
Giant mutant rats. The largest rats in the world The largest rats in Russia


Huge mutant rats that appeared in the UK are not only twice the size of ordinary rodents, but are also immune to almost all poisons used.

From generation to generation, the mutated rats become bigger and stronger, and their improved coat allows them to withstand sudden changes in temperature without discomfort. According to experts, within a couple of decades they will grow to the size of capybaras, the largest modern rodents that live in Brazil and reach 80 kg. And if no measures are taken to exterminate rats, then in just a year their population of 80 million will double and thus there will be three times more rodents than people in Foggy Albion.

The appearance and spread of mutants, according to experts, was facilitated by a favorable climate for rodents and a huge amount of garbage, which appeared due to the desire of the authorities to save a little money. Citizens now have to pay for previously free garbage removal services and calling a pest control specialist, and this has a negative impact on the environment.

The main problem in the fight against mutant rodents is that rats have long since developed immunity to the poisons used by the British and eat it as a delicacy. It is not yet possible to use new, more modern control methods, since insufficiently tested drugs can pose a significant threat not only to pets or street plants, but also to the life and health of children. And if they are not tested and approved soon, the rats will have to be physically destroyed.

The authorities place great hopes in the fight against the scourge on ordinary citizens, who can buy modern rodent repellers and traps from their personal funds, and they can choose a suitable device for their home by reading the descriptions of the devices.

Rats cause enormous damage to crops and businesses. Cases of attacks on humans have been recorded, but the main danger of cohabitation is that gray rodents are carriers of many dangerous diseases. As is known, they were the main cause of plague epidemics in the cities of medieval Europe.

This unusual country never ceases to amaze us. Bright, but at the same time a lot of troubles befall her. For example, the city of Nagasaki was visited by trouble again many years after the atomic bombing. Only now the nature of the incident is somewhat different.

In March 2014, Nagasaki authorities sealed access to several sewers and then began flooding them with ocean water. A certain accident and the repair work required to eliminate it were officially announced. Around the same time, a large section of the city's sewer system was concreted in Hiroshima.

Following this, unmarked tankers drove up to several collectors who had been previously guarded by the police. Having lowered long hoses underground, the people accompanying the cars in full chemical protection suits began to pump something into the sewer.

Several Japanese publications, interested in the suspicious behavior of the authorities, conducted a journalistic investigation. Despite the obstacles posed by the evil ones, they were able to discover a connection between the sewer manipulation and a series of unsolved crimes.

Over the past year, disappearances of people have become more frequent in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, mainly in areas located closer to the epicenters of nuclear explosions. At first these were homeless people, but soon the list of missing people began to be replenished with those who were difficult to classify as marginalized. Initial versions of the involvement of the Yakuza (Japanese mafia) in the incidents did not stand up to detailed scrutiny.

With difficulty, journalists managed to find a police officer who, on condition of anonymity, told the terrible details of the case. According to him, the search for missing people led to the discovery of gnawed human remains. Gradually, by mapping the places of disappearances and the discovery of corpses, the police discovered a pattern: they were all concentrated near the exits of sections of the old urban sewer system.

A police squad sent underground came across a whole mountain of animal and human remains, with huge rats scurrying around next to it. Several of them attacked the law enforcement officers, but they managed to scare away the rodents with shots. Not wanting to tempt fate, the law enforcement officers hastened to retreat, taking as a trophy the carcass of a killed rat weighing a good five kilograms.

Zoologists who examined the corpse of an overgrown rodent came to a clear conclusion: before them was a mutant that appeared as a result of exposure to radiation. There was an abnormal size, a number of skeletal transformations, as well as behavioral changes: even living next to a person, rats try to avoid his attention, quite rightly seeing such contact as a threat to themselves. However, mutants from the Japanese sewers, flocking in packs, began to hunt people.

The emergence of a new aggressive species of rat is quite understandable from a scientific point of view. The explosions of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki occurred hundreds of meters above the ground - “for a greater damaging effect of the blast wave.” In this situation, having demolished city blocks, the nuclear explosion slightly damaged underground communications. But the rats living in them suffered the full brunt of the radiation, especially from the radioactive fallout that ended up in the sewer.

One of the specific features of rodents is the ability to reproduce at an unprecedented rate. The rat enters reproductive age 3-4 months after its birth; at the age of one, it begins to bear from two to eight litters per year. It is not difficult to calculate that since 1945, more than a hundred generations of rodents have changed in the dungeons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is quite enough for a new species to arise through natural selection and mutations.

