
The wedding ring cracked. Broken ring on a finger. I dreamed of a gold and silver ring

Pathologies of the uterus

They often warn of impending troubles. Almost every dream book identifies the symbol with harmony in relationships, which is currently disturbed. The details of the dream will tell you what this can lead to in each specific case. Awareness will allow you to face emerging problems head-on.

Interpretation of a dream

Decoration with sacred meaning

Dreams in which a broken ring is not only of aesthetic value, but also endowed with a sacred meaning, take on a slightly different meaning.

  • A small crack on a wedding ring in Azar’s dream book means that Suspicions of adultery are groundless. A rim split in two, on the contrary, predicts that irrefutable evidence will appear.
  • In the dream book of the healer Akulina, scratches and other minor damage indicate that the other half is hiding some facts that may upset the sleeping person. A broken ring given during an engagement indicates the futility of the relationship.
  • Intentional breakdown of a product indicates the likelihood of illness in one of the household members. When in a dream you manage to repair your wedding ring or find a way to continue wearing it, Magini’s dream book reassures you that yours is strong enough, any trials will only strengthen it.
  • It’s interesting to know why you dream about how a church ring, amulet or talisman broke. In the dream book of the sorceress Navi, this is a rather serious sign, a harbinger of discord and upheaval.. A turbulent period is approaching, there is a high probability of losing a reliable rear or protection.
  • If you dreamed of a broken sacred ring, Vanga’s dream book reminds us of a rashly given and forgotten promise. The consequences of a frivolous act threaten to be extremely undesirable.
  • Loff's dream book believes that the sleeping tends to overestimate his capabilities and even attribute to himself the presence of a supernatural gift. It would be nice to establish a connection with reality.
  • In the Universal Dream Book, a broken ring in a dream, which is of artistic or historical value, in reality threatens to result in litigation.

What is it made of?

When you dream that you keep a broken gold ring for a long time without taking any action to repair or replace it, this means that excessive attachment to the past hinders further progress.

If you are lucky enough to see a stranger break a gold ring, you will get away with some trick. Trying on someone else's broken jewelry - an unfavorable sign, a harbinger of conflict in reality.

When a gold ring breaks in a dream, Ukrainian dream book warns of a streak of bad luck or bad mood for no apparent reason.

If in your night dreams a white gold ring breaks - love will remain unrequited.

The breakage of a silver ring indicates an unstable financial situation. Possible bad news and disappointment in a close friend. The breakdown of a platinum product in a dream promises a bright event that will force you to radically change your usual outlook.

In reality, broken jewelry is not considered a big loss. Nevertheless, the material from which it is made is of great interest to dream interpreters:

  • If it breaks in a dream copper ring, a long-time partner may suddenly end cooperation.
  • Breaking brass product means the likelihood of a quarrel with a friend.
  • It has outlived its usefulness wooden, glass or ceramic ring? A frivolous romance went on too long.
  • If it's broken bronze ring, the complex issue will resolve itself.
  • Broken metal ring represents the monkey's work and frustration.
  • If the rim breaks tin jewelry, you can give a worthy rebuff.
  • When it breaks in a dream steel ring, in reality, you don’t care about adversity and obstacles.

Lose a stone

Dream books will help you figure out why you dream that a stone has fallen out of a ring:

  • If it was ruby, one should not demand too much from the chosen one, and a man should not take on impossible tasks.
  • A loss diamond symbolizes obstacles in business and stagnation in personal life.
  • When you get lost in a dream pearl, The Islamic dream book advises not to start new things.
  • Lose sapphire falls on those who fear the strength of their own feelings.
  • The missing emerald indicates unrequited love.

rusty ring

In dream books there are many explanations of why a darkened or rusty ring is dreamed of. In the People's Dream Book, a blackened silver ring promises a deterioration in well-being. Grishina’s interpretation explains the image seen in a dream as a premonition of trouble in reality. Fortunately, the incident itself will cause less anxiety than worrying about it.

Rusty wedding ring is a harbinger of separation and even widowhood. Unsuccessful attempts to give the decoration its original appearance indicate the inevitability of separation.

The 21st century Dream Book offers a more optimistic forecast: minor problems in the family are possible, not necessarily related to marital relations. However, your significant other, children and home now require increased attention and care. It will provide singles and unmarried people with the opportunity to end their period of loneliness, although it will require a lot of emotional strength in return.

Most often, a dream about a wedding ring is a symbol of an inevitable and vicious circle of events in a person’s life.

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller’s dream book, a girl’s dream of a ring means that she will legitimize her relationship. For a young man, this dream means a lot of undertakings that will become the meaning of his whole life.

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Seeing a broken ring in a dream means quarrels and a break in relationships in reality.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud, in interpreting a dream about seeing a wedding ring, is inclined to believe that there comes a period between partners when their sexual relationship develops into a calm channel.

The plot is read at night, on the waxing moon, for a week.

Conspiracy words:

“As the servant of God (name of beloved) wakes up early in the morning,

so the longing for me will awaken in his soul.

It will not subside or weaken, but will only flare up more strongly.

Will return, my beloved, soon to the familiar threshold,

because he will remember the way to him.

And he will no longer be able to leave me, and in my arms he will find happiness.

- Return of former love

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a dreamed wedding ring symbolizes an imminent wedding in real life.

If you dreamed of a scratched or broken ring, this means that a chasm or crack will arise in the relationship between the spouses.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

In this dream book, a wedding ring is associated with a person’s brightest feelings - love, fidelity, unity in life.

A dream about losing a ring is a bad sign, symbolizing that you are erecting a barrier to happiness with your own hands and dooming yourself to loneliness.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a wedding ring on the hand of a friend or other people- means that you will not take someone's promise too seriously. It is possible that you will indulge in illicit joys.

If in a dream you carry rings in your hands- this means that you have new things ahead in which you will be lucky.

broken ring- means quarrels and unhappiness in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If you were given a ring, especially a gold one- someone seeks to enter into a long-term relationship with you (marriage) or wants to significantly improve an existing relationship.

If you give a ring- This is the kind of relationship you want to enter into.

Many rings on a woman- symbolizes her lesbian inclinations, and for a man - the desire to mindlessly collect more and more new partners.

broken ring- symbolizes health problems.

Lost Ring- symbolizes a break with a partner or a desire for a new partner.

Vanga's Dream Book

Appearance of a ring in a dream- symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.

In a dream, you put a ring on the hand of your loved one- this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

A dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand- portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand- this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

Dream book of lovers

broken ring- dreams of discord between spouses. Such a dream for lovers- promises a break in relations.

If a girl dreams that she was given a ring- this means that she will stop worrying about her lover and he will prove to her his love and readiness for a future together.

If a girl dreams of a beautiful engagement ring- this means that her lover will remain faithful to her and protect her from troubles.

Lost Ring- promises disappointment in love and bitterness from separation from a loved one.

If you dream of an engagement ring on the hand of a friend or another person- this means that you will be given a marriage proposal that you will not take seriously.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ring in dreams- a symbol of obligations and promises. The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are to you.

Ring on the ring finger or little finger- is an indication of friendly relations. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to take advantage of this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger- symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on index or thumb- means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of the promises and vows that you made to yourself.

If a ring in a dream causes you discomfort- this is a sign that some obligations may become a burden to you in the near future, and you will want to free yourself from them.

Find the ring- a reminder that someone made you oath promises that may soon come in handy. Location where the ring was found- may indicate what the help is related to.

Ring found on the road- means that a friend is able to help promote your business.

Ring on the table or in a dish- a sign that by using help you can improve your well-being

Ring on a chair or armchair- portends help in getting a new place.

Jewish dream book

Solomon's Dream Book

Ring- a fun wedding.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you accept a ring as a gift- promises you peace and satisfaction. Your lover will once again successfully prove to you that he is faithful to you in soul and body, and besides, you will be even more firmly connected by common interests.

If in a dream you see a broken ring- you should prepare for various troubles and disappointments.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Rings (jewelry or magic rings)- can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage.

Sometimes the rings- indicate our desire to undertake obligations or to obtain assurances about the assumption of obligations by other persons in relation to us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings- may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers.

Rings or “wheat circles” drawn on the ground- are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the circumstances inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor. Do you make your own ring or find it? Do you feel like you are able to exercise control over it? Is this ring being used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?

Rings and circles- these are archetype symbols.

