
Collagen mask for the skin around the eyes. Collagen mask Crystal Collagen Gold Mask Collagen crystal eye mask


Every woman wants to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible, but age-related skin changes inexorably change our face. Collagen is one of the most important components of the skin, which makes it smooth and elastic. The main age-related problems are also associated with it - its amount, which the body produces, decreases over the years. However, the beauty industry is constantly creating products to balance the skin and preserve its original appearance.

The first wrinkles, as a rule, appear around the eyes - these are the very "crow's feet" that can begin to spoil a woman's life quite early. Already at the age of about 25, many women are faced with this problem and are trying to fix it. It is especially relevant for megacities, where various environmental and social factors affect our health and appearance not in the best way.

It's all about the skin cells, which stretch with age and create visible stretch marks and wrinkles. However, in the market of cosmetics, there have long been not only various creams, but also masks for smoothing the skin.


The mask for the skin around the eyes has a number of features. If you use face masks, then you know that most of them are not intended for the delicate skin of the eyes and lips, so the safest components are selected for such products. Since the process of collagen penetration into the skin is very difficult, substances are added to it that guarantee the delivery of the required dose to the epidermis. These include plant extracts, acids, and more. Some of them - for example, hyaluronic acid - are well known to everyone who is interested in cosmetic innovations.

Since skin cells originate and develop in deep layers, no cosmetic means can change them from the outside.

Other methods are needed to correct the processes of production of active substances, however, regular use of a mask with collagen allows you to maintain the current state and resist the destruction of the fibers. Thus, a smoothing effect is achieved.


There are a number of different collagen masks. First of all, these are salon masks, which are included in the price list of many beauty salons in large and not only cities. Professional masks that are used there, as a rule, allow you to achieve a long-term effect without any extra effort.

But you can also use masks for home use, especially since they do not require sophisticated equipment or specific skills - everything is extremely simple. But the effect of them is not always the one that is expected, and here it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of both the type of mask and its manufacturer. The quality and composition determine how fast the visible effect will be.

The most popular source of collagen for cosmetics is cattle skins. It is cheap, easy to extract and process. But the effect at the same time turns out to be minimal, since human skin cells do not fully absorb animal collagen. Often it even causes allergic reactions on the skin.

An alternative to animal collagen is vegetable collagen. It is obtained during the processing of cereals. Penetrating to a much greater depth, such collagen gives a faster result.

One of the well-known varieties is osmanthus, whose extract significantly improves skin condition. As an additional therapy, you can drink the famous Chinese tea from osmanthus leaves during the course.

Perhaps the most effective, according to many women, is collagen, extracted from the skin of deep-sea fish or from seaweed. This source is especially popular among Asian producers, however, it is necessary to choose and use such products with extreme caution if there is a predisposition to seafood allergies. There is one more disadvantage of such masks - their cost, as a rule, exceeds the cost of analogues with plant collagen.

In stores, you can find masks for the skin around the eyes with gold, clay, crystal, black Korean, which have become a trend in recent years.


At the moment, the cosmetic market has no shortage of such masks for delicate skin. Among Chinese manufacturers, one can distinguish Dizao, Imeten, Eye Patch, Vilenta, Pharaoh's Baths. Among Korean companies that have already proven themselves to be excellent manufacturers of a variety of eye cosmetics, one can single out Purederm and Pilaten. Among Europeans, they have especially proven themselves Beauty Med, Via Beauty, Gold Crystal and Skinlite. And in the United States in this area is leading beauty style.

How to use

  1. First of all, before applying the mask to the skin around the eyes, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of dirt, cosmetics, etc. It is better to use for this not a standard product, but a special one for the eyelids - as a rule, it also contains active substances designed to improve the condition of delicate skin.
  2. As a rule, collagen eye masks are sold in ready-made form - in the form of circles or "peanuts", which are called "patch". All that is required is to get the blanks from the sealed package and attach to the face. Under the influence of body temperature, the mask begins to dissolve and the substances contained in it penetrate the skin.
  3. Be sure to read the recommendations - the application process may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Especially pay attention to the amount of time that the mask must be left on the face - too long use can adversely affect the skin. As a rule, the application time of the mask is 20-30 minutes.
  4. After using the mask, be sure to apply a cream or a special serum to the skin.. A number of brands produce them in the same line with masks.

Such masks are not intended for daily use, and the best option is to use courses.

If you spend a lot of time at the computer, often read or other work requires constant eye strain, use a collagen mask in two-week courses every six months. But at the same time, you should not use it every day - intervals of 2-3 days are needed. In moderate mode, you can use it to maintain skin tone once a week.

