
French style makeup. French beauty secrets and tricks for perfect makeup. Red lipstick and wardrobe


Truly French style is a real legend, many people try to copy the style of French women, but not everyone succeeds. Elegance, but at the same time - carelessness, beauty and thoughtfulness, together with the feeling that the combination came out completely random, all this is about French women. French women are unlikely to dress up for work or dates for two hours: they value their time too much. True French makeup is also different from the usual, for example, American or Slavic, it is designed to spend the minimum amount of time, but at the same time look fresh, beautiful and, in a sense, spectacular. We will tell you what the original French makeup looks like and also show you how to do it yourself!

French style makeup: what is it like?

Makeup in the French style is, first of all, maximum lightness. Maximum ease of application, shading, satin and matte textures, minimum body movements and maximum effect. In French makeup, you will never find bulky shading, false eyelashes, glitters, too bright sparkles, highlighters, the glow of which is visible from space, deliberate glamor and deliberate elaboration of details. But you can easily find red lipstick, light glow, beautiful eyebrows and beautifully painted eyes. Usually French makeup means an even tone, tinted and gelled eyebrows, eyelashes painted with mascara, as well as a little highlighter, rarely sculpting.

French style makeup: step by step instructions

  • Since French makeup excludes a large number of layers and heaps of primers, foundations and concealers, we need the most versatile product. BB cream is best suited: we apply it all over the face, and we use it to correct the area around the eyes. If there are significant shortcomings, we correct them with a dense corrector pointwise, but you do not need to apply another layer of foundation exactly: French women prefer absolute lightness in everything.
  • Apply a creamy highlighter to the top of the cheekbones, blend: French women are very fond of such a glo-effect, as it were from the inside. apply it to the corners of your eyes and blend it a little - this way we will save a lot of time on applying concealer. Powder the face with a light powder veil. Thus, it takes us no more than three minutes to apply the tone. You can brighten up your face a bit with a light beige blush.
  • Let's start with the eyebrows. No graphics - we have enough mascara for the eyebrows, as a last resort - quite a bit of eyebrow shadows. Slightly comb the hairs upward.
  • We paint our lips with semi-matte red lipstick. French women simply adore red lipstick and easily wear it right in the morning: this is not a problem and not bad manners. The contour can be slightly shaded, or left clear.
  • Eye makeup can be very minimalistic and limited to black mascara. But in addition to black ink, French women are very fond of shaded arrows, and shaded not filigree, but slightly, as it were, carelessly. Apply a primer to the eyelids, fix it with nude matte beige shadows. We very slightly highlight the fold of the upper eyelid with light gray-brown shadows; for this purpose, you can even use a translucent sculptor: there should be only the slightest hint of color in the fold, no more. Next, draw a small arrow along the growth of the upper eyelashes, using a black or brown pencil for this. Do not forget to fill in the space between the eyelashes with a pencil. Using a pencil brush, shade the arrow, fix the result with matte shadows of the corresponding shade with the same pencil brush. You can also draw a shaded arrow using eye shadow and gel liner. With dark brown matte shadows and a beveled thin brush, draw a small arrow, immediately shade its upper edge slightly. After that, closer to the eyelash edge, paint the line with a gel eyeliner. Then we paint the eyelashes with mascara.

That's it - truly French makeup is ready! It is extremely simple to implement, does not require a lot of time and a lot of cosmetics. Ideal for both the everyday trip to work and meeting with friends. Try it - you'll love it!

Makeup brushes for French women: which ones are needed?

You will most likely need a BB Cream Brush, a Small Duofiber Highlighter, a Natural Bristle Powder Brush, a Blush Brush, a Beveled Feathered Arrow Brush, and a Small Pencil Brush. All this you can easily find in the assortment of the online store of makeup accessories Wobs. We have affordable prices, really high-quality brushes that are perfect for both makeup artists and makeup lovers, a large selection and much more! Makeup is really easy with Wobs brushes!


Having done makeup, you can not only refresh your face, give it a healthy look, but also correct minor imperfections (small eye size, short and uneven eyebrows, narrow or, on the contrary, too plump lips, light and short eyelashes). And with the help of corrective make-up, you can correct (oval of the face, shape of the nose and lips). It is necessary to observe the measure in the application of paints, remember that a thick layer of makeup can only ruin the face. Make-up requires a serious individual approach. You can't blindly follow fashion. However, no matter what type of makeup you prefer: daytime daily or evening in the style of "femme fatale" - first of all, you need to prepare your face. This is done with the help of several creams, including foundation, correctors and powder.

Purpose: to study the role of face correction and modeling in makeup.

Tasks: - review the history of makeup and cosmetics

  • -explore the technology of makeup
  • -explore corrective makeup
  • -perform corrective makeup in practice

The history of the development of makeup and cosmetics

The word "make-up" has French roots, and it entered the Russian language recently, just a couple of decades ago. However, the history of makeup began many centuries ago. Word " cosmetics" is of Greek origin from the word "kosmetike", and means the art of decorating. Only now, each nation had its own ideas about this art.

