
How to make my husband pay his salary. Prayer for the husband to give all the money to his wife. Financial conspiracy


Many of you, lovely women, take offense at your husbands for hiding part of their salaries for their own needs. Neither requests, nor persuasion, nor even scandals help: anyway, the hubby keeps the lion's share of the pay. What to do? Let's turn to magical rituals that will help make sure that the spouse carries money to the family without hiding anything.

On payday, when my husband goes to work, wipe the front door from the outside and from the inside with a damp cloth, saying: “Clean, clean, my door, I clean it, I clean it of dirt. As it will be pure, so will the thoughts be pure in the house of the one who enters. Water and dirt will wash away, and thoughts will clear. May it be so! Amen".

And when your husband returns from work in the evening, say to yourself three times: “Just as the door hides nothing, does not hide anything, so you (husband's name), do not hide anything from me, do not hide anything. May it be so! Amen".

But it also happens that a husband - a gambler or a gulena - slowly takes money out of the house. This is more difficult to cope with, but it is also possible. Take your husband's old jersey and somewhere in the forest or, if you live in a city, in a park, away from prying eyes, burn it. While the shirt is on fire, read this conspiracy:

Gather yourself, spirits, to bask, so that the servant of God (husband's name) has nowhere to go from the fire. You, the thing of the servant of God (name), burn, And you, the servant of God (name), do not take anything from the house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

However, dear women, know: this is a very strong conspiracy and you should use it only as a last resort, when you have already tried everything else.

By the way, one of the reasons why a husband may not give money to the house may be ... you yourself! There are people to whom rubles and kopecks simply flow like a stream, and there are those from whom they run without looking back. How to make money fall in love with you and have prosperity in the house?

Money conspiracy

Before noon, take an apple, cut it in half, and then say over the halves: “I call on the spirit of money, I instill in the apple. I eat the apple, I overshadow myself with the spirit of money. Love me money, come to me money. Where there is a money spirit, money goes there. Amen".

After that, eat the apple and for the next half hour try not to talk to anyone, even on the phone. I think there is no need to explain that it is better to conduct such a ritual when no one is at home.

After that, you may not become a millionaire, but if you do everything right, you will not experience any more problems with money.

A source

Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife

In order for the husband to give all the money to his wife, you will have to read a strong magic conspiracy over him. You will spend no more than 5 minutes, but you will gain complete power.

And that is how often it happens.

The spouse begins to secretly put off, supposedly for your fur coat, and then, bang, no money, no husband.

Everything should take place under your personal control.

Now the husband will reconsider his decision.

You don't have to light church candles.

When the faithful falls asleep, stand at his head.

In your hands, squeeze a sheet with magical conspiracies.

Imagine marital fidelity and lack of greed for money.

Begin to whisper serious occult formulations repeatedly and confidently.

So that you don’t save money anymore, don’t go out with your friends and don’t drink. I gave all my pay to the penny, I didn’t even hide the ruble from my family. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

So that you don’t contradict your wife and lie, you don’t hide your income, as it was before. Don't be able to hide a lot of money, you start talking honestly about your salary. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

I take the money out of the stash in a whirlwind, I close your cunning with the bolts. From these ports, only in my power, let the demonic misfortunes go away. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Repeat each magical conspiracy at least thirteen times.

Live in abundance!

Posted by: Site Administrator | Published: 24.12.2016 | Home | STRONG SPELLS

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Conspiracy for the husband to bring all the money to his wife

There is an opinion that a good family lives in prosperity, and each trial associated with a worsening financial situation only strengthens the marriage. However, in reality, everything is a little different: it so happens that a husband and wife earn equally well, but for some reason only the wife brings money into the house. With what it can be connected?

Most often this happens if the husband is passionate about some hobby that the wife does not take seriously. Then he will spend money on his hobby even before he returns home after work - for example, if he collects something, he will simply step over the threshold of the apartment with another copy of his collection. If the family is large, then it is obvious that no one will approve of it.

