
School coat of arms drawings for school. Family coat of arms


Nowadays, more and more often, non-standard homework is assigned at school: to write poetry or a story, to draw pictures on certain topics, or to draw up a verbal portrait of yourself and your loved ones. One of these tasks is often the compilation of a family tree and coat of arms of the child’s family. It is aimed at ensuring that schoolchildren study the history of their family, organize joint activities between adults and children, and also help develop an understanding of the importance of Such tasks often seem very difficult at first glance, but in fact it is not so difficult.

In this article we will talk about how to compose and draw your family’s coat of arms for school.

Rules for drawing up a coat of arms

A coat of arms is a symbol (emblem) of a state or clan. Therefore, in order for the family coat of arms you made for the school to be more than just a drawing, it should be done according to the following rules of heraldry:

1. The coat of arms must be made in the form of a shield of one of the following shapes:

2. On the sides of the shield there may be shield holders - figures that seem to support it (animals, human figures or something special from the history of the family).

3. Each color has a specific meaning:

  • White - nobility, frankness, purity and truthfulness.
  • Gold or yellow - power, wealth and Christian virtues: faith, justice, mercy and independence.
  • Black - constancy and wisdom.
  • Blue - beauty, loyalty, honesty, trust, moving forward and hope for the best.
  • Green - abundance, joy, freedom.
  • Red - love, courage, courage.

4. The coat of arms may have a border with an image of something associated with the traditions of the family.

5. The main symbol should be located in the center of the shield: usually some animal, plant or object is chosen.

How to come up with and design a coat of arms for your family?

To create a family coat of arms for the school, you need to get together with the whole family and hold a council, at which you must:

1. Remember and briefly write down the history of all family members.

2. Determine:

  • the main common character traits inherent in your ancestors and all family members;
  • hobbies, hobbies and professions;
  • objects and places that are important to your family history and to you.

This can be done in the form of a psychological problem-solving method - when absolutely everything that is said is written down, and then the main thing is selected.

3. From everything, select 4 main character traits for your family and choose an animal or plant that will display them. For example:

  • phoenix is ​​a symbol of immortality;
  • Leo – strength and courage;
  • snake - eternity and wisdom;
  • eagle is a symbol of the sun, a source of light, fertility;
  • dolphin - strength;
  • bee and ant - hard work;
  • dragon - goodness and inviolability;
  • fish - luck and prosperity;
  • griffin – strength, rage and mercilessness.

When drawing the selected animal, it is necessary to take into account that the coat of arms uses a simplified image, without taking into account generic characteristics and species. There are also several specific poses that can be used in the coat of arms: standing, sitting, walking, flying or moving.

4. Select the shape of the coat of arms from all available shields. After you have decided on the shape, you need to draw it on a large sheet of whatman paper so that it is convenient for the whole family to work.

5. Start filling out the coat of arms - this can be done all together at the same time, dividing the space along the edge of the coat of arms between family members or giving the child the opportunity to draw. You should not try to completely fill the entire coat of arms with some kind of drawings, because in this way they will simply be lost.

6. Color the coat of arms using colors to convey a specific meaning.

You can also write and at the bottom of the ribbon or border or at the top.

When creating the coat of arms of your family, do not deprive your child of the opportunity to add his ideas and suggestions to it, because this is his homework.

Features of creating a family coat of arms and flag in pencil according to an assignment from school or kindergarten.

The baby adapts to society through interaction with other children and adults. The latter, in turn, try to transfer knowledge to him and support his creative abilities.

A school or kindergarten assignment to create a family coat of arms and flag is interesting from different perspectives:

  • child - how to transfer their feelings and creativity onto paper
  • educators/teachers - to deepen the understanding of each child
  • parents - to unite the family, add new traditions to everyday life

In this article we will talk about the nuances in creating family heraldic attributes and the meaning of their constituent elements.

How to draw a family coat of arms for school with a pencil step by step?

three different coats of arms of families drawn by children for school

Drawing the family coat of arms is a collective creativity.
Gather a family council in the evening or on a common day off and devote time to this task for your child. Perhaps you yourself dreamed of creating a similar attribute for your family.

