
What a man needs to eat to gain weight quickly. How to gain weight quickly for a man using folk remedies. An effective diet for a guy to gain weight: menu for the week


Excess weight for many people is a rather serious problem, sometimes insoluble due to the fact that the desire to lose weight is present, but not everyone has the willpower and spirit to achieve the desired result. But sometimes it happens differently, both on the female and male sides, when they strive not to lose weight, but, on the contrary, to increase body weight. Often men with a thin physique are interested in the question of how to gain weight? Moreover, it should be said that the principles of weight gain for women and men have their differences.

How can a guy gain weight?

Many guys have a thin constitution. And, often, this is a cause for concern for them. How can they gain weight? This can be quite difficult to achieve, even despite the fact that they do not limit themselves at all in food and do not mind having a snack beforehand. But, when you step on the scale, alas, your body weight is recorded at the same numbers.

Moreover, the desire to gain weight does not mean for the stronger sex to acquire a saggy belly. Everyone dreams of a muscular and toned body. It turns out that gaining weight solely due to fat deposits is not their way. How can you avoid accumulating excess unnecessary fat and still increase muscle mass? By the way, this method of increasing body weight is difficult and slow, but at the same time more effective.

The process of building muscle itself is not a quick process. The main thing here is the right approach and then it will be easy to gain 1 or 2 kg of body weight due to the growth of muscle tissue. As a rule, an increase in muscle mass is mainly achieved through regular strength training, especially when using additional weights.

Let us note the influence of testosterone, the main male hormone responsible for the growth of muscle mass. And it is constant physical activity that leads to the production of testosterone by the endocrine system. Strength training has another positive side - hormones that promote muscle growth also improve the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Therefore, increasing body weight through the growth of muscle tissue, subject to the correct loads, will literally have a healing effect on the entire body. A coordinated and thoughtful regimen and adherence also play an important role in matters of weight gain.

But, before you puzzle yourself with the question “how to gain weight,” you should find out whether you really are thin. It is quite possible that this is just your subjective assessment, which differs from the doctor’s point of view, and you only need to give your figure a sporty definition. To determine a man's ideal weight, use the following formula:

Height (in cm) – 110 = Weight (in kg).

How can a skinny person gain weight?

Experts in matters of weight gain in men often ignore a balanced diet. Not every food is suitable here. If a man eats only semi-finished products, then this is definitely not the best option. Agree, if you give preference to quick-frozen sausages and cutlets, you shouldn’t expect anything other than fat deposition. Such food does not contain the required amount of proteins, but is rich in simple carbohydrates and cholesterol.

Therefore, men who want to gain weight should know that this will not happen with a low calorie diet. This suggests a conclusion - only a properly selected and balanced diet remains the key and one of the fundamental factors for weight gain. It is necessary to constantly have a surplus of calories in the body to grow muscle mass. The way the human body works is that weight is gained when there is an excess of calories, and when there is a deficiency, fat is burned.

By the way, the daily calorie intake for men is 2500 calories, but this figure is average.

How can a man quickly gain the desired weight if his diet contains exclusively low-calorie foods and there is a lack of calories. It is necessary to calculate in advance the correct daily calorie intake, which is necessary to maintain weight, and add an additional 500 calories to the obtained figures. In this case, the required amount is calculated by the formula: body weight should be multiplied by a factor of 45. But if your work involves heavy physical activity, then naturally you will need more calories.

For further weight gain, it is necessary that the calorie content of a man’s diet exceeds the needs of the body itself. But, in this case, the problem will be half solved. It is not so easy to build muscle mass if you eat only 2-3 times a day; most men generally adhere to this diet. Moreover, large portions are poorly absorbed, and muscles will naturally not grow. Therefore, it is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, and regularly have protein snacks between main meals. The body urgently needs proteins in order to create new cells, and carbohydrates are needed to obtain energy.

How can a man gain weight quickly?

So, a prerequisite for increasing muscle mass and, accordingly, weight is saturating the man’s body with complete, high-quality proteins. A lack of protein does not promote muscle growth, even if the food consumed is high in calories. In addition, this will lead to the appearance of a fat layer, but muscle tissue will not increase at all. It is necessary to ensure that your daily diet includes two servings of fish or meat, as well as two servings of cottage cheese and egg white.

A man should not exclude vegetable proteins from his diet. It will be useful to eat omelet, porridge, cottage cheese with dried fruits, milk, fruits and herbs for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, you can eat salad or any protein products of plant or animal origin, of course, served with a side dish. Rice, cereals, buckwheat, and pasta seasoned with olive oil are good as a side dish. You can treat yourself to dried fruits, a sandwich, a light salad, nuts, and cottage cheese during a snack.

Note that nuts and dried fruits are just a real treasure for weight gain. For example, peanuts and almonds contain about 500 calories per 100 grams. To get a fifth of a man's daily caloric intake, it is enough to eat just a small bag of delicious nuts. Dates, dried apricots, figs, cashews, raisins and other delicacies are quite nutritious, so you should pay attention to packaged mixtures of dried fruits and nuts.

I would also like to say something about water. To gain weight for a guy, and according to an accelerated program, you need to drink more water. The effect on fluid weight is enormous; moreover, all cells of the body require it for normal functioning. And, as mentioned above, a healthy body will gain weight faster if you eat right and do not disdain physical activity. It is usually recommended that men drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily. Milk should be drunk regularly; it is very beneficial for muscle growth.

How long does it take to gain weight?

Most men who want to gain weight are interested in how long it takes to gain weight? Let us immediately emphasize that with different physiques, men and the rate of weight gain are different. Usually, if you have a thin physique, you won’t be able to gain weight quickly, which is not the case if you tend to be overweight. In this case, a lot depends on genetics, the effort expended on diet and training and, of course, inexhaustible patience.

To gain weight, you also need regular, proper rest. You should also, if possible, avoid stress, which has an extremely negative effect on body weight; it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day. These recommendations are explained by the fact that muscle growth itself occurs directly during rest, especially at night, and not during training.

Another pressing question arises among men: how to gain weight without harming your body? Experts are unanimous in their opinion that you should not resort to synthetic cocktails in pursuit of rapid muscle gain. Such a hobby will not bring anything good to a man’s body, and many problems can arise, even leading to illness. And, most importantly, the athleticism acquired in this way will be short-lived. It is impossible to say unequivocally how long it will take to gain weight. It is better to gain it slowly but surely, while resorting to a balanced diet and regular exercise. In such cases, the resulting effect will last for a long time.