You may dream of round rooms, magic circles of a shaman, oracle or other predictor, a circus arena, or even round roads- all these are round objects. In general, a circle represents a positive image, but when interpreting dreams, other objects should be taken into account, as well as experiences associated with the appearance of circles in a dream. Did you yourself or someone else collide with a round-shaped object? Was the circle interrupted or closed?

Dream book for the whole family

To dream of a ring on your hand from Monday to Tuesday- to the joy that children will bring.

Rings on other people's hands- dream of increased prosperity and foreshadow new acquaintances.

If a woman sees her wedding ring bright and shiny in a dream- she will not have to suffer from worries and infidelity.

The woman has a lot of sorrows ahead.

A wedding ring seen on someone's hand- foretells that you will not take someone's promise too seriously. Perhaps you will indulge in illicit joys.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you wear rings- predicts new ventures in which you will achieve success.

broken ring- portends quarrels, unhappy family life and separation for lovers.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a wedding ring in a dream- to divorce.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

To widowhood.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Engagement ring- to the groom.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

ring- affection; wear a wedding band- wedding and happy marriage; lose- annoyance; get- true love.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a lot of different rings on your fingers in a dream- means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

Losing a ring in a dream- to an annoying mistake, search- a happy accident will help you avoid troubles, find- receive good news.

Receive a ring as a gift from a loved one- such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children. Gold rings- mean an increase in well-being and new useful acquaintances. silver ring- imperceptibly but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to meet an interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream- means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake wraps itself in rings around you and with a hiss releases its forked tongue from its mouth- this means you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream- portends that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with your superiors. Hanging on them- this means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and will do the absolutely right thing by insuring yourself with a backup option.

An engagement ring seen in a dream- portends an imminent wedding and a happy marriage. A ring worn on your finger during the wedding ceremony- portends true love, a strong family and healthy offspring.

Gold wedding ring- means an increase in well-being and new useful acquaintances. Gold alloy ring- you will find yourself in difficulty, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your enemies are.

Buy wedding rings- they will put the burden of social work on you without finding a better candidate. Sell ​​your engagement ring- means that in reality you will find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Losing a wedding ring in a dream- to an annoying mistake, search- a happy accident will help you avoid troubles, find- receive good news.

Ring too small to fit on finger- problems with children; falling from him- to damages and losses.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Ring- fun, wedding

Women's dream book

Ring in a dream- a symbol of a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.

Wearing rings on your hands in a dream- to new and successful enterprises.

Seeing rings on others in a dream- means increased prosperity and new acquaintances.

If in a dream you put a ring on the hand of a loved one- you will remain true to your feelings and keep your promises.

A dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand- portends unexpected help in solving a long-standing problem.

Her lover will now devote himself entirely to her present and future.

If in a dream you can’t choose the right ring size for yourself- this means that in real life you do not experience heartfelt affection for anyone.

The ring that fell from your hand- bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

broken ring- means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If in a dream your wedding ring is bright and shiny- you will be protected from excessive worries and infidelity of your spouse.

If the ring is lost or broken- sadness will enter your life.

Seeing a wedding ring on another person's hand- means that you will not take someone's promises too seriously.

General dream book

Seeing a ring in a dream- to big changes in life.

If you dreamed that you found a ring- soon you will make a valuable acquisition.

If a girl receives a ring in a dream- this means that all her worries are behind her, since her lover will devote himself entirely to her present and future.

Seeing a ring on other people in a dream- means an increase in your well-being and many new friends.

Losing the ring- to a tangible loss.

You dreamed that you bought a ring- big changes in life are ahead.

If you dreamed that you sold a ring- big changes in your life await you, which will happen due to the fault of one of your friends.

You gave someone a ring- soon you will lend money to a reliable person.

Melt the ring- to a quarrel with a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

The ring has long become a symbol of friendship, engagement and marriage, if this sign appears to you- it may portend the establishment of a strong relationship or engagement. It also serves as a symbol of eternal love.

What if the ring puts pressure on your finger or cuts into it?- This is a warning about someone's illness.

Putting a ring on your finger- a harbinger of a union with the person you love.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Give up the ring or lose it- to losses or grief.

Find the ring again- promises safety.

Italian dream book

Ring- a symbol denoting power, social superego, (political, religious and even emotional). This image denotes recognition of a role or loyalty to position, status, rules. regulations.

In some cases this image- can be simply indifferent and simply designate some kind of personality.

In some cases, although not often, this image- can symbolize a rather negative psychology, which is passed down from generation to generation as mental semantics.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Ring, single- marriage; girl- marriage; combined- family growth; with stones- profitable work; iron- sadness; broken- loss of a friend or property.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Ring- symbolism corresponding to all circular systems. Symbol of power, social superego. Recognition of one’s role and social loyalty. The inability to renounce a social role can have negative or protective consequences.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Ring or ring- portends marriage to a single person, the acquisition of friendship or a new acquaintance; have gold rings on your fingers- foreshadows elevation in dignity, increase in honors and acquisition of power; receive a ring as a gift- means safety; give a ring- portends loss; lose your wedding ring- marks the death of the spouse whose ring is lost.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Ring- love, fidelity, marriage, marriage.

Presses, fell, loses- breakup, divorce.

Modern universal dream book

Ring- openly declares that you and your loved one are connected by marriage. Perhaps the dream indicates that you want to connect your life with someone or participate in a joint project.

Dream book of a gypsy

Cheap, shiny ring- you will suffer a slight malaise.

Rich, expensive ring- you are a physically strong person with excellent health. Your wedding is approaching.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Ukrainian dream book

Gold wedding ring- wedding, silver- trouble.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Ring- offer, communication; lose a black ring- divorce, separation.

Collection of dream books

If you dreamed of a ring- your dream foreshadows a new friendship or marriage.

If you break a ring in a dream- this is a sign of impending disagreements with friends, their insincerity.

Ring in a dream- symbolizes friendship or love.

If you dreamed of a gold, silver or wedding ring- your dream promises you a happy family life and many nice children.
Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dream "Ring"– symbolizes love relationships, loyalty to loved ones and position in society. The actions that you performed with the ring, as well as the appearance of the ring, should tell you about future events, warn you against possible mistakes, or explain why these particular events happened in your life.
Dream “Wedding ring”– symbolizes family life, children and fidelity of spouses. After all, wedding rings, or as many people call them, engagement rings, have become a symbol of the unity of two hearts, two lives, two destinies since ancient times. Therefore, the appearance of an engagement ring in a dream should not be ignored, especially if the engagement ring had any flaw, you lost it or it was given to you.
Dream “Ring with a stone”- symbolizes your relationship with your loved one or spouse, as well as work and payment for it. Interpreted depending on the type and color of the stone.
Based on what kind of ring you saw in your dream, what you did with it and what material it was made of, dreams are interpreted. Here are collected all the famous dream books that give interpretations of dreams about the ring. Below are answers to questions that may arise after a dream in which a ring appeared in one way or another.
Dream about a ring

Placement of the ring on the hand

Why you dream of a ring on your finger is interpreted based on which finger the ring was put on in your dream:

  • Why do you dream of a ring on your thumb - Dream Interpretation: a ring on your thumb in a dream - you occupy a leading position in your marriage or union. Be a little more lenient, otherwise your partner will get tired of your constant superiority.
  • Why do you dream of a ring on your index finger - Dream Interpretation: a ring on your index finger in a dream - you and your partner have no emotional contact. Be loyal and give in more to each other.
  • Why do you dream of a ring on your middle finger - Dream Interpretation: a ring on your middle finger in a dream means fidelity to your other half. If you dreamed that the ring on your middle finger was broken, cracked or scratched, you do not have sexual compatibility; although your partner will not seek satisfaction on the side, he will suffer greatly from this.
  • Why do you dream about a ring on your ring finger - Dream Interpretation: a ring on your ring finger in a dream is a declaration of love, a marriage proposal. If you dreamed of a ring on your family’s ring finger, it means you made an oath that will soon need to be fulfilled
  • Why do you dream about a ring on your little finger - Dream Interpretation: a ring on your little finger in a dream means an unstable union, an unstable connection.
  • Why dream of a ring on your right hand - Dream Interpretation: a ring on your right hand, dream book - if you dreamed of a ring on your right hand, then all the above interpretations are correct.
  • Why do you dream of rings on your left hand - Dream Interpretation: a ring on your left hand in a dream - if you dreamed of a ring on your left hand, then all the interpretations are the opposite of the above.

