
Friendship_feit. Essay on the thematic direction Friendship and enmity


Friendship test (based on the novel "Two Captains" by V. Kaverin)

Sanya Grigoriev ends up in an orphanage. There he meets two boys - Misha Romashov and Valya Zhukov. Sanya made friends with them, and the boys wasted no time.

Valya Zhukov was "a lazy boy with many plans." He was interested in everything. He wanted to study to be a lion tamer, firefighting.

“At the bakery, he wanted to be a baker; he left the theater with the firm intention of becoming an actor. " Valka took part in the performances of the theatrical circle. But most of all he was interested in animals. That is why he became a member of the experimental biology laboratory at the zoo, where he studied rodents and snakes. He could talk about his pets endlessly, even during the defense of Eugene Onegin.

Valka is generous. Unlike Chamomile, he disinterestedly lends his things and money to Sanya. When Sanya goes with Katya to the theater, Valya lends her shirt to a friend. And Chamomile gives his tie on bail. When Sanya goes to Ensk for Katya, Valka gives him all her savings.

Valka is afraid of Camomile, and he takes advantage of it. Chamomile tells Valya about her dastardly deeds. Romashov reports to Nikolai Antonovich about everything that happens at the school, especially about Korablev. Then Camomile takes the word from Vali that he will not tell anyone about this. But when they wanted to kick Sanya out of school, Valka overcomes her fear and tells the truth.

After leaving school, fate scatters friends. Sanya enters a flight school in Leningrad, and Valka remains in Moscow.

The meeting of friends takes place in the Arctic. Sanya is a polar pilot, and Valya is a senior scientist. They are happy to meet, remember the orphanage, their teachers and classmates.

Valya met a close friend of Katya Tatarinova Kira. Then Kira became his wife. Valya and Kira were friends of Sani and Katya.

During the war, Valka became professor Valentin Nikolayevich Zhukov, received the rank of captain and worked in the Military Sanitary Directorate. He, like Katya, believed that Sanya was alive and would return. When Katya was looking for Sanya, she first of all came to Valya and settled in his apartment. And Sanya, in search of Katya, also comes to Valya. He was the closest and dearest person for them.

Veniamin Kaverin in his novel wants to show friendship between people using the example of Sanya and Valka. This friendship goes through trials, separation, difficulties and joys.

Direction "Friendship and enmity" of the final essay 2016-2017 on literature: examples, samples, analysis of works

Examples of writing essays on literature in the direction of "Friendship and enmity". Statistics are provided for each essay. Some essays are for school, and it is not recommended to use them as ready-made samples in the final essay.

These works can be used to prepare for the final essay. They are designed in order to form the students' understanding of the full or partial disclosure of the topic of the final essay. We recommend using them as an additional source of ideas when forming your own understanding of the disclosure of the topic.

Probably, each of us thought about what a real friend should be. And whatever the outcome of our reflections, we all agree that true friendship can only be called relationships full of sincerity, trust, emotional closeness, willingness to help in difficult times ... He who has found such a loyal comrade in the person of another person and he himself corresponds to the high rank of a friend, he can safely call himself a lucky one.

But, unfortunately, the one or the one who was called our friends is not always them. Opening our innermost thoughts or extending a helping hand to another person, we always take risks, since "someone else's soul is darkness." And the enemy, skillfully hiding under a friendly guise, is, of course, the most dangerous, because he knows a lot about you.

Russian writers more than once turned to plots where yesterday's friend turned out to be the most terrible enemy, causing the hero to suffer. Let's recall "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin. The insidious Shvabrin, who at first seemed to Peter Grinev as a friend, more than once commits meanness towards a young nobleman. Alexey Ivanovich, having slandered Masha Mironova, forces Grinev to defend the honor of the girl in a duel. But even in a duel, Shvabrin behaves far from noble. Taking advantage of the fact that Peter was distracted for a second by Savelich hurrying to them, he inflicts a serious wound on Grinev. Throughout the entire work, we see how Shvabrin, who recently pretended to be a friend not only of Peter, but also of the Mironov family, easily renounces them, from the honor of the nobility, from the empress ...

