
Why should you attend seminars? Do I need to license trainings and seminars? How to conduct an interesting seminar


At the beginning of your speech, you have only 60 seconds to capture the audience's attention, gain people's trust, orient them to the topic and set them up for further listening. If you waste precious opening minutes with jokes, apologies, useless details, thank yous, or incoherent stuttering, your audience's attention will be lost forever. Get creative with your introduction. This is a difficult task for any speaker, and you will have to rehearse and perfect a catchy opening.

1. Tell a compelling story

Storytelling is one of the most powerful techniques. Since childhood, people love to listen and learn from stories. Fairy tale heroes, villains from campfire tales or theater characters captivate us with their dialogues, conflicts and destinies. With their help, we gain everyday experience and draw parallels with our own lives. Therefore, this technique easily holds the attention of any person.

Ideally, this should be a personal story that explains why you were puzzled by the topic of the report. Although a story about another person whom the audience might recognize would also work. Alternatively, uncover a fable, fairy tale, wisdom, or historical event.

The point is to captivate those present in 60–90 seconds and convey the key message of the entire subsequent report.

What problems did you (or someone else) encounter regarding the topic of the speech? How were they overcome? Who or what helped or hindered you? What conclusions were drawn? What should your audience get and feel after reading the story?

2. Ask a rhetorical question

Rhetorical questions help persuade. If they are thoughtful and presented in the right form, the audience will follow the path that the speaker intended. With their help, it is easier to persuade listeners to your point of view.

Try to pique people's curiosity with your question and make them think about the answer.

3. Voice statistics

A bold statement containing statistical data is ideal for persuading the audience to listen to your recommendations and follow them in the future. The main thing is that these numbers are directly related to the main message of your speech.

For example, the vice president of sales for a leading US healthcare company successfully markets hospital software using this method. She begins with dry but impressive numbers: “Medical errors have become the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. We are talking about 400 thousand cases a year. This is much more than previously thought. We want to create a world without medical errors, and we need your help."

4. Use a powerful quote

Bring words of wisdom from a famous person whose name will add weight and approval to your speech. But the quote must be relevant: meaningful and relevant to your audience.

Imagine you are persuading a group of people to reach an agreement or leading a seminar on conflict management. When starting a negotiation, you could quote the words of Mark Twain: “If two people agree on everything, one of them is not needed.” And the next sentence should encourage unity: “Even though not all of us see the way out of the problem in the same way, everyone’s efforts are extremely important in reaching an agreement.”

5. Show a powerful photo

A picture is worth a thousand words. And maybe more. So whenever possible, use pictures instead of text. A high-quality photo will make it easier to understand, capture the imagination of the audience and make the report more memorable.

For example, the president of an electrical equipment sales company skillfully inspired his managers to cut costs. Instead of showing them the usual charts, graphs and tables, he opened the meeting with a rather strange question: “Why did the Titanic sink?”

Everyone responded in unison about hitting an iceberg. Then the head of the company displayed an image of an iceberg on the general screen: its tip was visible above the water, but a much larger part was hidden under the surface. “The same thing awaits our company. Hidden costs are the very underwater danger that will drag us to the bottom.” This visual metaphor inspired managers, and their savings proposals ultimately saved millions of dollars.

6. Add visibility

To do this, use some thematic props. It grabs the audience's attention and helps emphasize your points.

For example, the head of a large insurance company, an avid tennis fan, wanted to start the annual meeting with a bang and did it with a spectacular racket stroke. In this way, he expressed his determination, “won a point against his competitors,” rallied the team and ultimately “won the Grand Slam.” Over the following years, all speakers were compared to him and his ability to deliver a motivational speech.

Think about how you could use a wall clock, a colorful bag, a bunch of carrots, ball juggling, or card manipulation to engage your audience, add humor, and get your point across.

7. Play a short video

Imagine: you start your presentation to the production department with a video in which satisfied customers give a positive review of your product. Or you open a fundraising event for endangered species with a mini-film about the Amur leopard and its offspring.

The video evokes an emotional response. Unlike words and slides, a short film engages the audience more easily, adds drama and quickly conveys the essence of what is happening.