In addition, sometimes quickly wasted wages are a clear indicator of a man's addiction to alcohol. I got money at work, instead of going home right away, I turned to the nearest bar - and you don't even have to remember about the long-awaited increase.

Many women try to scandalously force their husbands to bring their wages home - however, if you are in frequent contact with the world of the unknowable, then you can find another way. For example, you can resort to the magic of the ancient Slavs and force a man to bring money home with a simple but effective conspiracy.

For such a ceremony, you will need a photograph of your husband and any bill pulled from his wallet, as well as a ritual knife. Place the photograph and bill in the center of the circle drawn on the altar, then sprinkle them with your blood (a few drops will suffice).

Now read the following conspiracy so that the husband brings money to the family:

Power of blood, power of mighty

I ask you for help

Help me, slave (name):

Let my husband bring all the money into the house,

So that my family does not know poverty,

So that we are not unhappy

Let the husband bring the money home,

Buys what we need

Let it not be wasted in vain.

Power of blood, power of mighty

Help us stay rich

Well, we will not remain in debt,

We will serve the right forces,

We will not make a single mistake.

Now that the conspiracy for the husband to bring money to the family has been pronounced, put the sprinkled photograph of your husband in your bag (or in the inner pocket of your jacket) and always carry it with you. The bloody bill should be placed in the same way for your spouse.

You will soon find that your husband has really stopped wasting his wages on useless little things and started bringing it home every time - or, in extreme cases, buying something that will be equally useful to all family members without exception.

A loved one does not give money to fix it, magic and a conspiracy that reads on a greedy and stingy husband or lover will help ... It so happens that a beloved man counts every penny and you can't beg for an extra ruble from him, but he always grumbles and swears for new and necessary purchases. Do not be afraid, magic will help remove greed from a person and immediately after reading the conspiracy, the beloved man will become generous and agreeable. The words of the spell must be memorized and when a man comes to your house, closing the door (of a house or room) behind him, barely audibly say a conspiracy on the generosity of a man so that he began to give you more money and not demand a report :

As a kind mother does not regret
For their children, no bread, no honey,
No ringing money, no strength, no time,
So would my husband and servant of God (name),
Wouldn't be stingy, wouldn't be sorry for me
Nothing and never, everywhere and always.
So my words will come true and come true.


This conspiracy allows men to be bred for money and gifts, and if you ask him for money, he will definitely give them in the right amount.

© Copyright: Maginya

  • The conspiracy for money and wealth is read on Monday night in the kitchen at home. On Monday, after 10 pm but before midnight at the dinner table, perform the following magical ceremony that will attract money, wealth and good luck into your home and your life. You can perform this ritual no more than once a year, so try to profit so that no one distracts you while reading the prayer conspiracy and thereby interrupts the execution of the monetary rite. An interrupted ceremony cannot be redone within a year! Pour a full cup of milk and putting it on the dining table, cover the glass with a piece of brown bread, say the words of a prayer conspiracy to attract money and good luck:

  • There is a good conspiracy in the money magic of gypsies - a spell for money, and if you perform a gypsy rite to attract money, you can quickly get a large amount of money and live in prosperity and wealth. On the growing moon, you need to go to the oak tree and take seven yellow acorns near it. Near the place where the oak grows, you need to find three white pebbles and a palm-sized piece of moss. The moss must be a single piece. Put acorns and pebbles on the green side of the moss and wrap it up, tying it with a red thread, this is done on the street, hiding from prying eyes. When you come home with the moss, put the bundle under your pillow and go to bed. You need to sleep until midnight, even if you cannot sleep, you need to lie in bed. At midnight, take the moss out of the house and bury it under any bush with thorns. Having buried, perform the rite of gypsy magic three times by casting a spell for money and wealth in a clockwise direction, walking around the bush. 3 circles, 3 times (once per circle) read saying a gypsy conspiracy for quick money and enrichment: "Mi Dovvel opral, dik tule opre mande" (TRANSLATION "My God is upstairs, look down at me"). The people practicing this conspiracy assure that before the next full moon you will have a large amount of money and you will never again know the money need.

