
Vacuum massagers. Vacuum anti-cellulite massager - does it help against cellulite? Contraindications and side effects from vacuum massage


Will vacuum massagers help you create a body that looks like it came out of photographs from glossy magazines? Well, first, let's lower the bar. For many, the ideal option will seem to be a result that will at least slightly resemble the photograph “but this photo is from twenty years ago, don’t look at it.” Why "don't look"? I think the answer is obvious.

In such situations, it’s all about a qualitatively noticeable deterioration in the appearance of dear women. Why this happens and what can be done about it are two main questions, the answers to which not everyone can find right away.

The fact is that the modern world is teeming with turmoil like never before. Various stresses stick to us like an attached web. They are often the reason why appearance tends to deteriorate with age. The pace at which he slides down this ladder depends on how busy our lives are and how much stress this brings into it.

Nervous tension, fatigue, eating up internal problems, lack of time for sports and proper nutrition - all together or in a combination of several factors - leads to the fact that our appearance loses its former attractiveness.

There are many characteristic things that can, by their appearance in time, tell us “Masha/Dasha/Kasha/next on the list, stop, we need to do something.” And one of these stop signs is the appearance of cellulite.

There is no point in talking about how to prevent this, since you are reading this article. So we will deal with the consequences. So what should we do?

And how does it work?

Cellulite = hypoid lipodystrophy or, in simple words, “orange peel”, which sometimes inopportunely comes out in the ripest places. It is characterized by dimples with tubercles alternating between them. There is probably no point in describing this in detail. Everyone has encountered this once in their life.

One of the methods of getting rid of cellulite is the systematic use of such a useful device as a massager.

Often, many girls make the common mistake of believing that it will get rid of trouble by fighting fat tissue directly - literally, with a deadly fist fight.

The principle of operation of vacuum massagers in the fight against cellulite is as follows:

  • Blood circulation improves.
  • The skin becomes more elastic, firm and less flabby.
  • The work of the sebaceous glands returns to normal.
  • The muscles come to a relaxed state.

All this together speeds up metabolism, improves internal nutrition of the affected areas and relieves swelling. As a result of this, the tissues return to their original state, which they had before the enemy invasion from cellulite.

What could they be?

The main types of modern vacuum models differ from their older models in that they are easy to purchase and use wherever you please (they have their limitations), and are divided into two types:

  • manual - very convenient, small, compact, it can easily fit into a small women’s handbag, so you don’t have to call movers to lift this device to the seventh floor;
  • electric - has the same advantages as the first option but, unlike it, requires connection to the electrical network;

Another type is a large, voluminous structure, most often installed in cosmetology or massage salons. It differs from small and portable ones in its higher power. This version of the device appeared long before portable models.

How to apply them in practice?

The operating principle of vacuum massagers in the fight against cellulite is extremely easy to remember. Its use will not be difficult even for those who have heard about it for the first time.

Take a warm shower, and when washing your body, pay special attention to the area where the maximum concentration of cellulite is observed.

Perform no more than three procedures during the week. For greater effect, you can combine the use of the device in combination with other auxiliary means of combating cellulite. Wraps will be such useful helpers. They will make the skin more elastic and provide it with the nutrients the body requires.

Which vacuum massager is best to choose?

When choosing a vacuum massager, first of all, you need to focus on:

Your financial status: models manufactured abroad are somewhat more expensive than domestic brands, but are in no way inferior in quality. The average price for it ranges from 700 to 200 thousand rubles. More expensive options will have better quality, shelf life and expanded functionality.

The required size of the device and your work/rest schedule. If you are away from home for a long time or cannot be at home, you should opt for a smaller option that you can easily carry with you.

As you can see, this article in no way affected the cellulite you have. If we don’t talk about eliminating it in the future tense. In this case, an unequivocal “yes” confidently strikes on all fronts of the enemy advancing from all sides, because now you have a better idea of ​​what it is and with the help of which to achieve its complete surrender.

Photo of a vacuum massager

Today, the cosmetology and aesthetic medicine industry has invented many ways to combat the eternal enemy of the female figure - cellulite.

Vacuum massagers have become one of the most convenient ways for patients to get rid of the hated “crust”.

General idea and principle of operation

A vacuum massager is a device for getting rid of cellulite. Such devices have many different configurations, accompanying effects and other differences, which is why their cost may vary, however, they all have a common operating principle.

A vacuum massager has a container in which an area of ​​negative pressure (vacuum) is created. Due to this, it draws into itself areas of the skin along with subcutaneous fatty tissue, where the effect is made.

