
Coffee foam. Tips for connoisseurs of taste: how to make coffee with foam. How to make cappuccino coffee with delicate foam

Breast cancer

Coffee without foam is like champagne without bubbles; it doesn’t truly make you happy. Lush, like a latte, or delicate, like an espresso, there should be foam on the coffee, period. This is an immutable rule that allows you to enjoy the taste and at the same time evaluate the quality of coffee, because only a properly prepared drink has foam. True, a lot also depends on professionalism. A real barista knows how to make foamy coffee even from inexpensive beans. But this does not mean that you cannot make coffee with foam yourself, at home.

The fact is that the presence of foam on coffee is determined by the components and tools for making coffee. There is one more “secret ingredient” that can be called coffee magic, which not everyone can master. To test your strength, you will have to brew more than one cup of coffee in a Turk and/or coffee maker, try different ways of creating foam and drawing on coffee. But in the end, you will definitely be able to brew coffee with foam, and maybe even with a pattern on it. We will be there and tell you exactly how to do this.

Coffee with foam. What determines the foam on coffee?
When you think about coffee, your imagination helpfully reminds you of the delicious aroma and pictures a hot cup with velvety foam. This is exactly how most coffee lovers imagine coffee. A little less commonly, coffee appears in the form of a tall glass topped with a fluffy white mass of whipped milk and/or cream. It doesn’t really matter how often and for what purpose you drink coffee: once a week, every morning at breakfast, or several cups a day so as not to fall asleep at work. Before you make foamy coffee next time, you should know that:
To make instant coffee with foam, you don’t have to make any effort: just dilute a portion of the powder with sugar and hot water to get a high and stable foam in a cup, like in a washing basin. But to prepare real coffee with foam at home, you will have to try, and the result will completely repay your time and effort.

How to make oriental coffee with foam in a Turk?
If there is “orthodox” coffee, then it is oriental coffee. This traditional recipe has long been used in the Middle East, Caucasian and Balkan countries and even in northern Africa. Coffee brewed in a Turk over a fire or in hot sand (the so-called “Turkish coffee”) is strong, with a rich aroma, bright taste and a low but long-lasting foam that settles on the edge of the cup while drinking:

  1. You will need a long-handled copper (or other metal) Turk, roasted coffee beans, drinking water (not tap water, mineral water or distilled water), a bar spoon or hardwood stick, and cups for serving coffee.
  2. It is advisable to grind coffee immediately before preparation to preserve maximum aroma and taste of essential oils. The dosage is adjusted to taste, but for the first time, focus on a heaped teaspoon of freshly ground coffee per 50-60 ml of water.
  3. Lightly heat the Turk over the heat and reduce it to low. Pour in ground coffee, add cold water, stir with a stick or spoon and return to the stove.
  4. Watch the brewing coffee carefully, especially from the moment a pale, beige foam appears on its surface.
  5. In just a matter of seconds, the foam on the Turkish coffee will darken and creep up. Your task is not to miss this moment and remove the cezve from the heat as soon as the foam reaches the edge.
  6. Making oriental coffee doesn’t end there: when the foam goes down, return the Turk to the fire, but don’t take your eyes off it, because re-boiling will be instantaneous. If you see increased foam, immediately repeat the procedure of removing the cezve.
  7. The third cycle of boiling coffee in a Turk over low heat and raising the foam will be the final one. Now you can carefully pour the coffee with foam into a cup (or cups, depending on the volume) and serve.
The Oriental coffee recipe has many variations, allowing the use of sugar and spices, from traditional cinnamon and cardamom to hot pepper and ginger. If you want to make coffee with foam and flavors, put them in the cezve at the same time as the coffee or even grind them together with the beans. And keep in mind that oriental-style coffee foam does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and cold water. Just one drop and there will be no trace left of the foam. True, Turkish coffee will still be strong and invigorating, and you can tell fortunes from the coffee grounds or use them for cosmetic purposes.

