
Jokes that you can argue about. The most interesting debates in the world. With a loved man


Do you want to become an interesting conversationalist? Then you need to have a few universal topics in stock that you can talk about with any person. But your opponent will not always agree to continue the conversation. What to do in this case? Below you will find discussion topics that will help enliven any conversation, make it memorable and interesting.

Can animals be used in medical research?

Think about how you feel about experiences? Do you think mice and monkeys are dying in vain? Experiments on animals are an interesting topic of debate. It's difficult to find people who share the same opinion. Your environment may be divided into two camps. Those people who believe that experiments are necessary can make very bold arguments. For example, if it is prohibited to test drugs on animals, will people suffer from this? Most likely, yes, because then scientists will look for people on whom they can test the effectiveness of the drugs under study. Of course, I will pay these people, but there is a high probability that they will die as a result of the experiments carried out. Animal rights activists can argue that our little brothers are not slaves. They must manage their own lives. No one asks the mouse for permission to inject it. A person who has provided his body for experiments will know exactly about all the consequences of injections and pills.

Are you married? Married? No? Is it worth entering into formal marriages in the modern world? This topic of debate is relevant. Many young people sincerely believe that a civil marriage is no different from an official one. For them, a stamp in a passport is a mere formality, and a wedding is a relic of the past. Children need to be raised in a normal atmosphere and in such a way that they have both parents. Whether the parents are scheduled or not does not matter to the child. But opponents of this opinion argue that marriages that are not officially registered are more likely to break up. People don't take cohabitation seriously; they always have the opportunity to separate. Moreover, such scenes of separation and then truce in some families who live in a civil marriage happen almost every week.

It is clear that such a topic should not be raised on a first date, but spending an evening discussing it with a good friend will be very entertaining.

Death penalty: acceptable or not?

Probably every person has thought about the moratorium that has been introduced in our country since 1997. But the introduction or abolition of the death penalty can become a fruitful topic for debate. Some people are of the opinion that all criminals, thieves and murderers do not deserve to live. Unworthy people simply should not exist on our land. Yes, of course, now they are in prison, but they can escape. Moreover, there are honest citizens imprisoned at the expense of taxes, who work from morning to evening, earning their living. Yes, they also came up with work for prisoners - they build roads and are involved in the mining industry, but still there is little benefit from their work. One could find people willing to receive money for what the “cons” do for free.

Opponents of the death penalty sincerely believe that its introduction will have a detrimental effect on people. After all, there are many innocent people in prison. Some of them were framed, some were sent to prison without knowing who was right and who was wrong. To destroy all these people would be simply inhumane.

Will cloning benefit or harm humanity?

You can come up with a heated debate on a scientific topic by reading one of the science fiction books. How do you feel about cloning? Do you think that this is the future or are you afraid that an army of artificially created people will be able to overrun the world? A public debate on a scientific topic can attract increased attention to your person. But in order not to fall on your face, you must think through the argumentation of your position in advance. If you decide that cloning is a breakthrough in the field of science, then you can say that thanks to clones people will live longer. After all, if a person’s kidney fails, for example, it can be easily transplanted from a cloned human body. Also, clones can do jobs that people don't want to do. The opposite opinion is based on the fact that it considers the product of a technical breakthrough to be sensible individuals. If we consider that clones are people who should live full lives, then it would be unfair to kill them because someone suddenly needed their organ.

Is man himself the architect of happiness, or is fate to blame for everything?

Don't want to start an argument on a scientific topic? Then you can talk about something mystical. For example, about whether you should believe in fate. There are two opposing opinions. Representatives of one group argue that fate is what is destined for a person before birth and it is impossible to change its course. This statement is based on Holy Scripture. Every educated person has heard the phrase: “The ways of the Lord are mysterious.” But should she be believed? Representatives of another group argue that a person can walk his life’s path along the path that he chooses. For example, an engineer can become an alcoholic, and an alcoholic who undergoes rehabilitation can head one of the large companies. A person can manage what he has and can achieve what he wants. Ask your friends what their opinion is on this matter.

