions are children's word games.

What questions can the presenter ask?

  • Will you go to the ball?
  • Will you ride in a trough?
  • Will you go to the ball in an old toilet?
  • Will you go to the ball in a carriage?
  • Will you ride gray trotters?
  • Will you go in a ballgown?
  • In pink?
  • Will your dressmaker sew it?
  • Will you be the best beauty at the ball?
  • Will you dance?
  • Will you drink champagne?
  • Would you like some champagne? And what? Soda?
  • Will you invite your gentleman to a dance?
  • And will you sing?
  • Will you read poetry?

We suggest that you do not hesitate and move from theory to practice. Moreover, in our article you will find not only classic answers to the presenter’s questions, but also more complex ones.

  • The latter are designed for players who have already developed their attention enough not to utter “forbidden” words or allow new restrictions in their answers.

In the game, the presenter can prohibit the name of a certain color

What restrictions are possible in the game “Lady Madame”?

  • The presenter “forbids” naming any color. For example, pink or yellow.
  • The leader in the saying limits the players’ answers, prohibiting them from saying the word “never.”

The good thing about the game is that children can practice developing concentration anywhere: on the way home from school or kindergarten, during an excursion or at recess. When performing attention exercises, all three levels of development are important: physical, psychological and mental.

The child will enthusiastically answer questions only if the adult, acting as a facilitator, not only asks tricky questions in anticipation of the next mistake, but also invites the child to ask questions himself.

In this case, the child will become involved in the game emotionally, without stopping to answer simple questions.
To make a child more willing to take part in word games, positive moments and positive emotions are needed.

What should you pay attention to?

  • It is important that the young player does not become overtired during the game. Therefore, the presenter should ask simple questions at short intervals.
  • It will be easier for the child to select the correct answers if the presenter repeats the same questions. In this case, “forbidden” words are more easily tracked by “auditory attention.”

The game "Young Lady Madame" will help you have fun

The presenter should monitor the child’s mood and ask final questions only in a positive manner, showing creative resourcefulness and patience.

  • At what age is it better to start the game “Lady Madame”? You can try playing a word game with a 3-year-old child. But for an older child (from 4 years old) the game will be more interesting.
  • What is the intrigue of the game? Participants need to select their answers in such a way that they do not inadvertently break the rules of the notorious Madame. Otherwise, the player is eliminated from the game. Repetition is also prohibited.
  • Therefore, the person answering the presenter’s questions must agree with the statements made: he will go to the ball in a blue dress, this color suits him very well. You need to answer, trying not to laugh. If you don’t rush and try to answer according to the rules, the game can drag on for a long time until it becomes difficult for the host to ask his tricky questions.
  • The advantage is on the side of the player who knows many words and synonyms. In this case, the player will definitely be “allowed” to the ball.
  • The game is useful because it teaches you how to get out of any stories by choosing the correct answers.
  • To confirm this, the following example can be given: when violating traffic rules, if a policeman stops you, then it is better not to say “yes” or “no”, and also you should not hand over documents to the policeman and smile.
  • The same principle of behavior is appropriate if you came to work late and were asked tricky questions by your boss.

Having trained in the game “Young Lady Madame” and following the rules, you can easily find and select answers during serious verbal battles.

Video: CHALLENGE! Young lady-madam CHALLENGE!

My nephew, who will soon turn five years old, is busy every day with games that are incomprehensible to me, a girl from the USSR. He chases some monsters from outer space, makes his grandmother sail on an imaginary boat, makes lightsabers out of plasticine and turns into some kind of Bakugan. The older nephew is always on his tablet, fishing there and playing racing games, and in his free time he hangs out on Odnoklassniki. By the way, he is only 9 years old.

Looking back at my past, I understand that despite all these upgrades and new characters that modernity has given us, my childhood was much more interesting and practical. Each game in it was designed to prepare me for adult life, to teach me something meaningful and useful.

Today I decided to remember the most popular activities of my cloudless childhood, which, as it seems to me, you also played, and will now be happy to refresh these memories. Moreover, behind each of them, as it turned out, hides the real adult reality.

