
What does a friend mean to me. What does girlfriend mean. The key to true friendship: both in joy and in sorrow together


A friend is a close person who is ready to help at any moment, to support not only in words, but also in deeds. Most people cannot imagine their life without friendship. The word "friend" refers to the male gender, and maybe that's why many people believe that the friendship of the stronger sex is much stronger and more devoted than similar relationships between women.

How are things really? Maybe people's opinion is wrong and girls still know how to faithfully make friends, help and support their girlfriends?

The fair sex is accustomed to trusting their feelings, and it is not for nothing that there are legends about female intuition. They often divide their environment into categories: just acquaintances, good friends, girlfriends and best friends. Communication with everyone goes on different levels and on different topics.

If a close friend is initiated into all secrets, then problems of a general nature are discussed with a friend. These include household issues, parenting, recreation, buying clothes and food, politics and fashion.

Real female friendship is most often tied up between representatives of the weaker sex of approximately the same age. Women do not consider it shameful to pour out their souls to a friend, to cry, to show their weaknesses. They pity each other, sincerely sympathize and support in difficult everyday situations.

Their feelings are expressed openly and too emotionally, and from the outside it may seem that the relationship is insincere. But it's not. Friends stick together because of the emotional connection. For them, practical help is often not so important, and they assign it only a second place.

The key to true friendship: both in joy and in sorrow together

A strong and real female friendship is possible under one condition: women must express admiration for each other, be able not only to support and be there in difficult moments, but also to rejoice in successes. Unfortunately, very often success causes envy, the presence of which can spoil even the closest relationships. A friend is a person without whom life seems not so bright and colorful. Communicating with her is easy and simple.

At first glance, such a scheme of relations may seem too simple. But it is the support of a girlfriend that helps to survive all the hardships of life: career problems, failures on the love front, illness, lack of money, quarrels with children and husband, etc.

It is not always easy to understand who is really a true friend, and who communicates with you out of habit or even out of profit. Understanding who is, sometimes comes only with time. Such is human psychology.

Unfortunately, in our life very often you can meet with betrayal. It hurts the most when a person whom you considered your friend betrays. And if at a young age we look at such situations more simply, then with age they can leave an indelible imprint on the soul. Frustration sets in and we begin to look at everyone with suspicion and distrust. Betrayal is especially difficult for older people.

Women's friendship can be considered a temporary union. Almost all of the fair sex are pragmatic and practical people. Maybe someone will take such qualities for shortcomings, but from the point of view of psychology, sobriety of mind and a rational approach to solving many problems help to cope with difficulties and survive in any conditions.

Friends can even be compared with different countries for which their own interests come first. Of course, the allies have not interfered with anyone yet, but at the same time, it makes no sense to demand from them oaths of eternal devotion and fidelity. The union exists as long as both parties benefit. Could it be the same with women? As long as it's convenient to be friends, the relationship continues. Any intersection of interests is the cause of the extinction of friendship.

Unfortunately, the words and actions of some women often contradict. Girlfriends can convince of their devotion, but such conversations are very rarely confirmed by actions. Such women always do what is beneficial to them, or they consider it necessary, and at the same time they always find a convincing justification for their behavior.

A best friend is a person who has a significant impact on your life. She knows everything about you, gives advice, helps, supports. You trust her like yourself. How not to make a mistake in choosing?

Ideally, girlfriends should have the same social status, that is, be of the same level. The reverse situation will certainly provoke a feeling of envy. In this case, even such mundane activities as dining in a restaurant or general shopping can bring a lot of negative emotions. The quantity and quality of what is ordered and purchased is determined by the availability of money. Envy will be born at the subconscious level, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to control it.

Beauty and innate charm can negatively affect friendship. For example, the attention of representatives of the opposite sex, which will be turned in one direction, may get in the way of girls. As a result, a less attractive girlfriend runs the risk of acquiring complexes and eventually ends the relationship, which brings her a lot of unpleasant moments.

Your best friend shouldn't criticize you all the time. If this happens, then think about why there is a person nearby who is constantly dissatisfied with you. Her behavior can be provoked by elemental jealousy or a bad temper, which is unlikely to change.

Do not count on a strong friendship with a woman who has a lot of girlfriends. The only thing you can do is superficial communication, because she simply does not have enough time for anything else.

And most importantly, remember: true friendship is tested by time!

