
Do I need a medical license for laser hair removal? Is it legal to operate a laser hair removal salon without a medical license? Who does laser hair removal - a doctor or a nurse?


"Laser Hair Removal's Risks" by Roni Caryn Rabin in The New York Times, January 6, 2014

Laser hair removal procedures have become extremely popular in recent years. According to the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, nearly half a million laser hair removal procedures were performed at professional facilities in the United States in 2011.

However, an unknown number of procedures are performed each year by non-specialists who have minimal training and often have not even received medical training.

Photo from

American practice of using laser for hair removal

If performed improperly, these procedures can cause disfiguring injuries and severe burns in sensitive areas such as the bikini line and mustache area above the lips, and in some cases, be fatal.

Laser treatment may be unsafe

"It was terrible" said a woman from Brooklyn, who wished to remain anonymous to protect her privacy: “I no longer look like a normal person.”

However, laser hair removal was the most frequently performed procedure mentioned in litigation statistics, along with “photorejuvenation” of aging skin and getting rid of wrinkles.

“Not a week goes by that I don’t see complications after laser therapy.” says Dr. Tina Alster, founding director of the Washington Dermatologic Laser Surgery Institute.

She and other doctors worry about the proliferation of pseudo-medical facilities, especially at hotels and spas that offer laser treatments and other cosmetic treatments but may not have licensed medical personnel on staff.

“There is a public perception that anyone can perform this procedure.”- Dr. Alster said: “But people need to remember that it’s not the laser that does all the work, it’s the laser operator.”

In the case of the Brooklyn woman quoted at the beginning of the article, the laser operator, who does not have a medical background, scheduled her legs to be re-haired in 4 weeks instead of the 10-12 weeks recommended for this procedure by the protocol. Her lawyer, Harry Rotenberg, announced this in court.

Licensing, training and important issues

“Licensing and training for laser operators varies from state to state, leading to a patchwork of rules and regulations.” said Dr. Matthew M. Avram, director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center.

Laser treatment is recognized as a medical practice in about 35 states, but non-medical personnel offering the treatment are required to have on-site supervision in only 26 of them.

The states of New York, Virginia and Georgia do not consider laser hair removal a medical service, and 11 states do not even have laws regulating it.

“This is some kind of medical Wild West.”- said Dr. Avram: “Some states pass laws and protect patients, but many do not. A person enters a spa, sees someone in a white coat and may assume that he is a doctor.”

Dr. Avram said that even in premises that actually belong to a doctor, procedures can take place without his presence.

And states requiring medical regulation may not require training and licensing of operators of such equipment. Training is often limited to only the technical aspects of performing the procedure and is provided by the manufacturer selling it.

The operator assesses the type and condition of the skin and plans the timing of treatment. All these critical parameters are under his responsibility and competence. Among those at greatest risk of complications are those with dark pigmentation.

“A laser operator who does not have the appropriate medical training may treat sun spots and not even realize that he is actually dealing with skin cancer that was not present before the treatment.”- said Dr. Avram.

International Spa Association President Allan Share agreed that there is very little oversight of spas and spas, and he urged consumers to do their research before seeking treatment from a particular clinic.

“It is always important for the consumer to do due diligence.”- he reminded.

Important questions before the procedure

For those planning laser hair removal, the following factors need to be considered:

License and experience

Ask if the facility has a medical license and if a doctor will be present during procedures. Ask to read your medical history carefully. Find out what happens if treatment goes wrong.


Find out who will perform this procedure. What diploma and training does the operator have? How many times has the operator performed laser hair removal before this point? Has he/she performed treatments on the area you want to epilate?

Your features

Ask if laser hair removal is suitable for your skin type, hair color, complexion and body area. Invite your specialist to try on a small area of ​​skin before you undergo the main procedure.

Clients with medical conditions such as diabetes, difficulty healing wounds, or a tendency toward keloid scars may be especially susceptible to complications and should speak with a physician before beginning laser therapy.

If you experience pain or skin discoloration after your procedure, don't wait—call your doctor right away.

Consequences of laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is a skin treatment for hair removal that was approved by the FDA in 1997.

