
What a magical new year. Magical New Year's Eve! How to make a wish for the New Year


We offer you some simple tips on how to make the New Year's holiday even more magical and memorable for your children:

1. It is important that New Year's gifts are not just beautiful, but intricately and magically packaged so that they beckon the child with their wonderful and mysterious sparkle, their fabulous secret.

Show your imagination, even if there are several layers of packaging, you can come up with a game according to which the baby unfolds each next wrapper, solving a simple riddle, for example. But even without any games, unwrapping bright, colorful, iridescent packaging will give the child a real pleasure.

2. In order to create a festive mood in advance for the child in anticipation of the New Year, you can craft, write, draw New Year's greetings, gifts, toys for the Christmas tree and even a family wall newspaper with him.

Older children can be asked to prepare a performance or a congratulation for a family celebration, or just any holiday surprise they want.

3. Give New Year's gifts to children in the most unusual ways:

1) For example, for young children who are already familiar with some animals, these birds and four-legged friends can “bring” gifts in exchange for treats. For example, nuts or seeds sprinkled on the balcony will disappear, and sweets supposedly brought by squirrels will appear instead. Or mice for a piece of cheese left under the door will bring the baby a toy. And you can exchange the treats left for the animals for gifts on New Year's Eve.

2) Great will be the joy of a child who finds a wonderful gift from Winter itself on a balcony or in a snowdrift during a walk!

In order to prepare such a surprise, you need a small gift that is not afraid of cold and moisture. Pack it in a sealed metal or plastic box, wrap it in festive packaging and freeze it in a saucepan of water - on the balcony or in the freezer of the refrigerator. There, in the water, you can add spruce twigs, cones or needles, or tinsel.

With these gifts, you can put a transparent block of ice on the balcony or hide it in a snowdrift, turning the search for a magical gift for a child into an exciting game.

3) During a walk in the hood, the baby can be thrown small gifts (possibly edible) even by the invisible elves of Santa Claus - for good behavior and a great New Year's mood. Of course, before the walk, you should tell the child the appropriate fairy tale, and put gifts in the hood unnoticed and then wonder how they got there.

4) If your child has already grown up a little, and you want to give him some money, you can arrange for him the classic "miracle field" from the fairy tale about Pinocchio. Let him bury a coin in a pot of earth on the eve of the New Year, and the next morning, together with the coins, he will find a tree branch “grown” in the ground with money-leaves attached to it.

4. If you want Santa Claus or Santa Claus to come to your baby, it is not at all necessary to invite an actor or dress up dad in a beard and fur coat. Real magic is elusive, and traces of what came to the child will delight and intrigue the baby no less than a real figure.

Therefore, a late doorbell (ask friends or neighbors), snow footprints at the doorstep and a gift tied to the door will be a good surprise for a child who ran to open the door to Santa Claus.

A beautiful congratulatory inscription or a drawing from Santa Claus on the frosted outside of the window on the morning of the new year, along with gifts left on the balcony or window sill outside (decorated with toys or a spruce branch), will have no less effect on the child.

We do not believe for a long time that once a year, when the air temperature drops to the maximum, and snow-white flakes of snow strew the ground, a person appears who creates a fairy tale. Santa Claus, Santa Claus... it doesn't matter. It doesn't change the essence of the matter. Both of these characters are an integral part of the winter holidays, holidays that, despite the cold, bring a lot of warmth.

Sooner or later, each of us is faced with the cruel truth of life. This is the stage of our growing up… we are told that the kind old man who arrives from Lapland and gives gifts to everyone does not exist, that all this time gifts under the Christmas trees have appeared thanks to our caring relatives. After some time, everyone will be participants in this conspiracy. How successful the "conspiracy" will be and how magical the New Year's fairy tale will turn out depends on each of us.

Preparing for the New Year holidays is not measured by the number of hours. Like the holiday itself, preparation for it should cause joy and, of course, must be done with soul. It is this start that will set the right mood for your holiday.

Do not be lazy to decorate the house! Yes, cleaning up after the holidays takes a lot of time. But the holiday itself will be much brighter and you will remember it for a long time.

Don't be shy about old traditions! Let Olivier, herring fish under a fur coat, chops according to the grandmother's recipe, jelly, jellied fish proudly sit on the festive table. This enhances the comfort of home and does not let you forget about your family and friends if you celebrate the holidays away from home.

Listen to the president's address! Yes, sometimes the president says words that completely contradict reality, but let's be human! Let's imagine how long they worked on this speech, how long the president himself prepared for it, let's see what a beautiful "yolka" in the background ... and now he's on TV , in front of you, and you are at the festive table, and even in beautiful clothes. Whatever feelings overwhelm you, do not break the tradition, clink glasses with the president, regardless of what is in your glass: champagne or juice.

