
Balzac age. How old is this? When is the "Balzac age" Balzac period


Recently, during a lunch break in a buffet, a colleague sat down at my table and, glancing towards a friend standing in line at the cashier, a woman of near-retirement age and more than a dense build, dressed in a translucent blouse and leggings, said venomously: “No, just look how dressed up our lady Balzac age! At her age, it’s time to think about grandchildren and about the soul. ” I asked, "forgetting" for a moment that Honore de Balzac is one of my favorite writers, what age category fits the definition of "a woman of Balzac's age"? “And Balzac’s age is how old, in your opinion?” I asked. “Over fifty,” the colleague answered confidently.

Thirty-year-old Russian women in Russia are called "girls".

forty and older

Meanwhile, the heroine of the Balzac novel, the independent and free from prejudices Vicomtesse d'Aiglemont, was 26 years old at the beginning of the novel The Woman of Thirty, and only at the end she was about fifty. The society of Balzac times, to put it mildly, did not approve of such behavior of women, especially those who had exchanged their fourth decade. After all, the married viscountess succumbed to the forbidden feeling of love and cheated on her husband. It is not surprising that after the release of the novel that breaks all stereotypes, the expression "a woman of Balzac's age" received a sarcastic, ironic meaning from the writer's contemporaries. And then it was forgotten.

But not in our country, where today they call adults, mature women “from forty and older” like that. As for thirty-year-old Russian women, it is customary in Russia to call them "girls" - for example, in public transport - of course, if they do not look much older than their years.

Marriage is the only meaning of life

Today, women aged 30-35 can only sometimes afford to think about creating a family in the future and having children, giving all their strength to career growth or “life for themselves”. It is not easy for them to imagine themselves in the place of Balzac's disenfranchised contemporaries, who, at best, were expected by marriage and three "K"s (kinder, kirchen, kyuchen - children, church, kitchen). Further, it was not recommended for women to stick out their noses further than the three “Ks”, so that they could not betray the true female destiny. And the jealous husband was much calmer ...

Before the revolutionary changes of the last century, the vast majority of women could only dream of studying, career and self-realization. The family was theirs. And if the representative of the beautiful half of humanity could not acquire a husband and children by the age of thirty, then those around her and she herself considered her existence unpromising. After all, the chance of marriage - the only possible meaning of life - she reduced to zero.

"Not married yet?"

In the classical sense, a woman of Balzac's age is a woman after 30, who does not fit into the traditional scenario, into the framework that society has defined for her. She may not be married, live in a civil marriage, she can afford to fall in love. Nowadays, the age limits have shifted, but the attitude towards women of the Balzac age has not changed at all. And if society allows European women to remain unmarried and childless for up to forty years or more, then in our country any relative, neighbor or colleague can afford a hint of failure in his personal life or open censure of a woman who does not have her own family. Like, the Balzac age has already come up, but for some reason she is still not married ...

They will not hesitate to give a couple of tips on how to dress and behave with men, so that, “finally, at least tear off your inferior husband” (not inferior ones, of course, have long been sorted out). I got so lucky once. In my thirties, while officially single, I once found myself in an elevator with the mother of my former classmate, who lives on the floors above. "How are you? Did you even get married?" instead of a greeting, a heavy, tastelessly dressed aunt asked contemptuously. And, knowing that I "didn't come out," without waiting for an answer, she immediately began to teach me the mind of reason, as is customary in our "country of councils." At that time I was still too well brought up to immediately send the adviser to “walk” (although over the years my good manners in relation to such aunts evaporated), so I restrained myself. But by that time I had something to brag about: a university diploma, and an adored profession - a matter of life, and an interesting circle of friends, and wonderful friends, and (what is there) pretty admirers. But I silently stood in front of a simple market aunt, not knowing how to put her in her place, and then for a long time I struggled with an inferiority complex that had arisen from nowhere. Such is the price of neighborly "goodwill".

Many women over the years only open up like flowers and reveal their attractiveness, including sexual.

Work on yourself

Of course, ladies of Balzac's age need much more time to work on themselves if they don't want to look like an "elderly mermaid." You need to have the courage to review and change your fashion, taste preferences, do exercises, especially if you previously allowed yourself to do without gymnastic exercises. It is necessary to choose clothes, get a haircut, do make-up according to age and social status, because there is nothing sadder in the world of a desperately rejuvenating woman, whose youth has remained in the last century. Moreover, this age does not cancel relations with the opposite sex. Many women over the years only open up like flowers and reveal their attractiveness, including sexual. And the fact that all ages are submissive to love, including Balzac's, is a well-known fact.