What techniques do you use? Share in the comments.

In general, this guide includes the following:

  • Why organizations should use process improvement workshops
  • Common errors when planning and conducting seminars
  • Key activities required for planning effective seminars
  • A practical approach for assistance effective seminar

Why do seminars take place?

I have conducted many seminars and found that they are the most effective way to get to the core of processes and improve them. I've seen people spend months of work conducting process studies so deep, interviewing employees, that projects were abandoned before they got close to identifying improvements. This can be avoided. What can be achieved with a well-structured workshop can eliminate weeks or even months of unnecessary process learning activities. Also during the workshop we get employees who are involved in changing their processes for the better. Essentially this is assists in change management, as the staff feel involved from the very beginning. It's not extraneous changes to their process, they feel that in charge of one's own destiny.

Common errors

Dictation of the future process

I find it disgusting when process consultants come into a business and start designing the future process in a way that in their opinion, it will be right. I believe that a good process consultant contributes to the future process, but never dictates to the client what he should be. Often the future process may be obvious to the process facilitator, but it is vital that clients come to their own conclusions about what the process should be (with the mediator's help).

One of the main advantages of the method I use is that seminar participants are actively involved into the design of not only the existing and future process, but also determine what actions are necessary in order to move from the present process to the future.

The work of intermediaries guide clients in the right direction, and not put pressure on them.

Plan too much

Against my will, I was once forced to write a 25 page document on how to conduct workshops - this delayed the project by 3 months. Seminars are not difficult, so don’t complicate your preparation for them.. Create a spreadsheet with all your seminars, their times, booked rooms and participants. That's all you need - it's nothing more than baking a cake!

Hasty Seminars

Give yourself more time than you think you need. Don't hold seminars before the deadline. Take your time and focus on doing it right, you are laying the foundation for subsequent work.

Workshop planning

Choose your seminar room carefully

Find the biggest room - you need it. Ideally, spend every day seminar in the same room, and you won't waste time moving materials. Giant process maps are best left on the walls!

Identify all personnel involved in the process

It is important to gain an understanding of the personnel who are involved in the ongoing process. Everyone should be included - from managers to customer-facing employees. Managers may have a distorted view of the process that does not always correspond to reality.

Choose the right participants

It may be easier to ask senior management who they think should attend the seminar, but most likely they will send you people who are not available instead of the staff you really need. What you need are people who know the process and have a real drive to make improvements. This is better than bringing in people who know the process inside out but lack the creativity to create new ideas. Ideally, you should have an idea of ​​the list of participants for the seminar before you confirm it with the manager.

Consider the group dynamics

Presence of managers or senior staff at the seminar can silence employees– avoid this. Managers must trust their staff to conduct the workshop without their intervention (after all, who knows the process better).

Create your slides

To guide you throughout the workshop, use a quick pack of slides to help you focus on key steps and ensure you don't miss anything. Refrain from boring text slides – graphics and photos, which map out each step of the workshop, will keep you pointed in the right direction.

Organize funds and materials for the seminar

Below is a list of what you need to conduct the seminar:

  • Laptop and projector– to display your slides
  • Large stickers– to define different channels and roles in the process
  • Medium stickers– to record tasks in progress
  • Markers– for participants to write down tasks on sticky notes
  • Blu- Tack– to attach posters to the walls
  • Adhesive tape– in order to secure the paper on a flat surface (necessary when using rolled paper!)
  • Small stickers(multi-colored) – to display process diagnostics, such as customer touchpoints or timing; stick to tasks
  • Scissors– to cut sheets of paper to size
  • Camera– to obtain snapshots for further consideration

Advice: Not all office supplies are equal! Use good paper that won't bleed, and use "super sticky" sticky notes. The cheaper ones will disappear in a few hours.

Talk to participants beforehand

Explain to the staff the process you are considering and what you want to achieve. This will make them feel more comfortable. Let them attend the workshop at casual wear and start it a little later than the normal workday, allowing staff to feel more relaxed.

Schedule your workshop!

