
Expiration date of lipstick after opening. How to check the expiration date of lipstick. Mascara


You ordered cosmetics from an American or European online store, received them as a gift, bought your dream mascara or eyeliner at a discount, got lipstick or gloss from last season’s limited collection - it doesn’t matter - the main thing is that you should always be able to accurately determine the expiration date of any cosmetics. This is necessary in order to use the long-awaited product with pleasure and get maximum benefit from it without any risk to the health of your skin. Allergies, acne, rashes and irritation - all this can be the reason for using cosmetics that have already expired.

We don't want this, do we? So take out a notepad and write down: how to determine the expiration date of cosmetics quickly, accurately and like a pro.

How long does cosmetics last: shelf life of your favorite products

The shelf life of cosmetics depends on various parameters, but, above all, on its classification. Facial care products, on average, are stored for a maximum of 3 years, powder and foundation - also up to 3 years. And this is provided that you have not opened the jar or tube - provided that it is completely sealed. If the products were opened or the packaging was damaged during transportation, then that’s another matter - the shelf life of such cosmetics is noticeably reduced. Below we give general expiration dates for the most popular cosmetics in your beauty routine:

  • Face cream. If we are not talking about an organic product, but one whose composition contains preservatives that allow it to prolong its usefulness, then the shelf life of the cream will be up to 3 years. Even after opening the jar. Although many experts do not recommend using face cream for longer than a year, since it is unlikely that you strictly adhere to ideal storage conditions. Humidity and elevated temperatures (after all, we store creams in the bathroom!) promote the formation of bacteria, which can cause rashes and allergies. To avoid this, get into the habit of buying smaller quantities of food.
  • Eye cream. Once opened, it can be stored for 6 months to 1 year. This category of products contains fewer preservatives and, in general, a more natural and delicate formula, therefore the shelf life is shorter.
  • Lotion/Tonic for face. An alcohol-based lotion can be used for up to 3 years, but if there is no alcohol in its formula, such products can be used for 1-2 years. But! If the lotion is hermetically packaged and does not come into contact with air and your hands, and is equipped with a dispenser, its shelf life is extended to 3 years. Once opened, the tonic is good for 6 months to 2 years. Its shelf life depends on the composition: the more natural it is, the less the product is stored after opening.

  • Organic face cream. A product based on organic ingredients can be stored for up to 2 years when unopened. In order to make it suitable for longer, the manufacturer adds food preservatives (concentrated doses of essential oils and extracts) to its composition, which effectively preserve the product for a specified period. However, after opening, organic matter deteriorates much faster: the shelf life of such a cream can be reduced to 1-2 months. As a rule, after opening such products are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Sunscreen. The product with SPF that you take to the beach can have a long shelf life - up to 3 years. However, after opening such a lotion, sand and water that gets inside will promote the development of bacteria and, accordingly, make the product hazardous to health. It's best to finish the tube you started this summer!
  • Foundation for face. On average, an unopened product has a shelf life of about 3 years. If you have depressurized the packaging, know that this foundation can be used for only 6 months. Oil-based foundation lasts longer than its water-based counterpart, since moisture evaporates from its formula faster. How to check the expiration date of the foundation? Look carefully at its consistency - it is divided into fractions or clumped into lumps, it smells “old”, lies unevenly on the skin and even causes redness. This cream is definitely not suitable for use.