  • Vanga gave people practical advice for every day for good luck, money and prosperity so that life was filled with joy, luck and prosperity. Today, conspiracies will not tell one very good conspiracy told by Wanga to attract money into your life that takes the poor and poverty away from your home. Following the advice of the Bulgarian clairvoyant, money in your wallet will always be in abundance and you will not feel any need for anything.

  • If your beloved man, husband or lover regrets money for you, a special conspiracy will help fix this. Read the conspiracy so that the man gives all the money and is not stingy, cook meat on the bone, you can use chicken and say the following words for a treat to remove greed and stinginess from a person. Feed a greedy man a charmed piece of meat and as soon as he tastes the food his greed for you will subside and he will become more talkative and loyal to your spending, giving more money for purchases.

  • How to make the debtor quickly and fully repay the borrowed money. Magic will help to repay the debt with the help of a rite on the debtor and reading a conspiracy - a prayer for repayment of a debt, how to do it with the help of magic, conspiracies for, today they will tell you in detail. If the debtor does not want to repay the borrowed money, this strong conspiracy to return debts and return the borrowed money will help to make him pay the debts. Conspiracy - a prayer for the return of debts is read on a box of matches and a church candle of any color on any day of the week and in the evening time convenient for you at home. After waiting for the evening, read the prayer Our Father and wrap the candle previously bought in the church with black threads, light the wick at her. Then there is

Religious reading: a prayer for the husband to give all his money to his wife to help our readers.

In some families, the husband's payday is a holiday and stress at the same time. The wife does not know when the faithful will come and how much money they will bring. Many husbands do not give or give small sums of money to their wives for housekeeping. The rest of the money, unfortunately, can easily be spent on drink and walk with friends. The other husband, on the contrary, gives the money to his wife, and then he can spend the last with his friends. It is useless to argue with a spender who believes that he is the head of the family and breadwinner, and the wife should be content with what the husband gave.

The conspiracy that is given below will make the husband more responsible. When he receives money, he will strive to go home, giving all the money to his wife. Take his shirt. Sew a few stitches on the wrong side of the sleeve with the same thread as the shirt. Try not to show your stitches. While sewing, say the words of the conspiracy.

So, a conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife.

“Joachim and Anna, you lived holy, your house

They built, gave birth to children. I sew on, on you

I hope, I welcome to my husband's house (name), to the work of his hands

Sew on. Let the stuff out of the head of the servant of God (name)

Comes out, let him not bring goodness out of the house,

May it not distribute its strength in vain,

Let his wife (name) greet his friends more than friends,

Let the earned good take home.

May it be so. Amen".

Whispers are small but powerful conspiracies. They are pronounced in a whisper or mentally c.

Water is the most powerful magical conductor. Love spells speak to the water,.

Islam and Orthodoxy are two different religions. Therefore, remove the Muslim love spell.

Login to write a review.

All is fair in war! Sometimes your enemies do this.

Probably everyone knows what insomnia is. Also, probably.

Autumn is not only a beautiful time. Unfortunately cold and gloomy.

You've probably heard of a conspiracy used to stop.

Voodoo rituals and corruption have long ceased to be plots in films. ...

Very often our knowledge is not enough to pass the exam successfully. For instance, .

In our life, sometimes there are unnecessary, annoying people, from.

Together with spring, Easter is approaching. Many who are interested.

Losing weight is always painstaking work, even if it is carried out.

The standard of beauty changes every era. Previously, white was appreciated in Russia.

Hanging moles can be a lot of inconvenience. Elementary,.

It is no secret that extra sweets and buns are deposited in the form of fat.

Sometimes too slender body does not always look beautiful. Too much.