To draw a family coat of arms with a pencil, consider a number of points:

  • Collect information about relatives up to the fifth generation or at least up to the third. It will give you the opportunity to systematize the lifestyle, talents, and characters that prevail in the family.
    On the other hand, a child of early school age may wish to depict the family’s coat of arms with reference to its traditions and personal creative perception.
  • Pay attention to your last name. If it clearly indicates an occupation, a natural phenomenon and similar things, they can be depicted schematically on the coat of arms. For example, for Tkachenko - a piece of fabric, for the Morozovs - a snowflake.
  • Geometric shape of the coat of arms.
    Heraldry was most clearly represented in the Middle Ages, the time of chivalry. Perhaps for this reason, the shape of the family coats of arms was akin to the geometry of shields.

As an example, look at these...

  • Presence/absence of divided areas inside the coat of arms. These are wide stripes at different angles that share the values ​​that the family honors.

For example, the stripes are arranged like this

arrangement of stripes on the shield of the coat of arms at different angles
  • Animals, objects, symbols of different types of activities. The main thing is to follow the rule of conciseness so that the coat of arms does not turn out to be oversaturated with symbols and drawings.

If you decide to insert silhouettes of animals and birds, then consider their meaning:

the meaning of some animals that are depicted on coats of arms

the meaning of trees, animals and birds that are used in the painted coats of arms of the family a series of symbols used in creating a family coat of arms, with meanings
  • Presence/absence of space for the family motto. A child understands a saying in his native language more clearly, although in Latin a number of catchphrases are easy to learn and remember.

The topic of family mottos will be discussed in more detail in a future article, but now we will give a few examples.

a selection of mottos for use when drawing a family coat of arms by a child

If it is possible to color the family coat of arms with felt-tip pens/paints/pencils, consider the meanings of the colors, for example, yellow emphasizes generosity as a quality of the family’s character and justice as a core value, and red emphasizes courage, bravery and love, respectively.

the meaning of the colors used to color the shield of the family coat of arms

The process of drawing a family coat of arms looks like this:

  • prepare whatman paper, several simple pencils of different hardnesses, a ruler, an eraser,
  • use light lines to mark the inscriptions into equal sectors,
  • draw a shield of the chosen shape in the center,
  • add the remaining attributes of the coat of arms - signs, symbols, animals, birds,
  • draw clearer contour lines of the shield and zone boundaries,
  • if there is space for the motto, write it in with a soft pencil,
  • erase the markings,
  • If desired, let the child color the finished drawing.

How to draw a family flag?

painted colored family flag

It’s easier to draw a family flag after working on the idea and depicting it in the form of a coat of arms.

Pay attention to the following details:

  • color scheme. Ideally, it should be repeated with the one on the coat of arms,
  • the presence of a letter, symbol, sign, animal. Place any of the listed options, for example, in the center of the canvas or in the upper/lower free corner,
  • think about the form. There are flags in the form of a rectangular canvas, with a jagged free end, and triangular.

For example, these flag options:

child's drawing of a knight and a row of flags of different families

Family coat of arms for school and kindergarten: drawings with descriptions

ready-made drawings of family coats of arms on the blackboard at school

Below we will look at several options for family coats of arms, which were drawn by schoolchildren and younger.

image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 1

image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 2

image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 3

image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 4 image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 5

image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 6

image of the family coat of arms by a child and description of its meaning, option 7

So, we looked at the nuances of drawing up a family coat of arms and flag, and depicting them using a pencil. Helped the child choose attributes and colors to complete this task.

If your child has not yet brought home a similar request from a teacher or educator, be proactive. Then the child will have more time to let his imagination run wild, and you will have more time to buy a beautiful frame for the family heraldic attribute and choose a place on the walls of the house.

Inspiration to you and fruitful family advice!

Video: how to draw a family coat of arms for school?

In the Middle Ages, one of the main symbols of an ancient and rich family was family coats of arms. They decorated shields, flags and palaces of famous people. Today, the fashion for this attribute is returning. Each family should have its own symbol that reflects its history.

Family coat of arms

The family coat of arms, together with the pedigree and family tree, is an integral part of the concept of “ancestry”. If your last name is not very common and ends in -sky, -vich, -tsky, then there is a high probability that your ancestors had such a symbol.

In countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Moldova and Belarus, data on several thousand coats of arms has been preserved. But if you can’t find yours, you can create it from scratch, because this will add prestige to your family. There are also personal coats of arms. They describe one specific person. The family coat of arms, through artistic means, reflects the basis of the family, its beliefs, views on life and the world. By looking at it, you can better understand your ancestors and determine your place among them. If a person decides to come up with a coat of arms, then he must understand that this is a very difficult matter. Heraldry deals with the study of such symbols.

