
An effective spring diet for weight loss. Spring diet for weight loss. What exercises can you do?


This diet is designed for emergency weight loss. By following the rules of this diet, on average, you can lose up to 15 kg. The diet is designed for 35 days. In combination with a diet, it is worth using anti-cellulite creams to avoid sagging skin.

This diet has very strict rules, so before starting it, you should definitely consult a doctor. This diet is not suitable for people suffering from hypotension and working in heavy physical work.

The first three days - for breakfast a glass of warmed up milk, a slice of lemon, a spoonful of honey. You need to drink in one gulp. After this, after 15 minutes you can drink a mug of coffee or tea without sugar. For lunch - with non-starchy vegetables.

For dinner - cut 0.2 kg of white cabbage, then add a glass of water, boil, drink the broth, then slowly eat the cabbage.

Menu for the remaining days of the diet

4 day– unloading, either kefir or cottage cheese.
5 day- 5 pieces. baked without salt, 0.5 liters of kefir.
Day 6– 0.5 kg chicken breast, 0.5 l kefir.
Day 7– 0.5 liters of kefir and 0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese.
Day 8– 1 tbsp. l. 15% sour cream, 1 liter of kefir.
Day 9– prunes, 0.5 l of kefir.
10 day– mineral water, 0.5 l of kefir.
Day 11 – .
12 day– in the morning only water, at noon 0.1 kg of low-fat cottage cheese, or 50 g of 15% cheese. For lunch, a hard-boiled egg and unsweetened tea. For an afternoon snack, yogurt without dyes or cottage cheese. For dinner, 0.1 kg of steamed fish or meat, 0.2 kg of salad.
13, 14 days– like 12.
Day 15– unloading on kefir or cottage cheese.
Day 16– like 5.
Day 17– 0.5 l of kefir and 0.2 kg of cottage cheese.
Day 18- 4 things. green apples or pears, 0.5 liters of kefir.
Day 19– 0.4 kg of chicken meat, 0.5 l of kefir.
Day 20– like 18.
21 day– mineral water.
Day 22– like 18.
Day 23- unsweetened coffee in the morning, for lunch - one glass of juice without salt, a couple of eggs and 0.1 kg of stewed cabbage. For dinner – 0.3 kg of shrimp or steamed fish.
24 day– like 23 + a cracker for coffee.
Day 25– like 23, instead of fish.
Day 26– coffee in the morning, for lunch a soft-boiled egg, carrots with vegetable oil, sprinkle with hard cheese. In the evening, 2 oranges or 2 apples.
Day 27– in the morning, salad with lemon juice, without oil, for lunch – fish with salad, for dinner a couple of pears.
Day 28– in the morning unsweetened coffee, for lunch 0.2 kg of chicken breast, fresh vegetable salad, in the evening 2 eggs fried without oil and carrot salad.
Day 29– coffee in the morning, 0.2 kg of meat, fruit for lunch. For dinner - choose a diet for any day from 23 to 29, except for 25.
30 - like 29, 31 - like 28, 32 - like 27, 33 - like 26, 34 - like 25, 35 - like 24.

With the arrival of spring, we gladly throw off our heavy winter clothes and look forward to the arrival of the long-awaited warmth, when we can finally wear short skirts, light summer dresses, tight shorts and seductive tops... STOP! It is here, trying on clothes that have been waiting in the closet, that many of us feel the consequences of a long, cold winter, numerous holidays and the lack of proper nutrition associated with this.

All our chronic overeating and lack of necessary stress on the body during the passive winter period become visible on our waist, hips and abdomen. It's time to call on the spring diet to help!

Features of the spring diet

The spring diet does not imply cutting your diet in half in order to quickly lose weight. She also has nothing to do with. Its task is to saturate the body with necessary vitamins and cleanse it after winter. Greens, vegetables and protein are the main ingredients of the spring diet.

The diet will allow you to lose two to four kilograms in 2 weeks and prepare your body for a summer rich in fruits and vegetables - an abundant fiber season.

