
How to eat goji berries to lose weight? Goji berries: benefits and harms for our body, how and when to take Goji correctly, how to drink


The popularity of goji fruits is largely due to our ineradicable desire to find a cure for all diseases. No, of course, there is no absolute panacea for ailments, but the fruits of Chinese wolfberry are really unique and can be successfully used to treat a variety of ailments. But not everyone knows how to take goji berries to achieve the maximum effect. Let's try to fix the situation.

Goji fruits are cultivated in the foothills of Tibet and in China. The people called them the fruit of youth or goutsi. Red-coral, juicy berries, when dried, become similar to raisins. They have an original sweet-sour taste with a slight hint of salt.

Goji fruits can only be purchased from us in dried form or in the form of an extract (in powder or liquid).
Nutritionists recommend eating 25-50 g of berries per day - this is about a full teaspoon / tablespoon. This amount of goji is enough to maintain the health of the whole body and preserve youth.

You can use dry berries in different ways: brew with tea, add to cereals and second courses, sprinkle desserts or ice cream with chopped product. Some housewives have adapted to put healthy and tasty goji in pastries. If there is no time or desire to cook, the fruits can be eaten just like that, using them for a snack.

No less popular is goji extract. In encapsulated form, the drug is used as prescribed in the instructions, and in liquid form, it is diluted with 50 ml of the product with water and taken before breakfast.

goji berries for weight loss

The first to pay attention to the fruits of wolfberry were overweight people. Indeed, why exhaust yourself with workouts and diets if you can lose weight effortlessly. Why did the berries of overweight people attract so much?

Conducted in 2013–2014 studies have shown that goji affects the hormonal background, stimulating the production of growth hormone. How does it help you lose weight? Very simple. While we are young, the body itself produces a sufficient amount of somatotropin, which helps burn fat and maintain weight. With age, this ability fades away, and this is where goji berries come to the rescue.

One of the advantages of Chinese raisins is a low glycemic index (GI) - only 29 units. The indicator helps to determine how quickly food is broken down and converted into glucose, that is, the lower the index, the slower the product is absorbed, while providing a longer feeling of satiety.

Thus, the use of goji helps to reduce the body's need for fatty and high-calorie foods, reduces cravings for sweets and pastries, which helps to lose a few extra pounds.

Another important factor for weight loss is the high fiber content in youth berries. Vegetable fibers swell in the stomach and delay the feeling of hunger, while improving intestinal motility and speeding up evacuation.

Of course, with the help of fruits alone, it is unlikely that it will be possible to reduce weight, but in combination with diet and sports exercises, the effect will be very worthy. If you use a healthy product correctly, you can lose 3-4 extra pounds in a month.

How long to take berries and in what dosage?

If you want to reduce weight more radically, then the duration of the course will have to be increased to 3-4 months, leaving the same dosage.

When is the best time to eat berries?

For weight loss in a short time, the daily portion of fruits (50 g) is recommended to be divided into three parts and consumed according to the following scheme:

  • eat the first share 30-40 minutes before breakfast in its pure form;
  • take the next part at lunch, mixed with food;
  • use the remaining portion after dinner, but no later than 18.00 hours.

Such a division will allow you to feel full all day long, without experiencing the agonizing desire to have a sweet or baked snack.


Goji fruits have few contraindications, but they exist. The following stand out in particular:

  • individual intolerance to Chinese berries;
  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • predisposition to diarrhea;
  • poor blood clotting.

Advice. Chinese fruits should not be consumed by people with a reaction to orange fruits and vegetables. With a high degree of probability, there may be a concomitant allergy to goji berries.

As for the use of berries during pregnancy and breastfeeding, there is no consensus. Most experts believe that the fruits can benefit both the mother and the child. Opponents argue that selenium contained in Chinese raisins can adversely affect the development of the baby.

How to Brew Dried Goji Berries

Dried goji berries go on sale ready to eat - they do not need to be washed and further processed. Despite the fact that gouqi is used in a variety of ways, tea or a decoction of the fruit is considered the most effective. This is explained by the fact that Chinese raisins give nutrients to water well, and the liquid is easily absorbed by the body.