If a man intends to gain weight in a fitness center or gym, then he should opt for strength exercises. Squat with a barbell, do barbell chest presses, pump your biceps with dumbbells. With this approach, after 2-3 months you will be proud of the results obtained.

The problems of those who urgently need to lose weight are discussed everywhere. Hundreds of articles, thousands of tips, recommendations from professional trainers are in regular publications and on the Internet, and countless nutritionists are busy with this problem. However, it is often quite difficult to find information on how to gain weight for a man at home. But there really is such a need, because being slim and light as a feather is the lot of girls, and a guy should be strong, powerful and courageous.

Usually men tend to neglect themselves due to total busyness. When it becomes clear that the figure has quietly ceased to be beautiful, and health leaves much to be desired, the situation becomes dangerous. Therefore, it makes sense not to initially lose sight of your physical condition. Some don’t go to the gym due to lack of time, others are embarrassed by their thinness and imperfections against the backdrop of muscular handsome men. It is worth overstepping yourself, taking care of your health and starting with a diet for weight gain for a man, otherwise it will not take long for you to go to the other extreme - which is also not alien to men.

Unlike girls, having decided to bring themselves back to normal, a thin man will have to think seriously about how to gain weight and, first of all, about increasing his nutrition. Without this point, it is useless for him to even start or continue training. They may increase your stamina, but you will never be able to achieve a beautiful body this way. Only sufficient muscle mass, coupled with the correct relief, will allow you to build your body, bringing it as close as possible to ideal proportions.

Counting calories

If you think that calorie counting is only needed for those who want to lose weight, then you are deeply mistaken. This method works both in one direction and in the other. Therefore, first of all, you will have to calculate your daily calorie intake. An additional five hundred will need to be immediately added to the resulting number, otherwise the body simply will not have free “building material” to increase mass.

  • Under light working conditions (trade, office, engineering) - 2,350 kilocalories.
  • Retirement age - 2,350 kilocalories.
  • Children 10-17 years old - 2,380 kilocalories.
  • Average working conditions (electrician, mechanic, driver, plumber) - 3,200 kilocalories.
  • Difficult conditions (installer, miner, builder, metallurgist) - 3,700 kilocalories.
  • Active athletes - 4,500 or more kilocalories.

These are the norms at which the weight will, in theory, remain at the same level, so feel free to add the required number of additional calories. All that remains is to observe, if after seven days the scales needle remains in place, you can add another fifty thousand kilocalories. Such amendments can be made several times. But you need to be careful not to overeat.

Proper diet and drinking regime

It is very important to maintain the correct balance of KBJU, otherwise disruptions may occur in the body if you do not sit on or.

If a man is actively training, then his diet should be rich in vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements. It is necessary to consume carbohydrates approximately one and a half to two hours in advance to increase energy resources; they also do not hurt after physical exercise or hard work. We must not forget the main building material from which the body forms muscles - protein. Therefore, you should always eat plenty of foods rich in these substances, make yourself special ones, consume nuts, seeds, etc.

You will have to take into account that without the correct drinking regime, all the previous tips may not give any results on their own. When building muscle mass, you can and should drink a lot of fluid, which helps digest proteins. It should be consumed before, as well as during and after physical activity; it will help remove lactic acid faster and prevent dehydration. More information about this can be found in the article on the site.

Diet for weight gain for a man: sample menu for a week

Many people believe that there is no way to complete the task in a week or two. However, professional athletes, who sometimes need to gain up to several tens of kilograms before important competitions, can argue with this statement. Let's look at a sample menu and weight gain products for men that will help you actively gain the necessary kilograms, and exactly where you need them, and not on your sides or stomach.



  • 3 egg omelette.
  • Tomato.
  • Sandwiches with boiled pork and cucumber.
  • Assorted nuts.
  • Green or herbal tea.

*For second breakfast you can eat a banana, as well as tea with a bun with poppy seeds or a pie.


  • Meat broth soup with shirataki noodles.
  • Chicken fried meat.
  • Vegetable salad.
  • Bread.

*An afternoon snack can be made from a bowl of rice, a few boiled eggs and dried fruits.


  • Beef cutlet.
  • Mashed potatoes with butter.
  • Bread with cheese.
  • Vegetable juice (carrot, pumpkin).



  • Milk wheat porridge (can be replaced with semolina or vermicelli).
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Yogurt.
  • Tea or coffee.

*Have a good snack with dried apricots with cottage cheese or creamy soft cheese.


  • Vegetable soup with chicken.
  • Ravioli.
  • Seasonal vegetable salad.
  • Bread.

*An afternoon snack would be fresh berries with yogurt.


  • Pike perch or other fish baked with vegetables.
  • Cucumber and tomato salad with olive oil dressing.
  • Sour cream.



  • Omelette of 2-3 eggs.
  • Buckwheat milk porridge.
  • Milk.
  • Hard cheese.

*Second breakfast consists of marmalade or marshmallows and assorted nuts.


  • Turkey fillet.
  • Red borscht.
  • The vinaigrette.
  • Black bread.

*Snack with cottage cheese, yogurt and peaches.


  • Hake stewed or baked.
  • Green beans.
  • Vegetable salad with sour cream.
  • Sandwiches to choose from.



  • Barley with milk. You can add nuts, honey, and pureed fruits to it.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Banana.
  • Tea or coffee.

*Second breakfast consists of two pieces of toast with peanut butter and green or herbal tea.


  • Meat cabbage soup.
  • Veal chops.
  • Pasta with cheese.
  • Vegetable salad with sour cream dressing.

*For an afternoon snack, eat a slice of bread with cheese, butter and pine nuts, and a hard-boiled egg.


  • Goulash.
  • Salad with shrimp or mussels, tomatoes and cheese.
  • Yogurt.



  • Pasta with chicken fillet (bake or boil).
  • Ravioli.
  • Black (rye) bread with butter.

*Have a snack of veal goulash and vegetable salad.


  • Pea soup with smoked pork ribs.
  • Boiled pork.
  • Salad of cucumbers, cabbage and carrots with vinegar and vegetable oil.

