
Happy Teacher's Day postcard. Greeting cards and pictures for Teacher's Day. Beautiful postcard to colleagues on Teacher's Day - a selection of pictures for congratulations


Cool cards with sincere wishes are the best way to congratulate your favorite teachers. And it is not at all necessary to buy such gifts: you can make original products with your own hands. For example, for children from primary school, the following master class on making paper crafts is perfect. But high school students can make postcards with Teacher's Day using the scrapbooking technique. If there is no time to create crafts, then you can simply print beautiful pictures to congratulate teachers. They can be downloaded from the free selections below. Original postcards are suitable for congratulating teachers or colleagues, familiar teachers from schools, colleges and universities.

Cool postcards and congratulations on Teacher's Day - download a selection for free

To easily pick up a good postcard for congratulating your favorite teacher, it is recommended to view several options for pictures at once. Postcards and congratulations on Teacher's Day, which can be downloaded for free from the link below, will help in this. They can be used both for sending to teachers and for printing. But most importantly, they will help you easily find the right congratulations and pictures with wishes.

Free selection of postcards with congratulations on Teacher's Day for download

Original postcards from the following selection are recommended to be downloaded for a beautiful congratulation of teachers on their professional holiday. Different pictures with wishes will help you easily choose individual congratulations for each teacher in verse or prose.

Simple do-it-yourself paper teachers' day cards for elementary school - a master class with a photo

Every child who recently goes to school treats his first teacher with special respect and love. Therefore, kids from grades 1-3 will definitely want to congratulate him on his professional holiday and give him pleasant and positive emotions. With the help of the following master class, children will be able to create a cool postcard for their primary school teacher. It is universal and is also suitable for congratulating the head teacher, physical education teacher or foreign languages. To make such postcards on Teacher's Day from paper with your own hands in elementary school is within the power of all the children, regardless of their talents or their age.

DIY materials for making a simple paper card for Teacher's Day

  • white and light yellow cardboard;
  • satin green ribbon;
  • old magazines (can be replaced with atlases, multi-colored printed paper);
  • PVA glue or glue stick;
  • figured hole punch (you can not use);
  • scissors.

Master class with a photo of self-made paper postcards for Teacher's Day in elementary school

How to make scrapbooking cards for Teacher's Day with your own hands - a master class with video

Funny scrapbooking cards are very easy to make and therefore are best suited for preparing for congratulating teachers on their professional holiday. To create such a simple craft, you do not need special materials or tools: the kits necessary for work can be easily bought at any stationery store. It remains only to find out how to make scrapbooking postcards with Teacher's Day with your own hands, and what blanks you can use for them.

Video on a master class for making do-it-yourself scrapbooking cards for Teacher's Day

To make a beautiful scrapbooking card for your favorite teacher, you can use the following master class. But you can also make other postcards with your own hands, which teachers will certainly like. Therefore, the video below can be used not only as an instruction, but also as a useful hint for creating greeting cards of different styles and shapes.

Funny postcards Happy Teacher's Day - a free selection for download

Not all teachers like formal and strict congratulations. Most modern educators welcome original and unusual wishes to a greater extent. For such teachers, it is recommended to select cool postcards with Teacher's Day. Interesting wishes and colorful pictures will definitely please teachers and help give them positive emotions for the whole day.

Free selection of cool postcards for congratulations on Teacher's Day

In the next selection of cool pictures, you can download beautiful postcards for each of your teachers. Also, these postcards can be used by the parents of students themselves to congratulate teachers by e-mail or in a social network, messenger.

Cute postcard with congratulations on Teacher's Day - a selection of free pictures for download

Not only students of modern schools want to congratulate their teachers. Their parents and older brothers and sisters on Teacher's Day can give pleasant emotions to their old teachers or the first teacher. To congratulate your favorite teachers, it is recommended to select unusual and cute postcards, which are complemented by original wishes. You can also add your personal congratulations and thanks to them. You can download a ready-made beautiful postcard with congratulations on Teacher's Day from the following free collection.

A selection of free cute postcards with congratulations in honor of Teacher's Day

All former students can send a cute postcard to a woman or a man teacher on their professional holiday. Beloved teachers will be pleased with the attention from long-grown students who still remember them. That is why, choosing the cutest postcard among the proposed selection, it is recommended to add congratulations to it in your own words. This will help make wishes even more sincere and kind.