Is money an indicator of success?

One of the topics that constantly causes controversy is financial situation. Money and its quantity are of interest to many people. And the question of whether they are an indicator of success was asked by every person who has reached the age of 18. In Europe, people have long ago decided that financial situation is an indicator of a person’s intelligence. In our country, not everything is so simple. Our wages are incredibly low, especially in the regions. A good medical specialist can earn much less than a good manager. It’s stupid to complain about life’s injustice, someone might say. After all, a person is not a tree, if something does not suit him in his hometown, he can always change his registration. If you have nothing to do and want to have fun, discuss with your friends the topic of the relationship between money, intelligence and success.

This is the danger of turning relationships into routine and the crack of an inevitable breakup. How to prevent boredom? A bet comes to the rescue - an argument with a reward for the winner. What is there to argue about?

You can argue about anything, the main thing is to get people interested. You can choose any situation as the subject of the dispute: blowing a kiss to an old lady or inviting a friend’s mother to the cinema. Don’t go overboard when choosing options and don’t make extreme bets that are unsafe for your life. Let the bet be fun and unusual. The main point when making a bet is the reward for the winner. What are the rewards?

Let's look at a sample list of reward options:

  • material thing;
  • Erotic massage;
  • erotic dance;
  • sexy twist;
  • doing homework.

Men love argument and get excited. You must take this property into account and not go too far when making a bet. The reward and prize for the winner is the most interesting and difficult thing in a bet deal. Imagine that the losing guy will spend a month cleaning the house or peeling potatoes for dinner? This is a difficult task, but a dispute is a dispute!

Important! To prevent your relationship from ending suddenly, do not argue with your guy about correcting bad habits. Choose options for cool and fun bets!

Cool options for arguing between a girl and a guy

What to think of?

Let's say make a guy dress unusually and pester passers-by with stupid questions. At the same time, check how well your chosen one can understand and accept jokes. If he is shy in communication, let him walk down the street in hospital shoe covers or go to the store in pajamas.

  • If you win, the prize is 100 kisses.
  • If you lose, you will have a difficult task (find snowdrops in winter).

Ask your loved one to confess his love to himself: let him make the confession in a colorful and fun way. Will he be able to smear jam on his face, go out into the street and take a photo with a passerby or get his autograph?

Another idea

Draw a dot between the eyes and walk with it until the evening. Let him take a broom and run down the street shouting “Harry Potter is on a mission.” If you are unable to do this, let him greet all passersby when he meets you for an hour.

Offer to change clothes and continue your meeting as is! A fun and amusing bet is to talk on the street with a poster and film the conversation on your phone. Let him sing his favorite song with a mouth full of water or climb a tree shouting “whistle everyone up!” Another option is to shout from the balcony/window “people, I love everyone!” or meow for five minutes. Putting 30 items on yourself and going outside is also fun.

Important! Let the argument become a game and entertainment, and not turn into a Sumo fight with punishment for the loser.

Original arguments with your beloved guy

What to do in this case, what to come up with? Does your boyfriend like to kiss? Come up with a kissing argument: put a ban on it for a week. The losing side fulfills special conditions: peeling potatoes for dinner or taking out the trash for a month. At the same time, the everyday problem of cleanliness in the kitchen will be solved. You can add washing dishes in the evening to your bet list.

Is your loved one a fan of the football team? Place a bet on the match. The losing side takes a month to clean up the house. You can also bet on your friends and lovers, if someone prefers to change partners often: how long will the new relationship last? The losing side dances an erotic dance. To add to the fun, have him juggle raw eggs until they break.

What's the point of arguing with a guy?


Ask passers-by on the street for pads. Another option is to apply makeup and take a selfie. Will he be able to dance a “drunk” striptease in front of you (or company)? Bet whether he will wear fishnet stockings at least at home or go to the supermarket without underwear?

