
How to understand what a woman wants to give now. How to understand that a girl wants sex if she doesn’t say it directly and you’re not a psychic. Signals are false or meaningless

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Dating and Pickup

How to understand that a girl wants you

The biggest mistake most guys make is that they drag out a relationship with a girl even when it is no longer necessary. To put it simply, they continue to walk hand in hand, kiss and talk about dreams when the girl already wants passion and sex.

This ultimately leads to the girl starting to doubt the guy's confidence and determination. After all, she knows that the guy wants sex and intimacy, and if he delays this, then either he doesn’t like the girl that much, or he’s afraid of it (he’s weak). Each of these options does not bring anything good for the guy. Therefore, we watch, learn and remember.

When a girl is ready for intimacy

If you don’t take into account the girls who jump into bed when they meet (and there are quite a few of them, but their quality is appropriate), then a girl needs a certain amount of time to decide to have sex. And this depends on a number of factors.

Raising a girl. If a girl comes from a good family with a strict father, then the time before having sex can be extremely long. For example, 4-6 months of waiting is not the longest option. If the girl leads a fairly active lifestyle, then 3-5 weeks will be optimal for you to pass all the checks, and she.

Your confidence. To be honest, girls have sex quite freely without much remorse. For most of them, this is not a big deal. However, if a guy obsesses over it and makes something special out of it, then girls will do two things:

  • They will begin to blackmail a guy who is ready to do any thing in anticipation of sex.
  • They will refuse a guy who puts his bells above normal communication.

Therefore, you must behave calmly and confidently so that the girl does not understand that you are worried and worried about the topic of intimacy.

Place. Not all girls will agree to have sex in the back seat of a car, in a clearing or on a bench in a park. Many will expect comfortable conditions with everything they need. Therefore, if you do not have space, it can freeze you for a long time.

How to understand that a girl wants sex

Guys rarely hear phrases from girls like: “I want sex, let’s have it” or “Come and make love to me.” Everything happens more spontaneously and “randomly” at first glance.

For example, you watch a movie, cook some food, and sit down with her to watch it. After 30-40 minutes, you start kissing her and try to go a little lower, and to your surprise you realize that this time the girl still gives in to your advances and does not stop you. Then you undress her, and you have sex.

This is one of the most popular and standard situations that end in sex. And the main feature is that until you yourself start “offering” the girl sex, she will not take the initiative and will remain sitting straight and calm.

Therefore, your task comes down to three simple things:

  • Flirt with a girl.
  • Emphasize your desire to have sex with her.
  • Offer to have sex with a girl if possible.

The girl will be shy, avoid sex and refuse, this is normal. But if a girl likes you, then her refusals will be calm and not offensive, and it will be clear to you that her refusal is a matter of time.

Signs that a girl wants sex

Although a girl's desire to have sex in most cases remains unnoticed until the last moment, sometimes they still give signals that you can notice.

1. Open your mouth and breathe deeply when you are near her. This is a clear sign that the girl is excited and is already beginning to “get lost” from excitement. It would be stupid to miss such a chance.

2. She touches you, it’s like she’s “clinging” to you. This girl's pose shows that she considers you her protector, and she fully counts on your decision. Why not decide to have sex?

3. The girl exposes her neck and so that her neck is completely visible to you. This is a “submission” position when the girl accepts your dominant position.

4. The girl keeps eye contact with you and plays with her hair. If you haven't met her yet, then this is a sign of interest. And if this is your girlfriend, then this is the girl’s desire to learn something new.

5. The girl herself provokes you to take active actions. For example, she begins to play with you so that every now and then you find yourself on top of her, and she becomes “defenseless.”

This refers to direct contact with the girl. If we are talking about, then a clear sign is the candid photographs that the girl begins to send you. Without exception, all girls try to intrigue the guy they like in this way, and then it’s a matter of technique to come to them and see the real thing.

This feature also includes intimate communication. By the way, it is most often practiced by quiet and homely girls who want new sensations, but are still afraid to speak openly about their desires. If it comes to such communication, then it’s no longer difficult to lead to real sex.

