
Lemon can lighten your hair. Rules for lightening hair with lemon. Benefits and effects on hair

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The fair sex, striving for beauty and perfection, resort to experiments in their appearance, including hair color. Blondes have always had a reputation for being very gentle and sweet creatures, especially liked by men. That is why many people use artificial lightening of hair with various chemical and natural substances. The technique of lightening hair using lemon has been known since ancient times. This method not only allows you to change and refresh the shade of the hair, but also has an extremely beneficial effect on maintaining their health and strengthening the structure. In addition, this is the most budgetary way of clarification.

Why is lemon good for hair?

Lemon is one of the first lines in the ranking of useful products, so it has found wide application in the beauty industry. Lemon is rich in vitamins - primarily group C, and ascorbic acid, as well as essential oils that reduce hair loss, nourish and strengthen the structure, fight dandruff, give shine and give a brightening effect. Lemon can be used both in the form of juice, and as part of hair masks, in the form of an essential oil. However, when using fresh lemon, it is important to remember that it dries the hair, so it is necessary to use components with a fat content - oils, sour cream. Best complements the effect of lemon.

Peach oil, produced from peach pits by pressing, has such unique properties as:

  • Contains a large amount of vitamins, including beauty vitamin B15 and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Excellent antioxidant
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • Tones the scalp
  • Has bactericidal properties.

Lightening hair with lemon: recipe (universal)

Before bleaching your hair with lemon, it is important to learn how to use it properly. The technology of traditional lemon hair lightening is quite simple. To prepare a clarifier, the juice of two lemons is diluted with 1 liter of water. The prepared lemon solution is applied to washed hair. After the procedure, the hair must be dried naturally - without using a hair dryer. To lighten light brown and blond hair, a solution of 1-2 tablespoons of lemon per 1 liter of water is suitable. This solution is considered the safest and is suitable for daily use. In addition, rinsing with lemon water will get rid of dandruff and make hair more shiny. To enhance the effect, you can add chamomile decoction to the recipe. The lemon solution has a more gentle effect on the hair, as it partially destroys the hair pigment, and not completely, as hydrogen peroxide and ammonia contained in chemical dyes do. After a while, the natural pigment is restored, but the hair does not become greasy so quickly and does not dry out.

Lightening hair with lemon in the sun

To lighten hair with lemon, apply lemon juice to unwashed hair for 20 minutes. and go outside so that direct sunlight hits your head. After that, the hair is washed with cold water and regular shampoo. The lightening effect is achieved due to the penetration of citric acid into the hair shaft and the destruction of the pigment. Lemon is a natural brightener that is gentle on hair. Therefore, you should not hope that lemon juice will turn any brunette into a platinum blonde. It is able to lighten blond hair by 2 tones and make chestnut hair lighter by one tone. For those who have blond hair, the effect will be noticeable after 1-2 applications. And for brunettes, the procedure should be repeated at least 3 times. Since undiluted lemon juice tends to dry out hair, you should use it with extreme caution and do not use it too often - no more than once a week.

Also, don't leave lemon on your hair overnight. After the procedure, the hair needs nourishment with masks and balms. For masks, peach hair oil is best. , which moisturizes and saturates with vitamins. Where to buy this tool? Peach oil, like any other essential oil, can be purchased at pharmacies and cosmetics stores. The price varies at various outlets from 23 to 500 rubles.

This method is suitable for brunettes, as concentrated lemon juice will lighten hair by one or two tones. It is recommended to use lightening only on healthy hair.

Lightening hair with lemon and vodka

For owners of oily hair, such a recipe for a lemon solution is suitable, to which vodka is added in a 1: 1 ratio. This technique allows not only to lighten the hair, but also normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. After applying the mixture, the head must be wrapped with a towel and left for 20 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can go out into the sun with your head uncovered. You should refrain from using this recipe with those who have damaged, dry and split ends, as the concentrated mixture can dry out the hair. Rinse off the solution with cool water to prevent overdrying of the curls. It is not recommended to use lemon lightening on hair that has previously been dyed with a chemical composition, as the effect may be unpredictable.

Highlighting hair with lemon

For highlighting, freshly squeezed lemon juice is used. Before applying the procedure, it is necessary to release a few strands of hair and completely moisten them with lemon, leave the solution for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water and shampoo, which will neutralize the effect of citric acid. The application of this method is comparable to salon California highlights with the effect of slightly burnt hair in the sun. It is strongly not recommended to apply undiluted juice to all hair, as the effect may be comparable to the effect of a chemical brightener, and you can also get a scalp burn. After clarification, it is recommended to use masks, essential oils.