Since then, many improvements have been made to make it more effective to use and eliminate possible side effects and complications. However, it has not been possible to completely get rid of the risks of possible consequences until today.

Laser hair removal method has side effects because it uses rays of concentrated light.

Complications can be temporary or permanent. Pain, burns and blisters, redness and swelling in the treated area are temporary side effects of laser hair removal. Persistent side effects include skin discoloration, scarring, crusting, purpura (purple skin color), bruising, and pigmentation problems.

As with any medical treatment, it is important to assess the risk of side effects before starting the procedure.

Redness and irritation of the skin

This is the most common side effect. As a rule, it occurs soon after the end of therapy. Causes discomfort and moderate pain.

Hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation of the skin

After laser hair removal, some people may experience discoloration of the pigment (hypopigmentation) that is responsible for skin tone. In other cases, darkening or hyperpigmentation of the skin is observed, which is localized in the form of dark spots on the treated area.

They usually disappear within 3 months, although they may persist for 6 to 8 months. Hypopigmentation typically lasts up to 2 months after laser therapy. In some cases, hypopigmentation may be permanent, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Burns, blisters

Laser hair removal may cause burns and blisters on the skin. A freezing spray or gel or contact cold tip is often used to protect the dermis. Thanks to these measures, the skin is protected from excessive thermal effects.


Laser hair removal may leave scars. Although this risk is small, it remains a clinically proven possibility.

Crust formation

Approximately 10% of patients who undergo laser hair removal with alexandrite and long-pulse ruby ​​lasers experience crusting. The main cause of this process is usually due to excessive laser exposure to the area.

Eye safety during the procedure

Wearing safety glasses is mandatory for both clients and laser operators to prevent eye damage. Sometimes this requirement is ignored, which can lead to retinal burns.

This is a common side effect of laser hair removal. Swelling after laser exposure is usually mild. To minimize further skin irritation, sun exposure should be avoided.


This is a rare but possible side effect. It is usually observed in cases where the integrity of the skin is damaged.

Darkening of tattoos

Laser beams attack the iron oxide of tattoos and cosmetics, resulting in the formation of a black, insoluble pigment in the skin. To avoid this, it is necessary to wash off all makeup before the procedure, and also carefully avoid tattoos.

Hair restoration

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most patients will require 2 to 6 treatments, performed 4 to 6 weeks apart, to achieve best results. The result may last for many years, but subsequently scattered hair growth occurs.

Re-sprouting is usually lighter and thinner than the original cover. Therefore, laser hair removal, according to the FDA, is not a method of permanent hair removal, but only of significant hair reduction.

Laser hair removal is one of the popular types of hair removal, but it is expensive and also carries the possibility of side effects, including those associated with significant health risks, especially if the procedure is performed by a non-professional without medical training.

Considering all the risks and possible consequences of the laser technique, we decided to abandon laser hair removal in our centers in favor of.

Sign up for a free consultation at our center and receive a 5% discount on your first procedure.

Hello, Elena.

Providing hardware hair removal services without a license is a violation.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2011 No. 1664n “On approval of the range of medical services”

Name of medical service

Carrying out hair removal

A fine is possible for providing services without a license; here are examples of court decisions.

A higher education is required to obtain a license.

Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2015 N 707n
Qualification requirements for medical and pharmaceutical workers with higher education in the field of training “Healthcare and Medical Sciences”

Specialty "Cosmetology"

Level of professional education

Higher education - specialty in one of the specialties: “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”

Additional professional education

Professional retraining in the specialty “Cosmetology” if you have completed an internship/residency in the specialty “Dermatovenereology”

Advanced training at least once every 5 years throughout your career


Cosmetologist; head (chief) of a structural unit (department, division, laboratory, office, detachment, etc.) of a medical organization - cosmetologist

Regulations on licensing of medical activities (with the exception of the specified activities carried out by medical organizations and other organizations included in the private healthcare system on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center)
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2012 N 291)