To create a real family coat of arms, you need to involve the whole family. The best method for this is brainstorming. That is, having gathered together, relatives discuss and offer their ideas for this symbol and choose the best option. To do this, you need to remember the history of the family, the places that are most associated with it, the values ​​passed down from generation to generation, and the hobby that most of those present support. All of this can be compiled into a list of words that best suit your family. For example, these could be strictness, hospitality, activity and fun. Each of these concepts can be shown by family coats of arms. But remember that this is not just a symbol, but the face of the entire family. Therefore, you should think about every detail.

Beginning of work

When starting this creative process, you need to know the components that make up a given symbol. This is a shield, mantle and motto, but in addition to the main parts, a helmet and crest are often added. The base of the entire design will be the shield. Family coats of arms use it as an image of protection from enemies. When creating them, they take the shape of real shields and turn them into a schematic image, the basis for all further drawings. Therefore, first you need to choose what it will look like. There are such forms of shields:

1. National:

Old French (the top looks like a square, the bottom like a rounded diamond);

New French (an inverted rectangle with a curly brace instead of a bottom line);

Spanish (top - square, bottom - circle);

English (similar to New French, but the top line extends beyond the figure and is connected to it by arcs);





2. Geometric:





After looking at each of them, the family will choose one or come up with something of their own, not like the others.

Color design

Family coats of arms have a variety of colors. Each of the selected shades carries some hidden meaning. Heraldry distinguishes three main categories that reveal the meaning of a particular color. The first is natural phenomena, the second is the qualities that characterize the soul and character of a person, the third is philosophical concepts. Each color has certain characteristics:

  1. Gold symbolizes the sun, generosity and generosity, justice.
  2. Silver is a prototype of water, moon and snow. It is characterized by innocence and purity.
  3. Red is fire, love, courage, bravery and bravery.
  4. Azure is reminiscent of the sky, faith, truthfulness and justice.
  5. Green is associated with plants, hope, joy and youth.
  6. Black speaks of closeness to the earth, humility, modesty and education.
  7. Purple combines nobility, wisdom and dignity.

The combination of these colors can be varied. It happens when one color predominates, but most often several of them are harmoniously intertwined. It is important to understand that excessive sloppiness can only ruin everything. It is better to divide the coat of arms into several zones, for example, horizontally or diagonally, and give the selected shades their place. It is very difficult to create a family coat of arms with your own hands, but if you follow simple rules, everything will work out.

Heraldic figures

All figures that can be placed on a shield are traditionally divided into non-heraldic and heraldic. Each of them can be main or secondary. When talking about how to create a family coat of arms, it is important to consider what these figures are. Heraldic ones include:

  • chapter (located at the top of the shield);
  • extremity (occupies the bottom of the shield);
  • pillar (located right in the middle of the shield in a vertical position);
  • belt (also in the middle, but already horizontal);
  • a sling (this is a diagonal wide strip that can run either from right to left or from left to right);
  • rafter;
  • border;
  • cross.

These are the main figures of heraldry, the secondary ones are the square, oval, rhombus, etc. All other figures are non-heraldic.

Non-heraldic figures

Family coats of arms certainly consist of images of people, plants, animals, various objects and natural phenomena that are significant for the family. They also have their own classification. They are divided into mythical (unicorn, dragon, griffin) and natural (sun, stars, animals, plants, etc.). Each image symbolizes something, just like the color. The most common are:

  • eagle - power, strength and independence;
  • dog - devotion and fidelity;
  • dove - purity and peace;
  • bee - enormous endurance and love of work;
  • dragon - strength and courage;
  • palm or laurel branch - victory, leadership and freedom;
  • books or torch - a symbol of knowledge and wisdom;
  • Leo - royalty, generosity, courage and strength;
  • bear - strength and wisdom;
  • snake - caution, foresight and sharp mind;
  • falcon - freedom, intelligence, beauty and courage;
  • rooster - warlike mood;
  • oak - endurance, durability and strength;
  • The olive branch is a famous symbol of peace.

If you skillfully combine some of these images, colors and figures, you will get a very high quality family coat of arms. Photo examples are presented in the article. They distinguish childbirth and families from others.

Correct phrase

In addition to all of the above, there is another small but very important condition for a good coat of arms. This is the motto. Most often it is written on a ribbon under the shield. If the shield is shaped like a circle, then this saying will most likely be written along its borders. In the days of the knights, the motto was a battle cry. Now, a small phrase or sentence that expresses important events for the family is best suited for this role. In addition, the text itself can be encrypted, which will add more mystery. The motto is the calling card of the family, just like the surname, because it conveys the main rule or credo of the entire family. Ideas for creating this saying can be gleaned from proverbs, sayings or quotes from great people.