Therefore, seduce a girl, hint at sex, invite the girl to have sex, and one day she will agree. And don’t expect any special signs from the girl, they simply don’t exist.

7. She raises an eyebrow

This is an implicit sign of strong sympathy, so it should be taken into account in conjunction with others.

8. Position of her hands

If a girl crosses her arms over her chest, you can be sure that either she is cold or she is cold towards you.

9. Position of her palms

Another clue that the girl is interested is her open and upturned palms.

This position of the palms shows openness and readiness to develop relationships, while clenched fists are a bad sign.

10. She leans towards you

If she leans towards you when she doesn't really need to, take it as a sign. For example, she may lean in under the pretext that it is difficult for her to hear your words.

11. Showing off your body

Women know that men cannot resist women's charms, so a sure sign that a girl wants you is to show your loved one the open area of ​​her chest, legs, and shoulders.

12. Physical contact

Did she casually touch your hand or hit you on the knee while laughing? Women don't touch people they don't like.

A girl may not be into makeup, but if being around you thanks to makeup increases the level of her beauty, don’t forget to take note of this.

In addition, her outfit, which is, for example, a tight dress, is an additional argument to think about.

16. She initiates communication

If a girl does not wait for you to call her, but calls you first, it means that she is very interested in you and in the development of the relationship.

True, this happens very rarely, and much more often the girl initiates the development of communication implicitly.

For example, she may spontaneously give you 2 flyers to a nightclub, without really explaining anything, in the hope that you will invite her with you.

17. She invests in communication

The girl takes the initiative to do something for you, offers to help or treats you with something, for example, coffee.

18. She asks if you live alone

Why do you think she might ask you this? Right to make sure no one will disturb you when you are alone.

19. She talks about your possible girlfriend

This is a classic. When the interlocutor says something like “Your girlfriend should like this!”, the purpose of the words spoken, of course, is not related to concern for your passion, which, perhaps, does not exist at all.

It's just that your new friend is trying to determine your status to make sure that you are a guy who is not burdened with a relationship, and she is not wasting her time.

20. She makes it clear that she has no one

Has she told you more than once that she doesn't have a boyfriend? And why do you think? It’s clear that the girl wants you.

21. She initiates conversations on intimate topics

If a girl is not a journalist on the staff of Eros magazine, it is unlikely that she will raise intimate topics in communication with you.

Women won't have these conversations with men they don't see as romantic partners.

22. She teases you

If a girl gently teases you, it means the flirt switch is set to the “On” position.

23. She tickles you

A girl wants to touch you, but doesn't want it to be too obvious, so trying to tickle you should count as attraction.

24. She can't look at you without smiling.

A smile is one of the main indicators in trying to figure out a girl’s attitude towards you.

When a girl smiles at you, it is a good sign that she is feeling positive and enjoying your company.

If she flirts with you and smiles constantly, then most likely she wants you.

25. She kisses you

This does not mean that your friend will sleep with you 100%, but she is clearly preparing a springboard, so 99% is already yours.

As a result of the kiss, the girl will find out whether she wants more, so give her a really worthwhile kiss.

26. She notices details

It's all in the details. If a girl notices that you have a fashionable haircut, a toned torso, or a delicious smell of eau de toilette, this is a clear indicator that she is breathing unevenly in your direction.

27. She compliments you

How to understand that a girl wants you? Listen to what she says. Especially if a friend gives you gifts, tells you that she likes the way you look, or praises your intelligence, humor and your talents.

28. She's looking for a compliment

A girl might ask you: “What do you think about my hair?” or “How do you like my dress?” Satisfy your interlocutor's interest and tell her that she is beautiful.

29. She doesn't look at her phone.

Today, people rarely look away from their mobile gadgets. But if the interlocutor hides her phone and, having entered into a conversation with you, simply forgets about her mobile friend, completely focusing on you, know that there is not much time left before sin.

30. She asks questions

By asking questions, a girl shows that she is interested in you and wants to get to know you better.