Collagen and youth are inseparable concepts, because collagen fibers form the basis of elastic and toned skin. The older we get, the less amount of this protein is produced in the body, the protein "framework" of the skin weakens, and such unpleasant things for any woman appear as flabbiness, wrinkles, dryness. And above all, a decrease in the amount of collagen makes itself felt in the area around the eyes. As it turned out, a collagen smoothing eye mask can become an assistant in this matter. Let's talk about her.

Features of the collagen mask

Is a collagen mask really that good, and what are its benefits and the secret of its “wonderfulness”? Collagen mask owes its popularity to its constituent components - collagen and auxiliary active additives. If you figure it out, then using such a tool to change the speed and volume of production of collagen fibers in the skin is impossible - this process is regulated exclusively from the inside. But to preserve the existing fibers and prevent their further destruction, this tool is quite capable.

Regular use of the mask under the eyes and for the eyelids acts on the upper layers, producing a noticeable smoothing effect.

Collagen molecules are of a decent size, as they are a very long chain of amino acids, and it is not so easy for them to penetrate the skin. This is where the role of additional compounds in the composition of the product becomes clear - they help collagen molecules get into the skin. Among these substances are hyaluronic acid, essential plant essences, plant extracts and extracts, vitamins and fruit acids. The source of collagen in the production is the skin of animals and fish, less often - plants.

How to apply the mask correctly

Collagen masks are easy to use, product reviews also highlight this benefit. To smooth the area around the eyes, eliminate dryness of the eyelids, follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • cleanse the skin, completely removing any impurities and makeup;
  • remove the mask by opening the package;
  • apply it to the area around the eyes or under the eyes;
  • after 25-35 minutes, remove the product and wash with warm water;
  • apply a cream or serum to the eyelid area, it is most often included in the kit.

Under the influence of body temperature, the product will gradually dissolve, penetrating the skin and saturating it with moisture and nutrients. In this case, its thickness can be reduced by half. The collagen eye mask not only reduces and smoothes wrinkles, but also relieves puffiness and eliminates dark circles, which is confirmed by the reviews of satisfied women.

How often should this remedy be used? If your eyes are not subjected to regular stress, such as when working at a computer, reading or knitting, then once a week will be enough. Otherwise, to maintain eyelid tone, hydration and eliminate signs of fatigue, apply a collagen mask in two to three week courses every 4-6 months, applying it with a time interval of 2 days.

Reviews and manufacturers

Where to buy such a miracle? There are two options - either look in a cosmetic store, or order in an online store or directly from a supplier, which comes out much cheaper. Established Chinese companies:

  • Dizao;
  • Pharaonic Baths;
  • Imeten;
  • Vilenta.

If we evaluate the products of manufacturers from other countries, then the French “Beauty Med” mask, the Korean “Purederm” and the American “Beauty Style” received well-deserved reviews.

Thanks to the collagen mask, you can increase the elasticity of the skin of the eyelids, eliminate small wrinkles, and remove signs of fatigue from the eyes. What do women say? Here are some reviews of girls about the Korean mask "Pilaten Crystal":

  • “She is so cool! The skin instantly smoothed out! ”;
  • “This is a real ambulance for my tired eyes!”;
  • “I don’t know what Koreans make it from, but the effect is amazing”;
  • “It is fragrant, pleasant, for me it is the best remedy for dark circles.”

Collagen mask for the skin around the eyes tightens, moisturizes, soothes, smoothes the skin of the eyelids, eliminates fine wrinkles, removes bags and blue under the eyes, relieves eye fatigue and tension of the optic nerve.

The main components of the mask: collagen and bio-gold.

Bio-collagen with gold particles effectively relieves chronic fatigue, prevents the formation of fine and deep wrinkles in the eye area, relieves bags under the eyes and eliminates dark circles.

Due to good cellular metabolism and blood circulation in the tissues around the eyes, collagen synthesis is activated, the elasticity and firmness of the skin improves, which becomes young and radiant.

Properties of collagen:

  • ensure the elasticity and strength of the skin of the eyelids,
  • eliminate fine wrinkles
  • smoothen the skin of the eyelids
  • retain moisture without interfering with the free access of oxygen.

Properties of bio-gold:

  • normalize blood circulation,
  • act as a strong antiseptic,
  • promote regeneration processes,
  • transport nutrients to the subcutaneous layers.

The mask contains natural extracts of various plants that help eliminate:

  • eyelid swelling,
  • blue under the eyes
  • eye nerve tension
  • eye fatigue.