*For an afternoon snack, eat cheesecake, a banana, a few cookies and wash it all down with tea.


  • Salmon steak.
  • Grilled vegetables.
  • Salad of seasonal vegetables with sour cream.



  • Beef stew.
  • Vermicelli or maroons.
  • Cocoa with milk.

*Snack with yogurt and fruit jelly, sweetened if possible.


  • Boiled rice.
  • Broccoli and zucchini soup.
  • Baked chicken breast.

*Kefir with cashews or hazelnuts is good for an afternoon snack.


  • Buckwheat porridge.
  • Champignon.
  • Black Eyed Peas.
  • Tomato juice.



  • Cottage cheese casserole with raisins.
  • Sandwich with butter and cheese.
  • Tea or coffee.

*Make a second breakfast of a mixture of nuts, dried fruits, and a glass of yogurt.


  • Vegetable soup.
  • Fried beef liver.
  • Seasonal vegetable salad.

*An afternoon snack would be a pie or cheesecake with tea.


  • Cauliflower or broccoli with cheese and sour cream.
  • Stewed turkey.
  • Toast with butter.
  • Tomato juice.

This menu for weight gain for a man fits well into a proper nutrition plan.

Dietary supplements and sports nutrition for weight gain for men

You need to understand that before taking any bioactive supplements, sports nutrition and anything else, it is better to consult your doctor in advance. It won’t hurt to undergo a full examination of the body, pass all the tests, take tests. This way you can be sure that you can drink something like this. After all, all this good can go not to benefit, but to harm, which cannot be allowed.

By going to any website or sports nutrition store, you can find hundreds of a wide variety of nutritional supplements that are designed to help a person build up the missing muscle mass. As a rule, they do work, but not with the same effectiveness for everyone. Therefore, you will have to conduct several experiments, trying out certain options.

Brewer's yeast for weight gain for men

In pharmacies and sports nutrition stores, you can find this product for a long time, which promises to build muscle mass in the shortest possible time without harm to overall health.

  • This dietary supplement contains vitamins H (biotin), group B (panthenol, pyroxin, riboflavin).
  • It contains a lot of folic acid, protein compounds, nucleic and fatty acids.
  • It is rich in zinc, chromium, selenium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and many other useful substances.

Please note that brewer's yeast requires a special diet. Otherwise, the accumulated mass may be unsightly distributed throughout the body and settle in the most inappropriate places. At the same time, the consumption of flour, spicy, fatty and sweet foods is limited. It is important to drink at least two liters of water per day to avoid dehydration, which can lead to serious health problems.

Sports nutrition for weight gain for a man can start with this product. This is a high-calorie supplement that will help build up the missing kilograms of muscle without causing any harm to the athlete’s health. It contains a balanced amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Moreover, the latter are presented in both “fast” and “slow” forms. Amino acids, minerals, vitamins, all this will help the body work like a clock.

Most often, the supplement is used immediately after intense exercise, that is, training or hard work. It will help you to break down fats and convert them into muscles. If you wish, read the article on our website.

Whey Protein

The high biological value, coupled with the high efficiency of this product, has made it in demand and popular in the sports nutrition market. It is made from whey, which is highly digestible. It qualitatively neutralizes some lipid proteins, which helps to significantly speed up metabolism.

Those who regularly take it significantly increase the efficiency of the immune system, strengthen cell membranes, “calm” blood pressure, and increase concentration. This product is recommended for everyone, regardless of gender or age, and it has virtually no side effects or contraindications.


Another weight gain drug for men is creatine monohydrate, which is often abbreviated simply as the first word. It helps increase the male hormone testosterone in the blood, but is not an anabolic steroid. Moreover, the use of such a substance is not prohibited by any sports organization. Simply put, Creaine helps athletes lift heavy weights, which significantly increases their endurance and strength.

For a very long time it was believed that the more of this supplement an athlete takes, the better. However, over time it turned out that even small doses with regular exercise give exactly the same result. In this case, you can even use carbohydrate-free diets - the substance will still be absorbed as needed.

BCAA amino acids

This is also a very common sports supplement that performs several functions at the same time. Firstly, it allows you to quickly relieve fatigue after hard work or intense training, secondly, it allows you to strengthen and build muscle mass, and thirdly, it significantly increases your level of endurance.

They are produced both in pure form and with various additives. To choose the best option, it won’t hurt to read the corresponding article.

Additional sports nutrition

It doesn't hurt to follow a few simple but effective nutritional tips for building muscle, which are recommended by athletes who have already gone through this difficult path.

  • Dairy products and meat will be good fuel for building your new body. In general, it is better to give preference to protein products.
  • Divide your entire daily nutrition intake into several meals, and do not forget to have a snack between them.
  • To increase the calorie content of dishes, you can always add a little grated cheese, sour cream or milk.
  • Sandwiches are not at all prohibited when building muscle mass - they are exactly the best choice for afternoon snacks and snacks.
  • You can eat your last meal no later than two or one and a half hours before going to bed. Otherwise, the gained kilograms will not become muscles, but fat on the stomach or thighs.

A balanced diet, healthy rest, and regular physical activity will be the key to increasing weight in the right places. The main thing here is not to overdo it - overeating will not lead to anything good, because most likely you simply will not have the strength or desire to play sports.

Training regimen for gaining muscle mass

No matter how much a person puts pressure on proper nutrition, or how diligently he takes supplements according to instructions, if he sits still, he will achieve nothing. To achieve results, you need to work intensively and hard, at home or in the gym, to make your body beautiful, muscular, sculpted and attractive.

If possible, it is best to hire a coach or instructor with whom you will work on raising your own weight. You can work with him for some time, and then, say, after a month, refuse his services, when you yourself have settled into a suitable mode.

  • It is recommended to divide the load over three days. For beginners, this number of classes in the gym will be the most acceptable.
  • Do not forget to give your muscles a rest, because during training they are injured, torn, which is why they increase in volume.
  • On the first day you need to work your shoulders, triceps and chest.
  • On the second day, give credit to your lower torso: hips, legs, knees, calves.
  • On the third day, you traditionally need to pump up your abs, back and biceps.

Many people unfairly forget about cardio exercises when working to build muscles. However, keep in mind that they should not be very intense and should not last long so as not to interfere with muscle growth.