4. The licensing requirements for an applicant for a license to carry out medical activities (hereinafter referred to as the license) are:

a) the presence of buildings, structures, structures and (or) premises belonging to the license applicant on the right of ownership or on another legal basis, necessary for the performance of the declared work (services) and meeting the established requirements;

b) the presence of medical products (equipment, devices, instruments, tools) belonging to the license applicant on the right of ownership or on another legal basis, necessary to perform the declared work (services) and registered in the prescribed manner;

c) availability:

from the head of a medical organization, deputy heads of a medical organization responsible for the implementation of medical activities, the head of a structural unit of another organization responsible for the implementation of medical activities - higher medical education, postgraduate and (or) additional professional education, provided for by the qualification requirements for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical education in the field of healthcare, a specialist certificate, as well as additional professional education and a specialist certificate in the specialty “health care organization and public health”;

from the head of an organization included in the system of federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, or his deputy responsible for the implementation of medical activities - higher medical education, postgraduate and (or) additional professional education, provided for by the qualification requirements for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical education in in the field of healthcare, a specialist certificate, as well as additional professional education and a specialist certificate in the specialty “social hygiene and organization of the state sanitary and epidemiological service”;

from the head of a structural unit of a medical organization carrying out medical activities - higher professional education, postgraduate (for specialists with medical education) and (or) additional professional education, provided for by the qualification requirements for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical education in the field of healthcare, and a specialist certificate (for specialists with medical education);

for an individual entrepreneur - higher medical education, postgraduate and (or) additional professional education, provided for by the qualification requirements for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical education in the field of healthcare, and a specialist certificate, and if they intend to provide pre-medical care - secondary medical education and a specialist certificate relevant specialty;

d) the persons specified in subparagraph “c” of this paragraph have work experience in the specialty:

at least 5 years - with higher medical education;

at least 3 years - with secondary medical education;

e) the presence of employees who have concluded employment contracts with the license applicant and have secondary, higher, postgraduate and (or) additional medical or other professional education necessary to perform the declared work (services) and a specialist certificate (for specialists with a medical education);

f) the presence of employees who have entered into employment contracts with the license applicant, carrying out maintenance of medical products (equipment, devices, devices, instruments) and having the necessary professional education and (or) qualifications, or the existence of an agreement with an organization licensed to carry out the relevant activities;

g) compliance of the structure and staffing of the license applicant - a legal entity included in the state or municipal healthcare system, with the general requirements established for the relevant medical organizations;

Sincerely! G.A. Kuraev

Summer is approaching. Every woman dreams of permanently getting rid of unwanted hair on the face and body, as well as the problem of ingrown hairs and irritations. Are you tired of razor or wax? Karina Musaeva, chief physician of the LazerJazz laser cosmetology clinic, will tell you what is the myth or truth about laser and elos hair removal.

The LazerJazz Clinic is the only clinic in Moscow where all 5 types of laser hair removal of the latest generation are presented: Candela alexandrite, Light Sheer diode laser, Elos Plus, neodymium Cynosure, the world's first multiplex (neodymium + alesandrite) Cynosure.

Karina Musaeva, chief physician of LazerJazz:

“Our clinic is the only one in Moscow that offers all types of laser hair removal of the latest generation that exist on the market: alexandrite laser, alexandrite + neodymium, diode and elos. The effect of the procedure occurs faster, which means you save your budget and time.”

What is the difference between hair removal and depilation? Who is it suitable for? What is more effective?

It is necessary to differentiate between depilation and hair removal. Depilation is the removal of the hair shaft located above the surface of the skin: these include shaving, tweezing, chemical hair removal, waxing, sugaring, electric depilatory, threading. But the unwanted hair continues to grow, and it's a lifelong "struggle."

Depilation methods essentially always injure the surface layer of the skin - the epidermis; in defense, it increases the layer of dead cells, which leads to unpleasant consequences: ingrown hairs, post-traumatic pigmentation (dark spots at the site of ingrown hairs and irritation), roughening of the skin.

Laser hair removal is the most modern and patient-friendly method of radical hair removal on any area of ​​the face and body. One procedure removes up to 10-25% of unwanted hair and immediately solves the problem of skin irritation and ingrown hairs. The laser beam rejuvenates the skin in the epilation area, removes pigmentation and even thin dilated capillaries.