31. She laughs at your jokes

If a girl constantly laughs at your jokes, she is definitely attracted to you.

Does this mean that your friend is ready to sleep with you? Most likely not, but you are definitely moving in the right direction.

32. She agrees to do everything you suggest.

Even your most boring proposals seem like a great idea to her. The girl wants to spend time with you, no matter what you do.

33. She shares her food with you

“Take it, try it.” Has this ever happened to you? That's it. No one will share their food with people they don't like.

34. She borrows your clothes

Have you started to notice that your sweater is increasingly hugging the girl’s shoulders, instead of keeping its owner warm?

It might just be cold outside, but most likely your friend wants to feel you closer to her.

35. She texts you at night

If a girl is texting you after midnight, she is thinking about you in a context that is definitely different from a purely friendly one.

Just don’t get ahead of the curve by trying to spice up your correspondence with piquant texts. Let her bring up the topic.

36. She always answers messages

Does a girl always respond to your messages without making you wait long? If so, then soon you will get to know her as closely as possible.

37. She really wants to meet

If a girl herself invites you to meet, especially if you accidentally bump into each other somewhere, she is clearly up to something. Or maybe the girl just wants you.

38. She herself offers to exchange contacts

In this case, the girl wants to get to know you better and, apparently, meet you again. A great sign of her strong interest.

It's great when a girl asks you to exchange phone numbers, because this doesn't happen often.

The girl’s desire to exchange contacts in order to quickly get rid of you is not taken into account.

Whatever fundamental questions the man's brain is occupied with, this problem finds a place in the forefront. Jokes aside, the famous “first step” is quite stressful, so you want to at least step in the right direction.

There are a lot of articles on the Internet on such an exciting topic, but there is always something wrong with them. Following the second link to this Google search, we come across some brilliant advice: pay attention to “long kisses”. Yes, you got it right: if a girl kisses you for a long time, this is a good sign, you are moving in the right direction. High five, bro! In pursuit, you will be advised to stay aloof and provide your lips in doses so that this fury cannot quickly get enough and leave you alone with a feeling of emptiness, smeared with lipstick. Another online publication points out that the girl who drives across town to cook you lasagna loves - who do you think? You! And not lasagna, as it might seem at first glance. And, no, this is not some kind of revolutionary guide to understanding women’s unobvious hints to maintain strong relationships. It's still about how to understand that a girl likes you in order to start that same relationship with her. And this question worries everyone. So let's try to accumulate publicly available knowledge and experience in one list of manifestations of sympathy on the part of women.

She's looking at you

Let's start with the obvious point. Seriously, even maniacs don’t look at someone they don’t like. The expression “put your eye on it” was not formed by chance. But you shouldn’t expect a monotonous, shy manifestation of her gaze, which everyone who is not too lazy has already recommended. Like, the girl glances furtively with a certain frequency and lowers her eyes if she sees that you have noticed. What if she spent hours, or even years, fighting an unequal battle with that same shyness and, emerging victorious, ran into you. Maybe this is her finest hour, and she is looking at you with no intention of backing down. After all, we often do this ourselves. In any case, I hope you will be able to recognize the goodwill and interest in her gaze. At worst, look for this look on the Internet to prepare for this fateful meeting of the eyes. And when it finally happens, feel free to start a conversation about pressing nonsense, not forgetting to throw in some tight jokes for the laugh test.

If they look at you in a friendly way, it means that you are interested, which can be interpreted as “like”. With a stretch, of course. Well, or you have a kebab firmly lodged in your teeth. Anything can happen.

Her friend doesn't like you

Right off the bat. It is worth pointing out that such a strange thing can happen in the case when a girl has already liked you for some time, but have not yet become closer as a couple, but only because of your fault. It's surprising that I haven't seen this item in other lists on this topic. But I’ve seen plenty of this in my life. The essence of this phenomenon may lie in the foundations of female friendship. Often, girlfriends have different tastes in men, but now imagine that a woman who wonders why her “sister” chose this again is constantly buzzing about you and “movements” in your relationship that you may not even be aware of. As a result, her brain boils. The cup overflows and slowly begins to spill out in your direction, sometimes with the strangest statements. If you don't know about this, you can think anything. After all, that same friend is often not going to restrain herself, and the girl herself, being in a state of love, does not intend to notice anything except your charming eyes. On the other hand, thanks to her openness, a friend will sell out the girl you are interested in.

