
When to do a perm in May. Haircut lunar calendar for May - auspicious days. When is the best time to cut hair in May for women


In May, we begin to actively prepare for the beach season - we increase physical activity, visit the solarium and introduce skin care products containing UV filters into our daily care. However, for some reason, many people forget that hair also needs special care.

This month, hairdressers recommend regularly using shampoos and balms with UV protection, making moisturizing masks more often, rinsing your hair with mineral water, and having a screening procedure in the salon. All this will make the hair more attractive and protect them from the negative effects of the external environment.

And, of course, before you go to the hairdresser and carry out any procedures at home, do not forget to look at our haircut lunar calendar for May 2016. He will tell you the best time for certain manipulations, and if you correlate your actions with the movement of the moon, you will do your hair an invaluable service.

By tradition, we will explain how to use our calendar. The first thing you should pay attention to is the time until which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, at two or three in the morning, then immediately see the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, but the astrological influence changes.

It also happens that the first half of the day is completely unsuitable for any kind of hair manipulation, since any impact on them is fraught with serious problems both on the physical and metaphysical levels. But then you can do whatever you want with your hair, and it will benefit her.

For clarity, we will analyze May 15, 2016. Until 13:25 (Moscow time), it is better to leave your hair alone so as not to harm your health, the flow of financial affairs and relationships with relatives. But after 13:25, haircut, coloring, salon and home procedures will be extremely successful and will have a positive effect not only on your curls, but also on many aspects of your existence.

Please note that this month the Moon often moves into another sign of the zodiac after the beginning of the next lunar day, in the evening or shortly before midnight, respectively, recommendations are given taking into account this factor.

As an addition to our haircut lunar calendar, we offer you a small bonus:

Best days for manicure and pedicure: 15 (after 13:25), 16 (before 20:32), 26 (after 17:26), 27, 28.

Best days for hair removal: 5 (after 20:09), 24 (before 22:48), 26 (before 17:26).

First decade of May

May 2016 haircut calendar

May 1, Sunday, 23rd lunar day (until 2:38, later focus on the 24th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

Today is a completely wrong day for a haircut - it will negatively affect the health of your hair and your psychological state. Coloring is also not recommended. Home and salon procedures will not bring benefits. The only thing worth doing is after visiting crowded places to rinse your head with water infused with silver.

May 2, Monday, 24th lunar day (until 3:06, later focus on the 25th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

This day is also not suitable for haircuts, coloring and for medical and preventive procedures. Especially do not use homemade hair masks.

May 3, Tuesday, 25th lunar day (until 3:31, later focus on the 26th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

Again an unfavorable day for visiting a hairdressing salon. A haircut is fraught with a deterioration in the condition of the hair and confusion in current affairs. It is also better to refrain from staining, as well as from home procedures.

May 4, Wednesday, 26th lunar day (until 3:57, later focus on the 27th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

And again, this is not the time for a haircut, coloring, lightening, perm and additional hairdressing procedures. In addition, you should not use a hair dryer and styler and use alcohol-based styling products.

May 2016 haircut calendar

May 5, Thursday, 27th lunar day (until 4:23, later focus on the 28th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

This day is also not suitable for visiting a hairdresser. In addition, as on the eve, it is better not to use hot styling devices and strong fixatives. There will be no sense from home procedures.

May 6, Friday, 28th lunar day (until 4:51), 29th lunar day (until 22:29, later focus on the 1st lunar day), new moon, Moon in Taurus.

Another bad day for any hairdressing procedures. A haircut is fraught with financial losses and problems in household chores, and coloring will negatively affect the health of the hair. Home procedures are also better not to carry out.

May 7, Saturday, 1st lunar day (until 5:25, later focus on the 2nd lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Today is another bad day for cutting and coloring. But it is quite favorable for medical procedures aimed at restoring damaged hair ends.

May 8, Sunday, 2nd lunar day (until 6:04, later look at the 3rd lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

And again, it is not recommended to cut your hair and do coloring, but you should turn on your imagination and imagine what you would like to see on your head. Fix the imagined image - turning it into reality on May 17, you will get an excellent result. If you have already decided on a haircut and hair color, then it makes sense to choose a day suitable for you and according to the lunar calendar for a visit to the salon, call and make an appointment with the master.

