
Asahi massage after 35 years. Japanese Asahi facial massage correct technique. Smoothing the forehead with palms


Japanese Asahi facial massage is significantly different from other techniques. During the procedure, deep treatment of the face is performed, down to the bone tissue. Motor and facial muscles are involved, which allows you to achieve long-term results. After the massage, blood vessels will be strengthened, the oval of the face will be tightened, and vision will improve.

Working on television, Japanese stylist and makeup artist Yukuko Tanaka noted that a person’s age is not revealed by the body, but by the face. Her task was to give the faces of the actors and presenters maximum freshness and visually remove several years of age. Before applying makeup, she did an aesthetic massage, but it did not give results.

Then Yukuko Tanaka seriously thought about how to remove several years from her face without makeup and other products.Several long years of experiments and studies of the structure of the human face led her to the development of the anti-aging Zogan massage, the name of which translates as “to create a face.”


The Japanese technique differs significantly from the generally accepted rules regarding facial massage.The effect on the skin is completely different and unusual for European cosmetologists - more effective, compared to other massage techniques. This massage therapy also includes treatment of the two eyelids and the area around the eyes.

Japanese Zogan facial massage, if performed incorrectly, can cause pain in the patient. Undoubtedly, during the procedure your sensations will not be the most pleasant, but pain should not be present.

When working with the face, not only the skin is subject to treatment, but also the muscles and other structures underneath it that affect the change in the shape of the face.

The Japanese believe thatbeauty lies not only on the surface, it comes from within, that is, from the deeper forms of the face. That is why work on change should begin with them - to harmonize all areas and structures of the face.

As a rule, Asahi Zogan facial massage is performed independently. Thus, a person can control the force of pressure based on his own feelings.


What can Japanese facial massage give after 50 years? Who needs it, when and in what situations?

  • To improve skin tone;
  • women with a double chin;
  • ladies who want to significantly correct their face naturally;
  • to improve the light and radiance of the skin;
  • in the presence of multiple wrinkles, including facial wrinkles;
  • with swelling of the face;
  • for the prevention of premature aging.


This procedure will be useful for women of any age. The sooner you start massaging, the better your skin will look as you age. So, the benefits of Asahi are as follows:

  1. Significantly increases lymph circulation. Thanks to this, the skin becomes clean, soft and smooth.
  2. Rejuvenating effect. The skin becomes denser to the touch - elastic, the depth of wrinkles decreases and their number is noticeably reduced.
  3. Increased mood. During self-massage, hormones of happiness are produced. That is, after the procedure you feel both light and at ease.
  4. Correction of face shape. Without surgery, you can make it more refined and more pronounced. The cheekbones, nasolabial area, cheeks will change, the double chin will disappear.
  5. Elimination of swelling of bags under the eyes. Increased lymph circulation will eliminate these “defects” if they were not caused by any disease.
  6. Removal of toxins. They accumulate in the epidermis for a long time, which leads to rapid aging. Dispersing lymph and blood during the procedure will allow them to be removed from the body faster.


Before choosing a technique, it is necessary to take into account the age of the girl/woman (each age category has its own therapy). You should also pay attention to the shape of your face.

Therapy for young girls whose age has reached 20 includes the easiest techniques, the goal of which is to maintain a beautiful and toned face for as long as possible.

The goal of the procedure after 30 years is to remove bags under the eyes and “eternal” fatigue, to rid you of puffiness forever (now you won’t be greeted by a round face in the mirror every morning).

After 40 years, massage will remove shallow wrinkles andwill have the maximum effect on deep expression wrinkles, in addition, it will improve your complexion (making it more radiant) and prevent the occurrence of jowls.

Asahi facial massage after 50 years includes the treatment of jowls and is aimed at their removal.

During a massage after 60 years, the master works on the neck and performs techniques to lift the chin and cheeks.

Peculiarity! You can perform a massage in any place convenient for you, including a bathhouse.


Before performing a facial massage rejuvenation, thoroughly cleanse the skin: washing your face and removing the remnants of decorative cosmetics with a special product. The skin should be completely dry. To remove any remaining moisture, use a cloth (be sure to wipe your face after washing, otherwise it may become dry).

You can get more benefits from this massage therapy if you first cleanse the skin with a scrub (note that scrubbing must be done every week).

Before the massage, carefully study the special facial map. Knowing where the lymph nodes and vessels are located will allow the procedure to be carried out more successfully and efficiently. Each technique should be brought to automaticity (so that you do not constantly look at your laptop for advice, but carry out the procedure continuously). Watch the pressure of your fingers. With massage therapy, you should feel pressure, but not pain!

Important! Watch your movements. Exposing it too deeply will cause pain and will only make the situation worse. And too gentle will not lead to the desired results.

You can perform Japanese Asahi Zogan massage in a position convenient for you: sitting or standing. In any case, the back should be straight. Some experts say that it is best to do it lying down.

Rejuvenating facial massage lasts on average 25 minutes. Must be performed twice a day. Preferably in the morning and evening. You can stop the procedures after achieving the desired result.

Before the procedure, be sure to apply a special cream (which does not contain allergens) to your face and hands.

What result will we get?

