
What to eat to increase muscle mass. Protein diet for muscle mass. Chicken and quail eggs


To gain muscle mass and at the same time not “swim away” with fat and maintain an attractive shape, an integrated approach is important. Hard training will help you gain the missing pounds, but without proper nutrition it will be more difficult to achieve your goal. You need to know about the properties of products, understand how they affect physical fitness and health. Then the process of muscle growth will go much faster.

We offer the top 10 products that help increase endurance and increase muscle mass.

Lean beef should become one of the main products on your table. It contains all the substances that are required for muscle growth. It contains iron, zinc, B vitamins and other useful microelements.

Beef contains high quality protein and an amino acid, which, when interacting with insulin, stimulates an increase in muscle mass. The advantage of beef is that it contains a lot of protein, but the meat is low in calories.

Chicken fillet

This product is a source of high-quality protein, which is necessary for gaining weight. It increases bone strength and maintains normal weight. Chicken fillet contains a lot of microelements and virtually no fat.

In order not to reduce the benefits of this meat to a minimum, it is better to stew it, bake it, or steam it.

This product contains valuable protein casein. It is complex, takes a long time to digest, thanks to which it maintains muscle tone. Cottage cheese is especially useful for those people who have to go without food for a long time. It contains a lot of vitamin B12, calcium and other microelements.

To build muscle mass, but not gain extra pounds, buy low-fat cottage cheese.

Chicken eggs

The yolk contains half of the proteins, fats, and vitamins, so separating it from the protein is a gross mistake.

Eggs are a valuable product, but you should not abuse them. It is enough for men to eat up to 6 eggs a day, for women - up to 3.

It is rich in protein and omega-3 acids, and contains virtually no “harmful” fat. This composition helps to build muscle mass, but at the same time helps to maintain a figure and not gain excess weight.

Fish normalizes metabolism, speeds up metabolism and saturates the body with all necessary elements.

Oat flour

It is an excellent source of carbohydrates, has a low glycemic index and does not require much processing. Oatmeal contains a large amount of coarse fiber and nutrients. It satisfies hunger well and gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Thanks to carbohydrates, the product helps build muscle mass and saturates the body with energy. Oatmeal is low-calorie, so it allows you to get rid of extra pounds. It can be safely used by people who are losing weight.

Whole grains have tremendous nutritional value. It gives energy and a boost of vivacity.

Brown rice is especially healthy. It promotes accelerated muscle growth by increasing hormone levels. Regular consumption of boiled rice normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, helps get rid of fat deposits and makes the body more resilient.

Sprouted wheat contains large amounts of both proteins and carbohydrates. It is rich in zinc, potassium, vitamin B, iron, amino acids and other beneficial substances. Wheat energizes, increases endurance, and normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system.


They are considered a source of monounsaturated fats and contribute to the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels, joints, and ligaments. To accelerate muscle growth, you can eat cashews, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, and hazelnuts.

You need to eat about 50 grams of nuts per day. For convenience, you can use electronic scales.

This is a suitable food for people who want to accelerate muscle growth. Milk and kefir saturate the body with protein without overloading it with fat.

Whey is especially useful; it is rich in amino acids. It contains peptides that dilate blood vessels. Thanks to this, the “delivery” of beneficial anabolic amino acids to the muscles is normalized. The serum has a complex effect on the muscles, strengthening them.

It is useful to drink whey before and immediately after training. Then the anabolic effect will be most pronounced.


Buckwheat is a storehouse of carbohydrates and amino acids that help build muscle. It gives a boost of energy and suppresses the feeling of hunger for a long time. Buckwheat is rich in high-quality protein, vitamins and microelements; it is quite nutritious.

You can cook buckwheat with whole and split kernels. It goes well with vegetables and meat dishes.

You shouldn’t go heavy on buckwheat - eating up to 2 servings a day is enough. Your diet should be complete and balanced. Be sure to eat raw vegetables and fruits, drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Eating should be several hours before training.

Healthy fats will help you gain muscle mass. They are found in salmon, salmon, leafy vegetables, nuts, and avocados.

Eat vegetables and fruits - they are rich in fiber and nutrients.

Replace sugar with honey. Add it to tea, compote and energy drinks.

Make a training plan and strictly follow it - this will help you gain muscle mass faster.

Include fish oil in your diet - it is rich in nutrients and helps speed up metabolism.

For those who want to build muscle mass, it will be useful to know which foods can help with this.

Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of muscles, so it is important that your diet contains adequate amounts of these compounds. But the menu should also include foods with various vitamins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. They are necessary for proper metabolism and the functioning of all organs and systems.

Nuts are a key food for anyone who dreams of biceps and abs of steel. It is a rich source of plant proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, selenium, copper and zinc, magnesium, folic acid, fiber and antioxidants.

