
Everything about female nipple piercings: from selection, implementation to restoration. How to do nipple piercing - choice of jewelry, cost and procedure, contraindications Girl with a pierced nipple

Pathologies of the uterus

Nipple piercings have long been used for various rituals. In ancient Rome, piercing was a symbol of courage and bravery and was very popular among the guards of Julius Caesar. In the Victorian era, piercings were done to improve the shape of the breasts.

Nipple piercing is currently done for various purposes; most girls have noted positive changes in their sex life after the piercing. Naturally, there is a small risk of infection. But this can be avoided by constantly treating the puncture with various means.

If you decide to get your nipples pierced, you should be aware that you may experience increased sensations when biting and similar caresses. Piercings can also help correct the shape of the nipples. For most girls who breastfed, their nipples become flat and unsightly. This is very easy to fix by getting a piercing. The nipples will become more prominent.

Before the piercing, the nipples must be brought into an excited state, then the places through which the needle will pass are outlined, after all the manipulations the piercing itself is done. Remember, if you have small nipples, piercing will be very difficult. In some individual cases this is completely impossible.

Types of piercing

Piercing can be vertical or horizontal. What type of piercing you decide to get depends entirely on your preferences. You should know that this procedure is more complicated than you think. But you don't have to worry if you get your piercing done by a professional.


Rings, barbells, and half rings are usually chosen as decorations. You should choose titanium hypoallergenic jewelry, which can be purchased in specialized stores. Under no circumstances should you purchase such products anywhere in a subway passage. Cheap jewelry is often made from low-quality materials.

Healing of punctures

The punctures take several months to heal, so you should not swim in open water to avoid infection. You can take a shower, but you should not rub the puncture sites with a washcloth. You can treat the piercing with a weak solution of chlorhexidine; you should not use alcohol or iodine for this purpose.

If you experience discomfort, burning or pain in the puncture area, you should contact the master who did the piercing to clean the wound. Purulent discharge from the nipple indicates that you have an infection. In this case, it is advisable to remove the jewelry and wait some time until the puncture heals.

Many people consider nipple piercings for girls to be an expression of rebellion or a fashion trend. However, this is not quite true. In different eras, people in different parts of the world were engaged in decorating the body, fixing various metal jewelry on it. According to historical data, the first to pierce the chest were the Praetorians, Caesar’s personal guards. In their opinion, the owner of the earring was endowed with courage and courage.

In modern society, many married couples establish open relationships with the right to cheat.

There are no facts indicating that people with nipple piercings become recklessly brave, but since at the time of the puncture a wound appears on the body, and an object foreign to the body is inserted into it, this procedure can have its positive and negative sides.

Pros of breast piercing i

  1. Some people who have had the procedure claim that nipple piercing increases sensitivity;
  2. It is believed that girls with nipple piercings look much sexier and more attractive. Many people are very excited by such breasts and this has a positive effect on the quality of sex.
  3. Piercing significantly enlarges the mammary glands. But you shouldn’t hope for an increase of several sizes.
  4. Nipple piercing is a common practice in BDSM. Sadists, like masochists, love to inflict pain (of course, by voluntary consent) by pulling nipples with clothespins or chains.

Quote of the Day

Most men ask for proof of love, which, in their opinion, dispels all doubts; For women, unfortunately, no such evidence exists.


Quote of the Day

It’s bad when a man and a woman have nothing in common except love.

Konstantin Melikhan

Quote of the Day

You don't really know a guy until you ask him to put on a condom.


Cons of breast piercing 2

There are many more opponents of the modification than supporters, which is not at all surprising. They give the following reasons as arguments in favor of their opinion:

  1. The main reason is the fear of a puncture. Nipples are a very sensitive part of the body, an erogenous zone with many nerve endings. Therefore, people believe that this procedure is very painful.

  1. Many people do not understand why there is any need to injure an area of ​​the body that cannot be put on public display? After all, only a sexual partner can enjoy the sight of breasts, and only if he likes such modifications.
  2. The procedure itself can cause disgust. Breast piercing is not recommended for clients who are afraid of pain or the sight of blood, although very little may come out.
  3. Piercing in some situations causes complications. If you do not provide your nipples with proper care, the breast area may become inflamed and the wounds will begin to rot. Therefore, it is so important to maintain hygiene, treat with antiseptics and follow other specialist recommendations.
  4. Unprofessional master. You need to have your nipples pierced by an experienced specialist, otherwise the procedure may cause the appearance of cysts or other negative consequences.

How painful is the procedure? 3

Based on reviews of piercing, we can say that the pain of the procedure depends on the individual characteristics of the client, for example, the level of sensitivity or pain threshold.

The use of local anesthetics can temporarily numb the pain. But after the effect of the drug wears off, the pain may return and remain until the damaged tissues have completely healed. However, most clients tolerate both the procedure and the recovery period quite calmly.

The most important thing is to choose an intelligent master who is familiar with human anatomy. He will be able to make the “correct” puncture, which will not cause pain or discomfort.

It is worth being patient, because while the nipples are recovering and the body is adapting to a foreign object, unpleasant sensations may arise, among which the most common concerns are: burning, heaviness in the chest, aching or nagging pain, tingling. This period lasts from 1 to 2 months.

Puncture procedure 4

Despite the fact that piercing is not considered a surgical intervention, which requires a specially equipped unit and special instruments, the specialist must ensure that the instruments are sterile and comply with hygiene requirements.

