
Check the mirror. "Check you" - scams of girls from social networks (5 photos). Why check you are safe

Pathologies of the uterus

Hundreds of girls fall for the bait of trolls, ready to show themselves in all their glory for a reward. The website of the Chek Yu project is filled with shocking photographs of naked girls and young men.

“We ruin lives, we destroy destinies” - the creators of the project warn about this, who are confident that they are exposing girls of easy virtue. The “morality police” operate according to a well-established scheme: a “Chek Yu” activist creates a fake account on a social network and selects a victim. Seducing a married lady is a special joy. Having chosen an object, the troll comes into contact with the victim. Tver resident Elena received a tempting offer: to provide escort services to a young businessman and receive 500 euros for an evening spent in pleasant company. Elena entered into a correspondence, but a few days later the “customer” asked her to send photographs of her intimate areas, offering twice the amount. Communication ended unexpectedly:

“He sent me a message with a threat,” says Elena, “that this correspondence will end up on a site with thousands of visitors.” “You will become famous, I will send the photos to your friends and family.” Then there were obscene words addressed to me.

Such sad fame befell girls of very different status, not only from the provinces, but also from large cities. Elena, one might say, escaped with a slight fright - the family was not destroyed, her career did not go downhill. And the girl calls the pictures rather “artistic”, in contrast to hundreds of other “portfolios” in which there is no aesthetics. The whistleblowers themselves are far from being Robin Hoods: in order to maintain the secret of correspondence, they extort money from victims or offer, albeit free of charge, to provide intimate services. Many agree, and this is also published on the “board of shame.” The girls do not remain in debt: the trolls are threatened with a lawsuit under Article 152.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Protection of the image of a citizen.” In response they receive the following message:

“On the mountain of whores, the article contains a clarification that a citizen’s consent to the publication of his image is not required when the citizen posed for a fee (Article 152.1, paragraph 3).”

Law enforcement officers and Roskomnadzor have not yet responded to the girls’ appeals, says Elena. They wait until pornographic images of minors appear on the site or one of the girls commits suicide because of the shame.

The creators of the project claim in an interview that they receive such threats all the time. But, as a rule, the victim “comes to life” the next day and continues to beg to delete the photo. The Chek Yu administrator introduces himself as a 20-year-old student from St. Petersburg who is involved in a scam for an “idea,” which does not prevent him from accepting “orders” for certain girls.

“In most cases there are no feelings, sometimes you feel sorry for them. The goal is rather not mockery, it’s all fun, of course, but we don’t want to laugh, but to show how not to do it.”

The “board of shame” contains photographs and correspondence history with 147 girls. In the comments to the portfolio, users leave a variety of entries: some call them “victims,” others condemn them for being corrupt. Whatever the public reaction, the creators of the project take on too much, claiming that they are philanthropists who expose girls of easy virtue. “CHEK U” is, first of all, a business based on human vices, and the process of “exposing” is the temptation of a substantial amount of money to those who need it. This is precisely the case when the end does not fully justify the means. It is not entirely clear who looks worse in this situation – those who appeared to be on the board of shame or those who are hiding behind fake accounts.

I learned about the Chek-yu project several months ago: one of my friends showed me a link to a page on VK, where Chek subscribers discussed the news that a girl had cut her wrists because of the publication of her correspondence. The highly moral administration of the public and its humane subscribers joyfully wished the unknown girl to die as soon as possible. I left a couple of comments on this matter, but since I did not have access to the archive where the divorces were published, and on the open page there were no divorces showing photos and indicatingidgirls, everything was limited to comments. Later, around the beginning of April, I learned about the existence of the Chek-yu website, followed the link, read the “divorces”, comments on them (all extremely moral and imbued with the spirit of philanthropy and humanity) and experienced an irrational desire to punch the organizer of this project in the face , or scammers, or trolls.

Then I began to communicate with the victims of this site, and, since I am a practicing lawyer, I began to help the girls: I advise them, prepare sample statements for them, and explain how to behave when communicating with law enforcement officers. Well, along the way, I became convinced that beneath noble goals, as often happens, vile, base motives are hidden. Thus, one of the scammers, after the girl gave him her intimate photos, demanded that the girl record a video of her masturbating in order to remove them from the site, while the communication style of this scammer was quite consistent with the communication style of seasoned criminals, according to - in my opinion, the epithet “rat” was the mildest of those that he used to address the girl. At the same time, the scammer told the girl in plain text: “either my dick will get what I want, or your divorce will hang until the end of time,” the project administrator also told the girl that she must do what she wanted, otherwise he would do nothing will not delete. Of course, when I wrote to him, he made a surprised face and said that he only sends everything to the admin, and it’s up to the admin whether to delete something or not (apparently, the guy suffers from memory lapses, it happens).