Additionally, peanuts, cashews, walnuts and almonds increase testosterone levels in the body. At the same time, they are healthier and safer than sports supplements.

Whole grains for a wholesome nature

Cereals are rich in complex carbohydrates, which provide the body with energy during long workouts. In addition to carbohydrates, whole grains contain all kinds of vitamins, dietary fiber, essential fatty acids and minerals.

Be sure to include oatmeal, barley and brown rice in your diet.

Almost magical flaxseed

Small, oval-shaped flax seeds are considered one of the best plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which muscle tissue needs for proper growth and development. They also contain a lot of fiber and special compounds with high antioxidant activity - lignans, which ensure health and longevity.

Flaxseed is added to porridges, muesli and lactic acid products, and in the ground state - to fruit and vegetable smoothies. You can also prepare healthy flaxseed porridge for breakfast, but due to its specific consistency, not everyone likes it: the seeds secrete a lot of mucus.

Chicken eggs with a secret

Chicken eggs are very popular among sports fans, because they are an excellent source of protein with a complex of essential amino acids.

But few people know that this trivial product can become even better. Some farmers add flaxseed and vitamin E to the feed of laying hens. The content of fatty acids in eggs increases by 6 times, and vitamin E by 8 times.

A couple of these eggs for breakfast won't hurt.

Fish oil instead of “rejuvenating” apples

Good old fish oil can also provide the building blocks for your muscles. This product, familiar to everyone since kindergarten, not only helps increase muscle mass, but also prevents muscle weakness in older people.

To achieve noticeable results, fish oil intake must be regular.

Beans are the secret of bodybuilders

Legumes are a good source of soluble fiber, an important component of the diet of athletes and bodybuilders, and are rich in protein and carbohydrates.

Love bean and lentil stew. Regular consumption of these foods helps maintain stable blood sugar and energy levels.

Vegetables from the Allium family for a chiseled body

Garlic, onions and green onions - all these vegetables belong to the onion family (alliums). To increase muscle mass, you need to eat them raw.

Vegetables contain sulfur compounds and the flavonoid quercetin, which are important for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Another pleasant bonus: adding onions and garlic to your diet will protect you from unexpected flu and will not allow you to miss your next workout.

Mollusks help us build and live

The valves of these sea creatures hide real treasures in the form of minerals and vitamins, including those intended for building muscles.

And oysters are generous with protein, iron, copper, selenium and B vitamins (vitamin B12 is especially important for us).

A pleasant bonus for lovers of shellfish: they have aphrodisiac properties, that is, they increase male strength.

Yogurt for pampered athletes

Most people associate yogurt with fragile representatives of the fair sex, who prefer a healthy but meager diet in order to maintain their figure.

Men need this product too. It normalizes digestion, speeds up metabolism and promotes the activity of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. The question is, what does this have to do with muscle building? It's simple: good digestion and high-speed metabolism ensure a high degree of absorption of nutrients.

For a sports diet, choose low-fat fruit yogurt without sweeteners.

Salmon and company

Salmon also helps you gain muscle mass. This fish is high in amino acids and omega-3 acids, which the body uses to build cell membranes. It is extremely important for athletes to eat a diet with a high percentage of fatty acids, because this helps to recover faster after grueling workouts.

Salmon and other sea fish can also be consumed for weight loss. Moreover, with the right approach, you will not lose muscle mass, but fat tissue.

Now many men understand: in order to increase muscle mass, it is necessary to consume food containing a large amount of protein, that is, specialized food for muscles must be included in the diet. During training and lifting weights, muscle fibers are damaged, after which regeneration begins, promoting the growth of muscle cells. Amino acids are needed for their development and restoration. They activate the most important processes in the body and have strong anabolic properties, i.e. promote the formation and growth of new tissues, and in particular muscles. Once digested, amino acids produce vital substances that help us fight infections and other viruses.

Protein foods are very beneficial for muscles, so in this article we will look at 10 essential foods that will help you build muscle mass on your body.

1. Chicken and quail eggs

A product that is necessary for an athlete and easy to prepare is eggs. They are the main component for building male muscle. One egg contains about 5-6 grams. squirrel. Protein is believed to be a very effective food for muscle growth. Eggs also contain vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B12; D, E, K. Doctors note that protein can be eaten in large quantities.

2.Fish products

Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and methionine. It is noted that salmon fish is rich in all of the listed substances. A 100-gram piece of salmon contains 25 grams of protein. It supplies the body with various nutrients and vitamins such as A, E, D.

3. Chicken meat

We can assume that chicken is the main protein food for muscles. Chicken meat differs from other meat crops in that it can be consumed in large quantities (without harm to health). 100 grams of white poultry meat contains 30 grams of protein. Chicken meat is low-calorie and provides the human body with phosphorus, iron, magnesium, protein and vitamins.