  • Face powder/blush. These decorative products have a shelf life of up to 3 years; after opening, we can store the powder for up to 1.5 years. Powder or blush that can no longer be applied to the face, has an unpleasant odor, can change color, become damp and is difficult to pick up with a brush or sponge.
  • Lipstick/lip gloss. Before opening it is stored for 3 years, after - a maximum of 1.5. If the lipstick has changed color, it has an unpleasant chemical smell, it has run due to high temperature or, on the contrary, has dried out, is difficult to apply even to the hand, its expiration date has already expired. Expired lipstick can cause dryness, irritation of the skin of the lips, as well as a dangerous disease called hyelitis. Once opened, lip gloss may be usable for less than lipstick - 6-8 months. If the product has become viscous and/or liquid and has an odor, it is time to discard it.
  • Mascara. Before opening, mascara is stored for up to 4 years, after - only 6 months. To extend the shelf life of the mascara, its tube should be closed tightly and the brush should be pulled out smoothly, without clapping. How to check the expiration date of mascara? It has an uncharacteristic pungent odor with chemical notes, clumps on the brush, crumbles and crumbles even before application, can lie unevenly on the eyelashes, stick them together and immediately fall off, can cause burning, tears, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and even cause conjunctivitis. .

  • Eye shadows and pencils for eyes/lips/eyebrows. They are stored for up to 5 years in sealed packaging; after opening they do not lose their properties for about 1.5 years. Pencils have a shelf life of up to 3 years, after opening the package - 1.5 years. To make them last longer and not cause any problems on your face, periodically sharpen them by removing the top layer.
  • Nail polish. If you admire a bottle of Christian Louboutin polish, you can do this for 2 years, and if you want to try it, the shelf life of the polish will be reduced to a year. How to determine the expiration date? Expired varnish dries out, separates into fractions, is difficult to pick up with a brush, lies unevenly on the nails and takes a long time to dry, and wears poorly.
  • Eau de Toilette. A fragrance labeled Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilette or Parfum de Toilette can be safely applied to the body for 2 years after opening the package, while perfume, a more concentrated product, is suitable for 1.5 years after opening the package. How to check the expiration date of a fragrance? The perfume changes color, sour notes appear, and a sediment may appear.

To check the expiration date of cosmetics, you should know several effective methods that will 100% accurately help determine when your cream will be unusable:

  • Decoding the production date of cosmetics by code. Each brand has its own expiration date based on the batch code. Batch code is a set of numbers and letters that the manufacturer applied to the packaging when manufacturing the product. It encrypts the date/batch number/expiration date. There are only 2 to 10 symbols that you should look for on the bottom of the jar, on the side of the bottle or on the top of the tube).

To determine the expiration date of cosmetics by code, you should remember several online services that allow you to check this product according to all indicators: from batch number to expiration date.

You can check the expiration date using the batch code on these sites:

  1. Checkcosmetiс.net
  2. С

Cosmetics safety, questions and answers, expiration date.

There is an opinion that makeup products can last quite a long time if you keep them tightly closed and store them in a cool and dry place, but unfortunately this is not entirely true...
The shelf life of cosmetics decreases sharply as soon as the product is opened - conditions are created for increased bacterial activity. The shelf life of cosmetics used in the eye area is more limited in terms of time of use than for other areas of the body, this is primarily due to the possibility of catching an eye infection.
The manufacturer is required to indicate this information about the expiration date of a cosmetic product, so strictly adhere to the recommendations on the packaging.
Fulfilling these requirements may not be very convenient for us, but we must take into account that sunlight and heat lead to the decomposition of preservatives that help fight microbes.
Also, never wear makeup if you have an eye infection. Bacteria can spread and fester, infecting everything you touch. Strictly follow the rules: never use other people's makeup products. And finally, most importantly, do not use makeup products if you notice a change in color or smell.
The date of manufacture is indicated on its packaging.
Shelf life is the time during which a cosmetic product is suitable for use. The date on the package is 09/19, which means that it can be used until September 2019; in case of labeling, if the date on the package is 06/18/2019, then the cream can be used until June 18, 2019.
The expiration date of cosmetics is after opening the packaging (jar, bottle, tube). The packaging bears the “open can” symbol 6M, which means that after opening the product it can be used for six months.