After an Asahi massage, the face becomes more radiant, healthy and fresh.. In some cases, the face may turn red after therapy. It's not scary and will pass quickly. You need to be wary if:

  • Rashes were found on the face that were not associated with any disease, hormones or infection. In this case, Asahi Zogan massage should be suspended until the acne disappears. Afterwards, replace the cream and feel free to start the procedure. Remember to thoroughly cleanse your skin before massage.
  • If your face is rapidly losing weight, you need to stop doing massage or significantly reduce the number of sessions. If you prefer the second option, perform the procedure twice a week. The force of influence should remain the same. If your face continues to lose weight, stop the sessions altogether.
  • If after a massage you notice swelling on your face, carefully examine the product you are using (cream or gel). In this case, you should not do therapy at night. And the product you use for massage will have to be replaced.
  • If the skin after therapy has lost its elasticity even more and has become saggy, it means that during the procedure you used too little cream (or gel), and therefore your fingers had difficulty sliding over your face, thereby injuring it.
  • If you have rosacea, you should not do Asahi facial massage. But, if you are “burning” with a great desire to change and are ready to take risks, follow these tips: the cream should contain hesperedin, do not massage areas where the blood vessels are damaged, do facial exercises.

If done correctly, Asahi massage after 50 or 60 will return you to your former beautiful and toned face.


Remove your makeup first. Then get rid of the fat with scrubbing. Afterwards, you need to moisten your face with tonic (generously, not sparing liquid), which does not contain ethyl alcohol. After the skin has dried, apply a “lubricant” to it - cream or oil (any one you like best, you can even use a vegetable one).

The position of the body during the procedure does not matter - you are treating the face, and that is what you need to focus on. However, your posture should be perfect and not bent into a “C” shape.

Secret! To improve blood flow, give yourself slaps and perform other Japanese massage executions - the effectiveness of the massage will be higher.

Self-massage technique

Japanese massage techniques for different parts of the face:

Press the fingertips of both hands to the center of your forehead. Without reducing the pressure, begin to separate their sides (moving towards the temples). The palms should be vertical to the forehead all this time. Having reached the “destination point,” we turn our hands a little and head towards our ears. We return to the temples and make massaging movements up and down for several seconds. At the same time, your fingers should not leave the skin.


Without lifting your fingers from your ears, slowly move them along the skin to the outer corners of your eyes.You need to have a fairly strong impact on the skinso that when you move your fingers to the inner corners and back, you feel how the skin in this area stretches. This technique works great for swelling. Having finished with this area, move to the temples. It is advisable to repeat the manipulation three times.


We move on to processing the folds between the lips and nose. Place your fingers on the chin and slowly, while pressing firmly, massage the nasolabial folds. During the procedure, you should feel your skin stretching. Then stop under your nose and press even harder. After a few seconds, sharply tear off your fingers. Repeat the procedure three times.

We stop our fingers on the wings of the nose, then begin to “draw” a figure eight. Must be repeated five times. Having finished with the nose, we move to the ears, where we stop. This will help you get rid of wrinkles near your nose.


We go back down to the mouth. Using as much force as possible, we begin to circle the entire area around the mouth with our fingers. Then we move to the upper jaw, then to the eyes. We stop for three seconds. Then we return to the starting position - to the ears, slightly reducing the force of impact. The reception should be repeated twice.


Rest your chin on one hand. You will use your other fingers to treat your face. You should press with two fingers in the middle of the cheek. Afterwards, move your fingers towards your eyes in a circular motion. Stop for three seconds, then return back down - closer to your chin. You need to repeat twice on each cheek.After several sessions, this area of ​​the cheeks will be noticeably tightened.


We continue the Asahi Zogan massage without lifting our fingers. Moving several fingers to the wings of the nose, we press hard and slowly rise to the temples. Arrived at the “place”, reduce the pressing force. You need to repeat it three times. Taking it will help slim your cheeks and eliminate wrinkles.


The technique begins with spreading the elbows to the sides. Afterwards, you need to bring the palms of both hands towards each other in the chest area (as in a yoga advertisement). Place your fingers on your chin. Press as hard as possible on the skin and move up towards the forehead. It is necessary to repeat the procedure twice.

Important! While performing this technique, you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart!


We place one palm under the chin and, pressing as much as possible, pull it towards the ear. We carry out this action on both sides of the face. A significant effect will be noticeable within a week.


Place one hand in the center of your forehead. Place another one on top of it. Then begin to spread them apart, moving towards the temples.The force on the skin should be as strong as possible. From the temples go to the ears. It is necessary to repeat the reception 3-5 times.


To complete the therapy, you need to press relatively lightly with three fingers of each hand on the point near the ears - where the lymph nodes are located. Apply the whole finger to this area, not the pads.

The duration of pressure should not exceed two seconds. Afterwards, slowly lower your fingers to your collarbones without changing the pressure. This technique promotes high-quality swelling of the lymph and is mandatory.

Note that Japanese Zogan massage does not have to include massaging all areas of the face. It can be performed on the most problematic areas. As mentioned above, it is advisable to perform the procedure twice a day. If you have no free time at all, try to do self-massage at least three times a week.

Important! Do not take your fingers off your face while performing the massage!


Japanese massage should not be given to people who have the following problems:

  • If there is any damage to the skin of the face: redness, rash, and so on.
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system. With strong exposure, the disease may worsen.
  • Chronic fatigue. As a rule, it is accompanied by nasal congestion and runny nose. Massage may make the problem worse.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • For malignant formations on the face.
  • Cuperosis. The vessels are too “fragile”. Massage can injure the skin.

Remember, Zogan facial massage without large financial costs, special cosmetics, and especially surgical intervention, will make your face shape beautiful, your skin tightened, and your color healthy and radiant. It does not require much time or physical exercise. And the expected result will be noticeable within a few weeks.

Detailed video: Japanese massage Asahi

Watch a detailed video on how to properly perform Asahi massage

Yukuko Tanaka is a name known to millions of women around the world. Tanaka is a Japanese woman who taught women to rejuvenate themselves through facial massage. The great cosmetologist and stylist Yukuko developed a Japanese anti-aging massage technique called Zogan. At 60 years old, the stylist looked at most 40. For Russian ladies, this massage is also known as the Asahi massage.