Features of studying at home

Those for whom going to the gym is not suitable do not need to be upset either. You can train at home by creating your own training program. Let's look at a sample home schedule to make it easier to navigate.

Day 1

  • Push-ups - 2 sets of 6-10 repetitions, depending on preparation.
  • Push-ups between supports - 3 sets of 2-6 repetitions.
  • Vertical push-ups - 3 sets of 6-12 reps.
  • Wide-grip pull-ups to chest level - 3 sets of 6-8 reps.
  • Back push-ups - 2 sets of 4-8 reps.
  • Reverse grip pull-ups - 2 sets of 5-9 reps.

Day 2

  • Sprint - 3 sets. In this case, you need to run for 15 seconds at the limit of your capabilities, and then rest to restore your breathing.
  • Squats - 4 sets of 10-15 reps.
  • Lunges - 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
  • Single-leg calf raises - 3 sets for each leg with 15-22 repetitions.
  • Supported calf raises - 3 sets for each leg with 14-26 repetitions.

Day 3

  • Push-ups - 2 sets of 8-10 reps.
  • One-arm push-ups - 2 sets of 6-10 reps.
  • Push-ups between supports - 4 sets of 14-18 repetitions.
  • Wide grip pull-ups to chest level with touches - 3 sets of 12-18 reps.
  • Pull-ups with a wide grip “behind the head” - 2 sets of 10-16 repetitions.

Daily routine, sleep and rest

Your personal progress in gaining weight largely depends not on third-party factors, such as nutritional supplements, but on personal discipline. By correctly drawing up a program, as well as organizing classes, while not forgetting about proper nutrition, you will quickly see results.

  • Rest and sleep play a big role in proper weight gain. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day, otherwise the body simply will not have time to recover.
  • You will have to eat by the hour, this is a significant drawback for working people. However, you can always find a way out of the situation, for example, take snacks with you, and not just lunches.
  • It is important to minimize stress as much as possible. Depression and nervousness are not the best help for your goals. When stressed, cortisol is released, which destroys muscles, you need to remember this. At the same time, fat reserves increase noticeably.

Therefore, you need to walk more, preferably get out of bed at the same time, listen to your favorite music, chat with friends and be less nervous. This will help to correctly consolidate the results obtained in terms of weight and body structure. In addition, set tangible goals, often use a centimeter for measurements, rather than scales, which do not give an objective picture.

Boys rarely ask themselves the question: “Why am I so thin?” The problem worsens in adolescence, when they measure their strength, begin to be interested in the opposite sex, and are ranked according to the rating of “male beauty.” Then it turns out that girls are more willing to be friends with athletic, well-built men. They deprive attention of loose fat people and “eternal teenagers” with sunken chests and thin necks. The desire to gain weight, look good and be liked by girls is possible: you need to work smartly on your character and body.

Where do skinny men come from?

The first thing to do is to establish the cause of thinness: it can be pathological and physiological.

Pathological thinness

Sudden weight loss is caused by diseases such as:

If within 1-2 months the loss is more than 5% of weight, the first right step is to visit a doctor, first a therapist, and then a specialist. It will not be possible to gain weight with such diseases.

Nervous disorders are a particularly common cause of weight loss.

  1. Stress forces the human body to work in high alert mode. All its resources (fat, protein) literally burn, turning into carbohydrates - a source of energy for the body. Even increased nutrition during periods of stress will not help a person gain weight.
  2. Depression is a consequence of prolonged stress. It is associated with decreased vitality, lack of appetite and, as a result, weight loss.
  3. Anorexia is a mental illness caused by the fear of being fat. The guy exhausts himself with diets and intense physical activity, becomes incredibly thin, but is convinced that he needs to lose weight.

In such cases, consultation and treatment with a psychotherapist and psychiatrist, sedatives, vitamins, and psychotropic medications are necessary.

Physiological thinness

  1. Body type with its own metabolic characteristics.

The tendency to be thin may be an innate predisposition. According to their bodily constitution, all people are divided into three types:

  • endomorphs - hypersthenics;
  • mesomorphs - normosthenics;
  • ectomorphs - asthenics.

Thin and tall men with a small layer of subcutaneous fat and elongated muscles on thin bones belong to the type of ectomorphs or asthenics. Their peculiarity is accelerated metabolism (metabolism), in which the fat layer does not have time to form, and muscle building occurs with great difficulty.

Improper nutrition nullifies all attempts of asthenic people to gain weight. People with asthenic build should eat often and a lot. But they don’t have a big appetite, and they eat 1-2 times a day. The body only replenishes energy costs and does not receive material for building muscles.

Disrupted work and rest patterns are of fundamental importance in weight gain: people gain weight while they sleep. Disordered and insufficient sleep, eating on the go is a clear sign that an asthenic person will have neither smooth outlines nor defined muscles.

Is it really necessary to gain weight?

Do you need to gain weight? Two formulas derived back in the 19th century will help answer this question.

1. Broca's formula is suitable for men with a height of 155 cm to 170 cm.

Weight = (Height - 100) - (Height - 100)*0.1

Let's say a guy is 170 cm tall, his normal weight will be:

(170 - 100) - (170 - 100) *0.1 = 70 - 7 = 63. If your weight is 1–2 kg less than normal, then you need to take care to increase it.

2. The international indicator of height and weight correspondence is the Body Mass Index. This formula appeared at the end of the 19th century.

BMI = Body weight/Height2 (squared)

Body weight is taken in kilograms, and height in meters. This indicator is universal and has no restrictions on growth. The calculated indices are compared with recommendations developed by the World Health Organization:

Table: relationship between mass index and body weight

So, if a young person under 25 years of age has a body mass index of less than 17.5, and there are no serious illnesses, then he needs to increase his body weight. Excessive thinness is dangerous to health and has negative consequences.

  1. The immune system is weakened, diseases chain one after another: herpes, colds, sore throats, flu, etc.
  2. The bones become thin, the spine bends towards the digestive organs and puts pressure on them; food is poorly digested; appetite worsens.
  3. Nervousness increases, mood drops, fatigue does not go away.
  4. Tissues and organs quickly age and wear out, hair turns gray, and nails break.
  5. A very thin person freezes quickly; every wound on the skin threatens complications, since there is no fat protection. The absence of fat deposits under the skin deprives the body of energy reserves.

How can you gain weight quickly?