1. Has Madame come to see you, or will you go to the ball?

Rules of the game: take a company of five to seven people: the more, the more interesting. The presenter says to each of the players in turn: “Madame came to you and brought you a suitcase. The suitcase contains one hundred rubles and a note. You were told not to laugh, not to make a bow on your lips, not to say “yes” and “no”, not to wear black and white. Will you go to the ball?
The intrigue is that you must answer in such a way as not to break the rules of the notorious Madame - otherwise, you will be the first to be eliminated from the game. And it cannot be repeated even once. Therefore, you buy a red dress, claim that it suits you, trying not to laugh at this moment and not answer the presenter’s tricky questions: “yes” or “no”.

The trick is that the more words and synonyms you know, the more there are the likelihood that you will still be allowed to the ball. It seems to me that this simple but funny game prepared us to be able to get out of any, even the most difficult story.

Have you violated traffic rules and been stopped by a police officer? Try not to say yes or no, give away your driver's license, or smile from ear to ear. Late for work, and a strict boss pinned you against the wall with tricky questions? And again Madame will help you find a way out of a difficult situation - remember the rules that you wear neither black nor white, and most importantly, you are late because you just returned “from the ball.”

2. “Hare, Hare! What time is it? I’m in a hurry for my birthday!”

Rules of the game: at least three people play, otherwise the imagery and interestingness of the game is lost. The driver “calls” him a Hare, and the others need to run to him as quickly as possible. To do this, the participants move away from the leader at a distant but equal distance, and the Hare himself stands with his back to them in order to be an impartial leader. Everyone takes turns asking him a question: “Hare-Hare, what time is it?” I’m in a hurry for my birthday,” and he, without looking at the participant, names the distance that he must cover.

Only the units of measurement are quite conventional: three giant steps - for the entire span of the leg, Lilliputian steps, in which the heel of one foot should be placed immediately in front of the toe of the other; ant steps - small steps on your toes, and even duck steps, when you squat towards the Hare. Whoever gets there first gets chocolate.

This game taught us to value time, which is so lacking in adult life: complete time pressure, when you are in a hurry to work, to the store, to run errands with the child - our steps are really like those of a duck or an ant, especially if we are carrying a pile of bags from the supermarket. And that notorious Hare, who looks at us from above, repeats, without turning his head: “Three Lilliputian steps - and that’s it!” He is not interested in your haste and problems.

3. “Kondals are unchained!”

Rules of the game: a team of 10-20 people is divided into two groups, which stand in a tight line opposite each other, holding hands tightly. The first “wall” shouts in unison: “Kondals!”, and the second answers: “Chained! Unchain us!”, and again they hear: “Which of us?”

Those who are trying to hold back the enemy’s advance choose one of the weakest participants from the neighboring team, because if he cannot break the strong and tenacious connection with his hands while running, he remains captive. If he manages to break the chain, then he takes over the team of one person who broke it. This game continues until there is only one person left on one of the teams.

I’ll say right away that I didn’t like this game since childhood, because until the ninth grade I was a small, weak girl who, with all her strength, ran with ant steps towards her opponents with the hope that she could break a strong chain, but every time she “hanged” on them like a sausage on a horizontal bar. And the fact that, as an excellent student, my classmates didn’t really like me and took me into the game only for the sake of numbers, most often it was me who managed to remain “the last of the Mohicans.” Everyone laughed and pointed their fingers in my direction, but I always remembered: if you can’t take it by force, take it with your mind or cunning. By the way, this is what helped me gain authority among the whole class.

4. Hot potatoes

Rules of the game: everyone stands in a line, while the leader begins to throw the ball to the participants one by one. Each time he says one word-object: pen, milk, glass, bedside table, poop. If it means an edible object, then the one to whom the ball is thrown must catch it, if not edible, then push it away from him. If a participant catches the ball at the moment when they shouted “left foot” or “mouse ash” to him, then he lost and must change places with the leader.

If you count how many times I ate those same mouse poop, crow's head and pig fur, then you will understand that throwing inedible things in my direction was repeated quite often. This is generally the prerogative of the strong - to humiliate the weak and mock them to the general laughter of the crowd. True, sometimes I still managed to guess the host’s cunning plan, and I fought off unassuming objects from my stomach and authority. But I remembered for the future - measure seven times, cut once, and listen carefully to what they tell you. Otherwise, you may miss the most important things.

