
Star romance: Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney. Lady Gaga's personal life Restoring a passionate union


The pretty husband of the artist, who recently showed off his game and attractive appearance in the film "The Other Woman", is a great connoisseur of Lady Gaga's work. Taylor goes to many of her concerts and lets her feelings out there.. The singer more than once watched Kinney cry during her performances from the emotions that flooded over him.


“He is the only man who is deeply touched by my songs. It means a lot to me,” Lady Gaga admitted to The Times. No less important for a star is the support that her beloved gives her. “Taylor always takes my side. He doesn’t care about my crazy costumes or provocative behavior on stage. For him, I am a simple American girl who has Italian roots,” the outrageous blonde, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, speaks fondly of Kinney.

The artist has repeatedly stated in an interview that is going to create a family with the actor and have many children - at least three. True, Gaga for some reason fears that her own "little monsters" may not like her work.

As already written Days.Ru, in early autumn, the singer 28-year-old singer, dancer and public figure secretly married. Foreign journalists came to this conclusion, noticing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand of the longtime lover of the artist - 33-year-old actor Taylor Kinney.

The reason for the publication was a photograph of Kinney's colleague in the cinematography workshop Sophia Bush. Both are taking part in the same film project, so none of Bush's many followers on her Instagram account were surprised when she posted a photo of them together, where Taylor Kinney touchingly hugs Sophia. Much more attention of subscribers was attracted by the ring on the ring finger of the actor's left hand. Bush herself only added fuel to the fire, writing in the caption to the picture: "This is his ring, not according to the plot".

It was after this publication that information appeared that Taylor Kinney and Lady Gaga secretly got married. Earlier, the paparazzi spotted the performer with her mother in Toronto, Canada, where girl trying on wedding dresses. However, none of the journalists witnessed the marriage of lovers and did not notice the wedding ring on the singer's finger. However, as noted by some media outlets, not all celebrities wear rings, although they are legally married.

The couple has been dating since September 2011. The spark between them flashed on the set of the video for the song You and I. The stars are so happy with each other that they want to spend the rest of their lives together. “Lady Gaga told me that Taylor is the one. It immediately catches your eye when you see them together. They are just made for each other.", - shared a friend of the famous singer. Few could have imagined, but known for her large-scale performances, Gaga always dreamed of a modest celebration only for her closest relatives and friends.

0 August 27, 2017, 17:20

Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney

An unexpected guest attended a concert in Chicago. Among the thousands present at Wrigley Field, fans noticed the ex-lover of the performing artist, Taylor Kinney. This became known thanks to the power of the Internet: several social media users posted pictures from the concert along with the former Gaga.

Tay with fans at the Lady Gaga concert in Chicago,

One of the users of social networks commented on the pictures.

I met Taylor Kinney last night. He's so cool. The best drunk selfie I've ever taken

Another fan opened up.

Why Kinney came to the ex-girlfriend's concert, the fans never found out. Some suggested that he still loves the artist and in this way decided to return her. And others believe that Taylor just supported Gaga in a friendly way.

Gaga herself did not comment on the presence of the former on the show, but noted her historic performance at Wrigley Field:

I am proud to be the first woman to lead Wrigley Field alongside my manager and friend. We love you Chicago

Written by Gaga.

Recall that Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney began dating in 2011. Four years later, the actor proposed to his beloved, but the matter never came to a wedding: in July 2016, the couple broke up. Despite this, the press still savors from time to time

Outrageous American singer Lady Gaga appeared on all screens and radio stations in 2008 with the song "Poker Face". The outrageous, strange singer instantly interested the whole world. Her real name is Stefania Germanotta, she was born in New York, in 86, she was fond of music since childhood, learned to play the piano on her own, graduated from art school and at 14 she already performed on the stages of clubs, played in the theater.

The singer borrowed her pseudonym from Freddie Mercury's hit "Radio Ga Ga". At first, she worked with famous labels only as a writer, in particular, Fergie, Britney Spears and the Pussycat Dolls performed songs written by Stephanie. Later, Akon noticed her and work began on a solo album. In the future, Lady Gaga has super-successful album sales, popular songs, flashy videos and extravagant antics like appearing on the red carpet in a dress made of raw meat.

