
When does the belly appear in the second pregnancy? How long does the belly become noticeable? In the second pregnancy, the belly grows faster.


Women who carried and gave birth to one child will each time catch themselves thinking that “it was not so in the last pregnancy”, or try to deduce the dependence of the duration of toxicosis, the beginning of the first movements, and so on, based on their first experience.

But are there really such patterns? Or is every pregnancy as unique as every child of the same mother?

It should be noted that for doctors you will be considered multiparous and it will seem to you that less attention will be paid to you during this pregnancy during observation. However, this is not entirely true, it’s just that you will now be an experienced and understanding mommy for them, thoughtful and versed in what is happening.

There are many myths and well-founded medical phenomena that arise during a second pregnancy. Let's consider them:

The first pregnancy is more emotional

This is so, since new sensations and new changes in your body are always monitored more carefully and emotionally accepted more vividly. Next time, you already know what to expect, so there will be no such surge of experiences.

If in the first pregnancy the mother is alone with her feelings and sensations, then in the second a large share of her attention is taken by the first child. Sometimes there is no time and energy to track some small changes and react to them.

It does not mean at all that the expectation of the second child does not bring the same joy, it is just that the attitude towards pregnancy and motherhood in general becomes more mature and conscious.

Second pregnancy is easier

Over the years, we grow up, the body also does not become younger and healthier, so there is no need to say that pregnancy will be easier. With age, the likelihood of edema, varicose veins, "jumping" pressure and other unsympathetic things is higher. If the difference between babies is 2-4 years old, then according to doctors, there should not be much difference, but if the difference between children is greater, then the risk of various diseases is higher.

Toxicosis and heartburn during pregnancy

Such unpleasant phenomena defy any ordering. The duration and severity of toxicosis depends on the amount of the hormone progesterone, which will be released during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. It is necessary, therefore, it is impossible to "neutralize" toxicosis, it can only be reduced in various ways for a while.

As for heartburn, the position of the child inside plays an important role here, which also cannot be predicted or changed. But, as a rule, the tummy in the second pregnancy is located lower, putting less pressure on the stomach, which reduces the movement of acid up the esophagus. Therefore, we can say that heartburn with some probability will be less disturbing during the second pregnancy.

Stirring, activity of the child

Due to the fact that the walls of the uterus after the first birth became more elastic, the first movements of the crumbs begin to be felt 2-3 weeks earlier than in the first pregnancy.

As for the activity of the child, then this is a matter of the temperament and character of your baby. There is no point in comparing here. But the sensations from these movements will be exactly different. For example, the first child can "poke around", swing the stomach in different directions, and the second child move, as if causing a wave inside.

Belly size

Due to the peculiarity of the elasticity of the uterus, described in the previous paragraph, the tummy becomes noticeable earlier in the second pregnancy. And, as already mentioned, in the second pregnancy, the belly is located lower, which makes it mandatory to wear a bandage already for short periods, from 23-25 ​​weeks.

The peculiarities include the fact that in primiparous, the belly sinks before childbirth in a few weeks. On this basis, one can judge the approach of a meeting. But in women with repeated pregnancy there is no such tendency, the stomach may or may not go down at all (imperceptible to the eyes), but it may go down only 2 days before childbirth. In other words, it is impossible to navigate during the second pregnancy on this basis about the approach of childbirth.

Due date

During the second pregnancy, the sensitivity of the uterus to hormonal changes is high, which can cause labor 1-2 weeks earlier. It should be remembered that the normal delivery time is 38-42 weeks.

Duration of labor

Since the body already has experience and is familiar with the upcoming processes, it is easier and easier to perform its function. It has been established that the duration of the labor process in multiparous women is much shorter. So, in a primiparous woman, it lasts 14-18 hours, at the birth of a second child, it decreases to 4-12 hours.

The intensity of uterine dilatation in the second case is much higher. This helps to speed up, but, unfortunately, does not alleviate painful sensations.

Contraction of the uterus after childbirth

After such a serious and important work, the uterus needs to come to a relatively normal state. Contractions are especially active during breastfeeding. At the first birth, this process is palpable, but not very painful. However, after the second birth, these sensations can cause much more pain.

In case of particularly acute sensations, it is necessary to contact the obstetrician on duty in the maternity hospital, he will help relieve pain medically and safely for the newborn.

Each organism is individual and at different stages of life it can be either less prepared for pregnancy, or vice versa, full of energy. It is not for nothing that it is recommended to start preparing for pregnancy 2-3 months before its expected onset - to drink vitamins, lead a healthy lifestyle and have a certain frequency of sexual activity. With these factors, we try to improve the wonderful waiting time of the baby and make him healthy.

The difference between pregnancies can be both striking and completely imperceptible. A difficult first pregnancy or childbirth does not mean the same second and vice versa.

Let the waiting time for the birth of a baby bring you only joyful and pleasant emotions!

To find out when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy, gynecologists advise to study the features of the course of this process.

At the same time, studies have proven that the growth of the abdomen during the second pregnancy is individual in nature.

