
Is it possible to swim in pearls. Tips and rules for storing and cleaning pearls. How not to clean pearls


- a classic that inspires the best designers from around the world. These are incredibly feminine. Coco Chanel argued that pearls are always right and created many captivating images in which numerous strands of snow-white pearls play the main role. Pearls are unlike most gemstones used in jewelry making, they are made from organic ingredients and can lose their original appeal without proper care.

Pearl Facts:

  • natural pearls are afraid of high humidity, as well as dry air;
  • contact of pearls with perfumes, cosmetics, household chemicals should be avoided,do not leave jewelry with pearls under the scorching sun;
  • pearls love to be worn.

Beads that have been in the box for a long time without attention fade. Putting on pearls, you not only decorate yourself, but also give it the necessary moisture, which the decoration receives from the air and when exposed to the skin. But, when creating a hairstyle using varnish, remove pearl beads and earrings, protect them from contact with perfume, deodorant, cream. Despite the fact that pearls give birth to the water element, showering or bathing in pearl jewelry is not recommended.

Overheating can cause pearls to crack. so don't wear your favorite beads on hot sunny days. Cigarette smoke has a negative effect, which contributes to the appearance of a yellowish tint.

Over time, impurities (traces of cosmetics, dust) appear on the surface of the pearls, they should be removed with the help of caring cosmetics, which not only cleanses, but also gives additional radiance.

Care cosmetics:

  • cleaning foam contains components that prevent delamination and drying of the surface, delicately removes dirt, returns the original shine;
  • special wet wipes for care quickly and gently clean pearls without damaging them;
  • the immersion cleaning agent gently cares for jewelry, you just need to place the product in the mesh that comes with the kit and immerse it in a container with a solution;
  • Polishing wipes often come with wet cleansing wipes that can be used to quickly polish pearls.

You can also rinse your favorite piece of jewelry with water, preferably without chlorine, and wipe with a soft cloth, such as corduroy. After that hide the product in the box.

Jewelry with pearls

Artificial pearls are less capricious. But they need to be protected from organic solvents. Sharp objects may scratch the surface of the beads.Following popular advice, you can dilute a little shampoo in warm water and wash dirty pearls. Do not risk cleaning the pearls yourself with various acids, they can ruin the surface of the beads. Caring for pearl beads also involves the replacement of the contaminated thread on which they are strung. Gradually accumulating dirt on the thread can lead to the destruction of pearls from the inside.

Pearls require careful care

Store natural and imitation pearls in a box or linen bag. Plastic bags are not suitable for this. So that the delicate mother-of-pearl shine does not disappear, from time to time take out the jewelry that you do not wear and wipe it with velvet. Of course, not only pearls require attention, but also locks, a noble metal that surrounds a pearl in a ring or earrings. Try not to get the pearl care product on the pearls. The decoration can be washed with a soft brush in a mild solution of baby soap. Treat pearls with care, and in gratitude, they will be a worthy decoration of your image.

Pearls, like nothing else, emphasizes our femininity. But care for him must be timely and competent. I want to tell you about my proven methods that will teach you how to care for an exquisite stone with your own hands.

Precautions: 7 prohibitions

To begin with, it is worth remembering that natural pearls are a very delicate precious jewelry. Before cleaning pearl beads, you need to learn a number of some rules. Simple precautions will help you prevent cracking and delamination, discoloration and deterioration of the stone.

You should not experiment and use cleaning methods that do not have the best effect on the stone, otherwise the mineral will irreparably suffer:

Image Description
Prohibition 1

Do not use hard sponges, graters, brushes.

Prohibition 2

You can not clean pearls with soda or other powdered products - you will scratch the peas.

Prohibition 3

Hydrogen peroxide has a detrimental effect on mother-of-pearl stones.

Prohibition 4
Prohibition 5

Acetic acid corrodes the mother-of-pearl luster of pearls.

Prohibition 6

Do not allow pearl jewelry to be splashed with perfume or toilet water.

Prohibition 7

Hot water will irrevocably ruin pearl peas.