Getting better for an asthenic person is a difficult task. You need to radically change your lifestyle: first, change your diet; secondly, start training your body; thirdly, observe the work and rest schedule.

Proper nutrition management consists of several sequential steps.

Calculating your daily calorie intake for weight gain

Let's start with the Harris-Benedict formula, which determines the basal metabolism - the basic amount of calories to maintain the vital functions of the body itself:

GV = 88 + (13.4* weight) + (5*height) - (5.8*age)

If a guy is 180 cm tall, weighs 70 kg, and is 25 years old, then the base amount will be:

88 + (13.4*70) + (5*180) - (5.8*25) = 88 + 938 + 900 - 145= 1781 kcal/day.

This number of calories must be multiplied by the activity coefficient. It depends on the intensity of the loads that a person has during the day.

  • Sedentary lifestyle: sedentary work, passive rest - the coefficient is 1.2.
  • There are active days 1–2 times a week: work in the country, jogging, training - 1.3.
  • 2–3 days a week playing sports or physical work - 1.5.
  • Long-distance running, daily training or constant physical work - 1.7 – 1.9.

Let's say our guy spends 3 days a week in the gym, then he needs to consume:

1781*1.5 = 2775.5 kcal/day.

These calories will only replenish his energy costs. To increase weight, you should add another 400–600 kcal to the norm, because muscles are not built from thin air. An asthenic person should consume more than 3000 kcal daily in order to achieve weight gain.

Determination of diet

In men, weight is gained through an increase in muscle mass, this is achieved by a balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

  • Proteins are the building material for muscles. You need to eat 2–2.5 g of protein for every kilogram of weight. If you weigh 70 kg, this would be 140–180 g of protein, which is 560–720 kcal or 20–25% of the diet. Especially useful: chicken meat; eggs; mackerel, herring, red fish; cottage cheese.
  • Carbohydrates. Asthenics have significant energy costs, this is due to accelerated metabolism. Therefore, carbohydrates occupy a central place in nutrition. They are consumed at the rate of 4–6 g per 1 kg of weight, i.e. 280–420 grams per day, which is equal to 1100–1700 kcal or 60% of the diet.
  • “Fast” carbohydrates (sweets, fruits, baked goods) are high in calories, restore energy costs well, but do not stay in the body for long. “Slow” ones - with a long chain of decomposition reactions - play an important role in the formation of muscle mass. These include porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice; pasta, potatoes; apples, bananas, zucchini, tomatoes.
  • Fats are needed in an amount of 1–2 g/kg of weight; for a weight of, for example, 70 kg, this will be 70–140 grams per day. It is better not to get carried away with saturated fats (butter, pork, fast food), they are absorbed only by 25-30%. Unsaturated: vegetable oil, nuts, are 100% digestible and should prevail in the diet over animal fats.

Carbohydrates play an important role in gaining muscle mass

The right approach to food

For an asthenic person this is perhaps the most difficult thing. Lack of appetite forces him to eat when the body is literally screaming about the lack of calories to live. This means that all minor fat reserves have already been burned, and muscle tissue begins to break down. In order to provide yourself with energy, and even have the material to gain weight, you need to regularly add the appropriate amount of calories into the “metabolic furnace”: you need to eat often and the food that is needed at the moment.

A hearty breakfast is absolutely mandatory for an ectomorph: eggs, cereal, bread, coffee - this is a charge of energy + building material for muscles. Between the main meals there should be 3-4 intermediate meals: energy refueling in the form of fruits, sandwiches, juices. Protein lunch with good portions of meat, fish, potatoes, vegetable salads. An hour before training and immediately after it, have a light snack of “fast” carbohydrates (fruits, sweets), which restore energy reserves +. In the evening - cottage cheese, milk, kefir - sources of “night” proteins, because weight gain occurs at night.

Table: how to eat right to gain weight

Meals First option Second option Third option
First breakfastButter (60g), porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), black bread, coffee, jam.Three-egg omelette with rye bread, canned corn (1/3 can), grapes or melon; black tea with jam.2–3 eggs (boiled or fried), cheese, oatmeal (buckwheat, rice), 1–2 tsp. flaxseed oil, bread, tea or coffee.
LunchA sandwich with butter or sausage, a glass of milk.Bread, cheese, juice or kefir, a handful of nuts or dried fruits.Fruits (apple, banana), protein shake.
DinnerMeat broth with pasta, meat or fish (100–150 g), potatoes (fried or mashed), vegetable salad.Soup, potatoes with meat or fish, vegetable salad, compote.Vegetable salad, meat (chicken, beef), rice or potato bread.
“Refueling” before training Oatmeal, banana, tea with a chocolate bar.Fruits.
after training
Chocolate bar, bananas, gainer.
DinnerPorridge or cottage cheese with sour cream, vegetable salad, sandwich with butter or sausage.Rice or buckwheat porridge, green peas (1/3 of a jar), berries, apple, orange (depending on the season); green tea.Fish or poultry, cereal, juice.
Refueling before bed A glass of kefir or milk.Cottage cheese, kefir.

It is necessary to eat food at the same time, only then will the body be ready for the next dose of calories: enzymes are released and appetite appears. The best way to increase appetite is diet, a great desire to gain weight and look beautiful.

A set of products for weight gain in the photo

Meat is rich in protein and contains naturally occurring creatine Eggs are a source of proteins that the body needs every day Cottage cheese is rich in casein, which provides the body with long-acting protein Fruits and vegetables provide the body with many nutrients, vitamin C and E, beta-carotene Nuts are a rich source monounsaturated fats

The sweat of your brow increases your weight

The second condition for increasing muscle tissue is muscle training, although they do not grow due to physical activity. Training causes fatigue in the muscles and triggers the restoration mechanism of muscle fibers, which grow during the rest period (if there is building material for this!).

“Fat people” have to run and move, burning calories, while the lot of asthenics is to “carry iron.” No matter how scary it may be for their fragile bones.

Classes consist of basic exercises with dumbbells and a barbell: bench press - for the shoulder and pectoral muscles; squats - to increase legs; deadlift - for a powerful back. But not all exercises are immediately suitable for beginners; you can damage joints and tear ligaments. Therefore, the training program and types of exercises must be determined with the trainer.