To determine the exact time, an ultrasound scan is prescribed. With the help of this diagnosis, a specialist can identify current deviations from the norm.

Medical indications

To find out when the belly grows during the second pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid and the rate of its increase are taken into account. Some pregnant women note that the second pregnancy is less problematic than the first.

At what time during the second pregnancy does the belly begin to grow? Most often, this phenomenon is observed for 6 weeks. In some women, the abdomen is visible after 10 weeks in the position.

Why do some women in a position quickly grow a belly? This may be due to overeating, which negatively affects the formation of the fetus.

Therefore, at any stage of the second pregnancy, it is necessary to have a full and healthy diet.

Gynecologists advise not to burden the body. The process in question can proceed quickly against the background of an accelerated metabolism, which increases gas formation, contributing to the appearance of a relief abdomen.

Another reason why the second pregnancy is accompanied by a rapid growth of the abdomen is associated with the weight gain of the fetus by 500 grams more than during the first pregnancy.

Scientists have proven that uterine enlargement is an individual factor for every woman in position. This takes into account what conception has come in the account. For the first pregnancy, different forms of the tummy are characteristic. However, it becomes noticeable at 5 months.

The period when the belly begins to grow in the second pregnancy comes at an early stage. This is due to the elasticity of the muscles located in the peritoneal region.

This phenomenon contributes to the rapid appearance of roundness in the uterus.

Before finding out at what stage of the second pregnancy the belly begins to grow faster, the physiology of each woman is studied separately. Particular attention is paid to the structure of the pelvic bones.

If they are wide, when is the belly visible? In this case, pregnancy is visible later than with a narrow pelvis.

Regardless of the above factors, the fetus is not noticeable until 10 weeks. Then the belly begins to grow faster.

When is the most active increase in the uterus observed? In the second pregnancy, this period falls on 13-20 weeks.

Scientists have concluded that the abdomen begins to grow due to the stretching of the uterus. In the second pregnancy, it is already stretched, which contributes to the appearance of a rounded tummy.

Since during the first pregnancy, the abdominal wall loses its elasticity, therefore, during the second conception, more space for the fetus appears in the uterus.

When is the fact of pregnancy easier to tolerate? Some women in position are ashamed of their "new image". This affects their psychological state.

To overcome it, the woman begins to eat more and more often. In this case, the belly begins to grow even faster. Taking into account this factor, gynecologists came to the conclusion that the second pregnancy in such patients is easier than the first.

Provoking factors

Scientists have identified factors that affect the course of the first, second and subsequent pregnancies:

  • fetal size - when a child has a large physique, the belly grows rapidly during pregnancy. The size of the fetus can be found on an ultrasound;
  • the size of the uterus - before conception, the weight of the uterus is 100 grams. After conception and at the end of pregnancy, the value of this parameter reaches 1200 grams;
  • the volume of amniotic fluid - against the background of an increase in this indicator, the belly begins to grow.

Scientists have proven that some of the changes associated with the birth of the first child are permanent and irreversible. These factors have a direct impact on the course of the second pregnancy.

Gynecologists distinguish two patterns against which it becomes clear how the belly grows in the second pregnancy:

  • the average period when a second pregnancy is noticeable falls on a month earlier than at the first conception. This is due to the enlargement of the uterus after the primary birth. At the same time, an already stretched organ is not able to return to its original size. This condition is considered normal. If a woman in a position has a lean physique, when does a belly begin to appear in a second pregnancy? This phenomenon is noticeable at 12 weeks;
  • position of the uterus - gynecologists say that the uterus itself during the first pregnancy becomes lower than its primary position. This phenomenon is associated with a strong stretching of the ligaments of the muscles not only of the abdomen, but also of the pelvic floor.

Unlike the period when there was no conception, during the first pregnancy, the muscles with the ligaments become weaker. This prevents the fetus from being held in a higher position.

But this condition has a positive effect on the woman herself in the position - it is easy for her to breathe, heartburn is practically absent.

This increases the pressure on the pelvic bones and lower spine. Therefore, in any pregnancy and regardless of whether the belly grows or not, it is recommended to wear a bandage.

Gynecologists also noticed that the second pregnancy manifests itself in different forms of the abdomen, which are different from the initial conception.

If at the first child it was sharp and tall, this is especially characteristic for women with a narrow pelvis, then in the second pregnancy it sags, acquiring a gentle slope.

Taking into account the above facts, it is possible to note the erroneous opinion of many pregnant women about the possibility of predicting the sex of the child by the shape and appearance of the abdomen.

Also, gynecologists noticed that the second pregnancy is characterized by late lowering of the uterus. According to statistics, many women in a position note that the second pregnancy becomes more noticeable to the surrounding eyes earlier than the first.

Taking into account the assessment of changes in their body, pregnant women noted that the abdomen is more noticeable during 2 pregnancies at least 4 weeks earlier than when carrying the first fetus.

Norms and possible deviations

To assess the course of pregnancy, the gynecologist is obliged to take into account many parameters of the uterus and the rate of its growth from the first days of conception. To do this, at each appointment, the doctor examines the abdomen, pulps the uterus, listens to the fetus.

