
How to refuse revenge? Why you may regret taking revenge later Why taking revenge is not the best solution

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The desire for revenge plunges a person into the quagmire of evil, meanness, cunning and cruelty, replacing simple human feelings and joys, ordinary daily activities with a bad evil fever, poisoning every day and every hour, forcing him to come up with more and more sophisticated ways of delivering evil to the one against whom all forces are directed. and all the energy.

A person subordinates his life and destiny to one goal - to receive compensation, to gain pleasure or satisfaction from doing evil.

Let him do it in response to the evil that was done to him, but this is not an excuse. If a person does not want to be a link in the relay race of evil, he must learn to forgive, otherwise he will dry up his own soul, lose the correct idea of ​​​​what is good and what is bad, and will sink lower than the one to whom he takes revenge.

Usually, revenge completely deprives a person of peace, destroys his inner world and subjugates him to his will. A person who wants revenge forgets about kindness, generosity and focuses only on his wounded feelings and anger.

This prevents the avenger from being objective and fair, although it is justice that he supposedly seeks. But the desire for revenge usually blinds and the justice of such a person becomes cloudy and devoid of common sense.

In literature, the Avengers are very often portrayed in a romantic way and are shown as positive heroes. This is precisely the main character of Pushkin’s story “Dubrovsky” - a young nobleman who became a robber to avenge the injustice and death of his father, but without losing his nobility and generosity.

Although his personal life collapses due to revenge. However, there are also negative examples, like the character of another story by Alexander Sergeevich - Alexei Shvabrin, who, wanting revenge, becomes a scoundrel and a scoundrel.

Revenge can be different, sometimes it is impossible not to justify the avenging person, life develops in such a way that it can be understood, especially in times of war, or in peacetime in modern society, where there is often no hope for justice.

But revenge most often, regardless of what a person takes revenge for and how, destroys the soul, just as the period of time preceding revenge destroys the soul. If a person nevertheless decided to take revenge, it means that he was never able to forgive, calm down, or begin to live his normal life, and not a life dedicated to revenge.

In literature we see examples of how revenge destroys the soul and life. In The Captain's Daughter, Shvabrin's soul and fate are destroyed due to his completely unworthy and vile revenge; in Dubrovsky, the main character lost love because of revenge, which, in principle, can be justified by putting oneself in his place.

Revenge is a disgusting quality that is inherent in vile people. It affects life in a direct way - a person becomes bilious - he is disgusted by others. Generosity is a trait of the strong, when you move on no matter what. And those who are nearby. Therefore, the best option is generosity, which should not be confused with weakness. All the best! Be better than yesterday!

The desire to take revenge turns into an obsession that does not allow you to live in peace and poisons your life. Revenge is a trait inherent in people who cannot forgive. Only a strong-willed person can forgive an offense.

Literature is full of examples of both generous and vengeful heroes. Some we, as readers, can take as an example, while others are clear illustrations of what not to do. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” also contains such opposite characters, capable of atrocities and revenge or goodness and generosity.