Dandruff can ruin the appearance of even the most beautiful hair. Sometimes.

  • Strong love spell for the love of a girl. (69670)
  • Conspiracy for my husband to find a job. (66496)
  • A conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one. (65142)
  • Conspiracy for the child to start talking. (56939)
  • Prayer to be hired after the interview. (51579)

Friday | 02.06.2017 | No comments.

Sunday | 02/07/2016 | No comments.

Work takes an important place in the life of every worker.

Not all people are lucky, not all work is a holiday. Very.

Love and respect from others can be achieved through conspiracies. ...

It seems that yesterday you were smiling sweetly at work, but now.

Everyone knows how much depends on mercy and benevolence.

Probably, many have noticed that a few days before your birthday, various minor troubles begin to pour in on you. This is no accident! ...

If you are waiting for an important decision for yourself and want it to be in your favor, then it is advisable to enlist magical support.

Who among us has not dreamed of happiness? Didn't want to start a new, happy life? There is one prayer that will help you with this. If you do.

Each of us has desires. Someone patiently waits for the fulfillment of desire, and someone strives by all means to achieve what they want. ...

There are many conspiracies to be held in high esteem by humans. Take advantage of them, then the honor and respect of those around you are guaranteed. For.

Peace of mind ... How sometimes we miss it! In the life of each of us there are moments when everything seems to be fine, there are no big problems,.

For colds and coughs to go away sooner, you need to be treated, treated, treated. If you do not want to take pills, which, by the way, are not always the case.

One of the ancient ways to treat fear and anxiety in children and adults was to pour the fear out with wax. Before, almost all grandmothers.

Autumn is not only a beautiful time, but a time when you can easily get a cold. We communicate with a lot of people in transport.

One of the unpleasant diseases that are treated with conspiracies is called "udder bough" or hydrodenitis. Unpleasant and painful.

A sound, restful sleep is very important for us. But what if for several nights there has been no sleep, and with it calmness has disappeared? ...

Sometimes we are haunted by terrible pains. Medications and pills provide only short-term relief. Of course, in such cases, you need to do.

A conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife.

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1 A conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife. on Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:07 am

Registration date: 2016-12-12

2 Re: Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife. on Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:27 pm

Registration date: 2014-02-14

3 Re: Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife. on Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:50 pm

Registration date: 2016-12-12

And I would, in this case, read by candlelight.

4 Re: Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife. on Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:03 pm

Registration date: 2014-02-14

5 Re: Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife. on Sat Jul 22, 2017 9:39 am

Registration date: 2016-12-12

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6 Re: Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife.

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Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife

In order for the husband to give all the money to his wife, you will have to read a strong magic conspiracy over him. You will spend no more than 5 minutes, but you will gain complete power.

And that is how often it happens.

The spouse begins to secretly put off, supposedly for your fur coat, and then, bang, no money, no husband.

Everything should take place under your personal control.

Now the husband will reconsider his decision.

You don't have to light church candles.

When the faithful falls asleep, stand at his head.

In your hands, squeeze a sheet with magical conspiracies.

Imagine marital fidelity and lack of greed for money.

Begin to whisper serious occult formulations repeatedly and confidently.

So that you don’t save money anymore, don’t go out with your friends and don’t drink. I gave all my pay to the penny, I didn’t even hide the ruble from my family. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

So that you don’t contradict your wife and lie, you don’t hide your income, as it was before. Don't be able to hide a lot of money, you start talking honestly about your salary. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

I take the money out of the stash in a whirlwind, I close your cunning with the bolts. From these ports, only in my power, let the demonic misfortunes go away. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Repeat each magical conspiracy at least thirteen times.

Live in abundance!

In some families, the husband's payday is a holiday and stress at the same time. The wife does not know when the faithful will come and how much money they will bring. Many husbands do not give or give small sums of money to their wives for housekeeping. The rest of the money, unfortunately, can easily be spent on drink and walk with friends. The other husband, on the contrary, gives the money to his wife, and then he can spend the last with his friends. It is useless to argue with a spender who believes that he is the head of the family and breadwinner, and the wife should be content with what the husband gave.