4. Ground beef

Beef - excellent protein food for muscles, which has a large amount of microelements and vitamins. They play an important role in muscle development. Beef meat is rich in vitamin B12, iron, creatine and zinc. More than 27 grams of protein are contained in just 100 grams. ground beef.


Oysters are an excellent source of protein and a favorite food for many athletes. 100 grams contain only 5 grams. fat and 20 gr. squirrel. They contain many vitamins and microelements, such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, iodine. Oysters synthesize protein well in the body.


A good protein food for muscles is nuts, particularly almonds. It also contains magnesium. It is believed that daily consumption for 1.5 - 2 months reduces cholesterol levels.


Quinoa is a plant that contains a lot of protein, as well as 9 amino acids necessary for the body. It is easily absorbed and contains iron, magnesium, ascorbic and oxalic acid, as well as essential oils.

8.Curd products

Many athletes claim that cottage cheese is the best product for building muscle. In addition to vitamins (A, B2, B6, B12, E, P), cottage cheese contains iron, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus and magnesium. Thanks to all these substances, it is well absorbed and very beneficial for the heart and nervous system.

9.Chocolate milk

Everyone knows that milk is beneficial for both adults and children. It always has a positive effect on the human body. Milk supplies amino acids to the body and helps absorb them. 100 ml of medium fat milk contains 3.5 grams. squirrel.

10.Soy products

Soy is a source of vegetable protein and a wonderful alternative to meat. It strengthens bones, lowers cholesterol and burns fat well. Consume soy after workouts, as it helps restore muscles after hard exercise.

The essence of a protein diet for muscle gain

Today there are a huge number of diets that are actively used by bodybuilding athletes. However, most of them do not lead to the desired effect, since they are created by the athletes themselves. Everyone wants to invent their own miracle diet that will build muscle in a short time. And often they use specific products for this, or invent various dishes and cocktails that include a combination of incompatible products and are difficult to prepare.

All these experiments, as a rule, lead nowhere. There is either no result at all, or there is one, but at the same time, health deteriorates very much, which very often becomes the reason for stopping training.

Naturally, in order for muscles to become prominent, it is not enough just to lift a barbell every day in the gym; you need a diet that will remove the fat layer that covers the muscles from human view. But is there a diet that would allow you to remove fat while helping to build muscle mass?

Such a nutrition program exists and it is called a protein diet for muscles. How is it superior to other nutrition programs and how does it build muscle? Let's try to figure it out.

Protein diet for muscles: how it works

From the name alone it is clear that the basis of the diet is protein-rich foods. Even a novice athlete knows how protein “works” in the human body. Protein is an essential component for normal muscle development and growth. It is for this reason that they add protein shakes to their diet at the beginning of their training.

But they are not so safe for the human body, as scientists from European countries have repeatedly proven. A protein diet for gaining muscle mass is based not only on the consumption of protein foods, but also food that contains carbohydrates and fats in small doses, which the body simply needs for normal functioning.

Their complete absence can cause the development of many diseases, as well as disruption of systems and internal organs. Also, their absence can lead to impaired carbohydrate metabolism and an excess of ketone bodies in the blood.

A protein diet for muscle growth also does not prohibit the consumption of high-calorie foods (naturally, in moderation), since athletes simply need energy, which they will spend in the gym, and their amount directly depends on the intensity of the exercise.

Protein is digested very slowly by the body, which “forces” it to spend a lot of energy on it. This is why the fat layer is burned. After which most of the proteins are distributed by the body in different directions, and most of them go directly into the muscles, due to which an increase in muscle mass occurs.

Main principles

1. Five to six meals a day in small portions

To build muscle mass, you need to eat very often: the optimal number of meals is five to six times a day. By following this rule, the digestive system is not overloaded, and small portions of various nutrients are constantly entering the bloodstream, which will enrich your muscles throughout the day. If you eat the same amount of food in three meals, the absorbed nutrients will enter the body in excess, so they will be deposited in the form of fatty layers, from where it is almost impossible to extract them while simultaneously building muscle.

2 .High calorie food

Approximately 70% of the food consumed should be high in calories, otherwise the digestive system will be overloaded and the body's absorption of nutrients will deteriorate. We do not deny the usefulness of vegetables and fruits, however, when using a diet for muscle growth, their mass part should not be more than 30%. The fiber they contain in large quantities is not digested and speeds up the work of the intestines, so more than half of the high-calorie food eaten simply will not have time to be digested.

3 .Low content of fast carbohydrates and fats

Limit your consumption of foods rich in animal saturated fats (sausages, butter, margarine, lard, fatty meats, etc.). To produce energy and grow muscle mass, the body primarily uses carbohydrates (if there is a lack of carbohydrates, fats), therefore, with an excess of nutrients, some of the fat will be deposited in fat cells (adipocytes).