May 9, Monday, 3rd lunar day (until 6:52, later focus on the 4th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

Today is a great day to visit the hairdresser. Bold experiments and lush, airy hairstyles are welcome, you can make a creative haircut, fantasy coloring, radically change the image. Home procedures will not bring any benefit, but in the salon it is worthwhile to carry out hair ionization.

May 10, Tuesday, 4th lunar day (until 7:48, later focus on the 5th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

Today it makes sense to cut your hair only if you have been wearing long hair for a long time and suddenly decided on a radically short haircut. Coloring is not forbidden, however, it is better to refrain from multi-color coloring with unnatural shades. Of the home procedures, the most successful will be therapeutic masks using blue clay and moisturizing ones based on algae.

Second decade of May

May 2016 haircut calendar

May 11, Wednesday, 5th lunar day (until 8:52, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

This day is not very good for a haircut, but it is quite favorable for secondary staining. It is better not to do the primary, unless you are going to paint over the gray hair and restore your natural color. Of the home procedures, the most effective will be those that you have already tried and got a completely satisfying result.

May 12, Thursday, 6th lunar day (until 9:59, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Leo.

Today is quite an auspicious day for a haircut. However, it is advisable to avoid experiments - a new image is unlikely to suit your taste. You should not do creative coloring either, and if you are going to paint for the first time, then it is best to give preference to golden, wheaten and reddish tones. In addition, carving will be very successful. Of the home procedures, honey masks will bring the greatest benefit.

May 13, Friday, 7th lunar day (until 11:08, later focus on the 8th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Leo.

This day is perfect for visiting a hairdressing salon. If you want to attract attention with an extravagant haircut or original coloring, then do not deny yourself this pleasure. Today you can show off - even the most daring image will be perceived quite adequately by those around you, and it will “take root” perfectly on you.

May 14, Saturday, 8th lunar day (until 12:17, later focus on the 9th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

Today is a very favorable day for a haircut - it will help renew energy, save you from accumulated negativity, and bring joy to your life. Coloring is not forbidden, but it is better to give preference to natural or gentle dyes and natural shades. Of the home treatments, the most effective will be those that are aimed at treating the scalp and restoring hair.

May 15, Sunday, 9th lunar day (until 13:25, later focus on the 10th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

This day is absolutely not suitable for cutting and coloring. It is also better to refrain from home procedures - they will give a diametrically opposite result. In general, if possible, reduce any exposure to the hair and do not allow strangers to touch it.

May 2016 haircut calendar

May 16, Monday, the 10th lunar day (until 14:32, later focus on the 11th lunar day), the Moon is in Libra.

Today is a great day to visit the salon. A haircut will favorably affect the health of the hair and the general condition of the body, attract new material wealth to you and positively affect your entire existence. Coloring will be very successful - the paint will retain its original color for a long time. Any home and salon procedures will bring great benefits.

May 17, Tuesday, 11th lunar day (until 15:38, later focus on the 12th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

Another very suitable day for a visit to the hairdresser. You can turn your bold ideas into reality, change your image, get a haircut like your favorite movie star. Fantasy coloring will be successful. However, it is recommended to refrain from asymmetrical hairstyles, and additional procedures, both salon and home, will be useless.

May 18, Wednesday, 12th lunar day (until 16:44, later focus on the 13th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

Today is a great day for a haircut - it will attract the positive attention of others to you, attract some very generous gifts from people and fate, help you find peace of mind and can even lure love. True, as on the eve, it is worth refraining from asymmetrical hairstyles, as well as from sharp contrasts when coloring. In the salon, it is recommended to do lamination or shielding, and at home - to arrange a long combing session with methodical ventilation of the strands.

May 19, Thursday, 13th lunar day (until 17:49, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

This day is suitable for a haircut only if you do not have stress, depression and any neuroses, otherwise your condition will worsen. Coloring is not forbidden, but you should not return to the color that you had some time ago: old problems will return along with it; it's better to just update the shade that you have now. Home treatments will not bring benefits.

May 20, Friday, 14th lunar day (until 18:54, later focus on the 15th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

Today, as on the eve, it is worth getting a haircut only if there are no problems with the nervous system. But if you are perfectly healthy, a haircut will favorably affect your sex appeal and even, perhaps, attract some kind of erotic adventure to you. If you are going to do the primary coloring, then avoid gloomy shades, especially black. Choose home treatments intuitively.