Conduct a seminar within 2 days- first day analyze the current state, and in the second – design a new (future) state of the process. Take a break of at least a few days between workshops to give participants time to think about new ideas. Notify all participants about holding seminars in advance. Make sure you take enough breaks during the workshop to prevent innovation fatigue!

Prepare tables and scribe

Customize the table to cover all workshop outcomes. All details must be covered, such as process tasks, systems, personnel, diagnostics, timings and improvement ideas.

Agree on a scribe who will record the details of the process in a table. Your job focus on helping, not typing!

Advice: Don't simplify the process by trying to describe all the details after the seminar - this is much more difficult. Keep a scribe in your room. Ideally, assign a person to draw the process maps, acting as a scribe.

Day before the seminar

Decorate the room, sticking 3 posters around the entire perimeter of the room, as far as possible.

Arrange the chairs so that they all face the posters and not the table. This contributes less formal and more interactive style. Make sure the projection screen is positioned in such a way that it is easy to turn and look at.

DO NOT post any existing processes on the wall! It limits your thinking!

Conducting a seminar - Day 1

Current state analysis

Why am I here?

Don't assume that participants know why they are there. Most likely, there will be someone who has not read the materials you sent them or someone who has just rolled out of bed. The opening speech is your chance to explain why were they chosen, and create the foundations for an exciting journey. This is your opportunity to use your marketing skills and sell the dream of an exciting new world that only they can build. Explain that they are the process experts and you are here to help improve their operations as well as the quality of life for their clients.

Destroying walls

Ask each participant to introduce themselves regarding their roles and personal lives. Keep it casual by asking them to tell you something unique about themselves, such as hidden talents.

Determine the Scope of the Process

Determine the Big Picture, discussing scope of the process, that is, the beginning and end of the process, as well as some channels and trigger points of the process

Advice: There is often confusion in terminology. For some, what is a process, for others, what is a procedure. You may need to explain the differences between a process, a procedure and a task.

Determine the output(s) required by the client

It is critical to determine what really necessary for the client, since everything in the process must meet the needs of the client. Put yourself in the client's shoes and define:

  • In what process the client is involved, in his opinion(it may differ from the actual process!)
  • What can happen during the process, according to the client(both bad and good!)
  • In what the client really needs? (combine this all into one client output line).

Define the current process task

Give each participant stickers and pens and ask everyone to write them down personal interpretation of the process(no cooperation!). This will take some time (in some cases up to 30 minutes). Once everyone has finished, ask them to count the stickers. Invite the person with the most stickers and have them stick them to the poster. Ask all participants if they have other tasks.

Bring all the individual processes together to create one coherent process.

Advice: Don't try to organize the sticky notes into a line with the roles - it's time-consuming, confusing and often pointless, given that the process will change anyway.

Don't just look at the "sunny days" of the process when everything goes well, look at everything that could go wrong. Consider any exceptions to the rules in your process. Review all process changes and their trigger points.

Once you agree on the process, number each task. This will make it easier to check the task and display the process. Note: Don't pay attention to the order of the numbers - it doesn't matter as long as each task has its own unique reference number.

Add diagnostic information

Process diagnostic information is any information that is inherent to any task and can assist in analysis. For example, a typical set of process diagnostic information might include:

  • Roles(employee who performs the task)
  • Average time required to complete the task
  • Used systems
  • Customer touchpoints
  • Handover between employees or systems
  • Business rules(decisions or systems driven by logic)

Once you agree on the current state of the process, ask employees to comment on each task with diagnostic information using small sticky notes. Use different sticker colors for each type of diagnosis.

Advice: Always use small sticky notes for diagnostic information or your process will turn into a huge mess of weird colored sticky notes!


Once all diagnostic information has been added, thank everyone involved for their assistance and briefly explain what they will do on the second day.

As soon as the participants leave, stick the tasks to the poster using sticky tape. This will prevent them from falling or twisting if you need to remove the poster.

Conducting a seminar - Day 2

Process improvement


On the second day, spend a short 5 minute repetition what was done on the first day. Explain to participants that the second day is their time to express their creativity, come up with new and innovative ideas, and that nothing is crazy, stupid or unrealistic.