Author Adeline asked a question in Dating, Love, Relationships

What does "BEST FRIEND" mean? and got the best answer

Answer from Marina Lipina[guru]
This is when friends are 20 years old.
in first grade you play "bunnies" and you pull her out stuck in the fence gap.
at 16 - share thoughts and dreams about the future.
at 25 - you ask to become a godmother to your children.
And under this never not share guys!

Answer from Katya Sperisenko[guru]
there are no such things ... and do not trust anyone ... the best friend is you yourself ...

Answer from Yörgey[guru]
The best friend is the worst enemy, only not yet manifested ...

Answer from User deleted[guru]
one that never betrays...
the one who can safely trust anything ...
one who will always understand and support ...

Answer from unknown[guru]
First traitor.

Answer from baby[guru]
apparently this “Best” didn’t touch you properly .. There are best friends until the moment when a loved one appears, then either these ladies turn around. ... It's all about us, about the female gender ... That's why I don't have best friends, there are girls who can just listen or pretend to listen ... But there are a lot of dear friends ... Here they really often and help!

Answer from alien[guru]
A sister in spirit, a close person who will always support you.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
you know it doesn't happen...

Answer from User deleted[guru]
for a man, that she is better than his other girlfriends. and for a woman, that she is her first rival.

Answer from Victoria[master]
this one that will always help, with whom you don’t share a guy, I found one and I’m madly glad if I feel bad, she’s always with me, she’s just as worried as you are

Answer from Jane[newbie]
nothing ... there is NO female friendship !! verified from our own experience

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
the person you can rely on in difficult times

Answer from Natuska[guru]
I don’t have these anymore.

Answer from * [guru]

Answer from Yana Poddubnaya[guru]
a person whom you can completely trust and not be afraid of being betrayed. However, it seems to me that it is not the best concept !! how can you divide into the best and the worst when these people love and respect you.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Social networks of today cannot be imagined without various statuses, clever expressions and sayings. You should not ignore people who are close in spirit, with whom the brightest events in life happen, leaving pleasant memories. Statuses about a best friend with meaning will definitely come in handy for expressing your feelings to this person. The main thing is to find exactly those that are closest to you in spirit.

Touching statuses about best friend

The closest, like a relative, with whom you can consult, chat heart to heart and spend hours, like one minute, deserves the best words. Therefore, statuses in VK pro can often be seen. If you want to convey emotions, the depth of feelings with your thoughts, then you should do it beautifully. Statuses about the best friend with meaning for social networks will help to do this.

Best friends are like stars in the sky :t You may not see them for years and months without talking to them, but you are always sure that they are in your life.

Only the best friend replaces the pillow.

When you share your feelings with your best friend, it becomes easier, because the problem divided into two is already half.

When I talk to my best friend, it seems to me that I am sitting in front of a mirror.

Only after hearing all sorts of nonsense from my lips, he will simply say that he understands me very much.

A star is shining from heaven, how good it is that I have a girlfriend.

She will understand me without words, without unnecessary phrases and unnecessary actions. She will bring me peace, because it is always so interesting with her.

Only my best friend drinks from the same mug with me

Feel free to look in the fridge

If I fall asleep, I will set the alarm.

Like a mother or a sister, she is very close to me.

A friend sometimes understands better than a husband or boyfriend.

So take care of your friends.

There is nothing better and more reliable than talking to your reflection.

Talking to your best friend is the same. If you open up to her, you will definitely feel better.

Only with your best friend there are so many memories, as if you had lived together all your life.

When the soul is sad, worries are terribly tormented,

You need to meet a girlfriend in order to feel happiness.

Beautiful statuses about the best friend with whom you are never bored

Affectionate, filled with meaning and tenderness statuses, will help to express a variety of emotions, are presented below.

Only with you can I open my soul with my mouth closed.

You understand me without words, because you know very well.

You are the most beautiful, the smartest, and you and I are very similar.

Don't be afraid to express your emotions, let your closest friend know that you love her.

Short sayings about best friend

For social networks, many prefer to give credit to short word combinations. Therefore, the statuses in VK about the best friend often consist of several words, because a lot of text is not always required to express feelings and emotions.

When I feel bad, I don't call the fire department or the ambulance, I dial my girlfriend's phone number.

Better than any psychologist is a girlfriend sitting next to you.

Best friends have similar souls. So you can listen without interruption.

I don’t even send a real friend to the bath, because I will worry, I know that for sure.

I don't believe those who say bad things about her. They just envy her that she has me.

Often meetings with a girlfriend cancel all other events for the current day.