Third decade of May

May 2016 haircut calendar

May 21, Saturday, 15th lunar day (until 19:58, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

This day is categorically not suitable for a haircut - it will exacerbate all existing problems and provoke new ones, and in almost all areas of your existence. Coloring is also not recommended, as it is fraught with a chemical burn and the occurrence of allergies. Home treatments will not help, but will harm. In general, leave your hair alone and, if possible, do not leave the house without a hat.

May 22, Sunday, 16th lunar day (until 21:00, later focus on the 17th lunar day), full moon, Moon in Sagittarius.

Another unfavorable day for cutting and coloring - they are unlikely to give the result you expected. But treatment procedures aimed at improving the scalp, and any intensive combing, will be very effective.

Until 17:26, only natural coloring and head massage are recommended. After the designated time is a great moment for a haircut: it will not only make you more attractive, but also help you find an original way out of some difficult situation. Pay attention to the insights that will visit you when you sit in the barber's chair. In addition, on a whim, you can choose a new extravagant image, radically change your image, try some innovative salon procedures.

May 27, Friday, the 20th lunar day continues (until 0:10, later focus on the 21st lunar day), the Moon is in Aquarius.

Dedicate those 10 minutes left from the 20th lunar day to thoughtful and thorough combing. Do not forget to lift and ventilate the strands.

May 28, Saturday, 21st lunar day (until 0:43, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

Today is an excellent day for a visit to the hairdresser. Bold experiments are welcome, you can radically change your hairstyle and hair color, implant bright strands, decorate your hair with rhinestones. Cascading haircuts and coloring using the sombre technique will be successful, light curls will turn out well. Home procedures are not recommended, but in the salon it is worth doing ionization.

May 29, Sunday, 22nd lunar day (until 1:11, later focus on the 23rd lunar day), 4th quarter, Moon in Pisces.

This day is absolutely not suitable for haircuts, coloring, home and salon procedures. The only thing worth doing is to rinse your hair with infusion of celandine, St. John's wort or silver water.

May 30, Monday, 23rd lunar day (until 1:36, later focus on the 24th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

Another unfavorable day for any manipulation of the hair, except for rinsing them with a decoction of nettle or water infused with silver. In addition, it is not recommended to make tight tails, braids and buns - headaches are not excluded.

May 31, Tuesday, 24th lunar day (until 2:00, later focus on the 25th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

And again, you should not cut your hair, do coloring and carry out home procedures. Give your hair a rest, if possible, do not use hairspray and styling mousse, home-made products, new (unfamiliar) shampoo and balm, do not experiment with everyday hairstyle.

Daily lunar beauty calendar in your mail

August 1- an unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and perms. Try to comb your hair carefully and very gently. It is undesirable to use a hair dryer, ironing, curling tongs.

August 2- an unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and perms. Hair requires careful handling.

August 3rd- an unfavorable day for any manipulation of the hair. Treat them with the utmost care. Minimize exposure to high temperatures and chemicals on the hair: a negative reaction is likely, an allergy is possible.

August 4- a favorable day for haircuts and hair coloring. You can do a perm if your goal is not clear, neat curls, but loose curls.

5th of August- an auspicious day for cutting hair. Coloring will also be successful, and both natural and artificial dyes can be used for it.

August 6- a favorable day for haircuts and hair coloring. Nourishing masks are especially helpful.

August 7- a favorable day for haircuts and hair coloring. Caring procedures are effective, scalp massage is useful.

August 10- you can cut the bangs or the ends of the hair, update the shape of the hairstyle. Any aggressive influences are undesirable.

August 13- an auspicious day for cutting, coloring and perming hair. Effective caring procedures in the sauna and bath.

August 18- it is desirable to refrain from any serious impact on the hair; they require the most careful treatment. Caring procedures are ineffective, the likelihood of allergic reactions is high.

August 19- an unfavorable day for a haircut, coloring or perm. Hair may tangle and break more than usual.

August 20- an unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing or perming hair. Caring procedures are ineffective.

August 21- an unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing or perming hair. Can be used for washing shampoos for deep cleansing. Beneficial scalp massage.