  1. (Revenge is useless and leads to bad consequences) Raskolnikov’s crime can be called a kind of revenge. He is tormented by social injustice, that the extremely repulsive old money-lender, for all her wealth, is unusually greedy, and poor people live in poverty. Thinking through and analyzing the theory of “trembling creatures with rights,” the hero nevertheless decides to challenge the current situation. However, his means to achieve his goal are robbery and murder, so no good came of his so-called revenge - the hero only conscientiously experienced what he had done, not knowing how not to go crazy. Revenge most often implies cruelty, therefore, even to achieve a fair result, you should not resort to atrocities: the taste of a well-deserved victory will not be so sweet, but rather only spoiled by the bitter taste of revenge.
  2. (The power of generosity and its role in human relationships) Thanks to the positive qualities of other characters, Dostoevsky's novel is painted in bright colors. Sonechka Marmeladova, having learned about Rodion Raskolnikov’s act, did not give up on the hero. On the contrary, the girl sincerely wanted to save the soul of the poor young man, so she advised him to repent of his crime. Sonya even reads to Raskolnikov the legend of the resurrection of Lazarus with the hope of the revival of a new life. Realizing that Raskolnikov regrets the murder, she sympathizes with him, not leaving him without support. Sonya's immense love for people and responsiveness were able to pull Rodion out of a terrible abyss. Thus, the author emphasizes the power of generosity, which can save the human soul.
  3. (Generous people often fall victim to rigidity; this quality does not bring happiness) Unfortunately, even kind and compassionate people can face unfair revenge and cruelty. Often they become innocent victims of the situation, as happened with Sonya Marmeladova. At her father's wake, Luzhin, Dunya Raskolnikova's failed fiancé, put a hundred rubles in the girl's pocket in order to later accuse her of theft. Luzhin had nothing specifically against Sonya: thus, he only wanted to take revenge on Raskolnikov for kicking him out of the apartment. Knowing that Rodion had a great attitude towards Sonya, Luzhin took advantage of the situation, but Lebezyatnikov saved Marmeladov’s daughter from slander. The hero's revenge was not successful; everyone was only convinced of his immorality.
  4. You can fight for justice without revenge. Investigator Porfiry Petrovich is very talented in his field, and he guessed about Raskolnikov’s crime long before his confession. Having no evidence against the main character, he tried to psychologically bring Rodion into the open. After reading Raskolnikov’s article, his fainting and indignation that the investigator is playing with him instead of acting according to form, Porfiry Petrovich is only convinced of his intuition: “It’s no longer possible to give yourself away.” However, Porfiry pushed Raskolnikov to confess not in order to make his work easier, or to somehow take revenge on the criminal with real punishment. On the contrary, he did this out of deep generosity and compassion, because turning himself in can mitigate the hero’s punishment. Porfiry Petrovich is a man for whom justice is not an empty phrase, but in his work he compassionately shows generosity towards the suffering Raskolnikov.
  5. (The price of generosity, an example of a generous person) Showing generosity is not an easy task; sometimes you have to give up what you want and make concessions. The Raskolnikov family lived very poorly, and in order to get out of their difficult situation, Rodion’s sister Dunya was going to marry the calculating businessman Luzhin. Raskolnikov understood that his sister was doing this not out of love, but out of a desire to help their mother and Rodion himself. Not resigning himself to this situation, the main character insists on terminating the engagement: he understood that it would be in Luzhin’s interests to reproach Dunya and command his future wife, because he saved her from poverty. Dunya was ready to do this, which speaks of her care and desire to help her family. But, fortunately, Rodion here also turns out to be not stingy with generosity, and does not allow his sister to ruin her life. Being generous is not so easy; for this you need to be ready for self-sacrifice. In addition, it is equally important that the people for whom one makes concessions appreciate it.
  6. (Can revenge be fair? Revenge of fate) Svidrigailov is the embodiment of Raskolnikov’s theory. At first glance, he is not bothered by pangs of conscience, but he is guilty of more than one death. But, if judicial punishments never overtook the hero, this does not mean that Svidrigailov was not avenged by fate. Arkady Ivanovich himself admits to Raskolnikov that ghosts come to him, which means that the character feels his own guilt. Revenge can be fair and committed not by man, but by fate, this is exactly what Svidrigailov expected. For everything he had done, the hero was avenged by an unfortunate fate - he was left without support, as a result of which he could not stand it and committed suicide.