Staying a part of the body in such conditions causes a flow of blood from the area of ​​negative pressure - blood circulation at the site of exposure increases up to 140 times in contrast to the normal state.

Due to this, at the site of impact metabolism increases, which allows the breakdown of fat tissue, smoothing its surface relief, and thereby relieving the patient of cellulite.

In addition to aesthetic purposes, vacuum massagers are used by athletes during intense training. Forced increase in blood flow allows you to saturate muscles and tissues with essential microelements, which allows you to restore the body’s condition after intense exercise.

Let's figure it out together, quickly and forever.

Come in if you are interested in objective reviews about honey massage for cellulite at home.

At this address we will consider contraindications to pressotherapy, find out reviews, and evaluate photos before and after the procedure.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for using an anti-cellulite vacuum massager is to improve the aesthetic qualities of the area of ​​the body that is targeted.

The massager allows you to visually tighten muscles, smooth out skin texture and improve its color. In addition, the procedure can be used as part of complex therapy to improve the patient’s well-being after active physical work, acclimatization or stress.

However, this device also has negative sides. Vacuum massage is not recommended for people with diseases of the gallbladder, bladder, kidney disease, or diabetes.

The vacuum provokes an abundant release of toxins from the body, and such exposure can cause a sharp deterioration in the condition of people with insufficient excretory systems.

It is forbidden to give massage to people with any neoplasms, because the influx of blood provokes the growth and degeneration of tumor tissue. In addition, the device should not be used on damaged skin, fresh scars, or age spots.

Women during menstruation should also not use a vacuum massager, since changes in blood supply can negatively affect the condition of the reproductive system (in particular, cause internal bleeding).

For the same reason, the device is contraindicated for people with hypertension - With high blood pressure, there is a high risk of developing hematomas and bleeding.


There are many different modifications of vacuum massagers. All of them are divided into 3 main categories, which differ in the cost and complexity of the equipment (in use, maintenance and service).

The following groups are distinguished:

  • Home. These are small devices that create relatively little traction and are only suitable for mild cases of cellulite disease.

    They do not take up much space and have a small impact area. Most often, home devices are produced to affect the face - vacuum lifting and basic skin care.

  • Professional. These are rather bulky units that are used in medical institutions and various beauty salons.

    They act only due to vacuum, but they have powerful traction, and due to the size of the nozzles they are able to cover large areas of the body at a time.

  • Electric anti-cellulite. These devices differ from all others in that, in addition to the intense vacuum effect, they also provide additional types of stimulation.

    In particular, the devices are equipped with infrared radiation and temperature effects. In terms of efficiency, such installations can be equated to sports loads.

Thus, at home it is possible to obtain only a small part of the effect that a full-size vacuum massager is capable of.

To undergo such procedures, it is best to find an institution where a specialist will provide the services of a professional apparatus.

Secrets of choice and popular brands

If the device is nevertheless purchased for home use, you should pay attention to some nuances.

First of all, decide which zone the main impact will be directed to, and, based on this, choose the traction power, the size of the nozzles and the principle of operation itself.

For example, the face and décolleté require much less traction than the buttocks and thighs. Based on your requests, you can choose a device that will suit you in terms of price category and the effect produced.

Cellules MD

Cellules MD is a French-developed device, a manual home anti-cellulite massager designed to facilitate the fight against excess weight and figure correction.

Operating principle: roller-vacuum, i.e., in addition to negative pressure, the device acts on the skin mechanically, using installed rollers with small protruding fragments.

This increases blood flow and somewhat compensates for the low power of the device. One way or another, like all other home appliances, the device will not cope with significant fat deposits.

The video provides a detailed description of the Celluless vacuum massager.


A hand-held vacuum device equipped with nozzles of various sizes. The device is very compact, you can install an additional roller attachment on it, and by adjusting the power, it can be used to affect different areas - from the face to the hips.

Anti-cellulite Pro

A very simple and relatively inexpensive device. In addition to the vacuum effect, it comes with rollers and two intensity modes.

Not suitable for delicate areas of the skin, but quite suitable for massaging most areas of the body.

Significantly improves skin condition and promotes better absorption of cosmetics.


The cheapest option, which allows you to target different areas of the body.

They operate on the same principle as a vacuum massager, however, you cannot expect to get rid of cellulite with them, since they often do not create a sufficient difference in pressure.

But cupping is effective in the symptomatic treatment of other diseases - for example, radiculitis.