How to make coffee with foam in a coffee maker?
Owners of coffee makers are not used to denying themselves a cup of coffee - but what about foam? Do you always manage to make coffee with foam, or do you often have to settle for a tasty but “naked” drink? This can be tolerated in the case of espresso and Americano, but a cappuccino without foam is nonsense! Don't believe me: Then watch:

  1. Take coffee suitable for an espresso coffee maker, that is, the finest grind. If you can grind it yourself, even better!
  2. In addition to coffee, you will need milk and a cappuccino maker. Choose whole milk and not skim milk, because the density of the foam directly depends on its fat content. The cappuccino maker is built into most models of modern coffee makers and coffee machines.
  3. Make sure the coffee maker reservoir is filled with water. Pour ground coffee into the holder and place it in the coffee maker compartment. Turn on the water heating.
  4. Turn on the steam mode and check the operation of the cappuccino wand. First, water splashes will burst out of it, and only then dry steam.
  5. Pour the milk into a wide cup or small milk jug and place it under the tube. Dip the end of the cappuccino maker into the milk until it almost reaches the bottom of the milk jug. Turn on the steam and, slightly rotating the container with milk, watch for the formation of fluffy white foam.
  6. When the milk froths, turn off the steam generator and turn on the coffee maker in coffee brewing mode. Then take a cup of ready-made espresso or Americano (depending on the settings of the device) and spoon milk foam onto the surface of the drink.
The coffee foam can be decorated with chocolate and/or coconut shavings, or you can simply enjoy the soft taste of cappuccino with foam. By the way, you can make latte coffee at home using the same principle, if you not only top the cup with milk foam, but also first pour milk into the espresso shot.

How to make coffee with foam without a coffee machine?
Alas, not every coffee lover can boast of expensive household appliances. If you have not yet acquired a coffee machine, this does not mean that you cannot make coffee with foam at home. This problem can be easily solved using available methods:

  • Make foamy coffee in a French press. To do this, first prepare black coffee in any available way (in a Turkish coffee maker, drip coffee maker or cup), and heat the milk to a temperature slightly above room temperature and pour it into a French press. Close the French press and vigorously lower and raise the plunger several times while whisking the milk. It is convenient to use a small teapot and pour milk into about a third of its volume so that there is room for the foam that forms. When the thickness of the foam seems sufficient to you, remove it from the French press with a spoon and place it on a cup of coffee.
  • Make milk foam using a hand mixer. This miniature device runs on batteries, has low power and is designed just for the volume of a cup. You can prepare the foam separately and transfer it to the finished coffee, or whisk the coffee directly in the cup. Unfortunately, the foam made in this way is not very durable, but it is prepared quickly and does not require expensive equipment.
Coffee with foam is a self-sufficient drink that can be varied with flavors and flavorings. The dense and long-lasting foam perfectly supports grated chocolate, syrup, ground cinnamon and/or cocoa powder. It was thanks to her that a cute and short-lived art form was born - latte art. Anyone who has seen his masterpieces will no longer agree with the bearded joke that baristas love to retell (“How to make coffee with foam? - It’s a piece of cake!”). Try making coffee with foam at home and treat it to everyone you love . Perhaps making coffee with foam is not magic, but in general there is something magical about it.

The rhythm of a person’s life does not always allow him to do what he wants. Sometimes, instead of a cup of good natural coffee, you have to limit yourself to its instant analogue. Many people love instant coffee with foam. How to cook it correctly and quickly?

We will need:

  1. Ceramic cup or glass glass
  2. Metal spoon
  3. Instant coffee – 2 teaspoons
  4. Granulated sugar – 2 heaped teaspoons
  5. Hot water – 2/3 cup (about 150 ml)


  • Pour coffee and sugar into a cup.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of hot water.
  • Vigorously grind the coffee granules with granulated sugar until a homogeneous mass of light cream color is formed.

  • Carefully pour hot water into the resulting mass along the side of the cup.
  • Coffee with foam is ready.

Secrets of good foam

This simple recipe has its own features that will make your work easier and improve the result.

  1. Granulated sugar should be as fine as possible. Instead of granulated sugar, you can use powdered sugar. It grinds faster and requires less effort to obtain an even mass.
  2. If you decide to use powder, you will need a little more of it than sugar - 3 teaspoons of powder per 1 teaspoon of coffee. You only need a little water, less than a teaspoon.
  3. You need to grind sugar and coffee quickly and vigorously, otherwise you won’t get a homogeneous thick mass, from which foam will then form.
  4. You can use a blender and other devices for grinding if you are preparing several servings of coffee and you have a large volume of a mixture of coffee and sugar. A small portion per cup simply does not allow the use of mixers and blenders.
  5. The best choice is not granulated, but the simplest, powdered coffee. Freeze-dried requires more effort to obtain a homogeneous mixture; its granules dissolve less well.