If any deviations are detected, an unscheduled ultrasound scan and other diagnostic procedures are prescribed.

To assess the rate of increase in the uterus itself at the initial examination, the gynecologist measures the length and circumference of the abdomen with a measuring tape. The data obtained are compared with the standards characteristic of the respective periods.

The revealed deviations from these norms indicate a problem that has arisen or may be associated with an individual characteristic of the patient's body.

Sometimes such deviations appear due to the special course of the pregnancy itself.

Therefore, gynecologists advise not to miss the planned appointments with the doctor, and if the growth of the uterus corresponds to the period, then the appearance of the abdomen itself should not disturb the pregnant woman.

Normal processes

In many women, when carrying a second child, the uterus grows faster than during the first conception. An increase in the size of the genital organ is considered an erroneous opinion.

The real reason is the stretching of the uterine ligaments after the previous gestation. At the same time, the anterior wall of the peritoneum relaxed, losing its elasticity, which is characteristic of nulliparous women.

Therefore, there are problems with determining the duration of pregnancy by "eye". The uterus, in which the embryo develops, is additionally loaded with amniotic fluid.

Under its own weight, it leans forward, which contributes to the appearance of a rapidly expanding peritoneum.

During the period of primary fertilization, the tummy is often pointed and raised high. During the second fertilization, it is saggy and less elastic. Therefore, it is difficult to independently determine whether the fetus has dropped or not, whether it is ready for childbirth.


Most women in position note that the second embryo begins to move before the first fetus. The first stirring helps the gynecologist to set the date of the upcoming birth.

In reality, the intensity and stages of development of the embryo are characterized by a specific duration, which nothing can influence.

The fact of the primary movement during the second pregnancy is felt faster by the woman, which is associated with her memory of the course of the previous pregnancy. Stirring should not be confused with colic and flatulence.

Scientists have proven that the second embryo is always larger than the first baby. It is believed that with each subsequent pregnancy, more massive and stronger children are born.

Presumably, the weight of children born in different pregnancies can fluctuate within 500 g. More often this phenomenon is observed when carrying boys.

The pattern under consideration is associated with the fact that the body is already ready for the secondary and subsequent bearing of the fetus.

The body is already tuned in to this process, and it is ready to donate the necessary microelements to the embryo in the required volume.

Some women do not notice that they are pregnant. Sometimes it happens that the woman herself does not suspect the secondary bearing of the fetus. She may not even be aware of her due date.

This is due to the unnoticed onset of conception due to anxiety, stress, postpartum amenorrhea, and other circumstances. Sometimes even testing does not confirm the presence of an embryo in the uterus.

A similar phenomenon often occurs during breastfeeding or after childbirth against the background of hormonal disruption.

If the uterus increases in size, and the test strip gives a negative result, the patient is advised to make an appointment with the gynecologist.

If during the study period some deviations are revealed in a woman's position, urgent treatment is indicated.

Therapy can be carried out at home under the supervision of a gynecologist. In recent months, a woman may be hospitalized.

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A second pregnancy is more predictable for a woman. She already knows what changes in well-being to expect, has gone through a natural childbirth or a cesarean section, so she is familiar with the sensations. But the repeated bearing of the child is not always the same as the first time. It is necessary to take into account how much time has passed after the first birth, the complications suffered and the acquired diseases.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, preparation for the second pregnancy should begin immediately after the first. Even women who, after a difficult childbirth or surgery, promise not to have any more children, after a few years there is a desire to have another child. It's important to do it right to avoid trouble.

After the first birth, the body needs a break to recover, and the time for the first-born to grow up a little, lactation is over. Therefore, it is possible to plan a pregnancy with a second child no earlier than in 1.5–2 years. If a woman has undergone a cesarean section, gynecologists recommend waiting 2–2.5 years, undergoing an examination and only then deciding to conceive.

In preparation for conception, you must follow the standard plan:

  • be tested for genital infections;
  • sanitize the oral cavity;
  • cure diseases of internal organs or achieve remission in chronic pathologies;
  • Healthy food;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • take vitamin E and folic acid 3 months before conception.

For those who have undergone uterine surgery or cesarean section, before the second pregnancy, it is necessary to make sure of the usefulness of the scar with the help of ultrasound, sometimes additionally - laparoscopy.

If, despite the preparation, the second pregnancy for some reason does not occur, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find the causes of secondary infertility. Most often, the reason is the endometritis transferred after childbirth - inflammation of the uterus, which can be asymptomatic.

Risk factors

When preparing for a second pregnancy and second childbirth, it is necessary to take into account all the complications suffered for the first time, as well as accumulated chronic diseases. They will not make it easier to carry a baby and are capable of aggravating during this period. Some medical history associated with pregnancy occurs several weeks earlier and is more severe.

These include:

  • arterial hypertension.

Women who still have risk factors for pathologies - excess weight, impaired glucose tolerance, malnutrition and physical inactivity - are more at risk.

With the development of gestosis in pregnant women, extragenital diseases are often found, which proceeded secretly:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • liver pathology;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • endocrine diseases.

