
Formulas for weight gain and growth of the child. How to calculate the estimated weight of the child. Find out the weight of the child before birth Calculation of the ratio of the height and weight of the child


AT tables "Height and weight of the child" given below, you will see scores from 1 to 8, and percentages are the score that doctors put when examining a child. The so-called centile corridor.

Values ​​25% 50% 75%— Norma

10% to 125% or 75% to 90%- Minor deviations from the norm.

3% to 10% or 90% to 97%- It is necessary to pay attention to the health of the child and conduct additional examinations.

Below 3% or above 97%- There is a high probability that the child has a pathology that affects the physical development of the child.

Future growth of the child

(Mom's Height + Dad's Height) / 2 = Base

For girls: Base -5 cm. \u003d Child height in adulthood

For boys: Base +5 cm = Height of the child in adulthood

For example: mom's height is 162 cm, dad's height is 178 cm. The approximate height of their son will be 175 cm. ((162+178)/2= 170; 170+5= 175)

Table of height and weight for children and adolescents from 0 to 17 years.

Table of the ratio of height and weight

Body mass index (BMI) for children and adolescents from 2 to 20 years.

This is the most accurate indicator of the ratio of height to body weight of children and adolescents. It is advisable to regularly measure and record this indicator. So you can at the right time determine the tendency of the child to obesity or underweight and prevent negative consequences.

  • Suppose the child is 9 years old and is a boy. Then we open the body mass index table for boys aged 0 to 20 years.
  • On the lower axis we find the number 9 (the age of the child).
  • On the left or right axis we find the number 16.0 (child's BMI).
  • We look at the intersection of lines coming from the obtained points.

We evaluate the result:

The red and green lines are the ideal ratio of height to weight.

Above the yellow field - a large bust of body weight

Centile corridor 75% - 85% (in some tables the upper limit is 90%) - a little overweight

Centile corridor 50% - 75% - the norm, the ratio of height to weight is above average

Centile corridor 25% - 50% - the norm, the ratio of height to weight is below average

Centile corridor 10% - 25% - slight underweight

Below the yellow box - a large underweight

Increase muscle mass help protein soups

The parameters of the height and weight of a small child enable the doctor to assess its development and the correct functioning of internal organs and systems. A deviation from the norm indicates some kind of malfunction in the body or the need to change the baby's diet. In infancy, height and weight are extremely important parameters and are assessed in fact and in dynamics every month.

Online weight and height calculator

In infancy, even minor changes in the development of the child matter. An online calculator will help you estimate the height and weight of the baby, taking into account his age to the nearest day. Such a system eliminates the need to constantly look for the norms of parameters and their correspondence to reality. Just one click of a button will give you a ready assessment and preliminary conclusions. The online calculator fully replaces the table used by all pediatricians, while taking into account the errors allowed for babies of different sexes.

Child height and weight calculator widget

Years 0 1 2 3 4

months 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Height and weight of the child

The pediatrician evaluates height and weight, both separately and relative to each other. For example, a normal increase in these indicators in a child up to a year is:

Age, monthsWeight gain per monthGrowth increase per month
1 600 3
2 800 3
3 800 2,5
4 750 2,5
5 700 2
6 650 2
7 600 2
8 550 2
9 500 1,5
10 450 1,5
11 400 1,5
12 350 1,5

These figures are average and may vary slightly in any direction. For a more accurate assessment of height and weight, pediatricians use centile tables, which indicate normal increases in the parameters described above, as well as intervals of deviation from the norm. In centile tables, height and weight are calculated more accurately, and they are developed separately for each gender of the child. For example, conditionally normative values ​​for the growth of a girl according to these tables look like this:

After you have found your child's indicators in the table, you look at what percentage interval they fall into. Based on the results, one of the following conclusions is made:

  1. The value falls in the range of 25-75: the absolute norm, the child develops well.
  2. 10-25: interval below average. You may need to adjust your diet. The indicator is not a serious deviation from the norm.
  3. 75-90: above average. Most likely, the deviation is caused by individual hereditary characteristics and is not a pathology.
  4. 3-10: Possible developmental problems, further examination required.
  5. 90-97: increased attention to physical development is required, a pathological process is not excluded.