Avoid fast carbohydrates, the most dangerous of which are sweets (sweet fruits, confectionery, etc.). Bakery products are less dangerous. Fast carbohydrates are very quickly absorbed from the digestive tract, which sharply increases the level of sugar in a person’s blood, in response to this the body begins to convert glucose into fat.

You can consume fast carbohydrates after a workout, when organs and muscles can quickly utilize glucose, in addition, the level of the anabolic hormone insulin increases, and this is very important when increasing muscle mass.

4 .Regular drinking

With constant training aimed at building muscle, many metabolic reactions are intensified, which creates the need for large water consumption. The muscle diet requires water consumption of at least three liters per day (including water contained in food). Avoid developing dehydration (dehydration); always drink at the slightest thirst.

5. Proper portion distribution

In order to gain muscle mass, the volumes of food consumed should be approximately the same, but in the first half of the day (before 16:00) you need to eat about 70% of all food eaten for the day.

Never eat fatty or sweet foods at night. Before going to bed, food should be rich in protein and easily digestible; fish, eggs, salads, poultry, vegetables, and dairy products are great for this.

Pre-workout nutrition

The diet requires mandatory meals before training (two hours before the start). Foods that contain slow carbohydrates are great for this: vegetables, flour, cereals, etc. Carbohydrates before training are necessary to provide the brain and muscles with energy.

Post-workout nutrition

Your largest meal should be approximately half an hour after training, or if you consume carbohydrate-protein shakes immediately after training, then your meal should be approximately an hour and a half after training. Include foods rich in slow carbohydrates and proteins; you can even eat a small amount of fast carbohydrates. After training, the so-called carbohydrate-protein fiber opens; during this time, the body is able to absorb large amounts of food, while the adsorbed nutrients are used to replenish energy and restore muscles.

Correct proportions of carbohydrates, fats and proteins

It must be remembered that there is no universal ratio that could suit everyone. Therefore, the main task of people who want to gain muscle mass is to find their own, which will be effective only for you. These are average numbers that are suitable for most people, this is where you should start and you can experiment. Interestingly, the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the muscle diet is not much different from the same ratio in other diets, and this is not surprising, since this is the ratio that is best suited for both the athlete and the average person.

Who is the muscle gain diet suitable for?

This publication was prepared by SportsWiki experts based on modern data from nutrition and bodybuilding, as well as a wealth of successful experience in applying it in practice. What you see here is most likely not even a description of some special scheme, but a compilation of effective principles of nutrition for a bodybuilder, regardless of his level of professionalism and the state of muscle mass, which will allow you to understand the nutritional features and create your own diet, with which you can improve your health and achieve maximum results. results in bodybuilding.

The diet described in this article can be followed for an unlimited period of time and does not have specific features of “entry” and “exit” from it. Remember that you need to increase and decrease the amount of food consumed (calorie content and volume) gradually, otherwise metabolic disorders and digestive disorders are possible. The body needs time to adapt to new dietary habits.

Exercising while dieting

A diet for gaining muscle mass for girls must certainly be accompanied by proper training. At the same time, do not be afraid that your muscles will become masculine: without special injections this will not threaten you. It’s just that the hormone testosterone, of which women have a scanty amount, is responsible for this very muscle growth. That is why sports activity will only slightly correct the muscles, and will not grow them.

Training principles:

provide each muscle group with at least 48 hours of rest;
training should not be long - an hour is enough;
don’t be afraid of heavy weights - let your muscles feel the load;
do 6-10 repetitions and 3-5 approaches;
the first approach should be the most intense (10 repetitions), for the last it is enough to leave 6 repetitions;
increase the load (weight) with each approach;
change your training plan every 1-1.5 months.

Sports and vitamin supplements

Any protein diet must include special supplements. The fact is that when gaining weight, it is not recommended to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, since fiber interferes with protein absorption. The body’s need for vitamins only increases during training. This is why you can and should choose the right vitamin complex.

In addition, some sports supplements are designed specifically for weight gain. Moreover, all the ingredients in them are natural and “pure”, without impurities and ballast that can turn into fat. Some foods should be eaten immediately after class, others half an hour before it. Check with your trainer.

Protein diet menu for gaining muscle mass

This diet for muscle mass is designed for a week. If necessary, you can extend it.

Important: the quantity of products is not specifically indicated here, since an individual approach is important in each case (remember to calculate calories).

The first day

For breakfast, cook a cup of rice and chicken breast. Season it all with tofu and wash it down with pineapple juice. The second breakfast will consist of an orange and 20 g of walnuts. For lunch, stew beans with carrots, garlic and onions, boil chicken wings and add fresh tomato. In the afternoon, eat yogurt and an apple. Any fish and salad are suitable for dinner.

Second day

For breakfast, let there be soft-boiled eggs, oatmeal with milk, fresh yogurt and apple juice. Kiwi is enough for second breakfast. For lunch, take corn porridge with fish and salad. In the afternoon, drink kefir with cottage cheese and any berries. For dinner, eat turkey with salad.