History of origin

Yukuko Tanaka received her massage skills from her grandmother. But it was brought to perfection by the cosmetologist herself, by studying the relationship between the skin and muscles, lymph glands and bones. In 2007, Tanaka also became a writer who gave women a book called “Facial Massage.” The book is a real panacea for ladies in the fight against wrinkles and other problems of the oval face.

The essence of Japanese massage is the effect on the skin, muscles and bones of the skull through the areas where the lymph nodes are located. The result is the outflow of lymph from the face, due to which toxins are eliminated and muscles are strengthened. This helps reduce wrinkles, improve skin color, and give the oval of the face clear contours.

In addition, the problem of most ladies – double chin – is solved. And those suffering from facial swelling will forget about the signs of facial aging.

Asahi massage is performed using light force. But this does not mean that a lot of effort should be made to complete it. You only need to apply a little pressure on your face. It must be carried out especially carefully in the area where the lymph nodes are located. During the massage, a woman should not feel pain. Such unpleasant sensations are a signal that the massage technique is being performed incorrectly.

Tsogan is not the only type of skin treatment that was invented in Japan. Many women are also interested in facial massage using the Shiatsu technique and massage using the Kobido technique - which also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the face.


Like all types of massage Zogan (Tsogan) has contraindications:

  1. Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  2. Diseases of the ENT organs.
  3. Cuperosis.
  4. Colds.
  5. Rashes on the skin of the face.

It is also important to know that when performing such a massage there is a high probability of losing weight in the face. Girls who already have a thin face and sunken cheeks need to approach the procedure with all responsibility and care. For them, it is better to massage only the upper part of the face.

If for some reason you do not dare try this type of massage, then you can pay attention to other equally effective types, for example, snail facial massage, cryomassage of the face and others. In addition, gymnastics for rejuvenating the face and neck has an extremely beneficial effect on skin tone.


Indications for Asahi massage are:

  1. Prevention of wrinkles.
  2. Maintaining skin tone.
  3. The appearance of a double chin.
  4. The appearance of swelling on the face.
  5. Excess subcutaneous fat.

When performing a Zogan massage, it is important not to forget about age:

  • For 20-year-old girls, the basis of the procedure is neutral techniques. Their goal is to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin of the face.
  • For 30-year-old women, this massage will help get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes.
  • 40-year-old women should focus on getting rid of facial wrinkles and nasolabial fold wrinkles. Pay attention to the lower part of the face, chin, cheeks.
  • For 50-year-old and 60-year-old ladies, emphasis should be placed on tightening the cheeks and chin muscles.

Basic principles

Before starting a Japanese massage, Yukuko Tanaka always calls for cleansing the skin of the face. If you have makeup on your face, you should wash it off. Then you can use a light scrub, bought in a store, or made yourself, for example, cleansing procedures using activated charcoal or aspirin are very effective. Dry your face with a napkin or towel. And the most important touch is oil or cream. You should definitely apply either a rich cream or almond (linseed, apricot) oil to your face. By the way, in addition to helping with massage, almond oil itself has rejuvenating properties. Hands should glide over the skin with ease. Before proceeding directly to the Zogan massage, the skin of the face must be prepared with rubbing, voluntary movements.

The main principle of Asahi massage is the effect on the lymph nodes. Therefore, it is extremely important to know their location: parotid, postauricular, occipital, mandibular, sublingual and sublingual, anterior cervical.

When performing a massage, the following points should be considered:

  1. Strict movement in a specific direction depending on the specific exercise.
  2. The forehead massage should be performed with three fingers - index, middle and ring fingers. One finger is needed to massage around the eyes. The cheeks are massaged with the palm of your hand or with your thumbs.
  3. Finger movements should be intense. But don't hurt. Painful sensations are a sign of improper procedure.
  4. When massaging areas of the lymphatic system, the pressure on the skin should be slightly reduced.
  5. It is important to carry out the massage while maintaining an even posture. This can be done standing or sitting. If you cannot sit or stand, then you should lie down on a flat surface. Although in this position it is difficult to perform a massage.
  6. Each massage exercise must end with a mandatory final movement.

The finishing movement is the beginning and end of each specific exercise. It is necessary to lightly press the parotid lymph nodes with the pads or the entire length of the ring, middle and index fingers of both hands. You need to press for 2 seconds. In the same rhythm, move your fingers along the lateral line of the face contour down to the neck and collarbone. These actions stimulate lymphatic drainage from facial tissues.

The procedure time should be a minimum of 7 minutes, a maximum of 20 minutes. The massage technique is suitable for daily use. Massage is recommended daily.

Massage technique

Basic movement

Each massage movement should end with a basic one. In order to do it, you need to move your fingertips down on both sides of the cheeks, starting the movement near the ears and smoothly lower first to the neck, and then to the collarbone. This movement must be repeated three times.

Technique for eliminating puffiness under the eyes

Use the pads of the middle fingers of both hands to smoothly slide from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones. Pause on the bridge of your nose for 2 seconds. Continue further in a circular motion just below the eyebrow line. Pause for 3 seconds at the outer corners of the eyes. Lightening the pressure a little, return to the inner corners of the lower eyelid. Then, increasing the pressure a little, return to the outer corners of the eyes. Apply slight pressure to the temporal lobes. The final touch is the final movement!



Forehead smoothing technique

Place three working fingers with the pads on the middle of the forehead for 3 seconds. Without reducing the pressure, gently move them towards the temples using zigzag movements. Turn your palms 90 degrees and finish with the final movement.


You can read how to remove eyebrow wrinkles in other ways.