In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" we get acquainted with another character who only simulates a friendly disposition. Pechorin is unable to be a friend, but in order to play with human destinies, he pretends to be an attentive comrade of Grushnitsky, and also passionately in love with Princess Mary. Having convinced the naive young man that the girl is in love with him, Grigory Alexandrovich weaves a web of intrigues, into which the inexperienced Mary, who fell in love with Pechorin, as well as the narcissistic Grushnitsky, stung by the princess's cooling to him because of Grigory Alexandrovich, falls into it. To dispel the boredom, Pechorin becomes the director of a bloody performance, the denouement of which will be the broken heart of a young girl and the death of the unfortunate Grushnitsky, who really loved Mary ... Lermontov understood well what the meanness of an imaginary friend was and left his descendants with a transcription of the wise lines of Abdurrahman Jami:

What do you want to hide from enemies
Friends shouldn't tell.

Yes, an enemy is a very dangerous person, but an enemy who has put on a friend's mask is a hundred times worse. Faced with such a hypocrite who ruined his life, a person can stop trusting people and remain lonely for many years and decades. But still, no matter how great the risk of being betrayed, the happiness of having sincere friends is much greater.

(387 words)

Material N.A. Zubovoy

"A friend is known in trouble" is the saying of the popular wisdom, but I do not quite agree with it. A true friend is known not only in trouble, but also in joy. And this has been proven by many writers.
In the novel by Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin "Two Captains" he shows us two friends Sasha Grigoriev and Misha Romashov. Their friendship ends in an instant, since Misha could not calmly look at the close relationship between Katya Tatarinova and Sashka Grigoriev, because Romashka himself was in love with her. Misha is capable of betraying his friend, during the war he left the wounded Sasha to die.

This shows that Romashov did not need friends at all, and whether he was able to fall in love with such a person. After all, people like Misha are not able to help a person in difficult times, and you cannot share joy with him.

And Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his epic novel “War and Peace” shows us real friendship on the example of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov.

Pierre is trying to help Andrei cope with the loss of his wife and condolences to him. And when Bolkonsky falls in love with Natasha, Bezukhov sincerely rejoices in the happiness of his friend. These episodes show Pierre's relationship to friendship; he values ​​his friendship with Andrei. Pierre Bezukhov is ready to sacrifice his happiness for his friend. This can be seen because he zealously tries to reconcile Andrei with Natasha, although he himself is in love with her. Only a true friend is able to come to the rescue in difficult times, he does not know how to envy and hurt his close friend. Only death can share such friends.
Thus, a friend can be called a real one if he helps in grief and rejoices with you in joy.

(252 words)

When talking about important people in our life, we often arrange them in this order - parents, close relatives, friends, acquaintances. Parents and relatives are not chosen, acquaintances are not allowed too deeply into life. And only a true friend is a person whose relationship is based on reciprocity, benevolence, sincerity and sympathy. This is how it happens - two strangers meet and, under certain conditions, become irreplaceable for each other.

Life is incomplete without friendship. But only if we are talking about real friendship - not empty communication, using each other for personal gain. On the contrary, it does not bring us anything good. Why do you need a friend who is with you only because he has nothing else to do, and he will easily disappear for a long time, without even warning? Or a friend who says one thing to you, and gossips about you with your back? Or someone who only communicates with you when he needs something? Or an envious person? Do such “friends” make life full?

And best of all, the true essence of friendship, as for me, is revealed in the fairy tale "The Little Prince" by A. de Saint-Exupery. There, in a conversation between the Fox and the Little Prince, it is said that in order to become close, you need to get to know each other. You need to let a person into your heart, thoughts, life. And enter it yourself. This is trust, and it is it that is sacred. And this is real happiness - to be frank with someone and to know that you will be accepted and not betrayed. And this is a necessity in the life of each of us.

(318 words)

"In the house of human happiness, friendship brings down walls, and love forms a dome." In these words K. Prutkov figuratively defined role of friendship in human relations. Nowadays, when time runs extremely fast, when the rhythm of life acquires a frantic pace, when there is not enough time for communication, and television often replaces it, how to understand what real friendship is? Isn't this relationship confused with superficial companionship, which is based on community of affairs and rest? Friendship ennobles life, it was appreciated and exalted by the thinkers of antiquity. Friendship, according to Aristotle, is the most necessary for life: after all, no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all other riches.

