
What is an electronic student diary? Electronic diary of a schoolchild - monitoring progress What is the name of the electronic diary of a schoolchild


Welcome to website. In this article we will tell you how to access the electronic diary through the State Services portal. Today, modern technologies have made people's lives much easier. Now you don't have to wait in long lines to see a doctor or go to the post office to pay various bills.

The innovations did not spare parents either; now the child will not be able to hide bad grades or homework. Now the student’s electronic diary has begun to operate in full force, with entries in which parents can review at any time. But not all users know how to enter the electronic diary through State Services. Let's look into this issue.

Modern parents are now very busy and they do not always have time to go to school to find out the behavior and academic performance of their child, but this project helps solve the main part of these problems. For this, parents need to have a device with Internet access, and they will be able to see at any time how their child is studying and whether there are any complaints about him. This service is provided absolutely free of charge.

Before viewing the electronic diary through State Services, you must complete 3 main steps:

  • Register on the State Services portal if you do not have a personal account.
  • Take your login and password to enter the electronic diary.
  • Log in to the required diary page.

But these steps need to be reviewed in more detail.

Advantages of an electronic school diary

An electronic student diary has a large number of advantages, these include:

  • Functionality. The user can customize the entire portal according to his preferences; several tabs can be removed or added.
  • Control over the child. Children do not always talk about what is happening at school, but parents can monitor all learning remotely.
  • The appearance of the portal itself is not at all different from a simple diary or school magazine.
  • Responses to necessary questions occur in a very short time.
  • The database is constantly updated, as the teacher must enter information about the student daily.
  • Since the notification system is set up perfectly, you won’t have to constantly check notifications; they will happen automatically.

What documents will be needed to receive the electronic diary service?

Before logging into the electronic diary through, you must provide the school administration with a package of necessary documents, after which they will register on the diary’s website. Required documents include:

  1. Passport of the parent or his legal representative.
  2. Child's birth certificate.
  3. Application for the provision of this service.
  4. Consent to the processing of the provided data.

It is worth remembering that you need to be very responsible when filling out the application, since if any corrections are made, it will not be accepted by the secretary.

Register on the State Services website

State Services is a convenient website. Since with the help of this site you can significantly save time, which can be spent on visiting authorities. On this portal you can use the following services:

  • Put your child on the waiting list for kindergarten.
  • Register the marriage.
  • Arrange for various benefits and payments.
  • Submit an application for the production of passports, both Russian and foreign.
  • Pay taxes, fines and other services.

This means that registration on this portal can help every resident of our country. To register on the portal and find out how to register in an electronic diary through, you must complete the following steps:

  • Log in to the portal.
  • After that, on the page, find the “Login to State Services” window, which is located on the edge and click on the “Register” button.

  • The next window requires you to enter your first and last name, as well as your mobile number or email address.

  • After all the data has been entered, you need to click on the “Register” link, after which a window will open in which you will need to enter a verification code for your mobile phone, which will come in an SMS message. Then confirm your account.
  • In a new window, you will need to create a password in accordance with the requirements of the site and click on the “Finish” link; the password is entered twice.

  • After this, the user will see a page on which he will need to enter all the data. The page indicates the user’s full name, gender, date and place of birth, citizenship, passport and SNILS data, after which the “Save” button is pressed.
  • After all the data has been entered, it will be sent for automatic verification by the system, which may take a certain amount of time. At this time, the user can fill in other information.

After completing these steps, you can start using your personal account. If you wish, you can create a verified account using a letter by mail, in specialized centers or using an electronic signature. Such confirmation opens up many more opportunities on the portal.

We receive a login and password to enter the electronic diary

Before logging into the electronic diary through State Services, you must obtain a login and password to enter this site. Login information can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Personal appeal to the school administration.
  2. Obtaining data from State Services.

Sometimes data can be obtained in both ways at the same time, but sometimes only one of the options is available.

Obtaining a password at school is a very simple and accessible option, but through the state portal it can cause corresponding difficulties. To obtain login information and access the student’s electronic diary through State Services, you need to perform several important steps:

  • Log in to the state portal and enter your personal account login information.
  • On the open page, type “electronic diary” in the search bar and click on the “Search” button.