5. Secrets

Rules of the game: you need to dig a deep hole in a secret place and fill it with the most precious things you have - candy wrappers, beads, badges, coins. In general, everything that is of great value to a small child. Then you need to close your “secret” with a piece of glass, remember the place, and come to it the next day. If the treasure is intact, it means that you will have wealth in your future life.

The boys who watched the girls bury secrets in the ground very often tore them up, ruining our treasure, and took all the valuables for themselves. Maybe that’s why none of those who made it managed to gain fabulous money in adulthood.

6. Sparrow's funeral

Rules of the game: you had to collect dead grasshoppers, butterflies and bugs in the yard, and dig a hole for each of them. We were busy with the whole yard just to bring more “clients” to our makeshift cemetery. The search for the missing dead was carried out in the most thorough manner, and if none were found, then the boys allegedly accidentally crushed beetles and butterflies so that the mini-cemetery would not be “closed” as unnecessary. It was especially valuable to find some dead bird in order to bury it with honors and tears.

The finished small graves were showered with flowers, leaves, and fenced with a lattice of branches. Every day it was necessary to come to the “cemetery” and pay respects to the fallen “heroes”. Nonsense, of course, but it seemed to us that in this way we were not only doing the right thing in relation to the surrounding nature, but also behaving like real adults.

7. Parasha

Rules of the game: very simple. The driver throws some suspicious object at one of the participants. For example, with a dirty cloth. And the one at whom the “bowl” flies must certainly dodge the shame. If the rag does fall on your head, know that you are now an object of ridicule until you hit another participant with the same rag.

To be honest, I never liked this game. If only because one day a cloth fell on my head before a school disco. The whole class frowned and called me the most unpleasant words. It was in the seventh grade, I was a thin, “tailed” excellent student, and even without the help of Parasha, no one wanted to dance with me, and here it was a total disgrace!

By the way, this game is still popular today. According to recent estimates, about 120,000 Russian children play Parasha. And the question arises: why did the Kondals become extinct, Sekretiki became uninteresting, and Parasha still lives?

8. Daughters and mothers

Rules of the game: you need to beg your parents for a baby doll, which you will begin to raise, groom, cherish and educate. Behave like a real mother: feed the child, give her water, spank her on the butt for misbehavior and learn funny songs with her.

We soon got bored with this game. If only because building houses for a daughter and mother was a long and tedious task, and as soon as the house was ready, interest in the game was quickly lost. My cousin and I found a way to diversify the boring game: my daughter has already grown up and become a big beautiful girl. She decided to get a job with a promising businessman uncle - as a secretary, of course.

The soft green Hare acted as the boss, since I didn’t have Ken at that time. But the most interesting thing was that the interview was especially popular in our game: the girl came to the Hare’s office, began to talk about her rich work experience, and the pot-bellied green boss began to pester her. Like, if you sleep with me, you'll get a job.

The doll, of course, fought off the annoying advances of the boss, but he was a strong man and took her, despite the resistance. In principle, the game ended there - the girl was ashamed to go to work, and the Hare, who had already picked a raspberry, was not interested in being with the girl.

Remembering now this sexual game, I am amazed at something else: where did such strange sexual fantasies come from in the heads of small children? After all, I can say for sure that at that time we did not yet know how exactly that same molestation and other dark affairs happened. Yes, and now I feel ashamed of this - how come our parents didn’t figure us out at that time?

Small but significant conclusions

Of course, there were a lot of fun games in my childhood. But I either can’t remember their names, or refresh my head on the rules by which I had to play them.

Rubber bands, Cossack robbers, Bouncers - all this was also in my distant childhood, but very rarely. I didn’t run well, I wasn’t a good partisan, I had difficulty jumping on rubber bands, and playing dodgeball added even more bruises, abrasions and inferiority complexes to me.

In any case, it was a wonderful time and a wonderful era. Now, looking at the children in the yard, I feel like a prehistoric mammoth who still remembers all these games of the Stone Age. They are not popular now, and few people have heard of them these days.

I am a child of the last generation who grew up without mobile phones, iPads, computers and transforming robots. Instead of “Naruto,” I watched Kesha the Parrot, Winnie the Pooh and a Kitten named Woof, and the best childhood programs were “Visiting a Fairy Tale” and “Good Night, Kids.” But you know, what’s most important is that I don’t regret it at all and I’m even especially proud of it. At least my childhood was real. And yours?