Then he explained: “Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful - we glorify the one who loves his friends, has many friends - this is wonderful, and some even think that being a good person and a friend is one and the same. Friendship in Ukrainian culture is highly appreciated. Revealing the great power of friendship, Grigory Skovoroda quotes Plutarch's words: “Friendship, accompanying life, not only adds joy and charm to its bright sides, but also reduces suffering, and God, adding friendship to life, made everything joyful, pleasant and sweet when a friend is next to you and is comforted with you. And no matter how the flatterer forges disaster, using pleasures and pleasures, one must know that he does not bring anything joyful into friendship. " Frying pan taught to be careful in choosing friends. Of course, time makes its own adjustments, but concepts such as friendship, love will always remain the highest values.

They represent some kind of mysterious process that cannot be programmed, they fill life with the joy of communication, mutual understanding, and emotionally enrich it. In psychology, the concept of "friendship" is defined as persistent personality-selective interpersonal relationships, which characterize the mutual benevolence of their participants, mutual expectations of the corresponding feelings and the return of advantage. The development of friendship involves adherence to its unwritten "code", which affirms the need for mutual understanding, frankness and sincerity. It provides for gullibility, active mutual assistance, mutual interest in the affairs and experiences of another, sincerity and disinterestedness of feelings.

Serious violations of the "code of friendship" lead to its termination, or to superficial friendships, or even to the transformation of friendship into its opposite - hostility. Friendship reaches its greatest intensity in adolescence and early adulthood, when the exceptional importance of relationships with friends, the highest frequency of meetings and the greatest amount of time spent together are noted. At the same time, relationships between friends are filled with deep emotional content and often persist throughout life. Friendship is sometimes a kind of psychotherapy. She allows you to express innermost feelings that overwhelm a person, and find support from those who share her thoughts.

Friends are of great importance to me. These are the most dear people after their parents.

With them, I can always be frank. Together with my friends, I find a solution to any problem faster, it is easier to do any work with them, to spend my free time more joyfully. I value my friends, I try not to quarrel with them and help them whenever the need arises. So, in fact, as the proverb says, a man without friends is like a tree without roots.

(467 words)

Friendship and enmity - these antipodes are more and more common in the 21st century. Friendship is a relationship based on trust, mutual help and support. And enmity is the opposition to friendship. People do not value each other, friendship between each other. Having quarreled, you can never return friendship. To prove my reasoning, I want to turn to examples from fiction.

Alexander Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" tells about two comrades - Onegin and Lensky. Their friendship was so strong, but the enmity allowed this friendship to be destroyed. At Tatyana Larina's birthday party, Eugene Onegin invited Lensky's beloved Olga Larina to dance. It was from Eugene’s side, as it were, in revenge. But this revenge greatly offended Lensky, after which he invited Eugene to a duel. The duel ended with the very tragic death of Lensky. At first, Eugene did not want to kill Lensky, but he also did not want to look like a coward in society. After the death of Lensky, Yevgeny simply did not understand the meaning of life, because he had lost a loved one.

Also, as proof of my thoughts, I can cite the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time", where the main characters are Pechorin and Grushnitsky. Grushnitsky slandered his friend Pechorin, because he considered himself a leader, assuming that the two of them had no place. After all this vile slander, Pechorin challenged Grushnitsky to a duel. He believed that he had nothing else to do except her. In Grushnitsky's shallow soul, magnanimity did not awaken. And he shot an unarmed man. Fortunately, the bullet only scratched the opponent's knee. Contempt and anger seized Pechorin at the thought that this man could kill him with such ease.

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Friendship test (based on the novel "Two Captains" by V. Kaverin)

Sanya Grigoriev ends up in an orphanage. There he meets two boys - Misha Romashov and Valya Zhukov. Sanya made friends with them, and the boys wasted no time.

Valya Zhukov was "a lazy boy with many plans." He was interested in everything. He wanted to study to be a lion tamer, firefighting.

“At the bakery, he wanted to be a baker; he left the theater with the firm intention of becoming an actor. " Valka took part in the performances of the theatrical circle. But most of all he was interested in animals. That is why he became a member of the experimental biology laboratory at the zoo, where he studied rodents and snakes. He could talk about his pets endlessly, even during the defense of Eugene Onegin.

Valka is generous. Unlike Chamomile, he disinterestedly lends his things and money to Sanya. When Sanya goes with Katya to the theater, Valya lends her shirt to a friend. And Chamomile gives his tie on bail. When Sanya goes to Ensk for Katya, Valka gives him all her savings.

Valka is afraid of Camomile, and he takes advantage of it. Chamomile tells Valya about her dastardly deeds. Romashov reports to Nikolai Antonovich about everything that happens at the school, especially about Korablev. Then Camomile takes the word from Vali that he will not tell anyone about this. But when they wanted to kick Sanya out of school, Valka overcomes her fear and tells the truth.