Toxicosis in the second pregnancy is optional if it bothered before. But with acquired diseases of the digestive tract, the risk increases.

A second pregnancy at 35 is a risk factor for genetic abnormalities in the fetus. In women at this age, the number of defective eggs increases sharply, therefore, children with severe chromosomal abnormalities are more often born. Leading among them. Anyone who decides to have a second child is assigned medical genetic counseling, which takes place after screening at 11 weeks.

If tests show a high risk of Down's syndrome, at 17 weeks, an amniotic fluid study is prescribed. Based on its results, the chromosomal set of the fetus is accurately determined, as well as 100% gender.

The health risks are greater in pregnant women with and in some women with the first blood group. Second pregnancies are more difficult if anti-D serum has not been immunized after the first birth. The mother's blood contains antibodies that can cause the disintegration of fetal blood cells and severe intrauterine damage to the nervous system until the death of the child.

Signs of pregnancy

Some women experience the first signs of a second pregnancy early, even before the delay appears. It can be:

  • smearing discharge from the genital tract a week after intercourse;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands, which was not there before;
  • daytime sleepiness and lack of sleep;
  • increased fatigue.

These are signs of restructuring of the neuro-humoral system, which should support the development of the embryo. A rapid test in the second pregnancy will be positive on the 3rd day of missed periods. But the gold standard of diagnosis is a blood test for hCG and ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor. These methods make it possible to confirm the uterine localization of the embryo and its development according to the period.

Symptoms of the second pregnancy differ little from the first, these may be:

  • mood swings;
  • aversion to certain smells;
  • the appearance of age spots on the face;
  • perversion of taste;
  • nausea and vomiting in the morning;
  • increased urination.

In the second pregnancy with twins, engorgement of the mammary glands, toxicosis may be more pronounced.

How does the second pregnancy differ from the first?

Recarrying a baby is rarely like the first time. The second pregnancy differs from the first in several ways:

  • an increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • sensations of a pregnant woman;
  • the beginning of fetal movement;
  • preparation for childbirth.

When the belly begins to grow in the second pregnancy, it depends on the complexion of the expectant mother. In women with low body weight and a thin layer of subcutaneous fat, it can become noticeable as early as 11 weeks. With excess weight, the belly remains invisible for a long time.

Some women find that the belly grows faster during the second pregnancy. This is possible in the absence of complications due to the better ability of the uterus to stretch. But if gestosis is diagnosed, there are signs of feto-placental insufficiency, the fetus gains less weight, and its size is less than the term.

Bigger belly in the second pregnancy in the following conditions:

  • when, which may be the result of infectious diseases of the mother;
  • when carrying twins and more fruits;
  • with diabetes mellitus in the mother, when the fetus develops macrosomia, its weight exceeds 4–4.5 kg.

The situation can be reversed. If, when carrying the first child, he suffered from, lagged behind in weight, and the next child is developing normally, then the volume of the abdomen will seem larger. Therefore, how the belly grows in the second pregnancy depends on the state of health of the mother and fetus.

After carrying a baby, the uterus becomes more sensitive. Therefore, they are felt as early as 18 weeks. Some young mothers with low birth weight can feel the baby's movements as early as 16-17 weeks. But they must be able to distinguish them from intestinal motility. Doctors recommend paying attention to the day when the baby's first shock appeared. This information is used to calculate the due date - in the second pregnancy, 22 weeks are added to this date. But a more accurate date can be obtained on the day of the last menstruation.

Features of the second pregnancy and childbirth depend on the age of the expectant mother. If the gap between children is less than a year, the body does not have time to recover. Therefore, the risks of anemia, threats of interruption, etc., are higher. A woman who is carrying a second pregnancy after 30 years, with a pause of 2-3 years, will endure it more easily if there are no serious concomitant diseases.

The second pregnancy at 37 years of age and older, if the gap between births exceeds 10 years, is transferred in the same way as the first. But for a doctor, a patient at this age has more risk factors that can lead to complications during gestation or childbirth. Therefore, expectant mothers are given a lot of attention, an additional examination is prescribed, and sometimes hospitalization at 39 weeks of gestation for planning childbirth.

After the birth of the first child, the expectant mother may develop chronic diseases that will affect the way the second pregnancy goes. Lower back pain as a sign of osteochondrosis will begin to bother from the 2nd trimester, so you need to purchase a special bandage in advance.

A predisposition to varicose veins in the legs, stagnation of blood in the small pelvis lead to heaviness and swelling of the extremities, the appearance of spider veins, and in severe cases, the rapid progression of varicose veins. Hemorrhoids often develop late and after childbirth.

Features of the second birth

When registering and after the first screening ultrasound, the doctor determines the timing of labor in the second pregnancy. Ultrasound examination in the 2-3 trimester is not suitable for this because of the individual growth rates of the fetus. But the beginning of the contractions may not coincide with the calculated day. A normal second birth begins at 37–38 weeks of gestation, but can be delayed up to 41 weeks.