Foam made from instant coffee and granulated sugar is well suited for decorating confectionery products, such as coffee muffins.

This method of preparation is very popular in Egypt; it is prepared in many cafes.

We will need:

  1. 2 glasses or cups
  2. Instant coffee – 3 teaspoons
  3. Sugar – 3 teaspoons
  4. Hot water - 100 ml (1/2 cup)
  5. Warmed milk – 100 ml (1/2 cup)
  6. Cocktail tube – 1 piece


  • Put 2 teaspoons of coffee and 2 sugar in a glass, add a little cold water.
  • We cut the cocktail tube with scissors along the length, approximately 5-7 cm, and open the cuts so that we get a “helicopter”.

  • We lower the blades into a glass with a mixture of coffee and sugar and vigorously twist the straw in our palms.

  • As a result of our actions, a thick, creamy mass is obtained.
  • Place it in a separate glass.

  • Then put 1 teaspoon of coffee and 1 sugar into the first glass, add hot milk and hot water, stir the coffee.

  • Spread the resulting cream foam on top.
  • The coffee is ready.

You can diversify the taste of coffee with foam by adding vanilla sugar or cinnamon, replacing water with milk or mixing them in equal proportions. How do you make coffee with foam?

For many coffee lovers, coffee has become an integral part of a successful day. Coffee shops are very popular now. One of the secrets of this popularity is that they can not only prepare aromatic coffee, but also decorate it with a lush head of foam. Is it possible to prepare such a magical drink yourself, at home? Is it necessary to buy an expensive coffee machine for this?

Nowadays, many recipes for making coffee have been invented. Drinks with sugar, honey, milk, cream, spices, egg yolk, cognac and even orange juice became popular. But in order to get a thick and stable foam, you need to brew Turkish coffee. This is a classic recipe that has been used to make coffee since the 16th century. It is believed that his homeland is Türkiye. Although in Turkey, heated sand with the addition of a small amount of pebbles is used to prepare it, such a drink can be brewed at home, on a regular gas stove. But remember that coffee should never be boiled. You just need to bring it to a boil a few times. Every time after you almost bring the coffee to a boil, you need to let it sit a little. This is done so that the coffee grounds settle to the bottom and release the maximum of their aromatic and other components.

How to make foam for coffee at home

Let's figure out how to make coffee with foam. Most people believe that truly lush foam for coffee can only be achieved using a coffee machine. This is not true at all. The main thing is to know some secrets and features of making coffee. By the way, not every type of coffee can produce a lush and stable foam. You need to take those varieties that contain the largest amount of essential oils. They largely influence the stability and formation of foam. This is where the first secret lies. But let's look at this interesting question in order.

How to make foam on coffee? There are many myths surrounding making coffee. One of them is that at home you won’t be able to make coffee that would leave a really lush foam. In fact, anything is possible. And for this you don’t need to buy an expensive coffee machine or have any secret skills. The main thing is your desire, knowledge of some conditions for making coffee and willingness to follow them. We will reveal all the secrets and tell you about the simplest, yet effective ways to create foam. In addition, we will tell you how to make delicious coffee.

The first secret. Choosing the right type of coffee

What do you think determines the quality of foam? How to make coffee with a fluffy head of foam? It turns out that this is not least influenced by the type of coffee itself. You need to take varieties rich in essential oils. That is, the more aromatic the coffee, the more fluffy the foam you can create. This means that you get foam on your coffee if you use the highest quality product. By the way, this is a good way to check how high-quality the coffee you bought is. You just need to grind it and cook it in Turkish style. If you get a really lush and stable foam, then you have been sold fresh coffee of really high quality. The famous Arabica variety is best suited for Turkish coffee with foam. Its grains contain the maximum amount of aromatic essential oils and caffeine. Choose first-grade beans with proper roasting. It is possible that such grains will cost slightly more. But you can make a really tasty and healthy drink from them.

The second secret. Grind the beans right before preparing the drink.

Are you wondering how to make coffee as aromatic, tasty and foamy as possible? To brew truly delicious coffee, it is best to grind the beans right before preparing the drink itself. If you are not ready to do this every time before making coffee, then try to grind the coffee in small portions. It will last you literally for a couple of days. But at the same time, essential oils will not have time to evaporate from it. But they are the ones who give coffee its unique taste and unforgettable amazing aroma. And for foam, it is very important that the maximum concentration of these oils remains in the powder. In fact, it only takes an extra minute to grind the beans. At the same time, the quality of the resulting drink will noticeably increase. But buying already ground coffee is a bad idea. Most of the aromatic oils have already evaporated from it, despite the special tight vacuum packaging.

