
How long to feed your baby breast milk. Until what age should a child be fed breast milk? Duration of breastfeeding


A nursing mother needs to think through and take into account many details if she is going to breastfeed for a long time. Experienced consultants advise:

There is currently a lot of misinformation out there for breastfeeding moms about breastfeeding. Such misinformation often has negative social pressure, various factors that can undermine a mother's decision and desire to breastfeed her baby.

When a mother still feeds her baby with her milk, no matter what, even after a year, she often hears many different “horror stories” about the dangers of breastfeeding for “big” children.

Such a negative attitude is nothing more than a cost of the twentieth century. About a hundred years ago it was normal to feed children with mother's milk until the age of 2-3 years. Our great-grandmothers know that this is the best anti-conception remedy (after all, the hormone “”, which is responsible for milk production, suppresses ovulation). Since about the 30-40s of the twentieth century, the ideal of a woman is a shock worker on the labor front, and not at all a caring mother and wife, so the ability to feed a child for a long time has decreased.

In the 50s of the twentieth century, maternity leave to care for a newborn lasted 1 month. As a result, the lack of breastfeeding has led to a deterioration in the health of the younger generation. My health, both physical and psychological, suffered. After all, children are at great risk for problems associated with adolescence, difficulties and problems in “building” family life, as well as depression if they “don’t know” their mother’s breasts.

That is why the World Health Organization began to pay close attention to breastfeeding issues. Many different studies have been conducted on the composition of human milk, as well as a collection of materials on the effect of breastfeeding on the development of the baby. Many useful manuals have been written, both for health workers and brochures for mothers.

“10 steps for successful breastfeeding” - tips and recommendations that were developed jointly with UNICEF (this is the UN Children's Fund). Also, in maternity hospitals, favorable conditions are created and maintained to help improve the lactation process (Baby-Friendly Hospital).

Many false myths about breastfeeding have been debunked. It has now been announced that the minimum duration of breastfeeding in a child’s life is 2 years. The strongest evidence in favor of long-term breastfeeding, for both baby and mother, is that there is no harm, as evidenced by science.

If you know about harm, ask experts for confirmation from scientific studies. We can say with confidence that no one will provide them to you, since there is no medically confirmed data on the negative effects of breastfeeding after a year.

Breastfeeding AFTER A YEAR

If you have heard the opinion that after a year there are no useful substances in breast milk, know that this is a myth. Research and its results indicate the opposite. The fat content of mother's milk increases 2-3 times after a year of feeding.

With the growth and development of the baby, the number of antibodies and the content of immunoglobulin A constantly increases.

The level of those substances that are responsible for the development of the gastrointestinal tract in a child also increases. 448 ml of mother's milk in the second year of a child's life provides his needs: 29% for energy, 36% for calcium, 43% for protein, 75% for vitamin A. 76% of the needs for acid derivatives are met folic (folate), 94% - in vitamin B12, 60% - in vitamin C.

There is evidence of the positive effect of prolonged breastfeeding on the child’s intelligence level: the greatest achievements were noted in children who were fed the longest.

Also, the duration of breastfeeding is associated with the successful social adaptation of 6-8 year old children when they go to school. Infants who are older than one year are less likely to suffer from allergies. The immunity of such children is more stable, and the recovery period, in case of illness, is shorter than that of peers who do not receive mother’s milk.

With the last change in milk composition, the breasts “prepare” for the cessation of feeding. Thus, it is protected from infections and restores its shape as before pregnancy. The child’s body is also being prepared, namely, the functional systems (immune, nervous, endocrine and others) for parting with mother’s milk.

At the age of a child from 1.5 to 2.5 years, involution of lactation may occur.

Natural feeding. What does it look like after a year?

Women who have not fed their baby or have fed for a short time usually imagine the following picture when they hear the words “breastfeeding”: the mother, seeing the clock, understands that it is time to feed the baby. She takes the baby in her arms and gives her breast, settling down in a secluded place. Then the breast is removed and the remaining milk is expressed.

They imagine such a baby as a newborn, and not an “adult” child of 2-3 years old, who already speaks and eats adult food on his own. The feeding process itself is imagined as a mother’s initiative (“it’s time” - the breast suggested).

In fact, the opposite is true. As a rule, the initiative comes from the child. After all, the baby’s requirement is the basic principle of natural feeding. A baby meets incredibly different needs when breastfeeding.

Mamino serves not only to satisfy hunger. Substances in milk help the body and all its functional systems develop and mature (for example, milk contains substances that promote the development of the brain and nervous system). Milk also contains painkillers and anti-stress hormones; antibodies that protect against disease; substances that help the baby fall asleep and have a morphine-like structure; fatty acids, unique and polyunsaturated, such that they regulate the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system. There are also many other elements that are irreplaceable.

Mother's milk is a real miracle of nature, capable of satisfying all the needs of a growing body. It is very important to give the baby the breast when he asks for sucking. Don’t deceive your baby with a pacifier, because there is no abstract “sucking reflex” that can be applied to something non-specific, to anything...

It is also very important not to take your baby off the breast before he lets go on his own. The exception is if sucking causes pain in the nipples. This may be the first sign that you are not breastfeeding your baby correctly.