August 22- an unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing and perm, it is advisable to avoid any aggressive impact. Wash, dry and comb your hair very carefully.

August 23- an unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing and perming hair. It is advisable to wash your hair with cool water or cooled decoctions of herbs, dry it naturally.

24 August- an unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing and perming hair. Hair can break and tangle, comb it carefully.

The lunar calendar was compiled in ancient times, with the help of long and careful observations of the influence of the phases of the moon on human hair growth and health in general. Astrologers say that the lunar haircut calendar is an indispensable assistant in all matters related to hair (haircut, dyeing, perm, etc.)

Astrologers believe that the Moon has a direct impact on all life on Earth. It is known that the phases of the moon can affect the circulation of fluid in nature. Based on these considerations, root crops and tubers were planted on the waning moon. Plants are planted on the growing moon, the value of which is above the ground

For a successful haircut in April 2018, you must consider the following parameters:

  • the state of the moon (the most successful haircuts for hair growth during the growing moon);
  • the most successful haircut will be on the full moon;
  • it is better to go to the hairdresser at a time when the Moon is in the Signs of Leo, Taurus, Libra or Virgo

If you have problems with your hair, then not only expensive cosmetics, homemade hair masks and various vitamins will help to improve their condition and appearance, but also the right time for all this. The lunar hair cutting calendar will help you with this.

It is especially important to choose the day for the first haircut of your baby according to the lunar calendar. In order for the child to have beautiful thick and silky hair in the future, his first haircut should be only on the growing moon, and not on the new moon

If you like to change hairstyles often, then it is better to change your image in accordance with the haircut calendar, because in this case it is desirable that the hair grows quickly. In such a situation, it is best to choose a date according to the lunar calendar when the growing Moon is in the first (I) or second (II) quarter. It happens that people, on the contrary, do not want to visit the hairdresser often, in this case, there is also the famous hair cutting calendar for 2018, because with its help you can choose the day when the moon is aging. Haircuts at this time will strengthen your braids and prevent them from falling out, but growth will noticeably slow down. It is important to remember that on the new moon it is best to give up haircuts altogether, since a haircut at this time shortens a person’s life.

Perm lunar calendar for April 2018

The lunar calendar of perm suggests that hair perm is successful in any phase of the moon on the days of Virgo. An unsuccessful perm will be in the days of Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius and Scorpio. In the days of Leo, the perm can be too strong, because these days the hair curls on its own.

Lunar hair coloring calendar for April

It is best to paint with a growing moon, in which case the paint will hold better and longer. If the staining falls on the waning moon, then the paint will wash off much faster

Favorable days for a haircut

In order for your hair to grow faster and become thicker, it is necessary to cut your hair on favorable days for haircuts. The most favorable days for a haircut in April 2018 are easily determined by the lunar calendar. A well-chosen auspicious day will allow you to increase the growth rate of your braids in several races.

Monday is a great day for haircuts. On this day, a large amount of negative energy and intractable problems will go away with the hair. Monday is also good for hair coloring.

Tuesday is a good day for a haircut if you lack vitality and perseverance. On Wednesday, the hair cutting lunar calendar advises you to get a haircut if you want to bring new people and new events into your life.

Thursday is a great day, a haircut on this day can bring changes in relationships with others, increase your popularity.

Friday as determines the lunar hair cutting calendar is the perfect day for your beauty. Having done your hair on this day, you will become even more beautiful!

Saturday is a good day for haircuts. In the case of a haircut on this day, the hair heals, karmic debts are removed

Sunday lunar hair cutting calendar advises not to cut your hair at all. On this day, you can cut off your possible fate. Better take a hair day off and treat yourself to various homemade hair masks

Bad days for haircuts

If you need to slow down hair growth, you can also use the lunar hair cutting calendar for 2018. This calendar will help you determine which days are best for hair removal using wax, an epilator and other means. The definition of unfavorable days is also useful for the strong half of humanity, because this way men will have to shave less often, which will save a lot of time

Hair removal lunar calendar

Before you start removing unwanted vegetation, remember that you should not remove unwanted vegetation on the growing Moon, because in this case they grow back quickly enough. If the vegetation is removed when the waxing moon is in Virgo or Leo, in addition to growing back quickly, they will become much thicker. The most favorable period for hair removal is the waning Moon in Capricorn, and other waning days except for Leo and Virgo.