Cleaning pearls at home

Cleaning whimsical pearls at home is easy if you handle them with the utmost care. If you store the mineral correctly, it will only be enough to update it and return it to its experienced gloss.

Method 1: soap solution

To begin with, consider the simplest method - cleaning in a soapy solution. We will need natural shampoo, baby or liquid soap.

Do the following:

  1. Prepare a mild soap solution.
  2. Gently wipe each bead with a swab dipped in soapy water. If you are cleaning a brooch, ring or earrings, dip the items in soapy water for a few minutes.
  3. Gently rub the peas dry, removing soap residue on the surface.

Improvised materials: 3 effective tools

Has your jewelry been attacked not only by dust, but also by other dirt? I am ready to suggest how to clean pearls at home, remove complex stains using improvised means:

Image Recommendations

Method 1. Olive oil

Use fresh high quality oil:

  1. Apply the oil to a cotton pad (just a few drops).
  2. Rub the jewelry carefully.
  3. Remove excess olive oil with a soft paper towel.

Do not use other oils - not only will they not clean the stone, but they will also provide it with an indelible greasy coating.

Method 2. Fine table salt
  1. Take a soft cloth prepared in advance for cleaning pearls.
  2. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on it.
  3. Wrap the decoration in fabric.
  4. Rinse off the salt with warm water until it dissolves.

Do not wash off the salt under a large stream of water - this can harm the structure of the pearls.

  1. Dry the decoration.

Method 3: Potato Starch

My personal experience confirms that it is this remedy that will save pearl beads from even the most stubborn dirt:

  1. Sprinkle the powder onto the prepared soft cloth.
  2. Wrap pearls in it and carefully process each stone.
  3. Rub the beads to shake off any remaining starch.

Jewelry pastes: 2 best remedies

There is also a method for the most persistent pollution in my arsenal. Pearl cleaning will become easier if you have the opportunity to purchase a special jewelry paste:

  1. Apply a small amount to a clean, soft cloth.
  2. Gently rub the peas.
  3. Polish your pearls to a shine.
  4. Wrap in a soft cloth in which to store the beads until the next use.

Before using the product, carefully read the "instruction" section - the active substance of the paste in increased doses can harm pearls.

Image Means

Price: from 180 rubles


  • gently dissolves impurities;
  • returns shine;
  • thanks to the caring components that make up the product, it prolongs the life of pearls and mother-of-pearl;
  • protects beads from drying out and delamination.

Price: from 800 rubles


  • gently cleans the surface of the stone;
  • removes internal impurities of the structure of soft stones;
  • returns the original shine and color depth to the product;
  • completely without residue is washed off after cleaning the pearl jewelry;
  • prevents further tarnishing of peas;
  • works quickly and gently.


If you have not fully figured out how to clean pearl beads at home, watch the video in this article, where a diamond salon consultant clearly presented all the secrets of caring for and cleaning pearls. Your questions and suggestions are waiting in the comments.

A luxurious pearl necklace may fade or turn yellow over time. Jewelry loses its luster and color as a result of improper storage or care. But it is possible to correct the situation. In this case, it is not necessary to carry the products to the jewelry store. It is enough to use home methods. How to whiten pearls?

Cleaning pearls with improvised means

How to whiten pearls at home? To do this, you will need water, liquid soap, shampoo, or another mild product that does not contain abrasive substances. A bath is prepared from these components. Products are lowered into the prepared solution.

Pearls should not be rubbed with brushes and other devices.

It will start to fall apart and fall apart.

If the whiteness has not returned, then take the soap and beat it into foam. With this gentle mousse, treat each bead. At the end of the procedure, rinse all products with clean water. Gently wipe the pearls with a damp cloth. It remains to dry the decorations. To do this, lay out the products on a soft cloth. You can not dry a string of pearls in a suspended state. This method helps to eliminate the yellowness on the stones and restore the luster of mother-of-pearl.

For the second method, you will need finely ground salt and water. Jewelry is placed in a bag made of soft fabric. Salt is then added, 1 teaspoon is enough. The bag is then lowered into the water. You need to dissolve the salt. To do this, move the bag in the liquid. As soon as all the salt is dissolved, take out the beads. No rinsing required, just air dry. You can not rub salt on the pebbles. There will be scratches that will be impossible to get rid of.