At the same time, I want to clarify that by “administrator” I mean a person (or group of persons) who is (are) responsible for posting materials on the site. The admin himself does not hesitate to demand money from girls for deleting correspondence. Apparently, in his system of moral values, extortion is quite appropriate.

By the way, I cannot help but note that the scammers themselves say that 10% of divorces are the fruit of the sick imagination of their authors and Photoshop.

Of course, neither the scammers nor the admins are interested in the fate of the girls who may have been avenged for something. How aptly one of the public’s subscribers said: “Even if it’s photoshopped, so what?” Which once again confirms that they do not need a fight for morality, but humiliation and tears of girls, and it also says a lot about the intellectual level.

And the girls who became victims of the project, in addition to extortion and humiliation from the scammers and the project administration, will continue to face even greater humiliation. Links to their page are published on the website, where each of the Chekov scumbags can write to both the girls and their friends.

At the same time, the divorcers themselves, when they inform the girls about the divorce, already glow with complacency and pathos. By the way, I can’t help but remember the words of a certain Sergei, who identified himself as the organizer of the project, saying, “Everything is done by subscribers, sent to friends and, of course, to the guy.” The nice guy modestly kept silent (or simply lied) that links to the pages of girls’ friends were kindly created provided, even if the girl manages to remove them.

Please note that this comment was left by the “cheater” himself, so Sergei’s statements that they don’t send anything to anyone are as true as the project admin’s assurances that they don’t extort money from girls are true.

To all questions about how fair it is to treat girls like this (when correspondence and photos are posted online, when screenshots of correspondence end up, for example, at a university), the answer is that “whores must suffer,” to the reasonable question of and what then needs to be done with the criminals, which, in fact, are the project administrators, scammers and others like them, the guys hastily change the topic.

And by the way, yes, publishing someone else’s correspondence and photographs is illegal. Even if the photos were provided by the girl to some guy, and the correspondence was published by the addressee. Next, I would like to quote in full our commentary, where we analyze in detail the article “Why the Check is Safe”

<...Статья 137 УК РФ. Нарушение неприкосновенности частной жизни
Illegal collection or dissemination of information about the private life of a person, constituting his personal or family secret, without his consent, or dissemination of this information in a public speech, publicly displayed work or the media -

As we can see, the court was not interested in the fact of how exactly the photographs got to Matveev, and how legally he received them, in order to convict Matveev, the fact of showing the photographs to his friends was enough. At the same time, the photographs were previously transferred to Matveev herself

Does this information constitute personal secrets about the victim's private life? No. Firstly, in the correspondence there is no mention of specific situations from the “rich and eventful” life of the victims, but only proposals and discussions in which they participated. What kind of personal life is this if the specified event, sexual intercourse, did not happen and was not planned in reality? Dissemination of information about personal life without consent? Even if this information constitutes a personal secret, then at least two people - two participants. The “divorcee” clearly has the consent, since he himself publishes the correspondence...>

A comment:This information, including photographs, constitutes the secret of the private life of the victim girl.According to Part 1 of Art. 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation Everyone has the right to privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of their honor and good name. Thus, both participants in the correspondence have the right to privacy; therefore, for the publication of photos and correspondence, there must be the consent of both participants, because otherwise, the Constitutional rights of one of the participants in the correspondence will be violated. In addition, in Art. 137 of the Criminal Code we are talking about illegal collecting and disseminating information. Dissemination of information about the private life of the victim is the communication to the perpetrators without the consent of the victim about such information: to third parties in a conversation; announcement in a public speech at a meeting, rally, conference; in a publicly displayed work - a leaflet, poster or drawing; in magnetic or video recordings; publication of this information in the press, on radio or television, etc. However, the law does not link liability for the illegal dissemination of information about a person’s private life with a specific method of dissemination. Distribution refers to any illegal transfer of specified information to third parties. Besides,It should be considered illegal to obtain confidential information using violence, deception, theft of official documents, giving bribes to officials, etc. The information provided by the “divorce” about themselves (gender, age, place of work, job offer) does not correspond to reality, that is, the collection of information was achieved by deception (read “illegal”).
Position of the courts: On March 29, 2011, the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Kamchatka Regional Court upheld the conviction of the magistrate judge of judicial district No. 23 of the Kamchatka Territory dated January 19, 2011 against Nozhkin R.S. In support of its position, the court stated the following: “These photographs provided an indefinite circle of people with open access to such information about Merlina, which in everyday life is hidden from view by outsiders due to the cultural and moral foundations that have developed in society. From the testimony of the victim it follows that she does not belong to a subculture that denies these principles. The convict was aware of Merlina's reluctance to make the photographs available to others. At the court hearing, it was established that when handing over the photographs to Nozhkin, the victim clearly explained that they were intended exclusively for his personal viewing, which was due to the nature of the relationship that existed between them at that time, and convincingly asked not to show them to anyone else. However, after the breakdown of relations, Nozhkin deliberately posted on the international computer network Internet photographs of the victim in openly naked form, components her personal secret ».