Cooler idea

Take off all clothes and put on an apron. In this form, you should bring cocktails to the guests at the party and leave the room facing forward, and not backing away from the door. A tougher option is to eat a banana sandwiched between another person's legs without using your hands.

Cool idea

Wear a skirt without swimming trunks at a party and have a fun game with the guests. You can dance an erotic dance with a saucepan on your head, eat a banana without your hands or a huge lollipop with the whole company. A shy guy can be offered a manicure with a rich color on one hand and spend the evening in company.

If you like a guy, what can you argue with him?

Here you can give room to your imagination! The dispute can be anything, the main thing is to win the bet. The bet should be made on the wish of the loser being granted. But the desire is not communicated in advance (this is the highlight and intrigue).

Desire options:

  • kiss;
  • evening by candlelight;
  • secluded boat ride;
  • a country walk for two;
  • trip to the campsite.

Another option- make a bet on kisses every half hour. The losing side (the guy) gives a set of chocolates to the girl.

Arguing from a distance to argue

  • You can also make a bet with a pen pal

Let him write down in the “marital status” column - he’s in love with you. A cool option is to put socks on your ears and take a photo of yourself using your VKontakte avatar. A romantic option is to write a love story about you and your relationship or write poetry.

  • Cool erotic option

Put a naked photo on your avatar (you can do it in infancy). The main thing is that the photo shows a naked body. Just a funny task - take a photo with cat ears on your head and upload the photo to your VKontakte avatar, or put on burgundy lipstick and put the photo on your avatar for a week.

Argument is an excitement that some individuals cannot refuse. And it can be both friendly and hostile. But what can you bet on? This is a very subtle question, on which, as a rule, the excitement during the process and the desire to win depend. Therefore, today we will try to talk to you about what people argue about around the world. And let's study some very simple and original options.

For money

The first option is the most common. As a rule, he is present both among comrades and among enemies. It is the second category of people who are more susceptible to this cause of disagreement. After all, we are talking about money.

When people don't know what to bet on, they usually choose some amount of money. Or purely symbolic (typical for friends) - 10 rubles, 100 rubles, or large - from 500 rubles. The amount depends on the seriousness of the issue as well as the confidence of the participants. The phrase “Let's bet some money” is the most common expression among gambling people. In addition, such an outcome usually literally draws opponents headlong into the action.

That is why people who bet on money are called gambling. An increase in salary and a sudden replenishment of the budget won’t hurt anyone, right? In some cases, this activity can develop into an addiction. So be careful with him. But what else can you bet on? After all, people are not only interested in money.

Just for fun

The next option that is possible is a dispute for interest. In truth, it is usually not used by particularly gambling people. And those who do not want to put themselves or their interlocutor in an awkward position.

Usually, disputes of interest arise over trifles and mainly between loved ones or children. “Let's argue? - For what? - Out of interest” - this little dialogue is occurring more and more often lately. Indeed, not everyone will compete in something for money. Especially if everything is not okay with them anyway. That's when you have to argue for fun.

However, not everyone will agree to destroy or confirm their theory about something for the sake of interest. What to do then? There are several more quite interesting options that will definitely help you make your choice.

Desire is the law

Next on our list are wishes for argument. In truth, sometimes this is what can spark the real excitement. After all, human imagination is limitless. And no one can predict what the winner has in store for you.

Usually more or less banal options are invented: a kiss, crowing, going to the cinema at the expense of the loser, shouting to the whole street that the loser is a fool, and stuff like that. If opponents know exactly what they are betting on, then usually there is no excitement as such. But the unknown can sometimes scare you away. Or a phrase spoken to you: “If you lose, I’ll figure out what to do with you.”