Gold ring with diamonds and pearls, SL; (link price) gold earrings with diamonds and pearls, SL; (price link)

The third way to perform is similar to the previous two. Only citric acid is used as a cleaner. If you take a pearl necklace, then be careful with the thread. From exposure to citric acid, it will break off. After cleaning the pearls, replace the old strand.

Gray plaque on jewelry is eliminated with potato starch. Pour it on a soft cloth and wrap it around. It is allowed to rub the beads lightly. The powder will remove dirt and make jewelry white.

How to restore the shine of pearls?

After you get rid of the yellowness, inspect the pearls. Often the beads remain dull, without mother-of-pearl. You can restore the shine of pearl earrings and rings with the help of tools that are at hand:

1. Rub each bead with egg white, rinse with water after 2 hours.

2. Apply olive oil to the cotton. Then wipe each pebble. Other vegetable fats should not be used. Remove any remaining oil with a paper towel.

Home methods do not help if the yellowness has penetrated deep into the pebbles. In this case, resort to a professional procedure - pearl cleaning by a jeweler. Masters process products with hydrochloric acid.

Don't settle for abrasive or ultrasonic cleaning

Such methods are detrimental to natural pearls.

How to prevent darkening of pearls?

The best method for cleaning jewelry is to prevent it from yellowing and tarnishing. To do this, follow these rules:
keep pearls away from sunlight, long-term contact of products with water is not allowed;
periodically take the pearls out of the box and put them on;
gold earrings with pearls, rings or beads;
put on jewelry after 10 minutes. after applying makeup;
do not allow the necklace to stay in a dry or excessively damp room for a long time.

Capriciousness of pearls is explained by organic origin. The pearly coating of the pebbles is grateful to the mollusks, which secrete a special substance. It is not strong enough, prone to destruction. But, there are also positive sides. Pearls are a mineral that is cleaned at home without the use of complex tools and apparatus.

Pearls, like other precious materials of organic origin, are highly sensitive to external stimuli and prone to rapid aging. For this reason, pearls require systematic and rather specific care. Even its storage at home and everyday wear differ in a number of nuances. Do not believe that an artificial product is much more stable.

It is indeed less demanding, but the basic rules apply to it. If you clean or store jewelry without observing the technical specifications, then your favorite pearl earrings or classic beads will quickly lose their original appeal and it will be almost impossible to restore it.

How to take care of natural pearls?

When purchasing jewelry made of natural or artificial pearls, you need to prepare for the fact that they will have to be worn, cleaned, and polished regularly. If you just put the products in a box, they will quickly begin to age and lose their decorative appeal.

  1. Even if you store jewelry correctly and carry out all the necessary manipulations according to the plan, it is the wearing of accessories that will most positively affect the state of the material. Moisture, passing to the organics from the skin, allows you to keep the radiance of the stones.
  2. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the ingress of perfumes, cosmetics and styling products on pearl jewelry. Chemical compounds in their composition will accelerate the destruction of the product.
  3. After each use of the accessory, it is necessary to wipe it from particles of sweat, dust and perfumes with a soft cloth moistened with clean filtered water.
  4. You should not wear beads with pearls in hot and sunny weather. From such exposure, the product may crack.
  5. From staying in a smoky room, the sparkle disappears from the surface of the stones, instead a yellow coating appears.
  6. If pearls are strung on a thread, it must be changed at least once a year. In the process of wearing products, dirt also gets on it, which over time begins to destroy the stone from the inside. Knots should be left between the stones to prevent friction of the elements.

Few people know that it is better to wear pearls on a naked body or very delicate fabrics. When rubbing against a rough cloth or fleecy wool, the wear of the stones occurs faster.

Where and how should pearls be stored?