  • During the diet, bananas and grapes must be excluded from the menu. Other fruits are accepted in limited quantities of 1-2 pieces. in a day;
  • The fat content of dairy products should not exceed 1%;
  • Eating vegetables means any vegetables, excluding potatoes;
  • Dinner is allowed no later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • Complete abstinence from alcohol;
  • Drinks allowed are pure water, mineral water without carbon and green tea without sugar;
  • Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water;
  • If you had a breakdown, then the next day just continue the diet, eating in accordance with the menu. No hunger strikes - this will only harm yourself!
  • An hour and a half before bed, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Be sure to take vitamins - this is necessary in spring.

Spring diet

Be sure to follow these tips:

  1. Do not use salt - it should be replaced with spices and aromatic herbs.
  2. Fruits and vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, which are rich in starch. They introduce fiber and essential vitamins into the body, which improves immunity - and in the spring this is especially necessary for a weakened body.
  3. Among fruits, preference should be given to oranges and apples.
  4. Protein is an important component of any balanced diet. By consuming poultry, fish and dairy products, you will lose excess weight without losing muscle mass.
  5. Be sure to include seafood, tomatoes and olive oil in your diet, otherwise your hair and nails will be a sad sight.
  6. To cleanse and unload the body, you will need low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk). Pay attention to the expiration date - dairy products should be stored for no more than three days.

Menu for the spring diet

The spring diet is designed for 14 days. Below is a list of dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Choose one of the options and be sure to drink at least two to three cups of green tea a day - this will speed up the removal of toxins, and the process of losing excess weight will go faster. Don't stop at one dish - your menu should be varied.


1. Wheat porridge.

2. Oatmeal, fruit salad.

3. Rice porridge with prunes.

4. Fruit salad dressed with yogurt.

5. Pumpkin porridge.

6. 100 grams of cottage cheese with prunes.

7. 2 hard-boiled eggs.


1. Steamed vegetables, rosehip decoction.

2. Mushroom soup, beet salad, dressed with a spoon of olive oil.

3. Steamed cauliflower, 200 grams of fish or seafood.

4. Vegetable puree soup with tomatoes.

5. Vegetable borscht or stewed vegetables.

6. Vegetable stew, or 300 grams of steamed fish with a salad of green vegetables.

7. Beetroot soup, carrot salad.


1. Apple.

2. Orange.

3. Grapefruit.

4. A glass of kefir.


1. Buckwheat, steamed with boiling water.

2. Stuffed cabbage rolls (filled with brown rice or vegetables).

3. Carrot salad, dressed with a spoon of olive oil.

4. Green vegetable salad, boiled chicken breast.

5. Stuffed cabbage rolls with rice, green vegetable salad.

6. White cabbage salad, boiled chicken breast.

7. Steamed vegetables, 200 grams of seafood.


This diet, like any other, should be used with caution by people with kidney problems, since the diet implies a large consumption of water, and such diseases can cause serious problems.

Also, this diet should not be used by children under 16 years of age, or by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is because these categories of people require larger portion sizes and a higher calorie intake.

So, you have cleansed and unloaded your body, got rid of accumulated toxins, normalized the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, gained weight, and felt a surge of strength and energy! The main thing now is not to reduce all your efforts to nothing, and, if possible, stick to a similar diet in the future.

Don't forget to move more, eat greens and fruits, drink a glass of kefir at night and reduce the amount of salt you consume - one of the main enemies of a slim figure, a healthy body and smooth skin without cellulite. After a week without it, it will be much easier than you think!

Now you are ready for the summer season!

Spring is the time to get rid of outerwear, which was an excellent disguise for the kilograms gained over the winter. A specially designed spring diet - a weight loss program designed for 7 days - allows you to restore beauty and correct your figure. If this time is not enough, you can extend the course to a month, but only in the absence of a categorical prohibition from the doctor.