Alternatively, goji can be simply soaked, and then eaten and washed down with infusion.

How to brew fruits?

How to brew goji? There is no single recipe for creating drinks. You can cook them in different ways, but you should follow some rules:

  • sugar, honey and other sweets should not be added to the resulting tea;
  • it is not recommended to brew dried goji berries with boiling water. The optimum water temperature is 90–95 degrees (white key);
  • drinks should be prepared in glass, ceramic or porcelain dishes. Metal for these purposes is unsuitable.

Properly brewing goji is a great art. Berries go well with any kind of tea leaf, except green. Especially delicious is a decoction prepared with herbs.

What is the right way to drink goji berry drinks?

You can use teas and infusions from wolfberry fruits once a day, before breakfast, or several times a day. At the same time, it is desirable to avoid taking drinks in the evening - the fruits have a tonic effect and can cause insomnia.

Attention. If you have chronic ailments, you should consult your doctor before taking goji drinks.

How to choose and where to buy Chinese berries?

Today, dereza fruits can be found in pharmacies, on the shelves of a supermarket or a small shop, and even in the market where dried goji berries are sold by weight. However, the quality of such gouqi cannot be guaranteed. Often negligent sellers pass off less valuable barberry or dogwood as a healing product.

Advice. How not to make a mistake in choosing and buy real goji? Very simple. Buy fruits only from trusted sellers, for example, on the iHerb store website.

On the pages of the trading platform there is a huge selection of dry berries. For example, organic goji fruits from Navitas Organics, (454 g) are in great demand among buyers. The product is completely ready for use. Meaty, tasty goji with small seeds are well dried and neatly folded in a zip bag.

No less popular among adherents of a healthy lifestyle are Dragon Herbs Mountain Goji Berries, 227g. The fruits are also ready to eat. Soft, meaty and very juicy goutsies can be a little sticky, but if necessary, they are easily separated and chewed well.

A tablespoon of fruit is enough to saturate. Many consumers prefer this particular product for its sweet taste and pleasant texture.

goji berry extract

An excellent alternative to dry goji is pure fruit extract. What it is? The product is a concentrated extract from fresh goji, supplied for sale in the form of powder or juice. Goji berry extract is ideal for people who don't like the taste of dried fruit. In addition, the capsule and liquid forms are convenient for snacking on the go.

So, after a workout, it is much easier to take a protein shake with a spoonful of extract or drink a dietary supplement tablet with it than to arrange a full meal in the locker room.

Extracts are also convenient for working people who do not have the time or opportunity to use the dry product in its pure form or brew it. A spoonful of concentrate in a glass of tea will give the drink an original taste and saturate the body with essential substances.

Goji berry extract in cosmetics

Vitamins are required not only by our body, but also by the skin, especially at the approach of spring. Therefore, the extract of the wolfberry fruit has found wide application in cosmetology. Based on it, a lot of creams, masks, lotions for the face and body are prepared.

Due to the powerful antioxidant effect of the fruit, the skin before the eyes is rejuvenated, acquires a velvety and even tone, traces of fatigue and lack of sleep are erased from the face.

Advice. It is better to transfer the use of purchased goji-based cosmetics in the morning, but it is more useful to make a home-made mask with the addition of powder in the evening.

In addition to fighting the first age-related changes, wolfberry fruit extract is often used to improve young skin - the product does an excellent job with impure and enlarged pores, acne and increased sebum secretion.

Goji is also used in hair cosmetics. Shampoos and masks with extract are suitable for any type of curls, nourish the scalp and eliminate dandruff.

Especially popular are body products based on Chinese fruits. In addition to moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin, creams and gels eliminate the manifestations of cellulite, smooth and tighten tissues, and have a fat burning effect.

If you add goji powder to the anti-cellulite composition, the result of its use will improve several times.

Where to buy wolfberry extract?

A very worthy product are metered capsules from the iHerb online store. Judging by the numerous reviews, herbal preparations are of high quality and help to cope with a large number of ailments.