Important! This sign does not work if you have caused some damage to your friend directly. For example, they crushed a hamster at her house while they were dancing drunk. In this case, you shouldn’t rely on the quick sympathy of her closest friends.

Everyone around says that she likes you

And you’re like, “Oh, come on!” They won't leave. It is not difficult for them to repeat this and they are not too lazy.

Men who target a specific woman sometimes live in their own world. If you like a girl, the stakes are high. So it seems to you. And you can panicky put off the damned “first step” in your joint story, fearing failure. But from the outside it is not only more visible, but also obviously clearer. And if everyone around you claims that she is “drying” for you, then, most likely, it is so.

However, rely on others, but don’t be bad yourself. You cannot build love on public opinion alone. But in combination with other signs, you can already accept the next “she likes you, act!” - at face value.

She dresses up/does makeup to impress.

Yes Yes Yes. I myself ridiculed the obvious ridiculous advice from the Internet pickup guru. But the details are important here. Once you have received confirmation that your presence causes her to transform, consider it a done deal. It remains to understand that the transformation is just for you.

It’s worth noting here that many ladies (and even more ladies will not like this mention now) always look like they are on a fateful date with the man of their dreams. If you have your sights set on such a young lady, then God will help you, but this point will not.

But there are a huge number of women who still divide their appearances into romantic and ordinary. All that remains is to be observant and listen to what the same “others” are saying. If you notice, or, more likely, they tell you in plain text, that a girl changed her appearance when she found out that you will be at the event, then “go to her, what are you worth?”

In reality, unfortunately, it is not so obvious, because besides you there are other men. The latter is generally useful to always remember. Therefore, the surest way is to invite her, if not on a date, then at least to a friendly meeting. Under any pretext, narrow down the circle of suspects and give her time to prepare. And if she came in heels, and not whatever she wears every day, then things are going as they should. Start thinking, are you that good?

She is too relaxed/tight in front of you

If you have already managed to create an atmosphere of personal communication with a girl, a completely structureless bacchanalia can begin. We all know that a certain tightness often accompanies dating. It is very important for us to make the right impression on a potential partner, we care about the result and are so worried that in the end the only impression we make is of a person with poor speech development. I'm exaggerating, of course. With experience, the power of this phenomenon fades, but does not disappear. Thus, being tight is a sure sign that she likes you. Why else would she be in such a stressful situation of her own free will?

Only the tightness makes us feel helpless and forces us to fight. And this is where things get interesting. If you have seen a girl in love or sympathy who has overcome that same tightness, then you understand what I mean. By the way, it’s the same with guys. She can gesticulate three times stronger than normal, speak in an unnatural voice, sometimes not only for her, but for the person in general.

You're the only guy she talks about

Girls are much more advanced than men in matters of communication. However, they also make mistakes in moments of excitement or love. In any case, you will notice that a couple of phrases about her ex that slipped into the conversation did not pass without a trace for her. She will try to avoid this topic, since women, unlike us, are smart and realize that previous adventures do not add to attractiveness. However, there are exceptions. If you are too slow to give hints and do not clarify the prospects for your relationship for quite a long time, but at the same time continue close communication, then the girl may throw phrases into the conversation that characterize other guys in a good light. In this way, she hopes to arouse your competitive spirit and motivate you to action. Unfortunately, ladies, if a man takes too long, he's probably not the man for you. But if you want to finally anger him, then you have every right. We are all not without sin.