Technique for lifting the corners of the lips

Using two fingers - the ring and middle fingers, lightly press on the middle of the chin. Smoothly move your fingers up, making a circle around your lips. When you reach the middle of your upper lip, stop for 4 seconds.

Technique for smoothing nasolabial folds

Place the middle fingers of both hands on both sides of the wings of the nose. Make 5 circular movements down-up, up-down. Then use two fingers – the middle and ring fingers – to move towards the cheekbones. The final touch is the final movement.



There are other ways to remove nasolabial facial wrinkles, you can read about it.

Technique for preventing sagging cheeks

Press three working fingers in the middle of the chin. Curving your lips, make movements towards the outer corners of your eyes. Pause for 3 seconds, then gently move your fingers to your temples. Final movement.

Technique for improving the tone of the cheeks and lower face

Massage movements are performed first on one part of the face, then on the other. Place the middle of the palm of your left hand on the jaw on the left. At this time, move your right palm from the corner of the lower jaw to the inner corner of the eye. Pause 3 seconds. Then move towards the temple along the lower eyelid. Go down. Final movement. The procedure is repeated for each half of the face 3 times.

Place your elbows and palms together. Open your palms and place them on your lips. Pressing, lift to the nostrils, cover the cheeks. Pause 3 seconds. Then spread your palms towards the temporal areas. Final movement.

Double chin elimination technique

Touch the middle part of the chin with one palm. While pressing, move towards the tragus of the ear. Final movement.

A-zone smoothing technique

Place your thumbs under your chin. Use the remaining fingers to touch the side walls of the nose. Stretch the skin with force. Pause 3 seconds. Final movement.

If all the movements were carried out correctly, a beautiful, youthful face without wrinkles will be proof of this, because it is not for nothing that this procedure is often called “facial massage minus 10 years”.
Otherwise, if after the procedure the skin sags, this is a sign that the technique was not used correctly. Namely, without the required amount of oil or cream. Also, if the movement of the hands does not occur along the lymph nodes, stretching of the skin and sagging of the cheeks is possible. It is important to follow the procedure technique very strictly.

Training video of Asahi facial massage with Russian subtitles

Video of Asahi massage from Alena Sobol

All lymphatic drainage techniques are designed to rejuvenate and give a visible effect, but the Asahi facial massage, originally from Japan (thank you, Yukuko Tanaka!), allows you to get amazing results - the skin begins to look 7-10 years younger. The best thing about the technique is that you don’t need to pay thousands of rubles to the masters in the salon for it; you can learn on your own and simply conduct sessions yourself regularly, because this is self-massage.

What is Asahi facial massage

Zogan/Tsogan (creation) or Asahi (morning sun) is a Japanese self-massage technique used to rejuvenate and tone the skin. The technique gives a lifting effect, has an osteopathic effect (puts bones in the right places), revitalizes muscles, smoothes wrinkles and improves the structure of connective tissue.

The history of Asahi massage

The lymphatic drainage massage technique Asahi (the name common in Russia) or Zogan (the European name for the procedure) was invented a long time ago. Japanese cosmetologist Hiroshi Hisashi learned about it from her grandmother and began teaching it, and its popularity was revived by another outstanding specialist, Yukuko Tanaka, who first mentioned the unusual manipulation in the book “Special Facial Massage: Back 10 Years,” and then wrote in 2006 “Facial massage” is already directly about Zogan and has released a series of video tutorials.


No matter how miraculous Asahi Zogan is, it is carried out only for certain indications. Japanese self-massage of the face is not needed for very young girls with smooth skin and without wrinkles, but it is indicated for:

  • getting rid of swelling, double chin;
  • improving lymph outflow;
  • smoothing facial wrinkles and folds;
  • skin rejuvenation;
  • improving skin color, toning blood vessels.


Asahi massage includes different techniques for each specific skin type and age. It is important to choose the right technique. However, in some cases, the procedure is generally contraindicated:

  • skin (dermatological) diseases, rashes on the face;
  • ailments of the lymphatic system;
  • malignant tumors;
  • kidney and/or heart disease;
  • hyper- or hypotension;
  • infectious diseases;
  • bad feeling;
  • menstruation (not a strict contraindication, but there is a risk of increased bleeding);
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • taking hormonal medications (consultation with your doctor is required; medications may not interfere with Zogan massage).


Exercises are performed according to special rules. If they are neglected, a Japanese massage may not only be ineffective, but also harmful.

  1. Cleanse your face of makeup and impurities. You can even do a gentle scrub. Also, before performing a Japanese Zogan facial massage, you should disinfect your hands, or better yet, wear gloves.
  2. Use massage creams and oils made from natural ingredients.
  3. Prepare the skin for exposure with gentle rubbing movements.
  4. Watch your sensations - Zogan facial massage is performed using force, but there should be no pain from it.
  5. First study the location of the lymphatic vessels: in these areas, reduce the pressure to light stroking.
  6. For a thin face, use a special procedure technique (will be described below)
  7. Always finish each session with movements from the side contours of the face down to the neck and collarbones along the areas of the lymph nodes near the ears. This promotes lymph outflow.
  8. Perform self-massage daily, for about 7-10 minutes.
  9. Strictly follow the execution instructions, especially regarding directional lines.

Asahi facial massage technique

The peculiarity of the Asahi technique is its more severe impact on the face: Not only skin cells are affected, but bones and deep-lying muscles are affected. In addition, self-massage techniques are aimed at cleaning the lymphatic channels from toxins and stagnant fluid, improving the vascular system, tightening the oval, general relaxation, and losing weight. They include 11 basic exercises (almost each ends with the final movement described above, repeated three times). For a better understanding, it is recommended to watch the video.