Initially, makeup, or rather, face painting, was used in rituals - religious and magical.

Make-up, if it could be called that then, was used for the war paint of warriors, as well as a sign of belonging to a particular caste. Therefore, he did not play a "decorating" role, but had a serious social or religious meaning. Of course, then they thought little about the decorative aspect, such a make-up - it was more important to frighten, amaze, throw into confusion a rival or enemy, inspire respect, horror, adoration, close to deification. The Nuba tribes in Sudan and the Criapo in Brazil, as well as the inhabitants of New Guinea, still have the most creative, one might say the original, makeup ritual.

Still people of the Stone Age tried to decorate their faces in various ways, making a wide variety of images on them. These were ornaments, elements of flora and fauna, symbolic designations and much more.

For example, the Maiori tribes of New Zealand were famous for their mask-like facial tattoos called "mocha". The mocha pattern was a rather complex and highly individual pattern. He performed several functions at once. This is both an indicator of merit, and a designation of social status, and a special element of decoration. The soldier with the "mocha" mask who died during the battle received special honors - his head was cut off and was carefully kept as a memory of the past. But with the unfortunate, who happened to die without such a face decoration, they were treated rather harshly. Their bodies were left to be torn apart by wild animals and birds.

But this did not last so long - women began to use makeup out of the desire to be beautiful. Since ancient times, special attention has been paid to painting the faces of women. So, the wives of the Japanese Ainu aborigines had marks on their faces, giving away their marital status, the number of children. In addition, the facial image was a sign of endurance and fertility.

The pioneers of the art of beauty were the ancient Egyptians. It was they who, inventing compositions for embalming, discovered many different medicinal and cosmetic substances that were able to correct skin imperfections, beautify the face and body. Already in the days of Nefertiti, there was a traditional makeup kit - lipstick, blush, eyeliner and eyebrow.

Archaeological excavations have proven that in Egypt, they did not just use cosmetics, here the art of makeup was brought to a cult. Carved on the walls of tombs and temples, recipes for numerous cosmetics: incense, ointments, creams, paints, which were originally used by the priests for worship. It was the ministers of the temple who were the first consumers and creators of cosmetics. But quickly gaining popularity, rich people began to use it, wanting to improve their appearance, both men and women. And the less rich were looking for a replacement in simple and improvised means. Taking care of your appearance was a priority for every Egyptian. Egyptians used eyebrow pencils, lipstick, nail and hair dyes, and even "odorless water" our perfumery in the future. And also, blush - for this they used iris juice, which caused skin irritation, thereby giving the skin a red tint. And powder - a powder that gives the skin a matte shade and conceals possible blemishes. Of course, the recipe was kept under seven locks. In some cases, cosmetics were of prophylactic importance. For example, eyeliner not only by women, but also by men prevented inflammation of the eyelids from the blinding sun and dry wind. By the way, it was the great Cleopatra who created, the first textbook in the history of cosmetology, the book - "About medicines for the face"

However, makeup in those days was not welcomed everywhere. For example, the Jews considered cosmetics a great sin, because it emphasizes a person's sensuality. But the inhabitants of Carthage not only used makeup on a daily basis. They went further - and in addition to eyeliner, blush and lipstick, they also began to use facial tattooing. In Ancient Greece, only natives of Asia, courtesans, were painted. And only after the campaigns of Alexander the Great did the Greeks begin to cover their faces with whitewash, draw lips, eyes and eyebrows, blush cheeks and lighten hair. After them, this fashion was adopted by the Romans. The well-known myths of Ancient Greece introduced us to such a character as Aphrodite. Everyone and everyone knows about her beauty, so it is not surprising that the Greeks consider her to be the progenitor of means to maintain beauty. Greek women in their "cosmetic bag" also used white for the face, black paint for eyeliner, inked eyelashes with soot, and lips and cheeks were blushed with the help of the minium plant. Although, perhaps thanks to the pharaohs, Greece learned about cosmetics. But this is not so important, given the contribution that the Greeks made to the history of make-up, having written many books on facial care, including "Cosmeticon", the writings of doctors Galen, Cretius and Hippocrates.

The Roman Empire at one time identified two main directions in cosmetics - decorative and medicinal. At the same time, many decorative products were prepared on the basis of toxic, and sometimes even poisonous substances.

In the Roman Empire cosmetics was a lucrative business. Huge money was spent annually on the purchase of ointments and creams from Egypt. They were credited with magical properties, because they looked great, giving the face a unique glint of gold. And also in Rome, all kinds of oils and fats were often used as ointments, women began to remove unwanted body hair, brush their teeth and dye their hair in richer tones. It was the Romans who produced "Thelium", the "solid perfume" for the body, from olive oil and orange peel, which Julius Caesar adored so much. By the way, the slave who adorns the body and face of Greek women was called "cosmetics", and now they are our irreplaceable cosmetologists.

The Ancient East. China, Japan, Korea- women preferred whitewash and blush, trying to hide the yellowish skin tone.