03.11.2011 Belousov Yu.F. Convicted by the Magistrate of the court district No. 96 of the Volgograd region under Part 1 of Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for committing the following actions: “Belousov Yu.F. ...decided on the social network “<ОБЕЗЛИЧИНО>» post he had photos<ФИО1>where she is depicted in lingerie and nude form, received by him from<ФИО2>. during the period of their cohabitation, Yu.F. Belousov, using his personal computer connected to the Internet through a provider<ОБЕЗЛИЧИНО>accessed the social network "<ОБЕЗЛИЧИНО>", on the website of which he created on behalf of<ФИО2>. a web page with an internet address<НОМЕР>, available for public access and viewing, where, without her knowledge and consent, he indicated her personal data - last name, first name, date of birth, home address, her mobile phone number, and also posted information about her private life<ФИО2>. - her photographs, where she is depicted in lingerie and in the nude, which were available for viewing by all members of the social network

Thus, the courts do not care how exactly the photographs got to the criminal, only the fact that they were distributed without the consent of the victim is important. At the same time, the courts believe that intimate photographs constitute the secret of girls, and therefore, the position that “ This information constitutes a personal secret of at least two people.” contrary to the Constitution and judicial practice

The “wise” lawyer colleague also foresaw the possibility of initiating a criminal case, and therefore showed the height of insight and intelligence by offering to defend honor and dignity.

A comment:Girls will defend their constitutional right to privacy. According to Part 1 of Art. 44 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, a civil plaintiff is an individual or legal entity who has filed a claim for compensation for property damage, if there is reason to believe that this damage was caused to him directly by a crime. A civil plaintiff can also file a civil claim for property compensation for moral damage. According to Part 1 of Art. 42 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation A victim is an individual who has suffered physical, property, or moral harm by a crime. According to clause 2 of the PPVS, moral harm is understood as moral or physical suffering caused by actions (inaction) that infringe on intangible benefits belonging to a citizen from birth or by force of law (life, health, personal dignity, business reputation, privacy, personal and family secret, etc.), or violating his personal non-property rights (which include, among other things, the right to privacy). By virtue of Art. 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation If a citizen has suffered moral harm (physical or moral suffering) by actions that violate his personal non-property rights or encroach on other intangible benefits belonging to the citizen, as well as in other cases provided for by law, the court may impose on the violator the obligation of monetary compensation for the specified harm.
Thus, the girls whose photos were posted on the Internet will be recognized as victims and will be able to file a civil claim for compensation for moral damage in the framework of a criminal case.

Position of the courts : by the verdict of the magistrate of judicial district No. 23 of the Kamchatka Territory dated January 19, 2011, it was recovered from Nozhkin R.S. in favor of Merlina Y.V. 15,000 rubles for compensation for moral damage.

<...ВАЖНО. В том же пункте 7. «Не соответствующими действительности сведениями являются утверждения о фактах или событиях, которые не имели места в реальности во время, к которому относятся оспариваемые сведения.» Думаю все тут и так ясно написано русским языком. Все сведения, распространяемые пабликом, а именно согласие на половое сношение за деньги, ИМЕЛИ МЕСТО В РЕАЛЬНОСТИ...>

Answer:This is the biggest logical mistake. Consent to commit one or another act does not in any way mean that the act has been committed or will be committed in the future. Accusing a girl of providing sexual services for money, based only on her consent, is the same as trying a person for murder, to which he consented, but did not commit it. Can a person be considered a drug addict if he agreed to try a drug but did not do so? No. Is it possible to accuse a girl of prostitution before performing a sexual act for money? No. Based on this, offensive statements addressed to girls can and should be considered as libel under Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
In turn, Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides a citizen in respect of whom information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation has been disseminated, the right, along with a refutation of such information, to demand compensation for losses and moral damage caused by its dissemination (clause 5).