Also, the parameters of height and weight are estimated relative to each other. Below is a table that checks the ratio of body weight to the height of a girl:

Reasons for fast and slow weight gain

According to the norms, by the end of the first year of life, the child adds about 7 kilograms of weight. Permissible deviations are also taken into account, but at this age they are insignificant. What if your child develops differently? What reasons can provoke too fast or slow weight gain?

Causes of slow weight gain in infants:

  1. Natural weight loss after birth. Typically, a baby loses weight in the first few days of life due to the stress of birth and adjustment to new environments. Sometimes this period can take a little longer.
  2. Incorrect chest grip. If the baby is not properly attached to the breast, he may not get enough fatty hindmilk and gain weight poorly.
  3. Use of bottles and pacifiers. Fast and infrequent feedings, which are typical for artificial feeding, lead to insufficient weight gain.
  4. Soldering. If a baby is supplemented with water, he will eat less milk and receive insufficient nutrients.
  5. Lack of mother's milk. If the mother is healthy and feeds the child on demand, she will have enough milk - this is how nature intended. Insufficient production may appear due to illness, another pregnancy, excessive physical activity, supplementation with artificial mixtures.

Overweight is more common in formula-fed children. Using mixtures, it is necessary to strictly observe the interval between feedings and dosage, taking into account the age of the child. Sometimes rapid weight gain may indicate the presence of diseases or a genetic predisposition.

The main thing that doctors pay attention to is the condition of the child. If his weight is slightly different from the norm, but the baby is active and in a good mood, most likely there is nothing to worry about.

What determines the increase in growth

Normal is the growth of a newborn in the range of 46-56 cm. During the first year of life, the child makes a colossal leap in growth, increasing it by approximately 27 cm, that is, by more than 50%. As a rule, growth parameters are laid down genetically. In short and small parents, the child will be just as miniature.

If growth retardation is provoked by pathological processes, for example, a lack of growth hormone, then the developmental deviation will be noticeable immediately from birth, and can even be detected in the prenatal period. Many pathologies can be easily corrected, and with timely treatment, the child will not differ from his peers. To do this, the endocrinologist will prescribe drugs based on growth hormone, which should be periodically injected to the child.

Height, unlike weight, is difficult to influence with lifestyle or dietary changes. If the child begins to eat more, but the excess nutrients are not used up for energy production, then it will be deposited in the form of body fat. However, extra centimeters in height will not be added.

After the first year of life, a strong jump in the growth of the child will occur during puberty. Many children who were low in kindergarten or school catch up with and even overtake their peers during puberty.

Pediatricians also evaluate growth not only in absolute terms, but also in dynamics. The growth of a child older than 2 years should increase by at least 4 cm per year. In the first two years of life, this happens 2-3 times more actively.

Pregnancy is a joyful and most important event in the life of many women and girls. Even ancient people worried about diagnosis during pregnancy. For example, in ancient Egypt, bududu-ka grass was used to diagnose it. Women were given a drink made from herbs and the milk of a girl who had recently given birth. If he caused vomiting, then there is definitely a pregnancy.

First ultrasound during pregnancy

Every year, diagnostic methods become better and more accurate. Today, you can accurately find out whether a girl is in a position or not according to analyzes and ultrasound. Medicine has improved so much that it is now possible to calculate the height and weight of the fetus even before it is born. The first months of expecting a child are always filled with excitement for the safety of his life. This is especially true for those who have had miscarriages before. This leads to constant worries about whether everything is normal. Ultrasound can answer these questions.

When is the first ultrasound done?

This is a relative question and largely depends on the patient being examined. If the gynecologist decides that you need to do early diagnosis, ultrasound can be done at 6 weeks. But, as a rule, they try to avoid this, because the fetal sac is small, and it is impossible to see it on the screen. At this time, you can listen to the fetal heart and make sure that everything is fine with it, and also exclude the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, the first examination is carried out at 11-14 weeks.