Moon-faced graceful Chinese women used cosmetics sometimes without measure. They whitened thickly, gave a special object of pride - arched eyebrows - they gave a green tint, dusted themselves with rice starch, added saffron to the blush, and gilded their teeth. Since all these cosmetics were extremely expensive, only a few of the elite class could use them. But even for ordinary women, there has always been a place for experiment with the help of the gifts of nature, namely: plants, leaves and fruits of trees, berries.

In these countries, there was a real cult of female beauty, for the maintenance and improvement of which they used balms, plant extracts, ink, white for the face, nail polish. A thousand years before our era, the Indian writer Sustruta in his book "Knowledge of Life" even described a plastic surgery of the nose. Cosmetics have always had the same roots with medicine. Medical papyri contain cosmetic recipes often mixed with prayers and spells.

And fabulous India, with its light saris, original jewelry and sophisticated traditions, used cosmetics to a minimum, only emphasizing the beauty of the face. Both women and men painted their eyes with antimony, their eyebrows were painted with charcoal, their cheeks were painted with cinnabar, their lips were given a golden hue, and their teeth were brown. The nails on the hands and feet, as well as the parting in the hair, were dyed red or orange. In Muslim countries, especially in harems, women paid special attention to their appearance. Massages, taking baths with the addition of various oils, removing unwanted hair, caring for nails of hands, feet and, of course, face - this is an everyday ritual.

Ancient Russia. We can say with confidence that women in Kievan Rus knew a lot about skin and body care. Girls often washed themselves with morning dew, which gave a unique freshness and energized for the whole day. Facial cosmetics were mainly based on natural ingredients and animal origin. For example, they washed their hair with an egg, and rinsed them with infusions of herbs. For the elasticity of the skin of the face, neck and hands, they used fermented milk products, for softening and restoration - fats and oils. Collected herbs also came to the rescue: mint, chamomile, cornflower, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, plantain, burdock, nettle, hops, oak bark. All kinds of ointments, tinctures, often of a medicinal nature, were made from them. And it was noticed in the "cosmetic bag" of Russian young ladies: for blush, they used cherries, raspberries and beets, for whiteness of the face - flour, eyebrows and eyelashes inked with charcoal or soot. In Kievan Rus, women did it extremely ineptly and, in the words of Olearius, looked like "painted dolls". In 1661. the Novgorod metropolitan forbade the admission of "clean" women to the church.

After the fall of Rome, makeup traditions were preserved only in Italy, Byzantium and Muslim countries - the Christian Church strongly condemned cosmetics.

At the same time, the Europeans at that time did not observe basic hygiene rules. Imagine: Catherine de Medici washed only twice in her life - at baptism, and when she was washed before burial. What can we say about commoners. Rickets became a scourge of that time. In the late XIV - early XV, women, imitating rickety ladies, began to pluck their eyebrows and hair over their foreheads. And to emphasize the whiteness of the skin, they let out one playful curl from under the headdress or tied a narrow black ribbon around their foreheads.

Around the same time, the custom of blackening teeth with antimony appeared in Italy (all from the same imitation of rickety "beauties"), and Catherine and Maria Medici brought this custom to France. Unusual fashion, having passed through Europe, reached Russia, but somehow did not take root. According to Radishchev, in the 18th century only merchants blackened their teeth.

Cosmetics, despite the opposition of the church, finally took root in Europe in the 15th century, and it was used not only by women, but also by men.

The Duchess of Newcastle invented the famous flies to hide skin imperfections. They were cut out of taffeta or velvet in the form of various circles and flowers. They were glued to the face, neck, chest, and each fly had a specific meaning. So, a fly above the lip meant coquetry, on the forehead - majesty, in the corner of the eye - passion. Ladies quickly picked up the fashion for a novelty, and began to use a special, "fly" language. In 1680, the Marquis de Montespan, the mistress of Louis XIV, began to appear at the Court in full "war" paint - she was very whitewashed and blushed brightly. The dandies of the court quickly took up this fashion, and thanks to this, it lasted until the beginning of the 18th century.

Already at this time, doctors were seriously concerned about the state of women's health. It turned out that their whitewash harms not only the skin, but also the kidneys, contributing to the accumulation of toxic substances in them. In 1779, the French Royal Society of Medicine began testing cosmetics. However, their system remained only a theory until 1906.

False eyebrows appeared in the 18th century. They were made from pieces of mouse skins. Well, since such a "beautiful" lady could outright capture the heart of even the notorious Casanova, the Senate in Frankfurt issued a decree that invalidated a marriage if a man was forced to marry by deception, using various counterfeit means, such as blush, whitewash, lipstick , false hair, false teeth and the like. The woman was then tried for witchcraft.

In the 18th century, cosmetics began to be produced in large quantities at factories. Advertising of cosmetics appeared in newspapers and on special posters. The cosmetics were sold in beautiful porcelain jars and were very expensive. At the beginning and middle of the 18th century, contrasting makeup was in vogue: white skin (to emphasize the whiteness of the skin, women of fashion painted thin blue veins on their temples), scarlet lips, crimson cheeks, black eyelashes and boldly drawn eyebrows, as well as a powdered wig. Cosmetics continued to be hazardous to health - for example, there were cases of lipstick poisoning.