And finally, I would like to add that the “victims,” blaming law-abiding citizens for committing crimes and torts, forget that they themselves were ready to commit this type of administrative offense as ACTIVITY OF PROSTITUTION, and specifically sexual intercourse as a paid service. Unfortunately, Russian law does not know about preparations or attempts to engage in prostitution and cannot deal with potential offenders. However, this can be done by society, in particular, by the more than once mentioned favorite public.

Recently, on VKontakte, a resource has been rapidly gaining popularity, using the rotten foundation of the patriarchal value vertical. I'm talking about " check you"and about girls who have fallen or will fall for the scam of Internet trolls.

Internet trolling has long become an integral part of virtual communication, everyone is trolling each other, the only question is how. Some do it almost professionally. Often, while mocking ordinary users, trolls simply enjoy the process, but the project Check you not like that. The trolls of are fighters for the improvement of public morality, as they themselves believe.

The word “trolling” is derived from the English trolling – fishing with a lure. The Check you project takes the metaphor literally.
Subject of divorce - sex. A Check you activist creates a fake account on a social network (often VKontakte). Then he chooses a victim - a married girl or in a relationship. Sometimes men are trolled, but this happens rarely. Having chosen an object, the troll comes into contact with him: he politely writes about a certain “business proposal”, for example, escort services are offered. A girl is usually simply required to spend a pleasant evening in the company of a young, handsome man, posing as his beloved, and receive good money for it (from three to ten thousand rubles per hour - the amount varies), expensive clothes, etc.

If the victim agrees to be escorted, the troll moves on to the next phase. Even more modestly and delicately, he offers to stay with him not only during the business meeting, but also after it - to have dinner and stay at the hotel. For this he is ready to pay much more (usually around a thousand dollars, but sometimes less).

At first it seems that all this is absolute nonsense, which no one will buy. How can you agree to sell yourself on the Internet, sign this kind of contract with your phone number and explicit photographs and not fully suspect that this is simply an outright scam? The website already contains 147 reports on such pranks, the archive of scams is constantly updated. Scenarios may vary : someone is invited to the modeling business, someone is called to accompany him, someone is invited to just take a walk and see the city, but it all ends with a banal agreement to sex for money and nude photos. In general, see for yourself: photo + video

(One of the real examples of divorce Check you).

Today I want to tell you about the newfangled hobby of visitors from social networks, which is called “Check you”. I advise you to read a fairly detailed description of such “divorces” in the continuation of the post. And, by the way, law enforcement agencies are still turning a blind eye to all this disgrace, explaining this attitude by the absence of crime or suicide.

“You buy your girlfriend an iPhone, and she takes naked pictures and sends them to our group”: one of the entries on the wall of the public “Check you”. This could easily be a motto. A new war has broken out on the Internet. This time for morality. And in According to tradition, all means are good?


Veronica (author's note - the data of the affected girls has been changed) is almost twenty. Lives in a small northern city. I was waiting for a guy from the army. On the page she wrote: “The saddest thing now is looking at the calendar.” I didn't wait.
“Good day, I have a lucrative offer for you,” came a message from an unknown Elizabeth.
"Hello. Which?" - Veronica immediately became interested.
“One of these days you will have a closed business meeting of representatives of the fashion industry in your city. Kyiv businessman Maxim will be there. Could you play the role of his companion? Of course, not for free."
“Hmm... His girls? Will there be cameras? Where? At what time? Why me?” asked questions from the naive Veronica.