The conspiracy that is given below will make the husband more responsible. When he receives money, he will strive to go home, giving all the money to his wife. Take his shirt. Sew a few stitches on the wrong side of the sleeve with the same thread as the shirt. Try not to show your stitches. While sewing, say the words of the conspiracy.

So, a conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife.

“Joachim and Anna, you lived holy, your house
They built, gave birth to children. I sew on, on you
I hope, I welcome to my husband's house (name), to the work of his hands
Sew on. Let the stuff out of the head of the servant of God (name)
Comes out, let him not bring goodness out of the house,
May it not distribute its strength in vain,
Let his wife (name) greet his friends more than friends,
Let the earned good take home.
May it be so. Amen".

Everything about religion and faith - "a prayer for my husband to bring home his salary" with a detailed description and photographs.

In order for the husband to give all the money to his wife, you will have to read a strong magic conspiracy over him. You will spend no more than 5 minutes, but you will gain complete power.

And that is how often it happens.

The spouse begins to secretly put off, supposedly for your fur coat, and then, bang, no money, no husband.

Everything should take place under your personal control.

Now the husband will reconsider his decision.

You don't have to light church candles.

When the faithful falls asleep, stand at his head.

In your hands, squeeze a sheet with magical conspiracies.

Imagine marital fidelity and lack of greed for money.

Begin to whisper serious occult formulations repeatedly and confidently.

So that you don’t save money anymore, don’t go out with your friends and don’t drink. I gave all my pay to the penny, I didn’t even hide the ruble from my family. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

So that you don’t contradict your wife and lie, you don’t hide your income, as it was before. Don't be able to hide a lot of money, you start talking honestly about your salary. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

I take the money out of the stash in a whirlwind, I close your cunning with the bolts. From these ports, only in my power, let the demonic misfortunes go away. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Repeat each magical conspiracy at least thirteen times.

Live in abundance!

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  • Inessa - Prayer for the child to pass the exam, 3 mother's prayers
  • Site administrator - Conspiracy for strong love for blood
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A conspiracy for the husband to give money.

In some families, the husband's payday is a holiday and stress at the same time. The wife does not know when the faithful will come and how much money they will bring. Many husbands do not give or give small sums of money to their wives for housekeeping. The rest of the money, unfortunately, can easily be spent on drink and walk with friends. The other husband, on the contrary, gives the money to his wife, and then he can spend the last with his friends. It is useless to argue with a spender who believes that he is the head of the family and breadwinner, and the wife should be content with what the husband gave.

The conspiracy that is given below will make the husband more responsible. When he receives money, he will strive to go home, giving all the money to his wife. Take his shirt. Sew a few stitches on the wrong side of the sleeve with the same thread as the shirt. Try not to show your stitches. While sewing, say the words of the conspiracy.

So, a conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife.

“Joachim and Anna, you lived holy, your house

They built, gave birth to children. I sew on, on you

I hope, I welcome to my husband's house (name), to the work of his hands

Sew on. Let the stuff out of the head of the servant of God (name)

Comes out, let him not bring goodness out of the house,

May it not distribute its strength in vain,

Let his wife (name) greet his friends more than friends,

Let the earned good take home.

May it be so. Amen".

Whispers are small but powerful conspiracies. They are pronounced in a whisper or mentally c.

Water is the most powerful magical conductor. Love spells speak to the water,.

Islam and Orthodoxy are two different religions. Therefore, remove the Muslim love spell.

Login to write a review.

All is fair in war! Sometimes your enemies do this.

Probably everyone knows what insomnia is. Also, probably.

Autumn is not only a beautiful time. Unfortunately cold and gloomy.

You've probably heard of a conspiracy used to stop.