After leaving school, fate scatters friends. Sanya enters a flight school in Leningrad, and Valka remains in Moscow.

The meeting of friends takes place in the Arctic. Sanya is a polar pilot, and Valya is a senior scientist. They are happy to meet, remember the orphanage, their teachers and classmates.

Valya met a close friend of Katya Tatarinova Kira. Then Kira became his wife. Valya and Kira were friends of Sani and Katya.

During the war, Valka became professor Valentin Nikolayevich Zhukov, received the rank of captain and worked in the Military Sanitary Directorate. He, like Katya, believed that Sanya was alive and would return. When Katya was looking for Sanya, she first of all came to Valya and settled in his apartment. And Sanya, in search of Katya, also comes to Valya. He was the closest and dearest person for them.

Veniamin Kaverin in his novel wants to show friendship between people using the example of Sanya and Valka. This friendship goes through trials, separation, difficulties and joys.

Other works on the topic:

It is safe to speak about the real discovery of the author of the story "The battalions are asking for fire": the wartime in the life of the captain appeared here not as a line of biography, but as the beginning of the fate of an entire generation. Hence such a keen interest in ethical issues, the desire to reveal the moral sources of heroism, to highlight the good and the bad in a person.

The action of this work by A. Lindgren takes place in a small Swedish town. At the Villa "Chicken" lives alone, without adults, nine-year-old Pippi, a strong girl. A horse and a monkey live with her. Her mother died, and her father - a captain and also a strong man - was once washed off the deck by a wave, and he ended up on the island of fun, where he became the Negro king.

The meaning of the spiritual searches of the heroes in the novel "War and Peace" is that the heroes are capable of spiritual evolution, which, according to Tolstoy, is a more important criterion for the moral assessment of a person. The heroes are looking for the meaning of life, spiritual connections with other people, personal happiness. Tolstoy shows this process in dialectical contradiction (disappointment, the search for happiness and its loss).

(based on the novel by Jules Verne "Fifteen Years Captain") The ancient philosopher Virgil said: "Fate helps the brave ...". An example of this is Jules Verne's novel The Fifteen Years Captain.

The novels of J. Verne belong to the works that are usually called adventure. In such works, there are many unexpected events, sudden turns in the plot, the driving force of which is the adventure.

Pechorin's attitude to the world and his own personality (based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time") Author: Lermontov M.Yu. In the preface to the novel, Lermontov described the protagonist as follows: "This is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development." The author wanted to show "a modern man as he understands him, and to him and your misfortune, he met too often."

Does a person have the right to crime? (based on the novel by FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment") Author: Dostoevsky FM The protagonist of the novel "Crime and Punishment" is Radion Raskolnikov. He is a young man, a poor student. He writes a strange theory, and later, following this theory, kills the old woman and her sister Lizaveta.

Review of the novel by R. Sabatini "The Odyssey of Captain Blood" Author: Sabatini R. Once I read the book by Raphael Sabatini "The Odyssey of Captain Blood." This is a novel with a gripping and life-like plot.

The similarities of the characters of Captain Tatarinov and Sani Grigoriev (based on the novel by V. Kaverin "Two Captains") Author: Kaverin V. Roman Kaverin "Two Captains" is a book about strong and courageous people, about two captains who fought and searched gave up. Their names were captain Tatarinov and captain Grigoriev

Grinev and Shvabrin (based on the novel by AS Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter") Author: Pushkin AS Pyotr Andreich Grinev and Alexei Ivanych Shvabrin collided for the first time while serving in the Belgorod Fortress. Grinev was assigned there at the behest of the priest, since "Petrusha was seventeen years old." Shvabrin, "for the fifth year already, was transferred for murder."


Author: Tolstoy L.N. ... There was no need to fight. L. Tolstoy The lives and fates of the heroes of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy's novel War and Peace are closely connected with the history of Russia. Through the eyes of the protagonists of the novel, we see the reviews of the troops, military councils, the exploits of soldiers on the battlefields, we hear the orders of the commanders-in-chief; we see the wounded and the killed, the torment and suffering of people, victories and defeats.

In the novel "Two Captains" by Veniamin Kaverin, we have stories of two main characters - Sani Grigoriev and Captain Tatarinov. Sanka's whole life is connected with the feat of the brave captain, since childhood he is equal to the brave explorer of the North and in adulthood finds the expedition "St. Mary", fulfilling his duty to the memory of Ivan Lvovich.