Why she? Because she’s not a prostitute, but an ordinary provincial girl. Just the kind Maxim likes. Then the conversation turned not only to a cup of tea, smiles to colleagues and a glass of wine. Veronica agrees to sex. Maxim in the photo looks like Timati. Plus seven and a half thousand dollars are promised for the evening and night.
“There is a guy, but in the army. There will be no problems! - Veronica promises the stranger.
“Everything is confidential,” they assure her, promise to buy a fifth iPhone and ask her to send topless pictures so that businessman Maxim can appreciate it. Veronica sends. Waiting for a response:
“What did Max say? How tall is he? Why are you looking for a girl and not him?”
“Max condoles with your boyfriend,” writes Elizaveta, or, more precisely, the one who impersonates her. - All your correspondence and pictures are saved, we know the list of your friends. All this goes to the site.”
"Check you" - loosely translated means "You are checked." The project website is like a board of shame. It contains screenshots of correspondence and photographs of hundreds of naked girls. The comments are full of contemptuous diagnoses: “Whore! Prostitute!" There are girls from deep provinces on the site. There are ladies from prosperous cities with a population of over a million. The leaders in the number of those seduced by easy money are two capitals. Blondes, brunettes, dreamy, tired, lonely, married, with children... Each has its own price: from eight thousand rubles and above.
“We are fighting betrayal and corrupt love,” the site owner, St. Petersburg resident Sergei Chernyshev, explained the virtual board of shame. - Open relationships are becoming fashionable, where partners do not owe each other anything, and the media is directly promoting the culture of sex. Because of this, girls don’t want a family and a bunch of kids, but dream of life in the Maldives without any obligations.
- Are many ongoing? - KP correspondents asked.
- If you don’t spend a lot of time checking, then 45-50 percent of girls agree. If you take this very seriously and spend a lot of time, then 65-85% are not against sex for money.
- On what basis do you choose victims?
- Initially, we were looking for girls with a marital status. Now we rarely take from search. Basically, public subscribers ask to check their girls.

The fight against immorality has been launched. The public has thirteen thousand subscribers. These are mainly commentators and observers. Their main function is to despise, offer and distribute. There is a group where “ladiesmen” exchange virtual friends with each other. Several thousand users belong to groups where they discuss the psychological and legal aspects of divorce.
- Aren’t you afraid that some girl might harm herself due to her young age and mental development? - we ask the creator of the project a question and clarify. - We're talking about suicide.
- Of course, we are afraid. But, as a rule, suicide is committed by people who are unsure of themselves, and the contingent of those who end up on the site is slightly different. Such girls love themselves and often don’t even care that they got to check you.
Often, but not always.
“Once a girl persuaded all her friends and parents to say, if asked, that she committed suicide,” says Sergei Chernyshev. “We were scared, of course, but we didn’t fully believe it. Even after talking to her mom. As a result, they called the morgue and the institute, it turned out that everything was in order.
- Did they delete her profile?
- We talked to her mother and decided to remove it.
- Does your girlfriend know what you do?
- My girlfriend is sitting next to me (author’s note - we correspond on a social network). And it helps answer questions. She treats my activities well.
-Have you checked her?
- Of course not. I trust her completely. I'm sure she's decent.
“Not a single girl wrote first: “Sleep with me, give me money and an iPhone,” notes Leonid Ivanov, a fighter against “Check you” activists. “On the contrary, the scammer starts with a promise to pay five hundred to a thousand bucks for an innocent escort. And only then , when the victim has figured out how he will spend his unexpected happiness, he offers from two to seven thousand euros for sex. Yes, eighty percent of the girls in real life would agree to such an offer if there was a really handsome young man. And others would not even ask for money, they would simply give in out of love for the process. They scam mostly fools who, due to their stupidity, do not understand that not a single fool will pay ten times more for sex than a professional woman costs.

The most popular reaction to exposure is to delete the page on the social network and write that the account was hacked. But that doesn't help. Virtual womanizers copy the list of acquaintances of the “harlot” in advance. The most popular attempts to justify themselves: “Don’t you understand that they were just playing along with you?”, “Fuck it, it doesn’t matter to me”, “I wouldn’t sleep with you, it’s all talk”...
The virtual lovers of the victim girls are accused of substituting concepts. A prostitute is the one who sleeps for money, and not the one who agreed to sleep for money.
“I don’t have a boyfriend, so I haven’t cheated on anyone,” a girl from St. Petersburg who fell for a divorce told Komsomolskaya Pravda. She asked not to indicate her name.
- Why did you buy it?
- He told it too beautifully. I just fell for it.
The affected girls do not like to talk about what happened after the correspondence was shown to friends, or even hung up for everyone to see at the university.
“I’m still on sick leave,” says the victim from St. Petersburg. - I'm seating at home. Honestly, it’s a little scary to go to university now. But not at work. My colleagues are adults and don’t use such sites. There are only youngsters there. I received two hundred personal letters from people who care about my personal life more than their own. Normal people not only don’t know about it, but they won’t even find out. I think so.
- Have you contacted the police?
- Yes. I wrote a statement.
Roskomnadzor specialists have already checked the virtual board of shame. No violations were found. The site is not listed in the unified register of prohibited sites. Although there were appeals.
“They answered that everything was fine,” says “Check you” fighter Leonid Ivanov. “I wrote to them: “I regret that from your point of view, the publication of personal correspondence, blackmail and publication of erotic photographs of citizens without their consent is not a violation of rights.”
If desired, in the actions of “virtual womanizers” you can find signs of criminal articles “Violation of privacy”, “Violation of the secrecy of correspondence”. They also do not have a copyright law, which prohibits publishing photographs of a person without his consent. And you may not find anything like that.
“Our laws on this topic are written very mediocrely,” says lawyer Kirill Alexandrov.