  • In the list provided, you need to find the region in which the service is provided.

  • After this, start receiving the service using the link “Obtaining access to the student’s electronic diary.”

  • After this, a page will open that will display the timing of this service and its cost, reasons for refusal and much more.

As a result, it turns out that there are two ways to obtain data for an electronic diary.

In the end, the user will receive a login and password for the required site, the application is reviewed within 72 hours.

How to register a student’s electronic diary on State Services

Logging into the electronic diary through the State Services portal for parents does not have a single link for the entire country; each region has its own services to provide such a service. To log into the service through State Services, you need to perform several actions:

  • In the search field in any search engine you need to specify “Electronic diary” and the required site will be in the first place.
  • When you log into the site using the link, the user will see a page for logging into the state portal.

  • On this page at the very bottom there is a button “Log in using government services.”
  • After the user clicks on this link, a page for logging into the portal will open, you need to provide data and click on the “Login” button.
  • After this, a new page will open on which you will need to enter your login and password for the electronic diary itself.

  • You must provide all the required login information and click on the “Go to diary” link. That's all. Now you know how to view an electronic diary in government services.

After parents register on the electronic diary, they can always find out what is happening with their child at school.

What additional services are available on the school portal

In addition to all the listed services and how to register for government services for an electronic diary, on this portal you can use other services that are also important for parents, these include:

  1. Progress table. That is, for each student a special table is created on the portal, which is created from the grades that he received for the quarter. Also in the table you can see the absences and final grades that the child receives. Quite recently, a function began to work that allows you to calculate the average score, thanks to which a high school child will be able to focus on the necessary passing scores for admission to higher education institutions. You can also see grades given by teachers and comments on your average score. The function can be used not only by teachers, but also by parents. You can monitor your child’s progress throughout the entire quarter.
  2. Progress chart. Now you can monitor your child’s progress not only according to the grades given, but also according to the schedule. According to the graph, you can see the comparison for all criteria and categories.
  3. Lesson schedule for both students and teachers.
  4. Schedules of calls to and from lessons.
  5. Personal information about each registered student on this site.
  6. Special chat for school communication.

To use all these services, the portal user needs to know how to find an electronic diary in the State Services and register in it.

For what reasons may a service be refused?

A future user of an electronic diary may be denied this service if the application is filled out incorrectly. If errors were made in the last name, first name or patronymic or in other specified data, the application will have to be rewritten.

If the portal is used by a teacher, then he needs to provide the journal directly for the class to which he wants to access, only under this condition the teacher will be able to use the service.

The user may be refused for other reasons, these include:

  • The application was submitted by a person who is not the applicant.
  • The child about whom they want information is not studying at this school.
  • The documents do not meet all the necessary requirements.
  • There is conflicting information in the documents.
  • Application for refusal to provide this service.

So, we figured out how to link an electronic diary to State Services and make the link in order to have access to the diary using this portal and use all the capabilities provided by the service.

You can check your child’s schedule in the electronic diary. To do this, select a service on the site and log in. Further:

  • To view the lesson schedule for the week, select the “Diary” section in the top horizontal menu, then the “Diary” or “Schedule” tab. In the menu that appears on the right, indicate the week you are interested in;
  • To view the schedule of holidays, weekends and vacations for the current academic year, select the “Education” section in the top horizontal menu, then the “Academic calendar” tab. In the calendar that opens, vacations, training modules, and weekends are marked in different colors. You can hide one of the sections from the calendar - to do this, click on it in the right menu.

If you have more than one child, you can switch between their diaries by clicking on the gray triangle under your last name and initials in the upper right corner of the screen.

2. How to inform that a child will not be at school?

The “absence notification” function is available only to parents. To report that a child will not be at school, select the “Diary” section in the top horizontal menu, then the tab. In the calendar that opens, specify the date for which you want to create a notification. If your child misses one or more lessons, select "Some Lessons" and mark the lessons he or she will be absent from. If your child misses one or more school days entirely, select "By Day" and mark when he or she will be absent from school. Confirm your selection by clicking the “Create on selected range” button. Days when the child does not go to school will be marked in blue on the calendar, when part of the day will be absent - in green.