If you are worried about low blood pressure, loss of strength and constant weakness, pay attention to Nature's Way Goji Berries, normalized extract, capsules. Each serving contains 400 mg of pure goji fruit concentrate and 100 mg of Goji Berry powder. The product has excellent reviews and is available for purchase at this link.

Capsules from the well-known brand Doctor's Best will be a good help in the season of vitamin deficiency. One serving of the drug contains 600 mg of pure goji berry extract. Reviews say that the remedy is effective in diseases of the cardiovascular system and eyes, strengthens the immune system well and reduces the risk occurrence of cold infections.

Knowing how to properly take goji fruits, you will not only lose weight, but also improve the functioning of the intestines, improve the condition of the skin and hair, and increase immunity. However, despite the effectiveness and relative safety, you should not take Chinese fruits without consulting a doctor.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Will goji berries help to correct the weight? Useful properties and contraindications to the use of the fruits of common wolfberry are constantly becoming the subject of debate. Scientists from different countries conducted studies, during which it was confirmed that berries have a beneficial effect on the entire body. The product helps to improve metabolic processes in the body, accelerates the burning of calories, helps to lose extra pounds.

Dereza vulgaris is cultivated in the region of Tibet. The fruits ripen under the rays of the mountain sun, filled with useful trace elements. Due to its rich content, the product is included in diets and is useful for various diseases. This culture began to be grown for industrial purposes in the last century. Goji Berries is a brand name. The plant is also known by other names.

The healing properties of the fruits of the Tibetan barberry are due to their rich, multicomponent composition.

Delicious, red berries contain a huge amount of various trace elements:

  • vitamins (tocopherol, thiamine, ascorbic acid);
  • minerals (selenium, potassium, germanium, zinc);
  • amino acids (lysine, threonine, tryptophan);
  • mono- and polysaccharides;
  • phytosterols;
  • phenols.

Companies that sell goji berries sometimes make very loud statements about the benefits of this product, attributing various healing properties to them. What is it: the truth, or a publicity stunt? The positive effect of fruits on the body has been proven by numerous studies and tests.

The main effects that can be achieved with the regular use of berries:

  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • prevention of the formation of malignant tumors;
  • lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • correction of sugar concentration;
  • restoration of the functioning of the genital organs;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • strengthening immunity.

The fruits of common dereza affect the condition of the heart and blood vessels, liver and urinary organs, bone and muscle systems. The product contains components useful for brain function.

For women

Goji berries contain natural antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the health of the female body. It is especially useful to use the fruits of common wolfberry for people with hypertension. They improve mood, help normalize the functioning of the urinary tract, which are weakened during menopause. They help in cases where menstruation is accompanied by severe pain and heavy bleeding.

The components of the berries have a rejuvenating effect, slow down age-related processes, increase the body's resistance to pathogens, prevent the development of various diseases, in particular type 2 diabetes, breast and cervical cancer, Alzheimer's disease.

For men

Tibetan barberry is useful not only for women, but also for men. Not everyone knows that berries help with problems such as erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, premature ejaculation. If you include them in your diet, endurance will increase, erection will normalize, sexual desire will increase. The fruits are very nutritious, fill the body with strength and energy, therefore, it is useful to eat a handful before training, jogging. A small amount of berries will help to recover from exhausting physical exertion.

Benefits of goji berries for weight loss

The popularity of the fruits of Chinese barberry is primarily due to the fact that it helps to fight overweight, is an important component of diets that are prescribed for obesity. Due to this property, manufacturers often include wolfberry fruits in dietary supplements for weight loss.

  1. Berries contain a lot of vegetable fiber and protein, so they perfectly satisfy the feeling of the city. This is a great, low calorie snack.
  2. The product prevents metabolic failures, helps maintain normal glucose levels, improves metabolism.
  3. Fruits saturate the body with energy, as a result of which, a person’s endurance increases during fitness and sports training.
  4. Goji improves mood, helps in the fight against stress, insomnia, and this also has a positive effect on the figure.

Of course, the fruits of wolfberry will not help to cope with extra pounds if you do not adjust the diet. They are effective with an integrated approach, that is, diet, sports, an active, healthy lifestyle.

Taking goji berries for weight loss is easy. You can eat them dried, use them to make tea, cocktail, alcohol or water tincture.