  1. The master puts on disposable medical gloves, prepares a sterile needle, a cotton ball and an antiseptic)
  2. The nipple is treated with disinfectant. solution to eliminate the risk of infection, an ointment with an anesthetic effect or a spray to reduce nipple sensitivity is applied to the treated area with a cotton ball.
  1. The nipple is stimulated so that it increases in size as much as possible. After this, the specialist will be able to determine the location of the puncture.
  2. The master stretches the nipple and carefully makes a puncture, then inserts a medical earring into the hole. Finally, the wounds are treated with an antiseptic, covered with a bandage and a bandage is applied on top.

In the future, care for the puncture is carried out by the client himself, who must follow all the recommendations of the master and do not forget to treat the wounds.

Contraindications 5

Piercing can be dangerous if there are the following contraindications:

  1. Anemia or bleeding disorders.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Allergy to antiseptics or anesthesia drugs.
  4. Skin diseases or rashes.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  6. Colds, acute respiratory infections.

As practice shows, if the client follows the rules of nipple care after piercing, then no complications arise.

  1. You need to treat your nipples a couple of times a day with chlorhexidine. In this case, it is necessary to treat not only the nipple, but also the earring, turning it in different directions. The use of peroxide or rubbing alcohol is not recommended.
  2. Until your nipples heal, you should avoid swimming in open water and swimming pools. When taking a shower, you must ensure that no soap or shampoo gets into the wound.

  1. During the healing period, it is better to wear cotton or linen T-shirts, which speed up healing.
  2. If a rash, itching, irritation or allergy appears in the nipple area, this indicates that the body does not want to accept a foreign body. In such a situation, you need to consult a doctor and remove jewelry from your nipples.

If for some reason a girl wants to give up piercings and return her nipples to their original shape, then modern surgery will help her with this.

Piercing is a means of self-expression, which is characteristic only of a rebellious spirit. How else can we explain the desire to pierce a part of the body that is visible (or invisible) to others? For some, such a modification is a striking example of aesthetics, a way to express oneself and distinguish oneself, and for others, it is an opportunity to enhance the sensitivity of the most piquant areas of the body. In this article we will talk about nipple piercings, and also find out reviews from those who have experienced this mini-transformation.

Let's start with history

Piercing is not a fad in the 21st century, but an ancient way to decorate your body using metal earrings and chains. Thanks to archaeological excavations, we have learned that both women and men actively used elaborate jewelry that was fixed to the body. For example, tunnels in the ears, which can now reach a diameter of more than 30 centimeters, are heatedly discussed by haters of the modification. However, few people know that such body design was, and is, practiced even today in the Karen tribe. They inhabit the territory of Myanmar, and stretching their earlobes is the basis of their culture.

The main advantages of nipple piercing

Judging by numerous reviews about nipple piercing, we can say that this procedure allows you not only to decorate the body, but also to increase sensitivity. Let's look at all the positive aspects of the modification:

We are against the procedure!

Why does modification cause negative feelings among many people? The main reason is fear. People who only had their ears pierced in early childhood using an automatic pistol doubt whether nipple piercing hurts or not.

  • The procedure is disgusting. Piercing is clearly not suitable for those who are afraid of the sight of blood. In addition, after piercing, the injured area will be inflamed for some time and must be regularly treated with antiseptics.
  • The procedure may lead to complications. If not properly cared for, wounds can begin to fester, and that is why it is important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist.
  • Inexperienced master. An attempt to save money can lead to the development of a cyst, so this procedure should only be performed by a qualified technician.

Does it hurt?

Reviews about nipple piercing prove that this procedure is painful, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body (pain threshold, sensitivity).

Reviews and opinions

Both girls and guys are interested in many questions: “How long do wounds take to heal? How to properly care for them? Is it possible to lose sensitivity?” To give the correct answer, you need to study nipple piercing reviews.

How is nipple piercing done (in detail)

Piercing is not a surgical procedure, so no special instruments or operating unit are required. However, the master must comply with the necessary hygiene requirements in order to pierce the nipples as carefully and safely as possible.

  • Firstly, the specialist puts on disposable gloves, having previously prepared a cotton swab, a sterile needle in the package, and an antiseptic.
  • Secondly, the nipple is disinfected (most often with an alcohol solution) to prevent infection from entering the wound.
  • Thirdly, using a cotton swab, the area is treated with ointment, which has an anesthetic effect. You can also use a special spray that reduces the sensitivity of the nipple during a puncture.
  • Fourthly, the nipple is kneaded manually to bring it to an excited state. Then the master will be able to outline the future puncture site.
  • Fifth, slightly stretching the nipple, the specialist carefully pierces the skin and then inserts a medical steel jewelry. The wounds are treated with chlorhexidine, covered with a bandage and secured with a plaster.

Now the “modified” person himself must think about caring for the piercing, properly caring for and treating the wounds until they are completely healed.

Danger of nipple piercing

It is important to understand that piercing is an individual matter, and it is almost impossible to predict how the body will react to changes. While some people experience increased sensitivity and are aroused even by rubbing their nipples on a T-shirt, others worry that their piquant area does not respond to touch. But the main danger in nipple piercing is infection and a long healing period.

Initially, it will be difficult to put on a bra, so it is best to discard it. You can also forget about lace underwear, because a barbell or ring can get caught in the underwear and cause discomfort. Both men and women should choose loose clothing, especially if the healing process is accompanied by discomfort.

The most common consequences of piercing are suppuration of the wound, loss of sensitivity and blockage of the milk ducts. In each case, it is important to contact a specialist, but not to a local salon, but to a medical center. In the worst case, the infection can lead to the development of cysts and tumors.