Creates the image of a “correct” girl

Even if you are a well-known liberal and the freedom of your views is legendary. Even if you directly state that you are independent of prejudices, an interested girl will “feed” you information about her gold medal, her favorite author and the fact that she gets drunk with half a glass of wine. And there's nothing wrong with that. We ourselves often spread our tails and reproduce male stereotypes about dominance, self-confidence and unique nobility. But the modern world does not require all of the above from a girl or guy. Well, don’t forget that in order to see, you need to at least look. No one will put up “Don’t go here, go there” stickers for you. In general, being unobservant is an unaffordable luxury. However, many are still trying to fight for straightforwardness and confidently refuse to notice women's hints right under their noses. Be attentive to women and you will be rewarded.

Perhaps every young man at least once in his life is faced with the following question: “Are my feelings mutual?” Of course, you can ask the girl directly. But what to do if there are too many doubts, and you don’t want to make yourself look stupid?

In this case, the girl’s unconscious actions come to the rescue, which she herself may not notice. But knowing about their existence and being able to read them, you can easily determine whether you really have a chance of reciprocity.

Signs that she loves you

All unconscious human actions can be divided into 3 groups: behavior, gaze, gestures. Let's look at each one separately.


In order to find out whether a girl is in love, you need to observe how she behaves. Here are the main signs:

  1. Interest. A girl who cares is usually very happy to hear about your affairs. A sure sign is if a girl is trying to ask someone else about you, asking mutual friends about your condition. If a girl is always ready to help you, regardless of her own affairs, then most likely she likes you.
  2. Communication. A girl who likes you will look for communication with you. She will prefer talking with you to talking with her friend.

    Pay attention: if a girl stays close to you at all general meetings and tries to talk, this is a sure sign.

  3. Self-sacrifice. Do you know that she is terribly afraid of drowning, but she boldly climbs into the boat after you? She definitely likes you.

    A girl in love very often puts the guy’s interests first, forgetting about her own for a while. But remember that the girl will expect the same from you, don’t disappoint her.

  4. Present. A gift for no reason is a reason to think about the nature of your relationship. This is the most obvious way for a girl to convey that she likes a guy. If you were given a handmade item into which a lot of time and effort was invested, this can be a help for a long, serious relationship.
  5. Jealousy. Did you catch a look of displeasure when you started talking to her friend? You helped a nice stranger on the street, and then you can’t understand what upset her so much? She's just jealous of you. Even if you are not in a relationship yet, a girl in love does not want to share you with others.
  6. Care. If you are sick, and she comes to you much more often than all her other friends, if she tries to take care of your condition, she absolutely definitely likes you. All girls have a maternal instinct that makes them take care of people. But only about special, dear people.
  7. Happiness. There is one more, perhaps the least obvious sign. But it’s also worth paying attention to: a girl in love (even if unrequited) looks like a little sun. She rejoices at every little thing, and it seems that nothing can upset her.


  1. You are capable catch her eye on you when you are in a large company? See if this happens often. If at least three or four times during your meeting, the girl is definitely interested in you, she wants to look at you.
  2. If when I look at you The pupils of a woman in love enlarge, then this is a true physiological sign. But please, don’t try to look at the changes in girls with dark eyes. Even if you succeed, you risk embarrassing or frightening your chosen one.
  3. You turned your gaze to the girl and saw how she suddenly looked in the other direction? This means that she is in love with you and is embarrassed by it. She wants to look at you, wants to date you, but she is afraid that you will not reciprocate her feelings.

Sign language

  1. Touch.A girl in love will constantly seek touches of the object of feelings, often even unconsciously to herself. She will sit closer to you in cafes, in all attractions, in the cinema and in other places. For what? Hoping that at some point your hands will meet.
    If a girl is constantly trying to straighten your hair, slap you on the shoulder, or remove an invisible speck of dust from you, you can safely confess your feelings to her - and you will probably receive reciprocity.
  2. Excitement. For any woman, meeting the objects of her desire is a very exciting event. By looking at her at this moment, you can easily understand whether she feels something for you.

    A girl in love may have a slight blush on her cheeks and rapid breathing; she will not know where to place her hands and may even answer inappropriately. In order to notice these subtle, almost invisible signs, you need to develop good powers of observation.