Helpful Hints

In May, the planet of beauty Venus dominates, because the Sun will go along most of the month. Taurus sign, which means that he will “stay” in the cozy abode of Venus. This month you can do a lot for your appearance, and if you use the tips of the lunar calendar, you will spend much less time and effort while getting excellent results.

If this month you intend to get plastic surgery, sign up for complex facial cleansing procedures, then pay attention during the waning moon: from 1 to 6 and from 22 to 31 May 2016. Skin nourishing and rejuvenating procedures are best planned for the period of the growing moon, which is expected this month. from 7 to 21 May 2016.

Most of the month until May 22- Venus will also go in her native sign of Taurus, That's why visiting beauty salons will be the most efficient.

Try to avoid especially unfavorable days if you are going to sign up for any complex procedures and operations:6, 13, 21, 29 May 2016. AT May 2016many days whenThe moon will be off course most of the day. Do not start anything new in the periods of the Moon without a course. It is also better to avoid surgical intervention on the days of the defeat of the Moon by pests Mars and Saturn:1, 2, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28 and 29 May 2016.

If you play sports, try splitting the lunar month for 4 weeks and choose the load in accordance with the phases of the moon. So the most serious workouts are best planned from 7 to 12 and from 22 to 31 May 2016. Choose a slightly smaller load from 1 to 5 and from 14 to 20 May 2016. Do not forget that it is best to arrange for yourself on the days of the change of the lunar phase rest from training: 6, 13, 21, 29 May 2016.

At the end of the article you will find with a listing basic beauty treatments and the most auspicious days for them in May 2016 according to the lunar calendar.

Other useful articles heading Lunar calendar for May 2016:


Moon without course until 17:33

Today Venus and the Moon will be in harmonious aspect, so you can go to salons and hairdressers, but it's better not to start new procedures, and continue what we started earlier, since the Moon will be without a course for most of the day. After 17:30 it is better not to deal with hair, however, unwanted hair can be removed. good in the morning visit the solarium or soak up the sun. The tan will lie flat, will last a long time.

Fitness : The moon is now in its 4th phase, so it advises you not to give yourself too much physical activity, since at the end of the lunar month the energy comes to naught, and complex and exhausting workouts can severely debilitate. Today you can do cardio loads, without particularly serious strength training.

Today is a good day for fungus removal with toes and feet. It can be removed with special ointments and salt baths. A good day to wash things in your wardrobe. This day is not recommended. wash your hair, cut and color hair. It is also better to refuse a pedicure. Good for plucking and shaping eyebrows.

Fitness : work with abdominal muscles. Don't miss the opportunity today reduce body fat in the abdomen and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Today and tomorrow are very good days for training the press.

Moon without course until 20:04

Will be useful today foot reflex zone massage. However, we do not recommend deleting corns and cornification, since the feet are quite vulnerable. You should not start new business: the Moon is without a course. Habitual home care is allowed face and body, but it’s better not to do hair today.

Fitness : work with press, muscles abdomen and back. If you gave a good load on the press yesterday, then today it is better not to touch these muscles so that they managed to recover and relax. You can do stretching exercises, do yoga well.

With the transition of the Moon into the sign of Aries, it becomes vulnerable face, so today it is not recommended to do plastic surgery, beauty injections, etc. Facial cleansing masks, light scrubs and peels will work well. Be sure to take care of your face and hair today at home.

Fitness : cardio and strength training. Today in one workout you can combine exercises for good heart function, endurance exercises, as well as power loads, it is good to ride a bicycle or exercise bike.

Moon without a course until 20:10

Today you can whiten your face with natural ingredients. You can also use ice to wipe your face in the morning. It's still good to make face masks, especially cleansing ones, if you didn't have time to do them yesterday. Today is also a great day for facial gymnastics, which you can do as a preventive measure. On this day, it is better to avoid direct sunlight.

Beauty: lunar day calendar

NEW MOON at 22:30

Today is the last day of the lunar month before the new moon, which will take place late in the evening, so the day is unsuccessful for complex procedures and any undertakings . After 22:30 you can dream, make plans, plan things for the next lunar month. After sunset, you can go for a manicure and pedicure, or do all the procedures at home.