In Russia in the 17th century, with the arrival of European outfits, the use of cosmetics began to be much more widespread. Powder and blush were applied in a thick layer. At the balls, the ladies had to correct their make-up several times during the evening, since the zinc white, which was very fashionable at that time, dried up and fell off the face in pieces. In the 18th century, decorative cosmetics based on mineral salts appeared in Russia. In the era of Peter I, Russian ladies did not lag behind European ones. At the same time, they washed more regularly, which greatly surprised the foreigners.

The 18th century was the heyday of French cosmetics. It was believed that the whiteness of the face should be uneven: the forehead should be lighter than the temples. In the almanac "Library for Ladies", published in 1764, it was written that "around the mouth, the white should shine with the yellowness of alabaster." Favorite was a red color, so bright that it produced an unnatural effect. This was especially noticeable on the bleached face.

In 18th century France, secular lionesses had no right to ignore blush. The Versailles court of the time of Louis XV was shocked when the bride of the Dauphin arrived in France, who did not know anything about blush in her country. It took a court verdict to make the princess blush.

In the US, cosmetics were also not welcome. Until the 1920s, she was favored only on the stage. Subsequently, it was Hollywood who was able to convince the Americans by setting an example in the use of makeup.

The beginning of the scientific era in cosmetics is usually attributed to the 19th century. The concept of "Cosmetics" began to include procedures for the treatment of skin diseases, prevention and elimination of cosmetic defects, care for the skin of the face, neck, scalp, arms and legs. Gradually, cosmetics were divided into medicinal and decorative. This circumstance is very important, since it is associated with the redistribution of financial flows - any assurance about the therapeutic effect must be confirmed.

Snow-white leather was still in vogue at the beginning of the 19th century - however, already natural, without any whitewash. Beauties hid from the sun under a veil. Lipstick has become a thing of the past, and cleanliness of the body and teeth was considered the height of civilization. The era of romanticism has come with its ideal of "airy" beauty - white skin and dark hair. Wigs were done away with for centuries. However, even here it was not without exaggeration: the young beauties drank vinegar and lemon juice, starved, did not sleep at night, in the confidence that the pallor and blue under the eyes would give them aristocratic chic.

Meanwhile, the production of cosmetics developed, more and more new products were invented, the beauty market expanded, and cosmetics became cheaper.

In 1863, the cosmetics firm Bourjois launched rice powder that became an instant bestseller. In 1890, they also invented the compact powder "Manon Lescaut", ushering in a new era in cosmetics. Powder was followed by dry compact blush "Pastel joues".

The Russian industry also did not stand still. In 1843, the first perfume factory was built; its founder was a French citizen, merchant Alphonse Antonovich Rale. Raw materials were still taken from abroad, but the finished goods were successfully exported. The Ralle plant produced soap, eau de toilette, toilet vinegar, perfume, powder, lipstick. On the basis of this plant in Soviet times, a factory was founded, which bore the name "Svoboda".

At the beginning of the 20th century, a matte complexion came into fashion. The development of cinema made cosmetics great advertising, movie stars became trendsetters. At the same time, the first beauty institutes were opened.

1919 became a truly revolutionary year in the world of fashion - fashion models began to appear on the catwalk in full make-up. Their makeup looked quite peculiar - a thickly powdered face, lips with a "heart" of purple-burgundy, eyebrows are completely plucked out and painted again in a thin semicircle.

The fashion for pallor was replaced by a tan, which has become a symbol of well-being. The first tanning creams were introduced in 1930. Doctors began to recommend sea recreation - and immediately waterproof mascara was born.

Cosmetologists began to actively cooperate with physiologists and chemists. From that moment on, the requirements for cosmetics changed radically: it became not only harmless, but, if possible, also curative.

The second half of the 20th century introduced the concept of image - a harmonious image of a woman: clothes, cosmetics and hairstyle were combined in a single stylistic ensemble. Each new collection of haute couture has been accompanied by a new style of makeup.

In the 60s, skirts above the knee, shirt dresses, trousers, platform shoes were in fashion. The image of a "good-girl" was completed with pastel shades, lipstick of a light, natural shade, false eyelashes, which gave charm and a special "childish" naivety.

In the 70s, the emphasis was on the eyes, the color of powder and lipstick approached the body. Glitter was added to the evening make-up. And in the early 80s, "femme fatale" women were again in vogue. Fashion designers offer a wide selection of clothes in dark colors, stylists - contrasting makeup: white skin, bright blush and red lipstick.

Conclusion: Recently, fashion magazines constantly publish reviews of trends in makeup, and from different makeup artists. The freedom of creativity is truly unlimited, and fashion does not dictate strict rules. With the development of mankind, a lot changes, and so does cosmetics. And now there are more and more new tools, technologies and manufacturers. This is already a market where the strongest survive. And also, this is a whole art, the art of make-up. Where the main rule is to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages.

Elena Saykovskaya | 01/18/2016 | 15625

Elena Saykovskaya 01/18/2016 15625

Minimalism is in vogue now, so French makeup just meets this condition. And making it yourself at home is as easy as shelling pears.