  1. The index, middle and ring fingers are pressed to the center of the forehead for three seconds, then with force they smooth the skin, moving horizontally to the temples. Next - from them to the ears.
  2. The middle fingers are pressed against the skin near the inner corners of the eyes and moved towards the outer corners. Pressure force is weak. In the opposite direction they move with great effort.
  3. The ring and middle fingers are pressed against the hollow of the chin for three seconds. Effort is average. Then they move it to the hole above the upper lip, bypassing the corners of the lips, and press again for 3 seconds. Then it is sharply released and applied to the chin again. Please note that this technique does not end with a finishing movement.
  4. Place the ring and middle fingers on the wings of the nose, apply pressure and make five figure-of-eight movements. Reduce the force and move towards the center of the bridge of the nose. Using stroking movements, move your fingers up and down to the edge and back.
  5. Using maximum force, move from the center of the chin to the maxillary bone, then to the eyes, stop for 3 seconds, then continue to the temples. From there - the final movement.
  6. Hold one cheek with your palm, and move two fingers from the masticatory muscle diagonally up to the eye on the other. They stay there for three seconds, after which they complete the exercise.
  7. Three fingers are placed horizontally on the cheekbones, squeezing the nostrils with them. They are taken to the ears, stretching the skin.
  8. The palms are placed on the cheeks, resting their bases on the skin near the nose and lips. They are taken to the temples, “drawing” a smile.
  9. The heel of the palm is applied with pressure from the chin to the ear along the jaw. It is important to affect not only the bone, but also the muscles.
  10. The thumbs are placed under the chin, with the rest clasping the bridge of the nose and nose. With maximum effort, the palms are spread to the sides.
  11. A “spatula” is made from the fingers of one hand, which is used to smooth the forehead. It is important not to try to move the skin. After the exercise, repeat the first technique, and then the final one.

After 30 years

Japanese facial massage Asahi for women 30 years old aimed at eliminating puffiness, dark circles under the eyes and bags. The following exercises are performed:

  1. The fingers are moved along the contour of the eye socket - from the side of the nose to the ears. Then - the final movement.
  2. Fingers are placed on the skin near the outer corners of the eyes, gently and smoothly moved along the lower eyelid to the bridge of the nose. Return to the base of the eyebrows and linger. Then they move to the inner corners of the eyes, and from them along the contour of the lower eyelid to the ears.

After 40

The Japanese technique for women aged 40 includes effective exercises for smoothing wrinkles, including nasolabial folds, preventive techniques against sagging cheeks, and improving skin tone on the neck and jaw.

  1. The thumbs and index fingers are closed into a ring and placed near the nasolabial folds. First move to the corners of the lips, then to the center of the chin. Then they make stroking movements along the contour of the jaw to the ears to complete the final movement.
  2. Consistently press your fingers for 2 seconds, first to the chin, then to the corners of the lips and the wings of the nose.
  3. With both hands they press on the cheek and move towards the ear. From there, perform the final movement with one palm, and with the other, move along the chin to the center. Then the technique is repeated in a mirror manner. Each of the described exercises is repeated three times.

After 50

Zogan massage after 50 years is aimed at increasing the tone of the skin, which especially decreases at this age. It prevents sagging cheeks and the appearance of jowls. The emphasis is on the lower part of the face.

  1. Fold your fingers into a ring and smooth the jowls on your face towards your ears.
  2. Alternately, the left and right hands are moved up and down along the nasolabial folds. Then with both hands they press on the fold and move them to the auricle. The final technique is performed with only one palm, the second is moved along the chin. Repeat in mirror image.
  3. Fingers are placed on the cheeks closer to the nose and slide them towards the ear. This and all the exercises described above are repeated three times.

After 60

The rejuvenation technique is used for a comprehensive facelift. Basically, they massage the chin and perform the techniques smoothly and gently.

  1. Run your fingers three times from the center of the chin to the ears. Then perform the final exercise.
  2. Take a cotton napkin (natural material is a must!) and press it to the center of the chin. Then they move their fingers along the jaw.
  3. Grasp the chin and slowly move along the neck. Repeat, like the previous techniques, three times. The final exercise is mandatory.

Asahi massage for thin face

Japanese technology promotes weight loss, but for owners of an elongated oval shape this is a problem. In this case, classical techniques cannot be performed. In the book by Yukuko Tanaka, exercises that are suitable for a thin face are called Asahi No. 3. They include the following techniques:

  1. The index fingers are placed on the temples, the middle and ring fingers are drawn along the contour of the eye socket.
  2. One hand is pressed to the top of the cheek, the other to the bottom. Make circular movements with your palms. At the end, make the final movement with one hand, and run the other along the chin.
  3. Palms are placed on the cheeks closer to the nose, vertically. They are taken to the ears, then finished with a final technique. All exercises are repeated three times.


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Hello! From this article you will learn how Japanese facial massage is performed, what makes it unique, what problems can be solved with its help, what actions need to be performed during massage depending on age.

Features of Japanese facial massage

Japanese facial massage differs from most techniques in the maximum impact it has not only on the epidermis, but also on the muscles and lymph. Thanks to this, the muscle frame is strengthened, as there is increased production of collagen and elastin. The lymphatic drainage procedure effectively eliminates swelling and defects under the eyes in the form. After just a few procedures, patients note a change in the shape of the face, because with the help of massage it is possible, in the literal sense of the word, to sculpt a renewed, rejuvenated face, changing the shape of the cheekbones, removing the double chin, making the face narrower by getting rid of subcutaneous fat and excess water.

Indications for massage

Indications for the course are:

  • age-related changes;
  • swelling;
  • gray complexion.

What results can be achieved?