In the coming two weeks it is better to refuse any plastic surgery, as the moon will grow.

Fitness : rest. It is useful to do exercises for maintaining tone neck and chin, pulling up the oval of the face.


Moon without a course until 19:35

New procedures should not be started: Moon all day without a course. Will be effective various nourishing and rejuvenating masks for the face and neck and décolleté. It is also not recommended to remove neoplasms in the neck, chin and décolleté area, which are the most vulnerable on this day.

Fitness : workout for thighs and buttocks. Try on your hands and upper body in general today do not give heavy loads. Starting today and for the next 5 days, you can outline the most difficult workouts.

Today it is better to refuse operations, as the Moon is afflicted by Saturn and is in a growing phase. We also do not recommend doing a manicure, building up nails. You can make baths and hand wraps to soften the skin.

Fitness : cardio loads, including cardio with jumps.

Moon without course until 20:24

Don't start today nothing new. You can make hand baths, various nourishing face and body masks. Good to visit sauna or bath and book a massage. You can do self-massage at home, take a hot relaxing bath in the evening. These procedures will allow you to get rid of stress, how to relax. Manicure is better not to do: high risk of cuts.

Fitness : exercises for press. Yoga, stretching for muscles thighs and buttocks.

Today is good make body and hair masks with fermented milk products that are rich in lactobacilli. Such masks soften the skin, help whiten it, even out complexion, cleanse the skin, make it more firm and fresh. Today it is not recommended to do peels, and it is also better to refuse to visit a hairdresser.

Fitness : eliminate any stress on the area today shoulders and chest. It’s good to run, jump rope, any complex cardio exercises will be effective.

Moon off course from 10:34

Still bad day to visit the hairdresser. But today it is good to make various face and body masks at home or in salons. It is dangerous to go under the surgeon's knife on this day, especially to do plastic surgery. chest as this area is very vulnerable.

Fitness : strength exercises per area thighs and legs including you can perform sets of exercises without using any weights. At home, work with your own body weight is good.

Nice day to visit the hairdresser. You can do any coloring, hair and eyelash extensions, haircuts, styling and fine curling of hair. After the haircut made that day, the hair will grow very fast. Various masks to nourish the skin are still useful. Can be dyed eyebrows and eyelashes, but it’s better not to pluck your eyebrows today: new hairs will quickly grow back. You can sign up for sessions. cryotherapy.

Fitness : exclude cardio load today, it is better to do stretching, yoga and other calm practices. Good to do exercises shins, feet, toes.

Lunar beauty calendar 2016

The second phase of the moon from 20:03

Moon without a course from 20:04

Bad day. Not recommended today no complicated procedures especially operations. Allowed home care for the body, face and hair. You can book a haircut. Sunbathing today is not recommended: high risk of sunburn. After sunset, you can do manicures and pedicures.

Fitness : rest.

Moon off course until 08:52

auspicious day for haircuts and hair coloring. Any complex procedures are best rescheduled, as the Moon is afflicted by Mars. Today you can do masks based on natural ingredients. Try to eat less sweet and starchy foods, and if possible, give up these foods altogether.

Fitness : from 14 to 20 May reduce the load, it is better to train not at full capacity during this period, leaving a little energy. This will allow you to rest after strenuous training previous week. Today you can do exercises for lower body. Better not to download the press.

Firming, nourishing and stimulating hair growth masks today will be very effective. Don't miss this day! Complex procedures are best planned for a period after 13:30, when the Moon has time to leave the negative aspect with Saturn and will approach the good aspect with Venus. Good time to visit trichologist, cosmetologist, go to beauty salons for anti-aging treatments and treatments to smooth wrinkles and shape the face.

Fitness : cardio exercise, cycling, running. Also pay attention to your diet today. After cardio loads there is strong feeling of hunger. However, today it will be easier for you to give up a large amount of carbohydrate food. If you are exercising to lose weight, cut out carb-rich foods altogether ( sugar, honey, cereals, bread and any flour products).