French women can rightfully be called the trendsetters of not only fashion, but also beauty. What is so special about French makeup? Let's figure it out.

Characteristic features of French makeup

French make-up is mainly characterized by two elements. These are graphic arrows and bright scarlet lips. Today, these color rules are not strictly enforced, so arrows and lipstick can be of any color. For example, daring ladies prefer bright blue and purple eyeliners.

However, one important rule of French makeup still remains: the arrow must have a pointed shape and be long enough. It perfectly accentuates the lash line and visually makes them thicker.

Bright, juicy color of lips, which can be bright red, crimson, pink, purple and other saturated shades, are perfectly combined with spectacular arrows.

Lips can be colored in two ways. The classic option is to first circle with a contour pencil to match the lipstick, and then paint over the entire surface of the lips well with bright matte lipstick. A more common way is to apply lipstick or lip gloss without using a liner. This option is more popular when using purple lipstick.

Luscious lips and correctly drawn arrows suit all women. At first glance, it may seem that, for example, to owners of the shape of eyes with overhanging eyelids or drooping corners of the eyes, graphic arrows do not go, as they make the look gloomy and sad. In fact, you just need to be able to correctly select the arrows for a specific shape of the eyes. And then French makeup will help create an attractive look.

How to do French makeup?

1. Take care of your skin first. Your task is to hide all its flaws, in particular redness and oily sheen. After all, French women are trying to make their skin perfectly matte.

However, it should not be too tanned. Therefore, it is better to use foundation and powder to match your skin or a little lighter.

2. On the movable eyelid, apply a flesh-colored or beige-white shade. It is possible with mother-of-pearl. Then draw the arrow with jet black eyeliner.

If your eyebrows are too light, you can tint them slightly with a brown or gray pencil. But don't overdo it: in French make-up, they shouldn't be accentuated.

3. Apply 2 thick coats of black mascara to lashes.

4. French lip makeup should be perfect as it gets the most attention. First, apply a little sheer powder to your lips to help keep the lipstick in place. Then outline the contour of the lips with a pencil, and paint over the rest of the area with matte lipstick.

Use a lipstick brush to paint over the wrinkles on the lips.

If you want your lips to look more luscious, apply a little sheer gloss over the lipstick.

5. And the finishing touch - accentuate the cheekbones with a soft pink blush.

French makeup is ready!

And you can safely decorate the world with yourself.

Based on materials from the website

  • 1.
    Beaute, or beauty
  • 2.
    Do not be satisfied, but enjoy
  • 3.
    No tanning
  • 4.
    How to do beautiful French makeup
  • 5.
    French makeup step by step
    • 5.1.
      Makeup without makeup
    • 5.2.
      Attention to detail
    • 5.3.
      Emphasis on color
    • 5.4.
      Red lipstick and wardrobe
    • 5.5.
      Perfect arrows
    • 5.6.
      Fashion trends
    • 5.7.
      What to draw
    • 5.8.
      How to draw
    • 5.9.
      Lifehack 1
    • 5.10.
      Lifehack 2
    • 5.11.
      Lifehack 3

She is sexy, mysterious, surprisingly attractive, even if not very beautiful in the textbook sense of the word. A special flair emanates from her - this is both a light, subtle aroma, and an almost tangible energy that makes you turn around after her. Catherine Deneuve, Marion Cotillard, Sophie Marceau, Patricia Kaas ... - they are so different, but always breathtakingly beautiful in their soft, multi-layered outfits, with carelessly flowing or tied hair in a bun, practically without makeup ... Frenchwomen. How do they do it?

In this article, we will tell you about the beauty secrets of Parisian women, as well as how to do exquisite French makeup yourself.

Beaute, or beauty

The famous cherchez la femme (cherchez la femme) - "look for a woman" - in relation to the French women themselves has another, more philosophical meaning: to find femininity in yourself, to love your essence, groom it, bring it to perfection - this is what you really need to learn from representatives of this nation. If you analyze the style and ideas about the beauty of women in France, it is impossible not to notice that the secrets of their charm are simple, but they imply work on themselves, and not external retouching, embellishment. So, the basic rules followed by French women.

Do not be satisfied, but enjoy

The power supply system in France is almost a cult. A French woman will never pounce on dinner, even if she is very hungry. A large and high-calorie portion, she will prefer a gourmet dish, especially if it is a tiny piece of art on a large plate. And believe me, she will be able to enjoy the food. As a result, the mood is high, and the figure will be grateful. Probably, we should also adopt their diet from the French women.

Eye-catching does not mean looking catchy. A gray scarf on a gray sweater, classic jeans, classic ballet flats, a black knitted dress ... French women prefer restraint, bordering on plainness. Why? They don't want the outfit to distract attention from their face, hands, eyes. Sexuality in French is not a tight-fitting dress with a cutout and stiletto heels, this is a T-shirt bought two sizes larger, accidentally slipping off the shoulder and seductively exposing the collarbones.