A month of using the technique is enough, and the stunning effect will surprise you. The result is achieved thanks to:

  • working out deep-lying tissues;
  • massaging the skin not with the ends of the fingers, but with the whole palm;
  • cellular cleansing by affecting lymph;
  • strengthening facial muscle tissue;
  • delineation of the facial contour;
  • eliminating small ones and reducing deep ones;
  • improvement

Japanese women are famous for looking much younger than their age, so adopting their experience of self-care is a noble cause!

How to do a massage correctly

Detailed video instructions for Asahi Zogan massage - Russian voice acting

The technique of performing Japanese massage is strikingly different from other techniques due to its intense impact. Creating a face without a single wrinkle or defect is not an easy task. It is important to carry out the procedure daily.

Preparing for a massage

To prepare for a massage you should:

  • wash and dry your face;
  • treat the epidermis with a massage agent;
  • warm up your palms by rubbing.

The massage begins and ends with specific manipulations performed by three fingers: index, middle and ring fingers. They should fit snugly against each other. You should press your fingers quite firmly for about two seconds near the shells of your ears. Without reducing the pressure, the fingers slide down the neck line to the collarbone and also stop for two seconds. This is necessary finishing movement for each exercise, as it enhances lymphatic drainage.

Forehead massage

Fix your fingers in the middle of your forehead for 3 seconds, applying significant pressure, move them to your temples, then turn them ninety degrees. Swipe down the side of the face, making a finishing movement.

Strengthening the skin around the eyes

This massage, when performed correctly, helps fight swelling of the eyelids and also strengthens the skin. Gently massage from the outer corner of the lower eyelid to the inner one. The fingers are fixed as standard for two seconds, after which increase the pressure and draw lines along the bridge of the nose to the subeyebrow, along which you should also run your fingers, circling the bone of the eye sockets towards the outer corner of the eye, holding your fingers at this point and increasing the pressure. A few seconds is enough.

The second stage begins (in the same way as the first) with gentle massaging of the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. Then, holding your fingers for a couple of seconds at the inner corner, you should increase the pressure and return to the outer corner of the eyes along the lower eyelid.

Massage the area around the mouth

To effectively remove the nasolabial fold and lift the corners of the mouth, it is enough to perform the following movements daily: place the closed ring and middle fingers in the center of the chin, pressing slightly, and linger at this point. Then make a circular movement to the central part of the upper lip and press on this area for a few seconds. After this, the middle fingers are placed in the peri-nostril pits and go around the wings of the nose without pressure (5 sliding movements up and down are enough).

Massage to improve the shape of the nose

The exercise is performed with two fingers. It consists of light pressure and rolling the fingertips from the middle of the nose to its sides, then to the cheekbones and to the temporal area.

Cheek lifting massage

First, the massage is performed on one half of the face, then on the other. The palm should rest on the side of the cheek bone, and the other hand should move from the cheekbone to the eye (inner corner), lightly pressing on this point for a couple of seconds. Next, draw a line to the temple and also linger on the point.

Types of Japanese massage

There are several types of Japanese massage that help preserve or restore youth, such as Asahi (Zogan) lymphatic drainage massage, Shiatsu facial acupressure massage, Kobido massage. For each patient, one of them is individually selected, and the intensity of the effect on the skin is determined.

Lymphatic drainage massage Asahi from Yukuko Tanaka

Japanese massage Zogan (Asahi)- this is real gymnastics that trains the facial muscles, helping to create a facial muscle frame. In addition, massage has a lymphatic drainage effect, eliminating swelling. To carry out a full procedure, just ten minutes a day is enough.

Makeup artist Yukuko Tanaka was able to distribute and describe in her book the algorithm for performing the Asahi massage, which her grandmother taught her to use. Yukuko herself looked much younger than her age, which further inspires millions of women around the world to study this rejuvenation technique. The video tutorials “Japanese facial massage by Alena Sable,” which can be found on the Internet, demonstrate a slightly modified Zogan technique and popularly explain how to correctly perform this particular type of massage.

Indications for massage are:

  • swelling associated with problems in the lymphatic system;
  • double chin;
  • age-related changes;
  • sallow complexion;
  • expression and age wrinkles.

Japanese Asahi facial massage from Yukuko Tanaka, due to its profound effect on tissue, has a list of contraindications:

  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • diseases of the ears, nose and throat;
  • CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • skin rash;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • mesh on cheeks;
  • reactive thin skin;
  • bad feeling.

There are several Zogan massage techniques, and they are designed for both different face types and different ages:

  • at 30 years old, the blue complex is enough;
  • after 45 years, a technique for combating nasolabial folds is suitable;
  • facial massage after 50 years should help restore tone to the skin of the lower part of the face;
  • after 60 years, you need a stronger complex that gets rid of ptosis.

After 30 years

  1. Japanese home facial massage begins from the inner corner of the eyelid, then slowly moves towards the ears along the contour. Don't forget about the finishing movement. Three repetitions are required.
  2. Now, on the contrary, you should start the massage from the outer corners of the eyes and, without pressure, move along the lower eyelid to the nose, then to the bridge of the nose, draw a spiral to the inner corners of the eyes and return to the starting position, bringing it to the ears, followed by the final movement. The number of repetitions is three.

After 40 years

  1. The tool is a ring of closed thumb and index fingers (the index finger should be placed under the thumb to form fists). Place them at the beginning of the nasolabial fold and move the resulting ring along them down to the corners of the lips, to the middle of the chin, hold for a couple of seconds, turn the fists outward, move to the ears and make the final movement down the neck. Repeat three times.
  2. Connect the middle and ring fingers and first press to the chin for two seconds, then also press in the corners of the lips and on both sides of the nostrils, smoothly move to the ears and complete the movement along the neck line. Repeat three times.
  3. Place the connected middle and ring fingers on the cheek muscle, place the other hand on top in a cross to increase pressure and move it to the middle of the ear. The lower hand completes the movement, and the upper hand smoothly goes around the chin. Three repetitions are performed on each side.