Innovation brainstorming

As the beginning of the second day, and also to wake up the participants, it is good to perform innovation brainstorming exercise. To complete it, divide the participants into two groups - this will create healthy competition! Ask each group come up with twenty different ideas on how they can improve the process. Emphasize that they must come up with at least twenty ideas (but they can come up with more if they want). Ask each team to choose a person to replicate their ideas for the other group.

Elimination or improvement

Then, using the ideas you brainstormed, work through each step with the question:

  • Will it be elimination or
  • Improvement

Reward participants for what they do questioned everyone and redo the process, paying attention to corrective actions(while focusing on the results required by the client). If they say something cannot be fixed or improved, ask them the question “why” several times. Persuade, cajole, prod, suggest, but never tell them what they should do. Don't be afraid to be a little tough on participants when it comes to eliminating or improving problems. You may want to spend some time getting them to think creatively because they have been forced to do work in a familiar way for a long time without challenging it.

If the problem is resolved, draw a large cross on the sticky note. If the task has been improved, put a small mark on the sticky note; if nothing has changed, mark the sticker with a dash (-).

Ask for a scribe document all possible improvements for each task in a table Action plan, clearly noting which tasks have been eliminated, improved, or remained the same

Advice: Don't panic if the process is too slow at the beginning of an elimination or improvement exercise. You will find that eliminating a few tasks early in the process will have a snowball effect and eliminate more tasks further down the process. Often one good idea can have a huge impact on the process.

Once you have worked through all the tasks in the process, ask participants to quickly review the process to see if there is anything else that can be addressed or improved. Sometimes ideas may emerge in the middle but can then be re-applied to earlier parts of the process.


Do not forget thank the participants for their participation and explain what you will do with the results of the seminar, after all, a seminar is a simple means of providing information for the purpose of achieving real improvements in the business, and most importantly for its clients.

After participants leave, be sure to photograph the entire process for later analysis (as well as process mapping or modeling if required), but be sure to save the paper process maps for future reference.


This guide provides tips for planning and conducting business process improvement workshops. However, nothing is set in stone and every business is unique, so I encourage you to use this information to create even more effective ways to create value through workshops.

© Material prepared by Anna Dzhezhik
based on materials from foreign publications

Everyone attended the seminars. Or everyone who was once a student. Modern technologies have made it possible to expand the concept of a seminar, both thematically and geographically. The audience has long stepped beyond the walls of educational institutions. The age of those present is also not limited by any limits. The topics range from narrow-profile to mysterious and absurd, causing bewilderment and confusion. One thing remains clear: knowledge sharing meetings are necessary and important.

What is a seminar

A seminar is a form of conducting training sessions. The main principles are dialogue, discussion and... At the beginning of the last century, philosophers and logicians proved that where there are no disputes, there are no significant achievements in science. To paraphrase, there will be no personal growth. The art of debate was not considered in the plane of a banal showdown, but was taken to a high level and was called discussion. The discussion takes place with mutual respect between the parties and the ability to conduct dialogue. “Truth is born in disputes.” The authorship of the quote is attributed to Socrates, but whoever said it was absolutely right.

The seminar as a form of education was invented in ancient Rome. Today, discussion and exchange of opinions are in demand in the training of engineering and scientific personnel. Two essential ingredients for knowledge sharing: curator and audience present. The ancient word translated from Latin means “nursery”. And such nurseries or greenhouses today help millions of people establish relationships and master innovative technologies. It is impossible to know the taste of a seminar without trying it. But first, you can try to figure out what format the meetings in the “knowledge greenhouse” take.

Types of seminars: 7 types of knowledge

1. Webinars

2. Seminars on psychology

Professionals prefer closed events, calling them supervision. But for a wide audience there are a lot of meetings and presentations on a variety of topics. The stated topics are striking in their diversity. From original ones, led by professional psychologists with extensive experience, to frankly absurd ones, like “Husband, Sex and Chocolate.” The main argument when choosing such a seminar is the name of its curator. The presenter must be not just a practicing psychologist, but also a person. A person who knows how to capture an audience and educate unprepared people in the intricacies of science is really able to help.

pros. The opportunity to communicate with a professional for a reasonable fee.

Minuses. There is a chance of encountering an amateur who can only retell a memorized text.