Rules of application

To prepare for the procedure, you must first warm up the body. To do this, it is advisable to take a hot shower or bath (or carry out the procedure immediately after physical activity). It is advisable to treat the skin with a scrub to increase blood flow. If your skin is too sensitive, you should choose a scrub without large particles.

Procedure steps:

  • The massager attachment and the skin at the affected area should be treated with salt water or a disinfectant solution (not alcohol).
  • Anti-cellulite gel or any other composition should be applied to cleansed skin that will not dry out on the skin during the procedure and will provide sufficient slip.
  • Then you should install the nozzle at the site of exposure and turn on the device. The nozzle must be gradually moved sequentially, covering the entire area of ​​influence.
  • The duration of work on one zone should be no more than 15-20 minutes.

It is important to remember that massage movements should be performed strictly in the direction of lymph flow.

When working on the legs, you should move from bottom to top, on the buttocks you should perform circular movements, as well as straight ones (from bottom to top), and when working on the abdominal area, you should move clockwise.

It is strictly forbidden to touch the inner thigh, popliteal fossa and groin area with the massager.

In these places there are large vessels that are located close to the skin, and massage can cause them to rupture.

Immediately after the massage, to ensure maximum effectiveness, you can perform various wraps or apply body masks - the skin after vacuum exposure is most susceptible to various compositions.

After the procedure, the patient needs to wrap himself warmly, because vacuum massage still disrupts the normal blood flow, and due to increased blood circulation, the body becomes more vulnerable to drafts. It should be remembered that a massager alone will not be able to cope with the problem.

To get rid of cellulite, you need to follow a set of measures, which includes physical activity and a special diet.

If necessary, you should not avoid following other recommendations, which should be given by a medical specialist in each specific case.

A manual massager Cellules MD will cost the buyer approximately 1500-1700 rubles, Zhezaton - 2200-2600, Anti-Cellulite Pro - from 1100 rubles.

The most economical option is to buy “Miracle Cans” - one jar will cost only 100 rubles.

We should not forget about additional costs, such as anti-cellulite oil, gels and other cosmetic attributes for the procedure.

Massage is the best way to get rid of the eternal female problem - cellulite. But if you don’t have time to visit a specialist, but it’s time to prepare for the beach season? By purchasing a professional vacuum massager for cellulite, you can quickly say goodbye to the hated tubercles on your thighs, make your skin smooth and toned without leaving home. In addition, vacuum massagers relieve the feeling of fatigue and muscle pain, making the skin of the face and body young and toned.

Vacuum massage

How does a vacuum massager work?

The operating principle of a vacuum massager does not involve mechanical destruction of the walls of fat cells. A professional device or a device for home use works on a much larger scale. Massage normalizes lymph microcirculation and increases the number of active capillaries. This activates the production of collagen, which is responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin, and eliminates sagging. The muscles relax under the influence of the massager, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

During the session, air is pumped and pumped out into the cavity of the can or cannula. The air cushion gently and painlessly massages the skin of problem areas, irritating nerve endings, superficial layers of the epidermis, lymphatic and blood vessels. The flow of arterial blood to the tissues is ensured. At the same time, toxins accumulated in muscles and tissues are actively removed, cellular respiration improves, and metabolic processes in tissues are enhanced.

Regular use of the massager inevitably leads to the removal of swelling, as the cells gradually return to their normal size and stop retaining fluid. After a course of procedures, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, scars become less noticeable. The extra pounds are melting away before our eyes.

Before and after a course of procedures

Among the main advantages of vacuum massage are:

  • no damage to the epidermis;
  • comparative painlessness (unpleasant sensations are possible during the first sessions);
  • pronounced analgesic and relaxing effect;
  • improving blood microcirculation and strengthening blood vessels;
  • anti-edema effect;
  • maintaining the results obtained for a long time, subject to regular exercise and adherence to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • getting rid of wrinkles and improving complexion.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for using a vacuum massager are the following conditions:

  • loss of skin elasticity associated with age-related changes, sudden weight loss, hormonal disorders;
  • cellulite;
  • mimic and deep wrinkles;
  • muscle pain;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • excess weight.

The list of indications for vacuum massage also includes: diseases of the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis of the joints, traumatic pain), neurological disorders (insomnia, neuralgia, chronic fatigue, neuritis, etc.). Vacuum perfectly relaxes, eliminates tension, which is used to solve a number of psychological health problems.