Desires for a bet can be very different. Moreover, some of them are particularly original. For example, run around the city in a swimsuit (for example, in the central square), change into women's clothes and put on makeup (usually applicable to the male half of the population), confess your love to a random passer-by, and so on. It all depends only on the imagination and cunning of those arguing. But what can you bet on beyond that? Let's try to figure this out.

For candy/chocolate

The following scenario is also typical for children, friends and loved ones. If you don’t know what to come up with, then you can choose a banal argument over candy or chocolate.

To be honest, it is this option that is interesting to many, and it involves a person in excitement. With all this, it is simply impossible to be made a fool. After all, anyone can buy the winner some candy or chocolate. Plus, it is advisable to immediately specify what specific product you want. For example, a bar of dark chocolate with hazelnuts, caramel, toffee, and so on.

In fact, usually among the most gambling people, all disputes begin with this particular alignment. Over time, they become more and more involved in the process and begin to come up with more serious wishes. Thus, it is better to also try not to use spores on chocolates too often in everyday life. After all, it can really be addictive.

For friends

What can you bet on with your friends? Truth be told, this question usually gets people thinking. After all, no one wants to use their desire (as a rule, those arguing say “for desire”) just like that. And then you need to drive something very original, funny and cheerful into your head. And the main thing is that your friend will not be offended after this. After all, friendly relations can simply be lost if you go too far with your desires.

What are the options? Sweets/chocolates/coffee/tea and so on are a given. As a rule, girls have recently begun to argue more and more often about going to a cafe at the expense of the loser. Plus, you can choose a movie at the cinema and go to see it. Of course, also at the expense of the one who lost. True, these options seem banal to some.

Then you can try asking your friend to dress warmly (literally bundle up) in the summer and walk down the street like that all day while you are walking. Very original, to be honest. What can you bet on besides all of the above? For example, ask the loser to quickly drink 1 liter of water, and then not run to the toilet for an hour. In addition, you can hand your friend tights and tell him to put them on his head. And then - walk down the street and say: “I am a trolleybus.” In general, everything is limited only by your imagination.

With a loved man

There is one more question that worries many. What can you bet on with your other half? In truth, this topic is very delicate, requiring special trepidation and caution. After all, you cannot go too far and thereby offend the object of your adoration.

Thus, there are quite a lot of very interesting, fun and harmless options for the development of events. You can argue with your loved one about cooking lunch or dinner - especially if you both love to cook and almost fight over the kitchen. In addition, dancing (striptease), kissing, going to the cinema, bowling, buying something, a romantic dinner, doing housework, and so on are suitable.

The main thing is to try to avoid disputes that relate to parents. That is, if you don’t know what you can bet on, don’t offer to go “to your mother,” “to your parents-in-law,” “to your grandmother,” and so on - this could be dangerous for your relationship. Especially if you don’t have a good relationship with your family.

Let's sum it up

So, today we have learned possible options that are applicable during disputes. More precisely, the most common and original desires of people. But why argue at all?

To be honest, this is done just for the fun of it. And only in exceptional cases - to achieve what you want. The main thing in this matter is not to get bogged down in the process. After all, disputes, as already mentioned, often cause addiction.

Don't be afraid to show your imagination. Set rules, bring your thoughts and desires to life - most importantly, don’t go too far.

According to psychologists, the winner of an argument not only improves his mood, but also increases his self-esteem. Betting is adrenaline, the desire to win, the mobilization of mental and physical resources. To a large extent, the strength of the desire to be right depends on what is at stake.

In childhood, everything was simple: boys bet on clicks, girls - on caramels. With age, the subject of the dispute has changed. The prizes for the girl were sweets or a bottle of champagne. What can you bet on with a guy? The loser puts up whiskey or cognac. No one is offended, and the winnings, as a rule, are destroyed together. Argument is excitement; to get true pleasure, both the reason and the prize must be interesting.