The expression "women of Balzac's age" is quite common, but what does it mean - the age of a woman, a state of mind, some kind of behavior?

How old is a woman of Balzac age?

The term "Balzac age" came about after the publication of the work of Honore de Balzac "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman", the heroine of which was distinguished by boldness of views and freedom in the manifestation of feelings. At first, the ladies of the Balzac age were called those who tried to copy the behavior of the heroine of the novel, then the expression began to be used to refer to ladies aged 25-35 years.

But that was before, and how old is a woman of Balzac's age now? Today, this is the name of the ladies who celebrated their 40th birthday or approached the 50th threshold. This is due to the fact that earlier women very quickly spent their youth on a husband, children and housekeeping. Today, ladies have learned to prolong their youth, and by the age of 35-40, a hormonal peak occurs. Therefore, women of the Balzac age today are sexy beautiful ladies with a twinkle in their eyes.

Fashion for women of Balzac age

The epithet “mature” is applicable to women of Balzac’s age, but not “old” in any way, therefore it’s not worth waving your hand and dressing “as conveniently”, thinking that fashionable clothes are intended only for young girls and famous people. Among the achievements of the fashion industry, you can find a lot of things for women of Balzac age. Do not think that now it is difficult for you to choose the right clothes. Perhaps the figure has changed, but following some rules will help you look good. So, if you notice the appearance of extra folds in yourself, then the following things should be avoided:

  • low-rise jeans (but they are also needed “to the ears”, the best fit is at the level of the navel or just below it);
  • pleated trousers;
  • jackets to the middle and thigh and double-breasted jackets;
  • horizontal strip;
  • capri trousers.

Approach the assessment of the figure critically, but not too much. If you have only the upper part of the body has lost the correct shape, and the legs remain beautiful and slender, then do not dare to hide them. Dresses for women of Balzac age should not be flashy colors, you also don’t need an extreme cut now. But wearing a monastic robe is also not worth it. Give preference to restraint, a classic shape and a juicy deep shade are what you need. Try different models to determine which suits you best.

It is necessary to leave the habit (if any) of buying a lot of things of poor quality - they fit terribly, are made of unpleasant fabric, quickly lose their appearance. It is better to buy a few things, but of high quality, it is useless to clog the wardrobe with a mass of clothes - most of it will still gather dust.

Pick clothes for a specific occasion, when purchasing a thing, you must know exactly where and when you will wear it. And do not forget about home clothes - a filthy bathrobe inherited from a great-grandmother - in the trash.

Hairstyles for women of Balzac age

The Balzac age is a time of elegance, so the choice of hairstyle must be approached with all care.

  1. Short haircuts are suitable for women with very large or very small facial features, a well-shaped jaw line, a beautiful neck and head shape. such haircuts require a minimum of care, and the hair looks well-groomed. But beware of hair that is too short because it can give a masculine look. Good options for such haircuts are “short mess”, classic or graduated bob, layered textured haircut.
  2. Medium length hair is considered the best choice for middle-aged women. There are many types of such haircuts, so you can choose what suits you. Pay attention to layered haircuts, if the hair is thin, this will add volume to the hairstyle. With angular facial features, you should look at the classic curls.
  3. Long hair perfectly emphasizes the natural color of the hair, and many men find long-haired ladies more sexy. Remember that long hair should look healthy, if not, then it is better to choose a shorter haircut.

The woman's age is ca. 30 years. The term was fixed after the publication of O. Balzac's story "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman" (1842), which describes marital relations in a bourgeois family.