The procedure itself, for example laser hair removal of legs, in our clinic takes no more than 15 minutes. And even after the first procedure, hair does not grow for more than 1 month.

Is it true or not that any hair removal methods lead to more active hair growth in the removal area?

Hair covers 95% of our body. Hair can be core - hard, thick, or thin and transparent - vellus, which is the majority on our skin.

If you use depilation methods (shaving, waxing, sugaring, etc.), the vellus hair becomes longer and darker. That is, you essentially visually enlarge the area for depilation using these methods, which is what is associated with the myth that hair can become larger after depilation.

Laser and ELOS hair removal have the opposite effect: they completely destroy the entire hair structure - from stem cells, which can lead to follicle regeneration, to the hair body itself. With each procedure, they become thinner and more transparent, they stop growing, and you will also notice how the quality of the skin has improved - the pores have narrowed, the skin has become more elastic and silky.

What is the principle of laser hair removal based on? It is safe?

The principle of laser hair removal is taken from cybernetics. A laser is a beam of concentrated light of a certain wavelength and intensity. The laser target is only the pigment of the hair or the microscopic capillaries that feed the follicle. The laser beam, as if through a tube, moves to the hair follicle, heats and destroys it.

The laser beam for hair removal operates at a precisely specified depth - 755 nm-1064 nm, which is 9 times thinner than human hair. That is, the hair removal laser cannot “reach” the lymph nodes, muscles and bones. This is one of the stupidest myths!

According to research by the US Skin Cancer Foundation (the most authoritative source in the world in this field), modern devices not only do not cause skin cancer, but also prevent it by normalizing the functioning of melanogenesis - the production of pigment. These data were confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Health.

Why is one laser hair removal procedure not enough?

Hair has its own growth cycle: 2/3 of the follicles “sleep” in the skin, about 10-30% of the hair is in the growth stage - those are visible above the skin. The hair growth cycle is about 1.5 - 3 months. The laser affects only the hair pigment - this is the principle of its operation.

Therefore, during 1 laser hair removal procedure, up to 30% of hair can be permanently removed, but this percentage is individual for each patient. That's why laser hair removal is not a one-time procedure, but a course one. At least 4-15 procedures are required, depending on the zone and other indicators.

Is laser hair removal long and painful?

No, this is also a very big myth, which is most likely due to the fact that modern laser equipment is very expensive, so the devices are not updated everywhere. Modern laser devices from world leaders work faster and more painlessly than waxing and sugaring, not to mention electro-hair removal, which lasts for hours.

At the LazerJazz clinic, complete leg hair removal takes 15 minutes. Deep bikini - 5-10 min. Face - 3-5 min. The laser spot does not affect each individual follicle, but a certain area at the highest speed: about 3-10 flashes per second!

Modern laser devices are equipped with patented pain relief systems: for example, freon (micro-freezing during each flash), contact cooling, vacuum, blowing. According to patients, the laser procedure is more comfortable than wax hair removal.

What is the best way to remove unwanted facial hair?

If you shave, pluck, or wax, the hair becomes darker, coarser, and longer. These areas have sensitive skin, and you are guaranteed constant irritation. Wax - in 80% of cases leads to burns, the skin becomes pigmented, a dark stripe appears, which further emphasizes unwanted hairs.

Laser hair removal on the upper lip takes only 3 minutes and costs about 2000₽ You are guaranteed to get rid of both hair and complexes in 8 months. Using a laser, in our clinic we also perform laser eyebrow design, both for girls and men who want to get rid of the “unibrow”.


Yulia Grebenkina, creator of #BEAUTYINSIDER:

“I have already said more than once that laser hair removal was my best beauty decision of 2015. And I continue to think so - I had 8 procedures with the alexandrite laser at the Lazer Jazz clinic, the hair grows on my legs and armpits much less. For the first time I went on vacation without a razor. There are still a lot of blond hairs left, but in 2016 I plan to get rid of them completely.”