Expiration dates after opening

It is always necessary to take into account that the shelf life of cosmetics depends on the manufacturer and what is used as the basis for this product.
Below is a summary list of the suitability of cosmetic products:

The sponge for cosmetic makeup must be washed after each procedure and stopped using it after a month of use.
What to do if the expiration date is not indicated? Real cosmetics have a longer shelf life and can be used for even more than 30 months.
Does your foundation smell like motor oil, but your mascara makes you cry? So it's time to update your makeup bag.
All cosmetics contain preservatives, but even these eventually have an expiration date. And expired cosmetics can become a source of bacteria that can cause eye infections, acne and other unpleasant complications.
Liquid foundation
Shelf life - up to two years.
Experts recommend that if your foundation has a strange or strong smell, part with it immediately without regret.
What is inside?
Water-based cosmetics usually stored no more than a year: Water evaporates over time and bacteria can begin to multiply in the product. Alcohol-containing components significantly extend the “life” of cosmetics. And here natural ingredients(oils, extracts), which are both useful and effective, shorten its service life and require special storage conditions - in a dark and cool place.
Solid cream foundations.
Shelf life is two to three years. Pay close attention to changes in the texture of the product. Sometimes, as a result of long-term storage, foundation begins to bubble, and the solid base cracks and becomes dry. If the product does not apply evenly to the skin, it is time to throw it away. Foundation should be stored at room temperature.

The shelf life of lipstick is up to three years. If your lipstick is dry and no longer glides on your lips, it's time to find a replacement!
Another “telling” sign is an unpleasant sticky feeling on the lips, or an unusual strong smell.
It is better to store lipstick in the refrigerator - this way it will last you longer.
Powder, blush, eye shadow
Shelf life - up to three years. Compact cosmetics gradually become “greasy” when they come into contact with the skin of the face, so before using eye shadow or blush, it is recommended to remove the greasy film from the surface. Compact eye shadows are the most durable because there are no sebaceous glands on the eyelids that secrete sebum, which contaminates compact cosmetics.

The shelf life of the mascara is three months and no exceptions!
Mascara is often a breeding ground for bacteria that cause eye infections. If you develop an eye infection, stop using mascara immediately.
Contour pencils
Shelf life is indefinite, up to several years. Remember to always clean your pencil every time before sharpening it. It is recommended to wipe the pencil sharpener with alcohol after each use. Get rid of the pencil as soon as you notice a change in its texture or smell, advises
Care products
Creams, gels and lotions are also cosmetic items. If you use expired cosmetics, various allergic reactions are possible: itching, redness and even the development of dermatitis.
Therefore, do not use cosmetics for more than 6 months after opening the package;
- choose products with a dispenser so as not to put your hands into the tube;
- store cosmetics in a dry and cool place, the bathroom is not suitable for this;
- the appearance of an unpleasant odor, separation of the cream, changes in viscosity, consistency and density of the mass, and in some cases, a change in the color of the product should alert you and make you think about its further use.
Most likely, the cosmetic product has become unusable and needs to be thrown away.

Labeling of cosmetics

Relatively recently, a new international labeling for perfumery and cosmetic products was introduced. In the photo you can see the open cap of the tube and the number, and next to it the letter “M”, for example, 12M - the period of use after opening is twelve months.

To enlarge the image click on the picture

The manufacturer may indicate a code on the packaging that determines the batch number and production date. The expiration date may not be indicated if it is more than 30 months (according to the European Cosmetics Directive, etc.), in which case the expiration date after opening the product is indicated.
If the expiration date is less than 30 months, then the expiration date is indicated, for example, Exp 06/2014 - use until June 2014 (Expiry translated from English as “expire”). In German you can find the phrase “Verwendbar bis” - use before, although this applies primarily to medicines.
Cosmetic hygiene
According to statistics, women suffer from eyelid diseases more often than men. Wearing makeup inevitably puts you in contact with your eyelids and eyelashes, so having bacteria on your fingers or makeup brushes greatly increases the risk of infection in the delicate eye area. To prevent this from happening:

Do not forget to wash all brushes and sponges once a week with warm water and soap; do not touch your eyes unless necessary. use someone else's eyeshadow or mascara.
  • - Try to store your cosmetics in a dark and cool place, this could be a case, box, suitcase, closet, bedside table, desk drawer, etc.
  • - Wash your hands before using cosmetics.
  • - For long-term storage, try to close tightly and tighten the lid after use.
  • - Do not forget to mark the date of opening of cosmetics, this can be a marker or pencil.
  • - In case of an eye infection or allergy, be sure to replace the cosmetics with high-quality ones with a recent release date.
  • - Don’t take risks and don’t buy cosmetics in jars, even if you like their appearance (this will eliminate the possibility of buying a product with bacteria brought in by hand).
  • - Avoid storing cosmetics in sunlight and in the bathroom (humid place).
  • - Strictly use only your own cosmetic bag.
  • - Do not “pump air” into the bottle of mascara.
  • - Try not to purchase cosmetics with opened (broken) packaging.
  • - Always remember that increased temperature and humidity reduce the shelf life of cosmetics.
  • - Do not dilute cosmetic products (for example, by stirring mascara with water).
When purchasing cosmetics, if you see a date and a sticky spot next to it, this is a warning sign that the date may have been re-stickered.
How can you tell if the expiration date has expired?

The general rule for expired cosmetics, or the product has already deteriorated, is quite simple:
- if you notice changes in your cosmetics, and this is primarily the appearance of a smell;
- change in appearance, liquid has passed away, granules have appeared, gases have appeared in the tube;
- nail polish has become thicker or hardened.

Is it possible to use these products if the expiration date is still far away? What if the expiration date has recently expired and the bottle has not yet been opened? First, let's figure out what exactly the manufacturer wants to tell us when stamping the date on the packaging.

How to determine the shelf life of cosmetics

Each manufacturer is required to establish an expiration date for the product. This means that any cosmetic product undergoes the necessary testing. About one hundred kilograms of a test batch were heated, frozen and defrosted, and spun in a centrifuge to make sure that the product was stable, did not change its properties, could withstand any transportation and stand on a store shelf.

For 30 months, the slightest changes in the appearance, smell, viscosity, density and a number of other characteristics of the samples were recorded in real time. Bacteria and fungi were forcibly introduced into the samples and, using mathematical models, it was predicted whether it would withstand the “onslaught” of dirty fingers, and some especially “rich” brands, even at the development stage, hired volunteers to test, who took the product home and used it in real conditions. so that the manufacturer can then evaluate the contamination of the product with microorganisms and improve the formula.

All these tests ultimately allow us to predict the shelf life. That is, use within the specified period guarantees that the product remains stable (does not separate or go rancid) and the microflora remains within normal limits.

What if the expiration date is “out”?

Although the manufacturer, when testing the product, gives you a guarantee that your cosmetics will work effectively and remain safe until the “hour X”, this does not mean that after the chimes the carriage will turn into a pumpkin, and the cream or shampoo will become poison. In reality, everything happens a little differently.

The main group susceptible to microbial contamination are formulations containing water at the top of the list of components - tonics, mistes and hydrogels (here, popular lotions with hyaluronic acid). This is logical, because water perfectly promotes the growth of bacteria and microbes.

To a slightly lesser extent, products containing plant extracts and oils are susceptible to bacterial contamination and deterioration from contact with air - these are traditional emulsion creams and any organic cosmetics. “Organic” products deteriorate faster due to the oxidation of natural components.

Cosmetics with “problem” ingredients, such as retinol and vitamin C (L-form), which begin to degrade immediately after contact with light and oxygen, are also at risk.

Products with little to no water (wax balms or powdered, dry products) are last on the list, since there is simply no place for microbes to grow, but they can go rancid - so if your product has a strange smell, do not use it.

It follows that if the product has not been opened, but the expiration date has already passed, most likely it simply will not “work” as intended, i.e. will partially lose its effectiveness, for example, vitamin E, retinol or UV filters in the composition degrade. So if your moisturizer looks and smells good, you should be able to use it for a while longer. Caution and scrupulousness should be shown only in relation to products for the area around the eyes and sunscreens.