The main rules of the spring diet

The most basic requirement that the spring diet for weight loss makes, like a number of other programs, is the absence of chronic and acute diseases. It is important to set yourself up for weight loss, as well as certain restrictions for the selected period:

  • It is better to choose May for weight loss. This is the time when it is not yet hot, but various fruits, vegetables, and berries are already available.
  • You should consume up to 1000 kcal per day. This is the ideal amount of calories that will support the body and allow it to gradually lose extra pounds.
  • Even after leaving the program, you should continue to eat fractionally, and the proposed menus can be used for 35 days.
  • The last meal before switching to a spring diet for weight loss for a week should be at 16:00. Later you can only drink poda.
  • You need to have breakfast within the first hour after waking up, and set your last meal at 18:00.
  • You should eat the spring diet at least 4–6 times a day. It is expected that meals will be split meals with snacks and portions that are small in size and volume.
  • Drink a lot of water - fluid should be at least 2-2.5 liters per day.
  • Avoid salty, seasoned, and sour foods, which will only retain water in the body.
  • Include protein foods in the menu along with vegetables, fruits, and berries.

It is proposed to lose excess weight gradually so as not to harm the body. A spring diet is recommended for 35 days, but this period is not critical, it can be shifted either up or down.

The impact of the spring diet on the body

The nutrition system allows you to get rid of extra pounds quickly and easily. Depending on the timing and the chosen program, the result will be determined. You can lose much more in 35 days than in 7 or 14.

You need to be prepared for:

  • Difficulties in switching from a regular diet to a dietary one. The first 3–7 days will be especially difficult.
  • Decreased performance and the possibility of drowsiness and fatigue. This is reflected in a decrease in the level of kilocalorie consumption, which becomes part of the diet with the transition to a spring diet for 14 days or more.
  • Weight loss of 3–5 kg per week. This is quite fast, and therefore negative feelings are possible, especially in people with chronic diseases.
  • Sagging skin. If the weight comes off quickly, striae may appear - these are stretch marks that are marked on the skin with blue and whitish stripes. To prevent them from appearing, you need to use special creams, and also sign up for a massage or other spa treatments.
  • Reducing training intensity. Since the number of calories is strictly limited, you should not overdo it in the gym. It is necessary to reduce physical activity, but you should not give up completely. It is necessary to maintain muscle tone, strengthen bones and joints.

You must forget about using sweet and fatty foods. You should also eat on time, do not forget to keep portions small, and have snacks.

Any spring diet “Lose weight without straining” is designed to reduce weight within 10-15 kg, if extended to 35 days. This is quite a lot, and therefore after completing the program you will need to gradually switch to a normal nutrition system.

Advantages and disadvantages

The proposed spring-type diets allow you to:

  • Ensure that the body receives valuable substances - it is recommended to use fruits, berries, and vegetables in the menu;
  • Quickly get rid of extra pounds and get your body in proper shape before the swimming season;
  • Avoid late meals;
  • Avoid sweet, salty, fatty foods that are harmful to the body;
  • Reduce stress on all internal organs.

In order to prevent an imbalance and not provide the body with vitamin deficiency, you should take multivitamin preparations all the time on a diet.

However, every diet program also has a number of disadvantages. They are due to the fact that diets are always restrictions that can negatively affect:

  • Metabolic process – metabolic processes may slow down as the body goes into saving mode. This is normal because it is programmed by nature.
  • Menstrual irregularities due to the sudden loss of a large number of kilograms. The endocrine system also suffers.
  • Balance of minerals and vitamins in the body. Strict rules exclude the entry into the body of all valuable substances in the required quantities.
  • Well-being – insomnia or the desire to sleep all the time, fatigue, depression, etc. may occur.
  • Muscle mass - it can decrease along with body fat if the proper amount of protein is not provided.

Important! If the spring diet also involves a sharp refusal of salt and seasonings, herbs, etc., you can also get a water-salt imbalance.