Then you need to remove the breast from your mouth and try to offer it again. The radius of the areola from the base of the nipple should be at least 2-3 centimeters.

Breastfeeding “ON DEMAND”

Depending on the age of the baby, he expresses his request to be attached to the breast in different ways.

Usually, he opens his mouth, as if looking for a nipple, and twists his head. Desire may manifest itself through whimpering, crying, or restlessness. A slightly older baby will give certain signals that are understandable to the mother.

If your child is over a year old, try to teach him a code word (“eat” or “yum-yum,” for example). If the baby needs mother's milk, he will pronounce this word.

First of all, the feeding schedule is closely related to the child’s sleep rhythms. During falling asleep and during sleep, the longest and most complete feedings occur. Since newborns sleep almost 24/7, they will nurse almost constantly.

The child has 6-9 months from birth 2-3 daytime sleeps, which are clearly expressed. This means that he will breastfeed much less often. Children older than one year switch to one-time naps during the day. The baby goes to bed with the breast if the mother is nearby. But the baby will fall asleep just fine with another person who is well known to him, if his mother is not at home.

As a rule, baby over a year old 8-12 breastfeeding per day. If the baby does not sleep, he does not eat for long. Sucks just enough to overcome the difficulties that sometimes arise. For example, a few seconds. Or a few minutes. The child may want to wash down the adult food.

For night sucking, the regimen will remain unchanged until weaning. Babies eat most readily in the morning: this is when prolactin production peaks. So that you can fully rest at night, you need to master from the very beginning positions that are safe for lying down feeding. They will allow you to sleep peacefully while your baby nurses.

During the weaning period, the baby reduces the number of feedings to 1-3 times a day. The child is already falling asleep without a breast. Now his main food is the same as his mom and dad's. To overcome various stresses, the baby's hormonal and nervous systems no longer require mother's milk to calm down.

A baby's brain reaches 80 percent of the volume of an adult's brain. The main and basic stage in the formation of external prettiness, bite, diction and articulation (that is, the maxillofacial apparatus) ends. The child’s gastrointestinal tract is able to continue to fully function and develop without the help of mother’s milk.

The baby teeth came out quite painlessly and unnoticed thanks to breast sucking. The baby speaks about himself in the first person (the pronoun “I” appeared in speech), which means that the stage of the emergence of a new self-awareness and psychological separation from the mother is completed.

Typically, the above processes take place when the baby turns 2 years old.

Should we listen to “horror stories”?

React to them very calmly. Any critical statements about breastfeeding your baby will not unsettle you. Try to pause and prepare a phrase in advance that you pronounce kindly, having collected your thoughts.

If you say a phrase like “Thank you for your concern. I will definitely think about your words,” then well-wishers will calm down. Another good way out is to refer to the doctor who recommended you to do this: “The doctor said that in our situation this behavior is correct.”.

If a dispute occurs, most likely, you will not be able to calmly argue scientifically for the benefits of breastfeeding your baby after one year. We recommend engaging in educational activities with friends or relatives, preventing heated discussions from arising.

If possible, we advise you not to discuss at all and not to succumb to various provocations, simply to ignore questions that are unpleasant for you. Use your sense of humor to neutralize judgment: “I’m going to feed my son until he reaches the army! How can he refuse such beautiful breasts?” Sometimes nursing mothers do not advertise at all that the baby is still receiving breast milk.

Psychologists' opinion

Breastfeeding after a year has an educational moment for a child, this is important. The emotional close connection that exists during breastfeeding has a positive effect on the formation of a trusting relationship with the mother. Therefore, babies grow up obedient, attentive and sensitive, which is very important for mothers who want to raise an inquisitive and active runner!

A strong and deep connection and attachment to the mother helps the baby to master her outlook on life. In the future, during adolescence, this will play a positive role.

In infants, social adaptation is much more productive and easier than in non-infants. A child who has not lost contact with her mother ahead of time is more open to the world and acts more confidently, because she feels a strong rear behind her. In addition, it is more convenient to travel with an infant, because milk is always available, meaning food and drink are always at the baby’s disposal.

To make it comfortable and pleasant for your baby to fall asleep, there is no need to create special conditions for this. It is enough to attach the baby to the breast. At night, the baby can sleep next to his mother, allowing him to save on the purchase of a crib.

If your family plans to have another baby in the future, then long-term feeding of the older one will insure you against problems between children and jealousy. Logically, the more you satisfy the older child’s basic needs for care and love, the less he will be offended by you in the future.

  • For the reproductive system, this is rest. Ovulation does not resume throughout the entire period of breastfeeding in a third of women. Night sucking has an effective contraceptive effect.
  • Women who breastfed their babies for more than two years had a 54 percent lower risk of breast cancer than mothers who breastfed for up to 6 months.
  • The same thing happens with the disease - ovarian cancer. Long-term treatment helps reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Long-term feeding helps reduce weight. Every day, to produce milk, the body spends from 400 to 600 kilocalories!
  • When breastfeeding is completed, lactation involution occurs. This stage is the final in the reproductive chain, which begins with conception, then, after - the production of transitional milk and, finally, mature lactation.