  7. The generosity of friends can help anyone out in difficult times. Having committed the long-awaited crime, Raskolnikov can no longer behave as usual, although he tries to avert any suspicion from himself. The murder of the old pawnbroker did not save him from poverty, because the hero, in the pangs of conscience and fear, got rid of everything stolen. His friend Razumikhin repeatedly comes to Rodion’s aid, noticing that something strange is happening to his friend. Comrade is not limited to material assistance. When Raskolnikov realizes that he is ashamed to be with his mother and sister, he asks Razumikhin to be with them and support his family. Rodion could completely rely on his friend, and he generously supported Raskolnikov as best he could.
An essay on this text (level “C” assignment) 1. Introduction (2-3 sentences leading to the topic of the text under review). 2. The problem raised in the text 3. Comment 4. The author’s position 5. The student’s position on the problem raised in the text (agreement, disagreement, partial disagreement, dual or contradictory assessment). 6. Arguments confirming or refuting the author’s position (the student gives at least two arguments, based on his life and (or) reading experience). 7. Conclusion (1-2 sentences should complete the essay and connect it with the source text). Speech samples How to start an essay You can start: 1) with brief information about the author, about his work, if this is relevant to the text. For example: K. G. Paustovsky (M. M. Prishvin) is one of the amazing masters of artistic expression, his works instill in us a reverent attitude towards nature, the ability to see beauty in the world around us. So the text I read takes me to or But to In this text, the author plays the unexpected role of a philosopher and reflects on the “mirror” connection between man and nature. 2) from a long series of homogeneous members of a sentence with a generalizing word (abstract nouns that denote concepts related to the topic of the text are most often used as homogeneous members). For example: Faith, hope, love (loyalty, devotion, friendship, mutual assistance, mercy, etc.) - without these moral categories it is impossible to imagine a person’s spiritual life. A well-known modern publicist in his article shares with readers his thoughts that... 3) from two to three rhetorical questions leading to the topic or main idea of ​​the text (in questions it is appropriate to use antonym words). For example: In our age of contradictions and social upheavals, how can one not forget how to distinguish true from false? How to understand what has a beneficial effect on the soul, and what corrupts and destroys it? How to distinguish culture from “pseudoculture”? He reflects on these complex philosophical problems in his article... 4) with his thoughts on the problem raised by the author. For example: I have thought more than once that the most important concepts in life can be very difficult to explain in words. Love, faith, happiness - it is impossible to live without these moral categories, and it is not so easy to “define” them. In this text, the author proposes to reflect on the role... Comments- The text says (narrates, describes, the author reflects, argues, etc.) about... - In a short article, the author touches on several important problems:... - In the text under review, one can note a high “density of thought”: the author speaks not only about..., but also about.... The author achieves such semantic capacity with the help of.... - The author does not formulate the main idea of ​​his article, but with the whole course of reasoning he leads us to the conclusion: .... - After reading the text, I came to a conclusion (I understood, I came to a conclusion, I understood the author’s position). - The content of the text is much broader than its topic. Talking about..., the author means... How to comment on the author's position
Speech samples for commenting on the author's position
OK Neutral position (statement of facts) Blame, condemnation
The author admires...; amazed..., surprised...; as if inviting him to admire with him...; watches with interest...; admiring (something), creates a verbal picture; like a good friend and wise adviser, the author talks to us about The author reflects on...; as if he invites the reader to dialogue...; shares his thoughts, observations...; poses an important, topical problem to readers...; tries to explain complex philosophical concepts (complex life concepts), etc. The author writes with pain in his heart that...; speaks bitterly about... the author is indignant...; the author cannot put up with that...; writes with bitter irony about...; The author ends his emotional, excited reasoning with an equally alarming conclusion...