Obviously, considering the omnivorous rodents that had tasted human flesh to be too much of a danger, the Japanese authorities decided to get rid of them by flooding the habitat with water or introducing toxic substances into it. In order not to disturb the public, they chose not to make the incident public. The effect of deratization has yet to be assessed, but no one can guarantee that mutants will not appear again. By the way, not so long ago giant rats were spotted in UK cities...

Rats are the oldest mammals, distributed throughout the planet. An interesting fact is that most people do not have a neutral attitude towards these smartest animals. Rat breeders, who dearly love their little furry pets, begin to respect their wild relatives. But for the majority of people, the mere mention of rats evokes disgust and disgust.

The negativity is fueled by feature films and science fiction works about large rats with eyes that glow brightly in the dark and orange teeth. Following cultural figures, people actively retell each other chilling stories from real life about bloodthirsty giants attacking people. But it's not all that scary. Wild giant breeds of rats are actually extremely peaceful and calm animals that are not capable of offending even a small child.

Many people with frightened eyes tell stories that the largest rats on earth can be the size of a cat, and... they are deeply mistaken. Wild large rodents recently caught on the island of Papua in New Guinea are almost 4 times larger than meowing mammals!!! A completely new animal, which still does not have an official scientific name, lives in the crater of the inactive Bosavi volcano.

The most interesting thing is that the largest rat on the planet was discovered in 2009 during the filming of the BBC channel, when a rodent of unprecedented size accidentally fell into the camera lens. The gray animal was caught for body measurements and weighing; the animal measured 82 cm with a body weight of 1.5 kg. The tail of the wild rodent alone was 30 cm long, which is 2 times the body size of domestic decorative rats.

Discovery of a new species of Bosavi rat during filming of the program

Apart from its impressive volume and body weight, the large rodent is no different from ordinary gray rats, widespread throughout the planet. The new mammal was named the Bosavi woolly rat before it was given the appropriate name after a detailed study of the species.

Nevertheless, the very large rodent still has a distinctive character trait. Despite its frightening appearance, the Bosavi rat is absolutely not aggressive and is even peaceful, so it cannot be the hero of horror films about bloodthirsty gray mutants.

Although among the residents of the capital there are legends about huge Indonesian rats living in the Moscow metro. This is just another myth, consisting of information about the discovery of a giant rodent in New Guinea and the wild imagination of the storytellers.

Despite its large size, the Bosavi rat has a friendly disposition.

The Bosavi woolly rat is officially recognized as the rodent with the maximum body size. Although just a thousand years ago, perhaps the palm would have been given to another type of giant pasyuki. Recently, during excavations in southeast Asia, archaeologists discovered the remains of ancient rats reaching a length of almost 1.5 m with a possible weight of 6 kg!!! Such giant individuals are apparently described by science fiction writers in stories about mutant rats.

The largest rats in Russia

It is very far from Russia to New Guinea, but for some reason Moscow metro drivers love to retell scary stories about huge rats the size of a large dog living in underground tunnels. These gray monsters have glowing green or red eyes, are highly aggressive and are completely immune to all known poisons.

Officially in Russia, the largest rats do not exceed 40 cm in size. Myths about mutant rats remain just that: myths.

Chilling things are far from reality, since in Russia the largest gray pasyuks, when measured from the nose to the tip of the tail, have a length of no more than 40 cm, and when measured to the base of the tail, it is even 25 cm. Therefore, all the stories about huge monster rats in Russia just a fiction.

Gray rats weigh about 400 g; they live in sewers, basements, and ground floors, feeding on food scraps in city landfills. Pasyuki can live in burrows along the banks of lakes and rivers in warm weather, invading human dwellings in winter in search of food. Predatory rodents can eat any type of food, both animal and plant origin. The invasion of gray rats frightens most people due to damage to property, aggression towards humans and dangerous infectious diseases carried by the rats.

The closest relative of gray pasyuki are black rats that live in Russian dry basements and attics. Black animals are much smaller than their counterparts and have a body length of 22 cm with a weight of 300 g. Neither black nor gray pasyuks can reach the size of a cat, much less a dog, so stories about hordes of monster rats in Russia can be taken lightly irony.

Bred in sterile laboratory conditions, they have become very popular pets. Small rodents, unlike their wild relatives, are human-oriented and have a strong attachment to their owner. Decorative rats have a developed mind, a sense of humor, the ability to empathize and laugh.