Video: basic exercises for gaining muscle mass

Some rules for gaining weight:

  1. The repeated effort method is the most effective at increasing muscle mass. The main thing here is not the magnitude of the load, but the repetition of the exercise “until muscle failure” until there is no strength to make the next jerk. During the last jerks, a “burning” appears, which indicates extreme stress in the trained muscle and the creation of conditions for its growth during the rest period. A short rest - 0.5–2 minutes - and a new approach. Three to four approaches provide maximum load for the muscles.
  2. Mandatory rest and relaxation (5-10 minutes) after performing one exercise before approaching another.
  3. Algorithm for increasing loads: if your own weight has increased by 1 kg, the number of repetitions of the exercise should be increased by 10, or the weight of the barbell by 2 kg. It is not recommended for thin people to work with one weight for more than a week: muscle growth will not occur.
  4. Classes should be no more than three times a week, muscles should rest and recover, this is when their growth occurs.
  5. The best time to work out in the gym is in the evening, from 20 to 22 hours.

At home, pull-ups on the horizontal bar are required - for a sculpted back and shoulder girdle; push-ups that tighten the pectoral muscles.

Steroids - hormonal drugs - allow athletes to quickly increase muscle mass before competitions. In ordinary life, they will lead to hormonal imbalance and liver disorders. Flexing your biceps on the podium and then falling down with a diseased liver is not an option for a happy life.

Preparing gainer at home

Gainer is a biologically active food supplement rich in protein and carbohydrates; means for gaining muscle mass.

1. “Chocolate lard” - an ancient folk remedy known to our great-grandmothers. With its help, you can gain weight up to 1.5 kg per week.

  • 400 g lard;
  • 6 green apples;
  • 12 egg yolks;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 100 g chocolate.

Cut the lard and apples into small pieces and heat in the oven at moderate temperature, then rub through a sieve. Grind the yolks with sugar and mix with the shaved chocolate. Mix all. Spread the delicious chocolate mixture on bread and wash it down with hot milk.

2. A sports gainer can be prepared from available materials. You can drink it after training and between meals up to three times a day.

  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Milk 2–3% - 400 ml;
  • Honey - 1 tsp;
  • Wash the eggs thoroughly, break them into a bowl, add milk, add honey and mix with a blender.

All men who managed to overcome their thinness and turn from an “ugly duckling” into a swan adhered to three golden rules. Here they are:

  • adherence to a protein-carbohydrate diet;
  • strict diet and sleep regime;
  • thoughtful bodybuilding exercises.

Every healthy guy can gain weight and make his figure masculine. To do this, you need to create a balanced diet, regularly give a feasible load to your muscles, and set aside time to recuperate. There is nothing supernatural about this, so everyone can become a sculptor of their own figure.

A fast metabolism is often the cause of low body weight. In this case, you will have to make an effort to gain weight. To get better, you will need to change your diet and do some exercise. Although you can always gain weight by eating unhealthy foods and leading an inactive lifestyle, it is better to take a healthier approach to gain weight. Including nutrient-rich foods in your diet and doing strength training will help you gain muscle mass. Be patient and be prepared that this is not a quick process. However, with effort, you can see results within a few weeks.


Part 1


    Eat at least three times a day. If you have a naturally fast metabolism, eat three times a day, regardless of what's on your plate. This will help you gain weight. Your body burns calories very quickly, so you need to feed it much more often. This means that you should not only eat when you are hungry, but also throughout the day. Make it a goal to eat five times a day if you want to gain weight.

    • Don't wait until your stomach begins to give signals in the form of growling that it wants to eat. If you have five meals throughout the day, you will not feel hungry.
    • Of course, you will have to put in a lot of effort if you switch to a new diet. Pack healthy, high-calorie snacks that you can eat on the go. For example, you can snack on bananas, peanut butter, or cereal bars.
  1. Include high-calorie foods in your diet. You are unlikely to gain weight if you eat small, low-calorie meals; your portions should be large, and the contents of your plate should consist of high-calorie foods. Each meal should consist of a large portion of meat, vegetables and carbohydrates. Eat a lot and you will gain weight very quickly.

    • Your breakfast might consist of three eggs, which you can make into an omelet, two slices of bacon or sausage, a plate of fried potatoes and a glass of orange juice.
    • For lunch, eat turkey with white bread, two bananas and a salad.
    • For dinner, you can treat yourself to steak with baked potatoes and grilled vegetables.
  2. Include nutrient-rich foods in your diet. To gain weight, eat nutrient-rich foods. Although you can easily gain weight if you drink sugary drinks and eat pizza every day, you shouldn't do it. This can negatively affect the body's metabolic processes and increase the volume of fat rather than muscle. When choosing food, pay attention to the following points:

    • Give preference to unprocessed foods. For example, eat “old-fashioned” oatmeal instead of instant cereal. It's better to eat fresh chicken for lunch than processed meats.
    • Try to cook all the dishes yourself. Avoid processed foods, fast food and snacks that contain a lot of salt, sugar and other additives.
  3. Include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your daily diet. These three components will help you gain weight and be healthy. Include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in every meal to ensure your diet is balanced. Below you can find examples of products in each category:

    • Proteins: eggs, salmon, tuna and other types of fish; roast pork, pork chop and ham; chicken breast and thighs; lean beef cutlets and steaks.
    • Fats: olive oil, safflower oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil; avocado, walnuts, almonds, flax seed.
    • Carbohydrates: fruits and vegetables; beans, lentils, peas; brown rice, whole grain bread and pasta. As well as other whole grain products; honey and fruit juice.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Water plays a significant role in the metabolic processes of our body. This is very important to consider as you are consuming more protein and calories than usual. Drink several glasses of water with each meal to stay hydrated. Since you'll likely be exercising more intensely to increase muscle mass, drink at least ten glasses of water every day.

    • You can also drink unsweetened tea, fruit juice and other healthy drinks.
    • Avoid drinking sports drinks such as Gatorade in excessive quantities as they contain high amounts of sugar.

    Part 2

    Muscle gain
    1. Increase the amount of time you spend doing strength training. Bodybuilders know that weight training helps them gain muscle mass. With proper training - performing strength exercises - the muscles become more pliable, stronger and increase in size. You can do strength training at the gym or at home if you purchase the necessary machines and equipment. Exercise regularly, several times a week.