If you need to delete a notification, select in the calendar the date on which the notification was made (marked in green or blue), indicate which notification you want to delete, and click “Delete on the selected range.” It is not possible to delete notifications from past days.

3. How to contact school staff and students' parents using the diary?

Go to the section (envelope icon), click on “+ New chat” and specify the name of the chat.

You can add students, their parents, teachers and school administration to the chat. To do this, enter the first letters of the last name of the person you want to send a message to in the “Start entering full name” field or select a category (parents, teachers, students, etc.) and the last name of whom to add to the chat. After that, click the “Go to chat” button.

To edit an already created chat (delete, leave, rename, add or remove participants), click on the “ ” icon in the upper right corner of the chat itself.

4. How to use an electronic diary through a mobile application?

  • download the free mobile application (available for Android and iOS devices);
  • open the application and register in it, indicating your mobile phone number;
  • on the main screen, select the “Electronic diary” section and enter the email address that you provided to the school to access the electronic diary.

If the application encounters an error, make sure you have the latest version of the application installed. If the update does not solve the problem, take a screenshot (screenshot) of the error and contact customer support.

The development of information technology has made life much easier for our compatriots. Now you don’t have to stand in line to visit a doctor, you don’t have to go to the post office or other institutions to pay for services, etc. Moreover, life has become easier for parents: their child will not be able to hide negative grades and assigned homework by simply covering up the relevant notes with a stroke or tearing out “extra” sheets. After all, if you go to the electronic diary in government services, you can find all the information that one way or another could be interesting to dads and moms. What is the essence of this service, how to get there? Answers to these and other interesting questions regarding the electronic diary can be found further in this article.

Electronic student diary: the essence of the project

Due to the high employment of modern parents, they do not have time to visit school in order to verify the child’s progress, find out about homework, or whether there are claims and complaints from teachers about bad behavior, infrequent attendance, etc. A new government project helps solve all these problems. It is enough for fathers and mothers to have a device with an Internet connection to open the student’s electronic diary on government services and thereby monitor the progress of their child. Moreover, this service is provided completely free of charge.

When deciding to use such a convenient service, parents should do 3 main things:

  • Register with government services (if this has not already been done);
  • Receive data (login and password) to enter the electronic diary;
  • Go directly to the required page.

All these steps are described in more detail below.

Registration on the portal

Government services are a fairly convenient service. After all, thanks to it, you can significantly reduce the time spent on visiting the relevant authorities. So, thanks to this site you can leave a statement to:

  • Placing a child on a waiting list for kindergarten;
  • Marriage registration;
  • Registration of benefits, payments;
  • Issuance of passports (citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign);
  • Pay fines, taxes and much more.

This means that having a registered page on the state portal will not interfere with any citizen of the Russian Federation.

So, registration for public services is carried out according to the following basic steps:

  1. Enter the site. To do this, follow the following link:
  2. Then in the window that opens, find the “Login to State Services” section. It is located on the right edge of the page.

Click on register.

  1. A new window will open where you need to enter your data: last name and first name, mobile phone number or email address.

  1. After entering the data, click on “Register”. As a result, a window will open to confirm your phone number or email address (depending on what was entered earlier). Confirm your new account.
  2. On the page that appears, set a password and confirm by typing it again. Click on “Done”.

  1. A window will open where you will need to enter all your data. Namely, the user’s full name, gender and date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, passport details and SNILS number. Click on “Save”.
  2. After which the entered passport data and SNILS number will be checked for accuracy by the relevant authorities. In the meantime, the user can fill in other items as desired. For example, information about home address, driver's license numbers, medical policies, vehicle, etc.

In this very simple way, an account for government services appeared. If desired, it can be confirmed by contacting the post office with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. This will give more benefits to the user: he will be able to perform even more functions.

Obtaining a login and password to enter the Electronic Diary

In this case, there are 2 solutions:

  • Address this question to the student’s class teacher;
  • Obtain data through State Services.

In some cases, obtaining credentials to log into an electronic diary in government services is available in both ways, in others - only through a teacher or a portal.

If the first option does not hide anything complicated, then beginners will have to tinker a little with the second. To help in this matter, it would be correct to present the following instructions:

  • Go to the already familiar portal for the provision of public services by entering your identification data.
  • In the window that appears, enter “electronic diary” in the search field. Click on search.