Varieties of attaching a baby to the breast

  • The baby suckles at the breast when he falls asleep. This lasts especially long in the first six months. Milk contains elements that help your baby fall asleep, creating a healthy sleep attitude. These feedings are the most nutritious, because hind milk is higher in calories and fat, and it enters the baby’s body 10-20 minutes after the start of feeding, and when falling asleep the baby lets go of the breast after about 30-40 minutes.
  • Feeding at night. Such attachments to the breast are necessary for the mother to produce milk in sufficient quantities. To fully stimulate prolactin (hormone) to produce the required volume of milk sufficient for the baby, two to three nightly sucking is necessary.
  • Feeding upon awakening. It’s as if the baby is “born” again after sleep. In order to safely recover from sleep and begin to be awake, the child needs attachments.
  • Application to eliminate a discomfort state (illness, pain, fear, fear of the dark, unusual new taste of adult food, postpartum stress, other stress, etc.).
  • Putting the baby to the breast to make up for the lack of emotional and physical contact with the mother (if the mother rarely takes the baby in her arms or is absent for a long time, does not devote enough time to communicating with the toddler).

Realizing the need for natural feeding, every established or future mother accumulates a lot of questions regarding the child’s nutrition. In order for breastfeeding to bring positive emotions to the mother and full development to the child, it is important to familiarize yourself with the accepted principles of this process. It is worth stocking up on information on how often to put a newborn to the breast and how long a meal can last for a baby.

These questions are important from the point of view of the correct development of the baby and the success of subsequent lactation. Therefore, even before the lactation period, the expectant mother has to figure out how long a month-old baby and an older baby should suckle, how many times to feed a newborn with breast milk and other basics of successful lactation.

After separation from the mother, if the condition of the newborn is satisfactory, he is placed on the stomach and chest of the mother. Skin-to-skin contact should occur as soon as possible after birth. Its significance lies in the need to populate the newborn’s body with saprophytic microorganisms from the mother’s skin. The first minutes of life for a baby are associated with stress: respiratory functions are developing, the baby cries, experiences discomfort from contact with an unfamiliar environment, he is cold and scared. Therefore, due to a stressful situation, the child refuses to take the breast.

The instinctive search for food occurs within 10–20 minutes after delivery. This period is considered optimal for the first application. The duration of contact with the mother for 30–40 minutes helps strengthen the emotional connection, stimulates the immune function in the child’s body, and establishes the process of milk production.

Early application is also useful for the mother in labor to establish close emotional contact in the future; it affects the reduction of postpartum bleeding and helps contract the uterus.

It is important for an accomplished mother to learn feeding techniques, choose a comfortable position, and control the position of the baby at the breast. With the correct grip, the nipple is located in the baby's mouth along with the isola, the mouth is wide open, the chin touches the chest. Pay attention to the feeding position that is mutually comfortable for mother and baby.

The medical staff of the maternity ward do not practice earlier application in the following situations:

  • in case of severe condition of the mother in labor (loss of consciousness, postpartum hemorrhage, etc.);
  • cerebrovascular accident in an infant;
  • with depression of the central nervous system of the newborn;
  • if the child's breathing is impaired;
  • in case of prematurity with sluggish or unexpressed sucking and swallowing automatism;
  • in case of detection of galactosemia.

The success of subsequent natural feeding depends on the condition of the baby and mother. The earlier and more intensively the suckling begins, the more milk iron can be produced in the future. Therefore, it is important that the baby is “introduced” to the mother’s gland within a few hours after birth.

How long does it take to feed a baby depending on age?

The duration of application varies significantly: from 15–30 minutes. With age, the child's nutritional needs will increase, and the duration of feedings will also increase (on average up to 40 minutes). Typically, feeding a newborn ends with sleep.

However, if the baby suckles for an excessively long time, the possible reason for this is not so much the desire to eat, but rather the satisfaction of the need for sucking or a lack of close contact with the mother. Prolonged sucking will not harm the breast, provided that proper application is followed.

Feeding is divided into stages. Active lasts the first 5–15 minutes, during which time the baby receives a large amount of food and consumes foremilk. In order for the baby to receive nutritious hind milk, it is worth allowing the gland to empty completely.

The duration of feeding is directly related to the age of the toddler. A newborn has a small stomach, the volume of which does not exceed 5 ml. Therefore, the baby eats little and often. As the child gets older, the duration of feedings increases, and the interval between them increases (by six months the child will ask for the breast after a few hours). At the same time, the baby receives more food due to the increase in milk in the mother’s mammary glands.

How often to feed breast milk

When feeding your baby, take into account both the duration and frequency of feedings per day. The more often a woman feeds, the more actively lactation is maintained. It is customary to distinguish two feeding options - on demand (free feeding) and by the hour (by schedule). In the first case, the child receives food, signaling to the mother about the feeling of hunger by crying, restlessness, and searching movements with his mouth. In the second, the mother deliberately waits some time between feedings; the waiting interval increases with age. Today, the need for feeding on demand for child development and subsequent lactation is increasingly emphasized.