Beautiful postcard to colleagues on Teacher's Day - a selection of pictures for congratulations

Cool pictures will help teachers to wish colleagues happiness and success in their work, beautifully congratulate them on their professional holiday. You can pick up such postcards for your colleagues on Teacher's Day in the next free collection. It includes different postcards that can be sent to both a man and a woman.

Beautiful cards and pictures for congratulating colleagues on Teacher's Day

To download the best pictures and postcards for congratulating colleagues on Teacher's Day, you just need to follow the link below. They can also be used to congratulate friends and just acquaintances of teachers. Cool pictures will surely please every recipient.

Using the above master classes with photos and videos, you can easily make cool postcards with your own hands on Teacher's Day. Primary school students can easily make such paper crafts. But high school students can easily make cool postcards using the scrapbooking technique. If there is no time to create crafts, you just need to download a selection of free pictures with congratulations on Teacher's Day. You can send them to your favorite teachers or just acquaintances of teachers. Also, the best pictures can be sent to your colleagues at the university, college or school.

Well, the simplest option is to know your privacy on the Internet. Їх hundreds: vіrshovanih i prozovih, zvorushlivyh i zhartіvlivih - you want those ones! That best present for the teacher will be the creativity of yoga teaching. Aje the teacher teaches us just so that we can independently think, move, and spread good ideas.

To that raj, write to your beloved teacher a row of rows of souls - Aje Ti knows exactly what you want to indulge you. Prote, as if You are planning to impress the teacher with your erudition and erudition, proponing the best of the natives and familiar people with quotations from books. Even the stylists of writers and scholars bowed down before the wisdom of the readers and attached miraculous words to them!

I have prepared for you a collection of quotes about the reader, and also a sprinkling of penetrating tops of Ukrainian poets, that wind for the readers. Possibly, you want to work as an epigrapher for your own worship, or maybe you just know in these rows the inspiration and side ideas. Let your welcome on the Day of the teacher be the warmest!

Great is that teacher, who gets through on the right, like a teacher. (Cato the Elder)

Teacher to create Lyudina. Tsі wise and vagovity words can only be said about the mother and father. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

The teacher, who walks by the shadow of the temple in a sharpened school, grants them not his wisdom, but only faith and the building of love. Yakshto vin is rightly wise, vin not to ask you from your own wisdom, but only lead you to the threshold of your sweet mind. (Khalil Gibran)

The teacher for the school is the same as the sun for the whole world. Vіn dzherelo ієї forces, yak naє ruhu all machines. Stay rusty at the dead zatsipeninn, as if you don’t mind breathing into her life and ruh ... (A.Disterveg)

A teacher is a person who develops two thoughts there, where earlier one grew up. (E. Hobbard)

Less than that Teacher, who lives like this, like a teacher. (G. Skovoroda)

As a teacher, go in your love to the right and to the lesson, vin is a thorough teacher. (L. Tolstoy)

If you are rich in knowledge, let others kindle their own lamps. (T. Fulper)

A student can never overthrow a teacher, so that he can succumb to a new student, and not a superman. (V. Belinsky)

Usyak school is glorious not by the number, but by the glory of its students. (M. Pirogov)

The middle teacher speaks, the good teacher explains, the best teacher demonstrates, the great teacher breathes. (A. Smolovik)

Credits to teachers

In blue fog
In blue smoke
rouge apple,
Honey pears.
Shed birds' eyes,
Whispering shit...
School of teaching
Doors to us.
see us
Let's bring them tickets
From native land.

(Maxim Rilsky)


Holy and righteous is your path.
І ti on niy chimalo lit!
You are a good teacher - you see God!
You don't go - you fly near the world!
Nathnenny, fair, light
You reach the heights.
І nibi zirochka rozkvitla
You lead children to new worlds.
You don't spin at all.
Until the new svіy robish krok.
Porivi soul - for the school!
The best - to the children for a lesson!
Charm and innovation,
I bright thousand ideas.
Live, miracle, emotion -
All for the joy of children!
Sob the soul of the children was broken,
To make it easier for the stench of the world to go.
You lead them by the hand to the light
From little years, from little years...
Although your road is not easy,
That heart vibrated like that.
Thi e teaches-elem of the sight of God,
Hoch maєsh share is not easy,
Ale live in truth in the world
І vpevneno you go to the point.
Live for a hundred years in the world of light
I nibi star of light!