(Source: Dictionary of Sexual Terms)

See what the "Balzac age" is in other dictionaries:

    Balzac's age The expression became common after the appearance of the novel "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman" (fr.) Russian. French writer Honore de Balzac. The heroine of this novel, Vicomtesse de Bossean, was independent, ... ... Wikipedia

    The expression became common after the appearance of the novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831) by the French writer Honore de Balzac (1799-1850). The heroine of this novel, Vicomtesse de Bossean, was distinguished by independence, independence of judgment and ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    Balzac age- The age of the woman is from thirty to forty years. “Am I entering the Balzac age?” thought Anna Ivanovna, remembering those thirty-year-old ladies who fell into despondent disappointment (Mother's Sibiryak. Near the gentlemen). Everyone knows the "epidemics" of love ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Exist., number of synonyms: 1 age from 30 to 40 years (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Razg. Shuttle. About the age of a woman from 30 to 40 years. BMS 1998, 93; F 1, 71; BTS, 57; SHZF 2001.16. Named after the French writer O. de Balzac (1799–1850), after the publication of his novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831) ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Balzac age- wing. sl. The expression arose after the release of the novel by the French writer Honore Balzac (1799-1850) The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831); used as a playful description of women aged 30-40 years. In the same meaning, expressions arose from here ...

    balzac age- about the age of a woman from 30 to 40 years. The expression arose under the influence of the works of O. Balzac, the heroines of which are women of that age. The turnover came into active use after the appearance of the writer's novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1842) ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    balzac age- about the age of a woman from 30 to 40 years. The expression arose under the influence of the works of O. Balzac, the heroines of which are women of that age. The turnover came into active use after the appearance of the writer’s novel “The Thirty-Year-Old Woman” (1842) ... Phraseology Handbook

    balzac age- About the woman's age from 30 to 40 years. Named after the French writer O. de Balzac (1799 1850) after the publication of his novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (1831) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Balzac age, or All men are their own ... Wikipedia


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Many of the wording itself is not entirely clear, the Balzac age for women is how old it is, why is this age period called that, when and where did this name come from? Is it appropriate to use it or is it a subtle hint that a woman is in adulthood?

In the article we will answer what age is considered Balzac, what is the meaning of this phrase, and when it is appropriate to use the phrase "Lady of Balzac's age."

History of the origin of the term

Where did the expression come from? It all started with the famous novel "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman". In 1842, the novel by Honore de Balzac made a splash in the literary world. The novel raised the idea of ​​love without obligation. This feeling was opposed to the decent behavior of a married lady. The central narrative was about the relationship of a married woman with her lover.

Honore de Balzac (1799 - 1850)

In the 19th century, a thirty-year-old woman was called a "matrona", which means not a delicate "old woman". Her main duties were considered: taking care of the house, children, caring for her spouse. There was no talk of secular or entertainment events. This means that the lady could visit them, but she could not afford to dance some of the dances. The woman refused many entertainments and flirting with members of the opposite sex. Why do many ladies prefer to just stay at home.

Many ladies in their thirties have been attracted to men, but a wife is not allowed to have a relationship with anyone other than her lawful husband.

Hence the expression - a woman of Balzac's age.

Maturity is a new page in life

The main dilemma for a girl entering the Balzac age is how to remain attractive. Many ladies at the age of 30 begin to feel competition in the face of young girls. They feel uncomfortable when they are around them. It is not uncommon for men to cheat on their wives with young partners.

Women of Balzac age already have a decent life experience. They are free from complexes and antics. At this age, a woman is completely liberated. It is not limited to youthful chastity and stiffness in behavior. No wonder they say that at this age there comes the peak of a woman's sexual activity. The answer to the question - Balzac's age is how many years, numbers from thirty to forty are called.

Women have thoughts of becoming “free” and separating themselves from men and obligations to anyone. In the modern world, there is a popular term "Self-made woman". It translates as "a woman who made herself." This period often passes under this slogan. Women in their 30s to 40s and beyond tend to be optimistic and energetic. They are ready to reach new heights and succeed.

Behavioral patterns of women at the onset of maturity

Everyone has a different attitude to this period. Some meet the cherished thirty years with dignity and readiness. First of all, they begin to take care of children and grandchildren. Ladies devote more time to themselves and their hobbies. Engage in self-development. They do things that they never had time for before. They give importance to many little things.

Others are trying to adapt to a new social role in society. For them, this means leaving their comfort zone and accepting “new rules of the game”. A woman learns to accept the signs of aging and learn to hide them.

The third option is the most radical. These women flatly refuse to accept the fact that old age is coming. They go to extremes: they use a huge amount of cosmetics, do plastic surgery, regularly visit a beautician, start doing dubious facial exercises. Ladies do not understand that the onset of these changes is inevitable, but they cling to their youth to the end and not by the most reasonable methods.