  • In the search results, find the service provided by the department of the required area. As an example, a proposal from an institution of the city of Moscow will be considered. Here it is referred to as the “Electronic School Student Diary (ESD)”.

  • Proceed to receive the service by clicking on “Obtaining access to the student’s electronic diary (MRKO).”

  • A window will open indicating how to obtain the service, its cost, terms of provision, grounds for refusal, results of work and contact information of the organization providing the service.
  • As you can see, you can get this service in two ways: in person and via the Internet.

  • And the result of the provision of the service will be the provision of a login and password to enter the Electronic Diary. Moreover, the processing time for the application is 3 working days.

How to register a student’s electronic diary with government services

There is no specific link to enter the Student Electronic Diary for all regions. Each region/territory/republic has developed its own services to provide such services. The city of Moscow will again be considered as an example. To access the electronic diary in government services, you should take the following steps:

  1. Enter information of the following type into the field of any search engine: “Electronic diary Moscow (or any other city of interest).” As a rule, the required site will be displayed on the first line. For Moscow, the site link is:
  2. When you go to the provided address, fields for entering the State Services portal will open (an example of obtaining them was presented above in the “registration on the portal” section).

  1. Here you can also log in by clicking on “Log in using”. This link is located at the very bottom of the page.
  2. When you click it, a window will appear with fields for entering your login and password. You need to fill them out and click on “Login”.
  3. A new page will appear where you need to enter login and password information to enter the Electronic Diary itself (you can get them, as mentioned above, by asking your class teacher or using the government services portal).

  1. Fill in all the required data, click on “go to diary”. In this simple way, you can open a student’s electronic diary using government services.

The Electronic Schoolchildren's Diary is a system for interaction between schoolchildren, their parents, teachers and school and city administration, via the Internet and SMS. Everyone benefits from the system.
With the help of electronic diaries, parents will be able to monitor their child’s progress: their class schedule, homework, grades, absenteeism, find out in time about the upcoming parent-teacher meeting (for example, by subscribing to the SMS diary service), and also communicate online with teachers and school administration. The system will remind students of their schedule and homework. It will also give you the opportunity to view statistics and ratings of your ratings by week, month or year. Teachers will have a convenient and quick way to communicate with parents; in addition, the electronic journal will help in preparing progress reports, ratings of students by performance, and will also allow them to conduct electronic tests for students, even in their absence from school.

Why do you need an Electronic Student Diary?

The main advantages of this system can be formulated as follows:
1. The diary is now impossible to forget at home or lose!
2. Parents have constant and easy access to their child’s diary. All you need is the Internet!
3. The student has full access to the system and feels responsible for the results of his studies; in addition, even if he got sick or for some other reason could not write down his homework, he just needs to go online to get it.
4. An electronic diary allows you to promptly notify parents about important events and send them urgent messages even to a mobile phone.
5. An electronic diary allows the teacher to keep attendance and progress records in one place.
6. The electronic diary system greatly simplifies the accumulation of all information about the school and its analysis.
7. Connecting to the electronic diary system is a very simple procedure and does not require additional equipment. A regular computer and Internet access are enough.
8. The electronic diary system is developed on a powerful modern software base, which eliminates any possibility of hacking or unauthorized access to the system.
9. System maintenance is a popular and democratic service, available to absolutely any educational institution and is widely used in Russian schools.
10. Great attention is paid to confidentiality. Each user has their own login and password. The teacher fills out information only for the classes in which he teaches; parents receive information only about their children.

What is DEVNIK.RU? is a school social network that unites all schools in Russia;
This is a unique school project that has no analogues in the world.
Basic goals:
Create a unified information environment for teachers, students and their parents.
Make the learning process at school easier and more interesting.
Communication creates a modern communication environment for real participants in school life.
On the school page, teachers, students and parents have access to remote communication functions: the ability to send and receive messages, create groups and announce events, and share news. The school administration can post detailed information about the school.
Each Diary user has his own personal page where he can talk about himself, his interests, publish photos and maintain his own blog.
Diary users communicate with each other, with their classmates and teachers.
The diary allows you to completely transfer the learning process online.
Digital library
The Diary presents all literary works that are studied as part of the school curriculum.
All textbooks that are recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation are also presented. Based on user reviews and ratings in the Diary, an overall rating of textbooks is formed.
Works wherever there is Internet
In any part of the world, if you have access to the Internet, you can access the Diary at any time of the day.
Absolutely free
Diary users are not charged any fees: neither installation nor subscription.
Connecting the Diary requires absolutely no costs. You just need to use it: freely and without obligation.
You can find out more on the website