Mode of application: The mask is applied to clean skin for 20-30 minutes. It is located on the lower part of the eyelids (under the eyes) with a narrow end to the bridge of the nose. Apply, preferably chilled, below body temperature. After application, rinse the mask in clean water, put it in a bag, put the bag in the refrigerator and store it there until the next procedure.

One mask can be used several times!

Manufacturer: China

Hello! In this review, I want to touch on the topic of beauty and tell about a cosmetic product that has become simply indispensable for me. We are talking about Crystal Collagen Gold Mask patches. They help me quickly remove puffiness and swelling of the skin, perfectly removing bags under the eyes. To say that the remedy is effective is to say nothing. It's magical. Therefore, I hasten to tell about it to you.

Our ReviewGold Collagen Mask

Product feature

The tool is available in the form of two patches designed for the skin under the eyes and is shaped like flat tangerine slices. These curved plates in the amount of two pieces are packed in a sealed bag. On one side there is a transparent window through which you can see the contents of the package. The back contains information about the product, instructions for use and other data. One such bag with two patches weighs 40 g.

Cosmetic slices are made of very soft and thin silicone and have a golden color. These plates are in a liquid collagen solution with the addition of other skin-friendly ingredients. Gold Collagen Mask is very popular among Asian women, who, we must admit, can boast of their beauty and even youthful skin. And this is not surprising, since the composition of such funds is selected very carefully.

The cosmetic solution of my patches contains the following ingredients:

  • collagen - as the main substance;
  • biogold powder;
  • tartaric and hyaluronic acids;
  • multivitamins;
  • phytoessences of lavender and rose;
  • grape seed oil;
  • plant extracts: cucumber, aloe, chamomile, ginseng and seaweed.

To the touch, the plates are tender and have a pleasant aroma of roses. Let's talk about how these eye masks work.

Operating principle golden collagen mask

The skin around the eyes is the most vulnerable. It is thin and devoid of sebaceous glands, and therefore begins to age before anything else. It is not for nothing that crow's feet are one of the first to give out age. Yes, if it was just them...

My problem was that I could not get rid of the bags under my eyes. I experimented a lot, trying different ways and means - creams, homemade recipes, massage, but nothing helped as effectively as golden collagen eye masks. What is their secret?

This tool, due to its unique composition, acts in several directions at once:

According to my personal impressions of using the mask, I want to say that the effect is felt immediately. For me, this is an express tool that brings the skin around the eyes in order whenever it is needed. Morning after a sleepless night, swelling, darkening or a tired look in the evening - I can eliminate these troubles only with Gold Collagen patches. Reviews about them only confirm the effectiveness of the action.

The product is especially indispensable if the skin needs to be quickly put in order and look fresh and beautiful, for example, before any event.

How to use the plates

In order for the result to be maximum and last for a long time, masks should be applied at least 1-2 times a week. It is best to complete a course of 10-12 procedures. The manufacturer recommends using the plates chilled. This allows you to even better tone the skin, strengthens capillaries, improves skin elasticity and makes it fresh, removing puffiness faster.

The procedure for applying Gold Collagen patches is as follows:

It is not necessary to wash after the procedure. Put the Gold Collagen patches back into the package, as there is still a cosmetic solution left in it, and you can use them again. One sachet is enough for me for 3-5 times.

It is very convenient to use the plates - they adhere well to the skin and do not slip. While the mask is working, I can do household chores. But most often, of course, I lie down and stay in a calm state to allow the skin to relax as much as possible and absorb all the beneficial substances.

Please read the following warnings before using the tool:

  • the mask should only be used externally;
  • it is forbidden to apply it to damaged skin;
  • with sensitive skin, a preliminary consultation with a specialist is necessary;
  • when burning, redness, itching and other unpleasant sensations appear, the patches must be removed and the skin washed with water;
  • store the product away from sunlight, in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children and animals.

The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Advantages of the mask

Based on the results of applying the patches, I summarize that for me so far this is the best remedy for eliminating bags, fine wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. Benefits of Gold Collagen Mask:

  • Provides the skin with plenty of moisturizing and nourishing substances;
  • refreshes, tones and soothes;
  • has a lifting effect;
  • reduces swelling;
  • relieves eye fatigue;
  • lightens skin darkening;
  • suitable for different ages;
  • use is permissible at any time of the day;
  • ideal care option after removal or extension of eyelashes.
  • very democratic price.

You can verify the effectiveness of the mask yourself by ordering the product right now. I am sure that the sooner you start taking care of your skin, the longer you can stay beautiful and attractive!

Rodionova Albina Mikhailovna

Reading time: 6 minutes


The area around the eyes is quite capricious and the most sensitive., which is the first to show signs of aging, therefore requires careful care.