Lightening hair with lemon and honey

To prepare the recipe, you will need freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey, which are mixed in equal proportions. The amount of the mask must be calculated according to the length of the hair. The solution must be applied to wet curls and left for 10-12 hours. After that, the mask is washed off with regular shampoo without using a balm. Honey allows you to soften the effect of citric acid and additionally saturates the hair with useful vitamins and minerals. This method is recommended for dry hair.

You can evaluate the effectiveness of the described hair lightening techniques using solutions and masks with lemon juice in the before and after photos. Thus, the use of lemon as a clarifying agent proves its effectiveness. Thanks to a variety of techniques, everyone will be able to choose the best recipe for themselves in accordance with the color and type of hair. Lemon is able to replace salon hair coloring and at the same time not only save money, but also allow you to achieve a lightening effect without harming your hair.

Lemon juice not only brightens hair, but also gives them a dazzling shine, and also saturates them with useful elements. The technology of such lightening is quite simple: freshly squeezed lemon juice is applied to unwashed hair and exposed to the sun for 20–30 minutes, after which they wash their hair with cool water and shampoo. The lightening effect is achieved due to citric acid, which, penetrating into the hair shaft, partially destroys its pigment. But do not expect that in one procedure the brown-haired woman will become a platinum blonde: this will not happen. Lemon juice lightens gently: with this natural brightener, light blond strands will brighten by 1-2 shades, and dark hair will acquire a reddish-copper sheen. And the result will not be visible immediately.

For owners of blond hair, 1-2 procedures are usually enough, and for brown-haired women and brunettes, it is recommended to lighten hair with lemon juice 3-5 times.

Given that pure lemon juice dries out hair, this natural bleach should be used with caution. You shouldn't abuse it. In addition, after lightening hair with lemon juice, you need to make moisturizing and nourishing masks, as well as use balms and conditioners. Lemon juice is ideal for lightening healthy and oily hair, but it is not recommended to use it if the hair is dry, damaged and brittle. In addition, you can not lighten hair with lemon juice that was previously dyed with chemical dyes: the color can turn out to be the most unpredictable.

How to make lemon hair bleach

To prepare a "paint" for hair, squeeze the juice of 2 lemons and mix it with a liter of water. Rinse the hair with this solution after washing, and then allow the hair to dry naturally.

In addition, a mixture consisting of freshly squeezed lemon juice and vodka (1: 1 ratio) is used to lighten hair. This composition is applied to the strands, left for 27-30 minutes and washed off with cool water.

In no case should you wash off the lemon juice with hot water: this will dry out the hair.

Lemon mask for oily hair type

To prepare this healing composition, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup boiling water
  • ½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 3 art. l. chopped burdock root
  • 3 art. l. minced calamus root

All these components are mixed, after which the mixture is infused for 6–7 hours in a warm, shaded place. This remedy is recommended to be rubbed into the scalp: this procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. And if the mixture (2–3 tsp) is diluted with water (1–1.5 l) and the hair is rinsed with the resulting solution after washing, they will acquire a light shade.

Homemade conditioner for lightening blond and light brown hair

You will need the following components:

  • ½ liter apple cider vinegar
  • 4 lemons
  • 30 g minced rhubarb root
  • 20 g dry chamomile flowers
  • 20 g calendula flowers
  • 50 g acacia honey
  • 50 ml 95% alcohol

Juice is squeezed out of lemons. The pulp and peel are crushed in a blender, after which the resulting gruel is mixed with chopped rhubarb root and apple cider vinegar, bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 7–10 minutes. Then half of the lemon juice is added, as well as calendula and chamomile flowers, cover the container with a lid and cook for another 3-5 minutes. After the dishes are removed from the heat and the mixture is left to infuse for another 17-20 minutes. The cooled product is filtered, enriched with honey, alcohol and the remaining lemon juice. The cosmetic mixture prepared according to this recipe is diluted with water (1 tablespoon of “cocktail” per 1 liter of water) and rinsed with hair.

Funds from the folk arsenal are always in high demand among girls, as everyone wants to preserve the beauty and health of their curls, without the use of harmful chemical brighteners. Lemon juice gives good results in lightening hair, so many girls use it in practice at home.