Day three

For breakfast, boil pasta with turkey and wash it all down with grapefruit juice. For second breakfast, mash banana with cottage cheese. Let lunch consist of buckwheat with beef chops, canned peas, tomato and kefir. For an afternoon snack, a protein shake and berries are enough. For dinner, take cottage cheese casserole, salad and tofu.

Day four

For breakfast, eat beef liver with unsweetened oatmeal and a salad of tomatoes, celery and cucumbers. For second breakfast, mix 30 g of dried apricots and 30 g of cashews. For lunch, stew the meat with pumpkin and boil the rice. Wash it down with orange juice. In the afternoon, crunch apples with protein bread. During dinner, fish with seaweed will go well.

Day five

For breakfast - omelet with buckwheat and orange juice. For second breakfast – sweet corn with cottage cheese. For lunch - the most tender turkey with pea soup and Greek salad. Any citrus fruit is suitable for an afternoon snack. Finally, for dinner - fresh salad with boiled chicken breast.

Day six

For breakfast, steam beef cutlets and boil pearl barley porridge. Wash it down with a glass of grapefruit juice. Let the second breakfast consist of mashed banana with cottage cheese. For lunch, eat a leg with salad and buckwheat. For an afternoon snack, take kiwi and yogurt. In the evening, enjoy steamed fish and salad.

Day seven

The protein diet on the last day should begin with oatmeal, lentil pate and salad. Let the second breakfast consist of 30 g of hazelnuts and one orange. For lunch, eat boiled beef with wheat porridge and canned peas. In the afternoon, drink kefir and nibble on an apple. For dinner you can cook chicken wings and any healthy salad.

Key points of the diet for gaining muscle mass

A protein diet for building muscle mass is aimed at achieving the desired results without compromising your health. You can stick to this diet for a long time, as it includes carbohydrates and fats.

In order to simply “dry out” the fat layer and define the muscle definition, you need six meals a day, which will include a large amount of proteins and an average amount of carbohydrates and fats. In this case, the serving size should be small and sufficient to remove the feeling of hunger.

If it is necessary to significantly increase muscle mass, the portion should be increased, but within reasonable limits. At the same time, only protein foods should increase in quantity, and not carbohydrates.

In this case, it is necessary to drink a lot of fluid, since athletes especially need it. The amount of fluid should not be less than 2.5 liters per day. It should only be water; you can replace it with non-carbonated mineral water. Sweet drinks (juices, carbonated water, compotes, fruit drinks) and drinks that contain caffeine (black and green tea, coffee, cocoa) are excluded.

As for products that contain carbohydrates and fats, they should fill the athlete’s diet by 30%. That is, 70% of the diet should be protein foods, and 30% food with carbohydrates and fats.


A diet for muscle mass is not suitable for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, bladder, liver or kidneys. If you have any abnormalities in your health, be sure to consult your doctor before starting a protein diet.

Eat rationally and nutritiously, be sure to combine the diet with harmonious exercise and sufficient rest, and soon your figure will take on beautiful feminine shapes!

Hello, dear lovers of sports and a healthy lifestyle. In today's article we will talk to you about proper nutrition and food that contributes to the growth of your muscles, namely muscle growth, this is the main goal of 98% of gym goers.

To begin with, I invite you to think a little about a very interesting observation and ask yourself the question, what do we want to look like? When I come to the gym, I see a lot of young guys there. They pull, press, squat, but for some reason they look like my neighbor on the landing, who in his life has probably never lifted anything heavier than a TV remote control. Athletes have a belly, fat sides, a mug that won’t fit through the door, and biceps that look like boiled sausage. When I ask why they look so terrible, they answer that, they say, on the mass, drying for gays, we eat what we want and we don’t care, just to be huge. And where is the healthy lifestyle here, I wondered. After all, an athlete is an athlete, he should stand out from ordinary people with his shape, his drawing of the muscles on his arms and legs, he should not look like a typical visitor to a sausage shop.

So now I have a question for you, do you want to look like a piece of lard or do you want to have a toned body, with beautiful prominent muscles and 10 percent fat in your body. If your goal is to be beautiful, then continue reading the article, if not, then you can close this page.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The basis of the correct nutrition for muscle growth must be included primarily proteins. No matter what anyone says about carbohydrates, that the daily diet should consist of 50 or 60 percent of them, remember proteins are the basis. Your daily diet should consist of proteins.

This is what an athlete and a person leading a healthy lifestyle should look like.

But I'm not saying that carbohydrates should be eliminated. Carbohydrates are energy, without which we simply cannot do anything. But carbohydrates must be correct and in moderation. Ideally, you need to consume carbohydrates, or “coals” as athletes say, in the morning and after training. What does proper carbohydrates mean? Proper carbohydrates are slow carbohydrates that we get from all kinds of cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits. We also don’t forget about fast carbohydrates (white bread, sugar, sweets, potatoes), but we consume them in small quantities and only after training.