3. Women's and men's seminars

“How to learn to be a bitch”, “Become a real man” - the titles of the seminars can be read like a book. Topics on the topic of the day are promoted and presented to the audience, who came to the hall with one common problem. The presenter already knows all the possible questions (statistics are a useful thing) and gives those present what they want most. Do you want to revive your feminine chakras? Please. At the meetings, women learn the ancient skills of geishas or are initiated into the sacred secrets of the priestesses of love. Do you want to understand a woman’s soul in 1 day? No problem. The theme of men's meetings is full of testosterone, which, in fact, attracts listeners to gather in the audience. As a result, those present do not receive new information. They leave the audience with a firm conviction that they are right, because they were told exactly what they wanted to hear.

pros. Attending events becomes the first step in working on yourself.

Minuses. The audience does not receive any new knowledge.

4. Copyright

Media personalities or people who have reached heights in business willingly share their thoughts with the audience. The curator's name is written in capital letters on the poster. It’s worth taking a closer look at it. Perhaps it will not be the Idol who will come to the meeting, but people who work according to his methods. But at seminars and meetings with famous people, the halls are always crowded. The mere presence of a Star or Personality evokes a feeling of belonging to something big. Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Irina Khakamada, Ksenia Sobchak - the list of lecturers and curators can be continued for a long time. Some people devote all their time to communicating with the audience. Some people take out a few hours from their busy schedule to chat with the gathered people. People who excite and delight always know what to say to the audience.

pros: the opportunity to see the Idol, as they say, “live.

Minuses: Such seminars are held only in big cities.

5. Business seminars

When entering a beauty salon or a law office, the first thing that catches the clients’ eyes is a wall covered with frames. And within the frames are certificates of completion of the business seminar. They are necessary for professional growth. Business seminars on sales techniques are especially popular. If we talk about such meetings in general terms: people who have worked in sales for more than one year collect objections from regular and potential clients. A kind of corporate encyclopedia is created, explaining to a newcomer how easier it is to sell (or “sell”) a product or service to a buyer, anticipating all possible objections in advance. The business meeting format is a high-quality launching pad for beginners in the field of sales. That is, for everyone.

pros: obvious to the seller

Minuses: Sometimes meetings are held by people who have not worked a day in real sales. So the knowledge transferred is purely theoretical.

6. Presentation

A lot of new products, services and techniques are appearing on the market. You can present anything during the lesson - from therapeutic exercises to new products in nail services. The purpose of such a meeting is purely informational. Interested audiences are directed to places of sales or services. Beginners get the opportunity to gain basic knowledge and understand whether they are ready to develop in this direction. Professionals accustomed to working with one product are reluctant to switch to other brands. To convince them of this, there are seminars to introduce new technologies or innovative products. As a rule, they are financed by the manufacturer himself.

pros: the opportunity to learn a new product, technique or service.

Minuses. Such products are more expensive, because the price includes both the price of presentation samples and the work of the trainers themselves.

7. Educational

pros: the opportunity to gain accumulated knowledge in a short period of time.

Minuses: the probability of getting caught by a non-professional.

How are the seminars conducted?

Training seminars are held under the motto: “I have an idea, you have an idea. We will exchange and each will have 2 ideas.” A seminar is no longer a lecture, but not yet a training. At a lecture, the presenter speaks, and the audience listens (or dozes) without asking unnecessary questions. During the training, those present practice and gain certain skills. In a workshop, everything is limited to verbal interaction. The exchange takes place at the verbal level between the participants and at the energetic level with the leader.

Seminars, lectures and trainings are popular. Author's meetings are more similar to lectures, where the presenter communicates little with the audience, but at the same time is among people. Training seminars combine theoretical part and practical exercises. Webinars exclude the presence of a lecturer in the audience. People see the picture on the screen, although the online mode creates the effect of presence. Communication is carried out exclusively in chat rooms or in a special program. It is quite difficult to obtain practical skills online.

Why are seminars needed?