As the volume of the stomach increases, the interval between meals increases. In the first days, the baby “asks for the breast” from 6 to 12 times throughout the day.

How often to alternate breasts when feeding

The principle of natural feeding is sequential application to the mammary glands. The baby is fed alternately with one and the other breast, using one gland at one feeding. For hypogalactia, it is applied to two glands during feeding. In this case, the first breast is given for a long time until it is completely empty.

Neglecting this rule can lead to the baby not receiving the full amount of nutritious late milk and poor weight gain. In addition, ineffective removal of milk from the ducts can cause blockage of the duct in the mammary gland (lactostasis), and, as a result, causes pain and difficulty in feeding, and the risk of mastitis.

It is not recommended to feed both breasts in turn during one feeding. Only if the baby has drunk milk from one breast and is still hungry, apply it to the other. You can determine that your baby needs a supplement based on a number of signs:

  • after eating, the toddler behaves restlessly, is capricious, and looks for the chest with his mouth;
  • baby is crying;
  • the infant rarely urinates and defecates;
  • the child is slowly gaining weight.

Children who are well fed and receive full portions of breast milk are calm, sleep soundly, develop faster and gain weight. You can increase the volume of breast milk if there is a deficiency of it with the help of medications, traditional medicine, and lactogenic mixtures.

How long to feed a newborn with breast milk

Many discussions arise around the question “until what age should a child be breastfed.” You can answer this by studying WHO recommendations. The World Health Organization has determined that it is recommended to maintain exclusive breastfeeding until the age of six months. Children over 6 months of age should be given complementary foods in addition to breast milk, as well as bottle-fed babies.

Dr. Komarovsky agrees with WHO standards. The pediatrician recommends choosing one of three directions for the first complementary feeding, taking into account the child’s developmental characteristics. These can be vegetables, cereals or dairy products. The introduction of complementary foods does not mean that breastfeeding should be abandoned. You can continue to breastfeed your baby for up to a year, one and a half or two years, at the mother’s request. It is actively promoted to practice breastfeeding until the period of involution: 2.3–3 years of age of the child.

Should I feed my baby at night?

The baby also needs nutrition at night. However, night feedings are optional and are practiced if the baby expresses his need with anxiety. During the first months of a toddler’s life, biorhythms are formed. After giving birth, he experiences the same need for food for 24 hours. The baby does not distinguish between day and night.

Changes should occur by 5–6 months of age. During this period, the baby begins to receive more nutritious “adult” food in the form of cereals, vegetables and is able to go without food for about 6 hours. By feeding the baby late in the evening, the mother can get a good night's sleep and gain strength.

Feeding at night supports lactation, since at this time prolactin is produced, the hormone responsible for the “production” of milk.

Not only hunger can cause frequent awakenings at night. The frequency of waking up may also be influenced by the comfort of the environment. Monitor the temperature and humidity in the room, ventilate the room, and take a soothing and relaxing bath with herbs before bed. If your baby wakes up at night to eat, but doesn't eat well, gets tired quickly and falls asleep under the breast, he may not want to eat. Place the little one next to you, feeling the warmth and smell of the mother, the baby will sleep better.

Should I drink more or not?

Often mothers find it difficult to accept the axiom that a healthy newborn baby (up to 6 months) does not need water. He receives the necessary fluid from foremilk. It is 87% water. At the same time, the mother liquid cannot be compared even with spring water. Foremilk contains solutions of salts, carbohydrates, vitamins, and microelements. These components are most fully absorbed by the baby’s body and stimulate the functioning of the organs of the small body.

The argument that mother's milk is very sweet and should be washed down with water is also wrong. Breast milk tastes sweet due to its high carbohydrate content. This pleasant sweetness of lactose, which is important for the absorption of calcium and iron, nutrition of beneficial intestinal microflora and development of the child’s brain. Lactose not only does not require additional drinking, but also gives the baby a feeling of freshness.

There are exceptions to every rule. It is necessary to supplement your baby's breastfeeding supplements in the following cases:

  • when he is sick, with increased body temperature, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • in the hot season, when there is a risk of overheating;
  • with the development of physiological jaundice;
  • in case of intoxication of the body;
  • if the baby is developing slowly, has stopped growing, and is not gaining weight.

Each case is individual and requires a personal approach. Feeding is an integral part of the life of a child and his mother. At the same time, by correctly organizing this process, both mother and baby will learn to enjoy such daily time together and appreciate the minutes spent together.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Today there are many opinions about how long you should breastfeed your baby. Some doctors recommend at least six months. Some mothers say that you need to feed until the age of three. And other parents are sure that after the introduction of complementary foods, breast milk is no longer beneficial for the baby.

So until what age should a child be breastfed, and what are the risks of breastfeeding for too long?

Some statistics: until what time do modern mothers breastfeed, and why?

More than one word has been said about the benefits of breast milk. And no one doubts its value for the baby’s health. Mother's milk is not only food for a little person, it is also his immune defense , because unlike formula, it is a live food, saturated with enzymes and hormones of the mother.

At the moment most mothers breastfeed for up to a year, or, in extreme cases, up to one and a half years . Because it is at this age that a woman goes to work and returns to a full social life.