Different rings in a dream

Actions related to the ring

  • Why a ring - Dream Interpretation: receiving a ring as a gift in a dream means well-being.
  • Why dream of receiving a ring as a gift from a man - Dream Interpretation: receiving a ring as a gift from a man in a dream - one person will seek your attention.
  • Why dream of taking a ring off your finger - Dream Interpretation: taking a ring off your finger in a dream means you will experience the pain of being betrayed by a loved one.
  • Why dream of putting a ring on a finger - Dream Interpretation: putting a ring on a finger in a dream - putting a ring on a dream means your desires will come true.
  • Why dream of putting gold rings on (a woman’s) hands – Dream Interpretation: putting gold rings in a dream means the birth of a child. (cm. )
  • Why dream of putting a ring on a finger (for a man) - Dream Interpretation: putting a ring on a finger in a dream means successful deeds.
  • Why dream of putting on a gold ring (for a girl) - Dream Interpretation: putting a gold ring on a finger in a dream - for marriage
  • Why does a guy dream of putting on a gold ring - Dream Interpretation: putting on a gold ring in a dream means getting married soon.
  • Why dream of wearing a silver ring - Dream Interpretation: putting on a silver ring in a dream means you will become a more well-behaved person.
  • Why do you dream of a man putting on a ring - Dream Interpretation: a man putting on a ring in a dream - a stranger will help you get out of a confusing and difficult situation.
  • Why do you dream of finding a ring - Dream Interpretation: finding a ring in a dream - the dream book says that this is for a new love or a meeting that will affect your future life.
  • Why dream of finding a lot of gold rings - Dream Interpretation: finding a lot of rings in a dream - don’t look for anyone else, the person who is next to you at the moment and is the most faithful, best, beloved and sent from above.
  • Why dream of finding a ring with a diamond - Dream Interpretation: finding a ring with - new love will be strong and true.
  • Why dream of finding a ring in water - Dream Interpretation: finding a ring in water in a dream - everything will depend on the condition of the water, how clean or dirty it was, calm or seething, in a river or sea. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream of a loved one giving a ring (to a girl) - Dream Interpretation: a loved one gives a ring in a dream - in reality, soon the loved one will propose marriage.
  • Why do you dream that a guy gives a ring (to a lonely woman) - Dream Interpretation: a guy gives a ring in a dream - a fateful meeting will happen soon.
  • Why do you dream that a man gave you a ring - Dream Interpretation: a man gave you a ring in a dream - if you are alone, and in the dream there was an unfamiliar man, then the dream speaks of strong business ties.
  • Why do you dream of a dead man giving a ring - Dream Interpretation: a dead man giving a ring in a dream - a warning dream - your union is on the verge of collapse, if you want to preserve it, be softer and more compliant.
  • Why dream of giving away a ring - Dream Interpretation: giving away a ring in a dream means you will lose something very valuable to you.
  • Why dream of a ring breaking - Dream Interpretation: a ring breaking in a dream - if the ring breaks before your eyes, then in reality you will suffer losses.
  • Why dream of dropping a ring - Dream Interpretation: dropping a ring in a dream means your husband/wife will cheat with an unworthy person who will destroy your family life.
  • Why dream of losing a ring - Dream Interpretation: losing a ring in a dream means a break in the relationship between lovers, a family divorce.
  • Why dream of losing and finding a ring - Dream Interpretation: losing and then finding a ring in a dream - having broken off an old relationship, you will soon acquire new ones, which in fact will be better than the previous ones.
  • Why dream of buying a ring - Dream Interpretation: buying a ring in a dream means meeting new acquaintances.
  • Why dream of choosing a ring - Dream Interpretation: choosing a ring in a dream - if you were unable to choose the right one, then in reality you will be faced with a choice that you will never be able to make.
  • Why do you dream of a ring on someone else’s hand - Dream Interpretation: a ring on someone else’s hand in a dream - an acquaintance that will happen very soon will drag on and become a burden to you.
  • Why dream of putting on someone else’s ring – Dream: putting on someone else’s ring in a dream means you are showing interest in forbidden sexual pleasures.
  • Why dream of looking for a gold ring - Dream Interpretation: looking for a gold ring in a dream - you will have to make sure that your loved one ignores your own dignity and is very unfriendly towards you.
  • Why dream of selling a ring - Dream Interpretation: selling a ring in a dream means you will encounter financial difficulties.
  • Why dream of throwing away a ring - Dream Interpretation: throwing away a ring in a dream - you didn’t do something on time, now you repent and regret it.

Dream about a wedding ring

Various wedding rings

Activities related to the engagement ring

Dream about a ring with a stone(Cm. )

Why do you dream of a ring with precious stones? If you dreamed of rings with precious stones, the interpretation should be based on what kind of stone was in the ring. Below are the different gemstones:

Freud's Dream Book Ring

  • Dream Interpretation: a ring with a large stone - if it was on your finger, it means you have a harmonious relationship with your loved one, which is sometimes overshadowed by your partner’s infidelities. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream of a ring without stones? In general, a smooth ring without a stone in a dream symbolizes unity and mutual understanding.
  • Dream Interpretation Ring, Freud says that the image of a ring in a dream indicates your partner’s great sexual experience, and the stone on the ring indicates his desire to cheat.
  • Dream Interpretation: putting on a ring with a stone that was given - such a dream promises marriage for a girl, for a guy - you want to marry the girl you are dating at a given moment in time.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring with a stone was given (to a woman) - a pleasant unexpected surprise from your beloved husband, lover, perhaps something new is waiting for you in bed.

Ukrainian dream book

  • If you dream of a ring - if you dream of a ring, then in reality there will be both love and harmony.
  • What does it mean when you dream about rings – marriage/marriage.
  • What does it mean when you dream of a gold ring – a wedding.
  • What does it mean when you dream about a wedding ring - to a happy family life, that’s what it means to dream about a wedding ring.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring with a stone on your hand means prosperity. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring with a black stone in a dream means mourning.
  • Dream Interpretation: a stone fell out of a ring in a dream - to a misunderstanding in love.
  • Dream Interpretation: a beautiful gold ring with stones - happiness, joy.
  • I dreamed of being given a ring with a stone - fun, wedding, guests.

Eastern women's dream book

  • Seeing a gold wedding ring in a dream means your wedding will happen soon.
  • Dream Interpretation: gold ring with a stone - if you dreamed of a gold ring with a stone, then you will be a guest at the wedding.
  • The dream of “wearing a ring with a stone on your finger” says that you will soon be offered your hand and heart.
  • Why dream of trying on rings with stones - a wedding with friends, relatives, you will be a guest.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation Ring

  • Dream Interpretation: ring - Vanga considers it as a circle figure, i.e. repeating events, errors, unresolved problems.
  • Vanga's dream book: a gold ring on a finger - an oath of allegiance, affection.
  • Vanga's dream book: putting a gold ring on your loved one's hand means you are faithful to him and are ready to fulfill everything you promised him.
  • Wedding ring - Vanga’s dream book deciphers family life.
  • In a dream, you put on a wedding ring from the hands of a stranger - you will receive help completely unexpectedly, this help will allow you to solve the problem that has been bothering you.
  • Why dream of choosing a ring in a store - if you were unable to choose the right one, it means that in real life you do not have a loved one and your soul is not attached to anyone.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of a ring with stones - a circle (ring) with an obstacle (stone) symbolizes unresolved problems, affection and fidelity. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: gift of a ring with a stone - if you were not just given a ring, but also put it on your finger, the dream means that you have true and pure love, promises are honest and will soon be fulfilled.
  • Dream Interpretation: losing a stone from a ring is a bad sign - the difficulties will be too difficult for you, you may not be able to cope.
  • In a dream, try on a ring with a stone - if you were able to find the right one, it means in reality you have a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of a ring with a stone falling from your finger - a bad sign - you have broken your promise, oath, get ready for the test that fate has prepared for you.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • What does it mean to see a ring in a dream - a ring in a dream means affection.
  • Why does an unmarried woman dream of wedding rings - for marriage.
  • Why does a woman dream of an engagement ring - for a happy family life.
  • Why dream of being given a ring with a stone - if the ring was gold, then your friends will let you down at the most crucial moment. As long as you have money, they are your friends, as soon as the money runs out, your friends will run away like rats from a sinking ship.
  • Dream Interpretation: buying a gold ring with a stone means you’re a dummy, a farce.
  • The dream “given a diamond ring” means true love.