To properly store pearls, it is not enough to put them in a jewelry box. Sometimes you have to spend a lot of time looking for the best place for capricious products:

  1. The temperature should be average. In the cold, the stones will fade, in the heat they will crack.
  2. It is necessary to fold items with elements of organic origin separately from other decorations. In this case, the lock should be slightly to the side, otherwise it may scratch the surface of the stones.
  3. It is better not to use canvas bags, too much friction is created. It is better to use a spacious box upholstered in velveteen or suede.
  4. Pearls cannot be stored in airtight containers, because of the lack of air, they fade and crumble. Even during transportation, the product should not be placed in polyethylene.
  5. With low humidity in the room, next to the box, you need to put a glass of water, but it is much more efficient to adjust the indicator. At home, it can be not only household appliances, but also home-made devices.

How can you clean pearls yourself?

There are many ways to clean pearls without the help of professionals. At home, this is easiest to do using one of the following methods:

  • Jewelry paste. We apply the mass to a clean, lint-free cloth and rub the beads. Then we take a clean cloth and grind the surfaces to a shine.
  • shampoo solution. We prepare a weak soapy solution, stir it, but do not beat until foam. Soak a cotton pad in the composition and wipe the beads. When working with earrings and rings, it is allowed to soak jewelry in the solution for several minutes. After that, wipe and dry the accessories.
  • Olive oil. We take a cotton pad, drip a few drops of olive oil of the highest degree of purification on it. We wipe the pearls, and then rub them with a paper towel.
  • Potato starch. Fights stubborn dirt. Pour the powder on a piece of velvet, place pearls on it, wrap it. We rub the products until completely clean, remove the remnants of starch.

The processing of pearls in gold and silver is particularly difficult. The main thing here is to prevent the aggressive cleaning agent from getting on the beads. There are very few universal compositions and they are usually used by professionals, so in cases with persistent pollution, it is better to contact a jeweler. Details Here

Pearls have always been considered an attribute of wealth and luxury. Jewelry with these stones is a godsend for women of any age. They are able to complement the image of a young girl, giving it purity and tenderness.

Pearl beads or earrings will add style and chic to the image of a more mature lady. No wonder this gem is so popular. And it is quite logical that many women are interested in how to clean pearls without leaving home.

Storage rules. What is pearl afraid of?

Pearl care is a multi-stage process that includes not only proper cleaning, but careful handling and storage.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that pearls contain only 2% water, and therefore the stone has extremely complex relations with it. Too dry air can lead to the formation of cracks on the surface of the beads, and an excess of moisture leads to clouding of the stones.

No less dangerous for pearls is bright sunlight. Due to long exposure to the sun, stones can lose their luster and radiance, and even turn yellow.

Dust is also harmful to pearls, its particles lead to the appearance of microscopic cracks in the enamel.

As mentioned earlier, pearls are a very finicky stone. Therefore, it is important to follow basic rules for its storage.

  1. Pearl jewelry should be stored separately from other jewelry.
  2. The best place for storage will be a box upholstered in velvet.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the climate in the room where pearl jewelry is stored. The air temperature should not be too low or too high. If the air in the room is too dry, it is recommended to put a glass of water next to the pearl accessories.

Like most luxury items, pearls require delicate handling. The wrong tool can ruin the stone forever.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth remembering that abrasive brushes, scouring powders, aggressive acids and bleaching agents (such as vinegar, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide) should not be used when cleaning pearls. Hot water can also ruin pearl beads.

Pearls are quite wayward stone and require regular cleaning. Below are the main ways to take care of cleaning pearls at home.

1. The best pearl cleaner is specialized jewelry paste. The product must be applied to a soft cloth and gently wipe each bead. Next, the product is polished with a dry, clean, lint-free cloth. The inconvenience of this method is that the paste is not sold in ordinary hardware stores and it is not so easy to find it. The second disadvantage is that this method is not suitable for frequent use. Regular care with this paste will restore the pearls' luster and radiance, but will reduce their lifespan due to the active cleaning agents contained in it.

2. soap solution is a more gentle and unsophisticated way to care for pearls. When cleaning pearl earrings or rings, the product is placed in the solution for several minutes, and then wiped dry.

When working with a pearl thread, each pearl must be wiped with a cotton pad dipped in a solution. The beads are then treated with a clean, damp cloth to remove soap residue.

After such cleaning, it is necessary to leave the jewelry to dry on a horizontal surface, spreading it out on a soft cloth.