Voodoo rituals and corruption have long ceased to be plots in films. ...

Very often our knowledge is not enough to pass the exam successfully. For instance, .

In our life, sometimes there are unnecessary, annoying people, from.

Together with spring, Easter is approaching. Many who are interested.

Losing weight is always painstaking work, even if it is carried out.

The standard of beauty changes every era. Previously, white was appreciated in Russia.

Hanging moles can be a lot of inconvenience. Elementary,.

It is no secret that extra sweets and buns are deposited in the form of fat.

Sometimes too slender body does not always look beautiful. Too much.

Dandruff can ruin the appearance of even the most beautiful hair. Sometimes.

  • Strong love spell for the love of a girl. (69791)
  • Conspiracy for my husband to find a job. (66591)
  • A conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one. (65249)
  • Conspiracy for the child to start talking. (57035)
  • Prayer to be hired after the interview. (51674)

Friday | 02.06.2017 | No comments.

Sunday | 04/05/2015 | No comments.

Work takes an important place in the life of every worker.

Not all people are lucky, not all work is a holiday. Very.

Love and respect from others can be achieved through conspiracies. ...

It seems that yesterday you were smiling sweetly at work, but now.

Everyone knows how much depends on mercy and benevolence.

Probably, many have noticed that a few days before your birthday, various minor troubles begin to pour in on you. This is no accident! ...

If you are waiting for an important decision for yourself and want it to be in your favor, then it is advisable to enlist magical support.

Who among us has not dreamed of happiness? Didn't want to start a new, happy life? There is one prayer that will help you with this. If you do.

Each of us has desires. Someone patiently waits for the fulfillment of desire, and someone strives by all means to achieve what they want. ...

There are many conspiracies to be held in high esteem by humans. Take advantage of them, then the honor and respect of those around you are guaranteed. For.

Peace of mind ... How sometimes we miss it! In the life of each of us there are moments when everything seems to be fine, there are no big problems,.

For colds and coughs to go away sooner, you need to be treated, treated, treated. If you do not want to take pills, which, by the way, are not always the case.

One of the ancient ways to treat fear and anxiety in children and adults was to pour the fear out with wax. Before, almost all grandmothers.

Autumn is not only a beautiful time, but a time when you can easily get a cold. We communicate with a lot of people in transport.

One of the unpleasant diseases that are treated with conspiracies is called "udder bough" or hydrodenitis. Unpleasant and painful.

A sound, restful sleep is very important for us. But what if for several nights there has been no sleep, and with it calmness has disappeared? ...

Sometimes we are haunted by terrible pains. Medications and pills provide only short-term relief. Of course, in such cases, you need to do.

A conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife.

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1 A conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife. on Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:07 am

Registration date: 2016-12-12

2 Re: Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife. on Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:27 pm

Registration date: 2014-02-14

3 Re: Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife. on Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:50 pm

Registration date: 2016-12-12

And I would, in this case, read by candlelight.

4 Re: Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife. on Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:03 pm

Registration date: 2014-02-14

5 Re: Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife. on Sat Jul 22, 2017 9:39 am

Registration date: 2016-12-12

Who seeks will always find)

6 Re: Conspiracy for the husband to give money to his wife.

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Money conspiracies to raise wages

What if, despite all your efforts, the management does not want to evaluate your work and raise your salary? Maybe the point is not that you are not noticed, but in the insufficiently favorable environment of the workplace and the surrounding space. In this case, a salary conspiracy will certainly help you. These rituals will also help those who wish to improve their financial situation not only in the workplace, but also in their own family.
  • Rite of passage to increase salaries;
  • A conspiracy when the salary was not paid;
  • A ritual for the wife from the stinginess of her husband.

Ritual for raising salaries

It is better to use this ritual immediately after applying for a new job, before the first paycheck. But even with great experience, it will also work. This strong conspiracy will help in two cases:

  • if you want your boss to raise your salary personally,
  • in a situation where financial problems have affected your entire enterprise.