Islamic dream book Ring (Muslim dream book Ring)
The Islamic or Muslim dream book describes rings in great detail and interprets a variety of rings seen in a dream.
Dreaming of a ring on a door (handle):

  • Why do you dream of a beautiful ring on a door (knob) - if you dreamed of holding tightly to a ring or a handle on a door, it means you are a God-fearing, righteous person, holding tightly to Islam.
  • Why dream of a broken ring on a door (handle) - if you dreamed of breaking a ring on a door, it means you will commit an unseemly, reprehensible act.

Dreaming of gold and silver rings on the leg (jewelry for the leg):

  • Why do you dream of gold jewelry on foot rings (for a woman) - if you dreamed of gold rings on your feet, then get ready for sorrows and worries.
  • Why dream of a beautiful gold ring on a man’s leg? If a man wears a gold ring on a man’s leg in a dream, it means he will soon be imprisoned, handcuffed, and shackled.
  • Why dream of putting silver rings on your feet in a dream - changes in life.

Dreaming of a ring:

  • Dream Interpretation: ring ring according to Islam - symbolizes power, greatness, glory and wealth. Any flaw, blemish, missing stone or scratch means a lack of power, greatness, fame and wealth.
  • What does it mean to find a ring in a dream according to the Islamic dream book - a good sign - benefit, marriage, birth of a child, success.
  • Islamic dream book: a gold ring as a gift - if in a dream you were given a gold ring with a stone, then there is no good in such a dream, everything is bad. (Cm. )
  • Islamic dream book: to see a very beautiful someone else’s ring - rise in the ranks, earn honor and respect.
  • Why do you dream of a broken ring on your finger? The Islamic dream book interprets a broken ring in a dream as a divorce.
  • A pregnant woman dreamed of a ring - for the birth of a boy's heir.
  • They removed the rings from the hands of a dream (for a man) - a bad dream - removal from office, loss of power, divorce from his wife.
  • Why dream of taking a ring off a woman’s hand - her husband will die.
  • Seeing in a dream putting a ring on a finger (for a man) means marriage
  • What does it mean to put on a ring (for a woman) in a dream - for marriage.
  • Why dream that a guy is wearing a silver ring - you will become a pious and righteous person.
  • Dream: they gave a wedding ring (to a woman) - a child will be born soon.
  • Dream Interpretation: accepting a ring from the Prophet in a dream means you will receive good news, gain knowledge and good luck only if the ring is silver. If it is gold, there will be no good.
  • The dream book (for a man) dreamed of a wooden ring – next to it was a woman who was a hypocrite.
  • I dreamed of a wooden wedding ring (for a woman) - you yourself are a hypocritical woman.

Dream about rings with stones:

  • I dreamed of a ring with a black stone - the black stone of Hajarul Aswad for Hajj - a positive sign, everything is fine, safe. (Cm. )
  • Dream: a stone fell out of a ring - losses, illness of a child.
  • Dream: stones fell out of a ring - big losses, death or serious illness of a child.
  • Why does a man dream of a gold ring with pearls - his wife will give birth to a child.
  • In a dream, they presented a silver ring with a stone - good news, good luck, acquisition of knowledge. (Cm. )
  • In a dream, wearing a silver ring with a stone means a pious and well-behaved person.

Loff's Dream Book
Why do you dream about a ring? If this is a magic (fairytale) ring that makes wishes come true as soon as you put it on your finger, then such a dream symbolizes your desire to take on some obligations. You want to have “magical supernatural powers” ​​that would help you cope with all your obligations in the best possible way. The desire to be the best.
If the ring was drawn on the ground (chalked on the floor, wheat circles) - you want protection, because evil is not allowed to cross these circles, and therefore you will remain safe and sound. A lot of problems have fallen on you lately, and you are looking for a person in real life who would protect and protect you.

Children's dream book
A dream about a ring on a finger symbolizes marriage, union, mutual relationships. Since it is too early for you to think about a family union, therefore for you the ring will mean a friendly union, a comradely union.
Why do you dream of a ring with a stone - if you dreamed of a ring with a stone, then soon you will have a real friend with whom you will have a friendly, strong alliance. If you saw a ring on your finger, it means you are making a promise to some person.

Women's dream book

  • Receiving a ring with a stone as a gift in a dream means you will experience peace and satisfaction.
  • If you dream about a stone falling out of a ring, be prepared for trouble, someone or something will greatly disappoint you.

The dream book for women considers dreams about rings based on the days of the week when you dreamed about them:
- from Monday to Tuesday: seeing rings on your hand in a dream brings joy to children;
- from Wednesday to Thursday: what does it mean to see a gold ring in a dream? Nothing, it’s an empty dream, there’s nothing about it;
- from Friday to Saturday: dreaming of a broken ring on your finger means quarrels and scandals in the family, discord between spouses;
- from Saturday to Sunday: the dream book, a wedding ring on someone else’s hand says that you need to behave more carefully, because people will start spreading unseemly gossip about you;
- from Sunday to Monday: if you were given a gold ring in a dream, it means that in reality the relationship with your loved one will be normalized, quarrels and scandals will be left behind.

Men's dream book
What does it mean in a dream to lose a wedding ring (for a man) - a warning dream - you can lose your property, as well as the location of a person very dear to you.
Putting a ring on your finger in a dream means you will have dizzying success with the opposite sex.

Aesop's Dream Book
Dream Interpretation: losing an engagement ring in a dream - if a woman has lost her engagement ring with a stone in a dream, the dream prophesies separation from her loved one due to divorce or fatal illness.

Miller's Dream Book
Why do you dream about a ring? Miller's dream book gives the following interpretation:

Russian dream book

  • Seeing a smooth gold ring in a dream means marriage.
  • Why do you dream of rings with small precious stones? Seeing rings with stones in a dream means tears. (Cm. )
  • The dream “ring with a large stone” foreshadows an unexpected acquaintance.
  • I dreamed of a ring with a stone - for a wedding.
  • I dreamed about “the ring with the stone cracked” - betrayal of a loved one.
  • Why dream of a smooth ring without a stone - marriage, marriage.
  • Seeing a broken ring in a dream means your spouse is cheating.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

  • What does it mean if you dream about a ring - wedding, happiness in children, the birth of a child, strong ties.
  • In a dream I dreamed of a beautiful iron ring - hard work will be well paid.
  • In a dream I dreamed of a gold ring - a good sign - everything is good.
  • In a dream, you dreamed of a broken ring - to loss, loss.
  • The dream “ring with a black stone” is a dream about a complaint.
  • The dream of “a ring with a stone on your finger” symbolizes productive work.
  • A gold ring with a precious stone in a dream means goodness, success, profit. (Cm. )
  • What does it mean to lose a ring with a stone in a dream - there will be losses, sadness.
  • In a dream, someone gives a ring with a stone - to loss.
  • In a dream, I dreamed that I lost a ring - to part with a loved one.
  • In a dream, I dreamed that I lost my wedding ring - a sign of divorce from my husband.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving an engagement ring to a stranger means the loss will be serious.
  • Why dream of giving away a gold ring - to losses, losses.