Yulia Petkevich-Sochnova, creator of #BeButterfly:

To be brief, the clinic has everything I need and value! Polite and competent staff, beautiful interior, affordable prices, convenient location and visible results. Now I’m doing laser hair removal of a bikini - it took me a long time to decide on it, but now I regret that I waited so long: the process is going well - almost 80% was gone in 6 sessions!”

Is it possible to perform laser and Elos hair removal in the summer?

Yes! It is a big myth that laser and ELOS hair removal cannot be performed in the summer. The only restriction: come for the procedure 10-14 days before tanning and 10-14 days after. If you epilate before tanning, your skin will be incredibly smooth and silky throughout your vacation, which is something that no other known hair removal method can provide.

We perform hair removal not only on tanned skin, but also on those with dark skin - mulattoes, for example. In this case, hair removal using a neodymium laser, for example, is perfect.

How many laser hair removal treatments are needed to achieve the effect?

Hair on different areas of the face and body has a different growth cycle. For example, hair in the bikini and armpits, as well as the fuzz on the face, are hormone-dependent areas, that is, in these areas there is more active hair growth than on the legs or arms, for example. Definitely, at least 4-12 procedures.

Here's how laser hair removal works at LazerJazz in the summer:

How to choose the right doctor and the right laser?

Give preference to a medical institution where laser cosmetology and hair removal is the main specialization. More like a clinic, not a beauty salon. The institution must have a medical license to carry out this activity.

Find out that the appointment should ideally be conducted by a dermatologist or cosmetologist, and not by an esthetician or a nurse (those specialists without a higher medical education). The doctor must not only have certification to work with a specific laser, but also a state diploma of advanced training in laser cosmetology, which is quite rare.

And also keep in mind that not all your favorite doctors who are excellent at injections and even plastic surgery are proficient in lasers. Everything needs its own specialization. The more types of lasers for hair removal in a given institution, the higher the individual approach and the higher the efficiency.

Education that gives the right to work with lasers:

  • 6 years medical academy
  • 1 year internship
  • 576 hours specialization in dermatocosmetology
  • 144 hours laser therapy
  • Certification for each laser model
  • Constant participation in trainings and international conferences

Our doctors are beauty experts from leading magazines and TV channels.

Lazerjazz - the best prices in Moscow for laser and ELOS hair removal You decide what the final cost of the procedure will be.

Our system of subscriptions and discounts allows you to receive the course as a gift!

Does a sugaring master need a medical education?

In recent years, a wave of panic has swept across the Internet regarding the fact that hair removal was classified as a medical service, according to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development “On approval of the Nomenclature of Medical Services No. 1664 N.” In this order, “Carrying out” has code A14.01.013 and is located between “A14.01.011 Removal of sebum” and “A14.07.001 Care of the patient’s oral cavity in intensive care conditions.” The letter “A” includes “medical services, which are certain types of medical interventions aimed at the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, medical rehabilitation and having an independent complete meaning.” It is obvious to any reasonable person that the person providing these services must have a medical education.

This order directly prohibits the activities of the majority of individual entrepreneurs who have completed courses in one of the companies that sell products for medical treatment, but do not have a medical education. There is something to panic about.

And so, by Order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 N 1166-st, changes were made to OKUN (All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population), namely, the household service “019338 Cosmetic tattooing (art tattoo, permanent makeup), body art, earlobe piercing, cosmetic comprehensive body skin care, hair removal using cosmetics.”

For hundreds of thousands of home-based cosmetologists, this order sounded like a pardon. Can! It is possible to legally provide “hair removal services” without having a medical degree!

And they were wrong. Still, the situation when a lawyer (or a person with a legal education) becomes a cosmetologist is quite rare. See for yourself:

Order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 N 1166 does not prohibit or permit anything, it simply makes changes to OKUN.

OKUN also does not prohibit or permit anything, it is simply a classifier, a directory of types of services.

Order No. 1664n dated December 27, 2011 “On approval of the Nomenclature of Medical Services” has not been canceled,
in its current version (as amended by the “Order” of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 28, 2013 N 794n), everything remains “as before.”