After 50 years

  1. Make fist rings with your hands and move from the points located under the corners of the lips (jowls) to the ears, as if smoothing them. Complete the exercises from the ears to the neck down. Repeat three times.
  2. The nasolabial fold is ironed from bottom to top three times, alternately with one or the other hand, then one hand should be placed on the other to increase pressure and held to the auricle. The lower hand makes the final movement along the neck, and the upper one goes around the chin. This exercise is repeated three times on each side.
  3. Using your palms in a vertical position, smooth out the area from the nose to the ear and perform a final downward movement. Three repetitions are required.

After 60 years

  1. Self-massage with the inner edge of the palm from the center line of the chin to the earlobe. Repeat the manipulation three times and complete the downward movement. Repeat on the other half of the face.
  2. Press the cotton fabric to your chin with a grasping motion of your hand. Proceed to sliding your fingers along the jawline to the ear. Repeat three times and complete the exercise with a sliding movement from the ear to the neck. This is followed by a similar massage on the second half of the face.
  3. Grasp your chin from below with your hand, slowly extend your hand in the same position further down your neck. Repeat three times.

Japanese acupressure facial massage Shiatsu

Japanese Shiatsu massage helps replenish missing energy for complete balance. All points on the face are worked with the pads of the fingers, and the area around the eyes - with the palms. No fast or traumatic movements, but there should be clear pressure on specific areas.

The points must be worked out in a certain algorithm, and the number of pressures on one zone should reach up to ten times per second. The massage can be done with one or both hands. Cancerous tumors and leukemia are obstacles to the procedure.

  1. To eliminate swelling of the eyelids: Place the fingertips on the point at the inner corners of the eyelids and press for 3 seconds. Repeat 2 times.
  2. To get rid of: The fingertips are placed at a distance of 1 cm from the points of the outer corners of the eyelids (towards the temples). Apply pressure for a few seconds, moving slightly to the sides and upwards.
  3. For forehead wrinkles: The index, middle and ring fingers of each hand are placed in the center of the forehead. Use all fingers to simultaneously press on these points for 7 seconds. Then move them 1 cm from the center to the sides, closer to the temples, and press again. Then - even closer to the temples, the pressure is directed slightly upward.
  4. For beautiful lips: press for 7 seconds on a point in the hollow above the upper lip.
  5. To get rid of deposits near the mouth: The index and middle fingers are placed in the corners of the lips and pressed on them for 7 seconds.

Ancient massage technique Kobido

Japanese facial massage Kobido is popular in the east. Its task is to stop a woman’s biological clock through accelerated regeneration, increased production of collagen and elastin, and bring facial expressions to a relaxed state to avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles.

To master the technique, just watch the video. The main effect is tapping on acupuncture points. Blood cancer and malignant tumors are also direct contraindications to the procedure.

For the procedure to be useful and safe, you should adhere to important recommendations:

  • cleanse the face with hypoallergenic mild products;
  • should not burn your face;
  • After the massage, you must be at rest for at least three hours;
  • The massage should be performed by a specialist who can diagnose without any problems. All negative consequences arise from the actions of illiterate massage therapists.

What problems may arise after a massage and how can they be solved?

After the session, the following problems may occur:

  1. Rashes on the epidermis. The solution to this problem is to avoid massage until the rash completely disappears. Then you can try with another massage product.
  2. Facial weight loss. Reducing the number of procedures will help solve this issue, but someone may well have to abandon the procedure altogether.
  3. Morning swelling. It is enough to transfer the procedures from evening to morning, and you will forget about swelling.
  4. The appearance of rosacea mesh. You can purchase a special cream that strengthens blood vessels and capillaries and avoid peeling.


Contraindications for Japanese massage are as follows:

  • pathological processes in lymph;
  • problems with hearing and smell;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • rosacea mesh;
  • thin and sensitive skin;
  • oncology;
  • skin rashes;
  • any kind of ailment.

When performing a massage, you should take into account every little detail, including the mood you are in. Yunuko Tanaka very popularly described in her book the algorithm for performing traditional Japanese massage:

  1. The main postulate is purification. All cosmetics and impurities are completely removed with the usual makeup removers.
  2. The massage is performed on dry skin, so all moisture from the face should be removed.
  3. Pores must be kept clean, so don't neglect their weekly cleansing.
  4. Before starting the procedure, it is important to feel the lymph nodes. It is the active influence on them that gives a positive final result. That's why it is called Japanese lymphatic massage.
  5. Movements should not be chaotic. There is a clear direction of the lines, so before starting the procedure it is important to familiarize yourself with the technique more closely.
  6. The pressure should not cause pain, but if the session is carried out correctly, the manipulations will be felt in any case.
  7. A straight back is the key to success in the procedure. It is best to perform the massage in a sitting or standing position. As an exception, if you have a sore back, you can massage your face while lying down.
  8. The procedure time should not exceed a quarter of an hour. The minimum exposure time is 10 minutes.
  9. Any massage cream that does not cause any allergic reactions is suitable for sliding your hands over the skin. Homemade oat milk is ideal for this purpose.

Oat milk recipe

Components and dosages Application
- rolled oats - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- linen bag;
- water.
Place the oatmeal in a bag and place it in water for about ten minutes. Squeeze out excess liquid into a container. This liquid is called oat milk. This massage product is not stored, so it is advisable to use it all up.

Eastern girls are famous for their beautiful skin and simply amazing art of preserving youth. In many ways, this is helped by lymphatic drainage Japanese facial massage combido and Yukuko Tanaka.

