
Wedding jewelry made of pearls. Pearls for a wedding: signs and superstitions. Video: wedding signs


This natural stone has a contradictory character, which does not deprive it of its special charm. Is it possible to wear pearls to a wedding?

Pearls for a wedding: opinion “against”

Esotericists classify pearls as “unlucky jewels” that contain the negative power of the Moon. In their opinion, pearls symbolize women's tears; they bring to their owner the loss of hopes and illusions. Based on this, it is generally accepted that this stone should not adorn the bride.

Pearls for a wedding: opinion in favor

There is also a radically different opinion: pearls have long been considered a symbol of purity and innocence, and therefore are ideally combined with. This stone fits organically into the wedding image and creates the mood appropriate for the celebration.

The tradition of decorating wedding dresses with pearls goes back to ancient times. Even our distant ancestors considered pearl jewelry to be a guarantee of fidelity in love, protection of marriage bonds and home.

The hair and clothes of the goddess of love Lada, revered by the Slavs, were decorated with pearls, so before the wedding, the grooms of Ancient Rus' presented their chosen ones with this exquisite stone (kokoshniks were decorated with pearls).

The “pearl tradition” is also characteristic of other peoples of the world. For example, in Europe, as a sign of the inviolability of the union, the bride and groom were tied with a string of pearls, and in Ancient Rome it was customary to give the bride a pearl necklace.

Another advantage of pearls is the ability to predict danger facing the owner. Due to the property of the stone to darken on the eve of unpleasant events, it is classified as amulets.


Whether or not to wear pearls on your wedding day is up to you to decide (in principle, it all depends on personal perception). If you still believe in the negative properties of the stone, but really want to wear pearl jewelry, refuse to use natural stone in favor of costume jewelry.

In addition to the fact that today artificial pearls look no worse than real ones, they will also correspond to wedding traditions. The fact is that on the wedding day, the bride, in addition to the wedding ring, should no longer wear natural jewelry (only jewelry is allowed).

Those brides who still want to wear natural pearls should use a set of two jewelry. It is believed that in this case the negative influence of the stone is neutralized. In addition, it is good if the jewelry is presented by the future husband. This will transform pearls into the category of a lucky wedding amulet.

How to choose pearls for a wedding?

When choosing jewelry, you should be guided by your taste, but before purchasing expensive jewelry made from natural stone, you will have to pay attention to checking it.

It is important to know that pearls can be natural and cultured (the second is grown in artificially created conditions). When choosing pearls, you need to pay attention to the quality of mother-of-pearl, luster, color, size, shape.

Natural pearls radiate light from within. If you look closely, you can see the contrast between the bright and shaded areas.

Natural pearls can be white, gray or black. Pink pearls are quite rare. However, the stone can be artificially colored.

Black pearls are not used in wedding fashion, but other options are quite acceptable (however, white has been and remains the recognized leader).

By the way, if you are afraid that they are offering you not a natural, but an artificially grown stone, look at it through ultraviolet rays - natural pearls glow yellow, and cultured pearls glow green.

As for the size of pearls, it is worth remembering - the younger the bride, the smaller the stones should be.

Wedding fashion

As already mentioned, it is better to wear a paired set of pearl jewelry for a wedding (earrings and tiara, earrings and necklace, necklace and bracelet, etc.). Pearls can also be used to decorate an outfit,

They say that this stone does not lead to good things...

Girls who suit such jewelry often decide to wear them to their own wedding, but then face attacks from superstitious people who claim that this is a bad omen, promising failure, sorrow and separation for the couple. In fact, this is a controversial issue, and each girl must independently determine what to do.

The essence of beliefs

When Slavic culture was just beginning to emerge, people believed in polytheism, good and evil spirits and other supernatural entities. A person believed that higher forces completely influence his life, and one can adapt to them in order to learn to attract prosperity and ward off troubles. When observing such patterns of the surrounding world, signs were formed that gradually began to accompany all aspects of human life.

Most of the superstitions concerned marriage, as the most significant and bright holiday. People believed that it was on the wedding day that a young man and a girl become most vulnerable to evil spirits, so it is necessary to provide the young couple with all possible help. This is why signs were used.

Nowadays, religion no longer plays such a role, so most beliefs have remained a relic of the past. Despite this, some superstitions still exist and are observed by modern newlyweds. Most of them believe in omens, because from childhood their grandparents told them how important it was and frightened them of possible troubles.