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Tatiana and Olga Larins (based on the novel by A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin") Author: Pushkin A.S. In the work of A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" tells about two completely different maidens - Tatiana and Olga.

My attitude towards Bazarov (based on the novel by I. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons") Author: Turgenev I.S. The Kirsanovs, especially Pavel Petrovich, disliked Bazarov from the first meeting. He did not like his manner of speech, clothing, behavior. There was always a conflict between them, ranging from simple things to the problems of society.

Composition-miniature based on the novel "Crime and Punishment" Author: Dostoevsky F.M. Roman F.I. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" is a work dedicated to the history of how long and hard the human soul went through suffering and mistakes to comprehend the truth. Raskolnikov's crime is ignoring Christian commandments, and a person who, in his pride, was able to transgress them, according to religious concepts, is capable of anything.

Don Quixote and Quixote (based on the novel by M. Cervantes "Don Quixote")

The image of Pechorin (based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time") Author: Lermontov M.Yu. “The hero of our time, my dear sirs, is like a portrait, but not of one person: this is a portrait made up of the vices of our generation, in their full development. In Pechorin's diary we find his sincere confession, in which he reveals all his actions and deeds. "

Author: Turgenev I.S. Pavel Petrovich lives with feelings - this means that he perceives the world not as Bazarov, but exactly the opposite. Therefore, his "collision" with Bazarov has a very important role in the novel as a whole. A huge role! And we have to find out - which one? It is for this and not why others need a clear and clearly defined image of Pavel Petrovich! In simple words, this means that I have set myself the task not to reveal the image, but to find out its meaning.

History written to the novel "The Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris" by V. Hugo, an analysis of the image of the carnival in its plot and the peculiarities of the behavior of the protagonists. "Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God" as a butt of vicritta and condemnation of efforts of feudal-middle-aged nadbudov.

General and distinctive features of the main characters of the novel "Two Captains" by V. Kaverin. Childhood difficulties of Alexander Grigoriev and Ivan Tatarinov, their formation as purposeful individuals. Their similarities are in their ability to deeply feel for women and the Motherland.

Fedorov, Nikolai Stepanovich Nikolai Stepanovich Fedorov (1745-1796) - rear admiral, commander of the Astrakhan port and the Caspian flotilla. Was born in 1745.

Johan (Johann, Ivan) Kok (Fin. Johan Kock, June 4, 1861, Helsingfors - April 13, 1915, Michigan, USA) is a Finnish revolutionary. Biography After graduating from military school, he served as an officer in the 8th Vyborg Finnish Rifle Battalion. In 1896 he retired with the rank of captain. He was a member of the Finnish Social Democratic Party.

Maksim Grigorievich Shigaev (1736 - January 10, 1775), - Yaik Cossack, participant in the uprisings of 1772 and the Peasant War of 1773-1775 under the leadership of E.I. Pugacheva.

Tie Grigory Andreevich Kalmykov (1717-1773) - captain of the Stavropol garrison battalion. He was in military service since 1738, a participant in the Seven Years War. In 1763 he received the rank of captain. From that time he served in the garrisons of the Orenburg province.

Born on April 6 (19), 1902 in Pskov in the family of a military musician, bandmaster of the regiment. In 1912-1918 he studied at the Pskov gymnasium. In 1919 he arrived in Moscow, graduated from high school and entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University.

Kaverin Veniamin Aleksandrovich (1902 - 1989), prose writer. Born on April 6 (19 NS) in Pskov in the family of a musician. In 1912 he entered the Pskov gymnasium.

One of the programmatic works on Russian literature is the novel "Two Captains" by Veniamin Kaverin. It is studied in high school. Children read the story of Sanka Grigoriev's life avidly, both boys and girls. Indeed, in the novel there is a place for love, and heroism, and friendship, and patriotism ... He is able to teach a lot of modern children. We bring to your attention the essay "Two Captains", written by a 7th grade student.

I love reading about war and heroic deeds. But I especially liked the novel by Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains". Several months have passed since I read it, and the characters still do not leave my thoughts. This novel made me think about a lot ...

Each of us wants to be happy. And everyone has a purpose. Someone wants to have a lot of money, someone wants to become famous, someone to make a great discovery…. And everyone goes to the dream in their own way. Honest or dishonest, difficult or easy.

