
Stencil for eyebrow shaping. Eyebrow stencils: how to choose, use and make yourself. Stencil nose mask

Pathology of the uterus

Every girl dreams of having beautiful and expressive eyebrows. You can make them yourself! However, for this you will have to print the stencils for the eyebrows (you will see their photos below).

A stencil is a small shape that allows you to draw the correct lines. Their bend, length and thickness may vary. Life-size eyebrow stencils make it possible to perform high-quality makeup or remove excess hair.

The main types of stencils

An eyebrow stencil, the real size of which is the same as the natural one, can be of several types. Velcro products are very popular (their photos are presented on the site). They can be simply attached to the hairs, and your hands will remain free, which is very convenient.

On the Internet, in all their variety, stencils are sold that are attached to the nose (you will see their photos below). They are also comfortable to use. There are also ubiquitous options that you have to hold with your own hands.

Handmade stencil creation

Eyebrow stencils can be made with your own hands.

This is done in several steps:

  1. Find soft, clear plastic or white paper.
  2. Download stencils from the Internet and transfer them to paper (a photo of how this is done is below).
  3. Stencils must be printed in real size. Then they are cut out with scissors or a construction knife.

A self-made template can be safely used!

Reviews of those people who have already been involved in such actions indicate that plastic is often not at hand. Where can I find it? Look into the refrigerator - a jar of yogurt or cottage cheese will do. Another real-world example of a "find" from the Internet is the use of a folder for files. If you remember, one side of it is colored and the other is transparent. The latter is what you need. It is recommended to cut several templates at once, of different sizes.

Why is the use of stencils the best option?

Life-size templates help you shape your brows. You can also do a tattoo, but it looks extremely unnatural. Pencils and eyeshadow can also help fix the problem, but applying daily makeup is time-consuming.

Using stencils is convenient and simple. You can buy them at any beauty store or make your own. Just download the form on the Internet and all you have to do is print it out.

You can transfer the stencil to paper using a marker (a photo of how this is done is below). If you want to save time, you can simply attach the plastic to the PC screen. Then it is enough to circle the shape.

Important! Places of cuts, if you are using plastic, are best processed with a nail file - then they will not be scratched. Ready-made eyebrow stencils can serve you in various situations - for tattooing, applying makeup, hair correction.

Permanent make-up is usually done in salons by craftsmen. However, it is still worth printing your stencil, and suddenly the specialist does not need a form for you.

It is important to make a stencil correctly. The main mistake that beginners make is the wrong form. Before you start using stencils, you should visit a beautician at least once. He will tell you what kind of bend you need, and it is worth starting from this.

Now wide eyebrows are fashionable, but there are girls whom they simply will not suit. If the actual size of the stencil you choose reaches your temple, it may be inconvenient to hold it with your hands. In this case, it is recommended to use an adhesive plaster (you will see a photo of how this is done below).

Her one important point to pay attention to! Using a life-size makeup template, you don't need to draw in your eyebrows with a bright pencil. The best option is to use shadows (a photo of how this is done is on the site), otherwise your face will look comical.

And if you decide to make a stencil in the form of a mask (the photo of which is below), your hands will remain free. Since this option is attached to the face, covering the nose and eyebrows. Nevertheless, it will not be easy to find a high-quality version of the presented product on the Internet. Moreover, a mask with full-size eyebrows cut into it is suitable only for those with symmetrical eyebrows.

How to use the template correctly

Using a life-size stencil is very easy:

  • If it was performed on one eyebrow, it is enough to apply it with different sides (a photo of how the process is performed is presented on the site);
  • If your eyebrows are larger than the actual size of the stencils, paint over everything that protrudes from the border with a light shade, and then remove unnecessary hairs.

Using a set of strips from temple to temple will allow you to adjust the eyebrows at the same height. In this case, using a mask, you can insert an elastic band into it. Then it will be convenient to use it - it will fit snugly to the face.

So, making templates with your own hands is pretty simple. In cosmetic stores, their sets are sold - 6 pieces each (their photo is presented on the site). However, not all of them are useful to you, so why throw your money down the drain? The real way out of the situation is to make a product at home.