The main advice is to comply with the conditions. If you persistently and emotionally prove your point of view, and your opponent does not remain in debt, nothing but a quarrel will come of it. During a dispute, both parties need to agree on the mandatory fulfillment of the conditions. A fairly common option is when the loser flatly refuses to fulfill the contract.

Play openly! The positions are determined, and it is simply dishonest for one of the participants to withdraw from the bet by refusing obligations.

If the argument was witnessed by friends, and the condition was simple but spectacular, say, to jump into the audience on one leg or with a jacket on backwards, then the audience is deprived of the original show. Both the artistry of the protagonist and the teacher’s reaction are important.

Don't attack. There is no need to prove to your opponent that his point of view is wrong. Try to present your arguments calmly, with humor and a minimum of emotions. If a dispute does break out, don’t get personal. Stay within the scope of the dispute, otherwise a serious disagreement is not far away.

Know how to admit defeat, but don’t take losing seriously, especially if kisses, joint trips or gatherings in a well-known cafe are at stake. There will be no losers in this case.

Interesting punishments in case of loss

Sometimes a bet helps you feel the newness of a relationship with your beloved man. Argument is a convenient way to achieve what you want, for example, screwing a handle to a kitchen cabinet or unclogging a sink. It makes no sense to remind you for the tenth time about a promise made a long time ago, since it has not been fulfilled, which means there are reasons for it.

“I bet you’ll forget to do what you promised”? What can you argue with your husband? There are many unusual and funny options, the list can be endless, from washing dishes for a week in a negligee and making coffee every day to fulfilling sexual fantasies and erotic massage.

What can you come up with as a punishment for the loser in a friendly dispute? The most common option is desire. Intrigue can seriously inflame the excitement. Banal options - kissing, crowing, walking down the railing or buying pies at the buffet for the whole company - these are cool, but predictable.

If the winner voices his desire after it becomes clear that he has received the right to do so, those around him will watch with interest the development of events. You can ask a guy to walk in heels or perform dance moves, a whole stop, a girl - to confess his love, looking soulfully into the eyes of a stranger. A good option for both is to warmly greet all passers-by in red clothes, introducing yourself: my name is Irina or Vasily.

Bet on wishes - what to wish for a guy? To say that he will not be able to simultaneously look in the mirror, talk on the phone and fix his hair, eat a chocolate bar in 100 steps, or burst a balloon by sitting on it.

The loser can be asked to put on a jacket and walk down the street in it in the heat, put tights on his head, leaving his face exposed and claim that he is a trolleybus, treat passers-by with candy, walk down the street with a cup with a spoon sticking out of it and mutter something to himself nose, go to work or university in shoe covers, please a watchwoman at a museum or a female trolleybus driver by saying 10 compliments in a row.

The task of getting 10 passersby drunk in 3 minutes causes a storm of emotions. First you need to stock up on props: buy a bottle of mineral water and disposable cups. The topic is very difficult, because not everyone would drink from the hands of a stranger. A young man riding a broom and shouting “I am Harry Potter, and I know the value of time” looks hilarious!

What can you bet on with the guy you like?

Arguing with a guy with whom you would like to become closer is a good way to attract attention and interest. The most intriguing moment is the prize. The more original the award, the more exciting it will be to receive.

What can you argue with the guy you like? Coffee in the nearest coffee shop, a cultural trip to the cinema, dancing together, a kiss, shouting on the street three times: “People, I love you”! It all depends on your sense of humor and imagination.

An important condition - do not stoop to vulgarity. Even if you turn out to be wrong, you will still win, and even though the tickets are purchased at your expense, you will spend time in pleasant company.

The subject of the dispute can be anything, from the weather for tomorrow, the repertoire of your favorite rock band to the provisions set out in lectures on your favorite or least favorite subject.

Vulgar options

The prize in a dispute can be the fulfillment of certain conditions with an erotic and even vulgar slant. It is important that the young man has a sufficient sense of humor and is not offended. What desire can you argue with a guy?