The board of shame can also be closed for extortion or fraud. Anonymous guardians of morality offer victims to remove pictures from the site for money. Another charge for incitement to suicide, but that’s only if the worst happens. And also for publishing... child porn. Among the girls’ profiles, KP correspondents found correspondence with three schoolgirls. One of them even posed topless for a “metropolitan businessman.”
“Your breasts are kind of small,” the “entrepreneur” looked at her photo. “How old are you?”
“Sixteen,” the schoolgirl wrote to him. She didn’t ask for money for the night, but for a teddy bear and candy.
“The chest is too small even for sixteen,” the “entrepreneur” assessed.
“I’m trying to rock her,” the teenager assured.
Schoolgirls were also offered sex. Regardless of age. KP correspondents have already seen such virtual correspondence when social activists exposed pedophiles. But here the situation is exactly the opposite. Schoolgirls are being exposed!
“With such a large amount of material, it’s hard to figure out who is how old,” Sergei Chernyshev justified himself. - If someone comes across under eighteen, then it’s an accident. Is it possible not to write about seventeen-year-olds?
The schoolgirl whose topless pictures were on the site was offered all kinds of sex by a scammer in exchange for a fashion brand hat in exchange for the correspondence and photos not being included on the site. Sergei Chernyshev has nothing to offer us. We don't need his services.

Sexopathologist, rector of the Institute of Psychology and Sexology Lev SHCHEGLOV
I am deeply convinced that this is quite vile and completely immoral entertainment. Even if they were sincere, their struggle will in no way raise the level of morality, but will only cause more irritation and aggression, which our society is already filled with. This is all pseudo-life, which is mainly connected with the Internet.
This is similar to when the so-called Cossacks tried to tell literary critics and the now deceased Nabokov how to write, and the director of the Hermitage what to exhibit. The Cossacks, after all, also hid behind talking about morality, about the rise of spirituality. Who are they? Who gave them the right to decide this?!
There are moral authorities, significant figures. An assessment may come from them. And here sits some Petya or Kolya. He himself may turn out to be a scoundrel, stupid and ignorant, in particular. But in general, this is a reflection of what is happening in society. All guidelines and criteria are lost. The dropouts became pseudo-religious, although the Holy Scriptures were not opened beyond the first page. But they are ready to point out what is spiritual and what is not.
About the injured girls. If a person is thick-skinned, he will simply spit and that’s all. A person who is opinion-dependent, impressionable, for whom life on the Internet is very significant, can suffer mental trauma and neurosis. He may develop fearfulness and suspicion towards everyone.

In contact with

Check You is an official website where epic screenshots of correspondence with girls and others who are ready to give up for money are posted. In addition to the divorce itself, victims send photos.

Attention, by using the site you agree to the Disclaimer of Liability.

What they write about check you:
Welcome to the board of shame check you (check yu)

Our time is the era of social networks. By registering under a fictitious nickname, the user gains opportunities that are not available to many in “real life”. He can mercilessly criticize everything that he doesn’t like, or praise (which happens much less often) what he likes. Let's talk about a fairly new project that has already caused a storm of emotions online - check you.

Loosely translated from English, this expression means: “you are verified.” The creators of this site proclaimed themselves fighters for the moral improvement of society and declared war on corrupt love and marital (and other) infidelity. The owner of the portal is St. Petersburg student Sergei Chernyshov, who has assembled a team of like-minded people. Together they became the founders of a network movement with the motto “We break lives/destroy destinies.”