  • Administrative regulations of the Gorodetsky district administration for the provision of municipal services “Providing information on the current progress of a student, maintaining an electronic diary and an electronic grade book”

Manuals and instructions

The school diary connects the school management with the student’s parents - marks are made in it based on the results of knowledge surveys, tests, teachers write comments about behavior or poor preparation, and this technique always continued until an analogue of the paper version came into use - an electronic diary. What is this, how can a parent log into an electronic diary and check how things are going with their student child?

With the development of new Internet services, every parent registered on the State Services portal can promptly receive all information about studies and various comments, missed classes, made simultaneously in both paper and electronic diary form. That is, the student will no longer be able to hide from parents any information that the school wanted to bring to the attention of parents. And if previously a careless student could tear out a page or correct 2 by 3, then the new service for parents already eliminates this possibility.

Any parent who is interested in their child’s success at school will be able to obtain all the information they are interested in through the State Services Internet portal using the “electronic student diary” option. To do this, you must be registered to enter the portal in a section specially created for this. You can gain access absolutely free.

In order for each parent to have access only to their child’s page, a colossal amount of work was done - a list of students was compiled, correspondence by school institutions and classes was developed, and personal input data for parents was developed.

At this point in time, not all regions have prepared the system in order, so this service is not yet available everywhere.

Getting login information

One of the parents must contact the secretariat of the educational institution with a statement indicating:

  • Information from the child's birth certificate.
  • Personal details of the applicant.
  • A request containing a request for access to the electronic diary of your child.
  • Give agreement to the processing of data on the Internet.

The secretary will check the specified information with the available data and issue information and instructions for gaining access to the desired service on the State Services.

Please note that you can get access not on the national website, but only on the regional one. For example, for Moscow this page is located in the “Study and Education” section, for the Moscow Region.

It should also be taken into account that not all regional educational institutions have switched to the new format for maintaining school records. Moscow is at the forefront here, and its experience will be transferred to other regions.

  1. To log in, you need authorization, and if you don’t have an account, you should create one.
  2. Contact the class teacher and request input data - each student has his own personal page, and you can only log in using this data.

Registration procedure on the portal

As an example, we will consider Moscow. Open the main page of State Services in Moscow, click on the banner - register:

  1. Enter your personal data, email address and mobile device number sequentially in the appropriate fields - confirmation codes will be sent to them.
  2. Click on the button - registration, and after checking the entered data, messages with confirmation codes will be sent to your email address and phone number - enter them in the appropriate fields;
  3. Create your login password and complete the process by clicking on the “Done” banner.

Now you will be able to log into various electronic services, including the “Education” section, where the necessary functionality is located.

Procedure for logging into the electronic diary

Now let’s learn more about how parents can access the student’s electronic diary:

  1. Open the portal page and click on the button – log in (at the top of the page).
  2. Enter your login details and log in.
  3. From the general list, follow the link “Education”, to the section “Electronic student diary”.
  4. Now you should enter the data received from the class teacher - login and password, then a new page will open with records of your child’s progress. Data for the last school month will be displayed here, but parents do not need a longer period.

You can also log into this service from the Gosuslugi mobile application; the authorization process is similar to the traditional login from your desktop computer.

What information will be available to parents?

Important! If you have an electronic signature, then you can put it through the service, thereby notifying the teacher that you are familiar with his comments and wishes.

By opening a personal page, parents will be able to find out about all the important events of the educational institution and other important information:

  • Scheduled class and school-wide meetings, agendas;
  • Missing classes for an unexcused reason (truancy);
  • Homework for each subject;
  • Receive personal information from the class teacher or any subject teacher, if you have an electronic signature, and respond to them via the Internet.

All information is provided by the Department of Education of the Moscow region.