When can I calculate the weight and height of the baby?

Ultrasound measurements allow you to accurately determine the height and weight of the child, as well as to understand whether they correspond to the parameters. In the early stages of pregnancy, they may not coincide with the norms, as there are errors in determining the gestational age. The baby will then gain weight based on these factors:

  1. Heredity.
  2. condition of the placenta.

The structure of the placenta

Before childbirth, a weight of 2500-4500 grams is considered normal.

What determines the weight and height of the fetus?

Babies in the mother's tummy always have different parameters. Some are taller, some are a little smaller. But what does it depend on?

  • Mom's health.
  • Are there bad habits.
  • Nutrition.
  • The number of fruits.

For example, with twins, babies begin to lag behind in weight from about 20 weeks. At birth, it is also less than that of one born baby.

How to independently determine the weight of the fetus?

  • Lebedev method. To do this, you need to know the parameters of the girth of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus. All these indicators must be multiplied among themselves, the result will mean the approximate weight of the child.
  • Many mothers believe that the size of their baby depends on the size of the abdomen. If the woman in labor weighs a lot, then the baby will be born big.
  • If 38 weeks have come, then you can determine this at home. Take a tape measure and measure your belly. And multiply the result by 6.

Often, according to the calculations of doctors, the baby should be born large, in which case the issue of a caesarean section is decided. With the wrong location of the child in the abdomen, it is impossible to accurately calculate its parameters.

Can an ultrasound be wrong?

Errors, of course, can be, and how accurately the parameters were determined is difficult to say before the baby is born. They arise due to the inaccuracy of the equipment, or rather its old age. The experience of the doctor is of great importance. Often, experts decipher the same results in different ways. Therefore, of course, it is not necessary to talk about 100% accuracy. But basically their calculations are still close to reality. After all, it is not so easy to determine the PMP (approximate fetal weight), even for an experienced specialist.

What you need to know about the presentation of the fetus?

In the last trimester of pregnancy, every mother hears the words "previa". It is determined by the part that lies closer to the uterus. This is usually the buttocks or head. It is it that determines exactly how the baby will move at the time of childbirth.

Causes of incorrect presentation

The main reason for the incorrect position of the baby is its excessive activity in late pregnancy.

  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Prematurity.
  • Perhaps this is due to low water. Since the baby simply will not be able to turn into a normal position.
  • And finally, anomalies in the structure of the uterus, a narrow pelvis, and hypoxia can be obstacles to the normal position of the fetus.

Childbirth with incorrect presentation

With a transverse or oblique arrangement, doctors perform a caesarean section. If at 38 weeks he is in a breech presentation, experts assess the general condition of the baby and mother. According to their results, the available method of delivery is determined. A decision in favor of independent childbirth will be made if:

  • The mother and baby are completely healthy.
  • This is a girl.
  • Gluteal position.

Types of breech presentation

  • PMP is normal.

It is difficult to judge about head presentations. After all, the diagnosis is made during childbirth when examining the vagina. But we must not forget that it is possible to receive birth injuries.

Infant hypoxia

Many will probably ask what it is. Hypoxia is a lack of oxygen supplied to tissues and organs. The baby in the mother's stomach cannot breathe on its own, so she comes to his aid.

If the woman's body needs the elements, the baby also lacks them. After all, how much he gets them depends on her. The nervous system is under threat. Having been born, he will be whiny, muscle tone is increased or, on the contrary, greatly reduced. But you still should not despair, because his psyche will not suffer.

Cardiotocography reveals fetal hypoxia

Despite the fact that hypoxia is a serious diagnosis, it will be possible to make it only with the constant supervision of specialists. Remember that the sooner it is detected, the smaller the consequences will be in the end.

Mom protects her baby in her stomach all 9 months. How he develops, what height and weight he has, depends only on her. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of yourself and your body. No matter how many difficulties, for such a small crumb they can be overcome.