      • If you don't want to pay for a gym membership, buy a barbell that will help you gain muscle mass.
      • You can also do resistance exercises that don't require you to lift weights. Push-ups are an example of such exercises. You can also hang a pull-up bar in your doorway to tone up your arm and chest muscles.
    2. Concentrate on working all muscle groups. Perhaps you want to tone certain muscles. But strive to work different muscle groups. In other words, you cannot constantly strengthen only your arms, and not pay attention to your chest, back, legs, and stomach. Instead of working all muscle groups at once, alternate exercises so that each muscle group has a chance to rest.

      • Plan your week so that you have the opportunity to work each muscle group. For example, maybe you decide to work your arms and chest one day, the next day you can focus on your legs and abdominal muscles, and then work on your back muscles.
      • You can work out with a personal trainer. He can help you create an exercise plan that will suit your needs.
    3. Do exercises to build muscle without causing muscle damage. The main factor in the growth of muscle mass is an increase in the number of myofibrils, thread-like structures, in the muscle fiber. To do this, you need to include weight lifting exercises with a sufficient number of repetitions in your workout. You should feel pain and fatigue in your muscles after training, but they should not be so severe that this could indicate that you are injured. Choose the right weight for you when doing the exercises. Do eight to ten repetitions. This will help you determine if you have chosen the right weight. If you can easily do more than 10 reps, add more weight. If you're struggling to do five reps, that's a reason to reduce the weight.

      • Compound exercises should be a big part of your workout routine. Focus on complex, compound exercises that work multiple muscles at once. These exercises include the bench press, dumbbell press, squats, single-legged squats, straight-leg deadlifts, pull-ups and dips.
      • Don't worry if you can only lift light weights at the beginning. The most important thing is not to stand still, but increase the weight with each session. Set yourself the goal of becoming stronger, lifting more, and the results will not keep you waiting.
      • Give yourself the opportunity to rest for about a minute between sets, and do not do more than 12 repetitions at a time.
    4. Drink a protein shake after your workout. According to a study conducted at the University of Birmingham, an energy shake helps improve endurance during exercise. Eat a banana, a handful of dried fruit, or drink an energy shake immediately after your workout.

      Rest. Your muscles need to rest between workouts. Thanks to this, they can become bigger and stronger. Never work the same muscle group two days in a row. Give her a rest. Wait at least 48 hours before returning to working a specific muscle group again.

      • It is also very important to get eight to nine hours of sleep every night. If you only sleep six hours or less, then there is no point in exercising and dieting.

    Part 3

    Find out what to avoid
    1. Avoid monotonous workouts. The body has the ability to quickly adapt, so it is extremely important to change the composition of the exercises. Once a week, change your schedule. You can increase or decrease the number of repetitions, or simply change the order of the exercises.

      Limit cardio exercise. When you do cardio exercises like cycling and swimming, you use energy that could otherwise be used to build muscle mass. Do cardio training no more than once a week. If you enjoy cardio exercise and don't want to give it up, choose exercises that use less energy, such as walking, hiking, or short bike rides on flat terrain.

    2. Get moving instead of being sedentary. There is a way to gain weight quickly: eat whatever you want and move as little as possible. However, following this advice, you can only visually increase your weight, but your body will become weaker, not stronger. However, if you work hard, you can not only gain weight, but also become stronger.

      • Keep in mind that when you start eating five times a day, you will increase not only muscle mass, but also body fat. This is fine! Determine for yourself how many kilograms you want to gain, and add another 3-5 kg ​​to this weight. Once you reach your goal weight, you can reduce your carbohydrate intake, start running and continue exercising, which will help you lose body fat.
    3. Listen to your body. In an effort to gain weight, we often make the mistake of overdoing our workouts. You don't have to feel pain and fatigue all the time. Diet and training should make you stronger and more resilient. If your body tells you that something is wrong, listen to it.

      • Use the services of a personal trainer. A personal trainer will help you create a training schedule, select a set of exercises, choose the intensity and duration of training, and make the necessary adjustments to your diet.
      • Consult your physician before taking any supplements, and seek immediate medical attention if you are injured during exercise.

Nowadays, when most people are concerned about losing weight, the opposite problem worries a few. However, young men of thin build, who burn calories quickly without adding the necessary kilograms, are concerned about the issue how to gain weight for a skinny guy.

No one wants to hear a contemptuous nickname called “drishch” at their address, buy teenage clothes and look longingly at their frail body with a sunken chest and bony limbs. Few people know how to eat and exercise properly in order to gain weight without chemicals and harmful additives and look courageous. Although it is much easier for men to do this than for women.

The body grows through the process of absorbing nutrients. Therefore, in order to gain muscle mass, you need to eat more, thereby providing:

  • a constant supply of calories to the body from high-quality and healthy food;
  • a large number of calories, which should exceed daily energy expenditure;
  • if possible, 100% digestibility of the foods eaten.

The body mass index helps determine how far your weight is below normal.

BMI table for different ages

Naturally, a man dreams of gaining weight not in order to gain weight and get an authoritative belly or a double chin. The masculinity of his figure is given by sculpted muscles, not fatty tissue. And in order for them to become visible, diet alone is not enough - you need strength training. So, a thin man can gain weight quickly and effectively only through proper nutrition and increased physical activity.

How to Eat to Ensure Muscle Gain

Proper nutrition for muscle growth does not mean consuming any high-calorie food: fatty, rich, sweet. In this way you can, of course, increase the size of your body.

But in addition to this, we will get a bunch of unpleasant problems:

  • the functioning of the liver, heart, and gastrointestinal tract will be disrupted;
  • the vessels become clogged with cholesterol;
  • the threat of diabetes looms.

So senseless feeding of “your loved one” is a dead-end path to illness, not beauty and maturity. The male figure is assessed by developed muscles - it occupies the largest share in a person’s body mass.

Table: normal tissue ratio for a person weighing 70 kg

Nutritionists, answering the question of how to gain weight for a man at home, recommend a whole scheme of proper nutrition.