Noble dream book of Grishina

Generalized dream book

  • I dreamed of a marriage proposal with a ring - a prophetic dream - in real life everything will be like this.
  • Dream: a pregnant woman dreams of a ring - signifies the birth of a strong child.
  • Why dream that the ring on the door (handle) is broken - Dream Interpretation: the ring breaks in a dream - you will commit an unseemly and shameful act.
  • Dream about a ring in water - it will depend on the condition of the water, how clean or dirty it was, whether the ring was in a river or in the sea. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream about a small ring? If the ring is small in a dream, it means that the streak of minor failures will end sooner or later, but it will fray your nerves quite a bit.
  • Why do you dream of a large gold ring - if you dreamed of a large ring dangling on your finger - your heart is lonely, even though there seems to be a loved one next to you.
  • Why do you dream of a jewelry ring? A cheap ring in a dream means having a fun time. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream of silver rings on your hands - Dream Interpretation: a silver ring on your finger in a dream - you have a secret sadness // strengthening friendly ties.
  • Dream: a man puts on a ring - in reality a complete stranger will help you get out of a difficult situation. (Cm. )
  • Dream: given a silver ring - friends will help in difficult times.
  • Why in a dream they give a gold ring (to a girl) - Dream: a loved one gave a ring in a dream - in reality, soon the loved one will propose marriage.
  • Why dream of giving a ring to a girl (man) - Dream Interpretation: giving a ring to a girl - a passionate desire to unite with her in an alliance can come true very soon.
  • In a dream, I dreamed that I was given a ring (to a lonely woman) - Dream Interpretation: I saw a ring as a gift in a dream - a fateful meeting will soon take place.
  • Why do you dream of a man giving a ring (to a woman) - Dream Interpretation: a man giving a ring in a dream - you have a fan who has warm and tender feelings for you.
  • Why dream that a woman gives a ring (to a man) - Dream Interpretation: a woman gives a ring in a dream - in reality this woman has the most tender feelings for you.
  • Why dream about a husband giving a gold ring (to his wife) - Dream Interpretation: a husband gave a ring in a dream - your husband truly loves you.
  • Why dream of a ring as a gift from a man - Dream Interpretation: a ring as a gift from a man in a dream - if you are alone, and in the dream there was an unfamiliar man, then the dream speaks of strong business ties.
  • Why do you dream that a dead man gave a ring - Dream Interpretation: a dead man gave a ring in a dream - a warning dream - your union is on the verge of collapse, if you want to preserve it, be softer and more compliant.
  • Why do you dream of a ring on another person - Dream Interpretation: a man has a ring in a dream - an increase in your well-being, new useful acquaintances.
  • Why do you dream of a falling ring - for families it means divorce, for loved ones it means separation, for business people it means losses.
  • Why dream of finding a ring - a significant, very important meeting.
  • Why do you dream about finding a gold ring – new friendship or love.
  • Why dream of finding an engagement ring - a marriage proposal for single people.
  • Why do you dream of looking for an engagement ring? If you dreamed of looking for an engagement ring, the dream book says that your chosen one does not care about you, he ignores your desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a ring with a stone - you are having a business fight, for high status and respect. (Cm. )
  • Dream: a stone fell out of the ring and was found - you have already prepared for the collapse of the case, but in the end everything will be successfully resolved.
  • Why dream of a ring with a large diamond - if you dream of a ring with a large diamond stone, it means in reality you will have the respect of those around you, career growth and increased prosperity.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “golden ring with a stone” – walking at a wedding as a guest. (Cm. )
  • In a dream, looking for a ring - you will soon become convinced that your loved one is unfriendly towards you and ignores your own dignity.
  • Finding a wedding ring in a dream is a good idea - if it was not yours, it was someone else’s, it means a new love will come into your life and settle firmly in your heart.
  • The dream of “finding a ring with a stone” means useful acquaintances, new connections.
  • To see a broken gold ring with a stone in a dream means the loss of a friend, failure, conflict, divorce.
  • The dream of “finding a gold ring with a stone” means a successful acquisition, successful business.
  • Interpretation of dreams “a ring with an amethyst stone” - if you did not put it on, but simply looked at it, then this means that you will be looking for friendship with a cold and unapproachable man or a proud, unapproachable woman.
  • Dream Interpretation: ring with a purple stone (amethyst) - if you saw it on your finger, it’s a bad sign; they will be indifferent and cold towards you.
  • Dream “ring with a pink stone” - you easily trust people, you have innocence and a girlish outlook on life.
  • Dream “ring with red stones” - if you dreamed of a ring with red stones - ardent passionate love.
  • Dream “ring with topaz” – topaz has different colors and therefore it is worth looking at the stones by color.
  • Why do you dream of a gold ring with a ruby ​​- Dream Interpretation: a ring with a red ruby ​​in a dream - to ardent passionate love.
  • Why do you dream of a ring with an emerald - Dream Interpretation: you dreamed of a ring with an emerald - love on the side with a gentle and very attentive person.
  • If you dreamed of a ring with a blue stone, no one will support your enthusiasm. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed of a ring with a blue stone - moral stress, depression, reschedule important planned matters to a later date.
  • Seeing a ring with a red stone in a dream means success, thanks to your determination and ability to win.

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy
The dream of “measuring rings” is a dream about a cheerful wedding.

Dream Interpretation Tarot
Why dream of a simple ring - damage.
What does it mean if you dream of a gold ring - a wedding.

ABC of dream interpretation

  • The dream book about the ring says that this dream symbolizes friendship and a happy family life.
  • Dream Interpretation: ring and bracelet - symbolizes integrity of character and how much you are subject to power.
  • What does it mean if you dreamed of “lost a ring” - destroy a friendship or marriage.
  • If you dreamed “the ring burst and fell from your finger to the floor” - you will lose someone very close to you.
  • I dreamed that I found a gold ring - new acquaintances, a love affair.
  • Dream Interpretation: receiving a gold ring as a gift in a dream means a new connection will become very important for you.
  • I dreamed about a ring with topaz in a dream book - it symbolizes power and respect for others.

Dream book combined

  • Dream Interpretation: gold rings in a dream are a favorable sign - mutual understanding between spouses or loved ones. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: getting married in a dream is a ring - a prophetic dream - you will get married in reality.
  • Why does a pregnant woman dream of a ring - the birth of a strong baby.
  • Why do you dream of jewelry, bracelets, earrings, rings - a fun time. (Cm. )
  • What does a silver ring mean in a dream - if you dreamed of silver rings on your fingers, it means you have good friends. (Cm. )
  • In a dream, they give a silver ring - to strong friendly ties.
  • What does it mean to give a ring to a woman in a dream? The one who gave the ring in the dream has a passionate desire to unite with her in union.
  • In a dream, they give a wedding ring (to a girl) - in reality, your loved one will soon propose marriage.
  • Why do you dream of a guy giving a ring - for a wedding.
  • Dream of an ex giving a ring – if an ex gives a ring in a dream, it means he or you have a desire to bring back happy times again.
  • They gave a ring to propose a dream - a dream-prophet - in reality everything will be like this.
  • Interpretation of dreams “given a ring” (lonely) – seeing a ring as a gift in a dream means that in reality a fateful meeting will soon take place.
  • What does it mean if you give a ring (to a woman) in a dream - you have a fan who has warm and tender feelings for you.
  • In a dream, you dreamed that you gave a ring (to a man) - in reality, it is this woman who has the most tender feelings for you.
  • Why dream about a husband giving a ring to (his wife) - Dream Interpretation: a husband gives a ring in a dream - your husband truly loves you.
  • Interpretation of the dream “a ring as a gift from a stranger” - if there was a stranger in the dream, then the dream speaks of strong business ties.
  • Why do you dream about the deceased father giving a ring - Dream: the deceased gave a ring - a warning dream - your union is on the verge of collapse, if you want to preserve it, be softer and more compliant.
  • Why dream of a ring falling off your finger - it means divorce, separation, loss of something very valuable to you.
  • Interpretation of the dream “find a ring” - the meaning of the dream will vary depending on what kind of ring you found.
  • Dream: finding a man's wedding ring - finding a man's wedding ring in a dream means that in your life you will have a loved one who will firmly take a place in your heart.
  • Dream: finding a ring in the water - you will be given happiness from above, Fate will give you your person.
  • Dream: finding a diamond ring - new love will be strong and beautiful.
  • Dream Interpretation: rings with stones - interpreted based on what kind of stone was in the ring. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed of a gold ring with a stone on my finger - if it’s a simple ring, you’ll be attending a wedding as a guest.
  • Why do you dream of a ring with a blue stone - Dream Interpretation: a ring with a blue stone - no one will appreciate your enthusiasm and jokes.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding a gold ring with a stone is a successful acquaintance.
  • I dreamed of a ring with a green stone (for a woman) - a declaration of love, a lover.
  • Dream Interpretation: gold ring with a green stone (for a girl) – marriage proposal, marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gold ring with a red stone - to ardent and all-consuming love.
  • Dream Interpretation: gold ring with a ruby ​​- if you dreamed of a ring with a ruby, it means you will soon have ardent and passionate love.
  • Why dream of a gold ring with a diamond - Dream Interpretation: a gold ring with a diamond in a dream - to success, power, honor, respect, growth of well-being.
  • Why dream of a gold ring with an emerald - Dream Interpretation: seeing a ring with an emerald in a dream means an illicit love affair; the lover will be gentle and attentive.
  • Dream: a ring with a red stone on your finger - they will propose marriage to you, for a girl - marriage, for a woman - a passionate lover.
  • Dream interpretation: a beautiful gold wedding ring – family happiness, children, love.
  • Dream: a ring on the ring finger of the right hand - if you dreamed of a ring on the ring finger of the right hand, then a positive sign: love, honesty, fidelity, happiness.
  • Dream: a wedding ring on your left hand - if you dreamed of a wedding ring on your left hand, then this is a very bad sign: divorce, death of a spouse.
  • In a dream, looking for a wedding ring that you lost, you will soon have to become convinced of your spouse’s unkind attitude towards you.
  • Dream Interpretation: If you wear wedding rings on your finger in a dream (as a single person), then you yourself will be the bride/groom.
  • Dream Interpretation: a wedding ring on a finger (for a family) means happiness in marriage and children.
  • In a dream, a ring with turquoise is an unexpected happy event. You will be proud of your work.