Don't be afraid to make a wish. Believe me, they really come true! The main thing in making wishes is a clear formulation and sincere belief in its implementation.

It is customary to celebrate the New Year brightly, using all kinds of bright fireworks and similar inventions. If you do not consider it necessary to purchase fireworks, do not deny yourself the opportunity to admire the thundering New Year's sky. For greater comfort, it is better to initially choose a place from where it will be best seen.

There is very little time left before the magic of the New Year. The atmosphere of the holiday is felt in the air, the houses smell of tangerines and Christmas trees. But the most important rule of the New Year is: “How you meet the New Year, so you will spend it”! Don't forget about it. Be happy and give happiness to your family and friends, and then all your cherished desires will come true! Happy New Year!

We all know that New Year's Eve is a time of magic. On New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve itself and in the morning, unusual, mysterious and truly magical things and situations often happen.

Naturally, there are also their own New Year's rituals, which occultists and mystics love to advise on the Internet, books and newspaper pages.

But what is New Year's magic?
Do Christmas rituals really exist?
What is their strength?
How does the Christmas magic work?
Is it available to everyone?
We will try to answer all these questions in this article.


Nowadays, a wide variety of interpretations of the phenomenon of New Year's magic are given. Moreover, there are even different points of view, but does it exist at all?

Many argue that a week before the new year, heaven, the universe, god, etc. begin to react especially to human desires, becoming especially receptive to them. Thanks to this, they accept the positive information of desires and hopes and begin to contribute to their realization.

The vast majority of mystics and occultists admit that this holiday is really connected with magic, and when it comes, special events begin to occur, and some disturbances are observed in the subtle spheres.

This is explained by the fact that the new year is associated with the faith of millions of people. Belief in the good, in the positive, in the fulfillment of desires, a fairy tale, the magic of New Year's Eve. This belief creates a huge flow of energy directed into a single channel. With a clearly nested task, waiting for a miracle.

Thus, the magic of the new year lies not so much in the very day or period of celebration, but in the people who create it.

About the movement

As mentioned above, people believe in New Year's magic. Of course, not everyone believes in him consciously. But the vast majority of the inhabitants of the planet, one way or another, feel impatience before this day and the desire for its speedy onset, a premonition of something good.

It's also no secret that Each of us exudes a certain amount of our internal energy. But usually it is chaotically wasted during the day. Less often it leaves in the form of a clearly formulated task. In this form, it affects the energy-informational field of the earth. Occultists, mystics and even scientists offer different names for it and describe its nature in different ways, but all recognize the existence of this field.

When a person clearly sees the goal and sets himself up to achieve it, he begins to program the world around him to achieve this goal. The strength of such programming depends on the faith of the person and the amount of energy invested. Although on average it is not great. Which again explains why it is very rare that a person immediately achieves what he wants.

New Year's magic works in the same way, only here millions of people all over the planet unconsciously render such programming at once. Each of them invests not so much energy, but in general, a huge harmonious flow is formed. After all, he is united by a huge positive and faith in a miracle.

A legitimate question arises Why don't miracles happen literally at every turn on New Year's Eve?

The answer is simple enough. The fact is that although the flow has a general direction, it still does not have a single clear task, since it was created unconsciously by many people. Each of them had their own subconscious hopes and desires. In other words, there is no single guide.

Therefore, sometimes you can hear about a strange and magical incident on holidays. This is a spontaneous and accidental influence of New Year's magic. Usually it has positive consequences, since she, too, is born positive.

Almost everyone begins to feel the New Year's atmosphere.. And the more sensitive a person is, the brighter he feels the energy that fills the air. Some people are able to unconsciously use this energy to direct it to their advantage.

Such people are always lucky on New Year's holidays. Sometimes incredible things happen to them. These days they feel an incredible spiritual and physical uplift and can, it seems, move mountains.

Mystics and occultists of different planes also know and actively use this time for spiritual purification and accumulation of strength. And also for other needs.

But is it possible to control this energy in order to consciously obtain a specific result? According to the statements of the specialists in the occult sciences mentioned above, this is possible.

One of the simplest and most effective ways for such management is the New Year's ritual.

The help of a psychic in the realization of your desires!

Due to the saturation with energy and the presence of an initial general program, even the simplest rituals are enough to redirect part of this energy to your needs, which simply do not work at other times.


The list of rituals used for the new year is incredibly long and only increases every year. There are also ancient rituals that came to us from distant ancestors and completely new ones invented recently. Some of them people create themselves without recourse to specialists. But they still work for the reasons stated above. Others are carefully designed and adjusted by mystics. Their clear advantage is greater efficiency, accuracy, reliability and safety.