3. A similar cleaning method is using a pair of old elastic tights and soapy water. The decoration must be placed in a kind of tights bag and rinsed gently in a bowl of soapy water. This method will remove dirt from the beads themselves, as well as from the silk thread. After removing the pearls, excess moisture must be removed with a clean cloth and left to dry.

Drying pearl beads in a vertical position is not allowed, as this leads to stretching of the thread.

If the methods described above failed to restore the product to its former brilliance, you can try bleaching pearls at home using potato starch. Beads must be wiped with a piece of velvet cloth coated with starch. This will help remove any dirt and excess moisture that harms the pearls.

Although long-term exposure to direct sunlight is detrimental to pearls, sunbathing for several hours can bleach them. This method may require several sessions. It is important not to overexpose the product in the sun and wrap it with a cloth after each procedure.

Over time, a pearl product can not only get dirty, but also fade. To add shine, pearls can be rubbed with olive oil. This is the only oil that will not harm the jewelry. After the procedure, the remnants must be removed with a paper towel.

As you know, things do not get better from frequent washing.

Therefore, we bring to your attention a few tips, which will help to avoid unnecessary cleaning and keep the appearance of pearls for a long time.

  • Put on pearl jewelry last, when makeup and other preparations are finished. The fact is that various chemicals, such as perfume and hairspray, adversely affect the appearance of pearls.
  • For the same reason, when you return home, you need to remove pearls first. At the same time, when removing a necklace or necklace, you should hold on to the metal lock, and not to the stones.
  • Wipe pearls with a damp cotton pad after each use to remove any remaining sebum.
  • Since the pearl thread is also prone to contamination, it is recommended to change it every 1-3 years.

Follow these simple rules and pearl jewelry will delight you for years to come!

Many representatives of the fair sex are wondering: how to properly care for and how to clean pearls at home?

After all, pearl jewelry decorates a woman and makes her irresistible at any time of the year, whether she is at a wedding or on a simple walk. Pearl - a living stone, consisting of organic matter and having a natural origin. Only careful care and proper handling will prolong the life of a precious piece of jewelry.

How and how to clean pearls:

Jewelry care and cleaning:

Pearls should be cleaned with a soft cloth soaked in filtered water. Do not use powder cleaners, brushes, sponges or rough cloths. After an active and fun event, rinse the jewelry in clean water to remove sweat, traces of cream and perfume. Simply dampen a soft cloth with water and gently wipe each bead.

Once a month (provided that you wear pearl jewelry a couple of times a week) you need to do a more thorough cleaning. To do this, use a light soapy solution, with which you also wipe each bead with a cloth. Never use bulk household cleaners, they may contain various substances that can destroy the stone (for example, ammonia found in window cleaners). After the soapy solution, rinse the pearl jewelry under water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

In addition to the stones themselves on the decoration, metal elements must also be cleaned. Do this with products suitable for cleaning this material. If the metal parts are small (for example, a fastener), then you can clean them with cotton swabs.

Wearing contributes to the long charm and preservation of the living body of pearls. Wear jewelry with pleasure and store it in suitable conditions, then it will last a long time.
Some tips for cleaning pearls:
  • Purchase a special cleanser that is designed for pearl stones. Other solutions may damage the appearance of the jewelry.
  • When the stones are tarnishing, a cloth soaked in olive oil will return the pearls to their former brilliance. Gently wipe the stones and the jewelry will look attractive again. Use only olive oil - other oils will kill the stone.
  • If the above methods do not help to clean the pearl, use potato starch, sprinkle it on a soft cloth and lightly wipe the jewelry.
  • If you are unable to bring the jewelry back to normal, then contact a jeweler who will professionally clean it and tell you how to clean pearls and how to clean them.