Creation of a coat of arms

Very often at school a child is given the task of drawing a family coat of arms. Therefore, you and your child need to think through all the details of this symbol. But don’t try to do everything yourself, give the initiative to the young creator. Such joint work will be useful for each of the parties: the adult will more seriously analyze the history and values ​​of the family, and the child will understand the importance of such concepts as family and ancestors. Thus, with your joint efforts you will create a beautiful family coat of arms, a photo of which you will not be ashamed to show to your friends.

Another great reason to create this symbol is the combination of two hearts. It will be a wonderful decoration for a banquet hall, and in the future it will perfectly fit into the interior of your home. You can make a family coat of arms for a wedding yourself or simply order it.

Thus, one of the most important symbols of the family is the coat of arms. If it did not come to you from your ancestors, you can create it yourself. This is a labor-intensive process. All the tips presented above will tell you how to draw a family coat of arms so that it reflects all aspects of the family.

The family coat of arms is a set of heraldic symbols that represent the main features of a particular family line. The family coat of arms used to be a privilege of the nobility, but now it is designed to highlight the family, unite all its members, become a strong link for generations and the main relic and value of the clan.

The coat of arms can be ordered from specialists, or you can create it yourself, involving children and adult family members in this process. Such a joint activity will help relatives express their love for each other without unnecessary words, and will have a beneficial effect on the development of the child. Thanks to the development of a family coat of arms with children, the younger generation will develop patriotic feelings, acquire knowledge about heraldry in general and its features, enrich their vocabulary and have the opportunity to show imagination and participate on an equal basis with adults in creating a family heirloom. The benefit of such an exciting pastime also lies in an in-depth study of family history and collection of information about the life of ancestors.

The content of the article:

Stages of creating a family coat of arms

First, you need to offer your child a choice of the shape of the future family coat of arms. It can be any geometric figure. It is important that the shield, which is the basis of any coat of arms, can be inserted into it. Shields can be triangular, oval, square with rounded corners at the bottom, figured or in the form of a quadrangle pointed at the top. What material and even cardboard from boxes or thick colored paper are suitable as materials for making a relic.

Next, you need to ask the child to describe in separate words the emotions and impressions that thoughts about his family evoke in him. In the future, you should try to clothe them in the form of heraldic symbols, to form the basis of their motto. The next step will be dividing the field of the coat of arms into sectors, choosing colors and selecting elements that will be present on the emblem. You can put a special meaning into dividing the shield into segments - give different family members their own pieces of the coat of arms and offer to fill them with symbols themselves.

The final stage is drawing up a motto. To do this, you can take a catchphrase that accurately and succinctly characterizes the family, or you can come up with your own. The main thing is that the chosen phrase not only describes the genus, but also gives advice and guidance on the right direction of development for all subsequent generations.

Meanings of colors in heraldry

For the color design of family coats of arms, it is customary to use two metallic shades and five basic enamels. Of metals, preference is given to gold and silver, and of enamels - blue tones, red, black, green and violet.

Each color carries a specific message:

  • red is identified with courage and passion;
  • blue denotes beauty, grandeur and clarity;
  • green is used to represent freedom, abundance and hope;
  • purple always symbolizes power;
  • black can mean both sadness with modesty and constancy;
  • silver elements indicate nobility, purity and modesty;
  • gold represents generosity.

What symbols can be depicted on a family coat of arms?

The central part of the coat of arms should be occupied by a shield, above which a helmet with a crest rises. The color of the helmet symbolizes the social status of the clan, the degree of its nobility. Thus, gold is chosen by those who belong to a noble family, and silver can be used by all other representatives of social strata. As a crest you can take feathers, wings, horns, any headdress, or a flag. An unusual version of the crest is the richly decorated first letter of the surname. It is important that the helmet and crest are in the same color scheme and point in the same direction.

On the sides of the shield there are figures of animals holding it. Each animal is also a collective image, and therefore you should choose them after first familiarizing yourself with the symbolism of the figure. Instead of animals, you can depict birds, plants or intertwining hands. The shield covered with a mantle represents the protection of the family from everything bad. A tent-shaped mantle may indicate the presence of any special merits to the native state. To enhance its significance, this element is decorated with furs or gold ribbons.