No tanning

French women really do not like to sunbathe and often look even pale. But they are convinced: aristocratic pallor is much more elegant than "seductive ruddy pie." Cheekbones glossy from bronzer and highlighter are not their style. In addition, tanning is harmful to the skin. Beautiful, even, healthy, glowing from moisture, not from a highlighter, skin - here it is, the French version.

Respecting yourself means taking care of yourself. According to statistics, French women spend 10 (!) Times more on cosmetics than, for example, British women. And it's not about the level of wealth. Self-care, spa treatments, a beautician - what a Frenchwoman will always find time for. They begin to use moisturizers already at 14, gradually increasing the arsenal of care. Moisturizing masks and facial massages are Madame and Mademoiselle's favorite treatments.

French women are usually very mobile. They love walks, dancing, light sports games.

Long hours of workouts in the gym - to a lesser extent their format, but not because they are lazy, just the habit of enjoying life extends to sports: spending time should be pleasant! Fit and not overly muscular, graceful but not too skinny - their femininity always looks natural in the first place.

The scent of France is the scent of a woman. Many French women can afford individual, exclusive scent. They are unlikely to choose the most popular option from - "Chanel" ", even out of respect for the legendary compatriot.

The highlight is to have a special scent. A French woman will never emit a clear scent of perfume: an exquisite, sexy sillage is what they strive for. The goal is not for the room to fill with a smell when you enter, but in the desire of a particular person to get closer to you in order to feel the attractive scent more clearly. Sexuality - as it is.

How to do beautiful French makeup

Many admire the ability of French women to look great even in their mature years - Parisians never lose their femininity. The secret is not only in a special view of the world, but also in the make-up. French makeup is a real art, a way of life and a certain style that you have to absorb.

Anyone can put on makeup according to all the rules of a Frenchwoman, but not look like a Frenchwoman. Therefore, firstly - start enjoying happy moments every day, accept everything with ease, smile more and give those around you charming smiles.

Now let's talk about the intricacies of French makeup.

French makeup step by step

Makeup without makeup

Beautiful makeup should not be noticeable: this is the axiom of every Parisian woman. It was the French women who introduced nude makeup into fashion. After all, they can afford to have a “naked face”, because thanks to careful care, it looks flawless and without a layer of foundation and sculpting products. From the obligatory - mascara, tint for lips of a natural shade, maximum - it is on the cheeks. Complement with a casual bun or styling with sexy (but not messy) strands that stick out - and voila! - the French look is ready!

Of course, for the publication of the French women do more thorough makeup. Here are some secrets of a flawless French style make-up.

To keep skin glowing with health and looking sleek, be sure to apply a moisturizer or serum to cleansed face.

Owners of oily skin, do not be afraid, the face will not shine ahead of time, but the foundation will lie much more naturally and softly. The main thing is not to overdo it with the product and do not apply it too close to the eyes. Gently distribute the cream and patiently beat it in with your fingertips: for this mini massage, the skin will thank you with elasticity.

What about concealer?

You can and should do French make-up with it too: apply concealer on the lower eyelid (under the eyes) and blend with a brush in the cheekbones. Do not overdo it, concealer works not so much due to the density of the coating, but due to the light reflection. After all, we want to preserve the main feature of French make-up - naturalness.

As a result, no one should guess that you are wearing makeup at all. Our goal is not Wow, what beautiful shadows you have! ”, But“ You look great! So rested! "

Eyeshadow - only natural, natural shades. We blend them gently and extremely delicately on the eyelids. They are "shadows" for that, to give a barely visible volume, to open the eyes, and not to create clear boundaries and visible transitions. And no ultra-black mascara with incredible volume! Our version - dark brown, creating a slight dramatic drag - this is the classic make-up of a Parisian woman.

When it comes to powder, the French woman would choose a weightless crumbly texture, better generally colorless, to fix her makeup. A matte face does not look natural, a healthy, barely noticeable shine of the skin should still be present.

It is important not to overdo it with blush. Parisian style means a minimum of visible makeup, and the cheeks should have a natural glow. The make-up is hopelessly ruined if the brick-red or brown blush is evident. To create a natural effect, you need to apply them with a special beveled brush. The layer should turn out to be translucent, barely noticeable, as if you were slightly flushed with excitement. And no mother of pearl!

By the way, if in evening make-up you decide to focus on expressive lips, it is better to refuse blush altogether.

The cult of the eyebrows in the past two years has shifted the idea of ​​naturalness and moderation towards exaggeration. But this is unlikely to work for French makeup. All we want to achieve from the look of the eyebrows is naturalness. A neat, clear (but not unnecessarily, without deliberate graphic) contour, an invisible styling gel to give the desired direction to the hairs - and enough. You cannot use eyebrow pencils in French makeup, use a brush and dark brown eyebrow shadow instead. Paint over the hairs with smooth movements, barely touching the eyebrow itself.

There is another beauty secret borrowed from French women. Someone calls it their ability to rejoice in little things, someone - the art of appreciating every minute, we liked the phrase “to have your own secret garden” most of all. This "garden" can be anything: your favorite book or magazine, a relaxing massage, a place in the park where you like to be alone ... In a word, this is an activity that gives you energy, fills you with strength, the time you devote only exclusively to myself. A visit to the "secret garden" is reflected in our appearance in the most concrete way. Get yourself such a place - and you yourself will notice how mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, posture improves, and softness of movements appears.