Lemon hair lightening treatment

  • Lemon juice has the ability to dry out hair. Therefore, after applying it, you should use a moisturizing shampoo, as well as conditioner.
  • The main component begins to work actively under the influence of the sun.
  • After clarification with lemon juice, you should not visit the pool. Exposure to bleach will give the hair a greenish tint.
  • It is not allowed to carry out more than one lightening procedure per day, as the curls may acquire an undesirable copper tint.
  • Lime juice can be an alternative to lemon.

To achieve the desired effect, lemon can be used in several powerful ways.

Recipes for masks for lightening hair with lemon

  1. Lemon and vodka. In equal proportions, mix freshly squeezed juice with vodka. Apply the finished mixture to the hair, or individual strands (for the purpose of highlighting). The solution should not come into contact with the skin. After application, go out into direct sunlight to enhance the effect, but not more than half an hour. Rinse your hair with a moisturizing balm.
    It is worth remembering that citric acid is quite aggressive, and can disrupt the condition of the hair. You need to apply lemon juice with extreme caution to protect the curls from damage and dryness. Be sure to additionally use moisturizing and nourishing masks.
  2. Lemon and honey. Combine lemon juice (half of the fruit) with a spoonful of olive oil, and honey (4 tbsp. L). Stir, and let it brew for half an hour, in a warm place. Do not use a metal container to avoid oxidation! Distribute the finished mask evenly on clean and dry hair. Put on a plastic bag and wrap it in a towel. Withstand 30 minutes. Apply this mask once a week.
  3. Lemon and chamomile. Such a brightening mask is able to give the hair a golden hue, and make them more elastic. It is necessary to take chamomile (25 grams), and brew it with boiling water (250 ml). Half an hour to insist. Next strain. Add lemon juice (half of the fruit), as well as liquid honey (4 tbsp. L). Apply the finished composition to the strands. Keep 3 hours.
  4. Lemon and kefir. This mask is perfect for those with oily hair. Combine 1/4 cup of fatty kefir with one beaten egg. Add cognac (2.5 tablespoons), lemon juice (1.5 tablespoons), 5 ml of shampoo and a couple of drops of rosemary oil. It is good to saturate each strand with the mixture. This mask is best done at night, and do not wash off until morning.
  5. Lemon and cinnamon. To make your hair lighter by a couple of tones, you need to prepare the following mask: combine cinnamon (enough 3 tbsp. L) with cold-pressed olive oil (6 tbsp. L). To a thick mixture, add a nourishing conditioner (60 ml), and lemon juice (2 tbsp. L). Apply the prepared mixture to the strands. Hold the mask for at least three hours.

If you're looking for a natural way to lighten your hair without nasty chemicals or an expensive trip to the salon, then you can lighten your hair with the lemon you probably have in your kitchen. the process is long, as the lemon lightens the hair slowly, but even if your roots grow back, they will not look unnatural.

Lightening hair with lemon can be used by both blondes and girls with dark hair, this method is suitable for everyone. Compared to chemical dyes, this method of lightening hair is relatively safe. Learn more about the consequences below.

In fact, the use of lemon juice to lighten hair is not a new invention; rather, it is an age-old custom that people have been using for many years. Blondes use lemon juice to keep their blonde hair color all year long. Girls with dark hair use lemon hair lightening to make their hair red or reddish.

Lemon juice contains an acid that lightens the pigment in the hair, dark layers disappear and shine appears. Exposure to sunlight further enhances the effect and speeds up the hair lightening process.

Lemon Hair Lightening: Recipes

For normal hair:

- 1/4 cup warm water

For dry hair

- 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 4 lemons)

- 1/4 cup conditioner

Lightening hair with lemon: Instructions

1. Squeeze juice from a lemon. If the lemon is hard, you can tap it on a hard surface. Continue pounding the lemon until it becomes soft, then it will be easier to squeeze. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice.

2. Pour lemon juice into a spray bottle and add water

Lightening hair with lemon It is best to use a spray to apply lemon juice to hair.

3. For dry hair, mix lemon juice and hair conditioner. Lemon can dry out hair, so hair conditioner is essential. Mix the mixture in a small bowl and set aside for 15 minutes.

4. Apply sunscreen to your skin. When you apply the lightening mixture to your hair, you will need to be in the sun for 2 hours, so the cream is necessary to protect the skin from burns.