Important components of the connective tissue of the skin are the "three whales": collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

The older a person gets, the less collagen is produced in the body.

First of all, many people are interested in what collagen is.

Generally, it is a natural fibrillar protein found in plants, animals and humans.

Humans have collagen in their skin, which eventually deflates like a balloon, which begins to cause the first signs of aging.

In such cases, even not always help.

Substance name going on from the Greek kola "glue" and gen "to create".

Should know! With age, synthesis slows down, and the epidermis loses elasticity. Cells are stretched and cannot return to their former shape. The first wrinkles appear in the eye area.

If they receive an additional portion of collagen, it will help bring them to their usual forms, and wrinkles are gradually smoothed out.

It is known that products with collagen have a rejuvenating effect and are the building blocks of skin.

As a result wrinkles are smoothed, dark circles, puffiness and bags under the eyes are removed.

Another important property of the preparations is hydration, in which collagen is distributed over the cells, slows down the aging process and improves skin elasticity.

Types of collagen

Note! There are different types of collagens:

  • animal collagen.
    Obtained from the skins of cattle.
    However, there may be an allergic reaction, therefore it is prohibited in cosmetics.
  • Marine Collagen.
    Made from the skin of deep sea fish.
    Freshwater fish collagen is considered the highest quality, which, as a rule, does not cause allergies.
  • plant collagen.
    Produced mainly from soy or wheat.
    Well perceived by the skin, but in fact it is not natural collagen.

Colloidal gold is often added to skin products., which well moisturizes the skin and gives elasticity.

The word "gold" is already attracting attention and it's nice to see it on the packaging of products, isn't it?

Applications and effectiveness

In youth, the skin is smooth, elastic and beautiful. It is better to start caring from the age of 20.

Keep in mind! After 25 years, "crow's feet" begin to form in the corners of the eyes, which gradually become more and more.

Usually, after 35 years - bags, swelling and dark circles under the eyes. After 40 years appears ptosis, drooping of the upper eyelid.

The elasticity of the skin is affected by a decrease in the function of fibroblasts, which synthesize collagen and elastic fibers.

Fibroblasts are the main cells of the dermis that are located between the fibers. The basis of the dermis is made up of protein fibers.

Collagen fibers are responsible for the elasticity of the dermis.

Elastic fibers allow the skin to return to its previous state. As we age, cell renewal slows down.

By the age of 40, the production of collagen and elastic fibers decreases.. To stop changes, you need to use similar means..

Need to know! During application, improvements can be observed:

  • blood circulation is restored;
  • toxins are removed;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • wrinkles and "crow's feet" are smoothed;
  • cell renewal takes place.

Popular remedies

Fund options available in various forms: creams, patches in the form of drops, cloth napkins and films.

The patches are easy to use, completely cover problem areas and do not slip off.

impregnated with mortar, That's why can be applied multiple times.

Most manufacturers are from China and Korea. Often people from the CIS buy a mask made in Russia. In general, most products can be ordered online.

It is worth remembering and monitoring the expiration date of the funds.

  • Mask Shark fat and parsley (Luchiks, Russia);
  • Patches Collagen Crystal Eye Mask (Aliexpress, China);
  • Mask Dizao Natural (Bailan, China);
  • Mask with biogold (Secrets of Lan, China);
  • Patches Gold Collagen Eye Patch (SNP, Korea);
  • Collagen Power Firming Eye Cream (Mizon, Korea);
  • Patches Collagen Eye Zone Mask (Skinlite, Korea);
  • Napkins Augen Collagen Pads (Alcina, Germany);
  • Mask with marine collagen (Algoline, France).

Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Application procedure

Before use necessary read the instruction.

Store funds in dry places at room temperature not higher than 25 degrees.

Also, it should be protected from direct sunlight.

Means are presented in various forms and with different instructions.

Its useful to note! The general scheme for using these funds is as follows:

It is better to apply the cream on the skin around the eyes with the most gentle finger - the ring finger.

Aged up to 35 years it is enough to apply once a week, a after 35 preferably more often.

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to stop the aging process, all the more so there are additional provocateurs: smoking, alcohol consumption, beriberi, and something that is rarely manageable - stress.

The rays of the sun also have a negative effect, which eliminates the very moisture, squinting, from which mimic wrinkles arise, so it is better to wear sunglasses as a must-have accessory.

Keep in mind! Sun protection factor (SPF) must be applied all year round.

Except masks you can use vitamins with collagen which can be bought at pharmacies.

Oatmeal is good for the skin.

Basically, there are practically no bad reviews about collagen products.