Spring extreme diet menu for 15 days

Needed by those who want to quickly lose excess weight. It only takes a few weeks for ladies to bring their body back to normal, but you shouldn’t overuse it, especially if you have chronic diseases.

Reasonable nutrition and following the proposed principles, no hunger strikes and a good mood will allow you to lose excess weight without worries.

Table. Extreme spring diet menu

Diet days / Meals Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1–3 Warm water – 1 tbsp. You can add a few drops of lemon juice. 100 g. Boiled chicken breast with boiled, baked, stewed vegetables. Cabbage stewed in water – 200 g.
4 A fasting day, which can be spent only on kefir or cottage cheese, but not fatty.
5 You are allowed to eat 4 boiled or baked potatoes with 2 glasses of kefir throughout the day. Divide all foods into 4-5 meals.
6 2 tbsp. low-fat kefir and 400 g of boiled chicken fillet. Divide into three to four meals.
7–10 Fasting kefir days.
11 Fasting day, use only water.
12–14 First - 1 tbsp. water.

The second is 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

You can prepare for it and reduce portion sizes even before the start of the program itself. You can do this for a week. There is no place in the program for sweet fruits, fatty dairy products, baked goods, chocolate, or fast food. An approximate menu for a week of spring diet will be like this:

  • Breakfast – whole grain toast, topped with honey. Low-fat cottage cheese – 100 g.
  • Second breakfast - fruits and vegetables - in small quantities.
  • Lunch – okroshka or beetroot soup. Can be replaced with vegetable soup cooked in empty broth. Low-fat boiled fish with stewed or grilled vegetables. Green peas or green to taste.
  • Afternoon snack - toast, which can be replaced with low-fat crackers, choose a savory option. Salad with vegetables, sprinkled with a few drops of lemon juice. Can be replaced with olive oil seasoning.
  • Dinner – a few chopped fruits, which can be added to low-fat and unsweetened yogurt.

The menu is approximate and may be revised. It is important to follow one immutable rule - 1000 kcal per day!

Many ladies begin to follow a diet in the spring in order to look beautiful by summer and amaze everyone with their slimness, but at the same time, you need to remember that at this time the body is most vulnerable due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, if you choose, it will weaken the body even more. At this time of year, it is better to follow a gentle diet containing vitamins and minerals; you also need to take additional vitamins.

Contraindications to following the spring diet: childhood and adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

In this article we will present several options for a spring diet, thanks to which you will lose weight and get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Spring diet options

There are 5 main options for the spring diet. They vary like days - from one

Option number 1: Vegetables and fruits

The spring diet contains a large number of vegetables and fruits (exception: banana, sweet fruits - they should not be consumed).

The diet also includes low-fat dairy products.

Allowed drinks: pure water, mineral water, green tea.

Tip: Before eating you need to drink a glass of mineral water.

Spring diet - menu options


We have breakfast: one hundred twenty-five grams of cottage cheese, 2 crackers, a glass of unsweetened tea or coffee,

2nd breakfast: 2 fruits or 2 green vegetables,

We have lunch: vegetable soup or okroshka, boiled meat (without skin), three tablespoons of green peas, fresh vegetables,

Snack: 2 crackers, vegetables seasoned with one teaspoon of vegetable oil, one hundred and twenty-five grams of cottage cheese,

Dinner: 2 fruits, low-fat yogurt.

Option number 2: Minus two kilos per week.


Breakfast: muesli with kefir, coffee and a couple of breads

Lunch: fruits or vegetables (can be replaced with vegetable juice)

Dinner: green peas, beans, bell peppers and carrots - stew everything + tea with dark chocolate (50 gr.)

Option number 3: Diet for three days

Breakfast: 150 grams of omelette, steamed with herbs (parsley, dill), a couple of rye breads, forty grams of cheese, a glass of green tea,

2nd breakfast: a glass of low-fat drinking yogurt with frozen berries,

We have lunch: a plate of chicken broth with the addition of carrots, herbs (you can buy Luminarc dishes, for example, a medium-sized plate), 150 grams of steamed beef cutlet, one hundred grams of vegetable salad,

Snack: fruit salad of pineapple, apple, pear, glass of still mineral water,

Dinner: one hundred grams of buckwheat, one hundred grams of baked pork, tomato, a slice of rye bread,

At night: a glass of biokefir.