The meticulously crafted, retro French look with arrows and red lips, which was at its peak some time ago, has lost ground. Now red lipstick can be worn both in a feast and in the world - as an impressive French accent in an absolutely simple make-up.

To create a very simple and at the same time luxurious look, we need a foundation, milky or beige matte shadows, voluminous mascara and, of course, lipstick. Moreover, you can apply it simply by hammering in with your fingertips - a slight smudge will give your lips a fashionable, kissed look. This method is especially good for those whose lips are small and not too plump - this way you can add extra volume to them. However, we are accustomed to a different method of application.

The classics of the genre are, of course, carefully and clearly drawn lips, covered with a neat layer of lipstick, as if on an advertising poster. For such a make-up, the face should be tinted with an even layer and accents with the help of a highlighter, in particular, mark the so-called "Cupid's bow" - a tick above the upper lip, which will visually make the lips more voluminous. Then you should draw the outline with a red pencil and shade the entire surface of the lips with it. Then apply lipstick in a neat even layer using a brush, dust your lips with loose powder and blot with a napkin. Then - the second layer of lipstick. It is recommended to "tap" the corners of the mouth again with a toner.

Attention to detail

If you decide on red lipstick smoky eyes, arrows - in general, for something catchy and noticeable, you will have to work hard on the details. For example, bright lipstick will make the tendrils above the upper lip and bruises under the eyes, pimples and an uneven complexion visible. Red lipsticks with a warm undertone can make tooth enamel appear more yellow. The good news, however, is that the cool red tint makes your teeth whiter. Nevertheless, red lipstick is not a pink gloss, and it stains teeth actively. Therefore, do not be lazy and periodically check the state of your smile throughout the day.

In addition, if you decide on a bright lipstick, then it is important to consider the shape of the lips. Saturated shades visually make the lips smaller and narrower, and also accentuate the shape. Therefore, those who have medium-sized or rather large lips, swollen and beautifully symmetrical, can safely use red lipstick.

Of course, any shape can be corrected with a pencil, but remember that if you go beyond the natural contours by more than 1 millimeter, this is an image for a photo shoot, but it is completely unsuitable for everyday life.

Emphasis on color

No wonder they say that red lipstick suits everyone: almost every woman can choose the right shade among the variety of reds: bright or restrained, with a warm or cold undertone.

Feel free to experiment. If you are uncomfortable with red, but you still want to try something bright on your lips, do not be upset: there are other shades, for example, intense berry shades. You can also try gloss instead of lipstick - the color will be softer.

Red lipstick and wardrobe

The simpler the better. This is a universal rule if you decide to introduce a bright accent into your image. Now, red lipstick isn't just worn with cocktail dresses. Jeans, dress pants, gray and beige sweaters, white cotton shirts and cream silk blouses are part of a simple and elegant French look with red lipstick.

Perfect arrows

This is perhaps the most spectacular image, but also the most difficult to perform. Let's try to figure out all the subtleties and nuances of arrows.

Fashion trends

Let's face it: fashion trends favor the young and daring. The arrows on the catwalks are entirely fancy: wide, sharp, the color - from deep blue to lemon and hot pink shades. Admit it, very few people are ready to go out like that in people, and therefore let's discuss how to draw classic arrows.

What to draw

The most common option is a pencil. It is easier to handle it, the choice of pencils is huge: both in hardness and softness, and in color palette, and in special effects (a black pencil flashing with burgundy sparkles is no longer a rarity). For beginners, rather soft pencils with a foam rubber "pupsik" or a brush for shading at the end are suitable - even if the arrow is far from ideal, it can be neatly shaded: the "smoky" arrow makes the eyes expressive. The disadvantage of pencils is that for a perfectly thin lead, they need to be sharpened often, which means they quickly run out.

Liquid eyeliner can be in the form of a felt-tip pen or in a jar with a brush. This format is suitable for those who like very clear, graphic arrows and already know how to draw them masterfully.

Gel liner is usually in a small jar and should be applied thinly and with a flat, beveled brush. This consistency is easy to apply, does not freeze immediately, but lends itself to correction within a couple of minutes, lasts a long time and does not smear.

In addition, you can safely combine tools: apply eyeshadow over a liquid eyeliner, liquid or gel - over a pencil outline.

How to draw

First of all, you need to decide which shape of the arrows is right for you, because with their help you can correct the shape of the eyes: make the round ones almond-shaped, smooth the protruding upper eyelids, "open" the Mongoloid eyes.

In addition, remember about harmony in general: long arrows are not very well combined with short eyebrows, sharp ones with sharp long tails will not adorn a delicate plump face.

For stability of future eyeliners and better glide of the pencil or eyeliner, apply an eyelid base and secure with matte milky eyeshadow. If you want more drama, the crease of the eyelid can be drawn with matte gray-beige shadows.