Of course, there are always extremes in everything. For example, some mothers are sure that breastfeeding a child for a long time is not worth it, because many parents raised their children on formula, and nothing bad happened.

This imbalance occurs because:

  • Breastfeeding, especially at the beginning, is painful. Tender breasts are not ready for such cruel treatment - after all, babies literally dig into the nipple. Not all mothers can withstand this test and switch to formula.
  • Breastfeeding comes with many challenges. For example, frequent, lack of free time and complete attachment of the mother to her child.
  • Some women do not establish lactation, and therefore they use formula milk from birth.

According to statistics, about 27% of women either do not breastfeed their children at all or stop breastfeeding early . But recently this figure has been rapidly decreasing, as people are increasingly striving for everything environmentally friendly, healthy and natural.

In France, for example, women consciously refuse to breastfeed and only 69% of women in labor begin to breastfeed in the hospital.

In the Soviet Union, a woman had to be a shock worker, and then a good wife and affectionate mother. Postpartum leave then was only 30 days; ladies went on maternity leave in the eighth month, and babies were accepted into nurseries while still in diapers. That's why Soviet women practically did not breastfeed their children.

The other extreme is long-term feeding: this means feeding for more than 3-4 years. By the way, In pre-Soviet Russia, peasant women fed children up to 7 years old. Firstly, because pregnancy occurred one after another and lactation did not stop. Secondly, there was no time for excommunication. This is how grown children breastfeed before school.

Nowadays, very few women breastfeed children after three years of age.

Women give the following reasons in favor of long-term breastfeeding:

  • Children grow up healthier. They do not suffer from allergies or colds.
  • Softer adaptation of a child to the adult world . The baby gets used to kindergarten faster. It is easier for him to find contact with peers because he did not experience the stress of excommunication at an early age.
  • These children are not obese in adolescence.
  • Long-term breastfeeding promotes the full maturation of the gastrointestinal tract. Breast milk provides support to the baby's stomach and protects it from early gastritis and ulcers in the future.
  • Breastfeeding has a positive effect on the formation of the bite.
  • When sucking the breast, almost all the muscles of the lower part of the face are involved , which will protect the child from speech therapy problems in the future.
  • It is beneficial to breastfeed girls for a long time. This lays the foundations of breastfeeding in their subconscious.
  • When sucking, the baby reflexively calms down , take the load off the fragile children’s brain. This feature increases intellectual and creative ability, resulting in a higher IQ level and increased resistance to stress.

What are the risks of breastfeeding a baby for a long time?

There is an opinion that feeding a child after a year, and even more so after three, is not only unhelpful, but even harmful . For example, many claim that long-term breastfeeding is harmful to the mother’s health.

  • Firstly, because reproductive function does not resume for a long time. Even if menstruation has arrived, this does not mean that the body has completely rebuilt itself and is ready for a new conception.
  • Secondly, because the child “sucks the strength out of the mother.” Indeed, during the formation of breast milk, all the nutrients and microelements necessary for the baby are taken from the mother’s body, and the “remains” go to the mother. Moreover, these “residues” are not always enough for the normal life of an adult organism. Therefore, by the age of three years of breastfeeding, given poor nutrition, many women begin to lose hair and their teeth crumble.

A few more negative consequences:

  • Prolonged feeding is a conditioned reflex. It is vitally necessary only during the first 15 months of life, and then it is already a habit that will be more and more difficult for the child to break the habit of.
  • Psychological discomfort and condemnation of others.“He’s so big and he’s asking for another tit,” the neighbors are indignant. This is a burden to a nursing woman, even if the feeding itself does not cause her discomfort.
  • Deterioration in breast shape. Every woman worries about the loss of her sexuality, and improper behavior of a child at the breast, when he pulls and tugs on the nipple, can ruin the shape of the mammary glands.
  • It's impossible to lose weight. And this is true if you eat for two all the time.

Until what age is it optimal to continue breastfeeding - expert advice

  • According to the recommendations of doctors - pediatricians and therapists - the minimum period of breastfeeding should be from one and a half to two years . Feeding is possible up to three years. 4-5-6 year breastfeeding is a matter of personal choice. But there is no medical evidence of its benefits.
  • Deciding how much to feed your baby - this is a question that concerns only his mother, and, in extreme cases, his father . But not grandmothers, other relatives, friends and neighbors.
  • Remember, if someone starts to refute your personal point of view on this issue, then ask for scientific and medical evidence of their opinion - and, believe me, they will not be able to do this.

What do you think about the duration of breastfeeding a child? Share your opinion with us!

Experts involved in breastfeeding problems insist that a mother should not deny her baby milk if he wants it. It turns out that a child can be fed as much as he requires, however, many pediatricians do not agree with this statement, pointing to the different feeding regimens for natural and artificial feeding. This double opinion raises an obvious question among mothers: how often to feed a newborn - according to the schedule or at his request?

Feeding a newborn can be done according to a schedule or guided solely by the baby’s wishes.