We have breakfast: a medium plate of milk oatmeal with the addition of dried fruits, a tangerine, a glass of green tea,

2nd breakfast: 2 grain toasts, a piece of lean fish, a glass of black tea,

We have lunch: a medium plate of borscht, two slices of rye bread, nectarine,

Snack: a glass of low-fat kefir, two diet crackers,

We have dinner: two hundred grams of vegetable stew with the addition of chicken, a glass of mineral water without gas,

At night: 150 grams of fruit salad (orange, banana, strawberry).

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, a glass of freshly brewed coffee, an apple,

2nd breakfast: two hundred grams of cottage cheese casserole with raisins, a glass of green tea,

We have lunch: a plate of bean soup, 2 pieces of toast, forty grams of cheese, three plums,

Snack: jelly with fruit, a glass of black tea,

Dinner: 150 grams of oven-baked fish, 150 grams of salad (fresh carrots, apples, cabbage), a glass of apple juice.

At night: a glass of low-fat fermented baked milk .

Option number 4: Diet for 7 days

This option is balanced, helps to lose weight and maintain energy, without feeling hungry.

The duration of the diet is 7 days.

Its basis is vegetables and cereals.

We have breakfast: millet with raisins, pumpkin, a couple of croutons, a glass of unsweetened tea,

We have lunch: vegetable soup, stewed vegetables: carrots, turnips, onions, a glass of compote of prunes and apples,

Dinner: a cup of buckwheat porridge with the addition of 1 tsp. Honey, a glass of unsweetened tea with a slice of lemon.

We have breakfast: rolled oats porridge with dried apricots and raisins, fruit salad, a glass of green tea with jasmine,

Lunch: vegetable salad with apple (rutabaga + celery), mushroom soup, vegetable stew, glass of compote,

Dinner: salad with apple (beets + pumpkin), cabbage rolls with rice, a glass of unsweetened tea.

Breakfast: vegetable salad, rice porridge with prunes, a glass of unsweetened tea, Lunch: salad (apple + prunes + beets), creamy soup with cauliflower, baked pumpkin, glass of unsweetened tea,

Dinner: salad (turnip + carrots), buckwheat porridge, a glass of unsweetened tea.

We have breakfast: muesli with the addition of natural yogurt, a couple of fruits, a glass of unsweetened tea,

We have lunch: salad (turnip + carrots), soup with millet and tomatoes, baked turnips, a glass of unsweetened green tea,

We have dinner: a couple of baked apples, a glass of herbal tea.

Breakfast: salad (pumpkin, apple, 1 tsp honey), millet porridge with pumpkin,

We have lunch: salad (beets, carrots, pumpkin, apple, greens), vegetable and zucchini soup, a glass of compote,

Dinner: salad (beets, tomato, garlic), cabbage rolls with rice, a glass of unsweetened tea,

We have breakfast: rolled oats porridge, beet caviar, a glass of green tea with honey,

We have lunch: carrot salad with herbs, borscht, stewed vegetables, a couple of baked apples, a glass of berry juice,

We have dinner: some seaweed, stewed cauliflower, a glass of unsweetened tea.

We have breakfast: rice porridge, fruit salad, a glass of herbal tea,

We have lunch: salad (beets, carrots, parsley, garlic), borscht, cauliflower cutlets, buckwheat porridge, a glass of compote,

Dinner: rice, stewed vegetables with soy sauce, a glass of herbal tea.

Option number 5: Reducing your waist

This option helps fight abdominal folds and reduce your waist.

Physical exercise must be combined with proper nutrition.