  • Knowledge. Profile seminars are simply necessary for any specialty. The money received during training is not enough to last a lifetime.
  • Experience. At the event itself, those present experience interaction, knowledge sharing and presentation. It is important to come to the meeting prepared. And don't be shy to ask questions.
  • Communication. There is a separate category of people who attend all seminars, trainings, lectures and courses. Their goal is not to gain knowledge. These people need simple human communication.

Each person enters the classroom with their own experience. What experience he will come away with depends on the presenter and himself. The desire to learn something new opens all existing doors and finds non-existent ones. The first thing you need to do is make a clear plan to realize your dream. And attending a seminar can be the first step towards its implementation.


The company needs to hold a seminar on training to maintain a complex technical complex. But the company does not have a training license. What is the best way to include this event in the contract? Like a training seminar or just a seminar? Do we have the right to issue a certificate of participation in the seminar?


Conducting seminars is one of the types of educational activities, which, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 1 of the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities” is subject to licensing.

However, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2013 N 966 “On licensing of educational activities”, educational activities are carried out through seminars, consultations and one-time lectures. A comprehensive list of services for the implementation of educational programs subject to licensing is given in the Appendix to the Regulations. Services for conducting seminars, consultations and one-time lectures are not mentioned in it. Thus, this activity is not subject to licensing.

In this case, educational activities are understood as activities for the implementation of educational programs ( clause 17 art. 2Law on Education).

The list of educational services for the implementation of educational programs that are subject to licensing in accordance with clause 3 of the Regulations is directly indicated in the Appendix to the Regulations. These include:

1) basic and professional educational programs of primary, basic, secondary and higher education (clauses 1 - 12 of the Appendix to the Regulations);

2) basic vocational training programs - vocational training, retraining, advanced training for workers and employees (clauses 13 - 15 of the Appendix to the Regulations);

3) additional pre-professional programs, advanced training and professional retraining programs (clauses 16 - 19 of the Appendix to the Regulations).

If organizations provide other training services, licensing is not required.

The provision of services for the implementation of educational programs should be considered studies that are aimed at students receiving:

- for vocational training - a certain qualification category in any profession of a worker (class or qualification category for an employee position), named in the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (Part 1, 7 of Article 73 of the Law on Education; Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 07/02/2013 N 513);

- with additional professional education - new competence within the framework of existing qualifications (advanced training, training period of at least 16 hours) or new qualifications (training period of at least 250 hours) for any other types of professional activity (Parts 4, 5 of Article 76 of the Law on education; clause 12 of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 N 499). Training can be carried out in any form (including trainings, seminars, master classes, consultations and others (clause 17 of the specified Procedure)).

Moreover, such training is subject to licensing only if the organization issues students (clause 20 art. 2, clause 1 part 1, Part 3, 10 , 12 tbsp. 60, Art. 74, Part 15 Art. 76Law on Education):

— upon successful completion of studies (passing the final certification)— a document confirming qualifications (for example, a certificate of worker’s profession (employee position), a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of vocational training). These documents are issued by manufacturers of security printed products on special forms that are protected from counterfeiting (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 2, 2013 N AK-1879/06 “On qualification documents”);

- in all other cases (the person did not pass the final certification, its results are unsatisfactory, expulsion, etc.) - a certificate of training or the period of training.

There is no unified form for these documents (Part 3, 12, Article 60 of the Education Law), so organizations use their own forms.

In the case under consideration, the organization, based on the results of the provision of services, wants to issue a certificate of completion of the seminar, which confirms the fact of completion of training courses for the maintenance of a complex technical complex. This certificate does not indicate the assignment (increase) of a rank or qualification.

Please also note that the duration of the seminar is less than 16 hours. Accordingly, this seminar cannot be recognized as a professional development program (obtaining new competence within the framework of existing qualifications).

Thus, holding a seminar on training to maintain a complex technical complex is neither professional nor additional professional training, and therefore is not subject to licensing. And you have the right to issue certificates of completion of this seminar.


Thank you for quick answer!

If the duration of the seminar exceeds 16 hours and is 40 hours? Would that be a violation then?


In this case, these seminars will be recognized as an educational program, and you will need to obtain a license!