Contraindications to using a vacuum massager are:

  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • chronic kidney diseases;
  • inflammation and violation of the integrity of the skin at the sites of exposure;
  • severe form of varicose veins;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimesters);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • acute infectious diseases.

Some contraindications can be called absolute, others relative. To avoid complications, you should consult your doctor before starting a course of vacuum therapy.

Types of vacuum massagers

However, such a delicate area should be entrusted to a professional who can strictly control the work of the massager. Amateur activities can lead to stretching of the skin, the appearance of microtraumas and bruises.

Popular models of vacuum massagers

The range of devices for solving current skin problems is quite extensive. Among the most popular models among buyers are the following:

Each of the vacuum massagers presented in retail chains has its own characteristics and contraindications, which should be studied before purchasing the device.

An affordable alternative is vacuum jars

Vacuum cupping treatment has a long history. The technique, related to traditional Chinese medicine, quickly spread throughout the world and became popular in solving many health problems. However, creating a vacuum using fire had a number of side effects: the complexity of the procedure, relative unsafety, and the possibility of use only on certain areas of the body.

Massage with vacuum cups

Today, pharmacies and trading platforms offer a wide range of cans for performing vacuum massage at home without using the outdated method of removing air by fire. All of them differ somewhat from each other in the material from which they are made and the principle of influencing problem areas. However, they provide the same result - they improve skin turgor, eliminate cellulite and fat deposits. Among the most popular solutions:

  • Vacuum massage jar made of glass. The vacuum is created using a rubber bulb. Can be used for both anti-cellulite and restorative massage.
  • Rotary vacuum can. This option is often used by professional massage therapists for acupuncture procedures, therapeutic and anti-cellulite massage.
  • Vacuum massager - silicone jar. Durable and durable products for vacuum massage are used for both adults and children, since a relatively small vacuum is created inside the jar and does not affect the deep layers of the skin. Suitable for regular use at home.
  • Rubber can. Affordable and easy-to-use products have several significant disadvantages: they are short-lived, easily absorb foreign odors and are destroyed by massage oils.
  • A jar equipped with a vacuum pump. A set of products of different diameters will provide optimal conditions for massage on any area of ​​the face and body. Traditionally, the kit includes magnetic attachments that give the procedure a magnetotherapeutic effect.

Set of vacuum cans with pump

When doing a vacuum massage at home, you must follow the recommendations for using these devices: take a shower before the session, move the jar in the direction of the lymph flow. It is important to choose a good massage cream or oil that will help facilitate the movement of the jar on the skin and prevent the occurrence of bruises.

How to use a vacuum massager correctly

There are areas that should never be massaged. This applies to any type of massage, including vacuum. The taboo is applied to the groin area, the inner surface of the thigh, the inner parts of the knee and elbow bends, lymph nodes, areas of the kidneys and heart. The rules for carrying out the vacuum massage procedure are as follows:

Throughout the entire course of procedures, it is important to adhere to the drinking regime - drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. This will speed up the removal of fats and toxins broken down by the massager.

Salon treatments

Modern beauty salons offer a wide range of services related to solving the problem of cellulite and excess weight. And vacuum of various depths of influence is one of the most popular areas. The following procedures will help improve body contours without physical activity:

LPG massage (). The hardware technique is recommended for reducing fat deposits, getting rid of puffiness, and increasing skin elasticity in problem areas. The cosmetologist selects the vacuum value and the size of the nozzle based on the patient’s characteristics and medical indications. Subcutaneous fat tissue is literally crushed using a constant or pulsating vacuum.

LPG massage

  • Dynamic vacuum massage. Indicated for the correction of problem areas where the use of roller heads is problematic. Most often, this type of massage treats the areas of the forearms and abdomen.
  • Vacuum lifting. It has gained popularity as an effective method of restoring youthful facial skin. The procedure consists of four stages: surging, lymphatic drainage, activation and shaping. In terms of its effectiveness, a course of vacuum lifting sessions can be equated to injection procedures for facial skin rejuvenation.
  • Laser-vacuum massage. This technique is unrivaled today, and its possibilities for body correction are practically unlimited. The combination of cold laser and vacuum allows you to achieve results comparable to the use of expensive injection methods for treating the skin.

Laser-vacuum massage procedure

The choice of the method of exposure should be entrusted to a specialist who will take into account the characteristics of the client’s skin condition, indications and contraindications for the procedure, and determine the frequency and number of procedures necessary to achieve the desired result.