Pearl storage rules:

  • When leaving home, pearl jewelry should be worn last, that is, after choosing clothes, applying makeup and toilet water. When undressing, take off your pearls first.
  • It is necessary to regularly wipe the pearls after removal from the body. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe pearls. Undyed natural linen fabrics are perfect.
  • When tarnishing stones, you need to use a damp cloth and gently clean the jewelry, then put it on a dry surface.
  • You can prevent the pearls from drying out by using a glass of water placed next to the jewelry.
  • It is necessary to store pearls separately from other jewelry, as metal and stone products harm them. A special box, a silk bag or a velvet box is best suited for storage. Do not store pearls in impermeable, plastic bags - there is a high probability of tarnishing the jewelry.
  • Carefully protect jewelry from chemicals that cause loss of luster. Especially often, pearls tarnish from hairspray, perfume, chlorinated water, and alcohol fumes.
  • It is desirable to wear a pearl jewelry on a nylon or silk thread - both materials are very durable and have sufficient strength. It is necessary to change the thread on which the pearls are strung at least once in a period of one to two years. It is best to use silk thread, which causes less damage to the inner surface and does not absorb foreign substances.
  • You should not swim in the pool and take a shower in pearl jewelry, avoid direct sunlight on the jewelry.

Pearl is a precious stone that is not considered an independent mineral. It consists of 85-90% calcium, 7-10% is organic matter (conchiolin forms the framework of the pearl), and the rest is water.

The value of natural pearls is ensured not only by their rarity and natural origin, but also by the fact that they are not eternal. The stone undergoes gradual decay and has a certain shelf life. Over time, the underlying organic matter dries up, which is expressed in the emerging yellowness on the surface, then in delamination and complete destruction. Since pearls are quite fragile, proper care is very important. To ensure that the products serve you as long as possible, use the tips from this article.

How to store?

Natural minerals are very capricious and whimsical. Despite the fact that it is an organic stone, pearls are quite fragile. It is easily scratched, it may not survive a fall from even a small height or a sharp contact with a harder surface.

But gentle handling includes more than just that.

You need to follow:

  • temperature - high temperatures adversely affect the material;
  • for the purity and humidity of the air - too dry environment will lead to faster decay;
  • in the absence of direct sunlight;
  • avoid contact with chlorinated water, cleaning and hygiene products on the mineral.

Do not forget to take off your jewelry when you go to the pool, sauna, relax on the beach or in nature, especially if you are going to wash the dishes or start cleaning the house. It is better to remove rings, earrings and pendants before going to bed, after removing the traces of wear with a soft, slightly damp cloth.

It is better to put pearls in velvet boxes or caskets, it is desirable that the stones do not come into contact with other, especially harder minerals.

How to clean?

Pearls can be restored to their former brilliance, evenness, refresh the stone.

However, choosing the wrong remedy, which, in your opinion, should restore the jewelry, can be a fatal mistake. We advise you to take the recommendations very carefully and not to improvise using folk methods.

  • The best pearl cleaner is professional jewelry paste. It is applied to a soft cloth without solid particles in the pile. Each bead is wiped separately, even if you have a massive necklace with many balls. Shoe should touch every element. After wiping with the paste, you will need to re-treat each bead, but with a dry, lint-free cloth. The disadvantage of such a professional approach is that it cannot be used too often, otherwise the active ingredients in the composition will adversely affect the pearls.

  • You can quickly and effectively restore shine at home with a soap solution. Fill a small container with water, add fragrance-free soap (liquid or soak solid, one spoonful per liter of water is enough) and dip the products into the solution for a few minutes. After the procedure, remove moisture and soap residue with a soft, lint-free cloth. You can also use cotton pads.

  • You can care for pearls with olive oil. Apply a few drops of oil to a cotton swab and process the pearl. Then remove any remaining oil with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth or a fresh cotton pad.

  • Another way to spice up a piece of jewelry is to use starch. Take a piece of velvet fabric, sprinkle it with a little starch. After that, put the dirty pearl on the cloth and rub the bead gently. The remains of the powder can be removed with a damp cloth or cotton swab, and then you need to wipe the pearls dry.

A separate line in the care of pearl jewelry is a necklace. The difficulty lies in the fact that nylon or silk threads are used to bind natural stones. They are less durable than stones and wear out faster. therefore, care (and it will be mechanical in any case) should be special and divided into two parts:

  1. care of beads;
  2. thread cleaning.