But if you opened a cosmetic product, but after trying it a couple of times, you threw it away, and now you find out that the expiration date passed “a month ago” (and the product looks and smells normal), dispose of it anyway. All processes are started as soon as contact with air occurs. Using opened cosmetics after the expiration date increases the risk of irritation, allergic reactions, and skin and eye infections.

The same applies to decorative cosmetics. In 2013, an interesting study was published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science showing that 67% of expired makeup products (mostly mascara) used by test subjects contained potentially harmful levels of microorganisms, including Staphylococcus corynebacterium and Moraxella. causing bacterial infections. Therefore, do not take risks, treatment will cost more.

Reading the label

Information about expiration dates on the label is displayed in several ways:

1. The simplest and most understandable method for the consumer is when the production date and/or batch number (batch code) + expiration date are entered. Since virtually all industrial emulsions are guaranteed to be stable for the standard 30 months, putting an expiration date on them is becoming a thing of the past. And some companies are no longer setting a production date, limiting themselves to the batch number. The exception is organic cosmetics; they must have at least a production date on them. As a rule, the shelf life of “green” cosmetics is no more than 2 years, most often 1 year.

2. Date of manufacture and/or batch number + “period after opening” symbol (opened can). Today, manufacturers prefer to use a symbol of an open can that everyone can understand (Period After Opening Symbol). This symbol indicates how long the cosmetics can be used after opening (for example, 12M - 12 months, 6M - 6 months). It is only affixed to cosmetic products that have been tested for 30 months.

3. Expiration date and “period after opening”. This is where confusion sometimes arises. For example, on the bottle there is a date 05/16 and a symbol with an open jar 18M. This means that your product must be thrown away by May 2016, regardless of when you opened the package. If the “post-opening period” has come to an end and there is no expiration date, such a product will still be disposed of.

4. Only the batch number is on the label. This often happens if you buy cosmetics while traveling abroad. The code is encrypted and there are no general rules here; it can be numbers and letters or just numbers. In such cases, a cosmetic calculator or communication with the manufacturer’s customer support will help you. Official websites always have an e-mail, and usually the answer comes very quickly.

Although cosmetic products differ greatly from each other, as do the conditions under which they are stored and used, there are general rules for assessing suitability after opening.
Decorative cosmetics:
Mascara, liquid eyeliners, and eye pencils are stored for 4 to 6 months. If the mascara dries out early, throw it away - no need to add water to it. Foundations, liquid and solid concealers: from 6 months to 1 year. Lipsticks, lip glosses, lip pencils: 2–3 years.
Skincare cosmetics:
Cleansers for face, body and hair are stored for 1 year. Tonics and mists: from 6 months to 1 year. Peels with fruit acids: 1 year. Moisturizing creams for face and body: from 6 months to a year. Lip balms: 1 year. But cosmetic samples are stored for only 1–2 days due to the nature of the packaging.

To prevent the product from spoiling ahead of time, there are very simple rules:

  • Store your cosmetics at room temperature in a dry place.
  • If you don't use products often, keep them in the refrigerator.
  • Place cosmetics away from direct sunlight.
  • Always close jars tightly after use.
  • It’s better to generally give preference to pumps and dispensers.
  • If you drop a jar lid on the floor, wipe it with an antiseptic (alcohol or chlorhexidine).
  • If you want to transfer cosmetics to another jar, be sure to treat it with an antiseptic and dry it.

Yes, unfortunately, the shelf life of cosmetics is not endless. At best, expired medications will lose effectiveness or change in appearance and smell (for example, you notice that the cream has become greasy or sticky). In the worst case, such cosmetics will lead to skin irritation, dermatitis and infections. Therefore, read the label carefully and store your cosmetics correctly, and you will be able to avoid a lot of problems.