How to take berries?

The way you use berries depends on your goals. If you plan to lose a few extra pounds, it is better to eat them in dried form without adding anything or make tea. If you want to improve the condition of the body, saturate it with useful trace elements, you can prepare smoothies, cocktails, add to cereals and even pies.

Tea and cocktails from wolfberries

Drinks with the addition of Goji berries are not only healthy, but also very tasty. To make tea, it is enough to pour a tablespoon of fruits in 0.5 liters of boiling water in a teapot, leave to infuse for half an hour. It is recommended to drink the remedy 2-3 times a day for half a glass.

To prepare a cocktail, you need milk, which you need to beat with a mixer, add chopped goji berries. Tasty and healthy!

Healthy goji berry tincture

This remedy is great for weight loss. Fruits can be infused on a water or alcohol basis. In the first case, you need to pour a tablespoon of berries with boiled hot water. Ready to take on an empty stomach in the morning. Alcohol tincture is best prepared with vodka. For 0.5 liters, 50 grams of berries are enough. Leave the product to infuse for 10 days in a dark place. After the expiration of time, the tincture can be consumed twice a day, 10 mg, diluted with water. The product should be stored in the refrigerator.

Application in cooking

Goji berries can be used to prepare delicious, and most importantly, healthy dishes. Due to their excellent taste, they are harmoniously combined with various products.

  • Rice porrige. For one serving, pour two tablespoons of unpolished rice with cold water, add 10 berries, put on fire. Bring the dish to a boil, reduce heat, simmer until tender. You can add spices and salt if you like.
  • Meat soup. Cut 100 grams of veal or chicken liver into small pieces, add a tablespoon of berries, cook for 40 minutes, season with chopped herbs, leave for another 10 minutes on the stove.

Children and those with a sweet tooth can enjoy ice cream with goji berries. To prepare it, you need to soften the usual creamy ice cream at room temperature, add fruits, figs, beat with a mixer. Cool the finished dish, serve, garnish with pistachios or nuts.

How to use berries - instructions

To achieve good results from the use of goji berries, certain rules should be followed. It is enough to eat 25 grams of fruits per day in any form (dried, steamed). If your goal is to lose weight, you will have to adjust the diet, exclude high-calorie foods from it, replacing it with healthy ones. Do not eat too many berries at one time, it can cause allergies.

The main contraindications to the use of Himalayan fruits:

  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • indigestion (diarrhea, flatulence).

It is impossible to combine the use of goji berries with the intake of drugs from certain pharmacokinetic groups (hypnotics, anticoagulants). Patients with diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypotension and hypertension, blood clotting disorders should consult a specialist before introducing berries into the diet.

Goji berries are a unique product, the benefits of which for the body are indispensable. The fruits of this plant are found in black and red. Berries of the first type externally have a bright orange color and grow in Tibet and Spain. However, red fruits grown in Tibet are the most beneficial for the body. Black goji are produced only in China, their shade is similar to dark purple, like currant fruits.

The ingredient will bring the greatest benefit if you learn how to properly take goji berries before using it. It is best to use dried fruits of the shrub, so you can easily avoid the side effects that are present if you eat fresh (nausea, diarrhea). The drying process helps the berry to eliminate harmful components, after which it can be used in food or taken as a medicine.

Useful composition of berries

Another name for the product is Tibetan barberry. It has a unique composition, which is extremely useful for the prevention of various diseases and, of course, in the fight against extra pounds. For example, 100 g of dried berries contain 148 mg of vitamin C, while lemon contains only 53 mg. Also, the ingredient is recommended to be used to make up for the lack of vitamins B and E.

Physalin, which is part of the fruit of the shrub, helps fight leukemia. Germanium and selenium contained in the product perform a preventive function. If you regularly eat a small amount of berries, it is easy to make up for the lack of 18 amino acids in the body, which are not found in any other plant foods (which is extremely useful for vegetarians and raw foodists). Also, goji berries are rich in beta-carotene, monosaccharides, minerals, polysaccharides, caratoniades. If you use the product regularly, the benefits for the body will be invaluable.