In this case, you need to eat six times a day at strictly defined times (to speed up metabolism): we have breakfast at eight in the morning, second breakfast at eleven in the morning, lunch at one in the afternoon, a snack at four in the afternoon, dinner at six in the evening, we have a snack at eight in the evening.

The diet should include protein shakes, sold in sports nutrition stores.

In addition, the diet should include foods such as:

    nuts (except peanuts);


    low-fat dairy products;


    olive and peanut oil;

  • whole grain bread or porridge;

    live bacteria - to improve intestinal function, cleanse it of waste and toxins, which has a positive effect on the skin;

    proteins (will help you lose weight without negative consequences for muscles, keep your skin healthy) – fish (we cook it in cold-pressed vegetable oil), lean pork, beef, rabbit, veal, poultry, offal (liver, heart, etc. ), milk, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, beans (lentils, peas, beans, etc.);

    vegetables (radish - contains potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C. It contains a lot of water and fiber, it helps you feel full faster, reduces portion size, helps improve immunity, fights inflammation; Cherry tomato - contains a lot of water, is a low-calorie snack; rhubarb - contains fiber, potassium, vitamin C. Improves metabolism, normalizes blood sugar levels, prevents hunger. We eat only the petioles; sorrel is a leafy vegetable, contains many vitamins and minerals; basil - removes waste and toxins from the body; onion - it contains chromium, which reduces fat deposits, leading to normal cholesterol levels. Helps quickly burn calories; garlic - it contains allicin, which reduces appetite, normalizing blood sugar levels; wild garlic - contains bactericidal and antifungal components to resist infections );

    fruits (grapefruit - helps reduce weight, improve metabolism, this fruit contains vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, potassium. It regulates insulin levels in the blood; dried apricots - contains fiber, vitamin A, helps reduce weight);

  • rye bread - contains special fibers that allow you to quickly achieve a feeling of fullness,

    complex carbohydrates: dark-colored cereals (barley, wholemeal oatmeal, brown rice, buckwheat, etc.); grain bread, wholemeal bread; pasta, potatoes (once a week);

    allowed drinks - non-carbonated mineral water, green tea, black tea, compote, jelly, juice and other drinks with a minimum of sweetener;

    of animal fats, you can only consume butter (twice a week);

Prohibited products:

    bakery products from yeast dough, puff pastry,


  • smoked,

  • pickled,

    alcoholic drinks,

Also, smoking is strictly prohibited!

Cooking methods: baking, stewing, boiling.

The daily caloric content of the diet is no more than 2000 Kcal. And then, within 3 weeks, your waist will shrink, your stomach will tighten, and it will be more prominent.


Why do we lose weight most intensively in spring?

- In winter we are passive, and in spring, with increasing daylight hours, our activity increases and we lose weight faster due to accelerated metabolism and faster breakdown of fats.

— in the spring we, as a rule, reduce the calorie content of our diet. By reducing your daily caloric intake by 500 kcal per week, you can lose 450 grams of weight. In spring, you can limit yourself to 1400 kcal per day (for a man), 1200 kcal (for a woman).

You can create your own diet, but it must comply with the rules of proper nutrition and include foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

    We use fresh, seasonal vegetables and fruits.

    In the spring, nutrition should be balanced in order to improve immunity, which has been weakened over the winter, and provide the body with nutrients.

    Choose a set of products for the spring diet at your discretion, taking into account the above.

    it is important that breakfast is hot, it helps to lose weight,

    It is important to consume foods containing a lot of fiber - to prevent diabetes, heart disease, oncology,

    Replace sweets with dark chocolate (it contains iron, magnesium, potassium. Helps increase the hormone serotonin in the body, which prevents depression).

In conclusion, let’s say that: the spring diet heals the body, strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with nutrients, normalizes metabolism, and fractional meals and a reduction in caloric intake have a positive effect on your figure.