Just take a piece of plastic and cut out the shape you want. If there are jags, it will be enough to file them with a nail file. This will have to be done very carefully. Otherwise, there is nothing difficult in making stencils.

Every woman dreams of having beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows, because they help to make the eyes more expressive and emphasize their beauty. Recently, large and bright eyebrows have come into fashion, which are an indispensable element of the complete image of any girl.

What are stencils

A stencil is a special small piece of material in which various shapes of eyebrows are cut. There are many different stencils that come in different lengths, thicknesses, or bends. This is done so that each girl can choose the option she likes.

Stencils are used to apply makeup to create perfect eyebrows. And also a stencil is used to get rid of unnecessary hairs to create the perfect eyebrow shape.

Eyebrow stencils have appeared quite recently, but they are already in high demand, because they help to lighten the makeup of any girl.


At the moment, there are three types of stencils. You can choose any one you like:

  1. Stencils- plastic pieces of material, inside which there is a hole in the shape of an eyebrow. There are many forms and types. Mostly used by masters in beauty salons for the selection of the shape of the eyebrows. The set contains from 4 to 6 pieces.
  2. Velcro masks. These stencils are amazing in that they can be put on and fastened, while your hands will remain free at this time and you can easily do your makeup or correction at home. Ideal for those who find it difficult to use the first version of the stencils.
  3. Masks that are attached to the nose... It is very difficult to find in ordinary stores, but on the Internet it is free.

How to use

If you have decided on the type of stencil, then you can already start the process of using it. There is nothing difficult here, the main thing is to adapt, and for the second time everything will seem easy and simple to you.

  1. If you have a translucent powder, apply it to the area around your brows to help the stencil not stick.
  2. Apply the stencil to each eyebrow in turn, it should fit exactly to your eyebrow shape.
  3. After the stencil has been selected, you need to fix it by hand (if you have the first version of the stencil). In the second and third options, you do not need to hold it with your hand, it will, therefore, be fixed.
  4. Take a pencil or and draw a drawing according to the existing shape. Then just remove the stencil and that's it. All that remains is to remove unnecessary hairs, which you can either simply trim or pluck.
  5. In order to consolidate the result obtained, you can apply wax.

After everything is ready, you will need to clean the plastic stencils with milk or plain water. If you've used disposable stencils, you can simply throw them away.

As you can see, using stencils is not difficult at all. The main thing is that the eyebrows look natural! Don't highlight too much with pencil or shadows, blend the borders for maximum naturalness.

How to make a template with your own hands

It is not so difficult to create a stencil; you need simple tools at hand that can be found in every home.


  1. Find plain white paper or clear soft plastic (you can use material from some packaging).
  2. If you do not want to bother yourself, then you can simply print stencils from the Internet or redraw them onto paper. You can download life-size stencils from us just below.
  3. If you decide to make paper stencils, then make several at once, otherwise they can quickly deteriorate or tear. If you find plastic, then immediately prepare a construction knife, you will have to cut it very carefully and not get hurt.

After the stencil is cut, you can safely start using it.

Where can I buy

Most girls order stencils online, but those who don't want to wait can buy regular plastic stencils at any beauty store.

But stencils, which are fixed on the nose or on the back of the head, can only be ordered via the Internet in Chinese stores.

Most popular stores that have stencils.

  1. Avon. The set contains 4 elements of different lengths and thicknesses. It is convenient to work with them, but they are not suitable for everyone.
  2. Divage. There are 5 elements in the arsenal, on which there are special lines for facilitating work with them. The manufacturer assured that every woman will find a suitable stencil for herself.
  3. Rive Gauche. In this chain of stores you can find branded eyebrow grooming kits, which include: shadow, gel and three eyebrow stencils.

Since ancient times, the appearance of women has changed for the sake of fashion. Even such a part of the body as the eyebrows, had its own canons of beauty.

Take the famous Mona Lisa, for example. She has no eyebrows at all. In those days, it was considered beautiful to shave them off.

The classics have descriptions of thick sable eyebrows. But we will not rush to extremes and will stop at that nowadays fashion for well-groomed eyebrows.