Here are two fairly simple rituals as an example:


One of the simplest wish rituals . For him, we need one of the most important elements of the new year - a Christmas tree. Or to be more precise, her needle. This ritual is performed on December 31st.

In a bag made of natural material, green, you should put needles in the number of your full years. Before laying, hold each needle for half a minute (or longer) in your hands, making one wish. If there is some kind of cherished dream that must come true without fail, it is better to make the same wish on all needles.

The bag is placed in a place inaccessible to strangers, exactly for a year until the next December 31st. Then you will need to remove the bag and remove the needles from it. Those needles that become very dark correspond to unfulfilled dreams, they should be buried in the ground. Green needles are folded into a saucer and filled with water. In this water, you will need to moisten your hands, and then pour the water itself over the threshold of the house (entrance).


This ritual will help maintain youth and beauty. On December 31, it is necessary to prepare a special decoction based on chamomile, calendula and linden. Three, tablespoons of each ingredient are mixed together and poured with three liters of water. The mixture must be boiled and then allowed to cool.

A tablespoon of honey and several heads of flowers are added to the cooled broth. Choose your favorite plants. The finished broth should be poured into any suitable vessel, which should be brought to the lips and the conspiracy should be read three times over it. There are different versions of the conspiracy, they can be found on the net, but it is better to replace it with an analogue composed by you personally. Most often this is a request to higher powers (you can God).

The well-worn proverb “As you meet a year, so you will live” ceases to evoke a premonition of magic with age. Especially now, in the era of total Instagram with its ultimate trend to clearly and publicly demonstrate that life is good. Quite accomplished women suddenly have a fear before the new year not to justify, not to meet and not to set the necessary “bar” for the start of the new year. And in the most mysterious way during this period, every second of my clients, to one degree or another, begins to doubt the success and uniqueness of their own lives.

The scenario is roughly the following. So, just yesterday, she was completely satisfied with her New Year's scenario: everything turned out well, literally at the last moment they rented an excellent house in Suzdal, agreed with friends, prepared a menu, thought out an interesting program ... And the joy remained exactly until that minute, until it entered on Instagram. And there in the tape - photos of a friend from the Maldives ... And that's it. Well, how is it? Does it mean it didn't make it? Miserable provincial Suzdal! Fool's house! Banal dishes! The mood is at zero, goes, of course, to loved ones.

It is impossible to explain to them and to myself the reason for the sudden change of mood, but it does not work out to defeat the strange annoyance either. And ashamed, and envy, I don’t want to admit it, but I can’t be happy for my girlfriend. Because, in fact, the results of the year are somehow very expressively different.

A lucky friend, just like the daughter of the American billionaire Vanderbilt - Ellochka, smiles triumphantly from the Maldivian photos, provoking the search for a symmetrical answer. How can he be on the merciless field of the Instagram feed? And "Ellochka" constructs reality, diligently conveying simple messages to the audience: everything is fine with me, just wonderful, and no worse than others! It’s a paradox, but her personal holiday, joy, happiness are not in focus at all, for nothing that she builds it so carefully, and then also polishes it with all kinds of filters. Focus on what others think and say. Holidays and vacations are not lived, but presented, and even with a restless constant check, who saw how they commented and whether they liked it.

In the depths of her soul, she understands that, in theory, she should not care who rides the subway there, and who flies on her own plane. It’s normal to be happy with what you have, because there will always be someone who has better, more and more expensive. But the glossy reality inexorably orders to accept the challenge and enter the competition.

Inside, "Ellochka" has an unbearable hunger that cannot be appeased. Who loves opera? She immediately becomes a regular in the theatre. Someone purposefully takes care of their body? She exhausts herself with fitness and diets. Is someone preparing for a serious international exam? And she is right there. However, here's the problem: her achievements do not impress her at all.

Why? It's simple. Because none of this is hers. Internal competition with someone else's joy and someone else's success completely devalues ​​efforts. But in order not to compete, you need to feel well and love your own. And once and for all decide for yourself: “Am I racing or building independent achievements and joys?”

By the way, the second option is more than real, just right now she doesn’t really want to see it and believe in it. Meanwhile, the incredible, purposeful and effective energy that she demonstrates in an endless competition testifies precisely to the fact that she has a gigantic, simply inexhaustible resource. In fact, her hunger is fraught with not only the desire to live someone else's life and endlessly run after the departing locomotive. He harbors a colossal unconscious desire to express himself and create a life for himself that will give joy.

It’s just that the energy and own resources of creativity can be spent on imitation, or you can spend it on revealing and finding yourself. Your real self.