  • The amount of carbohydrates should be up to 5 g/1 kg of your own body. The predominant source of carbohydrates should be porridge and pasta - they make up 2/3 of carbohydrate foods. The remaining third is filled with fruits and low-fat sweets.
  • Protein plays a key role in increasing muscle mass. Protein sources: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and dairy products are the basis of the diet. Protein (pure protein) should be consumed in an amount of 2.5 g/1 kg of the human body. The introduction of various types of protein from the sports nutrition range into the diet will increase the effectiveness of efforts to increase your own size.
  • Fats cannot be neglected: they are the building material for testosterone, the masculinity hormone, which actively influences the process of muscle tissue formation. A man should consume up to 2 grams of fat per kilogram to ensure the normal functions of his body. Healthy fats are supplied to the body by butter, nuts, and sour cream.

Approximate diet calculation

Let's learn how to correctly calculate a diet using the example of a guy who weighs 70 kg and wants to increase his muscles. The goal of gaining up to 12 kg of muscle is quite achievable for him. Let's calculate carbohydrates. One gram of carbohydrate food provides 4 calories. You need to consume 5 g for every kilogram of weight, which is: 5 x 70 = 350 g of net carbohydrates. To gain them you need to eat: 350 x 4 = 1400 kcal. If we convert this amount into food (“conventional buckwheat”, 100 g of this cereal gives 360 kcal), we get that you need to eat an amount of carbohydrate food daily that is equivalent in caloric value to 380 g of buckwheat. It's not just slow carbohydrates. You can allow yourself a handful of dried fruits, a chocolate bar, a sweet fruit, etc.

Protein counting. Our 70 kg guy needs to eat 175 g of protein per day, which is 700 kcal. It will be delivered to the body by 700 g of chicken, offal, beef, and fish. Amount of fat: 2g of fat per 70 kg of weight gives 140 g of fat per day, which is 1260 kcal (fat has a calorie content of 9g/100g). You can season porridge and salads with 100 grams of the daily requirement. The rest can be eaten by spreading butter on the sandwich. Bottom line: the daily calorie intake for a guy working on his figure is 3360 kcal. And this is no more than the average fast food consumer consumes.

Features of the daily menu

If you are concerned about gaining pure muscle mass, eating fast foods is contraindicated. It’s easy and convenient to cook your own food in a slow cooker, bake food in the oven or grill.

Table: daily menu for gaining muscle mass

Sports nutrition is not necessary, but it is advisable to use it for a person who is engaged in strength training, pumps up muscles, and is also busy at work.

Table: sports complexes for weight gain

A drug Compound Taste Consumer rating
Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Protein mixture
(Whey Protein Concentrate, Calcium Caseinate, Egg, Protein, Whey Calcium), Vitamin Mineral Blend, Lecithin, Medium Chain Triglycerides.
Chocolate 4,4
Muscletech, Mass-Tech
advanced gainer for muscle growth
Oat bran, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, whey isolate, casein, egg albumin, coca extract, soy lecithin, medium chain triglycerides. Milk chocolate 4,3
Naturade, Weight Gain Whey, sunflower oil, buttermilk, soy protein isolate, milk protein concentrate, soy lecithin, pea protein isolate, egg white, apple fiber, flaxseed, acacia gum, papain bromelain Vanilla 4,1
Universal Nutrition, Real Gains, Weight Gainer Casein, whey protein, MCT, flax powder Chocolate ice cream 4,4
Optimum Nutrition, Pro Gainer, Banana Cream Pie whey protein, calcium caseinate, egg whites, whey peptides, wheat glutamine peptides), lipid blend (medium chain triglycerides, high oleic sunflower oil), vitamin and mineral blend Banana cream pie 4,1
Maximum Human Performance, LLC, Up Your Mass Propolis Protein Matrix, Soy Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine, MASS Carbohydrate Blend [Barley, Oats, Oat Fiber], Medium Chain Triglycerides, Essential Fatty Acid Blend, Evening Primrose Oil, flaxseed powder, safflower oil, sodium caseinate, vitamin premix Vanilla 3,6
MRM, Gainer With Probiotics Natural Protein Optimizer, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Isolate, Casein, Plant Enzyme Blend, Sunflower Oil Powder, Probiotic Blend Vanilla 4,3

Exercises in the gym

A “drishch” does not come to the gym to become a bodybuilding champion in a matter of months - this requires 5-6 years of hard training. At first, you don’t need to tear your veins and push yourself to exhaustion, but you will still have to sweat. Taking hormonal medications is completely unnecessary. To get a good figure, it is possible to gain weight without steroids. The intense pursuit of every gram of new muscle is fraught with overtraining syndrome, when a person generally loses the strength to exercise, insomnia sets in, and testosterone decreases.

Training rules for beginners:

  • Training regimen – 3 times a week;
  • Mandatory exercises are squats and deadlifts; they provide an increase in muscle mass throughout the body.
  • Mastering the exercises occurs with medium weight - then switching to the mode: 5-6 repetitions - heavy weight - and so on up to four approaches.
  • Pull-up; bench press (not seated) with a barbell.
  • Monday – squat, barbell, plank, bench press, deadlift.
  • Wednesday – deadlift; pull-up; standing press, abs.
  • Friday is a variation of Monday.

Please note: an ectomorph can increase muscle size only with the help of strength exercises. Exercising on horizontal bars and regular fitness strengthens muscles, but does not ensure their growth and increase.

To train the heart, aerobic exercise is required; for this, we increase the consumption of carbohydrates to 7-10 g / 1 kg of body. Only marathon running that requires endurance is contraindicated.

BCAA complexes for weight gain and muscle recovery

A drug Flavor options Release form Additional Ingredients
Scivation, XTend Strawberry-kiwi, mango, blue raspberry, lemon-lime, watermelon, green apple, fruit punch, pink lemonade, grapes, pineapple, pina colada, margarita, tangerine, blood orange Soluble powder Vitamin B6, citrulline malate, electrolytes
California Gold Nutrition No flavoring Soluble powder
MusclePharm Lemon-lime, watermelon, blue raspberry, fruit punch Soluble powder Beta-carotene, fruit and vegetable juices
Jarrow Formulas No flavoring Capsules
MRM No flavoring Capsules

Curvature of the spine and recent injury serve as an obstacle to strength training as usual. In such cases, it makes sense to get acquainted with the static-dynamic system of Professor Seluyanov. Or strengthen the tendons by performing exercises according to the method of A. Zass. For those who have just begun the struggle for sculpted muscles, it is easier to pump up, even if they do not use the most optimal program and do not eat enough carbohydrates. The main thing is not to blindly experiment with the body, but to follow the advice of a trainer or a person who has his own experience in this matter.