For example, ask to dance an erotic dance with a naked torso in a company of unfamiliar people, bring snacks to guests at a friendly party dressed in just an apron, eat a banana hands-free from a girl’s neckline, give an erotic massage to a guy while wearing a thong.

For shy guys, the task of recognizing which girl is in front of him will be quite difficult. The trick is that the young man must do it blindfolded, by touch. The girls' task is to make the driver touch their chest or buttocks. As soon as the guy says his name correctly, the girl invites him to an erotic dance with explicit sexual movements.

Options for Disputes at a Distance

Pen pals often argue, and the subject of controversy can be any aspect of life: politics, travel, cooking, new technologies or heroes of modern fantasy. When proving that you are right, do not forget to agree in advance on what the winner will receive.

The inability to give the prize in person while at a distance gives rise to cool options for rewarding the champion. Transferring money to a card so that the person who turns out to be right can buy himself a chocolate bar or beer is a bit boring.

It is much more interesting to set the condition for the defeated person to take a photo with socks on his ears and set the photo as an avatar on social networks, write in the “marital status” profile column in love and indicate your name, write and post a romantic story about your acquaintance, perform an erotic dance in front of a webcam, or maintain a dialogue, saying only one word: “yes,” without showing anything with your hands, approach passers-by and ask, did mammoths run through here? Confirmation of the completion of the task should be a video filmed by the guy’s friends. Without a doubt, the whole company will be in a great mood.

Feel free to show your imagination. Set rules, have fun, enjoy every day you live,

Truth is born in dispute. And sometimes they also make money. No, we do not urge you to be too gambling or try to out-argue your opponent about something with foam at the mouth. But offer these comic bets to your friends - why not? Just start by carefully studying the instructions. And then victory will always be in your hands.

Each of us in childhood at least once argued with friends and classmates that we could do something “impossible.” Lost? It's time for sweet revenge. Remember this glorious time and offer your already matured friends a bet that you will never lose. Everything is fair: sleight of hand and no fraud! Well, a couple of secrets, of course.

Bet with your friends that you can:

1. Hold a piece of paper on your fingertip

Do you think it's impossible? Nothing like this. The main thing is to correctly formulate the terms of the bet. Nobody said what form/condition the sheet should be in. Bend it several times to form a tight triangle. Now you can balance. By the way, a good joke for lawyers and other lovers of “looking for loopholes.”

2. Move one of the two spoons into the cup without touching it (the spoon)

Move the spoons as close together as possible. A sharp blow on the end - and one of the spoons ends up in the cup. Almost the principle of a catapult. Just practice well before offering this bet. Still, the trick is not the simplest.

3. Move the stack of coins from the saucer to the table without spilling them

Do not try to smoothly and slowly tilt the plate. On the contrary: it is better to sharply pull it down and remove it. The stack will be on the table.

4. Draw a perfect circle without a compass (by hand)

Place your hand with a pencil on a piece of paper. Do not move the brush, but rotate the sheet in a circle. A few attempts - and you will get a quite tolerable circle. Just make sure your opponent is not an artist.

5. Never lose at tic-tac-toe

We have already written about this earlier. The main condition: go first. Place your “cross” in one of the corners and try to occupy the rest, blocking the enemy’s combinations. After a couple of moves, victory is inevitable.

6. Pour the contents of the plastic bottle through the straw without turning it over

Condition: You cannot drink through a straw. Turn over too. But you can put your mouth on the neck and blow into the bottle. By doing this, you will change the pressure in it and force the liquid to flow from the tube itself.

7. Separate two plastic glasses without using your hands

Blow into the gap between the glasses (direction in the arrow). It might even work on glass.

8. Balance the coin on one edge of the plastic card

Having previously placed it on the edge of the cup. Here you can't do without a trick: fill the cup to the brim with water. It will hold the plastic and allow you to achieve the correct balance.

9. You can place the stack on the bill between two supports without pressing it