Finding your master, who will make them not only beautiful, but also smooth, is sometimes an overwhelming task even in a metropolis.

Women will always find a way out of seemingly impossible obstacles.

If there are no eyebrows, we will draw, if there is excess, we will pluck them.

And in order for the eyebrows to always be perfectly even and delight us, it has long been invented assistant in a difficult struggle for beauty- stencil for eyebrows.

Manufacturers make smart marketing moves to increase sales. One of them is a set. They include different templates, usually six. Or to the stencil you need add components from brushes, combs, gel and other things.

Agree, reluctance to overpay money for things that you will not use.

Is it possible to do it at home?

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a ready-made stencil, do not despair. It can be made at home. After all, this just a piece of plastic with a slot.

It is clear that when manufactured in production, it will be smooth and without chipping. But even at home, you can make a stencil neatly if you follow these tips.

You can learn how to properly use eyebrow gel from ours.

Instructions for making a template

How to make an eyebrow stencil yourself? First, choose softest piece of plastic the right size for your home.

Let it be transparent lid from cottage cheese or yogurt.

Stationery stores sell file folders... They have a colored back side, and in front, we need a transparent large sheet of A4 format.

If you can't do everything the first time, it's enough for more experiments. It's soft enough to cut with scissors. But suddenly, all the shops are already closed, and you urgently need a stencil, any transparent piece of plastic will come in handy.

Secondly, stationery knife with which we will cut the hole. And, thirdly, the manufacturing process itself:

  1. 1st method. If you have a printer, great. We print the template of the desired size and apply it to the plastic. Cut out carefully. Congratulations on your new outfit!
  2. 2nd method. For those who do not have a printer. There is no need to despair. We approach the mirror, apply a piece of plastic to the eyebrow and redraw it with a marker. This is necessary in order to know what kind of eyebrows you have - size and shape.

If the result suits you, redraw the template.

Now we take stationery knife... Be careful here!

Punch a hole not in the outline of the template, but in the middle of the piece to be discarded.

We begin to trim along the contour with gently sawing movements. If your hand trembles and jagged edges file it gently with a nail file.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of well-known brands of creams contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial office conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

How to use it correctly?

There are many ways to use a stencil. If you made it on one eyebrow, just put it on different sides... When the eyebrows are larger than the size you want, paint over the free space with any shadow or pencil. All the rest should be plucked or shaved mercilessly.

When the situation is exactly the opposite and the eyebrows are smaller than the template, they will help too. In this case, you can draw any you like.

The good thing about the homemade stencil option is that you can try different types of it. Option strip from temple to temple will help you correct eyebrows at the same height.

The only inconvenience in using it is that you have to hold it with your hands. To make you as comfortable as possible, do mask stencil... To do this, make holes at the ends of the strip and fasten the elastic.

The fit will be snug and the brow shaping process will be more comfortable. After all, you have both hands free.

Why do you need eyebrow wax? find out right now.

The main mistake when using an eyebrow stencil is wrong shape template.

Consult a beautician, he will tell you the right option.

Although wide natural eyebrows are in fashion now, there are girls who better to leave thin to make the face look more harmonious.

Possible different use cases stencil - touch up makeup, for eyebrow correction, or tattoo or coloring. The last procedures are best done in the salon with a qualified specialist.

As we have already discussed above, different stencil options are possible. If you have a strip that covers the area with eyebrows from temple to temple, with proper dexterity, it is possible to hold it with your hands.

It is better to secure it with adhesive tape for better fixation.

Stencil in the form of a mask covering the area of ​​the eyebrows and nose. Due to its shape, it wraps around the nose, due to which the mask is fixed on the face. You have both hands free. This model better to buy in the store.

Option of a mask with a Velcro or elastic band on the back of the head, the most optimal... But it is only possible for girls with perfectly symmetrical eyebrows. If there is even the slightest asymmetry, you will have to tinker with the design, adapting it to your needs.

In conclusion, I want to say stick to naturalness when applying makeup on eyebrows. It is not necessary to draw them with a pencil, the shadows are enough. Do not overdo it!