Ripening of the cervix and the start of labor is associated with the peculiarities of the neuro-endocrine regulation of sexual function. Therefore, in women with an extended menstrual cycle, labor is more likely to begin after 40 weeks.

Experienced mothers already know what symptoms should appear several weeks before childbirth. Harbingers occur most often in 2 weeks. Reducing shortness of breath and heartburn, easy breathing is possible if the belly is lowered, which in the second pregnancy occurs from 35 weeks. This process is associated with the partial resorption of amniotic fluid and a decrease in its volume, as well as the displacement of the fetal head towards the entrance to the small pelvis.

There are other precursors of childbirth during the second pregnancy:

  • change in posture due to a shift in the center of gravity;
  • false contractions;
  • exit of the mucous plug.

Ripening of the cervix begins on average 10-14 days before childbirth, so when the plug has broken off during the second pregnancy, you need to be ready for a trip to the hospital.

Contractions do not always appear first, in some cases, a sign of childbirth during the second pregnancy is depopulated amniotic fluid.

During pregnancy, each woman's body undergoes changes that are common to everyone and individual for each individual woman.

These changes include hormonal changes in the body, instability of the psyche and mood, changes in the work of internal organs and changes in metabolic processes.

An obvious symptom of pregnancy is an enlarged abdomen. In the process of bearing the fetus, the belly grows gradually, with constant acceleration.

For all girls, the belly increases in different ways, and that is why in this matter you should not rely on the experience of any friends and acquaintances.

The dynamics of the increase in volumes can tell the attending physician about many features of the woman's body, because this process is responsible the most important reproductive organ of the female body is the uterus. The increase in this organ is primarily associated with the development of the embryo.

In the classical course of pregnancy, the uterus should significantly exceed its weight before pregnancy (approximately 10 times), increase in size, a thicker bloodstream should develop in it and amniotic fluid should appear.

Oxygen is supplied to the embryo through the blood if the abdomen is small, then the fetus does not have enough oxygen, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) begins, this condition is dangerous for the embryo.

If the tendency to enlarge the abdomen is not within the boundaries of the usual indicators, then this may indicate abnormal amounts of amniotic fluid and sometimes even an ectopic pregnancy.

A pregnancy such as an ectopic is very dangerous for a woman's life. Such a pregnancy usually does not lead to the formation of a fetus.

With this pregnancy, the fetus begins to develop outside the uterus., often in the fallopian tubes. The reason may be that the egg did not leave the tube and did not attach to the placenta.

An important indicator of an ectopic pregnancy is that in this case, the size of the woman's abdomen increases, not corresponding to normal indicators. So in the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, as a rule, an abortion is performed.

How quickly the belly grows during pregnancy

All the fair sex are very individual, but there are fairly reliable statistics stating that a visually noticeable increase in volumes occurs at 4-5 months of pregnancy.

So, at a 12-week period, the fetus has a length of 5-6 cm with a weight of only about 30 g. And at a 16-week period, the fetus reaches a size of approximately equal to 12 cm, and in weight it can reach 100 g.

Also, if ultrasound is carried out for a short time, then it is possible to notice that the fetus will occupy almost the entire internal cavity of the uterus, and the amniotic fluid will be practically absent. At a later date, the fetal waters will occupy a significant space.

At what week of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow in thin girls?

An increase in the size of the abdomen in slender women can be seen at 16 weeks. During this period, the fruit has a mass of approximately equal to 100 g.

In thin girls, the belly is visible for short periods., this is due to the fact that the capacity of fat deposits is small. This is why the growth of the abdomen becomes visible.

At what week of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow in obese girls?

Fruiting of overweight girls becomes noticeable much later. Pregnancy can be hidden for up to 25 weeks, and this is a fairly substantial period.

This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the thickness of the fatty tissue is large, and it is capable of hiding the position for a long time.

When the belly begins to grow during pregnancy

The process of enlarging the abdomen is dependent on:

So, for example, if the fetus is placed in the uterus in close proximity to the spine, then the abdomen may become visible a little later. It should be borne in mind that many have increased gas production during pregnancy.

Remember that it is impossible to establish the exact date in which week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow.

When the belly begins to grow during the first pregnancy

Often during pregnancy for the first time, the belly grows slowly. Growth becomes visible by 14-16 weeks. This phenomenon depends on the fact that during the first pregnancy, the muscles of the press are strong and elastic, it is able to hide the fetus for a sufficient time.

Same way in primiparous women, the abdomen has a characteristic ovoid shape. Under the breast, the belly is more convex and pointed towards the top. This is also due to the elasticity of the muscles.

To make sure at what week of pregnancy your belly begins to grow - keep a diary and visit your doctor regularly.

When the belly begins to grow in the second pregnancy

With repeated pregnancy, the belly appears much earlier. than during pregnancy for the first time. This can often be explained by the fact that the muscles are weakened, they are less elastic than before childbirth.

Also, with repeated pregnancy, the belly takes on a saggy shape. It differs significantly from the belly of a primiparous woman. Such a belly is one palm below the chest and one palm above the pubis.