Moon without a course from 12:20 to 20:33

With the Moon without a course, you can’t start anything new if the result is important to you. Try to schedule a start any procedures for the first half of the day. Use cosmetics today only based on natural ingredients. Also a good day to visit a beautician or trichologist. Ingrown toenails and fungus can be treated.

Fitness : yoga, stretching. Today we also advise you not to lean on foods and dishes that are harmful to your figure.

A great day to visit the sauna, bath, hammam, as well as for any water procedures at home or spas. You can sign up for a relaxing massage. Measures can be taken to stretch mark prevention, as well as try various products to reduce the appearance of pre-existing stretch marks on the skin.

Fitness : cardio plus strength. Any workouts at your discretion are allowed, which include loads on different muscles of the body. You can do a general workout, go for a run or work out in at home.

Moon without a course from 18:23

Today is also a good time for any water procedures, saunas and massages. It is especially good to massage in the area thighs and buttocks for the prevention of stretch marks and the formation of cellulite. You can visit a makeup artist or beautician. Any nourishing face masks are effective. Don't forget to moisturize your skin too.

Fitness : yoga and stretching. If yesterday you worked out especially well, do some light exercises today, don't overdo it. load the muscles you can go to the pool.

Moon off course until 09:30

Today, especially effective will be various masks for smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing and toning the skin of the face. Any anti-aging procedures are useful. Schedule the start of any procedures on time after 09:30 when the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio.

Fitness : cardio exercises to improve heart function and get rid of excess weight.

Today is also good any rejuvenating treatments for the face and body, but without surgical intervention. It is better not to visit the solarium and sunbathe today. There is a risk of burns or dry skin. We also do not recommend removing hair in the bikini area today. After sunset, you can go for a manicure or pedicure.

Fitness : don't miss the facial fitness today, especially the lower part of the face, for shaping beautiful oval to get rid of double chin. You can also go jogging, or ride a bike or exercise bike.

Moon without a course from 14:39 to 21:48

Unfavorable day for operations or any complex procedures, especially their beginnings, as the moon approaches the full moon. Allowed home care for the skin of the face, body, and hair. All procedures must be gentle. Refuse to visit the solarium.

Fitness : rest.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty


FULL MOON at 00:16

Today is a good day for getting rid of cellulite: it is useful to use various creams, massage, self-massage at home, or seek help from specialists. You should also consider that the most effective treatments will be against cellulite. in the first two weeks of the female cycle(1-14 days after the start of menstruation).

Fitness : exercises for upper body: power loads on arms and shoulders will be especially effective. In the coming week, you can choose quite difficult exercises, but without particularly heavy loads on lower body, as thighs and legs will be vulnerable: easy to get injured. If you have been practicing for a long time, the risk of injury is reduced, but beginners should be careful.

Moon off course from 18:37

Still Effective any means against cellulite other than the very aggressive ones. Today you can try to remove ingrown toenails if this problem bothers you. Try not to spend too much time on your feet, it is better not to go hiking long distances. It is not recommended to sunbathe or visit the solarium.

Fitness : stretching for the muscles of the arms, shoulders. Better not train today thighs and buttocks. Avoid running long distances.

Moon off course until 08:34

Today is a good day for skin cleansing, but without any aggressive methods, since the skin is quite vulnerable. You can do peeling and scrubs for faces and bodies at home. Although it is advisable to do these procedures every week, do not skip them during the days of Capricorn during the waning moon. Breast surgery is allowed. Good for manicure and pedicure.

Fitness : cardio without jumping. Try not to put too much stress on your knees in the coming days, as they are very vulnerable and easy to get hurt.

You can visit the dentist today only if you tartar needs to be removed. If you need major dental repairs, especially implants, it is better not to choose this day. good time for problem skin treatment especially if you have acne. You can whiten the skin, make cleansing face masks. You can remove unwanted hair in the facial area.

Fitness : upper body work. We do not recommend giving heavy loads to the area thighs, buttocks and knees.

Moon without course until 17:27

Most of the day the Moon will be idle, so we do not recommend starting any new business. Can be deleted unwanted hair. Refuse any aggressive procedures on the skin: deep peels, removal of scars and neoplasms, application and removal of tattoos and permanent makeup. It is better to rest and relax more on this day. You can go to beauty salons after 17:30. Today, it will be effective to cleanse the skin, remove freckles and age spots.