You don't want to look comical. Even if you forgot to paint your eyelashes or lips, you didn't apply foundation, but your eyebrows should always be perfect. After all, they serve as a frame for your young perky look.

You can learn how to make a do-it-yourself eyebrow stencil from the video:

You can do makeup of any complexity and draw perfect arrows of unimaginable shapes, but when it comes to eyebrows, you turn into a little girl with mom's makeup on her face. The clarity of the lines is treacherously lame, and the boundaries of the pencil have long gone beyond the natural form. Enough tolerating this! It's time to try the eyebrow stencil! In addition, you can do it yourself from improvised means. The time spent on its creation is fully paid off by the opportunity to sleep longer in the morning.

Praise to the one who guessed to make a hole in the plastic rectangle that repeats the shape and curve of the eyebrow. It is this unpretentious device that is called a stencil. It is enough to attach it to the eyebrows to correct their appearance, remove unnecessary hairs or paint on the necessary ones.

Distinguish in shape

There are many templates used to make a stencil. They differ in the length, width and curvature of the slot. This was done so that any girl could choose a suitable option for herself.

Typically, the stencil is marked with a number and a letter, for example "C 5". It allows you to understand where the eyebrow should begin and end, and where its highest point will be located.

If these numbers do not tell you anything, and in general all these stencils seem to look the same, then try to try them on yourself. So you will clearly understand what suits you, and what form will look as natural as possible.

We distinguish by the type of fastening

You will be faced with another question while choosing a suitable stencil - how should it be attached?

There are 4 options:

  1. Disposable paper template with adhesive tape. Convenient primarily because it leaves your hands free. It is enough to try on its location, tear off the protective strip and glue it around the eyebrow. Even if you accidentally miss and draw too much, it will not go further than the stencil.
  1. Template-mask or, as it is also called, a pattern. Has a T-shape with slots for both eyebrows. You will have to constantly hold the tip with one hand, and draw the eyebrows with the other. But they will definitely turn out to be symmetrical.
  1. Transparent plastic stencil. It is presented in the form of a small piece of plastic with a cutout that imitates the shape of an eyebrow. The downside is that you have to constantly hold it with your hand, and there is a risk of breaking the symmetry.
  1. Plastic molds with Velcro or tape. The easiest stencil to use. You apply it to the eyebrows and fix it on the back of the head with tape or Velcro. The shape is securely held on the head, so both hands are free and the eyebrows are the same.

Do-it-yourself template

The average price for such stencils ranges from 200 to 400 rubles. Why spend so much when you can do the same with your own hands? It will turn out to be no worse.

Step 1. Selecting tools

To create a template you will need:

  • plastic folder for papers
  • knife or scissors
  • marker
  • stencil
  • sewing kit
  • ribbon

You can use any plastic product. Remember to keep it as soft as possible so as not to scratch your skin.

Step 2. Prepare the base of the stencil

Cut a tape from a plastic folder, approximately 3 cm wide and 20 cm long. It will become the basis for the stencil.

Place it on your forehead and mark three points: the middle of the tape and the beginning of the eyebrows.

Next, draw a vertical line that defines the highest point of the brow bend.

This template will help you navigate the further selection of templates.

Step 3. Create a template

On the Internet, you can find many options for eyebrow shapes. If you have already decided which one is right for you, then use it as a stencil. If not, print out your favorites and try on one at a time. Then choose the one that suits you best as your future template.

To determine where the curve of the eyebrow should be, take a pen and place one end of it against the wing of the nose. The other end should go through the center of the pupil and end at just the highest point.

It is not necessary to print a stencil. It is enough to choose the picture you like, enlarge it to the desired size and redraw it by attaching the sheet to the monitor. So you can quickly adjust the scale and, if necessary, correct the shape.

Step 4. Transferring the drawing to plastic

Once you have chosen a suitable pattern, feel free to cut it out and attach it to the plastic tape.

Do you remember the marks we made at the very beginning? Focus on them to correctly position the template. If the drawing goes beyond the boundaries of the outlined points, it is better to fix it right away. You don't want to get sweeping eagle wings or a thick caterpillar instead of neat eyebrows?