Such shape and location are determined by weakened abdominal muscles, the state of the uterus and some other factors.

Also, if a repeated pregnancy happened after a short period of time after the previous one, then the muscles of the abdominal cavity will not be able to fully recover and the stomach will look a little saggy.

When the belly begins to grow during pregnancy with twins

If a woman is pregnant with twins, then her the position may become noticeable as early as 4 weeks of fruiting... But such a rapid increase in the abdomen can also confirm polyhydramnios, a large fetus, or chorionepithelioma.

Chorionepithelioma is a neoplasm that develops from the tissues of the placenta. It is a formation consisting of small bubbles.

Growth of the abdomen during pregnancy by months

The growth of the abdomen is gradual. The most important effect on this process is the growth of the uterus.

Before pregnancy, the weight loss of a nulliparous woman is no more than 100 g, and by the end of pregnancy it can reach 1000 g. Also, the weight loss increases up to 500 times.

In parallel with the increase in the term, the amount of fetal waters increases. In the early period, the fetus occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, the amount of fetal fluid is very small.

The size of the uterus corresponds to the size of a chicken egg in the first month of pregnancy, the entire space in it is occupied by the ovum, the amniotic fluid is practically absent. Pregnancy at such a short time is visually invisible.

The fertilized egg has a size of 22 mm in 2-2.5 months. And the uterus reaches the size of a goose egg, the amount of amniotic fluid becomes equal to 30 ml. In some pregnant women, it is possible to notice an increase in volumes at this time.

By three months, the length of the fetus can be up to 7 cm. The mass can be up to 25 g. The size of the uterus is approximately equal to the size of the head of a newborn baby, and the volume of fetal fluid becomes equal to 0.1 liters. The fundus of the uterus can be felt through the abdominal wall during this period, it rises to the edge of the pubic articulation.

It is impossible to know for sure at which week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow. It is only possible to roughly calculate this individually for you.

By four months, the length of the fetus can reach up to 12 cm, weight - 100 g. The bottom of the uterus will rise, now it will be located at an equal distance from the navel and the pubic eminence. The volume of fetal waters will increase to 0.4 liters. The abdomen during this period of pregnancy is quite clearly visible.

By five months, the fetus can reach 26 cm, and by weight up to 0.3 kg. The embryo is already developing genitals, and it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child quite reliably. The fundus of the uterus continues to rise, now its level will be approximately 2 fingers higher than the navel.

By six months, the length of the fetus can reach 30 cm with a mass of 680 g. The bottom of the uterus rises to the level of the navel. The woman's belly is already quite visible, since the mass of the fetus reaches a fairly large mark. Also the waist increases by about 20 cm.

At 28-30 weeks (7 months), the uterine fundus rises 3 fingers above the navel, the weight of the fetus can be 1.2 kg with a corresponding length of 35 cm. At this time, the belly is quite noticeable.

By thirty-two weeks, the bottom of the uterus will be located at an equal distance between the navel and the xiphoid process (the shortest and narrowest part of the sternum). Fruit length can be 42cm with a corresponding mass of 1.7 kg.

At 37-38 weeks, the abdomen acquires its greatest volume. The fundus of the uterus rises to the costal arches and the xiphoid process. The volume of fetal water is 1-1.5 liters and at that time it is maximum.

By the time of forty weeks, as a rule, the fundus of the uterus descends and is established between the navel and the xiphoid process at the same distance. During this period, the volume of fetal waters sharply decreases, from about 1.5 l to 0.8 l. In the event that a woman is postponing a child, then the volume of fetal water may be less than 0.8 liters.

The body weight of a full-term baby at the time of birth is at least 2.6 kg and no more than 5 kg, and the body length should be between 48 and 54 cm.

Be careful! It is necessary to very carefully monitor the growth process of the abdomen and all accompanying processes, since a belly that is too small or too large can indicate various pathologies.

If the abdomen is smaller than normal, then this may indicate fetal malnutrition. A phenomenon in which embryonic growth is delayed. Also, slow growth trends in volumes may indicate a lack of water.

Causes of low water:

  • hypertension;
  • preeclampsia;
  • diseases of the excretory system of the embryo;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • other factors.

Same way inconsistency with the parameters may indicate pathology of the uterus... If the position of the embryo is transverse, then the abdomen may be below normal in size. With such a presentation of the embryo, birth is impossible in a natural way.

If the abdomen is more than normal, then this may indicate polyhydramnios. The usual volume of fetal water is approximately 2000 ml, and the volume with the phenomenon of polyhydramnios can even reach 12 liters. Such a pathology, most often, can occur due to diabetes mellitus.

But a large size can also indicate multiple pregnancies, but it should be borne in mind that such a pregnancy is quite dangerous. The risk of all sorts of complications increases. The abdomen can enlarge rapidly if a large fetus develops.

Factors affecting the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy

Growth in the size of the uterus (uterus)

The size of the genital organ increases throughout pregnancy. Before pregnancy, the weight of the uterus corresponds to no more than 100 g, and by the end of pregnancy it increases to 1 kg. The internal cavity can be enlarged up to 500 times.