Carrying out educational activities without a license is an administrative offense, the liability for which is provided for:

- part 2 art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, if the activity being carried out is recognized as entrepreneurial;

- part 1 art. 19.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, if the activity being carried out is not related to making a profit.

If the mentioned activity is entrepreneurial, then its implementation without a license entails a fine (Part 2 of Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

— for citizens — from 2000 to 2500 rubles;

- for officials (including individual entrepreneurs - note to Article 2.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) - from 4000 to 5000 rubles. According to the note to Art. 2.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, such persons are managers and other employees of organizations performing organizational and administrative or administrative functions;

— for legal entities — from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles.

The fine is imposed both with and without confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials (Part 2 of Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

If educational activities are not related to making a profit, then its implementation without a license entails the application of the following penalties (Part 1 of Article 19.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

- for citizens - a fine from 500 to 1000 rubles;

- for officials - a fine from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. (or disqualification for a period of one to three years). According to the note to Art. 2.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, such persons are managers and other employees of organizations performing organizational and administrative or administrative functions;

- for individual entrepreneurs - a fine from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles. (or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days);

People come to any training seminar primarily to work. Therefore, it is necessary to organize this event in such a way that all its participants, within the framework of reports, master classes and discussion round tables, can do this with maximum productivity. But this requires painstaking preparation. And it is better to entrust it to professionals. Such as the Mosevent full-cycle laboratory of the NTS group of companies. Conducting seminars in Moscow, Russia and the world with us will be truly effective!

Any event held abroad requires us to work well in the organization and, what is even more important, to actively use the rich local resources - as in the case of the summer conferences at the Siberian Generating Company, which took place in Greece.

How can we help organize your seminar?

Regardless of the scale of the upcoming event, our company approaches it comprehensively. Therefore, our organization of business seminars includes the following stages:

  • Site selection. Following exactly all your wishes, we will find the optimal location for a corporate, business or other seminar in terms of location, size and other parameters. We will also prepare the premises for the event: we will install equipment, and our designers will decorate the hall, from registration desks to the stage and handouts. Everything to make the seminars comfortable and effective.

  • Working with participants. Mosevent will definitely help you competently with the involvement of both experienced and well-known speakers in their industry, as well as the target audience of the event itself. To do this, we will form a tentative list of lecturers, hold negotiations and send out invitations. We will also provide your seminar with support staff, reliable security and coverage in specialized media.

  • Preparation of the program. A full-service laboratory has the necessary knowledge to develop a clear and consistent plan for a training event. At the same time, specialists at Mosevent will be able to harmoniously fit into the organization of business seminars not only the official part, but also the informal part in the form of cultural events. We will also take care of catering: from coffee breaks to buffets and receptions.

  • Logistics schemes. For the success of the seminar, well-coordinated and qualified coordination of the movements of all participants in the process is very important. Therefore, our company thinks through all types of transfers in detail: from purchasing plane and train tickets for speakers to launching shuttles from the metro. And you can order seminars in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as anywhere in the world - the NTS group of companies has a tour operator license.

  • Any other services. At Mosevent you will find everything you need to organize your business seminars. We will book rooms in a hotel of the required class for guests, launch an online registration system for the event, attract translators and guides for foreigners, take photos/videos of the event, produce souvenirs, etc. – the choice is unlimited!

What are the advantages of holding seminars with us?

If you choose to organize certain types of seminars in the Mosevent Full Cycle Laboratory, you can safely expect that you will receive from us:

  • Many years of experience. The NTS group of companies has been known on the market since 2005. All this time, we have been accumulating a wide variety of practical skills so that today you can organize and conduct seminars of any scale and duration, including multi-stage cycles of events.
  • Flexible service. Seminar is different from seminar, isn't it? After all, in order to hold a small event to improve the skills of employees or a complex event for partners of a large concern, it is worth focusing on different points. Therefore, we approach each project individually.
  • Reasonable prices. The seminar must be economically justifiable for those who conduct it. Therefore, our company minimizes all its expenses and finds options to reduce the cost of the event without compromising quality. Bottom line: organizing business seminars with us is available to you!

Due to all this you can trust. We guarantee: both you and your guests will be satisfied with the organization of any seminars both in Moscow and in other cities of Russia and the world.