Unique properties

Thanks to its useful features, this product is so appreciated among many berry lovers. Its healing properties allow you to heal the body:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • lower sugar and cholesterol levels (which is especially important for diabetes);
  • strengthen the muscular system;
  • protect the liver from harmful substances and improve its functionality;
  • speed up the digestive processes;
  • remove harmful toxins from the body;
  • improve the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • improve metabolism;
  • increase immunity;
  • fruits affect the quality of vision;
  • berries have antioxidant properties;
  • the product helps to rejuvenate the body.

Goji berries, the use of which is necessary to maintain the body in good shape, contribute to effective weight loss. Such properties of fruits will help to get rid of extra pounds faster if you additionally adhere to proper nutrition and exercise.

How much can be consumed per day?

It is recommended to consume 1 teaspoon of dried fruits per day - this is approximately 10-20 g. The ways of using the product are different: it can be eaten dried, soaked in water, added to dishes and cocktails. It is recommended to wash the dried fruit before use. The easiest option is to eat a handful of berries every day, so you can protect your body from many diseases.

A great way to diversify your morning meal is to add an ingredient to breakfast cereal, cottage cheese, as well as yogurt. You can give ordinary porridge a special taste and a light note of spice by throwing Tibetan barberry into it. Those who are on a diet are advised to add goji berries to a salad, make vegetable or fruit cocktails, smoothies out of them. It is easy to prepare such dishes.

How to make tea and decoction of berries?

The easiest way to enrich the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals is to add berries to tea. So they will not lose their unique properties. There are such basic ways to prepare goji, such as:

  • When brewing black, green, white tea, add a few fruits to hot water. It is most useful to drink a drink without sugar, putting a spoonful of honey and lemon there.
  • A very tasty decoction will turn out from this component. 35 g of berries should be poured into a thermos, filling it with hot water. After the product has been infused for 30 minutes, it can be drunk. Steamed fruits will be useful to eat.
  • Those who want to lose weight should drink a decoction of Tibetan barberry: 200 ml in the morning after waking up and 200 ml before taking dinner. First you need to brew 1 tbsp. a spoonful of berries 400 ml of liquid. The unique properties of goji will contribute to weight loss if you not only drink a decoction of the fruit, but also adhere to a proper nutrition system.

Delicious and healthy salad

Pre-soaked goji berries can give a special taste to the salad. You need to add the following ingredients to the dish:

  • 2 apples;
  • 3 cups pre-peeled walnuts;
  • 3 art. spoons of fruit;
  • a small amount of seeds and pine nuts.

First you need to cut the apples in the form of cubes and, filling all the components with yogurt, mix. That's it - the salad is ready to eat!

Fruit cocktail

If you make a refreshing cocktail from the fruits of a shrub, you can easily quench your thirst in the summer (and at any other time of the year). This method is very good - the drink is obtained quickly and has a unique taste. Required Ingredients:

  • 2 kiwis;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of fruit;
  • grapefruit juice;
  • mint leaves;

By choosing the most suitable method for preparing a dish or drink from goji berries, you can easily improve your body!

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

What are goji berries and where do they grow?

For Americans and Europeans Goji berries are a fashionable novelty, but in China they have been known for several thousand years. Goji, or Chinese dereza, is also called Tibetan barberry and wolfberry. This plant from the nightshade family is a creeping shrub with soft vines hanging down, reaching a length of 3-8 meters. The fruits of the shrub are red juicy berries.

Although this plant has more than 40 varieties, it is believed that only one variety of it has miraculous properties. This variety grows on plantations in Tibet and the Himalayas at 3000 m above sea level. On the Internet, you can find information that Chinese dereza is a fairly widespread medicinal plant. In Russia, mostly wild varieties or varieties of goji grow, but in terms of their beneficial properties, they are almost in no way inferior to their exotic relative. In addition, not only the fruits are used in medicine, but also the roots and bark of the plant.

Goji is a poisonous plant! It is not recommended to pick up fresh berries: the skin, due to the strongest oxidative reaction, will immediately turn black. To pick berries, a cloth is spread on the ground under a bush and ripe fruits are knocked down with a stick, which are then dried in the shade.