It's a difficult path, but no more costly than obsessing over comparisons and perfectionist alignment with the latest Instagram trends. And if she decides to embark on this path, then changes will not take long. To do this, any actions and projects should proceed from the principle: "I want it, I love it, I really like it." And the principle “what Marya Aleksevna will say” will have to be decisively forgotten. And ask, very strictly and meticulously ask yourself: “Is this really mine?”. You will need to learn to appreciate, and not devalue your own, close, important and unique, and ask the question “why” instead of “why”. And we still have to set priorities and introduce gratitude into life - to the world, to God, to ourselves, to everyone we meet: let gratitude for what enters life gradually replace the habit of complaining, being capricious and never being satisfied with anything.

For children, the New Year is always magic and the fulfillment of desires. But usually, at best, Santa Claus and a gift under the tree are waiting for them.

But what if you arrange a real one for your child? Moreover, it is not at all difficult to do this. All it takes is a little imagination and desire...

Read also:

Letter from Santa Claus

Let's start with a letter from Santa Claus! Many children write letters to Santa Claus but never get a response from him. And how happy a child would be if he received a letter from Santa Claus himself!

Of course you will write. The main thing is to issue an envelope in the New Year's style and write from whom: from Santa Claus and from where: Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug. You can easily find New Year's envelope templates on the Internet, but you just have to print the envelope you like.

You can print a real letter from Santa Claus with stamps, choose a letter design and ready-made text, or write the text of the letter yourself. Then simply print out the letter and insert it into the New Year's envelope.On New Year's Eve, put the letter under the tree.

And if you want to make a wish for the New Year or Christmas, then our article will come in handy for you!

New Year's lottery

Arrange a New Year's drawing of sweet prizes. Each member of the family will pull a piece of paper from the festive bag, on which the treasured gift number will be written.

To make it more interesting, it is advisable to prepare various sweet gifts and stick numbers written on holiday papers on them. For example, sweets, chocolate, chocolate Santa Claus and chocolate animals, Kinder Surprise, lollipops, ice cream and everything your child loves.

Looking for a gift for a child? In our store a large selection of toys and goods for children, a search for all well-known brands.

Real Magic

If you show your child real magic on a magical New Year's Eve, he will remember this New Year for a long time to come.

To begin with, tell your child that New Year's Eve is a time when real magic happens around and almost all objects become magical. And then show him a couple of magic tricks.

magic soda

To perform magic, you will need a transparent glass, soda and a small button.

Pour soda into a glass and put a button in it. When the button sinks to the bottom of the glass, start calling to drive with your hand, saying: “Button, button, get up!” After a while, the button will actually lift up for a while. Immediately begin to conjure with your hand, saying: “Button, button, drop!” And the button sinks to the bottom of the glass. Focus can be repeated several times.

The secret of the trick: When the button is at the bottom of the glass, there are a lot of gas bubbles, and they lift the button up. And when the button is at the top, the bubbles disappear, so the button sinks to the bottom again. Focus will be obtained as long as carbon dioxide is released. But it is better to practice in advance so that the focus is a success!

You will find other interesting magic tricks.

Quest "Find a gift"

You can arrange a fabulous New Year's quest "Search for a Gift" for a child. To do this, you will need to write simple riddles on several pieces of paper and hang them in different places on the tree. The answer to each riddle will lead to another riddle. And the last piece of paper will contain instructions where the gift is located.

There will be several gift boxes under the tree. And the child needs to correctly guess the riddles and, with the help of pointers, understand in which box exactly his gift lies!

If you have a lot of animal toys, then you can use riddles related to animals or different Christmas toys: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman

Examples of riddles:

1 riddle:

mustachioed muzzle,

striped coat,

Washes often

And I don't know about water.(Cat)

The answer to the riddle: "Cat" means that the next riddle should be looked for next to the "Cat" Christmas tree toy.

2 riddle:

She is dressed in silver with pearls -
The magical granddaughter of the magical grandfather. ( Snow Maiden)

Answer: "Snow Maiden" means that the next riddle should be looked for next to the Snow Maiden on the Christmas tree or next to the Christmas tree.

3 riddle:

We recognize the animal with you

According to two such signs:

He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,

And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

We are looking for the next riddle next to the squirrel.

4 riddle:

He is kind, he is strict,
All overgrown with a beard,
Hurrying to us now for the holiday,
Who is this? ...(Father Frost)

The next puzzle is next to Santa Claus.

5 riddle:

Round like a ball

Shines like a flashlight

Only he does not jump -

Very fragile (Ball)

Next to the Christmas tree toy "Ball" we find the following riddle.

6 riddle:

rope twists,

Head at the end. (Snake)

The snake has the next riddle.

7 riddle:

The man is not simple

Appears in winter
And disappears in the spring

Because it melts quickly.(Snowman)