Tatiana Morrison

Photo: 1-2, 3 - Alina Trout

9 chosen

Last time I wrote about storing cosmetics for personal care - about creams, masks, scrubs... Now it's time for a short review of decorative cosmetics. More precisely, its shelf life.

Each of us probably has at least five different mascaras, several eyeshadow palettes, and many lipsticks in different shades in our makeup bag, bathroom, dressing table or bedside table drawer.

Not to mention the rest of the set of products without which we cannot imagine makeup. And there is always one favorite mascara, lipstick or eyeliner. How long can we keep them, not using them every day, when there are so many other means around that we will never stop experimenting with?


Liquid foundation is good for six months from the moment of first use, after which its effectiveness noticeably deteriorates, and it may begin to clog pores.

It should be stored in a dark place protected from moisture.


Treatment and base corrector is stored one year. After this period, it begins to deteriorate and melt very quickly.

If you apply it with your fingers, close the tube first to prevent air from getting inside.


Compact powder is stored from six months to a year. After this, even if its structure and smell have not changed, you should still not use the powder. Loose powder without preservatives is stored six months. But if it still contains preservatives (for example, talc), its shelf life increases to two to three years.

To make it serve you even longer, close the box as tightly as possible, protect from heat and moisture, and use brushes or sponges for application.


Cream eyeshadows have a limited lifespan one year. But with dry shadows the situation is more joyful - they can last you a whole three years. After all, the “drier” the composition, the longer their life expectancy. It is important to remember that dry eyeshadows are less susceptible to heat than oily ones.

It is best to store them in a place well protected from moisture.

Eye and lip pencils

Pencil shelf life: one year from the moment of first use. And be careful how you store it: a dark, cool place, such as a refrigerator, will help prevent it from deteriorating. You should also try to sharpen it more often.

Remember: if the pencil is no longer suitable for use, you will only be able to notice it when it already causes irritation to the contour of the eyes or lips or even provokes the appearance of acne.


Due to its liquid consistency, the eyeliner dries very quickly.

If this eyeliner has a thin brush, its expiration date is six months. If this is a practical eye contour pen, it dries twice as fast. But dry eyeliner, on the contrary, lasts up to 9 months.


Unfortunately, it dries too quickly: for 6, maximum – 9 months. You yourself will quickly understand that it has dried out: the mascara simply will not adhere to the eyelashes, in addition, it can begin to crumble and even cause irritation of the skin of the eyelids.

Compact, frequently used mascara will generally last only two months. So, it’s probably better to use it - it’s effective, it’s not a waste, and most importantly, it can be changed often.

There is no special way to store the carcass - it is already perfectly protected from light and air, no matter where it lies.

Lipstick, lip gloss

You can store them 9-12 months. These cosmetics are photosensitive. Therefore, to extend their lifespan, try to hide them at least in a cosmetic bag, and if they are in transparent packaging, also in a case.

In addition, close the lid tightly - after some time, lipstick and gloss may simply begin to dry out. And under no circumstances store them in the refrigerator: low temperatures can change the composition of the lipstick - destroy the molecules responsible for caring for your lips.

Makeup removers

If you remove makeup with two-phase products that contain essential oils, they will last from 6 to 9 months. But if you use milk or water, consider yourself lucky: they will be “alive” whole year.

But both are best stored in a dark place.

Nail polish

It becomes too sticky and viscous already in a year, so after this period it is better to throw it away in order to avoid unsuccessful attempts to get a manicure quickly and beautifully. The varnish should not be stored in the refrigerator because at low temperatures it becomes too liquid. But it’s better to avoid heat as well – at high temperatures it dries out faster. To ensure the bottle cap closes tightly, periodically clean the neck with nail polish remover.

By the way, nail polish remover also stored one year. After this it becomes less effective. And try to avoid cheap solvents: along with the varnish, they also remove the protective layer of the nails themselves.