And you, too, when you meet with a girlfriend for an hour, then at night you can’t order a taxi in any way?

When meeting with a friend, we have so many common topics for conversation that it does not matter a sharp transition from one to another.

Thoughts that are transmitted even at a great distance - this is true friendship.

Best Friend Poems

Sometimes statuses about the best friend with meaning do not fit into a few sentences, so only through poems can all emotions be expressed. All thoughts and feelings can be included in poems. And it’s not at all scary if the statuses about the best friend with the meaning are long and long, the most important thing is that they carry the desired meaning.

My sister, you are like a fairy tale.

I am glad that you are in my life.

After all, every meeting is beautiful,

Fun events are countless.

And although we are not close by blood,

We are very kindred spirits.

With you it's easy and free

Both in noise and in silence.

My best girlfriend

I want to tell you:

I can't imagine without you

How could I exist.

If there is joy in the soul,

I'm going to you right away with her

Kohl sadness and adversity,

Support in any weather.

My dear soul,

I love you very much.

Adventure with a friend

Of course, every meeting with your best friend is filled with fun adventures and events. Therefore, funny statuses about your best friend are also very appropriate in social networks. Interesting ideas can be taken the most daring and different. Only in this way funny statuses about the best friend will be noticed and qualitatively perceived.

Only walking with a friend, the next day each tells about the other, hardly remembering herself.

After traveling with a girlfriend, each photo is a sea of ​​​​memories with conversations for an hour for each picture.

Sometimes the time spent with my best friend, I remember only by photographs.

If you collect all the pictures with a friend, you can make up a story that will be even more than "War and Peace."

No day spent with your best friend and a mug of wine is ever sad.

funny moments with best friend


With you, a sea of ​​​​memories that only we know.

It is a pity that we will never be able to tell our children about many of our travels.

Every outing with you is like a zoo. we neigh like horses, make noise like parrots, and behave like monkeys.

Sometimes I'm ashamed when we're walking down the street together. Because we behave in such a way that people turn to us.

Express your emotions. Do not hide your feelings and remind your friend that she is very dear to you.

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Don't be afraid to change!

She easily finds a common language even with strangers, she will tell any boring story in such a way that everyone will listen. It is always interesting with her, so she has a lot of friends and fans. It would seem that such a friend should be proud of, but only who wants to be the eternal companion of the "star"! But how to get out of her shadow without ruining the relationship, and what does it mean to be best friends?

Come out of the dusk

Highlight your strengths. Ask your friends what traits of your character and behavior seem most attractive to them, and try to show them more often. If you have a charming smile, do not miss the opportunity to show it. If you are a good hostess, arrange parties, treat your colleagues with goodies. Develop the right qualities. Watch your friend, try to understand what her qualities are most appreciated by others. "Try on" them for yourself and think about which ones you could develop and which ones do not suit you. Find your style. As you know, they are greeted by clothes. Imagine what you imagine yourself to be? For example, you stick to the office dress code, but dream of maxi skirts and open blouses. But who's stopping you from wearing them after hours? So you will feel more comfortable, because the style will reflect your personality. Get carried away. If you have a hobby, feel free to talk about it. People like enthusiastic natures, with fire in their eyes, talking about their favorite business. In addition, it will help you meet like-minded people and even make friends. Come out into the light. It is difficult for homebodies to become the soul of the company. Go in for fitness, dancing, a foreign language. The more diverse your life, the more interesting you are for others.

Will there be support?

How might a friend react to your desire to step out of her shadow? If she is interested in being the only "star" in the sky, and wants to see you only as her devoted companion, reconsider your relationship with her. What is such a friendship worth and what does it mean to be best friends?

But a confident woman will not see any threat in this. And if a friend has such qualities as decency and responsiveness, then she will gladly help you become more bright and sociable.

On the crest of a wave

In a company where everyone knows you well, it is not so easy to change the habitual style of behavior. Therefore, it is easier to start a new life among people you do not know.

Expand your circle of acquaintances. Ask your friend to introduce you to new people.

Get more active. Do not sit on the sidelines, listening to other people's conversations, but join the discussion.

Try to see something good in every interlocutor. Sincere sympathy for people is one of the foundations of successful communication. Surely you have noticed how pleasant it is to talk with a person who enjoys the conversation.

Be friendly and sensitive, show interest: listen carefully to your opponents and be sure to ask clarifying questions.

Be confident. Don't be afraid to say or do something wrong. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

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