Erotic dream book
Why dream of buying a ring with a stone - your fears will be justified.
Why do you dream about a stone falling out of a ring? A broken piece of jewelry means that you will be very worried about the accomplished fact of disappointment. All worries will suddenly fall only on your shoulders and you will have to overcome all obstacles alone, even if they affect someone else.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn
If you had a dream about “a ring without a stone,” it means that in reality you have friendship, love, if it’s a wedding, it means an engagement, a wedding.

Dream book of the 21st century

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • Seeing a ring with a stone in a dream means honor, respect, power.
  • In a dream, finding a ring with a stone means new useful connections.
  • Seeing many rings on your hand in a dream means a strong family.
  • Seeing a lot of rings on your fingers in a dream also symbolizes your integrity of character or confirmation of power.
  • Why dream of losing a gold ring - if you dreamed that you lost a gold ring, then you yourself will destroy the friendship.
  • Dream Interpretation: losing a wedding ring is a divorce.
  • Dream: a wedding ring fell - a serious illness of the husband.
  • If you dreamed that the ring fell, you would lose a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

  • Dream Interpretation: why you dream of a ring on your finger - a love affair.
  • Dream Interpretation: gold rings on a hand with a precious stone - a lot of respect and honor.
  • Dream Interpretation: a beautiful signet ring symbolizes your connection with your child.
  • Dream: a diamond ring on your finger means successful new relationships.
  • Dream: the ring on the index finger is very tight - an illness of one of the household members.
  • In a dream, putting a ring on your hand - if you dream of putting a ring on your hand, it means you are close enough to your chosen one.
  • For a man to put on a ring in a dream - you are close both physically and spiritually to your chosen one.
  • Why dream of trying on a ring - Dream Interpretation: trying on a ring in a dream - your loved one will soon have a wedding.
  • Dream Interpretation: silver ring - a period of serenity begins, you will take a break from troubles and failures. (Cm. )
  • Dream: rusty ring - if you dreamed of a rusty ring, then this means that you are grieving for your loved one, parting with your loved one.
  • Dream: an old ring - chance itself will bring you together with a person who will be given to us from above.
  • I dreamed of a ring with turquoise - an event that will unexpectedly make your family happy. You will be proud of your work in front of your family.
  • Dream: a ring with an inscription - you are breaking someone else’s heart, you want to have a connection with a family man, thereby bringing misfortune to their family.
  • Why does a divorced woman dream of an engagement ring - the word of duty and honor is above all for you, you always do what you promise, no matter what the cost.
  • Dream: choosing gold rings - if you still couldn’t choose the right one, it means in reality you cannot truly fall in love and your heart is indifferent.
  • Mom gave me a ring in a dream, but it was small - problems with children.
  • In a dream, a ring fell - the loss of someone dear to you.
  • In a dream, finding a lost wedding ring means a new love relationship.
  • Finding and putting on a ring in a dream means new business connections.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding a gold ring on the road in a dream means new business relationships. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: you dream of finding a ring on a table in a dream - new connections will help you gain a lot of money.
  • Finding rings and earrings in a saucepan in a dream means new connections will lead to a rich table.
  • Finding a gold ring on a chair in a dream means career growth.
  • To dream of losing and finding a wedding ring means that you yourself will break off the relationship.
  • I dreamed of a diamond ring - prosperity and luxury, a profitable investment. (Cm. )
  • Buying a gold ring in a dream means a cheerful person will guide you on the right path and tell you what to do next.
  • Buying a ring in a dream means acquiring a reliable friend.
  • I dreamed that a guy gave you a ring - if you dreamed that a guy gave you a gold ring, it means he really loves you, he is gentle with you and attentive.
  • I dreamed that I was looking for a ring that I had lost - the hypocrisy of a person dear to you.
  • What does it mean if you dreamed of looking for an engagement ring - your husband is cheating on you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a wedding ring breaks in a dream - a serious illness of the spouse.
  • Why dream of a broken ring - conflicts and quarrels with a loved one.
  • Why dream of a broken wedding ring - quarrels and scandals between spouses.
  • In a dream, you were given a ring and earrings - someone who is truly faithful and devoted to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: your loved one gave you a ring in a dream - your loved one is faithful to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams why you dream of giving a ring - the loss of something very important to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: rings on other people’s fingers in a dream - improve your well-being and status.
  • Dream Interpretation: choosing a ring in a store in a dream - you will have a unique chance to change everything for the better.
  • Why dream of throwing away a gold ring - you didn’t do something on time and now you will bitterly regret it.
  • Interpretation of dreams “beautiful engagement ring” – everything is good in family life.
  • Dream Interpretation: remove a wedding ring from your finger - if you had to remove the ring in a dream, it means in reality you will be severely limited in some way.
  • Finding wedding rings in a dream means suffering due to your husband’s betrayal.
  • Why dream that you are buying an engagement ring - buying engagement rings in a dream means numerous exhausting obligations or errands.
  • Why do you dream about selling an engagement ring? A dream about selling your engagement ring speaks of financial difficulties.
  • For your loved one to put a wedding ring on your finger in a dream - you are faithful to him and want to marry him.
  • To dream of a guy putting on a ring - unexpected help will come in very handy.
  • Dream: pinky ring – closeness with friends.
  • Dream interpretation: a ring on the ring finger of the right hand symbolizes intimacy with a life partner.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring on the ring finger of the left hand symbolizes closeness with friends.
  • Dream: a gold ring on the middle finger symbolizes fidelity in marriage.
  • In a dream, she put a ring on her thumb - symbolizes loyalty to the promise given to the word.
  • I dreamed of putting a ring on my index finger - if you dreamed of a ring on your index finger, it means you are true to your word.
  • Dream Interpretation: melting a ring in a dream means a conflict with a loved one.

Modern dream book

  • Why dream of wearing a ring - all your endeavors are doomed to success.
  • Dream Interpretation: rings on others - your well-being will improve, your circle of good friends will expand.
  • In a dream, they gave you a ring - a good omen.
  • I dreamed that my husband gave me a new wedding ring - between your love and mutual understanding.
  • If you dreamed that your loved one gave you a ring, your loved one will devote his life to your common interests.
  • I dreamed that the engagement ring broke - the reviews were very negative - quarrels, conflicts between spouses, separation.
  • The dream “ring with a blue stone” is not a serious illness, minor troubles // no one will appreciate your enthusiasm and jokes.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • Why did you dream about a simple ring - to simple human joys and fun.
  • If you dreamed about losing a ring in a dream, it’s a shame.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a wedding ring in a dream means a wedding, a happy marriage.
  • “Golden Ring” interpretation according to the dream book: mutual understanding and mutual respect between loved ones. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: receiving a gold ring as a gift means fidelity in love.
  • Dream Interpretation: receiving a wedding ring as a gift in a dream means marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: they give you a ring with a stone - beware of lying friends.

Home dream book

  • Dreamed of a silver ring with a stone or saw a gold ring with a stone in a dream - the degree of your self-esteem. (See)
  • Seeing a broken ring with a stone in a dream - when you get what you want, such a spleen will fall on you that you will not be at all happy with the goal achieved.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy a ring with a stone - if it was gold, then marriage will happen soon.

Dream book of healer Akulina

  • Dream of “gold rings with stones”, seeing gold rings with stones in a dream means pleasant troubles associated, for example, with moving to a new house or an important acquisition.
  • I dreamed of a wedding ring on my hand - for a wedding, a new stage in our life together.
  • The dream of a “silver ring with stones” is a dream of health, since silver has been used since ancient times as a good antiseptic. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December
Why do you dream of a lost wedding ring? Losing a wedding ring is a sign of widowhood.
Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August
Why dream about 2 wedding rings - a sign of divorce.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April
What does it mean when you dream of a wedding ring - for marriage.

Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

  • Why do you dream of a ring on an unmarried woman’s finger? It means marriage.
  • If a guy dreams of a ring, it means marriage.
  • Why does a woman dream of an engagement ring - happiness will be in your children.
  • Dream Interpretation: rings with precious stones - your work will be well paid.
  • Why do you dream of a big iron ring - to sadness.
  • What does a broken ring mean in a dream – loss of property.
  • Seeing a broken wedding ring in a dream means the loss of a loved one.

Intelligent dream book
If you had a dream “a ring with a green stone,” it means that your confidence in yourself and your strength will help you cope with any problems.

Esoteric dream book

  • The dream “ring with a stone” is a dream of sadness.
  • Seeing a wedding ring on your finger in a dream means broken marriage hopes, divorce.
  • To see an old ring with an old stone in a dream - you will meet or have already met a life partner who was given to you by Fate itself; you are karmically connected with him.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic
Dreaming of wearing a ring with a stone means temptation. (Cm. )
In a dream, wearing a lot of rings with stones means you are practicing black magic.

New family dream book

  • Dreaming of a ring on your finger means new things to do, good luck and success.
  • The dream of a wedding ring breaking means a break in the relationship between spouses.
  • Dream Interpretation: ring with a stone on the ring finger (for a girl) – marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring with a stone on a finger means new successful things.
  • Dream gift of a ring with a stone - your loved one will reciprocate.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “the ring with the stone is broken” - unfortunately, a quarrel and a break in relationships for lovers.
  • Why dream of a ring on someone else’s hand - to the growth of your well-being, to new useful acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn
Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “why do you dream about a ring” - for a long friendship, marriage, engagement, vow, eternal love.
A ring in a dream symbolizes friendship, engagement, marriage, and the establishment of strong ties.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

  • A ring seen in a dream has two opposite meanings:
  • Dream Interpretation: dream interpretation of a wedding ring on your finger – positive meaning – your wedding, or you will be a guest at someone’s wedding. For this to happen, you need to plant a wedding ring or any gold ring without a stone in the ground like a seed and water it for 7 days every day.
  • The dream “wedding ring on your finger” has a negative meaning – a fixation on movements, some kind of hopelessness, making the same mistakes. To get out of this vicious circle you need to wrap long black hair around the index finger on your right hand.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova Ring

  • What does it mean when you dream of a wedding ring - for marriage.
  • Why do you dream of several rings - connection with the right useful people.
  • What does it mean to lose a ring in a dream - to loss.
  • Losing a wedding ring in a dream for a married woman means divorce, separation.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • Interpretation of dreams “given a ring” is a lucky sign – a faithful partner in love.
  • A guy gave a gold ring in a dream - there will be a strong union with this guy, with mutual respect and understanding.
  • The dream “my husband gave me a ring” is a dream when there is happiness in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova
The interpretation of the dream “a ring on your finger” symbolizes the power and dominance of a person, the social over the personal, you respect social rules and dogmas too much. You shouldn’t worship society so blindly; the personal laws of your soul should always come first.

Ancient French dream book

  • Seeing a ring (circle, figure) in a dream means a new friendship, a new acquaintance, a new marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: breaking a circle in a dream (hoop, figure) - disagreements between friends, insincerity on their part.
  • What does a ring (dyeing) mean in a dream - it symbolizes the quality of your love or friendship and it depends on the appearance of the ring seen in the dream.
  • In a dream I dreamed of a gold ring - to strong love and friendship. (Cm. )
  • Seeing a silver ring in a dream means a calm, balanced family life. (Cm. )
  • In a dream, you dream of a wedding ring - many children, happiness in the family and in children.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving a ring to a man in a dream means that the one who loves you does it sincerely and tenderly.
  • In a dream, they give a ring - the sincere love of a loved one.

Ancient English dream book of Zedkiel

  • Why dream of dropping a wedding ring - infidelity of a husband/wife.
  • Why dream that a ring breaks in a dream - illness.
  • Why do you dream that your wedding ring breaks or your spouse has a fatal illness?
  • A small ring pressing on your finger means illness.
  • Why dream of putting a ring on your finger - a union with a loved one.

Italian dream book Meneghetti
The ring on the finger means the dream - it symbolizes the social “Super Ego”, which includes the political, religious and emotional-sensual “I”. You have accepted your role in life, are faithful to its rules and follow all instructions. Rings in a dream can carry a neutral image, simply pointing to some person who was in your dream with a ring. However, they can also contain negative information. Why do you dream of a ring - negative psychology, which is laid down by a generation and is transmitted on an unconscious level as imposed and obligatory.

Azar's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of a ring and a bracelet - you have a strong attachment to someone or something.
  • Receiving a gold ring as a gift in a dream means true love.
  • “With an agate ring on your hand,” a dream (for a childless person) predicts that there will soon be a child.
  • Seeing a ring on a finger with agate in a dream (with children) means wealth.
  • A ring with agate in a dream means (for unmarried people) a wedding.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ring with agate in a dream (for a man) means trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a wedding ring on your finger in a dream means a wedding, happiness in the family.
  • I had a dream “I lost my ring” – frustration, sadness.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

  • What does it mean to lose a ring in a dream - you will suffer losses.
  • In a dream, giving away a wedding ring means you will experience grief.
  • Losing and then finding a ring in a dream means safety.

Ivanov’s newest dream book
The meaning of the dream “golden rings” is to a happy family union.

Dream book of lovers

  • Dream of a gold ring breaking (for married people) - discord among spouses.
  • Seeing a broken gold ring in a dream (for lovers) means a break in the relationship.
  • The dream “gift ring” is a dream about a marriage proposal.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Why do you dream of a ring in a dream - for love, fidelity, marriage or marriage.
  • Pressing a finger on a small ring in a dream means a break in the relationship.
  • If you had a dream “the ring fell off your finger,” it means there will be quarrels and scandals leading to divorce.
  • Losing the rings, the interpretation of the dream, means a complete break in the relationship.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov
In a dream, I dreamed of a ring - it symbolizes the circular system, power, and the social “Super Ego.” You have recognized your role, social loyalty, and you do not have the opportunity to refuse this social role, which can lead to negative consequences.

Folk dream book of beliefs and omens (folklore)
Dream Interpretation: dropping a wedding ring in a dream means quarrels and conflicts in the family, divorce or betrayal.

Dream Interpreter of 1829

  • Seeing a beautiful gold ring in a dream means marriage, new friends, acquaintances for a single person. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of gold rings on your fingers - seeing rings on your hands in a dream means that you will rise, you will be respected, revered, you will gain power.
  • Interpretation of the dream “a ring as a gift” - in the near future you will be completely safe.
  • To see in a dream: giving a ring to another is a loss.
  • Why dream of losing a wedding ring - Dream Interpretation: losing a wedding ring in a dream means the death of a spouse.