The “Spring diet” refers to cleansing nutrition systems (detox diets), its action is aimed at removing toxins and waste from the body, saturating it with vitamins and, ultimately, improving overall health. This is especially true after winter, during the period of so-called spring weakness caused by vitamin deficiency. Weight loss occurs both by reducing the caloric content of the diet and giving up a number of foods, and by improving metabolism.

Rules of the “Spring Diet”:

  • at least four meals a day;
  • from 8.00 to 12.00 there is only fruit, their quantity is not regulated;
  • from 12.00 to 20.00 vegetables and other low-calorie foods are possible on the menu;
  • Some vegetables should be consumed fresh;
  • food is prepared using dietary methods - boiling, stewing, steaming or baking;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day, start the morning with a cup of hot water with a slice of lemon;
  • do gymnastics in the morning and walk in the fresh air in the evening for at least 30 minutes.

The “Spring Diet” requires preparation. A few weeks before starting the diet, you need to gradually eliminate fatty, fried, spicy foods, fast food, pickles, canned food and alcohol from your diet. A week before the diet, you should switch mainly to plant foods - vegetables, fruits and herbs. Dairy products, meat or fish are consumed once a day. In the morning you should drink 200 ml of hot water with lemon juice on an empty stomach. The last meal is no later than 20.00. After such preparation, you can begin the “Spring Diet”.

Advantages of the “Spring Diet”

The “Spring Diet” helps to get rid of 4-5 kg ​​in 10 days.

The diet is aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and waste, saturating it with vitamins and ultimately improving overall health.

The diet helps improve performance, mood, and normalize sleep. A balanced diet high in fiber helps improve bowel function. Positive changes also affect appearance - the condition of skin, hair and nails improves.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the “Spring Diet”

A menu that is too low in calories increases the risk of breaking the diet and quickly regaining lost kilograms, so you need to exit the diet gradually.

The “Spring Diet” is contraindicated for diseases of the digestive system.

What products are allowed?

  • Fruits and berries - grapefruits, apples, grapes, bananas, tangerines, oranges, kiwi.
  • Vegetables – white and red cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, celery, asparagus.
  • Brown rice
  • Oatmeal with water.
  • Chicken meat without skin.
  • Lean fish.
  • Kefir and low-fat bio-yogurt.
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable juices.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Natural honey.
  • Linden, mint and other herbal teas.

What products are prohibited?

Salt, sugar, fatty, spicy, fried foods, canned food (including vegetables), smoked foods, flour products, alcohol, and carbonated drinks are excluded.

“Spring diet” menu

Sample menu for three days of the “Spring Diet”:

First day

First breakfast: a small bunch of grapes, an apple, ½ grapefruit, rosehip tea.

Second breakfast: salad of fresh white cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, tomato and apple with 1 tsp. vegetable oil.

Lunch: 150 g of boiled brown rice, 70 g of boiled chicken, 70 g of grated carrots with bio-yogurt, tomato, herbal tea.

Dinner: ¼ grapefruit, several grapes, banana, 250 ml of kefir or mint tea.

Second day

First breakfast: tangerine, apple, ½ orange, 200 ml grape juice.

Second breakfast: 150 g oatmeal with 1 tsp. honey or vegetable oil, linden tea.

Lunch: 2 baked potatoes, 80 g of stewed fish, tomato, green tea.

Dinner: ¼ grapefruit, kiwi, banana, 200 g yogurt.

The third day

First breakfast: a small bunch of grapes, an apple, ½ grapefruit, 200 ml of kefir.

Second breakfast: salad of red cabbage, carrots, celery, apple with 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 200 ml of tomato juice or linden tea.

Lunch: 150 g of boiled brown rice, 70 g of boiled chicken, 70 g of stewed asparagus or tomato, green tea.

Dinner: ¼ grapefruit, kiwi, small bunch of grapes, banana, 250 ml of kefir or mint tea.

Tip 1. Out-of-season fruits and vegetables, such as grapes or asparagus, can be replaced with those that are available all year round - oranges, tangerines, cabbage, carrots, etc.

Tip 2. You can use freshly frozen vegetables and fruits.

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