The main character of the work of Kaverin Sanka Grigoriev also had a goal. As a child, he found letters from Captain Tatarinov, who went missing with his expedition somewhere in the North Pole. For many years no one knew what really happened, and relatives suffered - after all, they could not even bury their loved ones. And, probably, they hoped a little that they were alive. And now the boy Sanka, having read these letters, decided that he would definitely find out the truth and tell everyone about it.

All his youth, and all his youth, Grigoriev devoted to this goal. In everything and everywhere he was looking for a solution to the terrible secret, and yet he found it! It turned out that Tatarinov still died. And it happened through the fault of Nikolai Antonovich, who deliberately slipped Tatarinov and his team useless equipment. This act shocked Sanka. He shook me too, because Nikolai Antonovich was Tatarinov's cousin. How could he act so mean and cruel ?! Even the fact that this man loved the captain's wife and was jealous of her does not at all justify him.

Having learned the truth, the main character immediately told her wife Tatarinov Maria Vasilievna and their daughter Katya. But this truth made the relatives of the deceased captain even worse. Captain Tatarinov's widow could not stand the news and committed suicide, and Katya blamed Sanka for everything. Probably, by this the author wanted to show us that you always need to think before doing something, because you can hurt someone. Therefore, you need to be more careful in your actions. And Sanka loves Katya, and suffers from the fact that she turned away from him.

But Grigoriev does not take offense at her and does not take revenge. The author shows us him as a very noble and honest man, besides brave and with great willpower. Sanka bravely fights against the Nazis, defending the Motherland. He is a pilot, and often asks to perform tasks that others would be afraid to take. The protagonist of the novel constantly jokes with death, takes risks and wins!

But his friend, Romashov, is not that at all ... He also loves Katya, and is angry with Sanka. He only pretends to be his faithful friend, but in fact hatches plans for revenge. And when Grigoriev was wounded, Romashka left him to his fate. I consider this behavior not at all masculine, as well as the behavior of Nikolai Antonovich. Love is one thing, but male friendship is another. These people have no honor, they are not worthy of respect.

At the end of the novel, good wins. The whole country learned about the death of Tatarinov's expedition and who was to blame for it. Vile Nikolai Antonovich was expelled from science. He was punished according to his merits, although I believe that it would have been possible to punish him even harder.

Sanka Grigoriev married Katya Tatarinova and she waited for him. She worthily endured all the hardships and sufferings for the sake of their great love. Everything worked out for the protagonist - and it's not casual.

Veniamin Kaverin in his novel wanted to show us that we need to set a goal for ourselves and resolutely move towards it, without fear of anything. But only you cannot choose a vile road, you cannot betray and expose other people, especially friends. Evil will definitely be punished, and good will triumph. This is what happened in the novel. Captain Grigoriev won. He achieved his goal, exposed the villain and received happiness as a reward. This hero is the one from whom I want to take an example. It seems to me that in our times there are very few such people. Therefore, we are asked to read The Two Captains, so that we learn good and become better.

I suggest selected for discussion my materials to the fifth direction of the final essay - "Friendship and enmity".

“The direction aims at reasoning about the value of human friendship, about ways to achieve mutual understanding between individuals, their communities and even entire nations, as well as about the origins and consequences of enmity between them.

The content of many literary works is associated with the warmth of human relations or the hostility of people, with the development of friendship into enmity, or vice versa, with the image of a person who is or is not able to value friendship, who knows how to overcome conflicts or sows enmity. "

I tried to present this direction from different angles. So far I have got five of them. I picked up quotes in accordance with them (sayings of the greats, proverbs). I think that some of them can be presented as the titles of the themes of the compositions, some can be taken as an epigraph.

Friendship is a great strength

  • The tree is kept by the roots, and the man is his friends. (Proverb)
  • A man without friends is like a falcon without wings. (Proverb)
  • To drag out my days without a friend is the worst of troubles.
    The soul is worthy of pity, which has no friend.
    Nizami (Persian poet)

And you need to be able to be friends

  • "You can't shake hands with clenched fists." Indira Gandhi
  • “One should know the measure in everything, everywhere. It is necessary to know the measure in friendship and enmity. " Saadi
  • "Abuse of friendship is discord with wisdom." Shota Rustaveli
  • "Friendship ends where mistrust begins." Seneca

A friend is known in misfortune

  • "A good friend should appear for fun when called, and when a friend is in distress, come without a call." Democritus (ancient Greek philosopher)
  • "Do not avoid a friend in distress." Menander (ancient Greek playwright, comedian)
  • "At the height of greatness, do not forget that your friend is in trouble." Friedrich Schiller (German poet)
  • I knew my friend in joy, do not leave me in sorrow (proverb).