Every expectant mother should know the height and weight of the fetus by weeks of pregnancy, other sizes of the baby in the womb. Doctors determine the standards, the real parameters are reported to the pregnant woman during the screening. In general, the generally accepted criteria are more conditional, depending on the individual physical data of the biological parents. Information about what the weight of the baby can be by weeks of pregnancy is very important, so it is necessary to take measurements of the abdominal circumference in a timely manner. However, not all women in an “interesting position” can calculate such parameters.

What determines the weight of the fetus during pregnancy

When a woman does not control the weight gain of an unborn baby, oxygen starvation of the fetus is possible, which is fraught with dangerous health consequences. If the weight of the fetus by weeks of pregnancy does not meet the standards, in case of a bust, doctors do not exclude the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, while a shortage is observed when pregnancy fades, reduced immunity.

If we talk about physiology, large parents form a large fetus and vice versa. However, overweight and malnourished women should be especially careful, as excessive fat disrupts the normal size of the embryo. In the latter case, we are talking about intrauterine diseases that need to be diagnosed in a timely manner on an unscheduled ultrasound. Everything of the embryo depends on other factors, as an option:

  • lifestyle and nutrition of the expectant mother;
  • the number of fetuses in the womb;
  • mother's illness;
  • features of genetics;
  • having bad habits.

How to calculate the weight of a child

In order to correctly calculate the weight by weeks of pregnancy, it is important to know the length of the child's hip, head circumference, chest diameter, biparental head size. With the help of these parameters, doctors can implement a special Hadlock method that is appropriate in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy. At a later date, the obstetrician determines the weight gain of the fetus by weeks, having only 2 indicators available - abdominal circumference and height to the bottom of the uterus. The future mother can track the growth dynamics at home using a special calculation form.

The formula for calculating the weight of the fetus

With each obstetric week, the fetus is gaining grams, and the main task of the future mother is to find out the approximate value, to respond in a timely manner if there is a suspicion or presence of pathologies. In the latter case, it is required to operate using the ultrasound method, as the most informative. Determine the weight of an unborn child according to the following formula: (A + B + C) / 3. However, such a publicly available calculation does not work with a large baby and in late pregnancy, it is inaccurate. The decoding of the formula is presented below:

  • A - a product in which the first and second factors are the height of the fundus of the uterus to the circumference of the abdomen;
  • B - the sum of the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen, divided by 4, and then multiplied by another 100;
  • C - subtract 11 (if the woman has thin bones) or 12 (if the bones are large) from the value of the height of the fundus of the uterus, multiply the result by 155.

Baby's weight on ultrasound

A woman will gain kilograms every month, and the weight of the fetus grows by weeks of pregnancy. It is possible to determine the exact mass and size of the uterus during an ultrasound scan, and control it at the next screening. On the monitor screen, the parameters of the length of the fetus, the approximate weight (calculated in grams), the presence and potential pathologies of intrauterine development are clearly visible. Women with a normal increase may panic, but if there is a shortage or overkill, the patient falls under strict medical supervision, hospitalization is not ruled out.

Baby weight by week of pregnancy

After a successful conception, a woman should register for pregnancy as early as possible. Determining the length of the embryo in the early stages is very problematic, and the approximate weight is no more than a couple of grams. If the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, the baby's parameters reach average values, a weekly fetal weight table is available. Here is how the size of the fetus increases by months of pregnancy (with errors) without taking into account the placenta, amniotic fluid:

Obstetric week of pregnancy

Approximate body weight, grams


Serious deviations

Routine ultrasound examinations are performed to determine the weight of the fetus by week of pregnancy. If the future mother does everything right, babies are born strong and healthy. When the weight is insufficient, fetal movements slow down, under the influence of pathogenic factors, abnormal processes in the child's body progress. Serious deviations are presented below, requiring timely correction in the conditions of mandatory hospitalization:

  1. Fetal edema associated with an increase in bilirubin levels. As a result, hemolytic disease of the newborn. In this case, the studied parameter of the fetus reaches its maximum size.
  2. Improper nutrition of the mother, as a result of which the fetus gains excessive weight, is at risk. The lack of nutrients and the presence of a voluminous fatty layer creates favorable conditions for extensive congenital pathologies of the infant.
  3. High rates of growth and weight gain of the embryo at different stages of pregnancy indicate internal diseases, as an option it can be congenital diabetes mellitus, extensive pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  4. The womb influences the development of the embryo. A fetus with a low weight may suffer from progressive hypoxia, which, after the birth of a baby, entails increased and other equally serious diseases.

How to gain weight during pregnancy

If the norm of fetal weight by week does not correspond to generally accepted tabular values, and the characteristic deviation is repeated every month, you should not panic too much. It is possible that the biological parents are large, and the child "has someone to be born into." However, once again it will not hurt to be examined in a hospital, let the doctor calculate the indicated parameters by ultrasound, weight gain, and exclude the development of extensive pathologies. In order for the embryo to gain extra pounds as expected, here are valuable recommendations from a specialist.

There are several methods that allow you to approximately determine the weight of the child before delivery. Most often, it is calculated by the circumference of the woman's abdomen or by the distance from the pubis to the upper edge of the uterus. Both options are convenient in that you can use them at home without seeking help from a specialist.

Keep in mind that the weight of the fetus should be calculated no earlier than the 38th week of pregnancy. For example, if you take measurements at 36 weeks, your baby will weigh an average of 500-600 grams more by the time of delivery.

To calculate the weight of the fetus approximately, you need to measure the distance from the upper edge of the pubic bone to the bottom of the uterus. At 38-40 weeks of gestation, the fundus of the uterus is usually located one or two fingers below the costal arch. The resulting distance should be multiplied by 100. The result will be the weight of the fetus in grams.

You can use another popular option. Measure the circumference of the abdomen and multiply the resulting value by the height of the fundus of the uterus. As a result, you will know the approximate weight of the child before birth.

Correct determination of the term of childbirth by the first movement of the fetus

  • More

Additional Methods for Calculating Fetal Weight

One of the most accurate ways to measure a baby's weight before birth is with an ultrasound. During this procedure, the doctor finds out the circumference of the baby's head, and then calculates its weight. As a rule, this option allows you to find out the weight with an accuracy of 0.5 kg, moreover, you can use it already at the 32nd week of pregnancy.

However, one important point should be taken into account: if the fetus is located incorrectly or is poorly visible, the doctor can make a serious error in the calculations.

You can try using another option: measuring the weight of the fetus by the body weight of the expectant mother. We are talking about the widespread Stroykova method. The formula is simple: you should divide the body weight of the pregnant woman by the number x. If a woman weighs 50 kg, the number x will be equal to 15. Every 2 extra kilos add one to this number. For example, if a pregnant woman weighs 56 kg, the number x will be equal to 18. To clarify the result, you should multiply the height of the fundus of the uterus by the circumference of the abdomen, add to the resulting number the result of dividing the body weight by x and divide the sum by 2. As a rule, in this way it is possible measure the weight of the fetus to the nearest 200 g.

The weight of the fetus by weeks of pregnancy is a very important diagnostic indicator, which is assessed using ultrasound. Lack or excess weight indicates the development of the pathological process.

Normal intrauterine development is determined by many indicators. One of these parameters is the weight of the child. The weight of the fetus by weeks of pregnancy with deviations up or down indicates malnutrition or the formation of hypoxia.

What determines the weight of the fetus during pregnancy?

The weight of the baby depends on the functioning of the placenta and the incoming nutrients with oxygen. Starting from the second trimester, the fetus increases to 80 grams. In the later stages, the seven-day set reaches 200 grams, but before labor, the pace slows down significantly, due to the death of the placenta.