The singer's personal life is no less surprising - it would seem that her partner should be a freak like herself, but her boyfriend has been actor Taylor Kinney for 4 years now. He is known to the Russian audience for his roles in the TV series Bones, The Vampire Diaries, Shameless, Chicago Fire. On February 14, 2015, the actor proposed to his beloved, and now the future husband of Lady Gaga and she herself are hard at work preparing for the wedding.

On a warm September afternoon, outside the Cinespace Film Studios in Chicago, a sweaty, slightly sooty fireman hugged a young lady. It could be assumed that there was a fire nearby and he heroically carried the young lady out of the flames, but in fact it was 28-year-old Lady Gaga who came to visit her lover - 33-year-old actor Taylor Kinney - on the set of the series Chicago on Fire.

Taylor was flattered that Gaga rushed to him immediately after the Australian tour, without even looking home - in a rented mansion in Beverly Hills. She only asked the assistant to give her a pet, a French bulldog named Asia, to her Chicago airport. The singer loves the dog she gave herself in April 2014, and on tour she misses her as much as her beloved man. Asia melancholy watched the lovers embrace from the window of a car parked next to the pavilion. After that, the three of them were going to go to Rosemont to see the concert of the legendary country singer Garth Brooks ...

If only the singer could - or wanted - to stay, not to return to her crazy life, endless tours! Half a year ago, Taylor had hope that Gaga, demoralized by the sluggish sales and harsh criticism of the Artpop album, would give up music, settle with him in Chicago and become an exemplary wife. But she decided to give show business another chance. Of course, Taylor in no way wished her failure, but patiently waiting for her to play enough of the queen of the universe, he was rather tired.

man on order

In early 2011, when she was about to shoot a video for the song You and I, Lady Gaga asked to get a guy she saw in the TV series The Vampire Diaries for the role of the main character. The actor's name was Taylor Kinney. The singer did not harbor romantic plans for him - she still could not move away from the break with the art director of her Haus of Gaga company Matthew Williams in May 2010. “Matthew felt that her career would always be more important to her,” friends said. He loved her, wanted to marry her, begged her to take care of her health. But Gaga got it into her head that she would die young, because she was genetically predisposed to lupus, and was in a hurry to realize her dreams of fame. After the break, it seemed to many that she was asking for an early death. No one can work hard, sip whiskey at parties, sleep three hours a night and remain in good health. Matthew at least occasionally forced her to rest. Gaga herself claimed that she did not have enough time for her personal life: “I deliberately sacrifice love. Was truly in love once, but he wanted me to stay at home with him. And I wanted to go on stage."

On the set of the video, Gaga was going to appear in various very curious, but rather frightening images - from a mermaid with gills on her cheeks to a cyborg. It seemed to her that only a person even stranger than herself could find it sexually attractive. “Taylor turned out to be just that,” she recalled the first meeting. “Deep down he’s a big weirdo. Almost the first words I heard from him was a quote from Dr. Seuss: "People look for in others not a kinship of souls, but a compatibility of oddities."

At that time, Taylor was in a serious relationship with retail chain manager Brittany Sackett. Nevertheless, it was he who took the first step towards rapprochement with the singer. “I knew I looked like a stuffed animal, but his compliments warmed my soul,” Gaga recalled. “In the middle of one scene, Taylor kissed me, even though it wasn't in the script. I asked: “Are you serious or kidding?” And he mysteriously remained silent, as if he wanted me to decide for myself. Well, that's nice."

Taylor's girlfriend, their romance, which she found out by accident, a few weeks after the end of filming the video, did not seem glorious. “My phone rang, apparently Taylor accidentally pressed the auto redial,” Brittany recalled. – I heard the voice of Gaga, who purred: “You are so sexy. And very resourceful…” It was three o'clock in the morning. Then Taylor swore that he just went to a party with her, but I kicked him out anyway. He is unfaithful, dishonest, weak-willed and spineless. Gaga did me a favor by taking him away."