The reason for the emergence of check you, according to its employees, was the general fashion for open relationships, in which everyone is their own master and does not owe anything to their partner. Today the media openly preach the culture of sex. As a result, many girls are completely unprepared for family relationships, and dream only of a moneybag who will ride them in a pink Cadillac and fulfill all their desires, periodically arranging holidays for them on exotic islands.

The Chek U website has turned into a board of shame, on which stories of “divorce” of frivolous girls are displayed. As a rule, a pretty girl who posts explicit photos on her profile receives a request from a stranger. He offers to easily earn big money for providing escort services. First, the conversation is about accompanying a wealthy businessman to a meeting in a restaurant with business partners.

For this, it is proposed to buy an expensive phone, dress accordingly and pay. The temptation is very great. Huge money in one evening! Gradually the conversation turns to more slippery topics: how to stay overnight in a hotel and how much it might cost. As reported on the check, approximately every second girl agrees to everything offered within half an hour. Youth and stupidity, coupled with the desire to get out of an unenviable financial situation, push them onto the path of getting easy money.

In addition to screenshots of online correspondence, check yu contains nude photographs of “heroines” that they took voluntarily and sent to a person unknown to them. This is done to confirm consent to the transaction. After receiving the photo, the end comes. The interlocutor reveals himself as an activist who improves public morality, and reports that all correspondence and photographs will be posted in the public domain on a resource that is visited by thousands of people a day.

Pleas and persuasion do not work - information often appears on check you. In some cases, the site administrator agrees not to display embarrassing photos for public viewing, but only if the girl repents (preferably on video). Sometimes the “prank” is not posted on Internet pages for other reasons: “it’s a pity,” “I don’t want to ruin my life,” or its unsightly appearance. After all, for each story hundreds and thousands of very unflattering comments immediately appear (prostitute, whore, etc.).

The bulk of “virtual cheaters” are married young women or ladies with a constant boyfriend. There are provincial women who dream of big money, there are residents of prosperous cities with millionaires, but the majority are metropolitan “things” who are accustomed to a wealthy life. Check you also has “punctures”: it turns out that the girl has neither a husband nor a friend (which means there is no one to cheat on), or the age of the “played one” has not yet reached 18 years.

There are practically no stories of “pranks” involving males on the Chek Yu portal. This is explained as follows: it is not interesting to divorce guys - they refuse sex in very rare cases, and society is much more tolerant of male infidelity. Offended girls sometimes file reports with the police. Once the site was even closed by Roskomnadzor, but the online activities of the “upholders” of morality continue. How you feel about this phenomenon is up to you, our dear readers, to decide.

Why check you are safe?
Reference to Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Force to engage in acts of a sexual nature is impossible, since there are no mandatory elements of a crime. In particular, there is no such sign of the objective side of the composition as the method of committing the crime. In the disposition of Art. 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, possible methods of committing this crime indicate the method of blackmail, threats of destruction, damage or confiscation of property, or using the financial or other dependence of the victim (victim). The so-called “girls” who give consent to acts of a sexual nature for a monetary reward give it voluntarily, and they are not subject to threats or blackmail, and especially not dependent financially or in any other way on the person who corresponds with them, so how he does not bear any material obligations to them.
For reference. The use of financial or other dependence is possible in the case when, for example, a boss threatens a subordinate with non-payment of wages if she does not communicate with him. The subordinate has a real financial dependence on the employer. What kind of dependence the “victims” have on the person conducting the correspondence, the victims’ assistants saw, is unclear.
The threat of property damage is also clearly absent, at least. I personally have never observed in the correspondence published by the project an offer to sleep, and in case of refusal to sleep, to find and break the victim’s iPhone or burn a cross on her carpet, thereby ruining her prized possession. Therefore, this method is discarded.
Blackmail is also not applicable. In cases where, at the end of the correspondence, the person “divorcing” the victim declares that, for example, he will disclose information from the correspondence to the close persons of the “victim” if she does not contact him, it should be taken into account that in this case there is no real threat of a need Once the “victim” enters into a relationship, the intent of the “divorcee” does not include committing acts of a sexual nature, and he can dispose of HIS correspondence as he wants, including forwarding it to the “victim’s” relatives, because his rights to this personal information are the same , like the victim, which means he disposes of them as he wants.
And in general, any threat, no matter what the threat is, is legally a threat only when there was a real possibility of its implementation. Just like that. And the last method of coercion is not observed. The applicability of Article 133 to this situation is as questionable as the mental capacity of the “lawyer” who referred to it.

Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Violation of privacy
1. Illegal collection or dissemination of information about the private life of a person, constituting his personal or family secret, without his consent, or dissemination of this information in a public speech, publicly displayed work or the media - The mention of this article is no less absurd. Starting from the beginning.
Illegal collection. What's illegal? The information was collected during correspondence, one of the participants of which was the so-called “breeder”. He collected the data quite legally, but a person has the right to read what is personally sent to him. Does this information constitute personal secrets about the victim's private life? No. Firstly, in the correspondence there is no mention of specific situations from the “rich and eventful” life of the victims, but only proposals and discussions in which they participated. What kind of personal life is this if the specified event, sexual intercourse, did not happen and was not planned in reality? Dissemination of information about personal life without consent? Even if this information constitutes a personal secret, then at least two people - two participants. The “divorcee” clearly has the consent, since he himself publishes the correspondence.

There can be no criminal case, this is ridiculous. The “wise” lawyer colleague also foresaw the possibility of initiating a criminal case, and therefore showed the height of insight and intelligence by offering to defend honor and dignity.
Unfortunately, honor and dignity are guaranteed to every citizen. Yes, yes, even “victims” within the meaning of the law have “honor and dignity.” Let's leave this legal conflict on the conscience of legislators and look into the substance. As I already wrote, honor and dignity and truth are protected by law; in the event of a violation of these rights, the victim can indeed file a lawsuit. BUT. Can everyone file this claim? What do the relevant authorities tell us? According to paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation “On judicial practice in cases of protecting the honor and dignity of citizens, as well as the business reputation of citizens and legal entities,” claims in cases of this category may be brought by citizens and legal entities who believe that information about them has not been widely reported. defamatory information that corresponds to reality. Not true. The authors of the “divorces” do not invent anything and do not add their own words to the words “victims”. They generally do not advertise their opinion, but simply expose the FACT to the public. Can victims file a claim? No. For those especially gifted, of whom there are many among the opponents of “Checkyou”, the mentioned provision is revealed more widely in paragraph 7 of the same document, which indicates the necessary requirements for accepting a statement of claim and preparing the case for trial: the fact that the defendant disseminated information about the plaintiff, the defamatory nature of this information and inconsistency with their reality. In the absence of at least one of these circumstances, the claim cannot be satisfied by the court. Firstly, the information is not false, and secondly, it does not defame anyone, because from the point of view of the “victims” they do not do anything immoral, and often also say that they were joking and did not intend to do anything. What's wrong with a joke? IMPORTANT. In the same paragraph 7. “Untrue information is statements about facts or events that did not take place in reality at the time to which the disputed information relates.” I think everything here is clearly written in Russian. All information disseminated by the public, namely consent to sexual intercourse for money, TOOK PLACE IN REALITY.

And finally, I would like to add that the “victims,” blaming law-abiding citizens for committing crimes and torts, forget that they themselves were ready to commit this type of administrative offense as PROSTITUTION, namely sexual intercourse as a paid service. Unfortunately, Russian law does not know about preparations or attempts to engage in prostitution and cannot deal with potential offenders. However, this can be done by society, in particular, by the more than once mentioned favorite public.

Interfax about check you
Is it possible to punish?

In fact, the organizers of Chek Yu are practically invulnerable. Including according to Belarusian laws. You just need to be vigilant, says Alexander Lastovsky, head of the press service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee, who raised the topic “Chek U” in his blog dedicated to warning parents about the dangers that await their children.

He notes that in terms of domestic legislation, the organizers of a “social project” can only be brought to administrative responsibility. And then - with great difficulty.

According to him, the actions of deceivers can be qualified as violations of Article 9.2 “Slander” or 9.3 “Insult”. However, the article on libel provides for “dissemination of deliberately false fabrications that disgrace another person.” “The catch is that deliberately false information is statements about facts or events that did not take place in reality at the time to which the disputed information relates. A photograph of a naked girl cannot be classified as such actions. Therefore, this article is hardly applicable here,” notes A. Lastovsky.

As for the article “Insult”, it is quite applicable to this case. But, notes A. Lastovsky, “crimes and offenses against a person are difficult to prove and are akin to the well-known phrase “execution cannot be pardoned”: where you put a comma, that is the decision.”

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