Under the shield it is necessary to depict a stable platform, the basis of the clan. Its role can be a hill, a pedestal made of marble or ice, a block of stone, or a fluttering ribbon with the family motto. The main colors of the coat of arms should also be visible in the design of the ribbon with all the letter symbols. A cross is sometimes depicted on the shield itself.

Perhaps the following graphic family symbols will be useful to you to create your family coat of arms (images enlarge when clicked):

Symbolism of heraldic figures

Lions signify courage, strength, a combination of anger with generosity, unicorns indicate invincibility, and boars indicate fearlessness. Vigilance with caution can be conveyed through a crane, and a horse will help tell others about courage and speed. Particularly powerful are images of vultures, which convey ferocity and fearlessness, independent cats and warlike roosters. The presence of a wolf on the coat of arms gives the emblem a negative connotation, since this figure symbolizes anger and greed. Beautiful peacocks talk about showing off.

What do plant patterns mean? Lilies are intended to reflect a period of prosperity and success, roses testify to the spiritual purity of family members and their holiness. The olive tree charges the coat of arms with the energy of peaceful life, the laurel branch tells about valiant victories, and the oak tree tells about the great strength of the family.

The sun symbolizes the warmth and wisdom of generations and readiness for war, the bees - hard work and tirelessness, the ax - consciousness. The presence of a crescent moon speaks of the coming of enlightenment, a flaming heart - of passion. The crown always signifies exclusive power over others, and the star gives the emblem nobility. Hands are depicted as a symbol of faith, sincerity and justice.

The choice of symbols, colors and the application of all images on the field of the family coat of arms, the creation of a slogan - all this unites family members, gives them the opportunity to express themselves and better understand the thoughts of others. The participation of a child in the process of developing a coat of arms creates a special atmosphere of love, makes each stage exciting and funny, full of vivid impressions. Give your loved ones a lot of positive emotions, make a family coat of arms with them!

Where did the history of the coat of arms begin? It is very simple - the coat of arms was first used in the 12th century by feudal lords and knights in order to distinguish their own from strangers. The most convenient surface for a distinctive sign was a shield. This is how the coat of arms appeared. It may be a real work of art, but it is very important to read it correctly. First, the color of the background is called, then what is depicted, while the central image is announced first. In this article you will find how to correctly compose family coat of arms with description of symbols and what you should pay attention to.

Let's start creating by studying the history of our family in order to choose the main image. You can focus on outstanding personalities, any exploits of your ancestors, a special trait of the whole family, the sound of a surname, some family history or legend, etc.

The second task is to choose the shape of the shield. You can choose a traditional one, in the shape of a triangle, or you can show your imagination and create it yourself, or choose from the numerous already available options. The shield can also be divided into several sections. Whether there will be two of them, indicating mother and father, or more, is up to you to decide.

Under the shield, on a ribbon, is the family motto. It should briefly characterize your special features, what you are consistent with.

Description of the colors for the family coat of arms:

  1. golden means generosity;
  2. white (silver) - peace and tranquility;
  3. black - constancy and sadness;
  4. blue - loyalty to your family;
  5. green - hope and joy;
  6. red suggests that family members have military professions;
  7. purple is special, only members of the royal family could use it.
Despite the fact that there are still disagreements about the meaning of certain symbols, there are still several meanings that are accepted everywhere. So, the traditional symbols for the family coat of arms:
  1. fire - zeal;
  2. flaming heart - passion;
  3. ax - obedience, consciousness;
  4. the bridge is a symbol of judges;
  5. crescent - enlightenment;
  6. crown - power;
  7. cross - Christian feelings;
  8. French royal lily - purity, or that the family is of French origin;
  9. hand - faith, sincerity and justice;
  10. heart - sincerity;
  11. deer antlers - purity of spirit;
  12. the moon - His Lordship, used by the dukes;
  13. oyster shell - there are travelers in the family;
  14. sword - readiness to fight;
  15. ring - fidelity;
  16. sun - glory;
  17. star - nobility, noble origin.
Also on the coats of arms were depicted objects of civil and military affairs (helmets, swords, cannons, sickles, hammers), objects of the surrounding nature (rainbow, clouds, mountains, trees, branches, wreaths), symbols of various professions (architectural structures, carpentry, plumbing, construction and musical instruments, compasses, anchors).

The coat of arms is the face of the family. Its creation should be approached with all responsibility, to embody on it the characteristics of the whole family, but at the same time, so that it is as simple and understandable as possible.

The family coat of arms is a distinctive sign of the family, which symbolically reflects the family’s merits, achievements, history, of course, if there is something to be proud of in this history. For a long time the coat of arms was...