A conspiracy will not help someone who does not believe in its effectiveness and decided to try "just in case."

The ritual can be repeated several times. To be more effective, it is based on two important steps.

1. Ritual in the workplace

The first thing to consider is that your place of work must be energetically clean. Old, musty energy (especially when you come to a workplace that someone else occupied before you) does not increase income.

For cleaning, you need to free space from everything that is not related to the work process and free, for example, your office desk from all foreign objects. Next, you should purchase a church candle and light it every day at work for 7 days. She will bring a new, fresh stream of energy, which will create a favorable atmosphere for further action.

After cleaning the room, every day coming to work, you need to read this conspiracy 3 times:

This should be done within a week. To raise the salary faster, the words should be repeated not three, but seven times.

2. Things to do at home

To work and get a good salary, you need to have a good rest at home (not only in body, but also in soul). For this, you need to establish a free flow of monetary energy in your own home. This should be done after cleaning the workplace (see the first stage).

To carry out a conspiracy, you need to collect at home a small handful of coins (3-5 pieces) and exactly at midnight of the new moon or when the moon is growing, pronounce the following words:

In this case, coins should be poured from hand to hand. After pronouncing the conspiracy (three times), all coins must be buried in the ground of a home pot with a flower. Ideally, if it is a money tree. Bury from the edge, trying not to go deep into the ground so that the plant does not get sick.

After carrying out such a ritual, on payday, it is necessary to put a small amount of other coins on the desktop for exactly three days. After this period, buy sweets with this money and distribute them to the children on the street. This will be considered gratitude for the help of higher powers that helped you get a higher income.

The same conspiracy should be carried out on the day of the first payday after employment.

Carrying out "work" and "home" stages can coincide in time, the main thing is that both of them are carried out after cleaning the workplace.

Conspiracy to give back late payment

This magical effect is based on a challenge in a person, whether it is a familiar debtor or your boss, a sense of responsibility, anxiety and fear. Such an emotional background should force him to pay salaries to his subordinates.

To carry out the ritual, you need to take an old, wooden stool, cut out a few chips from its leg, and put the chair itself outside the threshold of the study. This should be done after sunset. The cut chips must be spoken as follows.

The chips must be tightly tied with a nylon thread and hidden in the workroom. The stool can be carried away, it is no longer needed. After such a ceremony, you should not have problems with delayed wages. If he doesn't help, use a stronger conspiracy to pay back the debt.

For my husband to bring home his salary

Many women face the problem when the husband does not want to bring money to the family. If requests and persuasions do not work on him in any way, a ritual will come to the rescue.

In order for the husband to pay the salary, you need to wait for the waning moon before the weekend, preferably on Saturday. In the water from which the hostess will prepare food for her miser-husband, three teaspoons of salt are slowly added and slowly stirring, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

The amount of water is not important. It is desirable that only the husband eat the dish prepared from the charmed water. Despite the fact that improvements in the husband's behavior can be noticeable immediately, the ritual must be repeated from time to time so that he does not lose his power.

And remember, your inner attitude and emotional background are very important for attracting money. It is advisable not to complain to anyone about the lack of money and not to envy anyone. Money does not like bad energy, while they go to positive and constructive ones in a generous stream.

For my husband to bring money

If you want all your family's savings to be in your hands and you dispose of them, then a conspiracy will help you. It is aimed at ensuring that the husband brings as much money into the house as possible, and does not leave it somewhere else. For example, I didn't go out with friends or spend on other unnecessary things. So, you need to take any husband's T-shirt, preferably the old one, in which he wore for a long time. Burn it and while it burns, read these words:

“I burn clothes, a flame burns, drives away temptations from the servant of God (the name of the husband). All the money for the house, not a penny for the yard. Let him bring wealth, carry his wife in his arms. He does not spend money left and right, but only gives me, the servant of God (name). My word is strong. Amen."