Berries after drying do not pose any danger. The taste of fruits is sweet-salty, may be sour. But it's not their taste that matters. Goji berries have a unique composition.

The researchers found in them 18 amino acids (8 of which are essential), 21 minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, germanium, selenium, zinc and others), vitamins (B1, B2, B6, E, C), carotene, polysaccharides and a significant amount of other biologically active substances.

Just one tablespoon a day of these miraculous berries is enough to provide the human body with the necessary amount of all vitamins.
Juices and extracts from goji lose their medicinal properties and ability to strengthen the body.

The benefits and harms of goji berries

Useful properties of goji berries are many:
  • the beta-carotene contained in them (a precursor of vitamin A) helps to improve vision and skin condition;

  • due to the high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and iron, goji berries strengthen the immune system and are a means of preventing acute respiratory diseases; for example, lemon contains 500 times less vitamin C than goji berries;

  • berries are also used in the treatment of anemia - after all, they contain several times more iron than apples, beef liver, buckwheat, spinach and other products;

  • the adaptogens (biologically active substances) contained in the fruits improve the adaptation of the human body to the adverse effects of the environment, increase resistance to stress, improve memory and increase physical endurance;

  • antioxidants contained in fruits slow down the aging process of the body, which is why goji berries are called longevity berries;

  • the use of goji berries lowers blood sugar, so they can be used in the treatment of diabetes; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and improvement of digestion with the help of miraculous berries contributes to a small degree of weight loss - it is no coincidence that nutritionists recommend using an infusion of goji berries with any diet;
  • according to some reports, the berries have anti-cancer properties, due to the high content of selenium and germanium in them.
  • Based on the foregoing, goji fruits are recommended for regular use in diseases of the liver, kidneys, patients with hypertension and diabetes. The berries of common dereza will be useful for all unbalanced people and in general for everyone who is concerned about their own health and wants to live a full, long life.

    But longevity berries can also harm the body. First of all, this applies to allergic manifestations, because. goji berries are quite strong allergens.
    In some individuals, after eating berries, especially in large quantities, loose stools and increased gas formation may occur.

    Exceeding the dose of berries can lead to insomnia even in those individuals who have never had sleep disorders. If the use of wolfberry fruits has a sleep disturbance, then it is better to eat them in the morning.

    There are no clear studies on the interaction of goji berries and drugs, but there are reports of an increase in the effect of drugs that reduce blood pressure. Berries can interact and change the activity of drugs for the treatment of diabetes as well. Therefore, patients with hypertension and diabetes should consult a doctor about the possibility of including goji berries in the diet. Berries can increase the effect of anticoagulants (drugs that reduce blood clotting) and cause bleeding.

    The use of goji berries

    Indications for use

    Goji berries can be recommended for use in:
    • atherosclerosis and hypertension;

    • diabetes mellitus;

    • kidney and liver diseases;

    • anemia;

    • headaches and dizziness;

    • chronic fatigue and frequent stressful situations;

    • constipation (due to intestinal atony).


    There are few contraindications for taking goji berries:
    • You should not take them with individual intolerance and at high temperatures.

    • People who are allergic to vegetables and fruits that have a red, yellow or orange color, as well as people with a tendency to diarrhea, should also refrain from eating berries.

    • It is not recommended to give berries to children under 3 years old.

    You should not rush to use the fruits of common dereza for malignant tumors. This is explained by the fact that malignant diseases develop against the background of a serious malfunction in the immune system. Therefore, the stimulating effect on the immune system that goji berries have can have a negative impact on the course of the disease. Before you start eating berries, you need to discuss this issue with your doctor.

    Opinions about the possibility of using goji berries during pregnancy and breastfeeding are ambiguous. Supporters of the widespread use of berries recommend that pregnant women consume berries as a source of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. And nutritionists recommend a very cautious approach to such advice, referring to the fact that berries contain a large amount of selenium, which can lead to a delay in the development of the child.

    How to take goji berries?

    Goji berries can be obtained in our country most often in dried form. A handful of berries can provide the body with all the necessary substances. Berries are consumed in different ways: simply in dry form, adding to yogurt, cocktails, ice cream, meat dishes, pastries, or brewing tea with berries.