Well, then - training, training and training again. Someone begins to draw a line from the very first eyelash, someone - from the middle of the century, and then draws, someone will definitely put a point - the end of the tail of the arrow.

If you are just starting to master this complex, but very expressive technique, try, armed with a pencil, draw an arrow with short strokes, slightly pulling the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye.

If you decide on wide arrows, put a point where the arrow should end. Draw a line from the outer corner of the eye to this point. Then, pulling the skin slightly, draw the upper outline of the arrow from a point to the edge of the eyelid. Fill the resulting space with color.

If you want to make the arrow more contrasting, then apply some milky shadows at the outer edge of it.

Lifehack 1

For ideal arrows, it is important that the space between the eyelashes is also filled with a contour - then the arrow will be clear and pronounced, without skin areas that shine through between the eyelashes. To do this, you will need a fairly hard, sharpened pencil.

But all this beauty must be carefully removed with a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover. Neglect is fraught with conjunctivitis and blepharitis - unpleasant phenomena, which can be difficult and long to treat.

Lifehack 2

If the tail of the arrow does not come out perfectly straight, do not be upset. Think back to school and take a short ruler (a business card or credit card - basically, something with a smooth, hard edge). Attach at an angle to the outer edge of the eye and draw a line - this is a sketch for the tail of the future arrow.

Lifehack 3

For a perfect shooter, it is important that the hand does not flinch. If you are not sure of your endurance (and also if a cat, dog or baby is wandering around), then it is better to draw arrows sitting at the table. When the hand is not overhang, but confidently rests the elbow on the table, there is much less chance of having to do make-up removal and start all over again.

The main thing is to start, and mastery will come with time.

Beauty in any language is, first of all, a dialogue with oneself, acceptance and respect for oneself, the art of being a good, caring mistress for one's body and soul. The Secret Garden gives us the most noticeable and at the same time inexplicable beauty. This is probably what people mean when they talk about someone. "It glows from the inside." Be beautiful!

Section: All about makeupFashion trends 2019-2019 winter and summer

The classic image of a French woman always arouses in us awe, admiration and even a touch of envy. These women have elevated the concept of "elegant negligence" to the pedestal of style and beauty, they have a unique charm and are endowed with the very mystery that so attracts men. What is the secret of the beauty of the inhabitants of France? Today we will reveal all the secrets on


When thinking about the beauty of French women, two main characteristics immediately come to mind: negligence and naturalness. Look at the photos of actresses, at the selections, you will not find brightly colored women with perfectly styled hair on them. And all because French women believe that every woman is beautiful in her own way. And this beauty must be shown, not hidden by skillful makeup techniques.

READ ALSO - Secrets of wedding makeup: how to make the bride's face perfect

That is why their approach to external beauty is fundamentally different from the American one. It traces individuality and taste, the desire to reveal the inner beauty of a woman, to emphasize her sensuality and attractiveness. Let's take a look at the basic principles of French beauty.

1. Care.
French women never skimp on skin care, preferring proven brands and natural composition of cosmetic products. They devote a lot of time to visits to beauticians and caregivers. After all, beautiful skin is already half of the makeup. And certainly all year round.

2. Fresh face.
While the world is going crazy for, French women have long opted for healthy glow and natural effects. No thick foundations or concealers, even if bruises under the eyes or other imperfections are visible, but it will be you, and not the perfect plastered skin. Therefore, their choice is only very light foundations with a shining finish without waxing. And sometimes you can do just one thing. With a foundation like this, you don't need a highlighter, your skin will look vibrant, healthy and rested. And of course no contouring.

3. Focus on eyebrows.
French women have bypassed the fashion for clearly traced, perfectly styled, dark eyebrows. They don't use highly pigmented lipsticks and color gels, limiting themselves to eyebrow pencil and mascara. This is enough to create wide enough, natural looking, slightly tousled eyebrows.

4. Red lipstick.
This is the only bright accent that the inhabitants of France allow themselves in both day and evening make-up. Moreover, they are worn in the morning, with any clothes, without waiting for a suitable occasion and reason. In combination with good skin and lack of makeup on the eyes, this technique looks very fresh and organic. You can also use red lipstick as a blush, just apply it to your cheeks with your finger and blend. It refreshes and makes the face look younger.

5. Everything has its time.
Unlike Ukraine, you will never meet in France in the daytime a girl with active arrows or. For French women, bright makeup during the day is a sign of bad taste and bad manners, the maximum is red lipstick. During the day, many girls often go without makeup at all, since there is no mandatory rule to paint every day. French evening make-up is often neat arrows or highlighting the outer corner of the eye with a slight haze. They do not use shimmery shadows, bright colors in makeup, etc.

Do you want to be like the mysterious and sophisticated women of France? Choose only high-quality decorative cosmetics and remember about the main principle of make-up for French women “less is more”. And also, finally buy yourself the perfect red lipstick :).

Moisture & Radiance Foundation (SPF 30) Bourjois City Radiance
Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Matte Liquid Lipstick
Bourjois Brow Design Mascara
Bourjois VOLUME GLAMOR PUSH UP THE VOLUME volumizing mascara