Of course, sometimes amateur rat breeders boast of photographs of large domestic rats weighing about 500 g, but these records are the result of simple obesity due to overfeeding and lack of regular physical activity.

Large closest relatives of rats

There are many wild rodents on planet Earth that resemble pasyuks in appearance. Of course, fans of horror stories often photograph relatives of rats to confirm tales of aggressive gray mutants, but these mammals have nothing to do with the genus Rattus.

The giant marsupial or Gambian rat lives in Africa; the large rodent grows up to 90 cm in length, with a body weight of up to 1.5 kg. In appearance, the smartest mammal, indeed, resembles a huge gray pasyuk, but is a close relative not to rats, but to mice.

In addition, the marsupial rat in no way belongs to the marsupial animals that have a pouch for bearing newborns. The cubs of the huge rodent are born ready for life in the external environment and live with their mother in a nest.

The name “marsupials” was given to large African animals for the large cheek pouches in which Gambian rats carry food like hamsters.

The giant rodent, like pasyuki, is an omnivore that uses fruits, vegetables, termites and snails for food. Unlike rats, the African mammal suffers from poor eyesight, which is more than compensated by a very developed sense of smell. This feature of the African rodent is successfully used by the Belgian organization AROPO, which trains smart animals in the detection skills of detecting tuberculosis and anti-personnel mines. Thanks to its high intelligence and peaceful nature, the giant marsupial rat even became a pet in southern countries.

Another large rodent that lives along the shores of African water bodies. The favorite habitat of the large cane rat is thickets of bushes near rivers and lakes, swampy places, cultivated plantations and human settlements. The fluffy mammal has a very dense build; with a height of 60 cm, it reaches a weight of up to 9 kg. The local population successfully hunts reed rats, using the animal's meat for food.

A well-fed rodent swims very well and often spends most of its time in the water. Unlike the omnivorous grass rats, cane rats are exclusively herbivores, feeding on sugar cane, corn, pumpkins, yams and elephant grass. Attacks by numerous flocks of large rodents cause serious damage to agriculture, so African farmers use pythons and mongooses that eat pests to protect their fields.

A large, furry rodent that lives in southern China, northern Burma and Thailand. The large animal grows up to 50 cm and has a body weight of up to 4 kg. The main habitat of the large mammal is burrows and long underground passages, which rodents dig with their powerful claws. The animal feeds on plant foods: bamboo roots and stems, as well as the fruits of tropical trees.

A large bamboo rat became the star of Internet videos after a Chinese resident caught a huge specimen of this species weighing 11 kg!!! But, unfortunately, this record was not recorded anywhere, and remained only in the form of an impressive photograph of a short Chinese man with a giant gray rodent in his hands.

The capybara or capybara is rightfully considered the largest rodent on the planet. Animals have a body length of 1-1.4 m with a weight of up to 65 kg. Externally, the capybara resembles a huge, well-fed guinea pig, but not a rat, so it is extremely difficult to mistake a waterfowl rodent for a huge goat. The mammal, unlike rats, has a large rounded head with a blunt muzzle, a massive overweight body with short legs with swimming membranes.

The capybara lives exclusively in countries with warm climates: Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay. Capybaras choose the banks of large rivers for their homes, but when there is a lack of food, the animals move overland over long distances. For nutrition, rodents use only plant foods. Due to their large size and tasty meat, reminiscent of pork, capybaras are bred on farms in Venezuela. Mammal skin is used to make leather goods, and the fat is used in the pharmaceutical industry.

The nutria is called the water rat for its bright orange fangs, like those of the gray pasyuki, but the nutria or otter is again not related to rats. The rodent grows up to 60 cm with a weight of 5 to 12 kg. Unlike rats, nutria have specific anatomical features due to their semi-aquatic lifestyle: swimming membranes on the hind limbs and a rounded, hard tail used as a rudder.

The huge rodent lives in bodies of standing water located along the banks of rivers, lakes and swamps. The mammal eats reeds, water lilies and water chestnuts, but if there is a lack of food, it will not refuse leeches or mollusks.

Nutria is bred in fur farms to obtain valuable warm fur and meat. Recently, furry animals have begun to be kept as pets.

With a very big stretch, beavers, raccoons, mongooses and all other furry mammals can be classified as rats, if desired. But we repeat once again, these animals are not even distant relatives of pasyuks. Therefore, common tales about huge gray mutants with glowing eyes attacking people are just a figment of human imagination. Rats have nothing to do with it.

Video: mutant rats in the subway

The largest rats in the world

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Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

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Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, animals.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from