There are tragic moments in the life of every woman: you have to tear out affection from your heart and spend long days learning to live on without it... For example, this pink lipstick - you have been together since high school, remember the ups and downs, you have a common history! May be enough? Yesterday's bread goes stale, milk turns sour, stale meat can cause poisoning - do you really think that cosmetics don't spoil? Everything has an expiration date, and the contents of your cosmetic bag are no exception.

Many cosmetic products are potentially dangerous, and most often this means that after their shelf life expires, they either become downright toxic or can, at a minimum, cause allergies; or are gradually colonized by harmful bacteria and become carriers of infections. You should not regret cosmetics that have expired - even the most expensive and high-quality products can cause serious problems. And it’s not the manufacturer’s fault here.

There are several general rules for all cosmetic products.

  • The most important thing: never allow other people to use your cosmetics - it is unhygienic.
  • Store all cosmetics in a cool place out of direct sunlight and do not allow the products to heat up or freeze.
  • Take cosmetics only with clean hands, do not leave the products open for a long time.
  • Do not use your fingers to scoop products directly from the jar.
  • Remember that microorganisms can settle not only in products, but also in the devices you use to apply them: wash sponges and brushes in warm soapy water, sponges after each use, brushes once a week. By the way, brushes need to be changed once a year, sponges – once a week.
  • If you've had any infections on your face—especially those involving your eyes and lips—throw away any products you used while you were sick.

Cosmetics should be thrown away if

  • The product's smell has changed/appeared
  • the consistency of the product has changed - it has thickened or, conversely, thinned out
  • the product has become heterogeneous - it has stratified, grains, flakes, and suspension have appeared in its structure

If you notice an adverse reaction to any cosmetics, stop using them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

How to find out the expiration date of cosmetics

Manufacturers are required to indicate the expiration date of the product on the packaging - both on the box and directly on the bottle/tube. It must be remembered that the shelf life of cosmetics in unopened packaging differs significantly from the shelf life of cosmetics that are used: for example, after a bottle of foundation has been unsealed, its shelf life is 6-12 months, depending on the manufacturer. And when sealed in its original packaging in a cool, dark place, the foundation can be stored for up to three years.

  • The expiration date of cosmetics after printing is usually marked with a characteristic icon - a typical cosmetic jar with an open lid. The number printed on top of this jar is the number of months during which, subject to storage conditions, the manufacturer guarantees the quality of the product.

In addition, if you purchase imported cosmetics (those that were imported into your country from abroad), please note: the correct expiration date is indicated by the factory (embossed or laser) on the bottle/tube, and not on the translation sticker - it is attached local importing company.

However, all these factory notes are for ideal conditions, but in real life there are temperature changes and unpleasant surprises. Therefore, when determining whether your cosmetics are suitable, pay attention to subjective feelings. And, of course, our advice will help you.


You need to be especially vigilant with decorative cosmetics for the eyes, because they are used dangerously close to the eyes: itching, redness, lacrimation, conjunctivitis - this is not only unpleasant, but also fraught with consequences for vision. If even your favorite mascara suddenly changes its smell (for example, it starts to resemble gasoline), throw it away without regret. Most likely it has gone bad. And this is forever.

Eyelashes are designed to protect the eyes from dust, and, consequently, various germs. A lot of these small, unfriendly creatures settle on your eyelashes, and after you paint them with mascara, some of the “travelers” move to the brush, and then into the bottle. Over time, they meet people like themselves there, start families, breed and multiply... And your eyes begin to itch and swell from this family idyll.

  • The shelf life of decorative eye cosmetics is very short: for hygienic purposes, mascara and liquid eyeliner need to be changed every two to four months, at least. Most often, by this time the mascara has already begun to dry out.

Eyeliner: Sharpen it often, you'll literally scrape off a lot of germs.



All liquid foundations contain water and, despite the amount of preservatives, silicones and stabilizers that manufacturers generously added, microorganisms multiply in water. They can cause irritation and even acne.