  3. Flirting. Girls are big coquettes. And it’s not surprising that a girl who is in love with you will flirt with you. Flirting is a sure way to determine sympathy, to “test the waters.” How can you tell if a girl is flirting? A sure sign of flirting is compliments. They can be either direct or veiled “woven” into the conversation.

    Often, when a girl flirts, she teases and teases you. Don't be offended - this is a sign that she likes you. Of course, provided that the girl does not do this often and only on topics that you make fun of yourself.

    An equally important sign of flirting are gestures and movements. If a girl “shoots” her eyes in a conversation, twirls her curls and smiles sweetly, be sure that she likes you and is flirting with you.

  4. Rapport. Another sign is that the girl unconsciously “mirrors” your poses. She can keep pace with you, sit in a cafe in the same position, hold her hands in the same way - all this will be a sign of sympathy.
  5. Personal space. If a girl is calm about your intrusions into her personal space, this will also be a sign of her sympathy for you.

    What is invasion of personal space? This is if you touch her hair or cheek without her permission, if you suddenly take a bite of her ice cream, or if you take a ringing phone out of her purse to give it to her. Did the girl endure all this? She really really likes you.

Signs of indifference on the part of a woman

Here are some main signs that indicate that a girl doesn't love you:

  1. If a girl calls you not for the purpose of chatting, but only in cases when she needs something, this could be a sign - she's just taking advantage of you.

    But feel the difference. If you chatted with a girl for an hour, and during the conversation about books she asked you to nail a bookshelf, then she is probably just looking for a meeting. And if she called and started the conversation with the words “fix”, “borrow” or “buy”, then she is completely indifferent to you.

  2. Young woman tells you about his relationships with guys? This means that you are only a friend to her, and she is in love with someone else. If she liked you, she (even when dating someone else) would not remind you of it once again.
  3. If you have already met, but the relationship has already deteriorated and you decided to break it off, look at the girl’s reaction. If she is sincerely upset, it means she still has feelings for you and everything can be restored. If she doesn't care, it means the relationship has outlived its usefulness, and you did the right thing by deciding to break it off.

    But if, under the threat of separation, a girl suddenly begins to show such interest in you as she has never had before, this is a reason to think - maybe she is just using you and does not want to lose a source of money or help?

In this video you can see examples of how a girl in love behaves:

Now you have all the information you need. You just need to take a close look at the girl. She will definitely give herself away by word, gesture or deed.

Greetings gentlemen, Alexander Panferov is in touch and today I will describe how to understand that a girl is excited and wants you, and also whether she wants sex or is it just flirting. I warn you right away that all the signals below should be considered comprehensively and in context.

Below, you can get a book by Anton Inozemtsev, in which he tells his life’s journey from a nerd to a successful man. And a bunch of other nice bonuses!

Often girls imitate sexual signals in order to simply achieve what they want through flirting and take control of a man’s mind. Yes, when we think about sex, we lose our vigilance and sanity, to put it mildly. Girls know about this and happily use it.

Sometimes such signals are even unconscious

As long as a man wants a girl, he is controlled and wants to please her. It was as if we were hinted throughout our childhood that if you want to fuck..., excuse me, sleep with a girl, you need to look after her, give her gifts, be nice, give compliments.

I'll disappoint you guys, this is not true. Such a scheme often only delays or even eliminates the moment of sexual intimacy. When a girl wants sex, she experiences similar sensations; a girl will fly over the ocean for the sake of good sex. But they approach the choice of a partner more selectively + social frameworks and beliefs about everything.

The guy is looking for a new one, and the girl is looking for a better one. Remember this phrase. But that’s not about that now. As I already said, we men are approximately 8 times worse at reading non-verbal signals. If we saw women's lust, we could take advantage of it too. Not for mercantile purposes like a woman, purely platonic, as befits a man)) In general, two people would be satisfied. And so we went to analyze the signals

Signals are false or meaningless

The girl put on a sexy dress- maybe she’s just used to looking good, it’s stupid to think that this is especially for you. And a large neckline is not a symbol of her availability; it is quite possible that she is aware of her beauty and has learned to command male behavior.