If for some reason you still buy ground coffee (for example, you don’t have a coffee grinder), then it needs to be stored correctly. Remember that the main enemy of coffee is air. In contact with it, this product quickly oxidizes and loses its quality. Therefore, you need to store ground coffee in an airtight container without access to air. Cover it tightly and store in a dark place with low humidity. A kitchen cabinet or even a refrigerator is best. But you can store coffee in the refrigerator if you use it 1-2 times. Every time you take it out of the cold, the coffee will be subject to changes in temperature and humidity. And this is not very useful for him.

Grind the coffee without leaving any residue. To brew one 100 ml cup, you need to grind a teaspoon of beans. Grind the grains in three batches, 30 seconds each. Allow the grinder to cool slightly in between. This way you will avoid overheating the motor in the coffee grinder.

The third secret. We select a quality Turk

There is nothing strange in the fact that good coffee can only be brewed in a good quality coffee pot. What should it be like? We often do not attach importance to the container in which we brew coffee. At the same time, we shell out a round sum for the highest quality coffee, look for effective recipes and try to make delicious coffee. Believe me, even a professional with many years of experience cannot brew good coffee in an aluminum pot. In fact, it is very important that the Turk has thick walls and has the correct shape with a narrowed neck. Believe me, it is not without reason that the Turk has acquired exactly this form over many centuries. Thanks to the thick walls, the drink in it warms up evenly. At the same time, the coffee powder interacts with boiling water as much as possible and the maximum amount of aromatic and mineral substances gets into the drink. The best option is a copper Turk. It will, of course, cost you more, but you will be able to enjoy a truly tasty and aromatic drink with lush foam.

If you decide to buy a new Turk, be sure to pay attention not only to what material it is made of, but also to the shape itself. In a classic Turk, the diameter of the neck will be significantly smaller than the diameter of the bottom. The secret is that the narrower the Turkish neck, the less beneficial substances will evaporate from the coffee during its preparation. As a result, you will get aromatic coffee with a rich taste and thick foam.

It would seem that what could be easier than choosing a Turkish woman? What's so difficult about this? It has a simple design, and you can find a Turk in any supermarket. But in fact, we practically do not sell really high-quality Turks made of good material, in which all proportions are maintained. Previously, it was even possible to find devices made of aluminum. These cheap Turks can't stand any criticism. Even if they have the required proportions, the material itself is absolutely not suitable for brewing coffee. Scientists have proven that aluminum quickly oxidizes and reacts with products. The oxidation reaction occurs especially actively when the metal comes into contact with various acids contained in products. Do you think there are acids in coffee? Actually there is. Therefore, aluminum is the least suitable for brewing coffee. Metal ions penetrate the drink very quickly and spoil its taste. In addition, the metal enters the body along with the drink, which is not at all safe for it. This type of coffee is especially harmful to the liver, pancreas, and intestines. Over time, metal ions will build up in the body, and you may even experience a metallic taste in your mouth. In general, remember that you should not buy an aluminum Turk. If you already have it, it is better to replace it with a better one. It's better if it's copper.

If you are in Turkey, spare no expense and buy a Turk there. In the homeland of Turkish coffee, it will not be difficult to find a truly high-quality, safe and convenient Turkish coffee. It may cost you a little more than domestic counterparts, but it will last much longer, and you can brew really tasty coffee in it. The drink will be prepared in them as efficiently and quickly as possible, at the correct temperature. In addition, such Turks are beautifully decorated, and you can decorate your kitchen with an interesting exotic attribute.

The fourth secret. The water should be soft and cold

It turns out that soft water is best for making coffee. The tougher it is, the more it will affect the taste and quality of the drink. This is very simple to explain. Hard water contains the maximum concentration of salts. They negatively affect the taste and quality of the drink. Some coffee lovers even prepare their coffee using distilled water. But we do not recommend doing this. There is practically nothing useful left in distilled water. We can say that this water is sterile. It is better to opt for bottled water. If you only use it for making coffee, the water will last a long time. You can also use filtered water.