Description of Tanako massage

This technique is the most famous in the world. Many girls have already experienced its action and effectiveness. This lifting massage was invented by Yukuko Tanaka and is mainly aimed at removing swelling from the face and maintaining youth. With its help you can get rid of old wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Advantages of Tanaka massage:

  1. Restoration of normal blood flow, which improves complexion, cleanses the skin, and removes toxins;
  2. Elimination of fat folds on the cheeks, nasolabial folds and chin;
  3. Oval lift;
  4. Increasing vital energy by massaging active points.

To self-massage Yukuko Tanaka, you need to completely cleanse your skin of cosmetics; the use of natural essential oils is allowed. There are several techniques, each designed to solve specific problems and the level of training of the massage therapist; we will consider the simplest one.

The first active point is located right in the center of the forehead. Place the index and middle fingers of both hands on it and begin to spread them in different directions. Repeat circular movements 6-10 times.

The next step is massaging the bridge of the nose. The Japanese believe that this point on the face is responsible for removing toxins. You need to place your fingers on this area and alternately move them down and up. That is, when one hand moves down, the other should go up. Repeat 4-5 times.

The following movements help to lift the chin: fingers from the center of this area move upward, towards the temples. At the same time, you need to try to raise the corners of your lips. The Japanese believe that the most active points of rejuvenation are focused here. Make 10 passes.

Photo - Movements in massage

The cheeks are the most important part of the face; they are the first to begin to recover and change the oval. To bring them back to normal, move the skin from the corners of the mouth with two fingers to the temples. Try to press as actively as possible, but at the same time release the pressure a little near the ears and temples. You need to do it for half a minute.

After this movement should smoothly transition into a massage of the apples on the cheeks. This is the area that rises when you smile. You need to put two fingers on the corners of your mouth and move them in double circles to your temples. Repeat for a minute.

Photo - 1-6 exercises

Any lifting facial massage involves caring for the delicate skin around the eyes. You need to place your fingers at the base of the eyebrows, and, as it were, outline the eye sockets with them along the contour. Press with moderate force, but with noticeable pressure. This is just a great way to remove dark circles and bags under the eyes in the morning. Repeat the movement 10 times. Next, smoothly move to the lower part of the eyes, where the bags form, and very gently and slowly run your fingers over them. Repeat 10 more times.

Japanese lymphatic zogan facial massage or Asahi technique helps you look 5 or even 10 years younger without any surgery or injections. The main thing is regularity and strict adherence to instructions.
Video: Tanaka Yukoko massage

Video: Asahi massage

Japanese Anmoi is a traditional acupressure massage used to renew vital energy. It was from him that the combodo technique came from. This is an excellent energetic rejuvenating massage that can be easily performed at home. There are four pillars that must be followed to perform it correctly:

  1. Facial steaming;
  2. Cleaning;
  3. Hydration;
  4. Massage.

It is advisable to do this Japanese massage in the morning, when you need to recharge your energy for the whole day and bring your face into a “marketable” appearance.

Photo – Combido

Steaming involves placing a hot spa towel on your face. You can get by with a simple steam bath, but then you will not be able to experience all the beauty of relaxation from such a technique. In this case, you need to steam not only the skin of the face, but also the neck, and sometimes even the décolleté. Be careful; if there are any contraindications, it is better to skip this step.

Afterwards, you need to clean your face of fat and dirt that came out of the pores after steaming. The Japanese do not recommend using artificial cleaners for this; it is better to limit yourself to simple salt water or a decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage, coltsfoot or green tea).

Like any self-massage, combido requires serious moisturizing of the skin. But you can use professional compounds in it. Advice: try to choose the most natural or home-made composition.

Now that the face is completely ready for the effects, you can begin the massage. To do it, read the instructions in the pictures, which show acupuncture points, or tsubo. In this technique, for rejuvenation, you do not need to carry out any other movements other than alternate pressing. Pressure should be applied to the marked areas, but there should be no pain. For greater convenience, you can buy a special germanium massager; it will help you accurately hit certain points and activate them.

Photo - Movements in Japanese massage

The combido technique has gained worldwide recognition not only because it is an incredibly effective massage for a thin face, but also a way to improve the health of internal organs. It is recommended to do it every day or at least several times a week.

Siako technique

Modern everyday life is full of stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy diet and other “charms” of modernity. Siako plasticizing massage helps solve many skin and health problems that arise due to these factors:

  1. Returns youth and vitality;
  2. Uplifting;
  3. Relaxes muscles, thereby helping you fully recover after a hard day at work;
  4. It has a deep effect on the skin, ensuring it is saturated with useful substances, improving blood circulation and relieving swelling.

Photo - Massage instructions

Many reviews from cosmetologists say that this Japanese facial massage provides better rejuvenation and relaxation than shiatsu or even zogan. It is recommended for decreased elasticity and the formation of deep nasolabial folds. Basically, it is done only in salons, because at home there is a very high probability of affecting the lymph nodes. This massage is highly praised by Alena Sobol.

Naturally, doing a facial massage yourself is much cheaper than going to professional salons. Apart from the cost of cosmetics, self-massage is free. But on the other hand, it’s much more pleasant to just lie down, relax and look younger.

It should be remembered that each rejuvenation technique has its own contraindications. Despite the fact that Japanese massage helps you look better and more rested, it should not be done in the following cases:

  1. Diseases of the nasopharynx, especially runny nose, sinusitis;
  2. Ear diseases, both acute and chronic;
  3. It is recommended to avoid this technique during periods of unwellness and before menstruation;
  4. For inflammation of the lymphatic system (both on the body and face);
  5. Acute or chronic diseases of the epidermis on the face. This is especially true for fungal diseases (lichen).