Conclusion: nothing has changed, “Epilation” is a medical service that requires a medical education from the person providing it.

But what about the fact that hair removal was included in the list of household services?, you ask. Where does it say that any household services can be provided without appropriate specialized education, licenses and other conditions?
An illustrative example: in order to legally provide the household service “016201 Construction of individual houses”, you need to join an SRO (self-regulatory organization), paying an entrance fee of several hundred thousand rubles and providing information that among your employees there are certified design engineers and builders.

After all, it's just smart. After a week-long course at the Horns and Hooves training center, will a girl be able to correctly identify contraindications to the procedure for each specific client, distinguish a papilloma from a wart, and understand what to do at the first symptoms or painful shock?

Sign up for laser hair removal training at Podruzhki 8-495-120-46-88

How to become a professional in the field of hair removal? Where to get training?

Effective and painless removal of unwanted hair has not been uncommon for a long time. Increasingly, both women and men are turning to salons for such a procedure. The modern spirit of aesthetics or a person’s personal preferences presuppose the absence of unwanted hair on the body. If you want to perform bioepilation (waxing or sugaring) at home, or are thinking about providing hair removal services, working in a salon or at home, you need to be trained in this technique. If you are interested in the topic of qualified and professional removal of unwanted waxes, you will undoubtedly be faced with the need for training in this matter. Perhaps you want to do hair removal only for yourself, at home; or maybe you have decided to master a new, highly paid profession as a cosmetologist in the field of depilation. In the first case, you will receive high-quality and professional knowledge, which will allow you to avoid injury to your body. In the second, you will acquire qualified knowledge, practice and initial experience in performing hair removal techniques. To do it at home, perhaps video lessons on the Internet will suit you, of which there are a huge number, in the same YouTube.

Video of sugar depilation technique in any selected area.

Video of wax depilation technique in any selected area.

However, if you are thinking about changing your profession, you cannot do without qualified training at a training center or cosmetology salon.

Most training centers will lure you with discounts or nice bonuses, “as a gift”. We advise you not to fall for such provocations. After all, what is most important to you is knowledge and initial experience, because they will give you confidence in yourself and your abilities, and will also allow you to become a professional in your field, to whom they will make an appointment a month in advance. Believe me, the client always feels the master’s uncertainty and inexperience, becomes nervous himself, and this makes the master nervous. As a result, everyone will be dissatisfied with the service - you, the client, and the employer. Therefore, choosing a professional training center-salon is a top priority.

What to look for when choosing a training center:

First of all, look through the reviews about it. Word of mouth and reviews have not been canceled, at least you can always find dissatisfied people there and understand whether this CA suits you or not. Pay attention to how many years this salon has been providing services in the field of cosmetology - the experience of the teaching staff has also not been canceled. It will be a huge plus if on their website you can get acquainted with a brief resume of teachers, with their work experience and length of service. Carefully read the course program - if you are a beginner cosmetologist, then you are unlikely to immediately need the art of bikini design. And of course, we recommend asking in advance to show the certificate that you will receive after successfully completing your studies. This certificate will indicate your qualifications.

When learning waxing and sugaring, you should definitely be told about:

    types of waxes and sugar paste;

    the most common brands of wax and sugar paste;

    rules for working with hot, warm wax - which wax for which zone, and with sugar paste.

Then comes the practical part - working on models. The model can be provided by the center, or you can bring it yourself. After successfully passing the internship, you will receive a certificate. Now you can wax or sugar depilate professionally.

During training laser hair removal, in addition to all of the above, we recommend paying attention to the logistics of the center. In other words, what device will you be taught on? It is very important to undergo training on a modern, not decommissioned or outdated laser, for example, a companyLumenis Ltd, Israel.

It is important to know that only a specialist with a higher medical education is allowed to work with a laser device!

Laser hair removal is a very promising direction. Consumer research in the beauty industry shows that more and more women and men are choosing this type of hair removal. And for good reason, because laser hair removal allows you to get rid of hair forever and, at the same time, painlessly. All that is required of you is to do your job efficiently.