Weird Compatibility

A few months later, Taylor took the singer to his homeland, Pennsylvania, and introduced him to his family. “We were going camping, but I had to take her back home and change her clothes,” the actor laughed. - I told her: “Baby, you won’t go far through the forest in these heels!” After returning to Los Angeles, Gaga practically moved from a luxurious mansion to a modest house on the coast, which the actor shared with three friends. Neighbors did not immediately recognize the outrageous star in a young woman who bought groceries in a store and dragged baskets of dirty laundry to the laundry ...

However, the idyll quickly ended: Taylor was offered a role in the TV series Chicago on Fire, while Gaga remained in Los Angeles, where her professional life is concentrated. She flew to him when she could, enthusiastically cleaned up his rented Chicago apartment. “When we are alone, he is the main one,” the singer admitted. - As soon as I cross the threshold, I immediately put on slippers and spank to prepare food. And then I wait for my hero from work. I have to manage everyone in the studio and on tour, it was not enough at home to tell the man what to do.

Taylor claimed that at home, Gaga looked nothing like her extravagant stage persona. "She's just a funny little chick," he said. “When we are together, we fool around and laugh a lot, and we try to do creative things, like painting.” But Gaga's career still remained in the first place: in the spring of 2012, she began preparing for a tour in support of the Born This Way album and forgot about everything else, including her lover. Of course, this seemed insulting to him, and in May 2012 they fled, recognizing the relationship as inappropriate.

Less than a month after the breakup, Gaga realized that she missed Taylor, and he dropped everything and flew to her call, first to Thailand, then to Singapore, and from there to Australia. “In Brisbane, he drove straight from the airport to her hotel and immediately took her to dinner at a restaurant,” eyewitnesses said. “They held hands and kissed.” After reconciliation, the singer tried to devote more time to her boyfriend, to show attention and care more often. For Taylor's birthday last July, she ordered an exclusive $55,000 crocodile skin backpack designed by British artist Damien Hirst. “He loves all kinds of bags, so Gaga tried to find something really rare,” friends said. “Only 12 of these backpacks were produced.”

genre crisis

The singer claimed that she really wants to marry Taylor and become a mother: “I give birth to a ton of children for him. Three at least. And I will educate them myself.” The question "when?" remained open - in November last year, Gaga went headlong into the promotional tour of the album, and Taylor's patience snapped. “He invited her to be alone and think again if they need such a relationship,” people in the know said. “Taylor is tired of promising the mother of her grandchildren and waiting for Gaga to stop chasing fame.”

In January, it became clear that the album was a flop. “I was upset,” said Lady Gaga. - Insomnia began, I felt dead. To me
I didn’t want to sing and go on stage.” Taylor decided to step on the throat of resentment and substitute a strong male shoulder for his beloved, for which she is in the heat of the moment
of gratitude promised him to quit his career: “It seemed to me right to lock myself up at home and end the chaos of show business. I had not yet decided whether I wanted to get married, but I was ready to immediately start giving birth.

Her obligations to the organizers of the tour prevented her from fulfilling this intention. While Gaga traveled around the world, the fuse fizzled out. In addition, she met jazz singer Tony Bennett, who invited her to record a joint jazz project Cheek to Cheek: “Tony saved my life. He convinced me that it was too early to have children and become a housewife. Now I just want to sing. And if someone doesn't agree, I can't help you."

This man won the heart of the famous blonde, who in the past vowed never to get married. But the love, affection and tenderness of Taylor Kinney, who has been with Lady Gaga for four years, assured her that he is exactly the man she needs. Last Valentine's Day, Taylor finally decided to propose to his beloved and gave her a luxurious engagement ring with a large heart-shaped diamond.

In anticipation of a star wedding, we decided to take a closer look at the charming and attractive Taylor Kinney to find out - who is he, Lady Gaga's future husband? This marriage will be the first for both the singer and her chosen one. The couple, who started dating in 2011 and met on the set of the star's music video, are enjoying a happy engagement period and trying not to scare away their happiness.

"He's just as weird as me. You see, this is the whole point of a happy relationship - to find the same strange person as yourself. And only in this case you will be able to live long and happily,” Lady Gaga admitted in an interview. Despite the fact that the couple rarely appears together in public, they speak enthusiastically about each other. In 2012, there was a difficult period in their relationship, but they managed to overcome difficulties and have been happy together ever since.

Do you think Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney are a good match?