b) S. Soloveichik shares with readers his thoughts that faith is “the most important function of the soul.” The author unobtrusively, without excessive edification, proves that without this “transmission mechanism” between the mind and heart, the soul of a person will “dry up.”

Workshop: “Writing an essay”

Lesson No. 1. How to work with text when writing an essay?

There are many techniques that will help us with our essay writing. We offer one of the options for preparatory work with the text.

I. Read the text (see Educational and training options. Option No. 15).

(1) Holding a pitchfork in his hand, M Aria threw back the manhole cover and stepped back. (2) On the earthen floor of the cellar, leaning against such a tub, sat a living German soldier. (3) For some elusive moment, Maria noticed that the German was frightened of her, and realized that he was unarmed.

(4) Hatred and hot, blind malice overwhelmed Maria, squeezed her heart, and rushed to her throat with nausea. (5) A scarlet fog obscured her eyes, and in this thin fog she saw a silent crowd of farmers, and Ivan swinging on a poplar branch, and Feni’s bare feet hanging on the poplar. and a black noose on Vasyatka’s child’s neck, and their fascist executioners, dressed in gray uniforms with black ribbon on the sleeves. (6) Now here, in her, Mary’s, cellar, lay one of them, a half-crushed, unfinished bastard, dressed in the same gray uniform, with the same black ribbon on the sleeve, on which the same alien, incomprehensible, hooked letters were silver. ..

(7) Here is the last step. (8) Maria stopped. (9) She took another step forward, the German boy moved.

(10) Maria raised her pitchfork high, turned away slightly so as not to see the terrible thing she had to do, and at that moment she heard a quiet, strangled cry that seemed like thunder to her:

Mother! Ma-a-ma!..

(11) A weak cry, like many red-hot knives, dug into Maria’s chest, pierced her heart, and the short word “mother” made her shudder with unbearable pain. (12) Maria dropped the pitchfork, her legs went sideways. (13) She fell to her knees and, before losing consciousness, she saw very close the boy’s light blue eyes, wet with tears...

(14) She woke up from the touch of the wounded man’s wet hands. (15) While choking with sobs, he stroked her palm and said something in his own language, which Maria did not know. (16) But from the expression of his face, from the movement of his fingers, she understood that the German was talking about himself: that he did not kill anyone, that his mother was the same as Maria, a peasant woman, and his father had recently died near the city of Smolensk, that himself. Having barely finished school, he was mobilized and sent to the front; he had never been in a single battle, he only brought food to the soldiers.

(17) Maria cried silently. (18) The death of her husband and son, the hijacking of the peasants and the death of the farm, martyrdom days and nights in the corn field - everything that she experienced in her severe loneliness broke her. and she wanted to cry out her grief, to tell about it to a living person, the first person she had met in all the last days. (19) And although this man was dressed in the gray, hated uniform of the enemy, he was seriously wounded, and also turned out to be just a boy and - apparently - could not have been a murderer. (20) And Maria was horrified that just a few minutes ago, holding a sharp pitchfork in her hands and blindly obeying the feeling of anger and revenge that gripped her, she could kill him herself. (21) After all, only the holy word “mother”, that prayer that this unfortunate boy put into his quiet, choking cry, saved him.

(22) With a careful touch of her fingers, Maria unbuttoned the German’s bloody shirt, tore it slightly, exposing her narrow chest. (23) There was only one wound on her back, and Maria realized that the second fragment of the bomb did not come out, but lodged somewhere in her chest.

(24) She squatted down next to the German and, supporting his hot head with her hand, gave him milk. (25) Without letting go of her hand, the wounded man sobbed.

(26) And Maria understood, could not help but understand, that she was the last person whom the German doomed to death sees in his life, that in the bitter and solemn hours of his farewell to life, in her, in Maria, lies everything that else connects him with people - mother, father, sky, sun, native German land, trees, flowers, the whole huge and beautiful world, which is slowly leaving the consciousness of the dying man. (27) And his thin, dirty hands stretched out to her, and his fading gaze full of prayer and despair - Maria understood this too - express the hope that she is able to defend his passing life, to drive away death...