(Nadiya Krasotkina)


My teacher! Like we loved you
like they heard you in the full of youthful dreams!
In memory "yatі my trimaє rockіv force
your quiet brown sir and your dry cough.
You pov_v zakohano and boldly
in ignorance of the world, wonderful spells.
In your words, what they deprived me of in my hearts,
we knew the heat of love and friendship.
Laws of waters, winds, and hmar, and light
greeted us in those distant days.
With you, our youth rose
and our thoughts, ignite the flames.
Yak garno us in fantasy spaces
Bulo vomit, everything charmed us.
Sounding our laughter in the wide corridors
pіd hour break at that distant hour.
Your good zir in my life line ...

(V. Sosyura)

Shanovnі our chiteli

I have a new week
Your profession is sacred.
We have come today
Welcome you cordially.

The teacher is our conscience,
Look at life as one.
Without a new life, a story
Do not write to the people.

Do not miss your time,
The life of yoga is only a school.
Teacher - tse friendly class
From joy and pain.

Type of the first initials
Before graduation and certificate
Eleven Old Years
For us, vi - yak mami th tata.

Soulful, fair,
I tsim conquered us;
Sensitive to our problems,
Well, you have a lot of your own.

So be high day bezkhmarim
Yours is beautifully sacred.
Practice ve not marno,
I can celebrate the holy day.

And we, your vikhovantsi,
So that the smile in you does not fade away,
Let's study harder
Without doors - so it went out in us.

Today's bath is wide
Mi brought you with love "yu.
Live in goodness and peace!
Hai be mіtsnim healthy "I!

All days will be bright in you!
Don't know by any means!
Hai be the best in the world
We love our school!

(V. Dvoretsky)

Give you, God, happy days,
Give me good, healthy, "I, strength.
Give love, welcome, quietly
Help me - give me life
I share the word schirim,
Warm, radiant, truthful.
And today is holy
Happy zichim you rich.
Hai God bless you
Many years help you.

You are a teacher
Ti - syach non-dream
І Neftomny wise gardener.
You know your strange secrets,
Your mind fires fire.
The doctor is the one who delights the soul
I turn everything to the sun,
Captain - by the sea, and on land -
You are the mentor of the young, the young.
Ty - forger, sings and everyday,
Do good and watch over you.
Lead to the children and cry,
A bright image of our mother.
I on the day of such urochisty, svyatkovy
Let your pratsyu vshanuvat.
І kvіti all, brought this year,
With all my heart to give you.

Tim, who knew the good,
Tim, who revealed the secrets of the road for us,
Tim, who gives us wings for the day,
Tim, who told us we want to know
Tim, whose work is important, is not easy,
Tim, whose word is good growth,
Tim, who taught us the science of light
Our svyatkovі and shirі vіtannya!

We want to welcome you
Whose holy autumn day
Warmth and sonechka help
І shob gladly you had a skin day!
Bazhaemo healthy "I'm good, dovgolittya,
Hai win happiness on the goal of the century!
Hai skrіz bude fret - on robots, in sіm "ї,
I joy on the heart, and bread on the table.
Hai with laughter and joy, the hut will turn up,
Homeland high be healthy and rich!
I dream, and bazhan, and create us naked,
So that my heart wanted to live and love!
Hay learn to move, bestow valor,
Zlagoda and peace in life, panuit!

The day of the teacher is sacred especially. To that, we will give a wide range of blessings to teachers, together with friends, give mentors a gift. Be peven, the eyes of teachers will shine with grievous sparks, if you stink at the classroom, make the vestibules a bright poster in honor of their saint.

Shanuvati your teachers - the binding of skin training. And the Teacher's Day is another bright day to show you how much you love them and how important it is to work in your life. Tse stinks of the day to lead you with the staves of the land of Knowledge, open up new horizons, endure the mustache of your windings, fry together with you and give friendly favour. Also, in the first week of life, do not forget to welcome the readers - stench, like nobody else, merit the warmest favors.