Fats can be obtained from all kinds of oils and nuts. The amount of fat consumed should be approximately equal to the amount of carbohydrates consumed.
So, our diet should consist of 50% from proteins, on 30% from carbohydrates and on 20% from fat. Try to use 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight. Carbohydrates 2 grams per kilogram. These are perfect numbers. If you weigh 80 kilograms, then you should eat 160 grams of protein and 160 grams of slow carbohydrates per day.

Food for muscle growth

Now we have come to the most interesting part of the article, from which you can understand what you should still consume in order for your muscles to grow and you not to become fat.

Let's look at the tables. They show foods from which you can get the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day (this does not mean that you need to eat all these foods in a day)








Cottage cheese









*Consume any vegetables. Make salads out of them and season with olive oil

Also, don’t forget about the supplements that everyone should take. You can read about them by clicking on the link. Basically, these are supplements from a sports nutrition store; whether you use it or not is your choice. We highly recommend using vitamin and mineral complexes, fish oil and calcium in your diet; everything else is at your discretion.

Nutrition Guidelines for Growing Your Muscles

We will not describe here the common truths, that you need to eat 5-6 times a day, that you should consume more calories than you burn, hundreds of other sites have already done this for us, which say the same thing. We will just add:

  • try to eat most of your carbohydrates in the first half of the day and after training;
  • Eat most carbohydrates in the morning and after strength training;
  • drink 3 – 4 liters of plain water;
  • cook grilled meat (you can buy the cheapest one in Auchan) in the oven or in a double boiler, avoid fried meat;
  • don’t be afraid to eat egg yolks, most of the protein in an egg is in the yolks;
  • Before going to bed, eat 200 grams of cottage cheese.

Follow the tips in this article, exercise properly, and you will look young and athletic. Best wishes.

    My weight is 45, I’m 15 years old. Can you create a diet for me?

    Hello everyone, my height is 179, my weight is 63 kg, will your tips help me gain muscle mass??? Thank you in advance!

    It doesn't look bad, I hope it helps.

    I like this particular diet, I don’t see the point of being like something unknown for 9 months, for the sake of a short time, when you are “dried out”, while from this “drying” you lose muscles. I always prefer to be in optimal shape, I don’t think that this significantly slows down progress, I’m almost sure that, on the contrary, it contributes to it.

    So, our diet should consist of 50% protein, 30% carbohydrates and 20% fat. Try to consume 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight.
    My weight is 70kg, we get:
    140g protein x 4kcal per 1g = 560kcal
    85g coals x 4kcal per g = 340kcal
    60g fat x 9kcal per g = 560kcal
    Total: 1440kcal

    A very strange diet for pumping, don’t you think?

    • Agree. The diet is more like drying, but not for a healthy diet. This percentage of proteins cannot be maintained for long.

    Height 188 cm. Weight 83
    How to lose weight and pump up your breasts
    At home

    Hello, I have such a problem, my height is 170-175, my weight is 55 kg, please tell me, will training help you gain weight, or vice versa???

    • Yes, if you train well

    Hello, I am 15 years old (soon 16), my height is 170 (75), and my weight is about 55 kg. Please tell me how to properly gain at least 10-15kg???

    • When I started training I weighed 60 and was 1.84m tall. I think you just need to stick to your diet and regular workouts!

    Hi all! I’m 181 cm tall, weigh 63 cm, I really want to gain muscle mass, and it wouldn’t hurt to gain weight either) does anyone have any suggestions?

    • Eat buckwheat and stew before training, after that a full lunch, preferably pea soup with meat, cocoa salads, or dried fruit compote, tea, in the evening, about 4 hours before bedtime, eggs no more than two or three, hard-boiled or soft-boiled, milk cottage cheese with raisins sour cream sugar to taste all together until saturated less fluid training should be done 3-4 times a week basic with a barbell or dumbbells maximum weight less repetitions 2-3 sets for those muscle groups on one of the training days, about 1 day chest barbell back machine or pull-ups with weight is better than pull-ups with weights with a wide grip, a day for recovery, day 2 arms, shoulders and base, preferably with a barbell or with a curved bar biceps, triceps, shoulders, be sure to lift the barbell in front of you and behind the back of the head, trapezius develops with a narrow grip to the chin, rest, day 3 legs squat with deadlift with a barbell, press on the horizontal bar, raise your legs to the crossbar, rest, and be sure to warm up all around to the maximum so that there is no stress, the result will take longer than with chemistry but is natural, without any loss of health and good luck.

    Hello, I’m 22 years old, height 174, weight 55, tell me what to do to gain weight.. no matter how hard I try, I can’t lift the weight.. 55-56 and still can’t lift it..