(According to V. Zakrutkin)

  1. Find key phrases that will help you identify the problem raised by the author in the text and his position.

Write down these phrases, for example:

  1. ...hatred and blind malice...
  2. ...a weak scream pierced the chest with many knives...
  3. ...after all, only the sacred word “mother”...
  4. ... sat down next to me... gave me milk...
  1. Analyze your notes. Think about what problem the author raises in the text you read. Formulate and write down this problem, for example:Revenge or renunciation?
  2. Determine the author’s position, that is, his opinion regarding the problem raised. From the fifth sentence of the text it is clear that the desire to take revenge is a feeling that is difficult to resist. This is one of the author’s views, but gradually he leads the reader to the idea that a defeated enemy has the right to humane treatment. Make a note indicating the author's position.

V. Decide whether you agree with the author's opinion. Or maybe him
point of view is not acceptable to you? Remember the artistic
works or real-life incidents that will help you prove
your point of view and write them down.

  1. Think about what kind of introduction you can use. The most advantageous is the analytical introduction. It immediately declares you as a person who knows how to think logically and competently. The essence of such an introduction comes down to an analysis of the central concept of the topic of the essay.
  2. Make a plan. Try to make it detailed and help you write your essay. For example:


  1. What is revenge?

Main part:

  1. A short word "mother"...
  2. Mary's humanistic choice.
  3. My attitude to the author's position.


I) Revenge or refusal to take revenge is a choice that each of us may face.

VIII. Based on the plan, write an essay.

Here is a sample of such an essay. Of course, it may be completely different for you. It all depends on your point of view and your reading and life experiences.


1) What is revenge?

Insulted human dignity and cruelty can cause a response - revenge. What is revenge? This is the deliberate infliction of evil in order to repay an insult or insult. But not everything is so simple, because revenge is the most complex and contradictory phenomenon in the life of society.

Main part

  1. “Kill the murderer” “in the name of the highest justice.”

Revenge or refusal to take revenge - this is the main problem of the text I read.

“A scarlet fog obscured her eyes, and in this thin fog she saw... Ivan swinging on a poplar branch, and Feni’s bare feet hanging on the poplar, and a black noose on Vasyatka’s childish neck.” After reading this sentence, I understand that the author considers the desire to avenge the death of loved ones to be a feeling that is difficult to resist. And his heroine raises a pitchfork...

  1. A short word "mother"...

But at the last moment Maria hears a strangled cry: “Mom!” Why did the author put this particular word into the mouth of a wounded German? Of course, this was not done by accident. Screaming like that can only lead to deathscared boy. At the same time, Maria, hearing the word “mother”, understands that in front of her is a helpless person who needs help.

  1. Mary's humanistic choice.

And the heroine makes a choice. And this choice coincides with the position of the author: a defeated, and therefore no longer dangerous, enemy has the right to humane attitude.

  1. My attitude to the author's position.

This position has been close to me since the time when I read L. N. Tolstoy’s book “War and Peace.”

Russian soldiers warm and feed Rambal and Morel. and they, hugging them, sing a song. And it seems that the stars are happily whispering to each other. Perhaps they admire the nobility of the Russian soldiers, who chose compassion for the defeated enemy instead of revenge.

This is also the position of the writer Grossman in the work “Life and Fate”. Yes, war brings death. But even during a war, a person can overcome the desire to take revenge on a former enemy who is unarmed and suffering.


1) Revenge or refusal to take revenge is a choice that each of us may face.

However, it is worth noting that the problem of revenge is not only associated with military events and exists not only in the adult world. Revenge or non-revenge is a choice that each of us may face. In this regard, I remember V. Soloukha’s story on “The Avenger”. In the soul of the hero-narrator there is a struggle between the desire to take revenge and the reluctance to beat a trusting friend. As a result, he manages to break the vicious circle, and his soul becomes easy.

So to take revenge or not to take revenge? I think that a defeated, resigned enemy should be forgiven, remembering that “to dry one tear is more valor than to shed a whole sea of ​​blood.”

IX. Remove plan points from the text of the essay. Re-read the essay. Make sure that we have a logically connected text of the essay and that we were able to prove our ideas and formulate a conclusion. Check the literacy of the text you wrote.