No wonder they say that a teacher is a second parent, because it is he who spends a lot of time with a student, transfers his knowledge and skills to him, teaches him to communicate and introduces him to the world of science. Only under the strict guidance of teachers, each child develops rapidly, gains knowledge and learns to use it to good use. A teacher is not only a profession, it is also a vocation, because it is so difficult to be a model of justice and wisdom after many years.

How not to congratulate teachers on their professional holiday - Teacher's Day? As a rule, on the day of the teacher, students prepare various concerts, sing songs, dedicate poems and say warm words of gratitude. Pictures depicting beautiful flowers against the background of school paraphernalia will help diversify congratulations on this special day. Each teacher, no matter how strict he may seem to a student, will be pleased to receive a picture in honor of such a holiday, because this will only emphasize the respectful and grateful attitude of students towards his professionalism.

Our website contains a whole collection of pictures for Teacher's Day, among which you can choose suitable images with words and wishes, choose the one that will be appreciated by the teacher, teacher and educator. It can be either a simple picture of books, a blackboard and various stationery, or a fun postcard, as well as a picture with bright and colorful flowers, balls, autumn leaves, ribbons and inscriptions. Give your teachers original pictures for their professional holiday, because such moments are remembered for a lifetime!

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This Sunday, October 7th, Ukraine celebrates Teacher's Day. On the occasion of this holiday, the web portal site has selected original greeting cards in prose and poetry. With their help, it is easy and simple to congratulate your favorite teachers or colleagues on the holiday.

Animated greetings with shimmering effects

Teacher's Day is not a global holiday. However, in our country it is customary to celebrate and congratulate dear teachers. May this day of childhood and youth, love and respect for teachers be full of happy smiles!

Animations are very popular. Sending such a congratulation is a mere trifle. "Live" pictures are pleasing to the eye. The animation sparkles, flashes and shimmers with highlights, causing the most pleasant emotions.

Animated images can be addressed to favorite teachers from students, parents or all classmates. Sending electronic greetings on social networks or through a messenger is absolutely easy. Yes, it only takes a couple of minutes.

Choose the best photos and congratulate teachers with animations not only on their birthday, but also on this significant holiday. Delight teachers with animation effects!

The virtual world is so rich that you can create animation yourself using Photoshop. The picture will have to tinker a bit. But your postcard will be exclusive.

Musical cards for romantics and pragmatists

Virtual gifts are very relevant. Music has a number of advantages. And the most important of them is speed. Making such an original gift is quite simple. Save the file you like and send it to the addressee on a mobile phone.

An audio gift can be an unusual congratulation. Beautiful words spoken to a calm melody will be a pleasant surprise. You can choose voice greetings in Ukrainian. Or pick up texts addressed to the class teacher or subject teachers: physical education, history, chemistry, etc.

Homemade postcards

A greeting card for Teacher's Day is the main tradition of this holiday along with flowers. Such attention will please the teacher. Recently, handmade postcards have become especially relevant.

Show your attention and care. Making a beautiful postcard is not at all difficult. It just takes a little time and perseverance. What can be offered today?

Make a postcard out of paper in the form of a pencil. Take a thick A4 watercolor sheet as a basis. Prepare scissors, ruler, glue. Divide the sheet into three equal parts in width. Cut off one end. Fold in half. Double postcards look better, which the teacher can put on a desktop or shelf.

On one side, draw lines to give the shape of a pencil. Round the tip and corners and cut out. Make a bright tip with self-adhesive bright green paper - cut off the excess (you can take any other color you like as a basis). At the bottom, make an imitation of a rubber band on a postcard pencil.

Then, by analogy - the body of the pencil and the edges for it. As a decor, you can use a bow or a piece of satin ribbon, or do without frills. Sign inside with your own hand. Finding a good text for your favorite teacher is not difficult.

2. In Soviet times, it was important to make original holiday postcards from buttons for Teacher's Day. On the Internet, you can find a template for a tree trunk and take it as a basis. The fruits will be multi-colored buttons, which the child must sew himself. Leaves cut out of colored paper.