5. Apply the mixture to your hair

- For complete coverage of all hair, use a spray to spray the clarifying mixture onto the hair

- If you want to lighten individual strands of hair, it is better to use cotton balls.

- If you use a mixture with a conditioner, it is best to apply it with a coloring brush. When using a conditioner, it will be very difficult to separate individual strands.

6. Find a comfortable spot in the sun. In direct sunlight, you will need to sit for about 2 hours to notice color changes.

Lightening hair with lemon The sun should hit the hair

7. Reapply lemon juice after 90 minutes. Continue sitting in the sun for another 30 minutes. If you do not have enough time to sit outside so much, re-lightening your hair with lemon can be postponed until the next day.

8. Wash your hair as usual

9. Apply conditioner to your hair

10. Don't expect instant results. Color will continue to lighten in 2-4 weeks

Lightening hair with lemon: How to change the natural hair color

Dark Brown Hair: Light Brown or Dusky Beige

– Light brown hair: Golden Blonde

– Dark Blonde Hair: Light Blonde

– Dark Red Hair: Dark Blonde

– Light Red Hair: Dark Blonde / Blond

- Black hair: will not change color much.

- Lemon juice dries out hair, so after every hair wash, use conditioner to moisturize your hair!

Be sure to stand in the sun after applying lemon juice. Blow-drying your hair does not activate the lightening process because lemon juice is not activated by heat; it is activated by UV rays.

- Works best in the summer when the sun is more active!

- You can also use lime juice if you don't have lemon juice on hand. It has about the same concentration of citric acid as lemon juice.

- Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to lemon juice to nourish your hair.

- When bleaching your hair with lemon, make sure it doesn't get in your eyes as it will bake!

- If you do not have a spray, you can blot the resulting lemon juice with a paper towel and apply it to your hair.

- For a mild bleaching effect, you can rinse your hair with a mixture of lemon juice and chamomile

- Do not use bottled lemon juice

- Do not use lemon juice on hair that has been previously dyed with chemical dyes and has been in contact with chlorine, as this can damage the hair and make you unhappy with the color (green)

- Protect your skin with sunscreen when you go out in the sun

Lightening hair with lemon: Warnings

- Avoid going to the pool immediately after applying lemon juice. You don't want your hair to turn green.

- It's hard to say how lightening hair with lemon can affect dark hair. You may notice a minimal effect, or your hair may take on an orange tint. In order to find out the possible outcome, try to lighten only a small strand of hair at the back of your head.

- Lightening hair with lemon juice is unpredictable. You can't be sure what shade you'll get.

- You can not carry out more than one lightening procedure per day, the hair may acquire a copper tint.

- The method is not effective enough for dark brown and black hair

Don't do this too often as the sun can seriously damage your skin. Watch your tan, it's easier to prevent sunburn than to treat..

Lightening Hair with Lemon: Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does lemon juice damage hair?

Yes, but minimal compared to chemical paints. Do not forget that lemon is a natural product that does not contain chemicals. After lightening with lemon, the hair becomes dry, but after applying the conditioner, the dryness disappears.

2. Brown hair after lightening with lemon takes on a copper tint.

Yes, if you do it too often. You can lighten your hair no more than 5 times, then everything will be in order, and the hair will not acquire a copper tint.

3. Will lemon juice lighten my hair permanently?

Yes, areas that lighten up probably won't go back to their original color.

4. Is it possible to lighten dyed hair with lemon

No, sorry! Lightens only your natural hair color. But if you really want to, try it on a small strand of hair and see the result. If it satisfies you, then feel free to start lightening your hair with lemon.

Lightening hair with lemon: Before and after photos

Other Hair Lightening Methods

You can use these methods in combination with lemon for better results.

1. Try lightening your hair with Siberian Cassia. Cassia is a plant that contains a faint golden or light yellow dye. It is known as "colorless henna" and will give your hair golden hues.

2. Use chamomile tea to lighten your hair. Chamomile tea works best on light brown or blonde hair, and can be applied to hair like lemon juice, or with lemon juice.

3. Use hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair. It may not be "natural", but it really works. Read more here

To radically lighten hair, aggressive chemical compounds are often used. Their effect on the hair can hardly be called harmless - regular coloring makes the curls dry, lifeless and dull.

An alternative to factory-made bleaching dyes can be an ordinary lemon - this natural, inexpensive remedy will help make your hair not only lighter, but also give it strength, elasticity and shine.