Big sensible dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: jewelry, rings, earrings - the interpretation greatly depends on the type of jewelry, the metal from which they are made and the stones that are present.
  • You dream of an old ring - a person who is next to you was sent to you by fate itself.
  • Why dream of a wide copper ring - to joy and a fun time
  • Dream Interpretation: a simple iron ring on a finger in a dream means hard work, but good pay.
  • Seeing many iron rings in a dream means burdensome circumstances, your actions and desires are greatly curtailed, “shackled,” you do not have the opportunity to do what you want.
  • Why do you dream of gold jewelry, rings, earrings - an auspicious sign - wealth, honors, respect, happiness in the family.
  • Why do you dream of a gold ring in a dream - family happiness, prosperity, successful career.
  • Trying on a gold ring to buy in a dream means get ready for a love adventure.
  • What does it mean to find a ring in a dream - you will make a new acquaintance that will be useful to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: putting a ring on a young man’s finger means your love is sincere.
  • Dream Interpretation: the deceased puts a ring on my finger - a warning dream - you should not look for happiness, it is already near you.
  • In a dream, I found a gold ring and put it on - a love adventure will develop into something serious.
  • In a dream, a ring is worn on your left hand - everything is fine with you in love.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why dream of a ring with a diamond - to see a gold ring with a diamond in a dream means you have business acumen, oratory skills, power and might.
  • Seeing a diamond signet ring in a dream means you have high status and respect from others.
  • If you dreamed of “removing a ring from your finger” - you will give up your own promises.
  • I dreamed of “taking off my wedding ring in a dream” - divorce, breakup.
  • Interpretation of the dream “golden rings cannot be removed from your hands” - you live in a marriage like in a prison, you lack personal freedom.
  • What does it mean to see rings in a dream and break them on purpose - you don’t love anyone, your heart is lonely.
  • Interpretation of dreams “silver ring” – seeing it from afar means you have a constant feeling of isolation, you cannot manage without outside help. (Cm. )
  • Dream: a silver ring on your finger - unexpectedly you will be supported in a difficult matter, your plans will be fulfilled, a new project will begin.
  • What does the dream “putting silver rings on your fingers” mean - you will be lucky and your wishes will come true.
  • Why dream of many silver rings on a man’s fingers - you missed an opportunity due to your excessive caution.
  • In a dream, a friend gave a ring - quarrels and scandals in your family.
  • I dreamed that a guy gave a ring - he loves you and is faithful only to you.
  • Why dream that your husband gave you a ring - happiness in the family, wealth, joy in children.
  • Dream Interpretation: give a diamond ring as a gift to a friend in a dream - very soon you will have something very strongly connected with this friend: love, business relationships, a common project, a common passion, hobby, etc.
  • Dream: two rings on your finger in a dream - if you dreamed of two rings on your fingers, it means you have harmony and idyll in your family or in your relationship with a loved one.
  • To see two beautiful and expensive rings in a dream - if you dreamed of two beautiful and expensive rings, it means that you and your sexual partner or husband have complete mutual understanding, compatibility and satisfaction.
  • Why do you dream of a lot of rings on your hand? If you saw a lot of rings on your fingers in a dream, it means you have the respect of the people around you, honor and prosperity.
  • The dream “many gold rings on your hand”, seeing many gold rings on your hand in a dream means your partner has a lot of sexual experience, he is prone to cheating.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of wedding rings - a lot of rings on your hands in a dream about wedding rings speak of your wealth, happiness and luxury.
  • Why do you dream about rings on your fingers a lot - if the rings were worn on absolutely all fingers including the little fingers and thumbs, then such a dream suggests that you have taken on more than what you can fulfill and do. However, if it gave you joy to look at these rings and you admired them, then you will fulfill everything you promised with dignity and success.
  • Seeing a ring on your ring finger in a dream means you have obligations that need to be fulfilled, or you have made an oath.
  • Why do you dream of a gold ring on your ring finger in a dream - to a marriage proposal.
  • What to dream about wearing rings on your middle finger in a dream is the loyalty of your chosen one.
  • If you dreamed of a broken ring on your middle finger, your partner is not sexually satisfied after your intimacy and perhaps he will look for consolation on the side.

Slavic dream book
What does a ring on a finger mean in a dream - marriage for a single person, new acquaintance for a family.

Solomon's Dream Book
To dream of finding a gold ring for a joyful wedding.

Old Russian dream book
Why dream about an engagement ring? Why do you dream of putting on a wedding ring in a dream - Dream Interpretation: putting a wedding ring on your finger means a marriage proposal, marriage, connection.
Why dream about a gold ring? Why dream of losing a gold ring - Dream Interpretation: losing a gold ring - separation from a loved one, divorce.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Summer dream book

Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “a wedding ring on your finger” means divorce.

Autumn dream book

Dream: the husband lost his wedding ring - to his death.

Dream book for the whole family

In conclusion, I would like to note that the dream Ring is very difficult to interpret, since it has many nuances: the size of the ring, the metal from which it is made, the color and quality of the stone on the ring, the number of rings seen in the dream, and also whether it was simple or engagement All this makes significant changes in the explanation of the dream in which you saw the ring.

Wedding rings serve as a symbol of marriage. Therefore, all dreams in which these complex decorations appear evoke an active desire to interpret their meaning.

Particular concern is felt by those who saw a wedding symbol break in a dream or discovered defects on it. You shouldn't panic right away. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember its smallest details and details.

In this publication, we will take a comprehensive look at why you dream of a cracked or burst wedding ring.

What does it mean to see a broken ring in a dream?

A burst or broken wedding ring does not bode well. After all, it is a symbol of marriage. If a symbolic decoration cracks directly in a dream, then betrayal takes place.

Often in dream books, they talk about betrayal of the other half. But there are other interpretations.

Perhaps your spouse does not love you so much as they use your material capabilities. They are comfortable and comfortable living with you. The dream is a warning about upcoming difficulties in family life.

Misunderstanding and even alienation may arise between spouses, which will lead to family crisis. You should mentally prepare for difficult times and observe the behavior of your life partner.

Various defects of the marriage symbol will be interpreted in their own way. A decoration falling into pieces in a dream foretells that evidence of adultery will soon be received.

If the bezel of the ring is cracked, but the product has survived, then you are in vain to suspect your other half of infidelity. They are just hiding bad news from you.

A dream in which the wedding ring first broke, and after repair it cannot be distinguished from a new one, indicates that all the problems that have arisen in your family can be resolved. You just need to take the right actions and everything will work out.

If a person independently breaks his wedding symbol in a dream, then soon disagreements and quarrels are expected in the family, and troubles are possible in business.

Many newlyweds are now buying jewelry decorated with stones. Almost all dream books describe that such a cracked ring leads to a quarrel and disagreement with friends.

The dream serves as a warning that accusations of insincerity among friends may be unfounded. A large cracked gemstone warns that your upcoming acquaintance with a new person will not bring you anything good.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Ring with any flaw is a harbinger of a black streak. Even seeing a ring with a defect on the finger of a stranger, it should be perceived as an alarming sign.

A ring that breaks due to some actions of the sleeper serves as a warning that a person from close circle is ready to harm him. You should take a closer look at your friends, colleagues and relatives.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga gave a transcript of dreams about wedding rings that do not belong to the sleeping person. If in a dream you see someone else’s wedding ring breaking and you do not take any action, then in reality you will be able to get away with it in a difficult situation.

Trying on someone else's broken ring in a dream precedes a quarrel. A single person's dream of a green ring or adorned with a green stone precedes a pleasant meeting in reality, as well as the creation of a family.

Miller's Dream Book

A person sees in a dream a cracked bezel of a wedding symbol during a period of deterioration in relations in his family. Making a decision in a dream to keep a cracked ring as a souvenir indicates that the spouse has memories that do not allow him to calmly let go of the past and live in the present, looking to the future.

When a woman sees her wedding ring breaking in a dream, then the death of her husband or a deterioration in her personal life is possible. A man who has had such a dream will become irritable and stubborn in reality. Without pacifying such manifestations, he will lose friends.

Many interpretations concern the appearance of defects on the ring decorating it. Moreover, it is important to pay attention to the size of the stone. A crack formed on a stone precedes a misunderstanding in one’s family or a quarrel with friends.

A crack on a large stone indicates that the next acquaintance will be unsuccessful. A stone falling out of the ring warns that you should be careful with a new acquaintance.

Interpretation of a dream with a broken ring

A wedding ring is a symbol of a marriage, regardless of whether a person wears it daily or keeps it in a jewelry box. A broken wedding ring is a dream before family troubles arise., everyday losses and litter with friends.

For woman

When a representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of a broken wedding ring, then she will face failures in her family life. It is possible that the spouse will betray him or even his double life with his mistress.

Perhaps he is going to leave the family, and a dream precedes your separation. For an unmarried girl in a relationship with a man, the dream predicts separation.

A crack in a wedding symbol that appears in a dream can warn of a serious illness of the spouse, which will not be related to the lifestyle and nutrition of the family. Having received such a sign, show more care and attention to your soulmate.

If your health worsens, be sure to undergo a medical examination and contact the right specialist.

For a man

A dream about a bent symbol of marriage warns of a possible conflict or major quarrel. Misunderstandings and even disrespect may arise between spouses. It is important to resolve the current situation peacefully. To do this, you need to show restraint and control over your emotions.

Useful video

Why do you dream about a ring?

Bottom line

A wedding ring symbolizes the love of the people getting married. Any breakdown of the symbol is a dream of troubles and disappointments. Before interpreting a dream about a crack in a ring, you should remember all its details and use several dream books.

It does not necessarily indicate the fact of betrayal. Perhaps the onset of temporary difficulties or an inevitable crisis in the development of marriage. By showing observation and wisdom, you will be able to improve family relationships. We wish you a happy and long married life!