    Hello, height 183, weight 71, I can’t gain weight! Tell me something useful! Thank you!

    My name is Rustam, I am 15 years old, height 188 cm, weight 70-78 kg no less and no more, until I was 15 years old I weighed only 49 kg, but I started training, I trained for a month and gained more than 55 kg, and after 15 years I gained 76 kg, now I want to start training, I was told that if you eat meat, you can pump up, by the way, there is another one +, if you have a lot of hemoglobin, then you can pump up 2 kg of muscle in 1 week, and 6 kg of muscle in 2 weeks, I pumped up and pumped up 13 kg of 500 g of muscle, but still these my works are hidden by fat, which in no way won’t shrink and won’t gain weight, thin as a match, but there is fat, about 2 cm fat content

    Pasta is not a slow carbohydrate. They are quickly absorbed and turn into fat. If you want to slow them down, eat them with greens.

    Hello, please tell me my height is 173, weight is 55, I eat everything and can’t gain weight, please advise how to solve this problem or a nutrition table

    hello, I’m 17 years old, height 175, weight 67, I want to gain 5-8 kg of muscle mass, I know it’s a loud word, but I’m ready to work hard, but my diet is suffering, you can’t figure it out, thank you very much to all those who will help)

    Good day. My height is 173 cm, weight is 94 kg. Can you give me a meal plan every day? Thanks in advance

    “You should eat more calories than you burn” is definitely not a mistake?

    I am 17 years old, height 185, weight 76 kg, I want to gain 10 kilograms of muscle mass, what nutrition would you recommend for me?

    • I respect your choice to exercise at this age, if you want to gain muscle weight, I advise you to switch only to proper nutrition, vegetables, fruits, plenty of water (8 glasses a day) and everything that has a lot of proteins. Good luck)

    I'm Vlad, I'm 14. I weigh 44-49, no more and no less. This has been going on for about 2 years now. I do taekwondo. I really need to gain weight. Help…

    Can you eat soups?

    • Not advisable. This is usually salt water. Salt retains fluid in the body. And boiled too. Boiled water increases swelling. Drink plain water. Without gas. Eat protein foods with fiber (vegetables, fresh or steamed); before lunch, the fruit stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and activates the digestive system. Have breakfast with oatmeal, a teaspoon of honey, and a little salt. On the water. Over time, you will feel how your nutrition has improved. And how much energy Oatmeal gives in the morning. 75 grams. Plus 6-8 quail eggs, raw and a little salt. A drop. Can be done without salt. This is the perfect breakfast for me. And green tea throughout the day. Egg whites, breast, fish, turkey. Basics. Protki new cocktails. If you are lactose intolerant, take egg white. I don’t want to think about soup, I’m full. And if I really want soup, I would eat cream of pumpkin or mushroom soup or creamy fish soup. But it's a bit greasy looking for cream. And just for the sake of pampering. You should not include soup in your daily diet.

    I know people who are afraid to give up buns, because, like, then the coals will not enter the body, and this will not cause muscle mass to grow. that's nonsense.

    Hello, I'm 13, height 164, weight 56. I want to gain weight, but I can’t, I need a special schedule. Who can help me with how to build muscle and gain weight. Thank you all.

    I’m 13 years old, height 160cm, I weigh 54kg, and 2 months ago I weighed 52, but I haven’t gained any fat, could it be muscle gain?

    Hello. Diet is good, but what to do if you don’t have time) I go to the gym from 15:00 to 17:00, sometimes from 12:00 to 14:00, the rest of the time at work, that is, from work I go to the gym, and from the gym to work. My work is hourly, that is, in different places. I basically only have a good dinner, rarely have breakfast, no lunch, no time) Question: How to eat properly for muscle growth?

    • Set an alarm clock and eat where the alarm clock went off, it may not be nice, BUT the main thing is that you will eat and everything else is secondary)

      Prepare food in containers the night before. Spend 30-40 hours. You need to eat in the morning, during the day and in the evening. Learn to cook. This disciplines and will definitely give results.

    God, I've never seen such a crazy article before. 50% protein, seriously? God, what an idiot wrote it. The funny thing is that it contradicts itself: first they wrote “50% protein, 30% carbohydrates”, then they write: “1.5-2g protein, 2g carbohydrates”. In short, anyone who cares about their health can try gorging themselves on protein and fat (20% is twice the norm), throwing themselves on the coals, etc. By the way, scientific research has long refuted the myth that if you eat more than the WHO recommended amount of protein, your muscles will grow faster. But all sorts of fitness trainers and sites selling supplements continue to take money from suckers.

    what would be the best way to gain weight, I run, then I work out on the horizontal bars, please tell me a little bit what exactly is best)

    • Before trekking, eat protein, it’s meat, fish, etc., but lean. And when training, you need to drink more than a glass of water. And after training you need to eat protein. Carbohydrates should be eaten before 5 pm. In the morning, to lose weight and for muscles, you need to eat scrambled eggs with bread, or you can have grapefruit, you can put bread and cheese, cheese also has a lot of protein. You should always eat protein, and meat does not make you fat, remember! And the approach to each person is individual, maybe you are allergic to eggs.