The thread can be washed safely and gently with potato flour. Just leave the product for 24 hours in a container with flour. After the time has passed, remove the decoration and remove the flour with a soft, dry cloth.

Jewelry Care

Now you know how to process a natural stone, but there are also less expensive, but more common artificial pearls, which also require care. Let's see how to do it right.

The artificial version, the so-called Roman beads, is stronger than river or sea pearls, so you can handle it not so reverently, but still correctly. In no case should jewelry be soaked in water with a high temperature, exclude the possibility of getting acids, vinegar and caustic household products.

To make a necklace or ring with artificial stones shine, you can wash the surface with cool tap water and a small amount of baby soap.

Jewelry with precious metals

The rules for wearing and taking care of the correct storage of such sets should apply not only to pearls, but also to the metal that borders the stones. Keep in mind that silver and gold darken over time, and even if the stone itself does not lose its luster, the jewelry as a whole will take on an untidy look and require correction.

When buying specialized cleaning products, it is better to clarify that the composition is not too concentrated, because pastes or powders will not only get on the metal, but also touch the stone. And what works well for one element can destroy another.

Use the most gentle care options, for example, a mild soapy solution, and if you understand that dirt cannot be washed at home, we strongly recommend that you contact a professional.

Energy cleaning

Not everyone takes this type of cleansing seriously, some do not consider such procedures to be necessary, but forewarned is forearmed. Better to be aware, suddenly your opinion will change over time.

Washing your home decorations with soap and water is a simple action that should be taken as a rule. This helps maintain the appearance of the stone. But if this is your favorite ring, earrings or pendant that you wear all the time, in addition to physical, you will also need energy cleaning. If there is a natural stone in the product, it will absorb the energy of the owner, both on good days and on bad ones.

Particular attention should be paid to energy cleansing if the jewelry was given to you as a gift or inherited from another person. There is a belief that, along with a gift, you can get the fate of the person who wore the product before you. Most likely, you will not want to adopt other people's life stories, so below are some examples of how you can clear the aura of a stone.

  • Effective in terms of energy cleansing and safe - Cleaning in whole grains of rice is considered physical. They will not affect the metal, do not damage the stone, do not change its color and structure. Place the product in a small container filled with rice and leave it there for 24 hours. Rice for cleaning can be reused, but you can’t eat it.
  • Some use a non-standard option for getting rid of someone else's or negative energy - sound vibrations. People either read mantras and prayers over the decoration, or record the ringing of church bells. You can relate to such a non-standard method in different ways, but you must admit, you can’t help but notice a pleasant lightness in your soul when you hear loud bells ringing.

Pearls, like other precious materials of organic origin, are highly sensitive to external stimuli and prone to rapid aging. For this reason, pearls require systematic and rather specific care. Even its storage at home and everyday wear differ in a number of nuances. Do not believe that an artificial product is much more stable.

It is indeed less demanding, but the basic rules apply to it. If you clean or store jewelry without observing the technical specifications, then your favorite pearl earrings or classic beads will quickly lose their original appeal and it will be almost impossible to restore it.

How to take care of natural pearls?

When purchasing jewelry made of natural or artificial pearls, you need to prepare for the fact that they will have to be worn, cleaned, and polished regularly. If you just put the products in a box, they will quickly begin to age and lose their decorative appeal.

  1. Even if you store jewelry correctly and carry out all the necessary manipulations according to the plan, it is the wearing of accessories that will most positively affect the state of the material. Moisture, passing to the organics from the skin, allows you to keep the radiance of the stones.
  2. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the ingress of perfumes, cosmetics and styling products on pearl jewelry. Chemical compounds in their composition will accelerate the destruction of the product.
  3. After each use of the accessory, it is necessary to wipe it from particles of sweat, dust and perfumes with a soft cloth moistened with clean filtered water.
  4. You should not wear beads with pearls in hot and sunny weather. From such exposure, the product may crack.
  5. From staying in a smoky room, the sparkle disappears from the surface of the stones, instead a yellow coating appears.
  6. If pearls are strung on a thread, it must be changed at least once a year. In the process of wearing products, dirt also gets on it, which over time begins to destroy the stone from the inside. Knots should be left between the stones to prevent friction of the elements.