It is also very important to use cold water initially. This means that it is better to pour coffee not with boiling water or warm water, but with cold water. It has the highest concentration of oxygen, which will help enhance the aroma of the drink during coffee extraction. If you use already heated water, the beneficial substances and essential oils from coffee simply will not have time to fully open up. But they will interact with cold water longer. At the same time, you will get a richer and more aromatic drink.

Secret five. Put sugar not in a cup, but in a cup

Another secret that will help you understand how to make coffee with foam at home. When brewing Turkish or Oriental coffee, it is customary to put sugar directly into the Turk, and not into the cup. This allows it to dissolve as much as possible. Then you won’t need to stir the coffee to dissolve the sugar. If you put sugar in a cup, you will need to stir it. This, firstly, can disrupt the foam, and secondly, it will raise thick matter from the bottom, which will settle unpleasantly in the mouth. If you are brewing coffee for several cups at once, consider the quantity and add more sugar to the drink. Remember that it is not recommended to add sugar to coffee later.

Coffee recipe with lush foam

So, we have listed those secrets that relate to the preparatory stage in making coffee. Now let's move on to the main stage. We offer you a recipe for classic coffee with foam. It will require:
Coffee (preferably freshly ground) – 2 teaspoons
Water (soft) – 200 ml

Please note that you must strictly follow all stages of preparation:

  1. We take the right Turk with a narrow neck and fairly thick walls. It's better if it's copper. Pour soft cold water into it.
  2. Pour the grains that you have just ground into the Turk and mix gently. For this, it is best to use a wooden spoon rather than a metal one. Why? The fact is that metal can leave behind a taste as metal ions enter the liquid. In addition, coffee contains active acids that can interact with metal. But wood is the most organic and neutral material. It will not react with coffee.
  3. We put the Turk on the fire. Let us immediately emphasize that it must be very slow. Make the smallest flame your stove allows. Of course, make sure it doesn't go out. At the same time, it will take more time to prepare the drink, but you will get an excellent result. There is no need to rush when brewing coffee.
  4. Soon you will notice that tiny bubbles appear on the surface of the coffee, which coalesce into foam. If the coffee is of high quality and you follow the secrets of its preparation technology, this foam will be quite dense. Your task now is to catch the moment when it begins to grow. As soon as the foam begins to slowly rise up the narrow neck of the Turka, immediately remove it from the heat.
  5. Now you need to give the coffee time to brew. This step is necessary to allow the thickening to settle a little. Don’t rush to put the Turk back on the fire! Remember that your goal is to brew good coffee, not to brew coffee as quickly as possible. Only when the drink has infused a little and the grounds have sunk to the bottom (3-4 minutes), you need to put it back on the fire (small). In the classic recipe, coffee needs to be brought to almost boiling 2-3 times. This will allow you to extract everything that is in the coffee powder and brew a thick, strong drink with a rich aroma and lush foam. The foam will break through the thick layer and create a beautiful cap.
  6. Take a teaspoon and carefully remove the foam that you so carefully created. Place the foam in a preheated small coffee cup. This is a mandatory element for decorating a cup when making Turkish coffee. In order for the remaining grounds to settle to the bottom of the Turk, simply drop 1-2 drops of cold water into it. This will not spoil the drink, but will only help the heavy particles of coffee powder to settle. Only then do we pour the drink itself into the cup. In order not to disturb the fragile foam, pour the coffee in a very thin stream strictly along the side of the cup. Make sure that the maximum of the grounds remains in the Turk. The classic cooking recipe does not include the use of a strainer. If you add cardamom or cloves to your coffee, be careful not to get them into the cup. Your favorite aromatic drink is ready! This recipe may take you a little longer than usual, but you will immediately notice the difference.

This is a classic recipe that has been used to brew coffee all over the world since the mid-sixteenth century. Of course, in order for you to get a good result, you will need a little more effort and time than you are used to spending on the process of brewing coffee. But the result will please you. You will be able to enjoy coffee that will be no worse than the expensive drink that the professionals in the coffee shop will offer you.

How to get foam from instant coffee

For many, instant coffee has become a good alternative to insoluble coffee. Let’s immediately make a reservation that true connoisseurs of this ancient drink are skeptical about instant coffee. And they have good reason for this. The fact is that instant coffee is obtained by sublimation. At the same time, it is susceptible to high temperatures. In fact, it is brewed and then evaporated under vacuum. Unfortunately, this results in the loss of many beneficial substances and aromatic oils. Such coffee becomes bland and not aromatic, so appropriate flavorings and flavoring additives are added to it during production. It is, of course, easier to prepare a drink from it, but it is significantly inferior to coffee brewed from beans.