Useful properties of lemon in cosmetology

The benefits of lemon for hair and scalp are undeniable - after all, citrus is rich in minerals and. Useful components are contained in the juice, and in the pulp, and in the skin of the plant - these are vitamins B, C, P, A, minerals - potassium, iron, copper, zinc.

Such a valuable favorably affects the beauty and health of the strands:

  • eliminates and serves as a prevention of its occurrence;
  • eliminates skin diseases due to the bactericidal effect;
  • reduces the skin;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • accelerates by stimulating blood circulation;
  • has a brightening effect on curls;
  • gives hair shine and extra density;
  • prevents breakage and split ends;
  • used for hair restoration as a conditioner.

Features of lightening hair with lemon

Lemon can make hair lighter, but you should not expect cardinal results from using a natural remedy. For significant results, lemon mixtures should be used regularly and separate courses that last several weeks. But after a single use of lemon, you can see that the hair has become lighter by one tone.

The lightening effect is most intense on light blond hair - if desired, lightening can be achieved. for 3-4 shades. Brunettes should not rely on lemon - the maximum that can really be achieved is a light golden or reddish tint on the hair.

For a noticeable result, a few drops of lemon juice can be added to your regular shampoo. This will gradually lighten the strands.

There are many folk recipes for hair in which lemon is the leading or additional ingredient. It is used to prepare nourishing and moisturizing masks, sprays and conditioners.

Lightening with lemon juice

This is a classic method that gives good results. For the procedure you will need:

  • freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • glass or ceramic container;
  • brush for applying the composition, spray gun or cotton pad;
  • hair conditioner or warm water.

The amount of juice depends on the length of the curls - 50 ml is enough for short hair, 2 times more for medium hair, 3-4 times more for long hair.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Place lemon juice in a bowl, add water or conditioner in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  2. Apply the mixture to your hair. If water is used in the composition, the resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed over the entire length of the hair, except for the roots. If the mixture is made on the basis, it should be applied with a cotton pad or a wide brush for staining.
  3. Immediately go outside with your head uncovered or stand under the sun's rays by the window. This is necessary so that citric acid reacts with ultraviolet light, so the effect will be more pronounced. The exposure time is 1 hour.
  4. Wash off the product with plenty of warm water, very carefully washing out the smallest particles of lemon. After washing, apply a mask or balm to the hair and dry it naturally.

The tool can be used to lighten hair completely or applied to individual strands - this way you can achieve a light effect of highlighting or coloring.

Lemon essential oil for hair

Lemon oil is used in cosmetology to remove hair after lightening with paints or to make the natural hair color a couple of tones lighter.

Applying a lemon extract is very simple - for this, add oil to your favorite balm or mask at the rate of 4-5 drops per 10 ml of base. Lemon oil in combination with a hair mask gives the best result - you need to keep this remedy for about 30 minutes. The balm-based composition is kept for 10-12 minutes.

Lemon hair mask

At home, you can prepare a mask with kefir. Kefir, due to its acid content, enhances the brightening effect of citrus. In addition, the composition of the mask has a nourishing effect on the hair and scalp, gives the curls softness and shine, makes them supple.


  • - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • - 1 piece;
  • cognac and shampoo - 30 ml each.


  1. Beat the egg until foam appears, add kefir.
  2. Add lemon juice, shampoo and cognac to the resulting mixture, mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Apply the product to clean, damp hair with a brush or sponge.
  4. Warm your head by putting on a plastic cap and wrapping it with a thick towel.

The mask can be left to “work” all night, or it can be washed off an hour after application with warm water using a balm suitable for the type of hair.

Lemon and chamomile

Chamomile has not only brightening, but also anti-inflammatory effect, gives an interesting golden hue to blond hair.

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Prepare a water bath and leave the composition to languish in it for about 25 minutes.
  3. Strain the resulting solution.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil - olive or sunflower, as well as the juice of one lemon.
  5. With a brush, apply the mask to damp hair along the entire length.
  6. After 50 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.

Products with the addition of lemon should not be used very often to avoid drying out the strands.

For dry hair, a single weekly application is optimal, owners of oily hair types can use lemon formulations twice a week.

If a girl or woman wants to make small changes to the image without a radical change in hair color, then lightening with lemon is a great choice. This useful budget tool is safe and accessible to everyone.