Uterus is pear-shaped at the beginning of pregnancy, and by three months it increases up to 3 times and becomes more rounded.

Already in in the third trimester, the uterus becomes ovoid. Over the entire period of fruiting, a dense network of blood vessels develops in the uterus and the oxygen regime increases.

Embryo growth process

Throughout the entire period of gestation, the embryo is constantly growing. Body weight and length are constantly increasing. All systems develop in it, especially the circulatory system.

Interesting fact! A pregnant woman does not feel the presence of a fetus inside her in any way until it starts to change position and push.

Increase in the amount of amniotic fluid

During pregnancy, the amount of fetal fluid is constantly increasing in uterus. Their presence is extremely important for the development of the embryo.

With anomalies such as polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios, you should carefully monitor the course of pregnancy... This is necessary in order to prevent possible developmental pathologies.

Weight gain

Many pregnant women put on significant weight gain. And this affects the size of the abdomen. The more the woman has gained weight, the larger the belly will be.

Presentation - the position of the embryo in the uterus (uterus)

If the ovum is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus, then the abdomen will be larger compared to the position of the ovum, which is attached closer to the spine.

Hereditary indicators

Heredity has a great influence on the process of carrying a child.

If the woman's relatives noticed the appearance of the belly later, then it is most likely that the woman herself will notice the growth of her belly too late.

Body type

Growth, firmness and muscle strength, and body weight have a significant effect on abdominal enlargement.

Strong and elastic abdominal muscles are able to hide pregnancy for a long time.

How the belly begins to grow during pregnancy: photo

The growth of the abdomen is an important indicator of the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to monitor this process.

If the belly grows too quickly or, conversely, slowly, then it is worth undergoing an additional examination in order to exclude the development of pathology.

In this video, you will find out in which week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow.

This video will provide you with useful information regarding belly changes during pregnancy.

A miracle has happened - your long-awaited firstborn has appeared in your family. He brought many wonderful unforgettable moments, gave joy and happiness. But time passed, and you had the idea of ​​a second child. Many do not attach serious importance to the second pregnancy, believing that they have already seen everything and know everything. This is wrong, because there are important features of the second pregnancy and childbirth that expectant mothers must consider.

Why you can't give birth one by one

Pregnancy is hard work. The body works in an enhanced mode for all nine months, loses vitamins and trace elements, especially calcium and iron, giving them to the fetus, and during childbirth it receives powerful stress. Of course, after all this, he must recover. Otherwise, carrying a second child will be difficult. Even if a woman does not feel this, her fragile body is not able to create ideal conditions for the future baby, as a result of which the fetus often has hypoxia (pathology due to lack of oxygen) or hypotrophy (insufficient weight).

Incomplete restoration of the uterus is fraught with miscarriages, as there are problems with the strength of the attachment of the placenta to its walls. Insufficient vascular repair leads to varicose veins. Therefore, the optimal period between pregnancies is at least 2 years. It is believed that at this time the body “remembers” everything, and therefore after a couple of years, the second birth is much easier. Reviews of many mothers confirm this point of view. After 5 years, the body gradually "forgets" what happened to it. And a woman is getting older, and pregnancy after 35 itself is fraught with many dangers.

Causes of complications

There is hardly a single rule of thumb as to whether a second birth will be heavier or easier than the first. This is individual for every woman. For some, everything really goes like clockwork. Others have a lot of problems even with the correct timing between pregnancies.

If the first birth took place without complications, the expectant mother eats well, leads a measured lifestyle and is absolutely healthy, most likely her second pregnancy will only bring joy. If, after the firstborn, the woman had abortions or miscarriages, it is likely that the second pregnancy will be difficult.

The peculiarities of the second pregnancy and childbirth, in addition, consist in the fact that a woman has little free time, which she can devote only to herself, because her first child requires her. In some cases, it is a lack of sleep, anxiety, increased physical activity. Close people are obliged to provide the expectant mother with a good rest, walks in the fresh air, a calm home environment. If a woman has suffered a number of serious illnesses, abortions or miscarriages after the first birth, she should consult a doctor before deciding on a second pregnancy, undergo an examination and, if necessary, the necessary course of therapy.


Women who have had their first delivery through an operable way may have a cesarean section waiting for the second time. This is not a sentence. Now doctors insist on repeated childbirth only in a natural way, and caesarean is used only for special medical indications. However, women who did not manage to give birth for the first time on their own should take into account all the features of the second pregnancy and childbirth. The recovery time of the body in this case increases to 5 years. Failure to comply with the established deadlines between pregnancies is deadly, as the seam on the uterus can disperse. Having decided to give birth to a second child, a woman is obliged to undergo hysterography, hysteroscopy, ultrasound. There are times when doctors question the possibility of carrying a second child.

What is the second pregnancy like?