Do you know how to recognize signals of interest?

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Talks about a breakup— either she’s just stupid or she’s teasing, but she’s still stupid. This is a topic that is unpleasant for most men. She of course implies that she is free. But who likes to think about those who fucked her... loved her before.

A woman can look at you intently, and at that moment imagine how you fuck her...

He keeps his gaze on you for a long time- interest is focused on you, okay - she seems to like you! But the fact that she is ready to sleep with you, alas, does not mean.

Plays with hair- yes, these are very mediocre, but still sexual signals. At this time, the signal is outdated, as it is used simply as a technique to attract male attention by a girl. It's often just flirting.

Playing with decorations- used to be considered a sexual signal, but I don’t take it into account. These fine motor skills are often used for calming. It is more likely that the girl is simply nervous or shy. maybe, of course, because he wants you. But it’s better not to take this signal into account.

How to understand that a girl is excited and wants a man?

TOP 20 clear signs that a woman is ready:

  1. Neck Showing - Baring the neck is an almost instinctive sexual signal that symbolizes trust and submission. In the animal world, the neck is a weak point; wolves bite into the neck of their enemies to kill. This gesture indirectly means that the girl is putting herself in your hands.
  2. Stroking is sexual stimulation. Pleasant sensations from tactile touches. And it doesn’t matter if she’s stroking you or herself when you see it.
  3. Invasion of your personal space - she goes for rapprochement. a direct and obvious signal of approach. But it may not mean lust.
  4. Random touches are random only for you.
  5. Tilt of the body - reaches towards the object of interest.
  6. Provocative questions - tilt your thinking, make you sexually daring. Congratulations, you are rocking emotionally. Maybe they're just teasing.
  7. Sexual themes - you are teased and tempted to think about sex in obvious ways.
  8. A girl's sexually aggressive behavior means that you missed all the previous signals and she does not intend to waste time. Knows what he wants.
  9. Licking lips is a symbol of swollen (excited) labia. Most girls are not aware of this, but use this technique.
  10. She sits on you, presses herself, rubs against you - she’s almost trying to fuck you... show some activity already.
  11. She is not embarrassed to be alone with you - this means that the girl trusts you and does not exclude the fact of sexual intimacy.
  12. The girl puts her hands between her legs - a gesture of restraining sexual tension. The gesture is indecent for women, which means it is often done unconsciously. Trying to control himself. This is a very powerful signal that the girl wants you, the ship has probably already leaked, well, you understand.
  13. Playing with hair - yes, these are very mediocre, but still sexual signals. The girl is a coquette, the gesture is as outdated as this concept.
  14. Showing your wrists - for example when smoking.
  15. Demonstration of armpits is as old as playing with hair, but these gestures (13,14,15) retain their relevance as sexual signals, since they are less often reproduced by girls consciously.
  16. Eyes - a playful, lively look, slightly closed eyes, brilliant fucking... Well, that's what I was often told. It is difficult at first to understand that a girl wants you by looking at you. Understanding what the eyes are saying comes only with experience of communication and with the development of the “Calibration” skill. One sage of seduction said: “Look for the devil in her eyes.”
  17. Trying to look after you - helpfulness is not flirting, it means that the girl really wants to please you in many ways. She cooks for you, gives you a massage, puts things in order, gives you something, even if it’s insignificant. This also includes the fact that the girl respects you. This is a good prerequisite for sex. Of course, there are exceptions, as with any rule, and maybe your home is just unbearably dirty, so you need to clean it up.
  18. I came to meet you in stockings - my favorite signal, I love stockings. This is their weapon of seduction, a good signal.
  19. Steals food from your plate - girls are happy to share food with a man they like. And they are more likely to refuse the offer of a person who is unattractive in her opinion.
  20. She is embarrassed by you and blushes when communicating - “if you can make her feel embarrassed, you can sleep with her today” is an old saying in seduction circles. A blush on the cheeks is a great signal.
  21. Gives you compliments - as we know, this is not quite the norm for a girl, she shows open interest in you and admiration.