Vacuum massage is an effective technique that allows you to get rid of cellulite, lose weight, and reduce the depth and number of wrinkles in a short period of time. In addition to smooth and elastic skin, the massager qualitatively reduces muscle and joint pain and normalizes metabolism. You can enhance the effectiveness by supplementing the massage with regular physical activity and some dietary restrictions. An integrated approach will give excellent results: the figure will acquire the desired shape in the shortest possible time.

Vacuum massage cans 12 pcs (unipolar)

Vacuum massager - a quick way to an ideal figure

Do you still not know how to maintain a beautiful body without putting in a lot of effort and without spending a lot of time on it? Do you want to have a perfect body, but regular trips to beauty salons are too expensive for you? A vacuum massager is an excellent assistant in the fight for a beautiful body at home. With its regular use, you can easily get rid of cellulite and fat deposits and forget about these problems forever.

Fast and efficient - what you need

With a vacuum massager, the result will come immediately, which will be an additional incentive to continue the procedure. Using this device has a lot of advantages, thanks to which you will have a great mood and an attractive appearance.

What are your advantages:

  • you incur material expenses only once;
  • study at any time of the day;
  • do not waste money, energy and time on visiting salons;
  • the result is noticeable after just a few procedures;
  • stimulate blood circulation in body tissues and promote the removal of toxic substances from the body;
  • relieve fatigue and stress;

With this device you get a set of procedures that are simply necessary to keep your body in good shape.

Benefits for every cell

If you want to make your body toned, beautiful and seductive, a vacuum massager is your potential partner. You can play sports, eat right, and reinforce these efforts with massage treatments. Or you can spend the same amount of time on a massage with a special device and at the same time watch your favorite show or interesting movie.

You know where you need to remove extra centimeters and you can independently choose a device to combat excess weight. If you have a few small dimples on your buttocks, you can purchase simple vacuum cups. In a more complex situation, a device that, in parallel with the vacuum, also performs local massage will help cope with the problem.

Using such a device, you will cure many diseases, such as:

  • headache;
  • women's diseases;
  • insomnia;
  • neuritis;
  • hypertension;
  • local pain, etc.

Many vacuum massagers are universal. Before purchasing a massager, think about whether you have other problems besides cellulite? The cost range of these devices is quite large, but the important thing is that vacuum massagers can be used by all members of your family, and this is a significant saving, in contrast to visits to specialized establishments.

To maintain the effect for a longer period of time, any anti-cellulite procedure requires adherence to a certain regimen: you should eat right and drink a lot, exercise, etc. But the best results will come from using a special anti-cellulite massager, the choice of which is quite large and varied. A home massager for cellulite will not only help you maintain your figure in good condition, but will also lead to the desired result with regular use.

Types of massagers

Each cellulite massager intended for home use can be classified into one of the following categories:

  • Hand massager. Made from wood or plastic, it is easy to use and inexpensive. Suitable for performing circular movements on the buttocks, abdomen and thighs. To enhance the effect, you can use it together with granular shower gel.
  • Roller massager. It is a ball or roller with a corrugated profile. It is used against cellulite tubercles: it affects nerve endings and activates metabolism in tissues. It is necessary to use for 15 minutes, rotating the massager in different directions over the problem area.
  • Vacuum Massager. The device consists of 2 rollers separated by a vacuum compartment. One of the rollers lifts the skin fold and places it in a vacuum compartment, where it undergoes anti-cellulite treatment, and then directs it to the second roller, where it is smoothed and restored. A vacuum massager for cellulite stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, accelerates metabolic processes, relieves swelling and removes fat deposits.
  • Vibrating massager. They are presented both in the form of regular massagers and in the form of belts or special mattresses. Improve blood circulation and lymph outflow, eliminate irregularities and defects of the skin.
  • Electric massager. They do not require any effort by a person; they just need to place the electrodes on the problem areas and press the button.

The most popular models of cellulite massagers


Gezatone Vacu Pro

The device is equipped with nozzles with silicone rollers, which achieves a double effect. The vacuum tightens the fat fold, stimulating blood flow and lymph flow, and the rollers process the subcutaneous tissue, leading to the destruction of cellulite tubercles.

The massager kit includes 3 different attachments. The thighs, buttocks and abdomen should be treated with the nozzle with the largest diameter, and the rest can be used to massage the face and small problem areas.