It is impossible to accurately predict this process. Some women are more tormented by toxicosis, others practically do not experience it. In some, the uterus is constantly in good shape, and the expectant mother needs special conditions to carry the baby. Others live as usual, without any pathologies. However, there are common features of the second pregnancy and childbirth that are observed in most women. These include:

  1. The psychological factor is experience. For the second time, a woman already knows what needs to be done and what not, therefore she tries not to make mistakes.
  2. The condition of the abdominal muscles. As a rule, they are more stretched, which means that pregnancy is noticeable earlier. Doctors recommend wearing a special bandage, although it is not superfluous during the first pregnancy.
  3. Stirring fetus. It is believed that with repeated pregnancies, this happens 2-4 weeks earlier. However, doctors assure that the fetus always begins to move at the right time, just a re-pregnant woman more accurately determines the movements of her future crumbs.

First and second birth, what are the differences

And the first, and second, and tenth births are unforgettable. Each time they go differently.

But there are features of the second and subsequent births that are observed in most women. This:

  1. Duration... The second time, labor really takes place faster, since the birth canal is already prepared, the pelvic muscles are stretched, which ensures the accelerated movement of the fetus to the exit, and the cervix opens faster. If the first birth was quick, the second can be rapid, so at the first sign of labor, the woman should immediately go to the hospital.
  2. Soreness... In the second case, as a rule, stretched muscles contract more painfully. The unpleasant sensations intensify during breastfeeding. In some women, the pain is so severe that medical pain relief is required.
  3. Breaks... It is believed that in the place of ruptures and sutures left after the first birth, damage should occur during the repeated process. However, this is not required. A woman giving birth for the second time most often correctly fulfills the commands of doctors, and childbirth ends without injuries.

Rhesus factor

In a future mother with a negative Rh (with a positive one in the father and in the conceived baby), the second pregnancy may end with a Rh-conflict, that is, blood incompatibility. This leads to the death of the fetus or to the occurrence of hemolytic disease in him. To prevent this from happening, the mother needs to inject anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin serum on time after the first birth.

If everything is done correctly, there is nothing wrong with a second birth. Reviews of those who have gone through this confirm the possibility of having a healthy second child. In order to avoid problems, a woman with a negative Rh (especially with blood group I with a husband's blood group II or III) should regularly do a blood test for the presence of antibodies, and if abnormalities are found, undergo a course of treatment.

Waiting for a baby for women is one of the most anxious periods. Any information is important, for example, the degree of enlargement of the uterus and the visualization of pregnancy. Changes depend on the characteristics of the body, the weight of the expectant mother and other things. In addition, it matters whether the woman has given birth before.

What week does the growth of the abdomen begin during the first pregnancy?

When waiting for the birth of a baby, the belly of a pregnant girl increases due to several factors:

  • amniotic fluid content;
  • fetal development;
  • growth of the uterus.

How long does the belly begin to grow? This is a very delicate question. In some women, it increases in the first months, while others manage to hide the fact that they are preparing for the birth of a child for a long period. Gynecologists believe that the belly should be visible after the 16th week of pregnancy. If an ultrasound scan has identified twins, then roundness may begin to appear 3-4 weeks earlier.

A woman who is preparing to become a mother for the first time may have a belly much later than those who are about to give birth to a second child. The size increases longer due to the muscles actively resisting stretching. In addition, the growth rate of the abdomen can be influenced by other factors. Sometimes it becomes noticeable that a woman is going to become a mother, only at a later date. Muscle stretching occurs much faster in those who have already gone through childbirth.

When the belly begins to grow in pregnant twins

Another question of interest to expectant mothers concerns multiple pregnancies. A noticeable roundness, if two fetal eggs were visible in the ultrasound photo, appears earlier. In this case, the volume of amniotic fluid increases faster, so the changes occur about a month earlier. Pregnant twins already in the third trimester have a tummy that can be seen with the naked eye.

With multiple pregnancies, the uterus enlarges several weeks earlier than when carrying one child. Mom's total body weight also grows faster. However, a large belly is not necessarily an indication that a woman will have twins. Sometimes this is a sign of an incorrect calculation of the timing of pregnancy, a large fetus, or the formation of amniotic fluid in a significant amount. The position of the unborn baby also matters.

How long does the belly start to grow in the second pregnancy?

It is believed that the child of the mother, who became pregnant for the second time, is slightly larger. The size of the tummy matches this. Doctors confirm this fact. During the second pregnancy, the fetus grows in height and gains up to 500 grams more weight than while waiting for the first child. The skin with muscles stretches faster, the navel is twisted, already at a period of four months, the roundness is clearly visible.

The growth of the uterus for each woman is individual. If the waiting period for the first child remains invisible to others for a long time, then the second pregnancy becomes visible earlier. The abdominal muscles are already stretched after the first birth, so the process is faster. It is important to consider the physiology of the expectant mother, especially the structure of the pelvic bones. A future mother with a narrow pelvis "rounds" faster during pregnancy than women with a wide skeleton.

At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow? Visual changes may not occur until the tenth week. After that, a slight roundness appears, growing every day. The most active period of fetal development begins from the thirteenth week. After the first pregnancy, the wall of the abdominal muscle is no longer as elastic as it used to be, so it may seem that the “interesting position” appears more quickly visually.