Frequency of colostrum feedings

In the first days after childbirth, the mother's breasts fill with colostrum. Pure breast milk will begin to be produced after 2-3 days. Naturally, the newborn receives only colostrum these days. It is advisable to put the baby to the breast immediately after birth and to frequently put the baby to the breast throughout the entire period of feeding with colostrum. Its quantity is small, but the newborn eats up, thanks to the high nutritional value of the product.

The frequency of breastfeeding is very important for the baby. Firstly, the baby receives adequate nutrition. Secondly, the newborn reflexively gets used to the method of obtaining food, he adapts to the shape of the nipple, and trains to suck correctly. Thirdly, frequent application stimulates lactation and prevents stagnation of milk.

Additionally, there is a relationship between demand (feeding the baby) and supply (milk accumulates in sufficient quantities). By actively breastfeeding the baby, the mother promotes successful lactation.

For a long time, breastfeeding was carried out by the hour, at clear intervals. Pediatricians recommended that mothers place their baby every 3-4 hours and let him nurse for 10-15 minutes. In addition, the remaining milk should have been expressed. Practical observations have shown the erroneous use of such a regime. Statistics from past years indicate frequent cases of mastitis in mothers and digestive disorders in children.

Today, experts have moved away from rigid boundaries and believe that the mother should determine the frequency of feedings according to the baby’s wishes. What does it mean to feed at will? Breast is given to a newborn at any time upon his first request and wherever the mother is at this time. The new feeding method is based on determining the frequency of feedings based on the baby's behavior, rather than on precise timing. Actually, the child sets the regime, and you obey this choice.

How to determine that your baby wants the breast?

Following this method, mothers give breast to their newborn at the slightest sign of anxiety, if he does not refuse it. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to attach your baby to the nipple when he is crying or very fussy. It is advisable that the mother learn to understand her child and distinguish the desire to suckle from the other reasons for his whims. Remember the following signs:

  • the baby smacks his lips;
  • your “chick” actively opens its mouth and turns its head;
  • begins to suck on a corner of the diaper or his own fist.

Free feeding allows the baby to breastfeed not only when he is hungry. The child reaches for the breast for peace of mind, receives protection and psychological comfort from the process, and absorbs the love and warmth of the mother. It is important that mommy approaches the process with pleasure, receiving a lot of positive emotions from close contact with her treasure. Breastfeeding is an invaluable period when a close bond is established between mother and child that lasts a lifetime.

The best thing is that the participants in the process receive mutual benefits. The free method, as studies have shown, has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical state of mother and baby:

  • Newborns develop quickly and harmoniously. Children who receive breastfeeding on demand grow strong, are less susceptible to disease, and have a balanced nervous system.
  • The woman quickly regains her prenatal shape. Contraceptive protection is naturally maintained. Mom avoids nipple problems if the baby latch onto the nipple correctly.
  • The breast milk produced is high in nutrients, has high fat content and is supplied in large quantities.

With proper breast latch, feeding becomes a natural prevention of lactostasis and mastitis.

What are the benefits of frequent breastfeeding?

Some mothers express doubts about this method of feeding, worrying about the amount of milk the baby needs. Anxiety is associated with thoughts about the child overeating or undereating. There is no need to worry, since this frequency of feedings is balanced by the production of milk in sufficient quantities, and newborns eat so actively that they involuntarily provoke proper lactation (see also:). There is a kind of regulation by the child of the amount of milk that he requires. The little cunning one, intuitively controlling the amount of food he eats, eats well and feels happy.

By the way, it is precisely with hourly feeding that the baby does not drink the milk completely, which leads to its stagnation. Lactation worsens, threatening to stop completely, which can push the mother to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. In addition, the moment of stagnation provokes the formation of mastitis in the mother. After such conclusions, will you still have doubts about which method is best to feed your baby? Choose the one that not only suits you in all respects, but will also be optimal for your child.

When to change the number of applications?

Considering that the frequency of feedings and breast fullness with the free feeding method are absolutely individual, it is impossible to give exact recommendations on the number of feedings. There are babies who suck quickly and forcefully, and there are those who “roll” the nipple in their mouth, slowly pulling out drop by drop. Obviously, it is difficult to calculate the exact number of latch, but one cannot help but mention the periods of active growth of the child, when he needs more milk.

Observing the cyclical development of a child, experts have identified four bright periods up to the age of 1 year, during which the child sharply increases in height. Approximate indicators are:

  • 7-10th days of life;
  • from 4 to 6 weeks;
  • by 3 months;
  • at 6 months.

Approaching these deadlines, mothers think that the baby is malnourished, that he is constantly hungry. Thinking that she has little milk, the woman tries to supplement the baby with formula. You shouldn't do this. 2-3 days will pass and your body will adapt to the needs of the baby and begin to produce more milk. The instability of indicators for the frequency of attachments is associated with both the general development of the child and his appetite. Moms shouldn't worry about such hesitations - just give your baby the breast when he needs it.

Statistics collected by pediatricians indicate that a baby may ask for the breast 8-12 times a day. The numbers are, of course, speculative and do not reflect the full picture. It is considered normal for a baby to want to suckle milk 20 times a day. Breast milk is absorbed very quickly, so there is nothing to worry about if your baby asks for the breast half an hour after feeding. Natural nutrition does not affect the functioning of the baby’s digestive system.