    Do you need to eat 100 grams of meat, or exactly 100 grams of protein in meat?!

    • Of course the squirrel

    But how can I gain weight if I can eat everything in a row and in large quantities and not gain a bit?

    Hello, what should I do if I haven’t eaten meat at all for 21 years???

    • It's time to start, break the system.

    Hello! A couple of months ago I started jogging in the morning and doing a little exercise (I don’t go to the gym), I eat right in principle, but I’ll learn something else from your article. My height is 172, weight 67 kg), with such figures I still have a little fat on my stomach and sides. Question: How to exercise correctly to remove excess fat in the abdominal area and pump up the chest?

    • If you are talking about exercises, then you will need to do certain exercises.
      In order for everything to be in order with the abdominal area, you need to do abdominal exercises (that is, not just one, but alternate, but not approaches.)
      on the platforms it is good to do the press by lifting the torso, but not only in a direct way, but also to the sides. if you go there, maybe you will see how others do it.
      and the chest swings with push-ups on the uneven bars and from the floor. but remember to go down slowly and get up quickly. that is, when you need to make an effort, quickly, when you need to lower yourself, you do it more slowly

    Hello, is it possible to build muscle and cut weight together?

    Can you tell me more about beef and creatine in general? Should you focus more on beef, or should you buy creatine from a sports nutrition store? And is it worth using it at all?

    • It’s better not to fool your head and take creatine at a sports nutrition store. The only thing that can stop you from using it is the price of sports nutrition in our turbulent times.

    The question came up: can cottage cheese be replaced with milk and will it do any harm?
    Ps I usually just eat buckwheat with milk in the morning.

    Hello! I liked your article) please tell me how I can remove my stomach and sides?
    I’ve been working out my abs for 2 months now, but as a result I have abs, but I still have a belly and sides.
    Thanks for the early ones))

    • Fat is not burned locally. Those. There is no need to expect that if you focus on straight or oblique abdominal exercises, you will burn fat in the abdominal area faster. Everyone has their own characteristics, but in principle, in men, fat is deposited in the abdominal area. And in order to reduce it there, you will have to reduce the total amount of fat in the whole body. Advice: proper nutrition and comprehensive training to suit your taste.

    Guys, what should I do when I pump my abs on the horizontal bar (bending my knees and lifting them up), sometimes I get a knock in my lower back, and there’s no pain at all.

    • I'm interested in the same question, only I not only raise my legs when I'm on the horizontal bar, but also when I'm lying on my back I lift my torso. But the clicks themselves occur when I go down

      • Hello, have you ever found out the reason?

    Is it possible not to gain weight while eating this diet? It’s just that 105kg is enough for my 2m, but I’m pretty lazy, and when I get ready for all these workouts, I quickly give up, because I’m young and love an active life. But I don’t really like my body, my belly is very big. And I lead a healthy lifestyle)

    Is it possible not to gain weight while eating this diet? It’s just that 105kg is enough for my 2m, but I’m pretty lazy, and when I get ready for all these workouts, I quickly give up, because I’m young and love an active life. But I don’t really like my body, my belly is very big.

    I’ve been training for 6 months, gained 7kg and stopped there, why tell me?

    I am twelve years old. Height is 165 cm, but I can’t gain weight. I only weigh 45 kg. HELP

    • It’s easy to gain weight, eat a lot (preferably not junk food), drink a lot (water), exercise!

    Contact the author of the site
    “So, our diet should consist of 50% protein, 30% carbohydrates and 20% fat. Try to consume 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight. Carbohydrates 2 grams per kilogram. These are perfect numbers. If you weigh 80 kilograms, then you should eat 160 grams of protein and 160 grams of slow carbohydrates per day.”

    I have a height of 190 cm. Weight is 65-67 kg. I work out but there is no muscle growth, I take on more and more weight. but would like to gain weight.

    • There are no cubes because they are under fat, dry yourself!

      Nikita, firstly, it all depends on your age, if you are under 17-18 years old, then your body is simply still developing and most of your energy is spent on growth and development. Secondly, everything depends on how you pump up your abs: to grow muscles, you need to do the exercise slowly, fix the body, if you do it quickly, it’s practically drying (without dieting).

    My situation is different. It’s very difficult for me to stretch my muscles, but it’s easy to pump them up. I am taking care of my sick mother and have already dragged her quite a bit, so that the muscles on her upper body stand out noticeably, although I don’t watch my diet and eat whatever I want. And after looking at your article, I realized that I eat exactly those foods that are recommended for building muscles. My body knows what to eat. Can you do that?