Few couples are truly superstitious. Most often, people listen to the superstition, so to speak, with half an ear - the bride and groom do not particularly believe in omens, but just in case, they do as folk wisdom dictates, so that it will be calmer. In any case, it’s not difficult, and an extra good sign at the wedding won’t hurt.

Bad superstitions

Special attention is paid to the wedding day. According to superstitions, a girl is in particular danger when she leaves her home and is deprived of the protection of her family patrons, and does not yet enter a new family. In this regard, the bride, if she believes in omens, is recommended to study those that are associated with her wedding dress, so as not to worry about possible failures later.

According to the signs, wearing pearls at a wedding promises a girl frequent tears in her marriage. Popular wisdom says that the family will be unhappy, scandals and mutual reproaches will be frequent guests. The newlyweds' hopes for their union will remain empty illusions; no one will be able to make the relationship happy and prosperous. All this can come to the point that the couple simply decides to divorce, so as not to torment either themselves or their failed other half.

It is also undesirable to give wedding gifts decorated with this material. Guests also need to pay close attention to signs so as not to present them. It is believed that if someone gives a newlyweds a product with natural pearls, then there will also be a lot of tears, quarrels and troubles in their married life.

However, if the bride and groom give at least a symbolic ransom for such a gift - any small coin - then the effect of the sign is canceled.

Such superstitions must be treated with an understanding of how they originated. The word “sign” itself contains the answer to this question - people observed what was happening in different families, noticed patterns and turned them into beliefs.

Some brides who wore pearls to their wedding actually ended up unhappy in their marriage, while others lived long and prosperous lives with their spouse. Many people believe that omens come true only for those who firmly believe in them.

Important! The bad omen about pearls for a wedding does not apply to artificial pearls - they can be worn to a wedding in any quantity.

Good omens

It is noteworthy that the belief that pearls will bring tears to the bride in her married life was formed not so long ago. Initially, when people lived in harmony with nature, jewelry made from this material was considered a symbol of purity, tenderness and fidelity, and this perfectly suits the image of the bride. When applied to weddings, pearls were considered an omen of happiness, good luck and protection from troubles. People believed that by wearing such jewelry, the girl thereby showed the groom and everyone around her that her thoughts were pure.

In ancient times, this material was considered magical and mystical properties were attributed to it. People believed that it was able to protect against the evil eye and become a kind of amulet against the machinations of evil people and supernatural entities. Thus, pearls featured at the wedding ceremony became the protector of the newly formed family throughout their subsequent journey together.

It was also believed that this material could warn the bride of danger. If she wore pearl jewelry to a wedding and subsequently continued to wear it or simply kept it in the family, then by the sudden change in the color of the beads one could judge that trouble was approaching, and a serious one at that.

In European countries, there was an interesting and symbolic tradition: during the wedding, the hands of the newlyweds were tied with a pearl thread, thereby personifying the unity of their destinies. From that day on and forever, the bride and groom were connected, their family was supposed to become strong and happy, and there was no place for omissions and lies in the relationship.

The Slavs also had their own traditions associated with pearl wedding jewelry. According to custom, the groom had to present his beloved with pearls for the wedding. Signs for the bride foreshadowed a happy family life in this case. The bride was supposed to wear this pearl jewelry for her wedding.

This was a very valuable gift, and the girl had to keep it for the rest of her life in order to make the marital union strong and happy.

Some sewed one bead from such decoration into a feather bed to ensure healthy and strong offspring.

Since the signs about pearl jewelry for a wedding are ambiguous, you should not take them seriously on faith. Popular wisdom itself has not decided which option to lean towards, which means that no serious troubles should be expected. The bride can decide what jewelry to wear at her own wedding based only on her preferences, without paying attention to superstitions.

Pearls can be used at a wedding in different variations:

  • in the design of a wedding dress;
  • in beads, earrings, necklaces and rings of the bride;
  • to the hero of the occasion;
  • in decorating wedding champagne glasses.

Expert advice! If a girl believes in good omens about pearls, then the maximum use of this material in wedding accessories will not bring any harm. On the contrary, such a design will inspire the bride and give her confidence from contemplating her favorite material.


Each married couple has the power to independently determine in which direction their own relationship will flow. Practical people understand that no pearls can bring sorrow or, on the contrary, happiness into their lives until the spouses themselves allow this. Others argue that a sign will definitely come true if you believe in it, so newlyweds need to determine what they themselves are leaning toward, discarding superstitions and other people’s opinions.

Many brides don't wear pearls for a wedding celebration, because pearls are for a wedding, there are bad omens regarding this decoration. They say that if a bride wears pearls, she will have an unhappy marriage in the future.