In order to avoid this, purchase foundations in bottles with dispensers - this will not only protect against harmful bacteria, but also reduce the access of air, and, therefore, slow down the oxidation process.

Store liquid foundations at normal humidity to avoid drying them out.

  • Depending on the composition, packaging and manufacturer, the foundation can be stored for 5 to 12 months after printing.


A product designed to disguise blemishes on the face can itself create them: if the concealer thickens, it will be extremely difficult to blend it out. Plus, old concealer can act like a chameleon, changing shade whenever it wants. Well, the fact that bacteria can multiply in it is already clear.

  • The shelf life of the concealer is no more than 18 months.

Powder is a long-lasting product in your cosmetic bag, because it is a powder, and, most often, it contains neither water nor oils. However, any powder is hygroscopic - so keep your powder tightly sealed and in a dry place. But even with all possible precautions, moisture from the air and fat from the brushes get into the powder, which, in combination with plant extracts, creates a wonderful nutrient medium for the proliferation of a wide variety of bacilli.

If you want to extend the life of your powder, don't apply it right after your foundation/moisturizer, let the base set, otherwise the brush will pick up some of the base product and transfer it into the powder.

  • The powder is not stored for more than two years; The average shelf life of powder is 18 months.

Blush comes in different varieties - pressed, powdery, cream, and in balls. Each type has its own vagaries and expiration dates.

Powder blush behaves almost the same as powder, so the dangers and precautions are identical.

  • The shelf life of powder blush does not exceed 18 months.
  • Compact ones can last a little longer - up to two years.
  • With proper storage, blush balls, the so-called meteorites, will last for two years.
  • Cream and gel blush behave similarly to concealer, and their shelf life does not exceed one and a half years.


Be very careful with eye shadow - although you do not apply it directly to the mucous membrane of the eye, there is still a high risk of transmitting infection. They can harbor colonies of harmful microbes without any noticeable signs of contamination.

According to statistics, eye shadow is second only to mascara in terms of the frequency of allergic reactions!

  • Depending on the manufacturer, pressed eyeshadow will last you anywhere from three months to a year. Cream ones - even less, about 4-5 months.

Lipsticks and glosses

The wrong color can ruin your mood, but, according to experts, if you follow the rules for using decorative cosmetics for lips (do not share with a friend, do not use during an exacerbation of herpes), then microbes rarely prefer to settle on lipsticks - they do not contain water, but, like It is known from a school biology course that where there is no water, there is no life.

If the lipstick has a bad smell (due to fats in the composition, which can go rancid), it gives an uneven coverage, has become harsh when applied, and the lip gloss is too liquid or, on the contrary, has become viscous - sadly, it’s time to get rid of them say goodbye

  • Usually lipstick lasts about a year, gloss - 8 - 10 months.

Nail polish

Microbes that can survive in nail polish have not yet been discovered on Earth... But what cannot rot, most often can simply dry out - this is the problem with all nail polishes. Without a doubt, you can dilute it - for example, with acetone. But will it be good for your poor nails?

  • High-quality nail polishes usually last for about a year.

Expiration dates of common cosmetic products

Please note: all deadlines begin from the moment the product is printed.

Product Best before date Note
Solid soap 1.5 - 3 years
Shower gel 2 - 3 years
Body lotion 2 - 3 years
Anti-aging cosmetics From 3 months up to a year
Anti-acne products From 3 months up to a year
Shampoo 2 – 3 years
Air conditioner 2 – 3 years
Bath oil 1 year
Styling products (hair styling products): foam, mousse, wax 35 years If it contains alcohol
Shaving cream 2 years
Solid deodorant 1 - 2 years
Hair gel 2 years
Perfume 2 or more years Depending on the concentration
Eye cream 6 months - 1 year
Face tonic 6 months - 2 years Depending on the composition
Hair fixation spray 2 – 3 years
Facial moisturizers From 2 months up to 1 year Depending on the composition
Cosmetic pencils 35 years
Sunscreen cosmetics 18 – 24 months