Well, I wanted 20, but I got carried away, there are a lot more of them.

There are exceptions to any rule, and signals must be considered in context, and it’s good if they are groups of sexual signals. 1 or 2 sexual signals alone may not mean anything at all.

Do girls want sex and how often?

Believe me, they want it more than we do.

As I like to say, the phrase is absolutely justified and verified.

Girls are just as horny animals as we men.

Everything is equal. Social norms, of course, restrain women's behavior, but in their heads there is the same lust. One of my friends said:

If I woke up in the morning and didn’t masturbate, the day was ruined.

2 weeks without sex and a lamppost turns me on.

Another quote from a woman’s mouth:

Yes, I want it every day, several times a day

Here I want to note, and this is important, these phrases do not apply to those guys who look mediocre, unkempt, fat, insecure, the reality is that you extremely rarely become the embodiment of women’s sexual fantasies. Therefore, sports will help you, a good hairstyle, style and tan. And yes, drive away any losers who will say that appearance is not important for a man. All the handsome guys, the freaks laugh at you.

She doesn’t necessarily become a world-class model, but she should have basic care and her own style.

Sorry if I overdid it, but I don’t care. I just want to touch some of the characters to motivate them. My intentions are pure and noble. There are no criteria that describe the correct facial features of a man, other than the usual proportions and symmetry, but the criteria that describe the number of abs are obvious.

In general, whoever does not strive for beauty loses most of the women in life. They have to be cunning, talk things down, cajole, but the handsome guys just take it and that’s it. Anything they want. Handsome people are believed more, listened to better, and many more bonuses. Being beautiful doesn't mean being stupid. Choose the path of development, your life, it’s up to you to decide.

Test the passage above through a woman's opinion, so you will know its truthfulness through their eyes.

How to understand that a girl wants to kiss you?

She lingers close to your face and looks into your eyes. The distance is sufficient to lean in and kiss. You did not understand? She expects this from you, kiss her already! In general, stop looking for the right moment, just kiss already.

How to understand that an older woman wants you?

Everything is the same, only they have even fewer problems. Libido in girls only increases with age, and so on until menopause. At 40, if a woman wants sex, she behaves much like a 17-year-old boy, only much more confident and wiser.

Social pressure on girls

Girls are vulgar, but not in men's societies. remember this

Girls are always afraid of male judgment. And therefore, even if a girl really wants sex, she hides it. Standards of behavior, such labels in society as chastity, slut, whore, slut, nymphomaniac.

What good girl would like such labels, even chastity now sounds unpleasant “Virgin” as if there was something wrong with her. That’s why girls don’t discuss vulgarity in the company of men, but they don’t choose words among themselves. And of course, depending on what kind of company it is, it’s a group of men.

How can I refuse if I don't want her?

Hahaha guys)) Yes, this happens, I understand. Just be gallant and try not to offend her. She will still be offended!)) Girls are not so used to rejection, it hurts them terribly. Yes))

There is no need to do this; such views usually, on the contrary, bind you. Everything must be strict

If you are going to refuse, then you don’t need to squeeze her and excite her. And he clearly said once that you don’t want it now, and that’s enough. If you don’t understand, take her by the forearms and repeat, looking straight into her eyes. If that doesn't work, call a taxi and send her home. In general, be cool. The man said, period, you don’t even need to explain anything. Just don't and control your behavior. If you say one thing and show another, she won’t believe you.

At such moments, you don’t think how to understand that a girl wants you)) When she tries to fuck you, excuse the expression. Favorite paragraph in this article)))) Thanks for the questions guys. Girls are unpredictable, after you don’t give her, she may even fall in love with you, she may even hate you. Although these are just 2 sides of the same coin.

As always, please look in context and try to get the gist. Once you grasp the essence, you will no longer need to analyze each gesture in detail.

Sincerely, Alexander Panferov.
Especially for men's university 2017