The indicator also depends on the following factors:

  • unbalanced nutrition of the mother;
  • stressful situations during the gestation period;
  • chronic diseases;
  • toxicosis;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • genetic predisposition.
The weight of the baby, during fetal development, also depends on gender. Boys are born larger than girls.

The norm of fetal weight by week of pregnancy

In the first seven days after conception, the fertilized egg begins to divide, forming the placenta and fetus. Up to 7 weeks, all vital organs are laid and formed. The outlines of a person appear - legs, arms, head, heart muscle. Already at the 5th week, you can measure the baby.

From the second trimester, intensive growth of the baby begins. The rate of increase is about 80 g / week. Further, the weight of the fetus grows even more rapidly, reaching up to 300 g / week. The uterus for a 9-month period of intrauterine development increases by 500 times.

Doctors, when evaluating parameters on ultrasound, are guided by general indicators of size and circumference. The main component is the positive dynamics of the intrauterine formation of the baby and its full development.

The approximate weight of a child at 30 weeks is up to 1.4 kg. Any slight deviation can be perceived as a pathology or a normal condition, depending on the individual parameters of the future mother and the baby itself. By the beginning of labor, the baby reaches at least 3 kg 100 gr.

Fetal weight table by week of pregnancy

The estimated weight of the fetus in the early stages is calculated using ultrasound. At a later stage, the doctor, thanks to measurements of the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterus, can calculate this indicator.

Calculated norms of the weight of the child by weeks of pregnancy are presented in the table:

weeks long,cm Weight, gr
11 week 4,1 7
12 week 5,4 14
13 week 7,4 23
14 week 8,7 43
15 week 10,1 70
16 week 11,5 100
17 week 13 140
18 week 14,2 190
19 week 15,3 240
20 week 25,8 300
21 weeks 26,7 360
22 week 27,8 430
23 week 28,9 500
24 week 30 600
25 week 34,6 670
26 week 35,6 760
27 week 36,6 875
28 week 37,6 1000
29 week 38,6 1150
30 week 39,9 1320
31 weeks 41,1 1500
32 week 42,4 1700
33 week 43,8 1900
34 week 45 2150
35 week 46,2 2380
36 week 47,4 2500
37 week 48,6 2800
38 week 49,8 3000
39 week 50,7 3300
40 week 51,2 3400

Calculate the weight of the baby during pregnancy by week - calculator

The most informative method in order to make a calculation during pregnancy is an ultrasound examination. The specialist measures the length of the thigh, the size and circumference of the head, as well as the diameter of the chest. After that, it receives a ratio that is checked against the table of norms.

On examination, the doctor is able to calculate the baby's body weight using a special formula that takes into account the height of the fundus of the uterus, the circumference of the abdomen and the thickness of the woman's bone. The method is applied in the third trimester. In case of significant deviations, a certain diet and drug therapy are prescribed.

For the full development of the baby, both an overabundance and low rates are equally dangerous. It is worth adhering to reasonable nutritional standards and not neglecting walks in the fresh air, and the baby's weight and height calculator during pregnancy will help you calculate the allowable limits.

The child's weight-to-height ratio calculator allows you to identify health problems in time and, if possible, eliminate them. During the analysis, you will find out whether your child is really underweight or overweight, whether he is growing and developing correctly. You can also use the calculator to find out the child's body mass index (BMI) from birth to 18 years. Fill in all fields of the form and click "CALCULATE"

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What is the importance of the ratio of height and weight of the child

With the development of a child, indicators such as weight and height are of great importance for analysis. And although we are all different and each child is individual, there are limits to a number of indicators, the overstepping of which indicates improper development. Using our baby height and weight calculator, as well as the ratio of these indicators - body mass index, you will understand exactly how your baby is developing.

The calculator contains only official data and recommendations that experts from WHO adhere to. The indicators are calculated quite accurately, for example, by setting the age to the nearest day and kilograms with grams, you can get an accurate answer to the question of whether the child is developing correctly.

What does the indicator of growth (body length) of a child mean?