Is it possible to get foam from instant coffee? Of course yes. Moreover, it will take much less time than preparing instant coffee. This is a good alternative if you are on the road or at work and do not have a coffee machine. To get foam from instant coffee, you need:

  1. Mix coffee and sugar (to your taste).
  2. Then add a few drops of water (about half a teaspoon) to the mixture.
  3. Now take a teaspoon and use it to whisk the mixture vigorously. You should get the most homogeneous mass, saturated with oxygen. This will take you about 10 minutes. The mixture will lighten as you beat it. You want it to be a nice light brown color. This means that the mixture of coffee and sugar is well saturated with oxygen.
  4. Add well-heated water to the well-beaten mixture, but not boiling water. If you pour boiling water, you simply won’t be able to drink the resulting drink right away. It is possible that while it sits for a while and cools down, some of the foam will subside. The water should be poured in a special way - make sure that it flows continuously along the wall of the cup. Then you will get the most fluffy and stable foam. That's the whole process. Now you can enjoy a delicious drink with fairly thick and stable foam.

As you can see, this option is simpler than the previous one, but you will not get the same drink as from freshly ground beans. By the way, if you are afraid of gaining weight, then coffee is the drink for you. Scientists have determined that 100 grams of coffee without sugar and other additives contains only 2-3 kcal. But, in order not to harm your body, you can drink no more than 2-3 cups per day. The coffee should not be brewed too strong. Give preference to a medium strength drink. It is better to drink it not on an empty stomach, but after a meal. And to better taste the taste and aroma of the magical drink, wash it down with cold water. This will help your receptors experience the full spectrum of the rich taste of this ancient drink in a new way every time.

A little more interesting information about foam

  • It turns out that the color of the foam will directly depend on what type of coffee we brew. Most often it turns out light cream.
  • Have you ever thought about what the foam on coffee is made of? It turns out that it is a mixture of coffee, water and air.
  • The foam performs not only a decorative function. It prevents the coffee from evaporating quickly.
  • To get a really good and stable foam, the water should not boil. The fact is that oxygen quickly evaporates from boiled water. This means that there will simply be nothing to build the foam from, since oxygen is the most important component in its structure. In addition, boiled water significantly loses its taste. It is practically useless, as it contains a minimum of oxygen. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she is simply dead.
  • If you bring the coffee to a boil (and this is strictly forbidden), all the aromatic components will evaporate from it. They, of course, begin to evaporate simply when heated, but boiling is simply destructive for them. At one hundred degrees, the foam will disappear completely, and you will get a tasteless and aromatic drink without a protective foam cap.

So, let's summarize. Creating foam on coffee at home is very simple. The main thing is to take into account all the secrets. Take quality coffee, grind it just before brewing, use soft water and brew the coffee without boiling. You will definitely succeed, and you will be able to enjoy the drink with a thick foamy head.

Coffee is an invigorating drink with which many people start their mornings. But some people like to enjoy not only the aroma and taste, but also the interesting design. For example, an airy, delicate foam will decorate the drink. But to get it, you have to try.

How to make this coffee?

How to make coffee with foam? The simplest and most obvious way is to use a coffee machine. Just select the espresso or cappuccino program, wait a little and enjoy the result.

If you don’t have such a useful device, then you can brew natural coffee, adding delicious foam to it. To do this you will need:

  • Turk;
  • 150 ml of clean water (preferably filtered, bottled or purified);
  • 10-15 g coffee beans;
  • coffee grinder;
  • Coffee cup;
  • wooden spoon.


  1. First, grind the coffee beans, and ideally you should get almost a powder.
  2. Pour water into the Turk, add grains into it. Mix everything, preferably with a wooden spoon or at least a stick, since a metal utensil can negatively affect the taste of the product.
  3. Place the Turk on low heat. Large bubbles will appear first, then the foam will become more airy and begin to rise. At this point, turn off the heat or remove the Turk from the stove.
  4. Let the coffee sit for a while and heat it again until a voluminous foam appears.
  5. Take a cup and heat it with hot water.
  6. Carefully pour coffee into a warm cup to retain the foam.
  7. Serve the drink.