Once the stencil matches the natural shape of the brows, transfer it to the plastic using a marker.

Step 5. Cut out the stencil

Equip yourself with a clerical knife to accurately repeat the pattern of the template. Run the tip several times along the borders of the intended stencil until the middle falls off by itself. This will simplify your work and reduce the risk of unnecessary burrs.

If you don't like the knife, use scissors. They should be slightly warmed up so that they slide on the plastic. First, make a small hole in the middle of the template, and then start making cuts along the contour from it.

Step 6. Sew on the tape

If you want your hands to always remain free, and your eyebrows are perfectly symmetrical, then sew on additional tapes to fix the template on your head.

Make 2 slits along the edges and tape in them, fixing them with a knot at the base. Or use a needle and thread to sew them onto the head.

The whole process of creating a template is clearly shown in the video:

Alternative stencil option

If creating a plastic template seemed too boring for you, then use an alternative, simpler version.

Print a ready-made template from the Internet that matches the natural shape of your eyebrows, and cut it along the contour.

It is better to make several copies of the stencil at once, so as not to waste time on preparation in the future.

The homemade template is ready! Try it on and use it actively.

Whatever women did with their eyebrows to always meet fashionable standards. In the 1920s, these were strings - so thin that women simply shaved off their own eyebrows and drew them. A decade later, Greta Garbo set the tone by making these threads dramatically curved. In the 40s, it was already fashionable to draw a long thin tip, reaching the temple, to wider eyebrows. Then came the era of Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor with their sexually curved arches. And finally, the time has come for natural, and then very wide eyebrows. The difficult nineties again changed the beauty trend, but at the beginning of the XXI century, naturalness triumphed again, which remains in fashion to this day. But what if your own eyebrows are far from ideal? Makeup artists have found a way out - eyebrow stencils.

Eyebrows are the basis of the image, a trait that gives personality. If the shape of the eyebrows, given by nature, does not correspond to your concepts of beauty, it can be corrected in different ways - by plucking, drawing, tattooing or using an eyebrow stencil. A template is a simple device for contouring and drawing the bend of the brow arches. With its help, the eyebrows are symmetrical, and the make-up process is greatly simplified. Today, this beauty accessory is produced by many well-known cosmetic brands and is a patch with a cut in the shape of an eyebrow. It is intended for eyebrow correction, plucking, dyeing and makeup. Types of stencils:

  • A single stencil made of plastic is a product often used in beauty salons. This is a budget option, the kit can include from 4 to 6 different shapes. The disadvantage of this template is the need to hold it with your hand. Plus, it can move during the makeup process.
  • A stencil made of adhesive paper is more convenient in this sense - it is securely attached to the skin. But this product is disposable, and the painful sensations when the strip is torn off the delicate skin around the eyebrows are not among its advantages.
  • The silicone stencil avoids this inconvenience. If moistened with water, it adheres tightly to the skin. True, it also costs more than its analogue from a platyc.
  • The stencil mask with a nose clip leaves your hands free. In addition, the pattern is double to achieve complete symmetry.
  • Stencil-mask with fastening on the back of the head.

The disadvantage of double stencils is that the shape, size and distance between the eyebrow slots may not match the shape of the face and the shape of the eyes. When using single patterns, it is sometimes difficult to achieve exactly the same brows. All in all, an eyebrow stencil is a very handy tool, equally suitable for professionals and home use, saving time and getting flawless makeup.

If you've found a double stencil that's right for you, then you won't need an eyebrow ruler. It may be required to avoid asymmetry when drawing eyebrows through a single template. With its help, a cosmetic pencil is used to mark the main points.

We select a stencil

Unfortunately, our eyebrows don't always grow the way we would like. They can be wide and thick, or, conversely, sparse and shapeless. They often need correction. But blindly following the fashionable form is still not worth it. The main criterion for choosing an eyebrow line is compliance with the type and shape of the face.

You can only find the right shape for yourself by experiment. Test your makeup using the different shape templates and choose the one that suits you best.