    In dry form, eat 15-45 g 1 time per day.
    To prepare tea (infusion) with goji berries, you need to take 1 tbsp. dry berries, pour them with 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes. The prepared healing drink should be drunk 0.5 cup 2-3 times a day. Berries from the infusion can be simply eaten, or can be added to soup or porridge.

    goji berries for weight loss

    It is unlikely that anyone will be able to lose a few extra pounds only with the help of goji. Fruits will only help if the use of tea with goji berries (without sugar) is combined with diet and exercise.

    The main merit of the healing drink is that it will favorably affect the metabolism and increase vitality. It is because of the effect of normalizing metabolism and normalizing digestion that goji is recommended to be used for weight loss. This effect leads rather not to weight loss, but to its normalization: thin people gain weight and overweight people lose weight.

    But we must not forget that you can lose weight when you follow a diet selected by a nutritionist and do not forget about sports training. It will not be possible to reduce weight if you drink chocolates with a healing drink. But in any case, goji tea will give strength and improve mood.

    Recipe for weight loss: 1 tablespoon of goji berries pour 400 g of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Divide the drink into 2 times and drink half on an empty stomach in the morning, and the other half before bed at night.

    The effect of reducing appetite

    High-calorie sweet and starchy foods do not have much nutritional value, but trigger a hormonal response leading to increased appetite.

    How does this happen?

  1. You absorb sweets and starchy foods and the body quickly absorbs sugar into the blood;

  2. The blood sugar level rises;

  3. Because of this, the pancreas abruptly releases a large amount of insulin into the blood;

  4. Sugar levels drop rapidly;

  5. You again feel the need to refresh yourself - "drink some tea with sweets";

  6. Everything is repeated in a circle.
Therefore, if you eat something sweet, it should be natural, have a high nutritional value and a low glycemic index.

Glycemic index of goji and other products:

  • Goji- 29

  • Apple - 38

  • Orange - 42

  • Banana - 25

  • Raisins - 64

  • Watermelon - 72
In addition, berries are a source of dietary fiber and chromium, which help to effectively control blood sugar levels.


Despite the fact that only the berries themselves have healing properties, and not extracts from them or juice, people use goji berries both in the form of wine and in the form of tinctures.

The most common recipes for healing drinks:

Goji berries, due to their composition, have long gained fame as an excellent means for losing weight, although it is rather a means for establishing the proper functioning of the body as a whole. Losing weight with the use of goji berries has undeniable advantages:

  • weight loss without diets, which are always stressful for the body;
  • weight loss on natural products, without the use of chemicals.

The principle of operation of goji berries is that, on the one hand, cholesterol decreases in the body due to the beta-sitosterol contained in them, and in addition they significantly reduce the feeling of hunger, and on the other hand, they contribute to the breakdown of fats, due to the fact that they contain 18 types of amino acids .

And fats are known to be decoupled into water and energy, which is why people who consume these berries not only lose weight, but also feel full of energy. There is a certain rule in the consumption of goji berries - they must be taken correctly.

How to take goji berries

Goji berries tune the body to the right wave as a whole, but as practice shows, they are mainly taken, after all, for the purpose of losing weight.

Firstly, those who want to lose weight, therefore, need to understand and accept that all the extra pounds will not go away in a couple, three days, especially if there are a lot of them, and they have been going for more than one year, although on the other hand, the first results will not force wait a long time.

Secondly, the effect of taking berries will be clearer and faster if you combine it with proper nutrition, namely proper nutrition, and not a diet. Not superfluous will be exercises that contribute to weight loss and maintaining muscles in order.

The thing is that these berries are rich in protein, moreover, vegetable protein in 100 gr. berries contain 10.6 gr. protein, and it forms muscle mass that can burn fat even at rest.

goji berries instructions

Goji berries are eaten, you can drink a decoction from them, you can add them to dishes. There is one important point - if you have not used these berries before, then first try to eat a small amount of berries, if there are no side effects within 2 or -3 days, then you can safely increase their number.