How long does it take for one feeding?

Each baby decides for himself how much he needs to breastfeed. The rusher is controlled in a short time, and the thoughtful little man stretches out the pleasure and eats for more than half an hour. As children grow up and master sucking, they increase the speed of feeding, choosing the required amount of milk in a few minutes. The time indicators recommended by pediatricians are averages, so accept the abilities of your treasure and feed as much as required - there is no exact norm. Special recommendations have been established only for formula feeding.

The older a child gets, the less time he needs to eat a full meal.

How to alternate breasts when feeding?

Alternating breasts during feeding is beneficial for the mother; it helps relieve painful swelling of the mammary glands by the time the baby eats. The duration of holding on one breast depends on the process of milk production in the mother and the appetite the child has worked up. Some babies manage one breast in 5 minutes, while the other stretches the process for 10-15 minutes. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, then it is necessary to change the breast, dividing the total feeding time in half.

Mothers with conservative views prefer to give one breast per feeding. Those who adopt the free-form method keep records to track their meal schedule. Children are also different: some love to suckle on one breast, others calmly change nipples, thinking only about getting enough milk. Pediatricians agree that alternating breasts into one feeding is more convenient and correct.

Dr. Komarovsky comments positively on the free approach to feeding, but emphasizes that the child's demands should be based on hunger and not on other reasons. If the baby's diaper is full or the baby suffers from overheating, he is bothered by heat rash, he may reach for his chest, trying to find relief from uncomfortable sensations in it. You shouldn't give him breastfeeding. It is important for a mother to know exactly when the baby really wants to eat. It turns out that it is possible for a child to eat according to the free method, but keeping an interval of 2 hours.

In addition, the famous pediatrician strongly emphasizes one important point: no matter what method you feed the baby, both mother and child should enjoy it.

If you find it stressful to constantly hold your baby at your breast, stop free-feeding and use your usual clockwise feeding routine. Additionally, you can optimize your on-demand eating by sticking to a happy medium. Reduce the intervals between feedings, but maintain the schedule.

Feeding frequency when using formula

Infant formula, despite manufacturers' assurances that its composition is as close as possible to breast milk, differs significantly from it. A formula-fed baby needs more time to digest it, so a flexible feeding schedule is not suitable. The mother should distribute formula feeding at fixed intervals. The optimal break lasts 3-4 hours during the day and 6-7 hours at night.

When analyzing feeding options for artificial babies, it should be remembered that pediatricians have calculated approximate standard indicators that it is advisable to adhere to. The baby receives as much formula as he needs at a certain age. By incorrectly organizing your baby's formula feeding, you can cause health problems for the baby. The baby's digestive system is especially vulnerable to the use of formulas.

Every mother asks the question: “ "? Although children's pediatricians tirelessly insist that there is nothing healthier for a newborn baby than mother's milk, some mothers are sure that infant formula can easily replace it.

Is this really true? The benefits of breast milk have been studied quite well, and the answer to this question lies on the surface. Why do manufacturers still produce such a large number of infant formulas? Since each baby and each month of the toddler needs individual nutrition. The kind that only breastfeeding can provide.

How long should you ideally breastfeed your baby?

A month, three months, a year, or up to 3 years? The World Health Organization (WHO) writes in its recommendations that it is better to consider a minimum period of 2 years. It is more advisable to complete this process at 3 years. We'll look at the benefits of each year, hoping to convince you to feed your little one until he weans himself.

Why breastfeeding is better than formula

Even breast milk that is ideal for one baby may not be ideal for another.

A typical example. 2 girls live in a house on the same site. One is milky with a strong physique, Tamara, and fragile, airy Vera. Tom gave birth to a strong boy weighing almost 5 kilos, and Vera gave birth to a little girl weighing 2800, and it always seems to her that she has very little milk and it is not as fat as it should be. Out of the kindness of her heart, Tom undertook to “feed” the neighbor’s baby. Can you guess how it ended? Hospital. The girl developed terrible diarrhea. The doctor very clearly explained to the young girl that Tamara’s milk turned out to be too fatty. After all, this is what is necessary for the development of a strong man, whose weight has already exceeded 7 kg in the second month of life, and the food needs of the neighbor’s baby, weighing 3400 kg. Naturally, they need different nutritional compositions.

What your body produces is ideal for your baby!!! There is no need to doubt it. Your body is endowed with “mind”, it spent 9 months, as if an academician wisely supervised the construction, bit by bit creating a new living organism, who knows better than him what else your treasure needs? What balanced composition of the mixture can we talk about? The composition of mother's milk changes several times even within a single day, adapting to the growing needs of the child. At night it is fattier than during the day. Winter is fattier and higher in calories than summer, who is in charge of this wise process? Your body.

Photo of a nursing mother and baby

What are the benefits of long-term breastfeeding?