Effect of using Gezatone Vacu Pro:

  • elimination of cellulite;
  • figure correction;
  • removing fluid and toxins from the body, relieving swelling;
  • restoration of blood microcirculation;
  • general relaxation of the body and skin.
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • malignant tumors;
  • varicose veins;
  • skin diseases;
  • pregnancy and bleeding disorders.
Buy Gezatone VACU Expert Massager on Marketplace Beru!

US Medica Ultra Slim

The device operates from the network. Before use, it is recommended to apply anti-cellulite cream to the problem area. A special 3D roller attachment is capable of performing circular movements so that lymph flow and blood circulation are significantly improved, and fat deposits begin to break down.

The main advantages of the US Medica Ultra Slim massager are its versatility and small size. The special technology of roller rotation and several operating modes guarantee an effective impact on problem areas.

The result of regular use of US Medica Ultra Slim:

  • tightened skin, increased tone;
  • getting rid of cellulite and excess weight;
  • figure correction;
  • Relieving tension, relaxing the body.
Buy a US MEDICA Ultra Slim massager on the Marketplace Beru!

Rio Bum and Thigh Toner

The device works on the principle of myostimulation and can strengthen flabby muscles, destroy fat cells and eliminate signs of cellulite. A special feature of the device is the presence of 25 intensity levels and 3 programs that should be performed alternately.

Using this massager does not require any effort. Signals enter the nerve endings of the problem area, causing alternating contraction and relaxation of the muscles.

Anti-cellulite massage with a Rio Bum and Thigh Toner massager allows you to get the following effect:

  • figure modeling;
  • splitting of the fat layer;
  • weight loss;
  • improvement of skin and muscle structure.

Using the Rio Bum and Thigh Toner massager has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of pacemakers and cardiovascular pathologies;
  • in case of mental disorders, epilepsy;
  • diabetes mellitus and sclerosis;
  • postoperative period;
  • varicose veins and other skin diseases in the problem area.

Body Sculptor Gezatone AMG114

This massager helps get rid of cellulite and improve your well-being. The kit includes several replaceable attachments, the rotation speed of which can be adjusted.

Infrared heating from a built-in source allows you to significantly enhance the effect of the vibrating massager. Thanks to a wide range of attachments, the device is capable of providing different types of effects, including deep anti-cellulite. A vibrating massager is able to cope with, as well as strengthen the structure of the skin and lead to relaxation of the whole body.

Effect of using Body Sculptor Gezatone AMG114:

  • eliminating the symptoms of “orange peel”, removing excess fluid from the body;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • activation of lymph and blood flow;
  • relieving spasms;
  • improvement of body contours.

Contraindications for the use of Body Sculptor Gezatone AMG114:

  • oncology and heart and vascular diseases;
  • skin diseases, scratches and wounds;
  • acute course of infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • phlebeurysm.
Buy manual vibration massager Gezatone AMG 114 on the Marketplace Beru!

Gezatone Vacuum Beauty System

The device produces the effect of endermological massage. The Vacuum Beauty System anti-cellulite massager performs volumetric kneading of the skin area with a special roller. The device contains 4 replaceable attachments that effectively treat problem areas and remove excess fluid from the body (the main reason for the appearance of “orange peel”). At the same time, the procedure is painless and comfortable enough to perform at home.

Despite its rather large size and weight, the device is a multifunctional device, the action of which is aimed at skin rejuvenation.

With regular use, you can get the following results:

  • elimination of cellulite symptoms;
  • reduction in body volume;
  • Relieving swelling and eliminating stretch marks;
  • skin firmness and elasticity;
  • normalization of blood circulation.

Contraindications to the use of the Vacuum Beauty System device:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic kidney and liver diseases;
  • ulcers and other pathologies of the skin;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncology.

Gezatone Active Power AMG105

Has an infrared heating function. In addition to providing an anti-cellulite effect, using the device can improve metabolism and strengthen the muscle layer. The device is contraindicated for use in cancer patients, pregnant women and people with heart disease, skin disease and acute chronic infections.

The action of the device is aimed at simulating a manual massage, only the effect is much stronger, and the duration of the procedure is shorter. The cost of the device is in the budget segment. Using the anti-cellulite massager Supra MBS-111 activates fluid circulation in tissues, removes toxins and fats, and has a general strengthening effect. The device is quite simple, with 1 attachment, but at the same time it has a targeted effect against cellulite tubercles.

The market for massagers for home use is filled with different models with great capabilities and a wide price range. When choosing a home massager for cellulite, you should be guided by the effect produced and the list of contraindications. Many devices, in addition to combating “orange peel”, can have a beneficial effect on skin health and overall rejuvenation of the body.