Sometimes there is only a step between friendship and enmity ...

  • AND e ruses are ours, and enemies are our own creations.
  • "Our disposition and enmity always depend on ourselves." Bhasa (one of the first ancient Indian playwrights, III-IV centuries)
  • "Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends." Lyon Feuchtwanger (German writer)
  • There are no stronger friends than former enemies, there are no worse enemies than former friends (folk wisdom)
  • "Of all enemies, the most dangerous is the enemy who pretends to be a friend." Shota Rustaveli (12th century Georgian poet)
  • What is sweeter than halva? Friendship after enmity. (Arabic proverb)
  • "Enemies can be defeated by making them friends." Salvador Dali (Spanish painter)
  • "The best way to recognize and destroy an enemy is to become his friend." Paulo Coelho
  • It is not difficult to unearth the ax of war - it is more difficult to light the pipe of peace (Indian wisdom).
  • “Whoever became friends with you in order to gain benefits is not your reliable friend, but your most terrible enemy.” Abu Shukur (10th century Persian-Tajik poet)
  • "I could not understand those people who darken the wonderful life on earth, which is given to everyone for a short time, with unnecessary hostility, with vain anger." Rasul Gamzatov
  • "A cowardly friend is more terrible than an enemy, for you fear the enemy, but you rely on a friend." L.N. Tolstoy.
  • Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy. (Russian proverb)
  • A frowning friend is better than a smiling enemy. ( English proverb)

"Lessons" of enemies

  • “If I had not had enemies, I would not have become what I have become. But, thank God, there were enough enemies. " Salvador Dali
  • "I love smart enemies." Salvador Dali
  • "An adversary who reveals your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them." Leonardo da Vinci
  • "Everyone in the world is my allies, and I open my arms to my enemies, so that they strengthen me and elevate me." A. de Saint-Exupery. "Citadel".

    The first thing that naturally comes to mind is "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy is a novel, as they say, for all occasions.

    "The Little Prince" A. de Saint-Exupery.

    « A conversation about a friend "A. de Saint-Exupery.

    "The Avenger" by V. Soloukhin.

    "The Tale of Friendship and Dislike" by the Strugatskys ...


    Know, my friend, the price of enmity and friendship
    And do not sin in a hasty judgment.
    Anger at a friend, maybe instant,
    Do not rush to pour out.

    Maybe your friend hurried himself
    And he offended you by chance.
    A friend was guilty and obeyed -
    Do not remember him a sin.

    People, we age and decay
    And over the course of our years and days
    It's easier for us to lose our friends
    Finding them is much more difficult.

    If a faithful horse, injuring his leg,
    Suddenly stumbled, and then again,
    Don't blame him - blame the road
    And do not rush to change the horse.

    People, I ask you, for God's sake,
    Do not be shy about your kindness.
    There are not so many friends on earth:
    Be wary of losing your friends.

    I adhered to some rules,
    Seeing evil in weakness.
    How many friends have I left in my life,
    How many friends have left me.

    After that there was a lot of things.
    And it used to be on steep paths
    How I repented, how I lacked
    To me my lost friends!

    And now I yearn to see you all,
    Who once loved me
    I have not forgiven once
    Or who have not forgiven me.

    Rasul Gamzatov

    I am rich in enemies and friends,
    Therefore, enmity is not a problem,
    But the trouble is that it is strong and loud,
    And the fighting feud was swept away.
    And naive friendship is ready
    I wish both money and fame,
    But she is timid, ticklish and loves
    Silently compassionate me, sigh.
    And I really don't know which is better -
    Is this friendship or this enmity?
    Involuntarily, jealous of the strength,
    I am proud of enemies sometimes.

    Yakov Polonsky

    Friendship has its own laws ...

    Friendship has its own laws

    And enmity has its own law, -

    The enemy can become a friend

    And a friend is an enemy.

    Such is the eternal circle of life,

    There is no more evil enemy than a former friend.

    Genrikh Akulov


    My boy, hurting
    what do the enemies care about?
    So that you do not crawl out unfinished,
    their fists ran into them.