How to brew / steam goji berries

There are various recipes for making drinks from goji berries, in addition, these berries are brewed as a tea with other herbs and ingredients. This combination gives excellent results not only in weight loss, but also in improving health and well-being.

Since there is a daily intake of berries, for example, for an adult, it is from 30 to 40 berries per day, in extreme cases, 50 berries. For children and pregnant women, the norm is 1/3 of the norm of an adult, then, to brew tea or a drink, follows from the calculation of this number of berries.

For example, if, in addition to tea or a drink, you still add them somewhere, then the number of berries is taken for brewing from the calculation - the daily norm minus the berries added to the food or eaten, because after the tea or drink is drunk, the berries are still eaten. How to prepare a drink?

To brew a drink from goji berries alone, you need 15-20 gr. berries pour boiling water - 500 ml and leave for 20 to 30 minutes.

You can also brew tea with ginger and goji berries. 1 st. a spoonful of grated ginger and 5-8 berries are poured with boiling water and infused for at least 20 minutes, if you want to get a stronger drink, then you need to insist longer.

Tea with cinnamon and goji berries is brewed in several ways:

  • add cinnamon to the brewed drink from berries;
  • to a cinnamon stick and berries - 5-8 pcs. add boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes.

How to drink goji berries

Goji berries are good to combine with many herbs that help cleanse the body or burn fat. Here you can include cloves, cassia leaves and lingonberries and, of course, with the addition of lemon juice. You can brew berries with regular tea.

But brewing berries or tea with them is half the battle. You need to know how to drink these teas and decoctions.

A decoction of goji berries alone should be drunk warm, 0.5 cup 2-3 times a day. There is no need to add sugar to it, but honey will not hurt. It is best to take this drink 30 minutes before a meal.

Firstly, it will significantly reduce appetite, which in turn will not allow you to eat a large portion, and secondly, it will contribute to the rapid absorption of food and rapid cleansing of the body.

How to eat goji berries

To begin with, goji berries are not eaten fresh, but only in the form of dried fruits. Since the taste of fresh berries is quite specific, which is fully justified by their second name - a berry with five tastes.

Therefore, before the goji berries reach the consumer, they are pre-harvested, then dried, and after that they are ready for consumption. It should also be noted here that these berries can be eaten in various variations, not only as dried fruits, but they are also good as an additive to cereals and even to first courses.

How to cook goji berries

Goji berries are widely used to prepare many dishes, they are even used in baking, but if they are used for the purpose of losing weight, then it is better to forget about baking. If you want to cook some dishes with berries, first you need to soak them for a couple of hours, and only then start cooking.

Goji berries are added to soups, such as soup with chicken giblets and goji berries. It is prepared from chicken offal, potatoes and goji berries. Boiled like a regular soup, goji berries are added along with potatoes and boiled until the potatoes are ready.

These miracle berries are added to cereals, for example, they and dried apricots can be added to milk rice porridge, it must be added at the end of cooking, and then insist 30 minutes, after which it can be served. You can see that goji berries recipes are very diverse.

You can add them to stew or mushrooms, all recipes for cooking dishes with goji berries have one thing in common - the dish is cooked as usual, and goji berries that have been soaked are added 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking.

Goji berries came to us from Tibet, it was Tibetan healers who compiled recipes for treatment and healing 5 thousand years ago, which are still widely used in folk, and often in traditional Chinese medicine.

Perhaps that is why the people of China are distinguished by endurance, good health and lack of excess weight. Goji berries, given all their healing properties, can be called a gift from the gods, and if this gift has already been presented, then, of course, they should be used.

Harm of goji berries

It is worth using this product with special care, as there are a number of contraindications that you should know about in advance. For example, an overdose can cause problems such as insomnia and high blood pressure.

If you have problems with sleep, then you should try to take the product only in the morning to avoid insomnia and overwork.

Goji berries in diabetes can be harmful to health if you do not know the contraindications. People with diabetes should reconsider the dosage of tea leaves for berries, since for them it should be several times less.

If you are sometimes worried about high blood pressure and you take some drugs for it, as well as medicines for diabetics, then goji can interact with them. Therefore, you should first consult with your doctor as a matter of urgency.