Few people know that it is better to wear pearls on a naked body or very delicate fabrics. When rubbing against a rough cloth or fleecy wool, the wear of the stones occurs faster.

Where and how should pearls be stored?

To properly store pearls, it is not enough to put them in a jewelry box. Sometimes you have to spend a lot of time looking for the best place for capricious products:

  1. The temperature should be average. In the cold, the stones will fade, in the heat they will crack.
  2. It is necessary to fold items with elements of organic origin separately from other decorations. In this case, the lock should be slightly to the side, otherwise it may scratch the surface of the stones.
  3. It is better not to use canvas bags, too much friction is created. It is better to use a spacious box upholstered in velveteen or suede.
  4. Pearls cannot be stored in airtight containers, because of the lack of air, they fade and crumble. Even during transportation, the product should not be placed in polyethylene.
  5. With low humidity in the room, next to the box, you need to put a glass of water, but it is much more efficient to adjust the indicator. At home, it can be not only household appliances, but also home-made devices.

How can you clean pearls yourself?

There are many ways to clean pearls without the help of professionals. At home, this is easiest to do using one of the following methods:

  • Jewelry paste. We apply the mass to a clean, lint-free cloth and rub the beads. Then we take a clean cloth and grind the surfaces to a shine.
  • shampoo solution. We prepare a weak soapy solution, stir it, but do not beat until foam. Soak a cotton pad in the composition and wipe the beads. When working with earrings and rings, it is allowed to soak jewelry in the solution for several minutes. After that, wipe and dry the accessories.
  • Olive oil. We take a cotton pad, drip a few drops of olive oil of the highest degree of purification on it. We wipe the pearls, and then rub them with a paper towel.
  • Potato starch. Fights stubborn dirt. Pour the powder on a piece of velvet, place pearls on it, wrap it. We rub the products until completely clean, remove the remnants of starch.

The processing of pearls in gold and silver is particularly difficult. The main thing here is to prevent the aggressive cleaning agent from getting on the beads. There are very few universal compositions and they are usually used by professionals, therefore, in cases with persistent contamination, it is better to contact a jeweler.

Jewelry made from natural pearls has always been popular. They look unusually elegant and expensive. Natural pearls are a stone that requires proper wearing and storage.

Pearl jewelry is a must. If a woman keeps beads or a bracelet made of this stone in a box for a long time, they may lose their luster and attractiveness.

The surface of pearls fades from exposure to bright sunlight and sea salt. That is why it is not recommended to wear jewelry on hot days, as well as on the beach, in the pool.

Pearl beads, earrings, bracelets are quite expensive if they are made of natural stone. All of them are not designed to be worn around the clock. They need to be worn out. In this case, you should first fully dress, comb your hair, apply makeup, and only then complement your image with pearl beads or a bracelet. The surface of pearls fades from exposure to cream, perfume. It is worth avoiding contact with the skin, which has just been applied to any cosmetic product.

Pearl jewelry should be stored in separate boxes. The surface of natural stones is very easy to scratch, so it is best to pack bracelets, necklaces, earrings in cases made of soft fabrics such as velvet, natural silk. Under no circumstances should jewelry be placed in a plastic bag. From lack of moisture, the surface of the stones fades.

When stored in a room with sufficiently dry air, you should periodically place a glass of water next to the jewelry. This will help prevent dehydration of natural stones.

How to care for pearls

After each wear, wipe the surface of the jewelry with a slightly damp flannel cloth. Rinse them periodically with clean water. No detergents can be used for this.

To remove strong dirt, you can put the jewelry on a piece of natural fabric, put a teaspoon of salt on it, fold the fabric in the form of a bag and lower it into a glass of filtered water. Tap water cannot be used in this case, as it contains chlorine and other impurities. After the salt has dissolved, you can remove the jewelry from the water, wipe it with a soft cloth and put it in the box.

At least once a year, you need to change the thread on which the pearls are strung. It accumulates sebum and other impurities that can penetrate inside the stones. Natural silk is perfect as a material for making a thread.