The attitude of society towards middle-aged women

The image of the Balzac lady is actively used in popular culture. An example is the series "Sex and the City", based on the novel by Candace Bushnell. It features four friends who are trying to arrange a personal life. Heroines in their thirties. They say that this series makes women understand that in adulthood everything is just beginning. If you did not have time to "jump on the train" - this does not mean that he left completely. This is one of the main ideas of the picture. The series to this day remains popular among the female half.

How should a woman behave during this period?

  • Go in for sports. Fitness, swimming, running - it doesn't matter. Most importantly, watch your body and constantly keep yourself in good shape.
  • Take care of your appearance. If you have not used cosmetics before, it's time to learn. No one is talking about tons of powder, but a slight blush will help you feel more confident, and elegantly lined eyes with a pencil will completely divert the gaze of men from young ladies in your favor.
  • Find a new hobby. No need to think that at thirty it's too late to start a new hobby. During this period of life, new opportunities for self-development open up for you. The views are formed and you know exactly what you want.
  • Peace of mind. By this age, a woman knows how to listen to herself. A great opportunity to start helping other people instead of emotional experiences and constant reflection.

In early youth, the expression "ladies of Balzac's age" sounds to us as a delicate or, on the contrary, a sarcastic allusion to female old age. Where did this phrase come from and what does it really mean?

Visitors to Internet forums sometimes argue on the topic: "How much is Balzac's age?" As a rule, ladies insist that this definition refers to the age of 30-40 years. For the most part, men believe that a woman of “Balzac age” is much older: from 40 and older.

The difference in the interpretation of the meaning of this expression is determined by how modern people perceive the concept of "maturity".

So, "Balzac age" is how much?

Some of our contemporaries, by the simplicity of their souls, are deeply convinced that a "woman of Balzac's age" is a lady who is the same age as the young Honore's first mistress.

Today, when young people no longer read the classics, preferring at best to get acquainted with an adapted presentation of the main storyline in an abbreviated version, the question “Balzac’s age is how old?” Causes lively debate. publication of articles about the turbulent personal life of the writer. In pursuit of fried facts, unscrupulous "experts" are in no hurry to verify the authenticity of information. Some argue that Balzac in his youth had an affair with a woman of 42 years old, others insist that she was 53 years old. Consequently, confusion arises in attempts to define the concept of "Balzac age". How much is it: 42 or 53? But neither one nor the other is wrong.

A bit of history

In 1842, Honoré de Balzac published a work called The Thirty-Year-Old Woman. This novel about the sublime feeling of "forbidden love", which was opposed to the primitive coexistence in legal marriage, evoked a response in society and multiplied the author's popularity.

Nowadays, few people would think of calling a thirty-year-old woman old. Statistical studies of recent years confirm the fact that it is at this time that women become the sexiest, and the ability to take care of themselves, combined with the ability to lead an active lifestyle, make our contemporaries irresistible even at a much more mature age.

But do not forget that in the Balzac era, a woman was a disenfranchised creature, and her life took place in a closed space between the kitchen, children and church. Only a successful marriage could bring happiness to a woman. The girl was considered a promising bride only until the age of 18-19. At the age of 20 and older, the chances of getting married decreased significantly. And an unmarried thirty-year-old woman was of little interest to anyone at all, her life dragged on monotonously under the slogan: “to marry is too late, to die is too early.”

But rarely anyone was happy. Since the most significant issue was financial, the bride most often remained nothing more than a convenient multifunctional appendix to the contract. Without the right to her own opinion, the wife became a living toy in the hands of her husband.

A married woman of thirty was considered a deep old woman, although she could well shine at balls, emphasizing the loftiness of her husband. She was allowed to be attractive and at the same time inaccessible to other men. A good upbringing, a broad outlook, a natural mind, a versatile education and the sad need to be the property of an elderly husband who does not care about satisfying the sexual, emotional and spiritual needs of his wife - such is the fate of Balzac's heroine.

Thus, to the question "Balzac's age is how much?" The correct answer is after thirty. It was such women that Honore de Balzac liked. At the age of 30, according to the writer, a woman matured bodily and spiritually for harmonious but, unfortunately, in the conditions of a vicious bourgeois society, she was forced to grow old and fade prematurely in a legal marriage with an unloved husband or, under fear of exposure, lead a double life.