When buying stencil kits or individual templates, pay attention to the markings:

  • full arch - for wide eyebrows;
  • high arch - for brow arches with a noticeable break;
  • medium arch - for medium width eyebrows;
  • slim arch - for thin and thin eyebrows;
  • petite arch - for petite and short.

What manufacturers offer

One of the drawbacks of ready-made eyebrow stencils is the search (sometimes ineffectual) of the desired shape and size. But if you have found your own version, then you will appreciate this beauty tool.
Avon offers a set of 4 molds made of thin plastic material. The approximate cost is 100 rubles. The disadvantage of the set is the absence of auxiliary markings on the stencils.

Divage Ideal Brow Stencils Kit offers a set of five shapes. Single stencils are made of thin flexible plastic. The cost of a set when buying via the Internet is 114 rubles. Advantage - versatility (they can be used for correction, coloring and makeup) and, according to reviews, a good set of forms.

The Brow Factor presents a set of 6 stencils. High-quality plastic adheres tightly to the skin, which allows you to achieve the best result. Price - 490 rubles. The disadvantage, like the Avon stencils, is the lack of markup.

If you like to experiment, buy templates on Aliexpress. The price starts at 20 rubles per set, but the results can impress even seasoned beauty bloggers.

Video: testing stencils with Aliexpress

How to use a stencil

The stencil is a multifunctional accessory, and each application has its own nuances.

Correction and plucking

For the correction, you will need a light powder, a stencil and tweezers. How to correct the form:

  1. To keep the line clear, lightly powder the eyebrow.
  2. Attach the stencil and secure it with your hand.
  3. Holding the pencil at one angle, trace the edges of the template.
  4. Do the same for the second eyebrow, paying particular attention to the accuracy of the arch.
  5. Remove the stencil and, if you are happy with the result, use tweezers to remove the hairs outside the drawn lines.

Do not apply makeup immediately after plucking, the skin should calm down a little.


For makeup, use a special eye shadow, eyebrow powder or pencil:

  1. Attach a stencil and outline the outline.
  2. Fill in the space between the lines. This can be done with the same pencil or with a flat thick brush with a beveled edge.
  3. Remove the stencil and blend the sharp edges.
  4. Brush your eyebrows and fix with gel.

Brushing will give the brows a natural look, while the gel fixing will keep the makeup all day long.

Video: eyebrow makeup with a stencil


It is better to do self-coloring of eyebrows with henna, and not to risk making your own composition, but to buy ready-made paint of the desired shade. How it's done:

  1. Cleanse the brow area and scrub.
  2. Brush your eyebrows thoroughly.
  3. Attach a stencil and outline the outline with a light, and best of all with a white pencil, so you will see even small blemishes when staining.
  4. Lubricate the skin outside the contour with a fat cream.
  5. Apply the diluted paint in small strokes starting from the tip of the eyebrow and moving to its beginning.
  6. Any paint that has fallen outside the contour should be immediately removed with a cotton swab.
  7. The holding time of the paint is in accordance with the instructions.

At the end of staining, the paint is removed with a cotton sponge in the direction of hair growth.

Errors in stencil application

The most common mistake is the wrong stencil shape. An experienced makeup artist will help you achieve the desired harmony of facial features. He will advise on the most suitable eyebrow shape for your face.

Not every stencil is suitable for home use. The second mistake is the use of special templates for salon coloring and tattooing, they are not very convenient for everyday makeup.

DIY stencil

If you can't find ready-made stencils in any way, you can make the desired shape yourself. You will need thin flexible plastic, a sharp utility knife, and a bright marker for marking. First, you need to find a suitable brow shape on the internet. There are life-size templates.

How to make your own stencil:

  1. Find the shape you need and save the picture.
  2. There is no way to print a template - attach a piece of transparent plastic directly to the monitor and carefully trace the outline.
  3. If you want to maintain your shape or slightly correct it, apply the resulting contour on plastic to your eyebrows and see how they match. I didn’t like the result - look further, you will surely find what you need, since there are many options on the Internet.
  4. Carefully cut out a suitable shape, transferred to plastic, with a clerical knife and, if necessary, sharpen sharp corners and burrs with a nail file.