The benefits of breastfeeding are obvious. In confirmation of this, babies grow excellently and develop for as long as 6 months, consuming only mother’s milk. During this period, an adult eats a large amount of a wide variety of foods, while experiencing a lack of vitamins and microelements. The undeniable benefits of breastfeeding are confirmed by the unique composition of milk and how it affects the newborn. In addition to its usefulness, here are some other advantages of long-term breastfeeding:

  • Always sterile, at the right temperature, ready for use.
  • You get it for free. You are freed from purchasing bottles, stirlizers, bottle brushes, special water for preparing mixtures, and purchasing bottle nipples. What is stopping you from breastfeeding without spending money for at least 6 months?
  • No immunomodulator can compare with its beneficial effects on the body.
  • Creates an invisible but strong bond of tenderness and care between a mother and her child.

From this we can conclude that the answer to the question: “How long to feed a baby with breast milk” can only be the answer: “As long as possible, if the baby himself does not refuse breastfeeding.”

How long to feed a baby breast milk, why it is worth feeding until 1 year

  • Almost 100% digestibility. This is a very important component of GW. The product can be three times useful, but is not absorbed by our body, like most pharmacy multivitamins. Breast milk is absorbed twice as fast as any adapted formula.

If the product is well absorbed, then according to the WHO, even a baby’s stool once every 8 to 10 days can be considered the norm. Everything is so well absorbed thanks to special enzymes (lipase, lactose) that help break down the main ingredients of milk.

Such rare stools are normal only if your baby is exclusively breastfed, pees at least 12 times a day, and gains weight according to the norms for his age. From my own experience, I want to say that breastfeeding babies under one year old are always ahead of their peers who are fed formula in weight.

  • The types of proteins that a mother supplies her child with (serum albumins and globulins) are very necessary for newborns. Our milk is a leader in the content of all kinds of antibodies.

with baby on the beach after breastfeeding

How long to feed a child breast milk, is it worth feeding after 2 years

  • Promotes the development of strong immunity. There is a study that 80% of children who were breastfed even after a year did not get sick for the next year. Although 2 years is exactly the age when children actively “learn” viruses. In Germany, studies were conducted that children attending nurseries and being on breastfeeding almost did not get sick, while other toddlers often missed visits due to illness. In fact, mother's milk is a living substance. Studies have confirmed that it is the proteins in fresh breast milk that push cancer cells towards self-destruction. There are also living blood cells in milk (neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes), these cells can literally kill pathogenic bacteria in the baby’s body
  • The benefits of breast milk for intelligence are obvious. In the first days and months, babies' brains grow most rapidly, even during sleep. Colostrum and milk itself contain fats, as well as other microelements in such a combination that they contribute to the development, formation of new interhemispheric connections, and the development of nerve cells. It is known that fats are the main source of building material for the brain and nervous system. Studies have shown that those children who gained a little weight and were, of course, completely breastfed, are smarter.
  • Children on 100% breastfeeding (without formula feeding) are less susceptible to allergic reactions to foods. It has been noticed that even a red apple eaten by a baby does not cause a rash in the child if he receives the same red apple, only in a portion of mother’s milk.

How long to feed a child breast milk, why it is worth feeding until 3 years old

Naturally, after 2 years, the child already eats along with adults at the same table, but still needs breastfeeding. Why? Usually, after 2 years of breastfeeding, breastfeeding is night feeding. The breast milk you produce is unique. At each stage of development of a toddler, it contains precisely those biological active substances (hormones, growth factors, etc.) that the baby is not able to absorb in the required concentration from any other baby food, and which currently ensure its full development.

Don’t forget about the capriciousness of children at this age and poor appetite. There are children who cannot tolerate cow's milk and do not eat kefir and yoghurt. All children love sausage and cakes, but not every toddler loves vegetables. Mother's milk compensates for nutritional deficiencies, replenishing those elements that the child does not receive from food.

There are mothers who wonder: “ How long should you feed your baby with breast milk, because your teeth can get damaged.” A myth of pure water. If this issue concerns you, contact your dentists and ask how many children undergoing breastfeeding have their teeth filled?

How long to feed a baby with breast milk, does it deplete the female body?

For mothers, the benefits of breastfeeding are also tangible. In women, the risk of occurrence and development of mammary gland swelling is reduced. When breastfeeding, a woman's body produces more of the hormone oxytocin. It is responsible for blood supply and contraction of the uterus to prenatal size.

It is probably worth mentioning that if a nursing mother does not eat for two, then there is a high probability of losing significant weight! It has been verified that to produce breast milk, the body spends an additional 300-500 calories per day. In a month this is very good, and without going to the gym.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that by feeding a child, we can even “treat” him, giving him through milk everything that for some reason the baby did not receive when we were carrying him. Let's take an example:

A mother gives birth to a child with retinal underdevelopment or another vision problem. A council of 5 doctors draws the gloomiest forecasts. For a year, the mother feeds her child with breast milk, noticing that the baby’s vision is getting better, without any medications. Having undergone an examination with the baby every year, he is convinced that his vision has indeed improved significantly, despite all the diagnoses. Doctors are perplexed; did they really make a mistake with the diagnosis? No, we were not mistaken. The answer is that the benefit of breast milk also lies in the fact that it contains the substance taurine, which is necessary for the normal maturation and structure of the human retina, as well as for the proper development and functioning of the child’s brain.

My good ones! I found a great video for you about how long to feed your baby breast milk.