Let's look at the pros and cons of wearing pearls to a wedding. Most esotericists claim that pearls are an unlucky stone that harbors the insidious power of the Moon. Therefore, it can become a symbol of constant female tears, empty hopes and illusions. Therefore, they agree with those who do not advocate for the bride to wear pearls.

Pearls for a wedding, signs about this have been known since ancient times. All the signs indicated that the bride was in for a woman's misfortune. But today there are girls who are not superstitious in this regard, boldly wearing pearls during their wedding.

They also say that pearls are a symbol of purity and innocence, especially white pearls, so they should definitely be worn during the wedding ceremony. Thanks to its shine, it can create a festive mood and decorate the bride.

If we go back to ancient times, we see the following trend: how to decorate a bride with pearls. People of that time had such a sign that pearls would be a guarantee of fidelity in love and would protect a marriage. In Ancient Rus', potential grooms gave their brides a huge number of pearls.

A huge number of signs associated with pearls for a wedding are present among other nations. For example, in Europe, during a wedding ceremony, the union of the bride and groom was symbolically tied with a string of pearls. In ancient Rome, the bride was always given a pearl necklace during her wedding.

Of course, to wear or not to wear pearls for wedding, every girl must decide for herself. If you are very superstitious, then you should give up pearls.

If you believe in the magical properties of pearls at a wedding, but really want to wear them, then you should consider artificial pearls, which have virtually no negative properties.

In theory, the main wedding sign about wedding jewelry states that on the wedding day the bride should have only one natural decoration - a wedding ring. But if you still want to wear real pearls to your own wedding ceremony, you should use paired pearls pearl jewelry. The future spouse must give them as a gift. Then the stone will lose all its negative properties and will symbolize a happy family amulet.

To choose the right pearls for a wedding, you need to know a few rules. Firstly, wedding pearls must be white. If you want to purchase natural pearls, then you should take advantage of the knowledge of the distinctive features of natural pearls from fake ones.

The fastest and easiest way to check is to look at pearl through ultraviolet rays. If the pearls have a yellow tint, then this is a real pearl.

Naturally, if a young girl gets married, then the size of the pearls should be appropriate. For older brides, larger pearls are welcome.

Traditions of Russian folk wedding Sokolova Alla Leonidovna

Is it possible to wear pearls to a wedding?

In the modern world, there is a sign: pearls at a wedding mean tears, but in the old days in Rus', on the contrary, pearls were associated with the ideas of prosperity and fertility, they symbolized falling rain, so they were used to decorate the upper parts of a suit. Brides wore pearl necklaces and pearl earrings, and put a crown with pearl robes on their heads.

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A wedding is a trembling and exciting event, which is so wonderful and unique that we want to keep the memory of it in our hearts for as long as possible and pass it on to our children and grandchildren.

However, in order for everything to go well, both the bride and groom must begin their preparations in advance. Undoubtedly, one of the most important issues at first is the purchase of rings. Nowadays, buying or ordering rings is not a problem, the main thing is to decide on the choice, which, I must say, is unusually large and varied.

Guest list, room rental, restaurant menu, toastmaster, decorations and other issues - these are all things that can be easily resolved by contacting a specialized agency, where they will not only help you make your dream come true, but will also tell you how best to do it.

Also on topic: What are the wedding signs?

However, there are also things that at first glance may seem insignificant, but which are still worth taking into account. We are talking about signs. Yes, yes, exactly about them. Of course, some people do not believe this and believe that these are all fairy tales and fables. Maybe this is really true, maybe not. In any case, when it comes to such an important event as a wedding, it is better not to take risks and still look through the list of signs (by the way, they can not only be unlucky, but also vice versa!).

Looking at the lists of these very signs, you can see that almost every one of them has a remark about pearls, namely that pearls should not be worn to a wedding. It would seem to be a very beautiful and neat decoration. Where did such a strange belief come from?

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It turns out that since ancient times, wearing pearls to a wedding is a sign of tears and misfortune. It is difficult to say why this is exactly so, and what are the origins of such a sign, but the fact that it exists is a fact. Perhaps it’s all about the shape of the stone and its color, perhaps this has nothing to do with it, and the matter lies in something completely different.

In any case, everyone will decide for themselves whether to believe the signs or not. And not every girl can deny herself the pleasure of wearing this cute thing for a wedding, which, I must say, has become more and more popular in recent years due to its beauty and sophistication.

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I would also like to say that if pearls play any role in family happiness, it is certainly not as significant as patience, trust and love, which are the key to family happiness and a long married life.