You can do it differently and make the foam more voluminous. To do this, remove the foam formed during the cooking process, but not completely, so that the surface remains closed, otherwise bubbling will begin. Transfer the air mass into some container, preferably warm. When the drink is in the cup, carefully place the prepared foam on top with a warm spoon.

Cooking secrets

To brew the perfect foamy coffee yourself, you need to follow some rules:

  • Much depends on the dishes, that is, on the Turks. It should have a fairly narrow neck, and the narrower it is, the more airy and delicate the foam will be.
  • The quality of the coffee is no less important. You need to use only fresh grains, because they contain a sufficient amount of essential oils, which, firstly, stimulate the formation of small bubbles and, accordingly, airy foam, and secondly, give the drink an unforgettable bright aroma. If the coffee is stale, then some of the oils from it will have time to evaporate. The variety can be almost any; its choice depends only on your personal preferences.
  • At home, it is most convenient to use a gas stove to heat the drink, but it is important to keep the fire at a minimum level, otherwise the coffee will simply boil, bubble, and then you can only dream of foam. If you are using an electric stove, then the degree of heating of the surface should also be minimal.
  • To ensure that the foam retains its shape better and the drink itself acquires a more delicate taste, you can add a small pinch of salt to the Turk during cooking.
  • The water before brewing coffee should be extremely cold so that the heating is gradual and natural. But grains that fall into a hot liquid and undergo such rapid heat treatment can lose most of their essential oils and aroma.
  • You need to grind the grains only immediately before cooking, not earlier, so that they retain all the essential oils they contain.

Milk foam

The foam can be not only coffee, but also milk, this is exactly what is present on the surface of the delicious and so loved by many cappuccino. If you don’t have a coffee machine, then try making a “milk cloud” with your own hands. And it’s simple: just take fairly rich milk (it whips faster and holds its shape better), beat it with a whisk or mixer to get a foamy mass. Carefully move it onto the surface of the coffee poured into the cup.

Preparing milk froth also has several nuances.

  • Firstly, the milk must be preheated, since the cold composition can quickly lose its shape when in contact with hot coffee.
  • Secondly, it will take a long time to beat the product: at first large bubbles will form, but they will not work. Continue whisking until you see a fine foam, which is what will be used.
  • Thirdly, you need to transfer the mass extremely carefully and preferably with a warm spoon, since a cold one can make all your efforts in vain.
  • Fourthly, the milk must be quite fatty, so if the fat content is reduced, you can add a little cream.

Now you can definitely make delicious, correct, aromatic and beautiful coffee with airy foam.

How to make coffee with foam at home without a coffee machine


Ground coffee – 2 tsp.

Sugar – 1 tsp.

Water – 120 ml

Liquid cream or full-fat milk – 200 g

Recipe or how to make coffee with foam at home without a coffee machine

So, first we need to brew black coffee.

To do this, pour coffee into a pot and fill it with water. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat. When the foam settles, put it back on the fire and bring to a boil. We're filming. We repeat this only 3 or 4 times. Cover the finished coffee with a lid to allow the sediment to steep and fall to the bottom. If you are not driving, you can add a couple of teaspoons of skate to the coffee during the infusion period. This will give a special aroma and taste to our cappuccino.

Now you have a choice of two ways to prepare milk foam. Choose milk with a fat content of at least 2.5%. The ideal option would be cream.

First way

Using a mixer

Bring the milk or cream to a boil and beat while hot for 2-3 minutes with a mixer at high speed. You will immediately see how the amount of foam increases.

Now pour the finished black coffee into cups. Take the pan with the frothed milk and gently tilt it. First pour the milk into the cups and then carefully add the foam. Sprinkle ground cinnamon or cocoa on top through a sieve.

Second way

Using a French press

Heat the milk again to a boil. Then pour 2/3 of its volume into a French press. And, holding it well with one hand, we quickly raise and lower the handle of the press. Literally 30 seconds is enough. Pour milk with foam into a cup of coffee. Now pour the remaining milk or cream into the press again, close the French press and quickly beat again. Since there is now less milk, there will be more air inside the flask and the foam will be denser. This foam will be the finishing touch to our home-style cappuccino. Carefully place it on the surface of the drink. Sprinkle a little cinnamon or grated chocolate on top.

Quickly invite your guests to the table and enjoy this divine drink!