One of the most important indicators of the development of the baby is his growth. Please note that height is not the same as body length. Her (body length) is measured in very young children up to 2 years old in a prone position. But height is measured standing.

The growth of a child is the most important indicator of his physical development. Pediatricians recommend measuring it monthly.

During the first six months, the baby grows by 2.5-3 cm per month, and by the year this figure can already increase by 22-26 cm from the moment of birth.

Note! The difference between body length and height may be about 1 cm, which may affect the result of the assessment. If height is entered for a child under two years old, for the accuracy of the calculation, it will be automatically converted to length by the calculator and vice versa.

What are the growth estimates according to our calculator:

When receiving assessments of "very short" and "undersized", consultation and examination by specialists is necessary. Typically, such assessments are noted in premature babies, or in the presence of developmental delays.

In turn, too high growth (score "very high") can also indicate the presence of an endocrine disease. But it can also be hereditary, especially if at least one of the baby's parents is tall. But to be completely sure, it is still worth getting advice from a specialist.

What does baby weight mean?

The weight indicator for a certain age is relevant only in conjunction with the growth indicator - this is the only way to judge the correct development of the child. By itself, the indicative weight on gives an accurate estimate. However, pay attention to the "Low Weight" and "Extremely High Weight" scores - after all, be that as it may, there are certain limits of the norm for each age.

What are the weight estimates according to our calculator:

What does body mass index mean

It is impossible to judge the development of a child only by height or weight. These two indicators are directly related to each other. It happens that a child has short stature due to short parents, but at the same time a harmonious physique, therefore, he has no problems in development. For an accurate assessment, it is necessary to analyze two indicators - both height and weight, and their ratio is called the Body Mass Index (BMI), which allows you to assess a possible deviation in the weight or height of the child.

BMI norms for each age are different, especially children's indicators differ from adults. Therefore, when calculating on a calculator, it is necessary to indicate all the data - the height, weight, and age of the child.

What are the BMI estimates according to our calculator:

What determines the growth and weight of the child

Of course, the development of each child is individual, children can be appetizing chubby or thin reeds, but still the World Health Organization has come up with and approved some norms of height and weight for a reason. And even more so, the ratio of these indicators can tell about the correct and harmonious physical development of the child.

Most often, the parameters of the height and weight of the baby depend on the following factors:

  • What kind of feeding was (is) the child - breastfeeding or artificial;
  • The amount of food consumed at the moment;
  • Congenital or hereditary diseases (for example, problems with the heart, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland);
  • Gender of the child;
  • Physical activity of the child.

In the first months of life, there is an active weight gain of the little man and an increase in height. These two parameters may increase disproportionately, but if the deviations are insignificant compared to the parameters from WHO, while the child is not worried about anything, he is active and eats well, then you should not worry. In addition, we must not forget about heredity, because if at least one of the parents is tall or overweight, then the child has every chance of becoming a "butuz".

But serious deviations from the norms of weight and height should be discussed with the doctor. The reasons can be both temporary difficulties (for example, a cold) and more serious disorders (endocrine diseases, birth defects).

What are the WHO weight and height standards

The harmonious development of the baby is determined not only by indicators of growth or weight, but most likely by their ratio. So. generally accepted norms for a newborn are weight indicators from 2400 g to 4300 (the first value is the minimum for a girl, the second is the maximum for a boy).

In the first week of life, the baby loses weight by about 7% of the initial mass (adaptation to the external environment takes place), so parents should not worry, as this is a normal physiological process.

In general, in the first 6 months of life, the baby should gain monthly from 650 to 800 g of weight, as there is an active growth and strengthening of the body.

Well, after 6 months and up to a year, the baby is gaining 350-600 g per month.

How to calculate the norm of weight and height of a child - formula

To calculate the optimal value for the weight of a child from birth to 6 months, use the formula:

m + 800 * N, where m is the weight of the child at the time of birth (kg), N is the number of months in the calculation period.

After six months, the formula for calculating the weight norm changes:

m + 800 * 6 + 400 * (N-6) half a year.