Fitness : cardio exercises today will be especially effective, but if you miss a strong cardio load, it is better to do it in the evening, after 17:30.

Today is a great day for visits to the solarium and sunbathing. In addition, today you can also go to the sauna and book a massage. It is very good to swim in the pool or take a relaxing bath at home. It is good to make any cleansing and whitening masks for the face and body, various peels and scrubs. You can get pierced or get a tattoo.

Fitness : a good day for cardio loads, back muscle training.

In the days of Aquarius it is good to put any experiments: try new looks, new make-up, new image. Now it is easiest to decide on something completely new and original, but it is better not to do surgeries, piercings and tattoos due to the unfavorable aspect of the Moon and Mars. It is also a good day to take advantage of the latest in modern technology. For example, you can go to the salon to try new treatments. Will turn out great non-aggressive procedures.

Fitness : today it is useful to do any water sports.

The fourth phase of the moon from 15:13

Bad day. Better not to take nothing new or important, do not try new procedures, do not have surgery. You can massage the reflex zones of the foot.

Fitness : rest. In the coming week, your loads should not be too intense, but it all depends on your level of training, endurance and experience. If you are just getting started in fitness, please note that in 4th phase of the moon the loads should be the smallest, since there is little energy now and you will be very tired.

That is why many, choosing a day to visit a hairdresser or carry out home care procedures, check with the lunar calendar.

We bring to your attention the lunar calendar for May 2016, which took into account not only the phases of the moon, but also its position in the signs of the zodiac, as well as the special influences of each lunar day.

May 1- an unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing and perming hair. It is undesirable to use products for strong fixation, use an iron or curling iron.

May 2- an unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and perms. Hair requires careful treatment, it is undesirable to make complex hairstyles.

May 3- an unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and perms. It is advisable to wash your hair with cool water, dry naturally.

May 4th

5 May- an unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and perms. Hair requires careful handling.

the 6th of May- an unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and perms. Hair requires careful handling.

May 7- a favorable day for haircuts and hair coloring. You can do biowave. Homemade masks are effective, especially nourishing ones.

May 8- a favorable day for haircuts and hair coloring. Useful scalp massage and darsonvalization.

May 9- an auspicious day for cutting hair, as well as dyeing and toning with natural means. You can also curl and straighten your hair.

May 10- an auspicious day for cutting, coloring and perming hair. You can do lamination and other caring procedures.

May 11- an auspicious day for cutting, coloring and perming hair, nourishing masks, caring procedures in the sauna and bath are useful.

12 May- a favorable day for haircuts and hair coloring. If you're doing a curl, be aware that the curl may come out tighter than you'd like. Hair lends itself well to styling.

may 13- a favorable day for cutting and dyeing hair, you can also do a perm, but it is important not to violate the technology even in small things. You can do complex hairstyles, including braiding pigtails.

May 14- an auspicious day for cutting hair, toning and coloring with unstable products. You can do a perm or keratin straightening.

May 15- an auspicious day for cutting hair, toning and coloring with unstable means. You can do a perm or keratin straightening, as well as hair extensions.

16th of May- an auspicious day for cutting hair. You can curl and color your hair, but in both cases, the effect may be short-lived. This also applies to keratin straightening.

May 17

May 18- an auspicious day for cutting hair, toning and coloring with unstable products.

May 19- a favorable day for cutting hair, you can shorten the bangs, change the shape of the hairstyle.

May 20- a favorable day for cutting hair, you can shorten the bangs, change the shape of the hairstyle.

22nd of May- hair requires careful treatment. It is better to let them rest, wash with cool water, comb gently and dry without a hair dryer.

May, 23rd- an unfavorable day for a haircut, perm and hair coloring. It is undesirable to make complex hairstyles that require bouffant, the use of strong fixatives, hot tongs.

May 24- an unfavorable day for haircuts, perms and dyeing. Hair requires careful handling. It is useful to rinse them with decoctions of herbs.

May 25- an unfavorable day for a haircut, perm and hair coloring. It is better to refrain from experiments with a hairstyle.

May 27- an unfavorable day for a haircut, perm and hair coloring. You can do home care procedures.

May 28- an unfavorable day for a haircut, perm and hair coloring. When washing, you can use products for deep cleansing of hair.